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USE CASE DIAGRAM: This diagram consist of two actors and eight usecases.

ACTOR 1: STUDENT-> Student is the primary actor for whome this system is
developed. He is given with ID and PSW for site nevigation.

ACTOR 2: ADMINISTRATOR-> Administrator is responsible for maintenance of the

site. It has all the permission.

USECASE 1: LOGIN-> Student can use his ID and PSW for enter into the site.After
login only he can access all information.

USECASE 2: VALIDATE-> This is used by admin to varify the ID and PSW entered by
a student matches with that of database or not.

USECASE 3: VIEW FEE DETAILS-> This functionality help student to see his fees
details online .

USECASE 4: CALCULATE FEES-> Admin will calculate the fees of the requesting
student from database and display it to student.

USECSE 5: PAY FEES-> Student can pay his fees online using this module.

USECASE 6: COLLECT FEES-> Student can pay his fees online .This includes many
more activities. so collect fees represents all those actions.

USECASE 7: SELECT SUBJECT-> After the student has paid his fees ,now he can
select the subjects and register with selected subjects.

USECASE 8: APPROVE-> After the student has paid the fees ,selected subjects and
send request to admin , this module is for approval of
registration of the student.
Activity diagram here has been described with four swimlanes namely 'Interface' ,
'Administrator' , 'Student' , 'Bank' .
Activities in the process has been performed as follows:
i) login: student logins with valid credentials.
ii) Validate(valid/invalid): Administrator validates the login information of a student.
iii) Show_error: Interface shows error message for an invalid entry.
iv) view_student_details: student is able to see his details incase of a valid login.
v) choose_payment:student chooses this option for paying fees.
vi) Calculate_fees: Administrator calculates the fee of each student by this
vii) View_fee_details: student views the calculated fee by the administrator.
viii) Online_fee_payment: Student pays the registration fees through this which is
directed to bank database.
ix) Fund Transfer: Bank performs this activity that transfer fees amount from student
account to college account.
x) Update_stud_DB:Administrator updates student database regarding fees payment
xi) Subject_selection:Student selects the subject to register for using this
xii) Approve_registration:Administrator gets input from student database & selected
subject of students and
approves the registration.
xiii) Get_Confirmation: Student receives confirmation message by this functionality.

State-chart diagram describe the different states exists in our system.

Sates are as follow:
1. login: student logins with valid ID,PSW.
2. Validation: Administrator validates the login information of a student.
3. Error_message: Interface shows error message for an invalid entry.
4. Show_details: Student is able to see his details and fees details.
5. Online_transfer:Student chooses this option for paying fees online.
6. Bank_validation: Here the account and PSW enter by the student is varified in
bank database.
7. Money_transfer:If the user is valid then he can transfer amount from his
account to college account.
8. Subject_selection: Student after paid fees can choose the subject for a
9. Approvel:Admin will here verify status of the student and all criteria and
approve him for the registration.
Class diagram include three classes, Student,Admin and Payment.
Each cless having data and operations as described below:

1. Student->
DATA: Reg_no- This variable stores the registration no.
Semester- store the semester of the student
User_id- All student given with unique id
Password- It is for velidation of student
Operation:Login()- Module to enter into the site
View_fees()- Student can see his fees details
Pay_fees()- This module is for money transfer
Subject_details()- A student can chhose subjects.

DATA: Login_id- For admin to access control
Operation: Verification()- Admin will verify a student
Calculate_fees()- Return the fees details of a student
Approvals()- After student enter his choice of subject, admin will approve
the registration.
Update_database()- Admin will update the college database.

3. Payment->
DATA: Transaction_id- Automatic generated no for each money transaction
Student_regno- Student registration no. who has paid the fees
Student_acc_no-Student account no from where the amount will be drawn
Amount- Student will enter the money amount to be send to college account
Operation: User_validation()- Verify the user of the bank account
Amount_transfer()- It represent all actions for transfer money from one account
to another

Sequence diagram represents the sequences of action followed by the student and
administrator to complete the registration process.
Student initiates the proccess by choosing login option and sending ID,PSW to the
College DB. If the ID,PSW are correct then he can see welcome message.
Student can see his fees details from DB and can pay fees online.
For online payment of the fees the student will enter the ID and PSW for bank . This data
will be send to the bank DB.
If verified to be ok then the fees amount will be transferred fro student's account to
college account.
After the fees is paid the student can choose the subjects and register himself for a
The final confirmation is send by admin to the student.

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