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Concerning the Application of Human Motivation Theories in Organizational Settings

Author(s): Craig C. Pinder

Source: The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Jul., 1977), pp. 384-397
Published by: Academy of Management
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Accessed: 05/11/2010 10:20

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Concerning the Application
of Human Motivation Theories in

The University of British Columbia

Although theories of industrial motivation require application in on-

going organizations for the sake of validation, most of them are not yet
sufficiently mature to justify their widespread commercial applications
by practitioners or consulting academics. Even their "successful" ap-
plication may result in dysfunctional consequences, having ethical im-

A dilemma shared by any science whose tion can cite benefits for both the theoretician
theoretical principles have practical implications and the practitioner.
concerns the question of when to turn its the- On the other hand, until minimum levels of
ory over to the practitioner for application to theoretical specificity and understanding have
"real world" problems. On the one hand, an ar- been attained, the application of many theories
gument can be made that science is useless un- may result in little benefit to either the practi-
less it has some applied value, and that until a tioner or the theoretician. In some cases, the
theory is lowered from the clouds for testing and theoretician may argue that premature applica-
application among mortals, the theorist will be tion of theory to real world problems may be det-
unsure of its validity (23). Advocates of applica- rimental to both parties of the science making
and consumption relationship, because of po-
Craig C. Pinder (Ph.D. - Cornell University) is Assistant Pro-
fessor at the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administra- 1 I wish to thank Vance F. Mitchell and Pravin Moudgill of
tion, the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., the University of British Columbia, Walter Nord of Washing-
ton University, and Howard Schwartz of Cornell University for
Received 9/26/75; Accepted 4/16/76; Revised 5/5/76. their constructive comments on earlier drafts of this article.
Academy of Management Review - July 1977 385

tential unforeseen consequences. When this is motivation theories are identified. Since it is a
the case, certain ethical issues confront both the matter of individual values to decide whether
practitioner and the scientist. the consequences of a particular policy are eth-
ical, throughout the analysis I will simply identify
some consequences of application where the
Defining the Ethical Issues
question of ethics may appear, leaving the read-
One can subgroup ethical considerations er to his or her own values in deciding. Finally,
relating to worker motivation into at least three implications of these issues for teaching and con-
categories. The first set of issues, most familiar to sulting are discussed.
practitioners and students of organizational be-
havior (OB), is the problem of when motivation "How Can I Motivate My Workers?"
becomes manipulation, and whether managers This is one of the most common questions
have the right (explicitly or implicitly) to attempt asked of behavioral scientists and management
to shape and/or control the behavior of others. consultants by students of business administra-
This controversy leads to a discussion of the tion and by human resources personnel in on-
sanctity of human behavior, individual freedom, going organizations. Usually the question is
and individual dignity. Much has been said and asked in the belief that relatively simple pre-
written about this cluster of issues (5, 39, 40, 42, scriptions are available, based on reasonably
69), but it is not my intention to treat them here. precise theories. Although not an unreasonable
A second set of issues revolves around the
question, it is somewhat naive if the asker expects
question of whether "a little knowledge is a simplistic answers. In many cases simplistic pre-
dangerous thing". After the manipulation/man- scriptions are given, to the mutual satisfaction of
agement prerogative issue has been resolved, the practitioner and the profiting consultant.
what about the dysfunctional consequences But application of knowledge of human motiva-
which may accrue to the science, the client, and tion may be somewhat premature, at least in
the members of the organization when prema- cases where such simplistic applications are at-
ture application is attempted?
tempted. Most premature and oversimplified
A third set of ethical issues is concerned with
prescription writing introduces seldom-consid-
effects on employees of policies based on moti- ered consequences with ethical implications.
vation theories. Assuming that it is legitimate to
attempt to control others' behavior, and that An Assessment of the State
present theories are sufficiently refined to justify of the Science
their application, what are the implications for
organizational participants of successful or "non- How valid are our most common theories of
premature"implementationof policies grounded motivation? Locke's (50) recent review provides
in industrial motivation theories and models?
only modest grounds for optimism. Most current
The purpose of this article is to explore the theories enjoy limited predictive validity. Many
second and third sets of issues. First I will attempt suffer from basic problems in their assumptions
to assess the degree of readiness for application concerning the nature of people; one or two
of theories of industrial motivation. Expectancy make predictions which are valid in the short
theory serves as a major example in this analysis, run but which seem to "wash out" in the long
leading to the suggestion that wide-spread com- run; all are still extremely vulnerable to the in-
mercial application of most of these theories is fluence of individual differences, the nature of
still premature. Then, certain consequences which are still being investigated; and several
which can result from successful application of make awkward, contradictory predictions which
386 Application of Human Motivation Theories in OrganizationalSettings

still have not been adequately reconciled. made at understanding some of these individual
As a case in point, consider the currently differences. For instance, Lawler's (44, 45) "Hy-
popular "VIE" or "Path-Goal" models of worker brid Model" considers the influence of self-es-
motivation (12, 21, 24, 31, 33, 38, 44, 45, 78, 84). In teem and locus of control as partial determinants
application, these theories suggest that people of expectancies and instrumentalities, respective-
will be motivated to perform effectively if su- ly. But although VIE theory has been with us in
pervisors can: (a) determine what sorts of job various forms for several years, it is still immature
outcomes are desired by their employees; and in its ability to predict or explain much of organ-
then (b) structure the work setting so that effort izational behavior, and thus its widespread ap-
results in performance; so that (c) performance plication in organizations is premature.
will result in attainment of these desired out- Parenthetically, and in defense of VIE the-
comes. In other words, the supervisor is expected ory, it may be more valid than empirical methods
to conduct a rigorous and accurate survey of are yet able to demonstrate. That is, because
employee needs and values, and manipulate the measures of VIEconstructs are of limited reliabil-
task setting and reward system accordingly in or- ity (18) and do not possess the ratio measurement
der to maximize employee motivation. scaling properties that the theory's arithmetic ex-
First, recent work by Locke (50), Behling & pressions require (71), empirical failures may re-
Starke (6, 77), and Wahba and House (86) at long flect the crudity of research tools as much as in-
last has made explicit the important assumptions validity of the theory itself. However, under the
the theory makes concerning human nature. The norm of science our field embraces, empirical
gist of these recent theoretical and empirical support is necessary for acceptance of a theory,
arguments is that theoretical assumptions con- and to date, VIEtheory enjoys only mixed empir-
cerning human hedonism and rationality are un- ical support.
founded or at least oversimplified. A conclusion Aside from the overall predictive validity of
from these studies is that the individual the the- VIE theory, consider the path-goal prescriptions
ory purports to explain is unrealistic. The degree made by the theory. First, to my knowledge, no
of discrepancy between real person and VIE - one has asked VIE- Path Goal advocates wheth-
assumed person is not yet fully appreciated, but er supervisors should have the right to probe
it does seem clear that a gap exists, suggesting employee values, or whether such probing might
that the theory is not yet ready for universal ap- be considered an invasion of privacy. Most peo-
plication by practitioners. ple are sensitive to the privacy of individual val-
Secondly, the predictive validity typically ues in the context of other social behaviors such
found by researchers testing VIE theory must be as voting, yet no one seems bothered by the pos-
considered. Results such as those found by Prit- sibility that the worker may not want his or her
chard and Sanders (66), Hackman and Porter values explored, or that line supervisors may not
(29), Reinharth and Wahba (68), or Dachler and be competent to perform such an assessment ac-
Mobley (12) typify the level of validity this theory curately. In other words, we can question the
has to offer in its present forms. Validity coeffi- first part of the path-goal prescription by asking:
cients between linear composites of expectancy Under what conditions is it ethical to attempt to
theory components and hard criteria of effort or determine what outcomes are desired by an in-
performance rarely exceed .40. This means that dividual employee? Is it unethical in some cir-
the theory is seldom able to account for more cumstances to not attempt such an assessment?
than 10-15 percent of variance in employee per- Can we assume that these values, once deter-
formance. The remainder is "error" variance, at- mined, are constant? How accurately can we in-
tributable to unknown influences of individual fer the values of others, and what might be the
and organizational differences. Headway is being consequences of being wrong? Answers to these
Academy of Management Review - July 1977 387

questions are clearly a matter of personal values tivation to do the work. That is, the individual
and specific circumstances. Without implying may come to perceive that his primary reason for
that such probing is necessarily unethical, I be- doing a job is for the sake of the money it pro-
lieve that these questions require ethical consid- vides.
eration. In the terms of the path-goal theories, this
The second prescription of the theory is to phenomenon is most likely to occur when the
structure the work setting so that effort will lead person perceives a strong instrumentality, or
to performance. In terms of other theories, this performance reward probability. A conse-
means manipulation of the difficulty level of the quence of this perception, according to Deci
task, or the probability of success. Simply stated, (16), can be a decrement to the intrinsic motiva-
the expectancy theorist suggests maximizing the tion of the worker toward the task, and to the in-
"expectancy", or the perceived likelihood that trinsic satisfaction derived from doing the task.
effort will lead to performance, in order to max- This relatively new criticism of VIE theory is still
imize employee motivation. One problem with the topic of considerable debate. If further stud-
this prescription is that it is contradicted by ies confirm the hypothesis, the argument will be
other theoretical perspectives, such as that of made that practitioners may be gaining shortrun
Locke (49) who suggests making tasks difficult increases in extrinsic motivation at the expense
(with the proviso that they be accepted by the of long-run losses in intrinsic motivation. Cer-
worker), and that of McClelland and Atkinson tainly, such a trade-off is undesirable in the con-
(4) who suggest that for some people in pursuit text of other management programs aimed at
of some outcomes, the probability of success fostering intrinsic motivation (such as job en-
should be set at around .5. So the practitioner is richment or participative management).
left with the question of whether the optimal Another problem with VIE theory is that it
level of task difficulty for a particular employee differs with other theories on certain significant
is low, medium, or high. Lawler (44) has acknowl- issues. For instance, VIE theorists and operant
edged the necessity of building in consideration theorists still differ on the model of the person,
of the achievement-related outcome in his ex- as evident in the recent debate between Scott
pectancy model, but we are left, as yet, with no (73) and Deci (17). Whether the person is more
guidelines to assist the practical manager in de- appropriately viewed from the perspective of
ciding whether or not achievement motivation the behaviorist or the phenomenologist is still
is involved in the case of an individual in a job not clear, and the debate seems no closer to
setting. resolution now than when Hitt (30) reviewed the
The third prescription of expectancy theory two arguments years ago. Petrock and Gamboa
is for the manager to tie rewards directly to per- (63) recently summarized the similarities and dif-
formance. Aside from the fact that empirical ferences between the two theories and con-
tests of this principle are equivocal as to whether cluded that they are quite similar in many of their
the instrumentalities should be maximized or applied prescriptions, so resolution may still be
whether rewards should be administered ac- possible. But until some reconciliation is reached
cording to a partial schedule (7, 88, 89) there is over the issues of preferred reward schedules
another potential problem with the contingency and the nature of the working person, the prac-
principle. Research by Deci (13, 14, 15, 16) and titioner is left facing two dilemmas with consid-
others (26, 47, 64, 65) suggests that a possible erable importance for application.
consequence of making the administration of Lawler (44) has likewise summarized major
organizational rewards, especially money, con- differences between VIE theory and equity the-
tingent upon employee performance may be ory in predictions concerning employee per-
the undermining of the employee's intrinsic mo- formance under different pay situations. This
388 Application of Human Motivation Theories in Organizational Settings

discussion is not meant to be an exhaustive cri- may be suitable (8, 27, 28, 87). Participation pro-
tique of expectancy theory, and I do not mean to grams are not succeeding everywhere and we
suggest that the theory is all wrong and of no val- are just now learning the conditions under
ue, nor that VIEtheory be abandoned simply be- which worker participation in decision making
cause it differs with other theoretical perspec- is appropriate (3, 9, 11, 54, 74, 83, 85). (Critics
tives. Although it has been available in several such as Nord (62) and Jenkins (36) have argued
forms for many years, it is still adolescent in its that present approaches to participation and en-
predictive and explanatory ability. It still pos- richment are doomed to fail because they do
sesses several limitations - such as unrealistic as- not go far enough to change the fundamental
sumptions concerning the worker, low predic- legal-socio-economic structure of Western so-
tive validity due to individual differences and ciety.)
measurement problems, and critical contradic- The demise of so many Management by Ob-
tions with other "established" bodies of theory. jectives (MBO) programs in recent years (72) has
Apart from these weaknesses, the theory pre- at last led us to reconsider both the systemic and
scribes probing of employee needs and values - individual/behavioral conditions for goal setting
a practice with ethical considerations made all programs to be effective in practice (35, 41, 43,
the more profound in view of the validity of the 48, 53, 79, 80, 81). MBO programs are often sim-
theory itself. As Locke (50) suggested, in order ply legitimized systems of phony participation,
for VIE theory to make substantial progress, it in which the fiction is maintained that the sub-
will need to evolve considerably from its present ordinate is making a real input into planning
form. In the meantime, its unrestricted applica- work objectives and procedures. Such situations
tion is premature. smack of Machiavellianism and are quickly self-
defeating. Compared to most theoretical ap-
Other Popular Theories and Applications proaches to motivation in organizations, only
goal setting theory based on Locke's (49) original
Empirical support of other common motiva- formulation and operant theory (37, 52, 61) seem
tion theories is generally no better than that for to enjoy any real success (43). But even in the
VIE theory. The Motivator-Hygiene debate now case of operant theory, there have been in-
seems to be over: Herzberg's theory is an over- stances of misapplication and misinterpretation
simplification of reality and seems methodologi- of the theory's terms, concepts, and principles
cally bound. Equity theory seems to be on the (56).
retreat (50) since attempts to extend early labora- In short, the vast majority of familiar theo-
tory findings into the field have enjoyed only ries of motivation, as well as most applied pro-
limited success (25). Need hierarchy theory grams which are based upon them, betray the
seems to have some utility left, although the de- embarrassing state of immaturity of our field.
bate concerning the number of need levels Immaturity is not sufficient justification to indict
which exist for most people, and the order in an academic discipline, but the consequences
which their gratification proceeds is not yet fi- of hurried and ill-founded attempts to apply its
nalized (2, 45, 46, 58). theories may be.
Other managerial and Organizational De- It is a matter of personal values whether
velopment (OD) strategies with roots in motiva- theories with limited validity are ready for ap-
tion theories have found only limited success. plication in organizations. It is my belief that
Debate has unequivocally demonstrated that job careful application is a necessary part of the re-
enrichment is not for everyone, although great search cycle, needed to determine the validity
strides are being made in devising means for of theories. However, and this point is crucial,
identifying individuals for whom enrichment controlled application for the sake of validation
Academy of Management Review - July 1977

should be differentiated from application for the The third group to lose from these failures
sake of permanently changing organizational are the usual "guinea-pigs" - the lower partici-
systems. Most theories require the former, but pants of organizations upon whom most theory-
cannot yet fully justify the latter. based changes impact. Changes in job content,
reporting relationships, status systems, pay sys-
Some Dysfunctions of Premature Application tems, working procedures or other aspects of
the work situation can be threatening for the in-
In what ways are premature applications of dividuals involved.
these theories harmful? There are at least three Most would agree that where it is needed,
groups whose best interests are at stake every change is justified. But problems arise where
time a premature application is attempted and
changes are made inappropriately, either be-
fails. cause they are too hastily implemented for train-
First, the OB field itself stands to lose, in- ing to take place; because they involve "blanket
cluding academics and practitioners who care treatments" which are not fit for everyone; or
about the scientific study of organizations. Every
simply because the systemic preconditions nec-
time a new fad or fashion (20) rolls out of our
essary for success are not in existence. Eager
theorizing (or a revised version of an old one, consumers of these theories seldom consider
(57)) and is sold to industry with unqualified ex- the ethical implications of haphazardly chang-
pectations for success, we collectively invest ing people's jobs where the changes are not fully
some of the "credit" we have earned with our
justified and are likely to fail in the long run.
contacts in the real world. The more we claim In sum, we should not permit premature ap-
our new products to be panaceas, the greater is
plication since it harms our prospects for legiti-
the investment. Because so many programs re- mate applications for the purpose of either the-
quire such specific preconditions for their suc- ory testing or appropriate organizational devel-
cess, the prior probability of their success is opment. The question seems then, what do we
usually low. When failure occurs, we lose our mean by "premature" applications?
credits - not only the consultants or academics
who installed the program, but to a certain ex-
tent, all who are associated with the discipline. What is Premature Application?
Many practitioners are justified for feeling dis-
appointed and disenchanted with behavioral It is useful to differentiate between applica-
science and behavioral scientists. It is no wonder tion for the purpose of theory testing and devel-
that so many of them are skeptical when we ap- opment, and application for the sake of perma-
proach them with the next latest fashion, either nent organizational change. The former type of
to gain entry for the sake of validation and test- application is scientific in nature; the latter is
ing, or for the sake of their adoption of the new commercial. I would agree with Garner (23), that
programs. In short, the premature application of eventually all theories require application for
behavioral science principles can move the dis- the sake of validation. The disappointing field
cipline backward rather than forward, in terms results for equity theory demonstrate the need
of its credibility and professional stature. for such application.
The second group to lose are the client sys- In practice, it is a matter of judgment on the
tems which "buy" our premature applications. part of the researcher to decide when field ap-
The time, cost and energy lost as the result of plication of theories is required for their valida-
abortive applications provide sufficient justifica- tion. The researcher should inform the organi-
tion for their hostility toward behavioral science zation's decision makers what the chances for
and its purveyors. success really are. When practitioners realize
390 Application of Human Motivation Theories in Organizational Settings

that our intentions are scientific, and they are sufficiently well, the question of whether the
offered no miracles, their expectations cannot correct application of our theories may entail
easily be violated. The greatest breach of con- consequences which are undesirable from the
fidence occurs when a fledgling idea is served employees' point of view - such as unilateral
up as something refined and likely to succeed, changes in the psychological contract, threats to
and then fails. Thus it may not be the prior de- intrinsic motivation and satisfaction, or threats to
gree of validity of the theory as much as the lev- norms of equity and justice. When such dysfunc-
el of expectation engendered by the researcher tional consequences can be expected from ap-
which determines whether application for the plication of theories, the code of ethics should
sake of validation is ethical or unethical. specify provisions and safeguards to prevent the
Such humility on the part of researchers violation of individual rights.
may make entree into organizations more diffi- The code need not preclude the possibility
cult than otherwise. Ironically, the difficulties of appropriate commercial application, nor re-
many of us experience at gaining entry are due sult in compromises in managerial prerogatives.
at least in part to the violated expectations of In fact, it might require academics to practice the
now-wary practitioners. Regardless, in ap- sound principles of validating their theories in
proaching practitioners for help in our science the field rather than developing them solely on
making, we have a moral obligation to be no the basis of laboratory evidence. But when they
more promising of success than our product are taken to the field, the code would require
warrants. that theories be accompanied by the degree of
In the case of commercial application, no humility and appreciation for individual differ-
definite standards exist among academics, con- ences which is commensurate with their adoles-
sultants, or eager practitioners concerning the cent levels of development. When the consumer
minimum degree of validity required of theories has no false illusions, and when the rights of in-
before they should be considered ready for or- dividual lower participants are adequately safe-
ganizational consumption (except for consult- guarded, then the application of adolescent
ants belonging to the American Psychological theories would be deemed appropriate. It would
Association or other professional associations be naive to suggest that the mere existence of a
for psychologists, which observe a code of eth- code of ethics would prevent all instances of
ics). In practice, this decision is usually left up to premature application. The considerable room
the parties involved in any application attempt. usually left for interpretation from case to case
Because the absolute levels of predictive and with codes of this kind suggests that a code
explanatory validity of our best motivation the- would provide, at best, only a good first step
ories are extremely low, some form of profes- toward guaranteeing professional and ethical
sional standard is needed to protect practition- conduct. But a first step is required.
ers (and the rest of us) from consultants who This analysis is not meant to suggest a rigid
"sell" theories to organizations for the mutual cloistering of academic ideas in ivory towers.
profit of owners and consultants. Such a position would be foolish and somewhat
One means of gaining this protection might iconoclastic. Rather, the arguments should draw
be a code of ethics for all organizational con- to the attention of researchers, teachers, and
sultants. It may be that in order for the OB field consultants the ethical implications of prema-
to attain the status of a profession, a code of eth- ture application of knowledge. What we are
ics is required specifying when and by whom our lacking in explanatory power we must compen-
theories and techniques may be commercially sate for with increases in humility and truth
installed. Such a code would consider, apart when we pass our ideas along to others who
from the question of when the theories "work" wish to apply them.
Academy of Management Review - July 1977 391

Ethical Considerations Surrounding added inducement or reward, some individuals

Non-Premature Applications may perceive participation more as an added
contribution. To the extent that workers have
Some consequences can arise from success- little real choice in whether or not they partici-
ful, nonpremature application of our theory. pate in decisions, and to the extent that they
These pertain to the lower participants upon perceive this participation as a change in the
whom the policies usually impact, and suggest psychological contract or the inducements/ con-
the need for ethical evaluation. Since what is tributions balance, such programs, for some in-
ethical is a matter of individual values, I will only dividuals, may be unfair.
identify the issues and let the reader conduct The problem of individual differences as
the moral evaluation. they relate to ethical considerations also
First, MBO programs should be considered emerges in considering job redesign. Whether
(67). If they are conducted properly, and if pay speaking of job enlargement or job enrichment
is tied to performance as Mobley (59) suggests, (following Herzberg's distinction), the per-
MBO may lead to the same decrements in in- ceived desirability of changes in one's job also
trinsic motivation and satisfaction that Deci (16), varies from one individual to another (34). Some
Pinder (65) and others have demonstrated in the people like it and want it, while others do not.
context of VIE theory research. If MBO does In practice, we might permit those who do not
have this effect, we might judge the conse- want their jobs redesigned to say so - and then
quences at best unfortunate, and at worst, un- respect their decisions. But this alternative is
ethical (especially in view of growing sentiment seldom observed by managements faced with
for making work more intrinsically enjoyable). engineering data and plans which predict sav-
Another management technique which ings as the result of job redesign. We could al-
may also involve a question of ethics is partici- low disgruntled employees the right to take
pative management. Since the early Harwood other jobs in the organization, but the net result
experiments (10), participation in decision mak- is the same - the individual is no longer at the
ing has been heralded as a means of deriving job he or she was occupying before the enrich-
worker acceptance of change, and good per- ment or enlargement proposal was made. In
formance. The mechanisms of ego-involvement cases where the displaced employee is less satis-
have been posited to explain the success of the fied with a new job than a former job, his or her
technique (84). But as the caveats arising from rights under the psychological contract may
failure to replicate the original results in other have been violated.
cultures (22), and the personality considerations Job redesign or reassignment and displace-
found to moderate the effects of the technique ment of employees may also be examined in eth-
have been reported (83), it is clear that partici- ical terms from another perspective. To the ex-
pative management is not the motivational pan- tent that an employee is appropriately assigned
acea many hoped it would be. Some people like to a job, he or she will be satisfied with it, and
and can benefit from participation while others (following the Theory of Work Adjustment (51)),
dislike it and cannot readily accept it. Presum- proficient at it. To the extent that his or her per-
ably, for some individuals, the chance (or re- sonal profile of work needs is matched by the
quirement) to participate involves a radical occupational rewards provided by the job, the
change in the psychological contract (19, 70) or worker will be satisfied, provided that he or she
worse, a significant change in the inducements/ is performing adequately. Therefore, any unilat-
contributions balance (55). Although manage- eral decision by the organization which re-
ment may genuinely believe that the chance to designs a person's job (and hence changes the
participate will be seen by employees as an nature of the occupational aptitude profile and/
392 Application of Human Motivation Theories in OrganizationalSettings

or occupational reinforcer profile), or which re- protest option is not viable. The alternative of
assigns the worker to another job for which he or seeking other employment is also less viable than
she is less well suited, may result in a reduction suggested by the principles of free enterprise
of the worker's overall level of work adjustment, labor markets, for workers who are old, some-
as defined by Lofquist and Dawis (51). Again, it is what obsolete, or otherwise less than desirable
a question of values whether such unilateral to other organizations. Apart from the ques-
changes are ethical or not, but I believe we tionable feasibility of changing careers later in
should at least reconsider job redesign from this life, there are often other costs involved for the
perspective. individual, such as the loss of vested pension
Group incentive systems provide different, benefits, seniority, status, and security. As a re-
seldom-considered ethical considerations. Un- sult, the only alternative really available to many
der most such systems, the norm of "distributive people for whom the contract with the company
justice" or equity (1) is missing for almost all has been violated ("unilaterally changed") is to
workers. Above-average performers will be re- stay on board, minimizing the damage and the
warded at rates lower than what their individual losses, and possibly taking advantage of opportu-
contributions would otherwise deserve, while nities to even the score.
below-average performers, apart from receiving The very act of going to work for an organi-
more than their fair share of rewards, may be zation in our culture necessarily involves giving
placed in the awkward situation of social pres- up a certain degree of "human freedom and dig-
sure to perform better. When the individual can- nity". Obviously, a certain minimum degree of
not, or does not care to increase the level of per- control is necessary, or organizations as we know
formance, frustration, dissatisfaction, and con- them could not exist. Most employees under-
flict may result. To the extent that these undesir- stand this, and expect that the organization will
able consequences may result from group incen- attempt to determine and enforce the "rules" of
tive systems, one might make the argument that the employment relationship. It is the employ-
such systems are unethical. ee's perception and acceptance of the rules
Many of the foregoing "dysfunctional con- which constitutes his or her side of the agree-
sequences" potentially related to application of ment. But when the company violates the con-
theories involve disruptions in the psychological tract, the individual usually has very little power
contract between worker and organization. Uni- or recourse; thus, when left unchecked, these
lateral changes in the contract foisted upon the violations may be unfair.
lower participant by management may be uneth-
ical. Theoretically, when the rights of the individ-
ual employee under the contract have been vio- Implications for Teaching
lated, three courses of action are open: protest-
ing, to have the violation corrected; seeking al- Many business students will eventually be-
ternative employment; or choosing to "put up" come the major "consumers" of our theoretical
with the violation and remain in the organiza- products. After they work themselves into posi-
tion. tions of relative power in organizations, they will
In fact, the number of feasible alternatives be responsible for decisions concerning what
open to such an individual is not always great. theories to apply, and when and how to apply
The relative power of the individual as compared them. Consequently, issues of premature appli-
to the organization is usually very small, and un- cation and accompanying ethical implications
less there is a formal means of rectifying contract become especially important for the academic
violations (such as a union or a company-spon- who is planning course curricula.
sored grievance system which really works), the The constraints of a school term invariably
Academy of Management Review - July 1977 393

dictate a decision between "bandwidth" and What Can Be Done?

"fidelity". Bandwidth leads to a smorgasbord- Assuming that organizations and their mem-
like course where the student is acquainted with bers are better off for having practitioners
as many different variables and theories as time trained in OB, and that only so many hours can
permits. Naturally, the cost in terms of fidelity be spent during an undergraduate's training in
translates to a superficial and naive understand- the area of OB, what can be done? To stop teach-
ing of each topic. The extreme alternative is to ing OB in business schools and/or reassign the
serve fidelity at the expense of bandwidth, inun- field to psychology departments is one sugges-
dating the student with all the theory and re- tion (60), which this writer rejects. The degree of
search pertinent to one or two theoretical mod- detail in perception, physiology, and learning
els, to the exclusion of alternative perspectives. theory still found in most psychology depart-
On the topic of industrial motivation, as in ments is superfluous for a student interested in
most areas where the teacher must resolve the
organizations. Traditional psychology depart-
issue by compromising between bandwidth and ments (or any unidisciplinary departments) can-
fidelity, students will be only partially equipped not provide the degree of interdisciplinary in-
to apply what they have learned. When they re-
sight required to understand the complexities of
ceive the bandwidth, they are left with the vague
impression that myriad variables are relevant, By leaving OB in business schools, we can
but are not sure how and when. In the case of continue to interact with, and learn from, pro-
high fidelity students, a false sense of security fessionals devoted to other facets of running or-
grounded in a belief that "VIE (or whatever) is ganizations, and we can continue to impress on
the thing" will result (ten years ago it would have students the importance of the human element
been "Herzberg is where it's at") and students in administration. At the same time, we should
will be left without the tools to sensibly consume strive to instill a profound appreciation for the
future developments from academe. If Locke (50) comparative strengths, weaknesses, contradic-
is correct in his prediction that VIE theory will tions and limitations inherent in the theories we
need to evolve beyond the point of possible teach.
recognition in order to survive, fidelity students Students should be as impressed with basic
will become prematurely obsolete soon after guidelines for evaluating theories of motivation
they leave the university. as they are familiar with the content of the the-
To this point the familiar bandwidth-fidelity ories themselves. They should develop the skill
dilemma poses no novelty. But in training prac- to evaluate and consume theories sensibly, both
tice-oriented business students the trade-off to forestall the likelihood of their growing obso-
should not be made at all. The potential damage lete once they leave the academic setting, and to
to organizations, and especially to people in avoid the human and organizational costs which
them, from application of adolescent theories by can accompany a false sense of simplicity. They
graduates with a half-baked knowledge of hu- should be impressed that what we know about
man motivation, and the false sense of simplicity human motivation in organizations is much less
resulting from undergraduate courses in which than what many single, simplistic theories claim,
the bandwidth vs. fidelity compromise was made, although we are gradually learning more about
is frightening. Without either high levels of pro- systemic conditions and individual differences.
fessional skill in OB or a moderate level of train- Finally, they should be helped to develop the
ing supplemented by caution and humility con- eclectic skills of approaching and understanding
cerning individual differences, business school motivation or other organizational problems
graduates are likely to perpetrate the kinds of from any of several perspectives, simultaneously
dysfunctional consequences described above. drawing on the strengths and weaknesses of var-
394 Application of Human Motivation Theories in Organizational Settings

ious theories. Our combined knowledge, based Conclusions

on the theory and research of several different
schools of thought on motivation, is substantial,
The time may be nigh when OB will have to
although the contribution of no one theoretical
"prove itself" as worthwhile and relevant in or-
approach justifies our complete faith. Teaching der to maintain its respect as a viable academic
in this area should demonstrate this and develop
the eclecticism this belief suggests. discipline. We may have to begin demonstrating
Discussions with OB instructors from several more frequently the application of and pay-offs
universities have confirmed my hypothesis that from our theories, including those concerning
student experience in real organizations can human motivation. Although there have already
make the educational experience in business been many attempts to apply our knowledge in
schools more valuable. This seems especially organizational settings, too many attempts have
true in learning OB. First-hand experience can been premature, and even when our theories
sometimes supplement the inputs academics seem to demonstrate enough predictive validity
to justify application, certain unforeseen dys-
provide, making the student appreciate the value
of what we offer, and also providing personal functional consequences may result - conse-
case studies or examples which make theories quences having ethical considerations for every-
more understandable and applicable. Most of one concerned, including the OB field itself.
the success and current popularity of the so- The need has been proposed for an explicit code
called "experiential" approaches to learning OB of ethics pertaining to the application of our
can probably be attributed to this phenomenon. theories in organizations. Further, it has been ar-
Perhaps we should expose students to even gued that in order to achieve and maintain pro-
more experience, either through class assign- fessional status we must begin to conduct our-
ments requiring them to get involved in organi- selves as consultants, researchers, and teachers
zations during their study, or by requiring mini- with the respect for individual differences and
mum degrees of real world experience before for individual and organizational rights befitting
a discipline with promising, yet still adolescent
they begin their formal theoretical training. Case
studies and novels which illustrate OB principles theories to offer.
are used in some schools, to simulate what it is Encouraging signs have appeared recently
like in real organizations. Arguments in favor of in professional management journals, wherein
experience as an ingredient of teaching should other academics concerned with OB application
be separated from arguments in favor of "rele- have reminded practitioners of the problem of
vance". I agree with House's (32) recent argu- individual differences and the necessity of re-
ment that too much emphasis on application maining aware of the limitations of theories (75,
rather than on theory, principles and analytic 76, 82). It is hoped that this article will provoke
skills is a disservice to the student. other academics or practitioners to address
In short, if OB teachers relate to their stu- themselves to the questions of premature appli-
dents appropriately, and if consultants do the cation and ethics, if only to formulate counter-
same with their clients, a little knowledge need arguments. To make peace with such issues or to
not be a dangerous thing in our field. lay them to rest, they must first be articulated.

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