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Journal of Affective Disorders 53 (1999) 35–48

Research report

Seasonal affective disorder and latitude: a review of the literature

Peter Paul A. Mersch*, Hermine M. Middendorp, Antoinette L. Bouhuys,

Domien G.M. Beersma, Rutger H. van den Hoofdakker
Department of Biological Psychiatry, University Hospital Groningen, P.O. Box 30001, 9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands

Received 18 December 1997; received in revised form 10 May 1998; accepted 11 May 1998


Background: The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between the prevalence of SAD and latitude. Methods:
An overview of the epidemiological literature on the prevalence of SAD is given and studies relevant for the latitudinal
dependency of prevalence will be analyzed and discussed. Results: The mean prevalence of SAD is two times higher in
North America compared to Europe. Over all prevalence studies, the correlation between prevalence and latitude was not
significant. A significant positive correlation was found between prevalence and latitude in North America. For Europe there
was a trend in the same direction. Conclusions: The influence of latitude on prevalence seems to be small and other factors
like climate, genetic vulnerability and social–cultural context can be expected to play a more important role. Additional
controlled studies taking these factors into account are necessary to identify their influence.  1999 Elsevier Science B.V.
All rights reserved.

Keywords: Seasonal affective disorder (SAD); Latitude; Epidemiology; Prevalence; North America; Europe; Climate;
Genetic vulnerability; Social–cultural context

1. Introduction gested by the outcome of two studies in the USA and

Norway (Lingjaerde et al., 1986; Potkin et al., 1986).
By definition, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is Although both studies have their methodological
associated with (the changing of) the seasons limitations, they have stimulated more research into
(Rosenthal et al., 1984). A major hypothesis is that the relationship between prevalence and latitude.
SAD is triggered by photoperiod variation. Since Since then, the prevalence of SAD has been explored
photoperiod variation over the seasons is larger in a number of studies, mainly in North America and
closer to the poles, it is hypothesized that with an Europe.
increase in latitude there is an increase in the In the present report the importance of the results
prevalence of SAD. This association has been sug- of these studies for the latitude–prevalence issue will
be discussed. First, studies will be discussed that
*Corresponding author. either investigated both prevalence and latitude

0165-0327 / 99 / $ – see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0165-0327( 98 )00097-4
36 P.P. A. Mersch et al. / Journal of Affective Disorders 53 (1999) 35 – 48

directly or studies that did not investigate prevalence performed were compared: Catanzaro (398N), Napoli
per se, but within specific sub-populations the rela- (418N), and Trieste (468N). The correlation was in
tionship of SAD or depressive symptoms with the unexpected direction (r 5 2 0.50). The results in
latitude. Second, analysis will be performed on the latter study may be biased, however, by the low
prevalence studies at different latitudes. Since the response rates (overall 13.6%). Nevertheless, as the
legitimacy of comparing figures from different authors claim, comparison between the three loca-
studies depends on the comparability of the applied tions in the study may have some value since the
methodology and assessment instruments, this aspect response rates were approximately the same.
will be given some consideration. For the sake of In Japan (Sakamoto et al., 1993) the prevalence of
conciseness the characteristics of the studies are not SAD was assessed among patients with a mood
extensively discussed but are summarized in tables disorder who contacted 53 outpatient university
for the different continents. psychiatric clinics in Japan for the first time between
1 September 1990 and 31 March 1991. The clinics
1.1. Studies on prevalence and latitude were located between 268N and 448N. The results
show a nonsignificant correlation between prevalence
In the Potkin et al. (1986) and the Lingjaerde et al. and latitude (Spearman’s r 5 0.33, P , 0.10). Okawa
(1986) studies a questionnaire consisting of 15 et al. (1996) studied seasonal variation in six cities in
symptoms of SAD was published in nationwide Japan at latitudes ranging from 328N to 438N. The
newspapers in the USA and Norway with the request global seasonality score showed a significant correla-
to return the questionnaire if eight or more symptoms tion with latitude. Partonen et al. (1993) assessed the
were present (caseness SAD). Both studies showed a frequency of depressive symptoms among 1000
positive correlation between latitude and prevalence. subjects (801 women, 199 men), all employees of a
This result is merely indicative. The characteristics nationwide bank in Finland. The SIGH-SAD self-
of the readers of the newspaper are unknown and rating scale was returned by 486 subjects, living
may have been different in different parts of the between 608N and 708N. The results showed that
country. Also, it is unknown how many of the depressive symptoms were not more common at
subjects who met the criteria of SAD (eight symp- higher latitudes than at lower latitudes. In a study
toms or more) returned their questionnaire; these among the winter-over personnel of three antarctic
percentages may have differed across the country stations (from 648S to 908S), Palinkas et al. (1996)
due to cultural differences. Finally, since the ques- did not find an association between seasonality and
tionnaire used in these studies was not validated, the latitude. The sample was too small (n 5 87) and the
lack of direct clinical assessment is more important stay on Antarctica was too short to draw conclusions
in these studies than in those using a validated on prevalence. Finally, the prevalence of seasonal
instrument. symptoms in relation to latitude was studied in
Rosen et al. (1990) studied the prevalence at four children (age range, 9–12 years) by Carskadon and
locations in the USA (see Tables 1–3 for a descrip- Acebo (1993). Questionnaires were sent to teachers
tion of the different studies), using the same meth- of 78 schools across the USA, who asked the parents
ods. of the children to complete them. Six questions
Positive correlations were found between the concerning seasonal symptoms were taken from the
prevalence of winter-SAD, and winter-SAD and SPAQ and adapted for this occasion. The schools
subsyndromal-SAD (S-SAD; see methodological is- were located in three geographic zones: a northern
sues) combined, and latitude. Recently, Levitt and zone ( . 428N), a central zone (between 368N and
Boyle (1997) studied the prevalence of SAD in the 428N) and a southern zone ( , 368N). The results
Province of Ontario, Canada, across eight strata of 18 showed a significant higher incidence of seasonal
latitude (from 428N to 508N). They found no as- symptoms in the winter in the northern and central
sociation between latitude and prevalence. In a study zones versus the southern zone.
in Italy (Muscettola et al., 1995) the prevalence rates The conclusion from this overview is that, al-
at three of the five locations at which the study was though confirmed by some studies, the evidence in
P.P. A. Mersch et al. / Journal of Affective Disorders 53 (1999) 35 – 48 37

favor of a latitude–prevalence hypothesis is not which are not severe enough to allow for a diagnosis
conclusive. of SAD. The prevalence of S-SAD will not be
Another approach is to compare the results of the discussed since there is confusion about the second
different prevalence studies in relation to the set of the criteria: a GS score of 8 or 9 (9 or 10 for
latitudes at which they were performed. For a valid the self-report method) ‘‘and seasonal changes are
comparison it is necessary that the studies share a either a problem or not’’ (Kasper et al., 1989a; p.
comparable and sound methodology. Therefore, 829). In some studies this criterion was not followed
some methodological issues concerning the preval- (Terman, 1988; Rosen et al., 1990; Booker and
ence studies will be discussed first. Hellekson, 1992; Hagfors et al., 1992; Muscettola et
al., 1995) and changed into at least mild problems
1.2. Methodological issues with the changes of season. In view of the way the
criteria are formulated, this latter definition would
In all studies presented in Tables 1–3 (except the indeed make more sense. It is clear that prevalence
Potkin et al. (1986), the Lingjaerde et al. (1986) and rates for S-SAD are influenced by the use of
the Partonen et al. (1993) studies) the same assess- different criteria.
ment instrument was used: the Seasonal Pattern Different sampling methods are employed. The
Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ; Rosenthal et al., most reliable method is the drawing of a random
1987). This facilitates comparison of the results of sample of the general population from community
the different studies. The criteria for SAD on the registers (Magnusson and Stefansson, 1993; Mersch
SPAQ have been formulated in the Kasper et al. et al., 1995, 1998). In this case systematic sampling
(1989a) study and are based on data from 168 SAD error is avoided. A second method is the random
patients (Kasper et al., 1989a; Hardin et al., 1991). selection of subjects from the telephone directory
The SPAQ applies three criteria for SAD, which are (Terman, 1988; Rosen et al., 1990; Muscettola et al.,
presented in Table 1 in the study by Kasper et al., 1995). In this case there is a risk of systematic error,
1989a). The first is based on the Global Seasonality because people without a telephone are excluded
(GS) scale, providing a composite measure for from the sample. Moreover, some people with a
change of mood, social activities, appetite, sleep, telephone are not listed in the directory. Kasper et al.
weight and energy across the seasons. Item scales (1989a) employed an elegant method to reduce the
range from (0) ‘no change’ to (4) ‘extremely marked latter chance of error by random number dialling, a
change’. Thus, the total scale ranges from 0 to 24. method also used by Levitt and Boyle (1997).
The suggested cut-off score for caseness on this A method particularly sensitive to sampling bias is
criterion is 10 for (telephone) interviews and 11 for the study of subgroups of the population (Ito et al.,
the paper and pencil method. 1992; Magnusson and Axelsson, 1993; Partonen et
A second criterion for SAD is based on one al., 1993; Ozaki et al., 1995; Eagles et al., 1996;
question, i.e. whether seasonal changes are consid- Hedge and Woodson, 1996; Madden et al., 1996).
ered a problem. The response possibilities are 0 5 no Especially the selection of subjects from companies
problem, 1 5 a mild problem, 2 5 a moderate prob- is questionable, since it is not likely that organisa-
lem, 3 5 a marked problem, 4 5 a severe problem, tions select their employees randomly. Furthermore,
and 5 5 a disabling problem. A score of at least 2 is bias as a consequence of the illness may influence
necessary to reach the SAD threshold. the results. In a study in The Netherlands, respon-
The final criterion is the ‘window’, i.e. the time dents who met the criteria of SAD were significantly
interval within which the problems should recur. The more often unemployed or on sick leave (Mersch et
timing of the problems is determined by asking what al., 1998). Moreover, concern with the protection of
months subjects feel worst. The width of the window their privacy towards the employers may bias the
varies across studies (see Tables 1–3), and may thus ratings of company employees. For these reasons the
be a confounding factor. seven above-mentioned studies are left out of the
Subsyndromal-SAD (S-SAD) (Kasper et al., comparison. Since the study on children by Swedo et
1989b) is defined as a cluster of seasonal complaints, al. (1995) is obviously not a representative sample of

Table 1
Overview of prevalence studies on SAD in North America
Study Location Month Method/ Selection No. of Instruments Criteria Prevalence Validation Additional
(latitude) sample criteria respondents conclusions
Potkin et al. (1986) 32 states across the Mar. Newspaper Readers of a — 15 symptoms SAD $ 8 — No Prevalence of SAD
USA article and nationwide (yes/no) correlates with latitude,
(288N–488N) questionnaire newspaper sunshine, cloudiness
and temperature.
Kasper et al. (1989a) Maryland, Nov. Telephone Age, 416 SPAQ SAD: SAD-winter: 4.3% 40 respondents (9.6%) Women between 21 and 40
Washington DC survey; $ 21 years (92%) GS $ 10 and seasonal problems $ 2 SAD-summer: 0.7% interviewed with the years of age have higher GS
(398N) random Female, 53%; S-SAD: S-SAD-winter: 13.5% SCID. ratings than men or older women.
dialling at least 3 years GS $ 10 and seasonal problems 5 0 or 1, No figures for summer S-SAD Selection of subjects on Three to four times more
in county or, were given. the basis of the whole women than men meet the
GS 5 8 or 9 and seasonal problems $ 0 Mean GS: 5.43 (S.D. 5 3.9) GS range. SPAQ criteria for winter
Both SAD and S-SAD: Changes with the seasons are a SAD: 50% false neg. SAD.
SAD-win. (worst in Dec./Jan./Feb.) or problem: 27% ?false-positive
SAD-sum. (worst in June/July/Aug. S-SAD: 64% false-negative
Conclusion: SPAQ tends
to underestimate SAD.
Rosen et al. (1990) Sarasota (278N) Dec./Mar. Mail out; No age range was 462 SPAQ The ‘Kasper criteria’ are used with two SAD-win.: 1.4% No Significant correlations
and Dec./Mar. telephone given (46.2%) differences: SAD-sum.: 1.2% between SAD and latitude
Terman (1988) directory Authors tried to (1) The window is limited to two months: S-SAD: 2.6% and between SAD 1 S-SAD
(New York) balance the Jan. and Feb. for a winter pattern and LSM GS: 6.1 and latitude. Also after
male/female ratio July and Aug. for a summer pattern. Changes with the seasons are a correction for age in most
(2) A GS of 9 or 10 for S-SAD with problem: 13.5% age groups.
Montgomery County Dec./Mar. 605 at least mild problems with seasonal SAD-win.: 6.3% 68% of SAD subjects was
(398N) (60.5%) changes, instead of a problem or not in SAD-sum.: 1.0% female (across locations).
the Kasper study. S-SAD: 10.4% Negative correlation
Since no month criterion for S-SAD was LSM GS: 6.7 between GS score and age
defined, no differentiation between winter Changes with the seasons are a for both men and women.
and summer S-SAD is possible. problem: 22.0%
New York Dec./Mar. 203 SAD-win.: 4.7%
(408N) (50.1%) SAD-sum.: 3.1%
S-SAD: 12.4%
LSM GS: 7.4
Changes with the seasons are a
P.P. A. Mersch et al. / Journal of Affective Disorders 53 (1999) 35 – 48

problem: 24.2%
Nashua Dec./Mar 401 SAD-win.: 9.7%
(42.58N) (30.1%) SAD-sum.: 0.5%
S-SAD: 11.0%
LSM GS: 7.1
Changes with the seasons are a
problem: 26.1%
Booker and Hellekson (1992) Fairbanks, Jan./Mar. Interviews Age: 283 SPAQ Compared to Kasper et al. (9) a higher GS SAD: 9.2% (9.9%) No Subjects who met the SAD
Alaska at home or by $ 21 years (78.6%) CES-D threshold was used ( $ 11). S-SAD: 19.1% (24.0%) criteria were younger and
(648N) telephone; Subjects living in Figures for the lower threshold are given No distinction between winter and more often female (69.2%).
random sample Alaska for at least 3 between brackets. summer pattern was made SAD and S-SAD subjects
of the years SAD: GS $ 11 (10) and seasonal problems No data on GS or ‘problems with had higher depression scores
population. No subjects living in $2 seasons’ on the CES-D than the
The selection institutions (incl. S-SAD: GS $ 11 (10) and seasonal group without SAD or S-
method was not military bases, problems 5 0 or 1, SAD.
specified. university campuses) or GS 9 or 10 (8 or 9) and
seasonal problems 5 1
Magnusson and Axelsson (1993) Interlake district ? Mail out; Icelandic descendants 252 SPAQ See Magnusson and Stefansson (1993) SAD-win.: 1.2% No Prevalence rates of SAD
Canada random sub- Age: (82%) (Table 2) SAD-sum.: 0.4% and S-SAD in the Interlake
(50.58N) group of 20–74 years S-SAD-win: 3.3% district were significantly
Icelandic S-SAD-sum: 0.0% lower than in north-eastern
descendants Mean GS: 4.9 (S.D. 5 3.4) USA and nonsignificantly
(n 5 600) lower than in Iceland.
Hedge and Woodson (1996) Austin, Texas Winter Mail out/ No Staff: 193 SPAQ See ‘Kasper criteria’ Winter-SAD: 3.7% No Women experience
(308N) months hand out; (39%) Winter S-SAD: 17.8% significantly more seasonal
sample of Students: 216 Mean GS-score: 7.43 variation than men and
University staff (99%) younger people experience
and students more variation than older
Levitt and Boyle (1997) Province of Ontario, — Telephone Living at least 3 1605 DSM-IV DSM-IV diagnosis SAD: 1.7% SAD prevalence figures and GS- Yes
Canada Interview; years in area (82%) diagnosis SPAQ diagnosis SAD: 7.4% score across eight strata of 18
(428N–508N) random number At least 20 years of 59% female after had no association with latitude
dialling age interview.
SPAQ items
were incuded
Swedo et al. (1995) Washington, DC Sept. Self-report: Age: 1871 SPAQ SAD: SAD: 3.3% No No significant difference
(398N) at school under 9–19 years (82.5%) (modified GS-score (range 0–40) $ 18 between number of male
supervision Sex: version) and and female SAD subjects.
50/50 seasonal problems (range 0–4) $ 2 SAD increased with age
Criteria are based on patient material. (grade) with a peak between
No S-SAD and no month criterion grade 10 and 13.
P.P. A. Mersch et al. / Journal of Affective Disorders 53 (1999) 35 – 48

defined. For girls there was a

significant increase of SAD
in postpuberty.

Table 2
Overview of prevalence studies on SAD in Europe
Study Location Month Method/ Selection No. of Instruments Criteria Prevalence Validation Additional
(latitude) sample criteria respondents conclusions
Lingjaerde et al. (1986) Norway ? Newspaper Readers of a — 15 symptoms SAD $ 8 — No Relatively more people with
(588N–718N) article and nationwide (yes/no), see SAD in the North than in
questionnaire newspaper Potkin et al. (1986) the south.

Hagfors et al. (1992) Finland Jan./Feb. Telephone ? 1800 SPAQ CES-D See ‘Kasper criteria’ (Table 1) SAD: 3.4% No —
(608N–708N) survey; (88%) S-SAD: 12.6%
representative Changes with the seasons are a
sample problem: 15.4%

Wirz-Justice et al. (1992) Switzerland ? Telephone Representative 989 SPAQ See ‘Kasper criteria’ (Table 1) SAD: 2.2% No SAD: 69% female
(478N) survey sample of the (?) S-SAD: 8.9% No correlation between
population Mean GS score: 4.1 ‘seasonal problems’ and
No distinction between winter and living in sunny or overcast
summer pattern regions or urban or rural
Magnusson and Stefansson (1993) Iceland Spring Mail out; Age: 587 SPAQ See Rosen et al. (1990), with the SAD-win.: 3.8% 60 subjects were SAD/S-SAD (combined)
(628N–678N) National 17–67 years (61%) exception that for S-SAD the same SAD-sum.: 0.0% interviewed with a were significantly more
Register window was used as for SAD S-SAD-win: 7.5% structured DSM-III-R often female and young.
S-SAD-sum: 0.0% interview (DIS) and the No differences in residency
Mean GS: 5.5 (S.D. 5 4.2) SIGH-SAD. Conclusion: (urban versus rural),
the SPAQ differentiated employment and marital
well between subjects status.
with and without SAD,
but less well between
Partonen et al. (1993) Finland Nov./May Mail out; 801 women/199 486 SIGH-SAD- Caseness: HDRS score $ 19 54 depressed cases Six subjects with seasonal Female subjects more
(608N–708N) (depressed employees of a men (48.6%) SR After reassessment: depression were depressed than male subjects
subjects nationwide Age of respondents: seasonal depression: n 5 23 interviewed. Four had Depressive symptoms were
P.P. A. Mersch et al. / Journal of Affective Disorders 53 (1999) 35 – 48

only) bank 20–61 years nonseasonal depression: n 5 16 winter depression. independent of latitude.
Balanced to nonresponsive: n 5 13 No correlation of depression
population density of score with age or body-mass
geographical area
Hagfors et al. (1995) Finland Dec. Mail out; Age: 1200 (sent out) SPAQ See ‘Kasper criteria’ (Table 1) SAD: 7.1% No Authors suggest genetic
(608N–708N) random sample 17–60 years 3010 (sent out) CES-D S-SAD: 11.8% factors to explain the
Sweden Dec. Total response SAD: 3.9% differences between the
(558N–698N) rate: 655% S-SAD: 13.9% prevalence rates of Sweden
No distinction between winter and and Finland.
summer pattern
Muscettola et al. (1995) Italy: Jan./Feb. Mail out; Sex: 138 SPAQ SAD: SAD-win.: 3.6% No GS-score significantly
Catanzaro telephone sent to (13.8%) GS $ 11 and seasonal problems $ 2 SAD-sum.: 0.0% higher for females than for
(388559N) directory 50% male and 50% SAD-win.: feeling worst in Jan./Feb. S-SAD: 5.1% males.
Capri female names 50 SAD-sum.: feeling worst in July/Aug. SAD-win.: 2.0% Small negative correlations
(408349N) Overall male/female (10.0%) S-SAD: SAD-sum.: 10.0% between GS-score and age
S-SAD: 10.0%
Napoli proportion of 174 GS 5 9 or 10 and seasonal problems $ 1 SAD-win.: 6.3% for both men and women.
(408459N) response: 60/40 (17.4%) and SAD-sum.: 2.3% No positive correlation
S-SAD: 4.6%
Calvi 60 feeling worst in Jan./Feb. SAD-win.: 5.0% between latitude and
(418049N) (12.0%) No summer S-SAD SAD-sum.: 1.7% prevalence of SAD.
S-SAD: 6.7%
Trieste 121 SAD-win.: 2.5%
(458409N) (12.1%) SAD-sum.: 0.9%
S-SAD: 1.7%
Mersch et al. (1998) The Netherlands Mar. 1993– Mail out; Age: 2819 SPAQ SAD: SAD-win.: 3.0% 226 respondents were No influence of month of
(northern provinces) Mar. 1994 random from 18–65 years (53.9%) CES-D GS $ 11 and seasonal problems $ 2 SAD-sum.: 0.1% interviewed with a completion on number of
(538N) 400 ( 1 2) community Male/female: S-SAD: S-SAD-win: 8.2% structured DSM-III-R SAD cases.
question- registers 50/50% GS $ 11 and seasonal problems 5 0 or 1, S-SAD-sum: 8.5% interview (the MDCL) There was a significant
naires each Representative of or Mean GS: 4.8 (S.D. 5 3.5) Conclusion: SPAQ tends difference between CES-Ds
month during community size in GS 9 or 10 and seasonal problems 5 1 Changes with the seasons are a to underestimate completed in summer and
13 months The Netherlands Both SAD and S-SAD: problem: 19.6% prevalence rate those completed in winter.
SAD-win.: worst in Oct.–Mar. or (preliminary data) The number of women with
SAD-sum.: worst in Apr.–Sept. winter-SAD showed a peak
at age 26–35.
Eagles et al. (1996) UK: Dec. Mail out; — 443 SPAQ See ‘Kasper criteria’ SAD: 2.9% — Female/male ratio:
P.P. A. Mersch et al. / Journal of Affective Disorders 53 (1999) 35 – 48

Aberdeen psychiatric (73%) S-SAD: 9.5% 3:1

(578N) nurses Adjusted for the population of SAD most common in the
Aberdeen: 25–34 year age group.
SAD: 1.9%
S-SAD: 7.2%

Table 3
Overview of prevalence studies on SAD in other countries
Study Location Month Method/ Selection No. of Instruments Criteria Prevalence Validation Additional
(latitude) sample criteria respondents conclusions
Ito et al. (1992) Quezon, Jan./Feb. Paper and — 1053 SPAQ Both SAD and S-SAD not specified SAD-win.: 0% No Authors conclude that
The Philippines pencil; (73.1%) (probably ‘Kasper criteria’) SAD-sum.: 0.1% seasonal mood changes
(158N) employees of a S-SAD: 0% seem to be related to
department store No distinction between winter and hot/dry season rather than
summer pattern on S-SAD day length.
Mean GS: 4.6 (S.D. 5 4.0)
Changes with the seasons are a
problem: 10.8%
Madden et al. (1996) Australia Nov. Mail out Twins 5661 SPAQ Not specified, probably ‘Kasper criteria’ SAD: 2.0% No —
(108S–408S) (74.3%) (see Table 1) No distinction between winter and
summer pattern on S-SAD
Changes with the seasons are a
problem: 13.0%
Subjects feeling worst in winter: 17%
Subjects feeling worst in summer: 8%
Morrissey et al. (1996) Australia Sept. Mail out Random selection 176 SPAQ Kasper criteria SAD-sum.: 9.1% No Male:female ratio equal
(198S) Age: . 18 years (22%) (summer and winter type reversed) SAD-win.: 1.7%
S-SAD-sum.: 16.4%
S-SAD-win.: 1.1%
Mean GS score: 7.3 (S.D. 5 4.23)
Changes with the seasons are a
problem: 28.4%
Ozaki et al. (1995) Nagoya Dec. Handed out No info 1276 SPAQ See Rosen et al. (1990) SAD-win.: 0.86% No No differences between
Japan Civil service (96%) (see Table 1) SAD-sum.: 0.94% male and female
P.P. A. Mersch et al. / Journal of Affective Disorders 53 (1999) 35 – 48

(358N) employees at a S-SAD-win.: 0.86% respondents in GS score.

work-related S-SAD-sum.: 2.12%
P.P. A. Mersch et al. / Journal of Affective Disorders 53 (1999) 35 – 48 43

the population this study is also left out of the

analysis. Finally, the earlier discussed Italian study
(Muscettola et al., 1995) is left out of the com-
parisons because of the extremely low response rate.
Also the survey methods differ. Most often (Ter-
man, 1988; Rosen et al., 1990; Magnusson and
Stefansson, 1993; Hagfors et al., 1995; Mersch et al.,
1995; Muscettola et al., 1995) a questionnaire was
mailed to the research population, while in some
cases subjects were interviewed by telephone
(Kasper et al., 1989a; Hagfors et al., 1992; Wirz-
Justice et al., 1992; Levitt and Boyle, 1997). In one
study (Booker and Hellekson, 1992) it is unclear
whether subjects were interviewed at home or by Fig. 1. Plots of the prevalence rates of winter SAD in the USA
telephone. Kasper et al. (1989a) preferred telephone and Europe in relation to latitude. The straight lines are linear
interviews to mail out procedures because of the curve-fits.
higher response rate. According to these authors the
literature on survey methodology provides evidence used. In studies that did not report separate values
that both methods are equally valid. Therefore, for winter and summer SAD (Booker and Hellekson,
studies using either one of these survey methods will 1992; Hagfors et al., 1992, 1995; Wirz-Justice et al.,
be included in the analysis. 1992; Levitt and Boyle, 1997), the prevalence rates
Response rates may influence prevalence figures. include both patterns. Because the rates for summer
For instants, it is possible that the probability of SAD are extremely low in the studies that did report
responding to the questionnaire may partly be a these figures (see Tables 1–3), it is not likely that
function of the presence of SAD symptoms. To test this procedure has influenced the results substantial-
this an analysis of variance was performed on the ly. In Fig. 1 the prevalence rates are plotted as a
selected studies showing no significant interaction function of latitude. The relationship is shown by
(F( 1,10 ) 5 1.44, P 5 0.58). Also, there was no in- linear curve-fits.
fluence of latitude on response rate (F(1,10) 5 1.43, The correlation shows a very weak insignificant
P 5 0.48). positive relationship between prevalence and
latitude: r (n 513) 5 0.07, P 5 0.415. Visual inspection
shows, however, that this low correlation can be
1.3. Prevalence and latitude explained for a large part by the difference between
the North American and the European prevalence
Correlations between prevalence and latitude figures (MNA 5 6.24, S.D. 5 3.06 and MEur 5 3.90,
(Spearman r s ; significancies are one-tailed) were S.D. 5 1.69). This difference is significant as shown
calculated on North American (Terman, 1988; by an analysis of variance with latitude as covariate
Kasper et al., 1989a; Rosen et al., 1990; Booker and (F( 1,10 ) 5 20.33, P 5 0.001). Correlations between
Hellekson, 1992; Levitt and Boyle, 1997) and Euro- prevalence and latitude for the North American and
pean studies (Hagfors et al., 1992, 1995; Wirz- European data, separately, are r (n57) 5 0.90, P 5
Justice et al., 1992; Magnusson and Stefansson, 0.003 and r (n 56) 5 0.70, P 5 0.061, respectively.
1993; Mersch et al., 1995). Some studies were
performed over an area that included a range of
latitudes (Hagfors et al., 1992, 1995; Wirz-Justice et 2. Discussion
al., 1992; Magnusson and Stefansson, 1993; Levitt
and Boyle, 1997). The prevalence rates for these The results of the correlation between latitude and
countries are averaged and plotted at the mean prevalence are puzzling. The small overall correla-
latitude. If available, figures for winter SAD were tion coefficient does not support the hypothesis of an
44 P.P. A. Mersch et al. / Journal of Affective Disorders 53 (1999) 35 – 48

existing relationship between latitude and preval- length of daylight and temperature in 126 SAD
ence. The correlation coefficient for the North Amer- patients. If stressors play a role in the etiology of
ican studies, however, is highly significant, while the SAD, harsh climatological conditions may well be a
coefficient for the Europe studies shows a trend in trigger in subjects with a predisposition for SAD.
the same direction. The conclusion is that if latitude Climatological conditions may in part explain the
influences prevalence, this influence is only weak. large difference in prevalence between North
Apparently, other factors contribute considerably to America and Europe. The mean figure for North
the variance. American studies, mainly performed in the USA, is
Climate may be one of these factors. Several twice as high as the mean figure for studies in
studies, designed to examine the relationship be- Europe. On the basis of the latitude hypothesis, the
tween prevalence and latitude, failed to find an opposite would be expected since the latitudes at
association (Partonen et al., 1993; Palinkas et al., which the studies were performed were higher in
1996; Levitt and Boyle, 1997), while some of the Europe than in North America (MEur 5 59.48N,
studies that did find a positive correlation between S.D. 5 7.6 versus MNA 5 42.58N, S.D. 5 11.1). The
prevalence and latitude also found a relationship with hypothesis that climate plays a dominant role, how-
climatic variables. Potkin et al. (1986) reported ever, would qualitatively fit to the different rates
highly negative correlations between prevalence and between Europe and North America, because al-
daylight hours and temperature and a highly positive though located at the same latitude, the climate of
correlation with cloudiness. The study in Japanese New York is harsher than the climate in Madrid or
psychiatric clinics (Sakamoto et al., 1993) showed a Rome, while the climate is milder in Paris than in
weak relationship between prevalence and latitude, Newfoundland. Also, the presence of snow in the
but a stronger negative correlation between preval- winter may influence prevalence rates by the increase
ence and total hours of sunshine. In another study in of light reflected by the snow. Only one study
Japan (Okawa et al., 1996) the global seasonality investigated the influence of temperature on depres-
score also correlated with temperature and hours of sive symptoms by comparing 45 healthy subjects
sunshine. from the east coast of the USA with 42 healthy
Results from studies that were not designed to subjects from the west coast (Garvey et al., 1988).
investigate the prevalence–latitude relationship also No differences were found on a depression scale (the
show the importance of climate. In the Philippines BDI) or on questions concerning changes in sleep or
study (Ito et al., 1992) more subjects reported feeling appetite. The conclusion that climate does not play a
worst in summer (7.7%) than in winter (4.2%), with role cannot be drawn, however, due to the small
the highest peak on the item ‘feeling worst’ in April. scale of the study and the sample selection (hospital
The authors concluded that mood changes and staff and university employees).
seasonal problems were more related to the hot-dry Social and cultural factors may also play a role.
season than to the winter season. A comparable Differences in cultural acceptance of admitting psy-
result was found in a prevalence study in Australia, chological problems may influence the answer to the
in which Morrissey et al. (1996) found a high question ‘‘are seasonal changes a problem’’. Accord-
percentage of summer-SAD (9.1%) as opposed to ing to Hagfors et al. (1992), for instance, people in
winter-SAD (1.7%). A combination of heat and Finland are less inclined to answer this question in
humidity apparently accounted for the high per- the affirmative since ‘having a problem’ is associated
centage of summer-SAD. In the study in Nagoya, with alcohol abuse. Comparing their data with the
Japan (Ozaki et al., 1995), the number of subjects Kasper et al. (1989a) study they found approximately
with a summer pattern was 20% higher than the equal GS score distributions, but much lower per-
number of subjects with a winter pattern. Albert et centages on the ‘problem’ question (15.7% as com-
al. (1991) concluded that eight out of 10 SAD pared to 27.0%) (Hagfors, 1993). Knowledge of
patients were influenced by weather, while Molin et SAD in the general population, which is likely to be
al. (1996) found significant correlations between greater in the USA than in Europe, may also
mood and minutes of sunshine, global radiation, influence ratings on the SPAQ and consequently
P.P. A. Mersch et al. / Journal of Affective Disorders 53 (1999) 35 – 48 45

prevalence figures. In the Montgomery County study the results of a study by Madden et al. (1996) on
(Kasper et al., 1989a) the question whether respon- monozygotic and dizygotic twins, suggesting that
dents ‘had heard of SAD’ significantly contributed to seasonality has a heritable component: 29% of the
the prediction of the difference between women with variance in seasonality (measured by the GS score)
high and low seasonality scores. was explained by genetic influences in both men and
Another factor that may be of influence on the women. This result was confirmed by a study by
differences in prevalence rates between different Jang et al. (1997a) among 187 monozygotic twins
countries and / or cultures is the possible role of and 152 dizygotic twins. The GS score appeared to
genetic factors in the etiology of SAD. In a study be significantly heritable among both males and
among Icelandic descendants in Canada (Magnusson females, explaining 69 and 45% of the variance,
and Axelsson, 1993), the low prevalence rate of respectively.
winter SAD (1.2%) is more comparable with the That a relationship may play a role between
prevalence rate in Iceland (3.8%) than with the rates psychological factors and SAD is shown by Murray
in Nashua (9.7%) or Fairbanks, Alaska (9.9%). This et al. (1995), who found that neuroticism and locus
result led the authors to suggest that genetic adapta- of control were associated with seasonality and SAD.
tion to high-latitude conditions may have taken place They suggested that ‘‘SAD/ seasonality might be
in the Icelandic population. Unfortunately, a control more parsimoniously described as a manifestation of
group of Canadians not descending from Iceland and a generalised responsivity, rather than a discrete
living in the same area is lacking, so that the possible physiological vulnerability to variations in light’’
role of cultural development cannot be ruled out. (Murray et al., 1993a). Jang et al. (1997b) also found
Genetic differences in light tolerance are suggested a relationship between seasonality in a sample of 297
(Hagfors et al., 1995) to explain the differences adults drawn from the general population and neuro-
between the prevalence rate in Finland (7.1%) as ticism, measured by the NEO. Schuller et al. (1993)
opposed to the rates in Sweden (3.9%) and Iceland showed that SAD patients showed a different per-
(3.8%). In an earlier study in Finland (Hagfors et al., sonality pattern than non-SAD major depressives.
1992) a prevalence rate of 3.4% was found and there One study comparing remitted SAD patients with
is no evidence that the difference between the higher normal controls showed that the SAD patients were
figure in the 1995 study and the Swedish figure is more neurotic than normals and showed a higher
more likely to be caused by genetic differences than level of depressive and emotional reaction patterns to
by methodological artefacts or climatological or stress (Bouhuys et al., 1997). Therefore, more study
social–cultural factors. on this subject seems worthwhile.
Although a study by Allen et al. (1993) failed to Finally, prevalence rates may be influenced by
find differences in family history between subjects methodological aspects. In the first place several
with SAD and subjects with a nonseasonal mood studies included in our analysis were reported as
disorder, two case-studies on children suggest a abstracts with few details on the applied methodolo-
possible genetic component. In a study on seven gy. Also, the prevalence of SAD in studies at the
children with SAD, Rosenthal et al. (1986) found same location was different. The prevalence found in
that in five cases one of the parents suffered from the Rosen et al. (1990) study in Montgomery County
SAD as well. Two children had a sister or brother was almost 50% higher than the rate found in the
with a diagnosis of SAD. In a study by Meesters Kasper et al. (1989a) study at the same location. In
(1995) two out of three children treated for SAD had Finland, the prevalence rate in the Hagfors et al.
a parent with a diagnosis of SAD. To conclude that a (1995) study was more than 100% higher than in the
genetic factor explains these anecdotal data is Hagfors et al. (1992) study. Sampling and survey
speculative. An increased sensitivity of the parent methodology apparently accounts for the differences
with SAD to identical symptoms in the child may in outcome.
explain the high proportion of parents with SAD in Because of the widespread use of the SPAQ in
these studies. Also, vicarious learning may take place prevalence studies, the validity of the instrument is
in the upbringing of the child. More convincing are important. Only a few external validity studies were
46 P.P. A. Mersch et al. / Journal of Affective Disorders 53 (1999) 35 – 48

performed comparing the diagnosis based on the 3. Conclusions

criteria of the SPAQ with a DSM interview by a
clinician. One study showed that the SPAQ tends to The conclusion from the overview must be that the
be conservative and to underestimate the number of evidence for a positive correlation between preval-
clinically assessed SAD subjects (Kasper et al., ence and latitude is still unclear. It seems safe to
1989a). In contrast, the result of a study by Magnus- conclude that if such a relationship exists, its impact
son (1996) showed that although the SPAQ overesti- on prevalence is smaller than (the combined effect
mated the number of SAD subjects, the prevalence of) a number of other factors of which climatologi-
rate was similar to the rate after a clinical interview cal, social and cultural influences and genetic factors
because the SPAQ missed SAD in subjects classified are most prominent. Or, as Rosen et al. (1990)
as S-SAD. In neither of the studies was the inter- concluded in the most supportive study for the
viewer blind to the SPAQ diagnosis. A problem in latitude hypothesis: ‘‘ . . . only a small proportion of
the latter study was the 2-year time lapse between the variance is attributable to latitude’’ (p. 137). An
SPAQ screening and interview. Several longitudinal interesting field of study would be to look more
studies (Wicki et al., 1992; Leonhardt et al., 1994; closely to the role of climate in the etiology of SAD.
Sakamoto et al., 1995; Schwartz et al., 1996; Thomp- Some prevalence studies were designed to investi-
son et al., 1995) have shown that between 59.8 and gate the influence of latitude. In many studies,
74% of the patients with an initial diagnosis of SAD however, correlations were (also) found with a
did not fulfil the criteria of this disorder several years number of climatological conditions. Therefore,
later. Either SAD had fully remitted or the pattern of studies designed to investigate, at the same latitude,
depressive episodes was no longer seasonal. These the influence of harsh winters / summers on preval-
results suggest that the diagnosis of SAD is not very ence rate as opposed to relatively mild winters /
stable over time. This is also shown by two studies summers are of importance. A replication of the
(Murray et al., 1993b; Wirz-Justice et al., 1993) that Garvey et al. (1988) study at a larger scale would be
investigated the test–retest reliability of the diagnosis of interest. Also, cross-cultural studies would enable
of SAD by means of the SPAQ. Of the subjects who comparisons in social–cultural influences. This
met the SAD criteria at the first assessment, 41.4 and would include increased attention for psychological
50%, respectively, were not diagnosed as such at the factors. Finally, the common use of the SPAQ as a
second assessment. In the study by Levitt and Boyle screening instrument facilitates comparisons between
(1997), the SPAQ detected four times as many SAD studies. Nevertheless, it seems necessary to modify
subjects (7.4 versus 1.7%) as a clinical interview and improve the questionnaire to follow more closely
based on the DSM-IV (American Psychiatric As- the DSM-IV criteria of SAD and to improve its
sociation, 1994). That the SPAQ may overestimate predictive power. This should be done by adding
the percentage SAD is also shown by a study by items about which there is agreement among re-
Blazer et al. (1994) in which 8098 subjects in the searchers, so that the advantage of a widespread use
USA were interviewed to estimate the prevalence of of the same instrument is not lost. Examples are
major depression. The prevalence of a major depres- questions on the occurrence of depressive episodes in
sive episode was 4.9%. Compared to this figure, the the last 2 years, the occurrence of non-seasonal
mean prevalence rate in North America of a com- episodes during the past 2 years and the occurrence
paratively rare affective disorder like SAD (6.2%) is of seasonally linked psychological stressors.
clearly to high because it is contained in this 4.9%.
Finally, the SPAQ may overestimate because of its
retrospective nature. As Nayyar and Cochrane References
(1996) show, the SPAQ was much more pronounced
in measuring retrospectively the difference in sum- Albert, P.S., Rosen, L.N., Alexander, J.R., Rosenthal, N.E., 1991.
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the year (cf. Mersch et al., 1998). Affective Disorder. Psychiatry Res. 36, 51–63.
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