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page 4 Oct. 10.


Sales, marketing relationship redefined

Volume 28 Number 21

Marketing News (ISSN 0025-3790) is pub-
lished biweekly, except the last issue in by Benjamin F. Ball lever iji implementing hrand market- 2. The buyer is no longer merely
December (25 times a year) by the Publica- and Robert F. Monaghan ing strategies. But using this lever a purchasing agent, and retail outlets
tions Group i>f the ;\meritan Marketing will mean making salespeople more are no longer merely distribudon
Association, Suite 200, 250 S. Wacker Dr.,
Chicago, IL 60606-5819, USA. Benjamin F. Ball is executive direc- aware of and conversant with hrand outlets for manufacturers' products.
Advertising: (312)831-2729 tor of Dechert-Hampe Co., Chica- posidoning and marketing strategies. Instead, retailers are becoming mar-
Circulation; (J12) 648-0536 go, and Robert F. Monaghan is Just how has this shift come about? keters in their own right.
Editorial:(312)W3-9517 Fas: (312)993-7540
MCI Mail: 45S-I6i5
executive vice president in the Some major changes in the retail the tradidonal tasks of presendng Retail marketers must promote
firm's Trumbull, Conn., office. marketplace have given salespeople manufacturers promodon programs, their store franchise to the consumer
POSTMASTER: Sent! address changes to: significant control over funds for local selling new items, fighdng tor shelf in the same way that hrand managers
Marketing Navs, Suite 200, 250 S. Wacker
Dr.. Chicago, IL 60606-5S19, USA. customer and consumer marketing. space, merchandising product, han- promote their brand franchise. To do
Second Class Special Nonprofit Postage
Brand marketers, take note: The Their influence has grown as a result. dling credits and deducdons, and so, retail marketers are developing
paid at Chicago, IU., and additional mailing sales force is fast becoming a major A closer look at these changes will gathering marketplace intelligence programs designed not to promote
offices. Opinions exjiressed are not necessari- determinant in whether or not the help in understanding their effect on are all sdl! important, the field role specific brands, but to promote their
ly endorsed by the AMA, its officers, or staff. consumer receives your brand mar- brand posidoning and markedng has expanded significantly to include store and endce consumers to shop
Annual subscription rates: (A suhscription keting message. strategy. making decisions for spending that there. Marketplace roles are being
includes 25 issues of AJarto7H^.Vra.'.r and one This dramatic shift in the sales role 1. The sales force job descripdon directly affect the impleinentadon of tumed upside down as retailers pitch
copy of the annual AA'L'I IntetJiational Direc-
tory and Marketing Yeiltm' Pages.) $30 AMA should he viewed as a significant is being radically reshaped. Although brand markedng strategy. ^ see Redefine on page 11
members, $60 nunmeinbers, and SI 10 libraries,
coqiorations, and institutions. Single copies
$3, quantity discounts available. For all sub-
scriptions outside ot the U.S. and Canada, add
to subscription rate $23 for surface mail or $85
for air mail. Air mail service at tbe same rate
Leam some lessons Inclusive marketing
fi-om the front line shows sensitivity
also is available to AAIA members. Payment
must he m L'.S, ftinds (sr the equivalent.
Marketing News welcomes expressions of
all professional viewpoints on marketing and
its related areas. Tbese may be as letters to
the editor. Viewpoint columns, or articles.
by Patrick J. Alberts
Letters should be brief and may be con- by Marlene Rossman people are most likely to huy
densed hy the editors. Please request a copy Patrick J. Alberts is vice president products if they can idendfy with
of the "Guidelines for preparing articles for of administration/support service Marlene Rossman is president the people in the ad.
consideration for publication" before sub- at Monongahela Valley Hospital
mitting an article. Upin submission to tbe of Rossman, Graham Associ- Inclusive marketing means
AMA, photographs and manuscripts will not Inc., Monongahela, Pa. overselling a program. Although ates, New York, and author of invidng the African-American,
be returned unless accompanied liy a self- endiusiasm and hype capture atten- Multicultural Marketing: Selling
addressed, adequately stamped envelope.
Hispanic, Asian-Ainerican, and
Total quality management, reengi- don in the short run, the long-term to a Diverse America. other underscrvcd groups into the
All advertisements placed in AMA publica- necring, and visioning are a few of impiicadons of falling short of expec- consumer franchise to build a cus-
tions tliat make a sj)ecific claim based upon a
third-party source shall contain d(xnimentation the concepts tliat have penneated tadons can act as a potent demodva- tomer base. It may mean that we
of the source within the advertisement. Such services markedng, but they do not tor. Over the last few months, I have to educate the consumer
advertising will be accepted for placement always deliver their promise. have heen invited to speak at a about the product or semce or
only when accompanied by a signed release
from the quoted source as to the accuracy
A major reason is that they may Q Is the change too complex for numher of public seminars with create awareness of the product
and appropriateness of the representations. distract the manager's attention from employees to leam? F.ffecdve service such dtles as "Targedng Ethnic and its benefits, or reconfigure
a vital asset: the frontline employee. delivery often requires employees to Markets" and "Ethnic Target those products and service to meet
The potendal for variability in the spontaneously respond, within estab- Markets: New Opportunity," hut the needs of the market.
Chairperson of tlic AiMA Board 1994-9S lished parameters, to cu.stomer the targeting approach that some
production and delivery of services Banks have hegun to offer non-
Rosann L. Spiro of us have been taking lately
Indiana University, Bloamington can he significant. In addidon, mar- desires. tradidonal mortgages and debit
kedng, operadons, and human re- New concepts that are too compli- seems a litde superficial. cards, and some large food com-
.^AlA Publications Division
Vice President 1994-95 source management are intertwined cated for the employees to readily There is certainly nothing panies have started to use bilin-
Thomas C. Kinnear and must be medculously orchestrat- assimilate into their roudnes ean wrong with the recent explosion of gual labels. But this may just be a
The Universily of Michigan, Ann Arhor ed. confuse interacdons with customers. interest in ethnic or muldcultural case of reaching out to a new mar-
Dennis D. Jorgensen For these reasons, services market- Service managers must concentrate segments. After all, the 70 million ket in an appropriate fashion.
.\i\1A (]hief Operating Officer consumers that compose die
ing uldmately is the responsibility of on simplifying fundamental customer For example, ads in black media
Hope Bulger individual employees. Foremost, ser- service acdvides to allow employees •African-Ameri- are somewhat
(irijup Publisher vice managers need to develop the to better cany out these transacdons. can, Hispanic, less expensive
credihility and commitment essendal and Asian- than in mass
EDITORIAL ST.\FF to lead employees to exhibit desired • Is the change in hannony with American mar- media, and
hehavior. the organizadon's culture? Modify- kets account for die higher
Gregg Cebrzynski Larry Graff
Cutdng-edge concepts may not ing the nomis and values ingrained in well over $500 retum on
Managing F.ditor SeniorGrajJiicsEditor
pay the dividends expected if employ- employees mvolves a long nurturing hillion in spending power. investment jusdfies the modest
Cyndee Miller Victoria Stagg
Senior Staff Writer Graphics Intern ees do not fully commit to managers' process which, in all likelihood, will As marketers, however, we ofren ouday. There are at least 800
Tim Triplett plans. Before embarking in a new oudast a new plan's dme horizon. seem to drift from one promising black media oudets from which to
Staff Writer
direcdon, service managers should Furdiennorc, inidadves inconsis- segment to another, allotdng per- choose. Given that numher, mar-
Kelly Sbermach haps 15 minutes to see whether
consider the following checklist: tent with company culture will con- kedng organizadons could never
trative Assistant fuse and bridle employee efforts. we've hit our target. Because we say that they can't find appropriate
• How does the change benefit the are close to an age of micromarket- vehicles for reaching the African-
ADVI.RTISING STAEF employees? Workers invariably view G Will the change improve the ing in which we try to reach American audience.
change selfishly and managers must business's perfonnance-to-cost rado? increasingly dny segments, it's cer- The niuldplier effect created
John Quincy
place themselves in the employees' Delivering customer value to a target tainly dme we began reaching out when black consumers see a rele-
Marketing Director to segments other than those of the
shoes. Unless a new concept makes market must serve as a business's vant hlack lifestyle print or TV ad
Ken Pfeifer
their job easier or more fulfilling, driving force. Employee sadsfocdon overtapped and increasingly over- at the same dme they see an ad for
Advertising Sales Manager saturated "mainstream" market.
workers will he slow to embrace it. will not be sustained when changes the same product in mainstream
Sally Schmitz
Advertising PrwJucdon Manager
are poorly planned and, uldmately, What's needed, however, is media is phenomenal. The con-
G Are meaningful incentives in fail in the marketplace. inclusive markedng, not target sumer can idendfy with the hlack-
Janeen Perutis
Advertising Production Assistant place? Employee self-interest is a To be successful, new programs markedng. directed ad and will douhly appre-
strong modvator, and what gets must either increase the benefits The difference is that in inclu- ciate the company and its prod-
rewarded tends to get accomplished. offered to customei^s or reduce their sive marketing we are involved for ucts; that appreciadon will trans-
Copyright © 1994 by the Well-structured incendves can help purchasing costs. Unless change is
American Marketing Association.
the long tenn. It means including late into buying behavior.
All rights reserved. channel employees' efforts to commit predicated on enhancing customer from the outset African-Americans, Inclusive markedng may take a
to and contribute to desired change. value, a company is hetter advised to Hispanics, .Asian-Americans, gays, httle more time to understand and
T lUTEBNIlTIOWU. • What is management seeking to
invest its resources elsewhere. lesbians, etc., rather them adding
them as an afterthought to a main-
implement at the outset, hut the
rewards are great.
Without written permission from the AMA, gain? This is the corollary to the first Service marketers and managers stream marketing campaign.
any eop)'ing or reprinting (except l>y authors A va,st number of African-Amer-
reprinting their own works) K prohibited. Re- quesdon. Service managers must be ignore these guidelines at their own For example, the importance of icans, Hispanics, Asians, gays, and
quests for written permission—such as copying forthright in addressing what man- risk. Many cutdng-edge business the family and children, even to lesbians in the U.S. have money to
for gt-ncml ilistrilnitinn, advertising, or promo-
tional purposes, creating new colleaive works, agement hopes to achieve by imple- concepts have fallen short of expecta- the assimilated Hispanic con- spend and would he pleased to see a
or resale—should \K sent to Kelly Shermach, menting change. Without employee dons principally due to the lack of sumer, shouldn't be underesdmat- sincere effort by marketers to show
AMA's Publications Group, acceptance, management inidadves objecdve forethought and planning. ed. The ideal is a large family,
Special Order Reprints: Call for prices on "Cus- them the respect and sensidvity
tom Quick Reprints" (mininium order of 25 two- will squarely confront resistance that Service deliver}' offers rich poten- which includes a system of god- given to the general market. Al-
sided or 50 one-sided copies) and "Custom Qual- results in lower morale and out|)ut. dal fur product differendadon. How- parentship, in which godmothers though it's a start, it's not enough
ity Reprints" (niiniinum order of 1,000 copies.) and godfathers are considered part
Issues more than six months old are available on ever, this potendal cannot be realized to spend some money on adverds-
TnitTi.filiii from University MitTofilnis, .100 N, • Are expected benefits overstat- without the commitment and pardci- of the extended family. ing just during Black History
Zt'th RJ,, Ann Arlior, Ml 4K1I16, ed? Employees are not fooled often; padon of fronthne employees. This is When marketing to Hispanic Month or at the Gay Games or the
Indexed by Business Periodicals [ndex. Selected if something .sounds too good to he gained, in tum, when their trust and consumers, it's smart to avoid ads Chinese I Iarvest Aloon Fesdval.
articles alsn arc abstracicd by snA accessible
tbrougb vanous eleclrnnic dara liases. true, they will view it with skepd- respect is earned by responding to showing a diner eadng alone; such Inclusive marketing is a process,
Printed in the U.SA. cism. Moreover, service managers their needs and wants. M ads would violate the rule diat not an event. M
can injure their future credibilty by

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