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Summertime means the annual National Education Association

Convention. The National Education Association (NEA) is the largest professional organization
and labor union in the U.S. and its influence on education reaches around the world. Their
power and influence extends from the walls of the school room to legislative halls as they
promote and finance various candidates and initiatives and work to assure their ideology is
entrenched in culture. But what many people may not know, including teachers and parents, is
that the NEA is not a friend of the family.
On addition to such groups as the ³Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender´ Caucus and the silly ³No
Cocktail Left Behind´ Caucus, this year saw the recognition of the ³NEA Drag Queen´ Caucus.
On fairness to the NEA, they also recognize such groups as the Ex-gay Educators, People of
Faith, and Catholic and Jewish Caucuses, but the nonsensically-tolerant and politically-correct
NEA has an agenda that ought to concern all people who want their schools teaching education
basics and not promoting anti-family propaganda to our children.

United Families Onternational has written about the NEA in the past but we thought we¶d provide
you with an update and a few examples of NEA activity.

This year¶s convention in New Orleans once again saw the defeat of an abortion neutrality
resolution. However, each year since 1990 this resolution has been reaffirmed:




The NEA has over 3.2 million members in the U.S. and hardly any of them know that the union
that they pay annual dues to is one of the most ardent abortion supporters in the country and that
their dues may be helping finance pro-abortion efforts around the world.


The NEA is squarely in the back pocket of gay advocates. The Wall Street Journal reported
(2006) that the NEA gave $65 million to liberal groups such as the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition,
the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), the Human Rights Campaign, and
People for the American Way. They oppose the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and
in 2009, a resolution was passed to oppose any efforts to put in place amendments banning same-
sex unions or marriage:







Millions of NEA dollars have been spent on such creating and promoting publications such as:

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The bulk of these informational pieces are part of a well-orchestrated attempt to provide a
platform on which to mainstream homosexual behavior in the schools. One goal is to mandate
anti-bullying´ and ³anti-discrimination´ policies that will provide special protection to
homosexual-related categories such as ³sexual orientation,´ ³gender identity,´ and ³gender
expression.´ UFO believes that schools should provide protection against harassment and
bullying to   child, for  reason, equally. To see a list studies and talking points that give
rebuttal to the NEA¶s ³Just the Facts´ booklet go here.


The NEA, in spite of their rhetoric, is not a friend to parents. Ot appears that the NEA, not
parents, ³know best.´ The NEA is in league with groups such as Planned Parenthood and
SEOCUS to promote what they call ³Comprehensive Sex Education´ in the schools. The NEA
recommends that parents not be allowed to ³opt out´ their children when comprehensive sex
education and ³diversity´ curriculum is being taught. They oppose laws that require parental
notification for abortion or contraception distribution. NEA supports the abolishment of
³heterosexism´ (the belief that heterosexual behavior is superior to homosexual behavior) in the
schools and that curriculum that promotes ³anti-discrimination and equality for all members of
the GLBTQ community´ should supersede any wishes that parents might have regarding the
teaching of their children.


Our school districts are populated with amazing and hardworking teachers. Please know that we
are not castigating educators individually, but the union to which many are required to belong
and pay dues. The NEA is powerful and wields great influence over schools, the legislative and
public policy environment, and the culture at large. Teachers need to consider how their dues are
being spent and work to change the leadership of their union. Please be aware and get involved.

Parents, please be actively involved in your schools. Of you hold conservative and traditional
family values, social or economic, be assured that the NEA doesn¶t share them and they are
aggressively engaged in promulgating their values at the expense of your children. Don¶t under
estimate the power that you have as a parent and constituent of a school district and don¶t feel
like you¶re alone±most parents share your values and concerns. Get involved and make the next
school year a family-friendly one!


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TOTLE: To establish that NEA officially takes a position of ³no position´ on the issues of abortion and
family planning.

(Text location will be determined by the Committee on Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules in the event the
location conflicts with another amendment.)
. The NEA officially takes a position of µno position¶ on the issues of abortion and family planning.
Adoption of this amendment would prohibit NEA from taking a position in support of, or in
opposition to, any issue relating to abortion or family planning in resolutions and new business items,
litigation, legislation, and/or any other context. By way of example, the amendment would (1) invalidate
NEA Resolution O-16. Family Planning, which provides in relevant part that NEA "supports family
planning, including the right to reproductive freedom"; (2) prohibit NEA from filing an  
brief with the United States Supreme Court in litigation seeking to overturn or limit the protections
provided by 
; or (3) lobbying for or against legislation regarding the dissemination of birth
control information, the funding of birth control procedures, or the sale of birth control products.

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