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Copyright © 1997 Publications International, Ltd.
A ll right s reserved . This publication may nat be reprodu ced or quo ted in w hole o r
in part by any means w hatsoever w ithout w ritten per mission from :

Louis We ber, CEO

Publi cations Internationol , Ltd .
7373 N orth Cicero Avenue
Lin colnwood , Illinoi s 60646

Permi ssion is never g ranted for commercial purposes.

A ll recipes and photograp hs that contai n specific brond names ore copyrighted by
those compa nies and /or associat ion s, unless otherwise specified . A ll photogra phs
except that on poge 88 copy right © Publication s Internati onal , Ltd.

Some of the products listed in this publication may be in limited d istribution.

Pictured on the front cover (clockwise fro m top rig ht): Lemon Chicken and
Vegetables (page 54) , Cheese and Bean Quesadillas (page 44), Homemade Pizza
(page 38 ) ond Lemon Pepper Chicken (page 30).
Pictured on the back cover: Stuffed Shells Flore ntine (pag e 48) .

ISBN : 0 -7853-253 1-X

Manufactured in U.S.A

8765 43 2 1

Microwave Cooking: Mi crow ove ovens vary in wattage . Use the cook ing
times as g uidelines and check for do neness before adding more time.


Smart Shopping 6
Money-Saving Soups &Stews 8
Centsible Simple Suppers 28
Penny-Pinching Pasta, Beans &Rice 46
Budget-Wise Skillet Dishes 64
Cost-Cutting Casseroles 80
Acknowledgments 92
Index 93
RT •
Tod ay, people everywhere are co ncerned • If an ingred ient is presented w ith an
w ith budgeting their money. G ro ce ry op tion ("% cup chop ped tomatoes or
shopp ing a nd mea l plonning are very red bell peppe rs," fo r exa mple), the
important par ts of saving money a nd first item listed w as used to ca lculate
sticking to a budget. W ith 99et Recipes the price pe r serving .
and Money-Saving Meals creating
• If a range is offered for servings
fabu lous fruga l meals for your fa mily and
["M a kes 4 to 6 servings," for example),
friends has never been easier. Let us do
the last amount g iven w as used to
the mea l bud geting for you w hile you
ca lculate the price per serving .
become your family's cost-cutting cook.
• Foo ds shown in the pho toq rophs on
Every recipe in this col lection has been
the same serving pla te and o ffered as
individua lly priced to d etermine the cost
"serve w ith" sugge stions at the end o f
per serving. Due to the varying cost of
a recipe are not included in the prici ng
foo d items in different reg ions and during
of the recipe excep t in cases w here
different seasons, ea ch reci pe does not
they are listed in the ing red ient list.
have on exac t price per serving . Each

recipe is mar ked w ith the 9 9 ¢ or Less icon
or the Budg et M ea l ico n before the title. CUPPING
Cou pons do count! A few dollars a w eek
~ Per serving, this recipe does nor
mig ht not seem like a lo t, but the money
. . cost mo re than 99¢ to make.
you save by using coupons really add s up
over the course of a year. File all yo ur
• Per serving, this recipe does not
coupons in a convenient place wh ere you
. . emf mo re than $ 1.5 0 to ma ke.
w ill remember to bring them to the
grocery sto re. Wi thout your co upo ns in
• All food prices are based o n a typical
ha nd , they wil l do you no good.
grocery store, excluding sale prices.
• The price of each reci pe includ es all SALE SAVVY
the ing red ients that a re listed in the
Take advontage of sales! Read the food
recipe, except w afer, salt, pepper and
sec tion of your local new spaper a nd the
ingredi ents labeled as "d ash," "to
w eekly grocery store ad s before you g o
loste." "optional" or "for garnish."
sho pp ing and slock up o n items tha t can
• If a range is offered for on ing red ient be stored . C anned goods, posta a nd
n~ to ~ teaspoon," for examp le), the groins have a long shelf life; poultry, mea t
first amount g iven w as used to and butter freeze w ell. So if you have
calculate the price per serving . roam, buying in bulk can be economica l.

WRITE IT DOWN! purc hose w ill be less expensive. Look for
fom ily pocks w henever possible, os the
Moke 0 g rocery list befo re yo u go ~ price pe r po und is much lower ond it's
shopping; it will ge t yo u out of the store very eosy to repac koge rhe pouilry into
faster, a nd ir w ill olso prevent you fro m cookin g port ions.
spend ing money o n things yo u don 't need . ~ , ..
----------'="'I .~
. : :- ~h
Boneless chicken breosts a re a n exa mp le
W hile pre-cub ed , pre-pounded o r pre- of a good timesa ving investment, but
season ed mea ts (o r poultry) can save yo u snac k-packs a nd lunch-s ize po rtions are
prepara tion time, they cost a lot more then no t. If a co nvenience item siq nilic cnt ly
pla in cuts of mea t. If you can spare a few red uces yo ur time a nd hassles in the
minutes to cut, pound o r season yo ur meat, kitchen, ir's probably w o rth the cos t. But
yo u'll find the savings are sign ificant. a nything that ca n be do ne q uickly a nd

PRICING POULTRY .i' . J?: ""~ ea sily a t ho me, such as ba gg ing small
po rtio ns of chips and slicing cheese, w ill
- - -- - - -- ------l.,.. [ "'-.-
save you a lot o f money.
Dark mea t costs less tha n white,
so if yo ur fa mily likes dark rn eo l, then
you' re in luck. Also , co nsider that the mo re
w ork don e to the po ultry, the more il w ill Fol low the bosic rule o f shoppi ng : If your
cost you. If you have eno ug h rime to fa mily wo n't ea t it, do n't buy it-at a ny
remove the skin from rhe po ultry yo urself, price ! Even if yo u're tempted by rock-
or if you w ill be cooking bone-in pieces botto m prices, these prod ucts w ill be no
insteod of bo neless, then the pou ltry yo u barga in if nobo dy likes them.


packages of sliced or grated cheese blocks of cheese

refrigerated cartons of fruit juice frozen juice concentrate

quart-size cartons of milk gallons or half-gallons of milk

loose fruit and vegetables by the pound bagged produce, such as pototoes and

single-serving packages of snacks and family- or economy-sized packages


packaged vegetables for soups and stews individual vegetables by the pound
small packages of nuts and dried fruits bulk nuts and dried fruits sold by

brand-name grocery products generic a nd store-brand products

SOUPS & Stews
Create the perfect one-pot ~ Potato-Bacon Soup
meal. From soups and Makes 4 servings

stews to chilis and 2 cans (about 14 ounceseach) chicken broth

3 russet potatoes (1 % to 2 pounds), peeled and cut
chowders! you!1! have a into 1/2-inch cubes
1 medium anion, finely chopped

super selection to choose 1 teaspoon dried thyme leaves

4 to 6strips bacon (4 10 6 ounces), chopped

from. On chilly days! 1/2 cup (2 ounces) shredded Cheddar cheese

1. C ombine broth, potatoes, onion and

nothing hits the spot like thyme in Dutch oven; bring 10 a bo il over
hig h heat. Reduce heat to medium-h ig h
abig bowl of hearty soup. ond boil 10 minutes or until potc loes are
With every piping hot 2. W hile pota toes are cooki ng, place

spoonful of chunky bac on in microw ava ble co nta iner. Cover

wi th paper towels and cook on HIGH

vegetables! rich broth and 6 to 7 minutes or until bacon is crisp,

turning a fter 3 minutes. Break up baco n.

savory meats! even a 3 . Immed ia tely transfer bacon to broth

mixture with slotted spoo n; simmer 3 to 5
monster appetite will be minutes. Season to taste w ith sa lt and
pepper . Ladle into bowls and sprinkle
satisfied. Ladle it up! w irh cheese.

Prep and cook time: 27 minutes

Potato·Bacon Soup


Szechuan Vegetable Lo Mein

1. C o mbine broth, garl ic, g inger and red

Szechuan Vegetable pepper fla kes in lorge deep ski/let. Cover
Lo ein ond bring to a bo il over high heat .

Makes 4 servings 2. Add nood les and veg eta bles to skiller;
co ver a nd return to a bo il. Reduce heat to
2 cans (about 14 ounces each) vegetable or chicken medi um-low ; simmer, uncovered, 5 to 6
broth minutes o r until nood les and vegeta bles
2 teaspoons bottled minced garlic ore tender, stirring occas ionally.
1 teaspoon botfled minced fresh ginger or 3. Stir soy sa uce and sesame o il into
1/ 2 teaspoon ground ginger
bro th mixture; cook 3 minutes. Stir in
1/ 4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
g reen on ions; ladle into bo w ls.
1 package (5 ounces) Oriental curly noodles or
5ounces angel hair pasta, broken in half Prep and coo k time: 20 minutes
1 package (16 ounces) frozen vegetable medley
(broccoli, carrots, water chestnuts and red bell Note: For a hea rtier, protein-pocked ma in
peppers) d ish, odd 1 package (10 112 ounces)
3 tablespoons say sauce extra-firm tofu, cut into 3/ 4 -inch pieces, to
1 tablespoon dark sesame ail the bro th mixture with the soy sauce and
1/ 4 cup thinly sliced green anion tops
sesa me oi l.


2 . Add frozen vege tables, zucchi ni,
• Spinach and tomatoes, mushrooms a nd garlic; bring
ushroom Soup to a boi l. Reduce heat to low; simmer,
covered , 10 minutes. Cook, uncovered ,
Makes 4 servings 5 to 10 minutes or until juices have
thickened slig htly.
11/ 2 cups I%milk
3 medium potatoes, peeled and chopped (1 cup) Prep and coo k time: 30 minutes
I box (10 ounces) BIRDS EYE®frozen Chopped
Spinach Serving Suggestion : Italian Sausage a nd
1 can (l 0%ounces) cream of mushroom soup Vegetable Stew is excellent served w ith
garlic brea d .
• In la rge saucepan , heat milk and
po tatoes over med ium-low heat 10
Creamy Asparagus
• Add spinac h and soup .
Potato Soup
• Coo k about 10 minutes or until soup
beg ins to bubble ond po tatoes are tender,
Makes 4 servings
stirring freq uently.
J can (15 ounces) DEL MONTE®FreshCut™
Prep time: 5 minutes Asparagus Spears, drained
Cook time: 20 minutes 1 can (W12 ounces) DEL MONTE®FreshCut™
New Potatoes, drained
V2 teaspoon dried thyme, crushed
_ ItalianSausage and lie teaspoon garlic powder
1 con (14 ounces) chicken broth
Vegetable Stew 1 cup milk or half & half
Makes 6 (I-cup) servings 1. Place asparag us, po tatoes, thyme a nd
ga rlic powder in food processor or
I pound hot or mild Italian sausage, cut into I-inch blende r (in botc hes, if needed ); process
pieces until smooth.
J package (16 ounces) frozen mixed vegetables
(anions and green, red and yellow peppers) 2 . Pour into medium saucepa n; odd
broth. Bring to bo il. Stir in milk; hea t
2 medium zucchini, sliced
1 can (14 V2ounces) diced Italian-style tomatoes, through . (Do not boil. j Seoson w ith salt
undrained and pepper to taste, if desired . Serve hot
J jar (41/2 ounces) sliced mushrooms, drained or cold . Thin w ith ad d itiona l milk or
wa ter, if desired .
4 doves garlic, minced
Prep time: 5 minutes
1. Coo k sausag e in large sa uce pon,
Cook time: 5 minutes
cove red , over med ium to medium-high
heat 5 minutes or until brown ed ; po ur off
d rippings.

M ONE Y- S A VI NG S O U PS & S T EWS • 11

. SmokedSausage 5 . Carefully pour veg etable mixture into
Dutch oven and stir until coated w ith roux.
Gumbo Stir in toma toe s and broth; bring to a bo il
over hig h hear. Cover and simmer over
Makes 4 servings
med ium heat 5 minutes. Serve gu mbo
over rice in ind ividual bowls.
% pound Polish or other smoked sousage
1 cup long-grain converted white rice Prep and cook time: 30 minutes
1 medium onion, diced
1green bell pepper, diced For a speci a l touch, sprinkle chopped
2 ribs celery, chopped pa rsley over eac h serving .
1 large corrct, peeled and chopped
Note: If gumbo thickens upo n standi ng,
2 teaspoonsdried oregano leaves
stir in a dd itiona l broth.
2teaspoonsdried thyme leaves
1/8 teaspoon ground red pepper
Y4 cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons olive oil . DijonHom ond Lentil
1 can (14lf2 ounces) diced tomatoes, undroined
1 can (about 14 ounces) chicken broth
Makes 6servings
1. Bring 2 cups w a ter ta a bo il in med ium
saucepa n over hig h hea t. M eanwhile, cut 1 cup finely chopped onion
sausage in half lengthw ise, then crosswise % cup finelychopped green bell pepper
into II2-inch slices. 1/2 cup finely chopped carrot
2. Stir rice into bo iling w ate r. Reduce heat 1 clove garlic, minced
to low; cover and simmer 18 minutes or 1 bay leaf
until liqu id is absorbed . 2 (13 3kfluid ounce) cons chicken broth or lower
sodium chicken broth
3. W hile rice is cooki ng , place sausage,
1 (WI2-ounce) can stewed tomatoes
o nio n, bell pepper, celery, carrot,
11/4 cupswater
orega no, thyme and grou nd red pep per
1 cup diced ham
in larg e microwava ble co nta iner. C over
3/ 4 cup drylentils
and coo k on HIG H 5 minutes; stir. Cook
Y2 cup GREY POUPON®Country Diion Mustard
3 minutes more or until vegetables are
crisp-tender. In large saucepan , co mbine all ingredie nts
4 . Wh ile veg eta ble mixture is cook ing , excep t mustard. Heat to a boil over
prepa re raux. Sprinkle flour evenly ove r medium-hig h heat. Red uce heat; simmer,
bo ttom of Dutch oven. Caak over hig h uncovered, for 1 hour. Stir in musta rd.
heat, w ithout stirring, 3 to 4 minutes or Serve hot.
until flour beg ins to brown. Red uce hea t
to medi um and stir flour about 4 minutes
or until evenly brown ed . Stir in oil until
smooth [Raux w ill be thick and chocolate
brow n.)

Smoked Sausoge Gumbo


Beer and Cheese • Skillet Sausage and
Soup Bean Stew
Makes 6(I-cup) servings Makes 4servings

2to 3slices pumpernickel or rye bread 1 pound spicy Italiansausage, casing removed and
3 tablespoons cornstarch sliced 1/ 2 inch thick
1/ 4 cup finely chopped onion V2 onion, chopped
1 tablespoon bufter or margarine 2 cups frozen O'Brien-style polotoes with onions and
% teaspoon dried thyme leaves peppers
2 doves garlic, minced 1 can (15 ounces) pinto beans, undrained
1 can (about 14 ounces) chicken broth 1 teaspoon beef bouillon granules or 1 beef bouillon
1 cup beer cube
1 / 2 cups (6 ounces) shredded or diced American 1teaspoon dried oregano leaves
cheese l/a teaspoon ground red pepper
1 cup (4 ounces)shredded sharp Cheddar cheese
V2 teaspoonpaprika 1. Combine sausage slices a nd onion in
1 cup 2%milk large nonstick skillet; cook a nd stir over
medium-hig h heat 5 to 7 minutes or until
1. Preheat oven to 42YF. Slice bread meat is no longer pink. Dro in dripp ings.
into 'h-inch cubes; place on ba king
2 . Stir in po tatoes, bea ns, 3/4 cup w a ter,
sheet. Bake 10 to 12 minutes, stirring
bou illo n, oregano and red pepper;
once, or until crisp ; set aside .
reduce hea t to med ium. Cover and
2 . While bread is in oven, stir 3 simmer 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
ta blespoons w a ter into co rnstorch in small
bow l; set aside . Place onion, butter, thyme Prep and cook time: 30 minutes
and garlic in 3-quart saucepan ; cook a nd
Lighten Up: You ca n reduce the calories
stir aver medium-high heat 3 to 4 minutes
and fat co ntent o f this dish by substituting
or until onion is lender. A dd broth: bring to
turkey sausag e for ltolion sausage. Add
a boil. Stir in beer, cheeses and paprika.
hot pepper sauce to taste if yo u prefer a
Reduce heat to low ; wh isk in milk and
spic ier slew.
cornstarch mixture . Stir until cheese melts
a nd soup bubbles and thickens. Ladle into
bowl s. Top w ith croutons.

Prep and cook time: 20 minutes

Beer and CheeseSoup


iddle Eastern .. • Tuna Corn Chowder
Lentil Soup Makes 2 servings
IAakes 4 servings
2 stripsbacon
I small onion
1 cup dried lentils
2 ribs celery, chopped
2 toblespoons olive oil
1V2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 onion, chopped
2 cups 2%milk
1 red bellpepper, chopped
V2teaspoon dried thyme leaves
1 teaspoon fennel seed
V4 teaspoon salt
V2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon grou nd red pepper
1 cup frozen whole kernel corn
V2 teaspoon salt
1 can (6 ounces) tuna packed inwater, drained
1 toblespoon lemon [uke
Fresh parsley 1. Cook bacon In large sa ucepa n over
1h cup plainyogurt medi um-hig h hea t until brow ned and
crisp, urning once . Drai n on paper
1. Ri nse len ils, d iscarding a ny debris o r
tow els, reserving dri ppings in saucepan.
blemished lentils; d rai n.
2. Add o nion a nd celery a pan
2 . Hea o il in large saucepan o ver
dr ippings; cook and stir over med ium-high
med ium-high ea t until hot. Add o nion
hea t 3 minutes o r until softened .
a nd bell pepper; coo a nd stir 5 minutes
or until tender. Add fennel seed, cumin, 3 . Add flour, stirring until w ell blended ;
a nd grou nd red pepper; cook a nd stir cook 1 minute . Stir In milk, thyme, salt
1 minute . a nd pepper. Cook, stirring freq uently, until
thickened .
3 . Ad d 4 cups wa ter a nd lentils. Bring to
a bo il. Red uce heat to low . Caver a nd 4 . Stir in corn a nd tuna; coo k over
simmer 20 minutes. Stir in sal t. Simmer med ium h ea ~ 5 minutes o r until corn is
5 to 10 minutes mo re o r untll ientils are tend er. stirring freque ntly.
tende r. Refrigera te, covered , overnigh t or
5 . C rumble ba co n. Serve chowd er
up to 2 days. sprinkled with bacon .
4 . To complete rec ipe, rehea t soup over
Prep a nd coo k tim e: 2 5 minutes
med ium heo until hot. Stir in lemon juice .

5 . Wh ile soup is rehea ing, chop eno ug h For a specia l touch, op cho w de r w ith red
parsley to measure 2 tablespoon s; stir into bell pepper s rips o r popped popcorn .
yo g ur . Serve soup to pped wi th yogu rt

Make-a head time : up to 2 da ys before

Final prep time: 10 minutes

Fo r a spec ial touch , top each serving w ith

yellow be ll pepper strips.



_ Albon igas evenly lnlo l -inch-th ick square . Cut into

36 squares wi th sharp knife; shops eac h
Makes 6 servings square into a bo ll.

2 . Place meatballs slight ly aport in sing le

1 pound lean ground beef Ioyer in microwavable cont ainer. Cover
112 small onion, finely chopped a nd cook on HIGH 3 rnlnutes o r until
1 egg meatballs are no longer p ink (or just
1/ 4 cup dry bread cru mbs
ba rely pi nk] in center.
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin 3 . Wh ile meatballs are cooking , bring
1/ 2 teaspoon salt broth and carro t to 0 boi l in covered
3 cans (about 14 ounces each) chicken broth Dutc h oven over hig h heat. Stir in corn
1 medium carrot, thinly sliced and sherry. Transfer mea tbal ls to b roth
1 package (lO ounces) frozen corn or thawed frozen w ith slotted spoon. Red uce hea t to
leaf spinach med ium and simmer 3 to 4 minutes or
1/ 4 cup dry sherry until meatba lls are cooked through . (Stir in
spi nach , if using , and simmer until heated
1. Mix gro und beef, on ion, eg g , b read throug h.)
crumbs, chili powder, cumin a nd salt in
med ium bow l until w ell blend ed . Place Prep e nd cook time : 30 minutes
mixture o n ligh tly o iled cutting boord ; pa t
Fo r a special touch, sprinkle soup w ith
chopped fresh cila ntro.

• 20-Minute White ~ . I l ?if Spicy Vegetable Stew
Bean Chili Makes 4servings
Makes 6 servings
I tablespoon vegetable oil
2 corrols, chopped
1 cup chopped onions
1/2 onion, chopped
1 dove garlic, minced
2 doves garlic, minced
I tablespoon vegetable oil
I teaspoon ground cumin
J pound ground turkey
1 teaspoon paprika
1 cup chicken broth or lower sodium chicken broth
% teaspoon ground cinnamon
I (1 41/2-ounce) can slewed tomatoes
V2 teaspoon salt
1/ 3 cup GREY POUPON®Diion Mustard
1/2teaspoon ground ginger
J tablespoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
I/S to 1/4teaspoonground red pepper
1 con (14 1/2ounces) diced tomatoes
J (J 5-ounce) can cannellini beans, drained and
1 can (about J4ounces) vegetable broth
J cup frozen hash brown potatoes
J (8-ounce) can corn, drained
J cup frozen greenbeans
Tortilla chips, shredded Cheddarcheese and
2 tablespoons lomato paste
cilantro, optional
V4to 1/2teaspoon hot peppersauee
In 3-quart sauce pa n, over medium-hig h 11/ 3 cups uncooked couscous
hea t, saute onions and garliC in oil until
1. Hea t oil in large saucepan over
tender. Add turkey; cook until done,
medium-high hea t until hot. Add ca rro ts,
stirring occasionally to break up mea t.
onion, garlic, cumin, pa prika, cinna mon,
Dra in. Stir in chicken broth, tomatoes,
sa lt, gi nger and peppe r; cook and stir
mustard , chili powder a nd pepper. Heat
about 5 minutes or until vegetables are
to a bai l; reduce heat. Simmer for 10
minutes. Stir in bea ns a nd corn; coo k for
5 minutes. Top w ith tortilla chips, 2. Stir in tomatoes, broth, pota toes, g reen
shredd ed cheese a nd ci lantro, if desired . bea ns, tomato paste a nd hot pepper
. sauce; bring to a bail. Red uce heat to
low a nd simmer, uncovered , 10 minutes.

3 . W hile stew is simmering, prepare

couscous. Bring 1 113 cups w ater fa a bo il
in small saucepa n over high heat. Stir in
co uscous. C over and remove saucepa n
from hea t; let sta nd 5 minutes.

4. Fluff couscous with fork. Serve

vegetable stew over co uscous.

Prep and cook time: 23 minutes

For a special touch, garnish with fresh

Italian parsley.
20-Minute WhiteBean Chili

MO N EY -SAV I NG SOU P S & S T EW S • 1 9

~ Hearty Pasta and 5 . Sprinkle each serving w ith bacon.
Serve immediately.
C ic ·Pea Chowder
Prep and cook time: 30 minutes
Makes 6 servings (abaul 7 cups)
Serving Suggestion: Top w ith grated
6 ounces uncooked rotini pnstn Parmesan cheese and serve w ith crusty
2tablespoons olive oil bread , salad greens tossed w ith ltolio n
% cup chopped onion dressing and fruit co bb ler.
V2cu pchopped celery
1/ 2 cup thinly slicedcarrot
2 cloves go rlk, minced _ BrunswickStew
1!4 cup all-purpose flour
]1/ 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning Makes 4 (I-cup)servings
1/ 8 teaspoon crushed red pepper
lis teaspoon black pepper 12 ounces smoked ham or cooked chicken breast, cut
2 cons(about 14 ounces each) chicken broth into %-tol-inch cubes
1 can (19 ounces) chick-peas, rinsed and drained 1 cup sliced onion
1 can (14 V2ounces) Italian-style stewed tomatoes, 4V2 teaspoons all-purpose flour
undrained 2 cups frozen mixed vegetables for soup[okra, limo
6 slices bacon beans, potatoes, celery, corn, carrots, green
beans and onions)
1. Coa k rotini acco rd ing to pac kage 1 can (]4lJ2 ounces) stewed tomatoes, undrained
d irections. Rinse, d ra in and set oside . 1 cup chicken broth
2. M eanwhile, hee l oil in 4 -quart Dutch 1. Spray large saucepan w ith nonstick
oven over medium-high hear until hot. cooking spray; heat over med ium hear
Add onion, celery, car rot and garlic . until hoI. Add ham and onion; coo k 5
Reduce heat to medium; cook and stir minutes or until hom is browned . Stir in
5 to 6 minutes or until veqe rooles are flour; cook over med ium ro medium-low
crisp-tender. hear 1 minute, stirring constantly.
3. Remove from heal. Stir in flour, Italian 2. Stir in rem ain ing ingred ients; bring lo 0
seasoning , crushed red pepper and black boi l. Reduce heat lo low ; simmer, covered ,
pepper untll w ell blended . G rad ually stir 5 to 8 minutes or until vege tab les are
in broth. Rerurn to hea r and bring to a render. Simmer, uncovered, 5 lo 8 minutes
boi ], stirring frequently. Boil, stirring or until slighlly ~hi c ke n ed . Season to toste
co nstantly, 1 minute. Reduce hea t to w ith salt and pepper.
medi um. Stir in cooked pa sta , chick-pees
a nd tomatoes. Coo k 5 minutes or until Prep and cook time: 30 minutes
h ea ~ed throug h.
Serving Suggestion: Brunsw ick Stew is
4. Meanwh ile, place bacon betwee n excellenr served over rice or squores of
double laye r of paper towe ls on pape r cornbr ead .
pla te. M icrow ave on HIGH 5 to 6
minutes or until bacon is crisp. Dra in and
Hearty Posta andChick-PeaChowder


(rea y Groundnuf Veggie SOUp
Soup Makes4servings
Makes 6 servings
1 bag (16 ounces) BIRDS EYE® frozen Mixed
1 jar (18 ounces) creamy or chunky peanut butter
1 can (10 ounces) French onion soup
1 can (about 14 ounces) chicken broth
1 can (11 ounces) tomato ricesoup
2 cupsmilk
1 soup can of water
2teaspoons bottled minced garlic
1112 teas poonsground cumin • In large saucepan, cook vegerables
114 teaspoon black pepper accordi ng to package di rections; dra in.
114 teaspoon ground red pepper
1 cup uncooked white rice • Add both cans of soup and wa ter;
coak over med ium-high hea r until hea ted
1. Combine peonut butler, chicken bro th, through.
milk, garlic , cumin, black peppe r and red
Prep time: 2 minutes
pepper in medium saucepan. Cook over
Cook time: 10 to 12 minutes
low hea t a bout 10 minutes, stirring
freq uently to blend. At this point. soup
Serving Suggestion : Sprinkle individual
may be chilled up to 2 days .
servings evenly w ith 1 cup shredded
2. To comp lete recipe , bring 2 cups w cl er Cheddar cheese.
to a boil in small saucepan . Add rice;
cover and simmer ab out 18 minutes or
until rice is tender a nd wat er is ab sorbed.

3 . W hile rice is cooking , heat soup in

microwa ve on HIGH abo ut 6 minutes or
until hot, stirring occasionally. Top each
bowl of soup wi th scoop of hot cooked

Ma ke-a head time: up to 2 days before

Final prep and coo k time: 25 minutes

For a specia l touch, top each serving wit h

shred ded cerro! and rhin mango slices.

Veggie Soup


Chili Stew In a large saucepan , hea t W esson Oi l.
Add celery, onions and ga rlic; sau e until
Makes 4 servings tender. S ir in remaining ingredien s
excep t '/3 cup parsley and cheese; bring
1 box (10 ounces) BIRDSEYE®frozenSweet Corn to a boil and reduce hea t. Simmer,
2 cons (l5ounces ecch) chili co vered , for 20 minutes or until po tatoes
1 can(1 4ounces)stewed tomatoes are tender. Pour half of mixture into
Chili powder blender; puree until smooth. Set aside .
Pou r remaining soup into blender; blend
• In Iorge saucepan , cook corn until coarsely chopped . Combine both
accordin g to packa ge dir ections; d rain. mixtures. Ladle soup into bowl s; gar nish
• Stir in chili and toma toes; cook until w ith remaining porsley and cheese .
heated throug h.

• Stir in chili powder to teste.

"Secret Chowder"
Prep time: 2 minutes
Makes 4 servings
Cook time: 7 to 10 minutes

Serving Suggestion: Serve w ith your 1 bog (1 6ounces) BIRDS EYE®frozen Pasta Secrets
favori e corn bread or sprinkle w ith White Cheddar
shredded Cheddar cheese. 1 con(10 %ounces) creamof potato soup
J cup1%milk
1/ 2 cup water

Blender Potato Soup 1/ 2 cup cubed cookedleonham

1/ 2 teaspoondried basil
Makes 8servings
• In medium saucepan , combi ne a ll
V2 cup WESSON®Vegetable Oil ingredients.
3 cups chopped celery • Bring to boil over medi um-hig h heat.
J V2 cups chopped onions Reduce hea t to med ium; cook 15 minutes
1 teospoon fresh minced garlic or until hea ~ed throug h. Add sclt a nd
1 quort chicken broth pepper to taste .
3 cups peeled anddicedrusset potatoes
V2 cup chopped fresh porsley, divided Prep time: 5 minutes
V2 teaspoonsalt Cook time: 15 minutes
fA teaspoon pepper
Cheddar Cheese Chowder: Substitute 1
Shreddedsharp Cheddar cheese
ca n Cheddar cheese soup for the creom
of po ta 0 soup .


Minestrone Soup 2. Whil e pasta is coo king, combin e
broth, tomatoes and bea ns in Dutch oven.
Makes 4 to 6 servings Cover ond bring to a bo il over hig h hea t.
Reduce hea t to low ; simmer 3 to 5
cup small shell pasta
3/ 4 minutes.
2 cans (about 14 ounceseach) vegetable broth
3. Add vegetables to broth mixture and
1 can (28 ounces) crushed tomatoes in tomatopuree
return to a boil over hig h heat. Stir in
1 can {15 ounces}white beans, drained and rinsed
pasta . Lad le soup into bow ls; spoon
1 package (16 ounces) frozenvegetable medley
about 1 teaspoon pesto in center of each
(broccoli, green beans, carrotsand red peppers) serving .
4 to 6teaspoons prepared peste
Prep ond cook time: 20 minutes
1. Bring 4 cups w a ter to a bo il in Iorge
saucepa n over hig h heal. Stir in posta;
coo k 8 to 10 minutes or until tender.
Drai n.


II-in-One Burger 1. Brea k noodles into p ieces. Cook
noodl es ac co rding to pac kag e di rections,
Ste d isco rd ing flavor pocket. Dra in a nd set
aside .
Makes 6servings
2 . C ut ch icken tende rs into lh-inch
1 pound lean ground beef pieces . Combine chicken broth a nd
2 cups frozen Italian vegetables chicken lend ers in larg e saucepan or
1 cnn (]41/2 ounces) chopped tomatoes with basil Dutch oven; bring to a boil over med ium
and garlic heat. Coo k 2 minutes.
1 can (about 14 ounces) beef broth 3 . Add cc rrot, snow peas, g reen o nio n,
2Y2 cups uncooked medium egg noodles gar lic o nd g inge r. Reduce heat to low;
simmer 3 minutes. Add co oked nood les
1. Cook meat in Dutch ov en o r lo rge
a nd cilantro; hea t throug h. Serve soup
skillet ove r medium-high hea t until no
wi th lime w edg es.
lo ng er pink, breaking mea l apor t w ith
wooden spoon . Drain d rip pings. Prep and cook time: 15 minutes
2 . Add vegeta bles, tomatoes a nd bro th;
r bring to a bo il over hig h hear .
For a special touch , ga rnish sou p w ith
I g reen o nio n curls.
3 . Ad d nood les; reduce heat to medi um.
C over a nd cook 12 to 15 minutes or until
nood les have abso rbed liq uid and
vegetables ore tender. Add sa lt and
_ Clam Chowder
pepper to ta ste. Makes 4 servings

Prep and cook time : 25 minutes 1 bag (16 ounces) BIRDS EYE®frozen Small Whole
For a special touch, sprinkle wi th chopped
1 can (14 ounces) vegetable broth
porsley before serving .
2 cans (10 ounces eorh) dam chowder

• In large sa ucepa n, plac e o nions and

_ hoi Noodle Soup broth; bring fa bo il over hig h hea r.
Red uce heat to med ium; cove r o nd
Makes 4 servings
simmer 7 to 10 minutes or until on ions ore
~nde r. ~
1 package (3 ounces) ramen noodles
% pound chicken tenders • Stir in cla m chowder; cook until heoted
2 cans (about 14 ounces each) chicken broth throug h.
Y4 cup shredded carrot
Prep time : 1 minute
1/ 4 cup frozen snow peas
Cook time : 10 to 12 minutes
2 tablespoons thinly sliced green anion tops
1/ 2 teaspoon bottled minced garlic
y4 teaspoon ground ginger
3 tablespoons chopped cilantro
112 lime, cut into 4wedges
AII-in-One BurgerStew

26 • MO N EY-S AV I N G SO U PS & S TE W S
Simp e Suppers
Dinner in asnap! When ~ Santa Fe Black Beans
& ice Salad
time is of the essence! Makes6cups
serve up Garden Omelets 1,12 cup GREY POUPON®Dijon Mustard
bursting with fresh 2tablespoons REGI NA®White Wine Vinegar
2tablespoons olive oil
vegetables and gooey 1 tablespoon chopped cilantro
]1/ 2 teaspoons liquid hot pepper seasoning
cheese! Zesty Lemon 1/ 2 teaspoon chili powder
1/ 4 teaspoon ground cumin

Pepper Chicken or Antipasto 3 cups cooked long grain and wild rice
] (lS-ounce) can block beans, rinsed and drained
Salad Stack piled high with 1 cup chopped tomala
] cup canned corn
rotini pasta! spicy 1,13 cup chopped red onion
1/ 4 cup diced green chiles

pepperoni! crispy lettuce In small bowl, blend mustard, vinegar, o il,

and much more. Its easy ci lantro, hal pepper seasoning, chili
powder and cumin; set aside .
to make all your simple In large bow l, combine rice, beans,
tomato , corn, onion and chiles. Add
suppers simply delicious. mustard mixture, tossing to co a t w ell. C hill
o t least 1 hour before serving . G arnish as
desired .

Sonto Fe BlockBeons g Rice Solad


• Pasta Ni~oise Lemon Pepper
Makes 6 servings Chicken
Makes 4 servings
12 ounces uncooked rolini
1 bottle (8 ounces) llelionvinaigrette 1/3 cup lemonjuice
1 can (6 ounces) luna packed in water, drained
1/ 4 cup olive oil
3 eggs, hard boiled, peeled ond cut into wedges
1/ 4 cup finely chopped onion
1 cup frozen green beans, thawed
3 doves garlic, minced
V4 cup pitted black olives
1 tablespoon crocked black pepper
1. Cook posta according to package 1 tablespoon brown sugor
d irections; dra in. 2 teaspoons graled lemon peel
3/ 4 teaspoon salt
2. Reserve 1/<1 cup vina igrette . Toss po sta 4 chicken quarters (about 2V2pounds)
w ith rema ining vina ig rette; place in
serving bow l or on individual plates. C O MBIN E lemon juice, o il, onion, ga rliC,
pepper, sugar, lemon peel a nd salt in
3 . Arra nge luna, eggs, green beans a nd
sma ll bowl; reserve 2 ta blespoons
olives on top of posta. Drizzle with
marinade. C ombine remaining marinode
reserved vinaig rette. Serve chilled or at
a nd chicken in large resealable plastic
room temperature.
food stora ge bag . Sea l bag ; knead to
Prep a nd cook time: 20 minutes coo t. Refrigera te 4 hours or overnight.

REM O VE chicken from mar inade; disco rd

.: ' I marinade . Arra nge chicken on
~ J Mediterranean microw avable plo te: cover wi th w axed

C rrots with Ch·cken pap er. Microwave a t HIGH 5 minutes.

Turn and rearra nge chicken . Cover and
Makes 4 servings microwave a t HIGH 5 minutes.

TRANSFER chicken to g rill. G rill covered

2 boxes(10 ounceseach) BIRDS EYE®frozen over med ium-ho t coa ls 15 to 20 minutes
Deluxe Baby Whole Carrots or until chicken is no longer pink in center
2 cupscubed, cooked chicken breast and [o ices run clear, turning several times
3 tablespoons brown sugar and basting often w ith reserved _
2 tablespoonslemon juice marinade.
1teaspoon cumin
Serving Suggestion : Serve w ith a mixed
• In la rge saucepa n, combine all green salad and fresh lemon slices.
ingredients. C over; cook over med ium-
low hea t 20 minutes or until hea ted
through and carrots are tender.

Prep time: 5 minules

Cook time: 20 minutes


Veggie Kabobswith rex-MexPolenta

mushrooms and basil; coo k and stir 3 to

Garden Omelet 5 minutes more. Remove vegetables from
Makes 2 servings skillet and keep worm .

2. W hisk together egg s, milk, pepper and

3 teaspoons butter or margarine, divided sa lt in med ium bow l. M elt rema ining 2
1/ 3 cup chopped onion teaspoons butter in some skillet over
1/ 3 cup chopped red bell pepper med ium heat; rota te pan to coot bottom.
1/ 2 cup sliced mushrooms Pour egg mix ure into skillet. Cook over
1/ 2 teaspoondried basilleaves med ium hea , as eggs beg in to set, gen Iy
4 eggs, beoten lift edges of omelet w ith spatulo a nd ril
1 tablespoon milk s illet so hot uncooked portion flow s
1/ 4 teospoon block pepper underneoth.
1/2 cup (2ounces)shreddedSwisscheese 3 . W hen egg s are fully cooked, spoo n
veg eto ble mixture over ha lf of omelet.
1. M elt 1 teaspoo n butter in large Sprinkle w ith cheese. Loosen omelet w ith
nonstick skillet over medium heat. Cook spotulo and fold in holf. Transfer to worm
and stir onion and bell pepper 2 to 3 serving pla te.
minutes or until onion is tender. Ad d
Prep and cook time: 20 minutes


~'~ t ~ Veggie
I Kabobs with skewers in shallow pa n. Pour oil
mar inad e over skewers. Cover; refrige ra te
Tex- ex Polenta at least 2 hours or overnight.

Mokes 4 /0 6 servings 4. To complete recipe, preheat broiler.

Tra nsfer skewers to la rge baking sheet.
POLENTA Broil 8 to 10 minutes o r until veg etables
23/ 4 cups water begin to brown. Serve w ith polenta .
3/4 cup yellowcornmeal
Make-a head time: 2 hours to 1 day
1/ 2 teaspoon salt
before serving
1 can (4 ounces) chopped green chilies, drained
Final pr ep a nd cook time: 22 minutes
1/ 2 cup (2 ounces) shredded Monterey Jock cheese
2 tablespoons shredded Cheddar cheese
2 tablespoonsgrated Parmesan cheese
• Carpacdo di Zucchini
Makes 4 servings
1/2 cup olive oil
1/ 4 cup cider vinegar
% poundzucchini, shredded
1 teaspoonsalt
V2 cup sliced almonds, toasted
3/ 4 teaspoongarlicpowder
1 tablespoonItalian saladdressing
1/ 2 teaspoonblock pepper
4 French bread boguelles, sliced inhalf lengthwise
3 large bell peppers, cut into llh-inch pieces
4 teaspoonssoftspread margarine
1 medium red onion, cut into l-Inch wedges
3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
8 ouncesfreshmushrooms
1. Prehea t broiler. Place zucchini in
1. Combine w a ter, cornmeol and salt in
med ium bo w l. Add a lmonds a nd
large microwavable bow l. Cover tig htly;
d ressing; mix w ell. Set aside .
microwave on HIGH 10 to 12 minutes,
stirring halfway through coo king time. 2 . Place baguette halves on large baking
Stir in chilies a nd Monterey Jock cheese. sheet; spread evenly with marga rine .
Cover; let stand 2 minuies. G rease 9 -inch Sprinkle w ith cheese. Broil 3 inches from
cosserole . Sprea d co rnmeal mixture into heal 2 10 3 minutes or until edg es and
prepared casserole. Cover; refrigera te cheese are brow ned.
2 hours or until firm. 3. Spread zucchini mixlure evenly on
2 . Preheat bro iler. Turn polenta out of each bag ue le ha lf. Serve immed iai ely.
casserole; cut into 6 w edges. G rease
Prep and cook time: 28 minutes
small ba ing sheet. Place po lenta on
baki ng shee . Broil 6 inches from heat For a special ouch, go rnish carpoccio
5 to 6 minutes per side. Sprinkle w i h w i h cherry tornoto halves.
C heddar and Parmesa n cheeses.

3. Soak 8 to 10 wood en skew ers in

wa ter. Combine oil, vinegar, salt, ga rlic
pow der and pepper in medium bow l.
A lterna tely thread bell peppers, on ion
and rnushroorns onto skewers . Arra nge


Hot Crab and Cheese •• Roasted Potato and
on uffins Tuna Salad
Makes 8 servings Makes 4 servings

4 English muffins/ split 2 large baking potatoes, unpeeled

1 lablespoon butter or margorine 3 tablespoonsvegetable oil
3 green onions/ chopped 3 tablespoons orange juice
1/ 3 cup chopped red bell pepper 2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/ 2 pound fresh crabmeat, drained and floked" 2 tablespoons Diion mustard
1 10 21easpoons hot pepper sauce '/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup (4 ounces) shredded Cheddar cheese 1/ 8 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
1 cup (4 ounces) shreddedMonterey Jack cheese 1 can (6 ounces) solid albacore tuna packed in
water/ drained and flaked
* Twa ca ns (6 ounces each) fancy cra bmea t,
d rained, con be substilufed far fresh crabmeat. 2 large tomatoes/ seeded and coarsely chopped
'/4 cup thin ly sliced green onions
1. Preheat broiler. Place muffin halves on 4 romaine lettuce leaves/ washed
lig htly greased bak ing sheet. Broil 4
inches from hea t 2 minutes or until muffins 1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Spray ielly-roll
are lig htly toa sted . Place on large pan w ith nonstick cooking spray.
microwavable plate. 2. Scrub po ta toes; pot dry. Cut po tatoes
2 . M elt butter in medium skillet over into lh -inch cubes. Plac e on prep ared
medium heat. Add green onions and bell pa n; coot po tatoes w ith coo king spray.
peppe r; cook and stir 3 to 4 minutes or Arrange in single lay er. Bake 20 to 25
until tender. Remove fro m hea t; stir in minutes or until po tato es are tender a nd
crabmea t, hot peppe r sauce and cheeses. lig htly brow ned , stirring occ asionally.
Spoon ab out 1/3 cup crab mixture onto 3 . Wh ile the po tatoes a re ba king ,
muffin ha lves. co mbine oil, ora nge juice, lemon juice,
3 . M icrowave a t HIG H 2 to 3 minutes , mustard, salt a nd pepper in small bow l.
rotating plotter once, or until crab mixture Wh isk until w ell blended .
is heated through . 4 . Place potatoes in large bow l; cool
sligh tly. Add tuna, tomatoes, green onions
Prep and cook time: 12 minutes
and o il mixture; toss gently to coot . Cover
and chill a t least 1 hour or up to 24
hou rs.

5 . To complete recipe, let salad stand at

room tempera ture 10 minutes . Toss gen tly
a nd serve on lettuce leaves.

Make-ahead time: 1 hour or up 10 24

hours before serving
Final prep time: 10 minutes

Roosted Potato ond Tuna Salad

1. Com bine eggs , yog urt, Worceste rshire
• Easy Greek Salad sauce, curry, sa lt and red pepper in large
Makes 6servings bow l; beat until blended . Stir in couscous,
w alnuts , carrot, g reen onions and bread
6 leaves romaine lettuce, washed and lorn into crumbs. Shope into 4 (l -inch-thick) pa rties.
. ]1/ 2-inchpieces
2. C oat g rill rack With nonstick cooking
] cucumber, peeled and sliced spray; place rack on grill over medium-hot
1 tomolo, chopped coa ls (350° to 400°F l. G rill burgers
1/2 cup sliced red onion
5 to 6 minutes on eac h side or until do ne.
] ounce feta cheese, crumbled (about V3cup) Serve on buns w ith musta rd and cucum ber.
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons lemon juice Prep and cook time: 25 minutes
1 teaspoon dried oregano leoves
V2 teaspoon salt Serving Suggestion: Serve w ith carrot
sticks and alfalfa sprouts .
1, Combine lettuce, cucumber, tomato,
onion and cheese in la rge serving bowl.
2. W hisk together oil, lemon juice, • ot Dogs with Dijon
oregano and sell in small bow l. Pour over
lettuce mixture; toss until coa ted . Serve
immediately. Makes 6servings

Prep time: 10 minutes 1 {14-ouncel can sauerkraut

V4 cup GREY POUPON® Dijon Mustard
% cup prepored barbecue sauce
• Curried Walnut Grain 1/ 3 cup chopped anion
1 tablespoon sweet pickle relish
Burgers 1 teaspoon caraway seed
Makes 4 servings 6 hot dogs, grilled
6 oblong sandwich buns or hot dog rolls, toasted
1/ 2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese (6 ounces)
2 eggs
V3 cup plain yogurt
In medium saucepan, over medium heat,
2 teaspoons Warcestershire sauce
heat sauerkraut, mustard , ba rbecue sauce,
2 teaspoons curry powder
onion, pickle relish and cara wa y seed to
1/ 2 teaspoon salt
a bo il; reduce hear. Cover; simmer for 2
1/ 4 teaspoon ground red pepper
minutes. Keep warm.
]1/3 cups cooked couscous or brawn rice
V2 cup finely chopped walnuts Place hot dogs in buns; top each w ith 1/4
V2 cu pgrated co rrat cup cheese . Broil for 1 minute or until
112 cup minced green onions cheese melts. Top w i~ h sauerkraut mixture
1/ 3 cup fine, dry plain bread crumbs and serve immediately.
4 sesame seed hamb urger buns
Honey mustard
Thinly sliced cucumber or apple
Curried Walnut GrainBurger

3 6 • C E N TS I B L E S I M PLE S U P P ERS
two fingertips abou t 112 inch into doug h.
• Homemade Pizzo Dough is ready if ind enta tions remain
Makes 4 10 6servings a fter fingers are removed.

For sauce, finely chop toma toes in can

V2tablespoonactive dry yeast w ith knife, reserving juice. Heat rema ining
1teaspoonsugar, divided 1 ta blespoon oil in med ium saucepan
1/ 2 cup warmwater (l 05° 10 115°F)
over med ium hea t. Add onion; cook 5
1% cups all-purpose flour, divided minutes or until soft. Add garlic; cook 30
314 teospoon salt, divided seconds more. Add tomato es and jUice,
2tablespoons olive oil, divided to rnc lo paste, orega no, basil, remaining
1 can (14 V2ounces)whole peeled tomatoes, 1h teaspoon sugar, 1/2 teaspoon sa lt and
undrained block pepper. Bring to a boil ; red uce heat
1 medium onion, chopped to medium-law . Simmer, uncovered, 10 to
1 clove garlic, minced 15 minutes or until sauce thicke ns, stirring
2tablespoons tomato paste occasionally. Pour into bowl ; cool .
1 teaspoon dried oregano leaves, crushed
V2 teaspoon dried basil leaves, crushed Punch doug h dow n. Knead briefly an
Vateaspoon ground black pepper lig htly flaured surface to di stribute a ir
1% cups shreddedmozzarella cheese bubbles; let dough rest 5 minutes more.
V2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese Flo tten dough into c ircle on lightly floured
V2 small red bell pepper, cored and seeded surfac e. Roll out dough, slor linq at center
V2 small green bell pepper, cored and seeded and rolling to edges , into 1Q-inch circle.
4 fresh medium mushrooms Place Circle in greased 12-inch pizza
1 can (2 ounces) flat anchovyfillets, drained pa n; stretch and pat dough out to edges
(optional! of pan . Cr imp edg es to form rim. Cover
V3 cup pitted ripe olives, halved and let sta nd 15 minutes.

Preheat oven to 4 5 0 °F. Mix mozzarella

Sprinkle yeast and 112 teaspoon sugar
and Parmesan cheeses in small bowl. C ut
over 1/2 cup w ar m w ater in small bow l;
bell pepp ers into 3/4 -inch pieces. Trim
stir until yeast is dissolved . ie t stand 5
mushroom stems; w ipe clea n w ith da mp
minutes or until mixture is bubbly.
kitchen tow el and thinly slice. Spread
Place 1 1/2 cups flaur and 1/4 lec spoon sa uce evenly over pizzo doug h. Sprinkle
solt in med ium bowl; stir in yeast mixture with 213 of cheeses. Arrang e bell peppers ,
a nd 1 tablespaon oil, srirring until smoo th, mush rooms, a nchovies, if d esired,-and
soft doug h forms. Place doug h on lightly olives over cheese . Sprinkle rema ining
floured surface; flatten slig htly. Knead cheeses on tap. Bake 20 minutes or until
do ug h using as muc h o f remaining flour crust is go lden brow n. To serve, cut into
as needed to form a stiff, elastic dough. w edges.

Shape dough into a boll; p lace in

g reased bowl . Turn to g rease entire
surface. Cover w ith clean kitchen tow el
and let doug h rise in w arm plac e 30 to
4 5 minutes or until doubled in bulk. Press



~. 'I; Jicama and Black 1. Cook pasta according to package
d irections; dra in. Cool slightly.
Bean Salad 2. W hile posta is cooking, arra nge
Makes 4 servings tomatoes and hal f of pepp eroni a round
bottom edge of 3-quart glass serving bowl.
1112 pounds jicomo, peeled ond cut into short, thin 3. Layer cooke d pasta , remaining
strips (about 4cups) pepperoni, bea ns, ol ives and cheese in
1 con (15 ounces) block beans, drained and rinsed bowl ; drizzle w ith salad d ressing.
1 medium red bell pepper, finely chopped
1/ 2 cup chopped red onion
4. Top w ith lettuce; cover and chill at least
1/ 4 cup pocked fresh cilantro leaves, chopped
1 hour or up to 24 hours.
1/ 2 cup garlic-vinaigrette salad dressing 5. To co mplete recipe, toss salad gently
1to blespoon lime juice just before serving .
8 romaine lettuce leaves, washedand dried
2/ 3 cup (2 1/ 2 ounces) shredded Cheddar cheese Make-ahead time: ot least 1 hour or up
to 24 hours
1. C ombine jica ma , bea ns, bell pep per,
onion and ci la ntro in larg e bowl. Final prep time: 5 minutes

2. Blend dressing a nd lime [uice in sma ll

bow l; pour over jica ma mixture. Toss w ell.
Add salt arid black pep per to taste. ~ Egg Salad Sandwiches
3 . Arrang e 2 lettuce leaves on eoc h Makes 6 servings
plate. Spoon salad over lettuce; top w ith
cheese. 1 cup EGG BEATERS®Healthy Real Egg Subslilule,
hard-cooked and chopped"
Prep and cook time: 17 minutes V4 cup chopped celery
1/ 4 cup chopped onion
2 tablespoonsfal-free mayonnaise
Antipasto Salad J2 sliceswhole wheat bread, divided
6 lettuce leaves
Stack 1 lorge tomato, cut into 6thin slices
Makes 6 main-dish servings
* Hard -cooked: Pour 112 cup Egg Beaters
into a nonstick skillet. C over; co ok for 10
8 ounces uncooked rotini
minutes on very low heat. C oo l, then chop
2 medium tomatoes, halved lengthwise and thinly
into cubes.
3 ounces sliced pepperoni, divided In sma ll bow l, combine hard-cooked Egg
Jean (15 ounces) red kidneybeans or block beans, Beaters, celery, onion and mayo nnaise.
rinsed and drained On each of 6 bread slices, place lettuce
1/ 2 cup pimiento-stuffed green olives leaf a nd tomato slice; top eac h wi th
% cup grated Parmesan cheese a baul 1/4 cup egg salad and remaining
1 bonle (8 ounces) Italian salad dressing bread slice.
6 to 8large romaine lettuce leaves, washed and
l hinlysliced Final prep time: 20 minutes

4 0 • C EN TS I B L E S IM P L E S U P P E RS
Warm CouscousSalad

a mCouscous 1. Bring chicken broth to a bo il over hig h

hea t. Place co uscous in serv ing bowl;
Salad pour broth over co uscous and stir. C over
and let stcnd 10 minutes.
Makes 6 servings
2. W hile co uscous is cooking , heo t 2
1/ 2
2 cups chicken broth toblespcons o il in large nonstick skillet
2cups unrco ked couscous over med ium heat. Add on ion, bell
1/ 4 cup olive oil, divided pepper, garliC , solt. cumin, c innamon and
1 onion, chopped black pepper; coo k o nd stir 2 minutes.
1 green bell pepper, chopped Add tomatoes; coo k 5 minutes.
1 teaspoon bottled minced garlic 3. Add to mato mixture and rema ining 2
1/ 4 teaspoon salt
lc blespoo ns o il to co uscous; stir ge ntly to
1/ 4 teaspoon ground cumin
comb ine .
1/ 4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/ 4 teaspoonblack pepper 4 . Add wa lnuts to some skillet. C ook and
1 run (W/2ounceslltalian-style diced tomatoes, stir ove r medi um-h ig h hea t 2 minutes or
drained until toasted . Sprinkle ove r salad before
114 cup chopped walnuts serving .

Prep a nd coo k time: 25 minutes

Mediterranean Potato nd Egg Pie
Microwave eat Makes 6 servings
Loaf 1 (20-ounce) package frozen O'Brien hash brown
Makes 4 servings potatoes, thawed
1/3 cup WESSON®Vegetable Oil
] pound lean ground beef 1V2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley, divided
V4 pound Italian sausage 3,4 cup shredded pepper-jack cheese
1/ 2 cup dry bread crumbs % cu psh redded Swiss cheese
1/ 4 cup grated Parmesan cheese J (12-ounce) package bulk breakfast sausage,
1 large egg coaked, crumbled and drained
1/ 3 cup plus 2tablespoons prepared pasta sauce, 1 (4-aunce) can sliced mushrooms, drained
divided V2 cup milk
2 tablespoons lemon juice, divided 4 eggs, beaten
V2 teaspoon ground allspice 1 teaspoon garlic salt
V4 teaspoon black pepper 1/ 4 teaspoon pepper
4 to 6thin tomato slices
1. In large bow l, co mbine ground beef,
sausage (if in links, remove ca singl. Preheat oven to 42Y F. In a medi um
bread crumbs, cheese, egg , 113 cup bowl , co mbine po totoes and Wesso n
pasta sauce, 1 tablespoon lemon [uice, Oi l; blend to coot. Press mixture into a
allspice and pepper. M ix until blended . 1O-inch pie dish. Bake for 30 minutes or
Pot into ball . Place in 9-inch glass pie until golden brown ; remove from oven.
plate o r shallow microwa vable casserole Reduce oven temperature to 350°F.
9 to 10 inches in diame ter. Press into Mea nw hile, in a large bowl , comb ine
7-inch circle . 1 tablespoon pa rsley and remaining
ingredients except tomato slices; blend
2. M icrowa ve, uncovered, on HIGH 8
w ell. Pou r into po tato crust. Bake for 25
minutes. Pour off dr ipp ings. Mea nwh ile,
minutes or until eggs are set. Place toma to
combine remaining 2 ta blespoons posto
slices over pie and top wi th remaining
sauce a nd 1 toblespoon lemon juice;
parsley. Bake 5 to 7 minutes longe r.
spread over top of meat loaf. Microwa ve
3 10 5 minutes mo re or until meat loaf
registers 15 0 °F in center. Let stand 5
minutes befo re serving.

Prep and cook time: 20 minutes

Serving Suggestion: Serve w ith frozen

stuffed pota toes hea ted according to
package d irections and tossed green
salad .

~Aediter{anean Microwave Meat Loaf


. ~ . Garden Tuna Salad stir over medium hea t until bubb ly. Red uce
hea t to low. Simmer 5 minutes, add ing
Makes 4 servings more salsa if mixture beco mes dry.

2. Spray g ridd le w ith nonstick coo king

1 can (6 ounces) luna pocked inwater, drained spray. Hea t over medium heat until ho t.
1 mediu mccrrot, chopped Brush 1 tortilla ligh tly o n both sides wi th
1 rib celery, chopped water. Hea t on g riddle until lightly
112 cup (2 ounces) reducedlot Monterey Jock cheese brow ned . Turn tortilla . Spread w ith half
cubes (% inch) the bea n mixture; sprinkle w ith 1/2 cup
lJ4 cup frozen green peas, thawed and drained cheese and 2 tablespoons ci lantro. Top
114 teaspoon dried parsley flakes
w ith a second tortilla and press ligh tly.
1/ 3 cup reduced-fall!alian saladdressing
Brush top of torti lla w ith wa ter. Car efu lly
2 rounds pita bread, cuI into halves turn quesodi lla to brown and crisp second
Lettuce side. Remove from hea t; repea t wit h
Tomato slices remaining tortillas. Cut each quesadi lla
into 6 w edges. Serve w ith sour cream.
1. Place luna in larg e bow l; break into
Ga rnish w ith fresh cilantro, if desired .
Ready to serve in 20 minutes.
2. Add carrot , celery, cheese, peas an d
parsley; toss to blend . Pour dressing over
mixture; toss lig htly to coat.

3 . Place one piece lettuce and one

• Caesar Salad
tomato slice in eac h pita half. Fill w ith Makes 8servings
tuna salad .
12 cups torn romaine lettuce leaves
Prep time: 15 minutes
1/2 cup EGG BEATERS®Healthy Real Egg Substitute
1/ 4 cup olive oil"
1/ 4 cup lemon juice
• Cheese and Bean 1 teaspoon Grey Poupon® Dijon mustard
Quesadillas 2 doves garlic, minced
1/ 4 teaspoon ground black pepper
Makes 3 servings Grated Parmesan cheese, optional
*Vegetoble oil con be subslituted.
1 can (15 ounces) pinto beans, rinsed and drained
112 cup salsa Place lettuce in large bow l; set aside.
1teospoon chiii powder
In small bow l, whisk loqether Egg Beaters,
4 (l O-inch) flour tortillas
o il, lemon juice, mustard, ga rlic and
1 cup (4 ounces) shredded law-sodium, reduced-fat
pepper until w ell blended . To serve, pour
Monterey Jack cheese
dressing over lettuce, tossing until w ell
1/ 4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
coa ted. Serve w ith Parmesan cheese,
1/ 4 cup reduced-fal sour cream
if desired.
1. Place beans in medium saucepa n.
Prep time: 15 minutes
Mash beans wit h potato masher or fork.
Stir in salsa and chili powder. Cook a nd Cheese and BeanQuesadiflas

Pasta Bea ns I

& Rice
Explore the versatile world ~ Sweet and Sour Beef
of pasta, beans and rice. Makes 4 servings

Discover mouthwatering 1 pound leon ground beef

1small onion, thinly sliced
recipes bursting with a 2 feaspoons minced fresh ginger
1 package (16 ounces) frozen mixed vegetables

variety of flavor sensations (snap peas, carrots, water chestnuts, pineapple

and red pepper)
that are sure to awaken 6 to 8tablespoons bottled sweet and sour sauce or
sauce from frozen mixed vegetables
your taste buds. From Cooked rice

1. Place meat, onion and gi nge r in large

classic Fettuccine with skillet; cook over high heat 6 to 8 minutes
or until no longe r p ink, break ing mea t
Pesto to Beef 8 Bean opo r! w ith w ood en spoo n. Pour off
Burritos exploding with 2 . Stir in frozen vegetables and sauce.

robust flavor and topped Cook, covered , 6 to 8 minutes, stirring

every 2 minutes o r unril vegela bles are

with zesty salsa and rich heated through . Serve over rice.

sour cream, the perfect Prep and cook time: 15 minutes

Serving Suggestion: Serve w ith sliced

mealtime choice is iust Asian apple-pears.

around the corner.

Sweet andSour Beef

tender. Remove from hea r; set aside. In
Tuscany Cavatelli small bowl, cambine ncono cheese, milk
Makes 5 (2-wp) servings a nd Parmeson cheese. Add cheese
mixtu re to mushrooms and peas. Toss w ith
16 ounces uncooked cavatelli pasta, penne or ziti pasta and serve.
11/ 2 cups diced tomatoes, seeded Favorile reci pe from No tional Pasta Assoc ia tion
213 cup sliced pimiento-stuffed green olives
1/ 4 cup capers, drained
2tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons grated Parmeson cheese
_ Stuffed Shells
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar Florentine
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
2 cloves garlic, minced Makes 8 servings

1. Cook pasta according to package 1 cup (about 4ounces) coarsely chopped mushrooms
d irections, omitting sa lt. Drain; set aside. 1/ 2 cup chopped onion
1 clove garlic, minced
2. Com bi ne tomatoes, olives, ca pers, o il,
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
cheese, vinegar, pepper and garlic in a
1/ 4 teaspoon ground black pepper
medium bow l. Stir in pasta until
1 tablespoon FlEISCHMANN'S ®70%Corn Oil Spread
thoroughly cooled . Serve warm or at
1 (16-ounce) container fat-free cottage cheese
room temperature. Ga rnish w ith fresh
1 (1 O-aunce) package frozen chapped spinach,
rosemary and basil leaves, if desired.
thawed and well drained
Prep time: 10 minutes 1/ 2 cup EGG BEATERS®Healthy Real Egg Subsfitute

Cook time: 10 minutes 24 jumbo pasta shells, cooked in unsalted water and
1 (lS V4-0unce) jar reduced-sodium spaghetti sauce,
Straw and ay divided

Fettuccine In large skillet, over med ium-h igh heat,

saute mushrooms, onion, ga rlic, Ital ian
Makes 8 servings seasoning a nd pepper in spread until
tender. Remove from heat; stir in co ttage
6 ounces plain fettuccine, uncooked cheese, spinach and Egg Beaters. Spoon
6 ounces spinach fettuccine, uncooked mixture into shells.
8 ounces fresh mushrooms, sliced
Spread 112 cup spaghetti sauce in bottom
2teaspoons margarine
of 13 x9x 2-inch ba king di sh; arrange
2 cups fresh or frozen peas
shells over sauce . Top w ith rema ining
4 tablespoons low-fat ricotta ch eese
sauce; cover. Ba ke a t 3 50° F for 3 5
4 tablespoons skim milk
minutes or until ho t.
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
Prep time: 30 minutes
Prepare pasta accord ing to pa ckage
Cook time: 4 0 minutes
directions; d ra in. Saute mushrooms in
margari ne in large skillet over low hea t 5
minutes. Add peas. Cover; cook until
Stuffed ShellsFlorentine


_ Tri-Color Pasta 2. Ploce bee f in large skillet; cook over
high heat 6 10 8 minules or until no longe r
Makes 4 servings pink, breaking beef apor t with wooden
spoon . Pour of f d rippings . Add onion ,
1 package (16 ounces) tri-color pnsto" ga rlic, cumin and thyme; cook and slir 30
2 cups BIRDS EYE®frozen Green Peas seconds or until onion and gar lic are
2 plum tomatoes, chopped or 1red bell pepper, tender. Add beef broth and ol ives; bring
chopped to a boil. Boil , uncovered, 5 minutes .
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese Add pepper; cover and simmer 5 minutes
1/ 3 cup, or to taste, prepared pesto sauce more or unlil broth is reduced by half.
Fluff couscous wi th fork. Spoon co uscous
"Or, subsfilule ] bog (16 ounces) froz en torleillnl .
onto plates or into serving bowls . Spoon
• In large saucepan , cook posta beef mixture and b roth over couscous.
according to package d irections. Add
Prep and coo k time: 20 minutes
peas during lost 5 minutes; drai n in
colande r. Rinse under cold wc ler 10 cool . Serving Suggestion : Serve w ith carrot
• In larg e bowl, combine peste , peas , sticks .
toma toes and cheese. Stir in pesta.

Prep time : 5 minutes

Cook time: 10 minutes
. 1 rragon Tuna Pasta
Makes 4 servings
• Spanish-Style
Couscous V2cup mayonnaise
112 teaspoon dried tarragon orthyme, crushed
Makes 4 servings 3 cups chilled cooked mostaccioli or elbow macaroni
2stalkscelery, sliced
1 cup couscous 1 can (6 1/ 8 ounces) solidwhite tuna in water,
1 pound lean ground beef drained and broken intobite-sized pieces
1/2medium onion, chopped 1 can (14 112 ounces) DEL MONTE®Peasand (nrrnts,
2 dovesga rlir, minced drained
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2teospoon dried thyme leaves 1. In large bowl , combine moyonnc lse
1 can (about 14 ounces) bee f broth and ta rrag on. Add peste, celery and
1/2cup pimiento-stuffed green olives, sliced tuna . Gent ly stir in peas and carrots.
1 small green bell pepper, seeded and cut into 2. Cover serving plates with lettuce, if
V2-inchpieces desired . Top w ith salad . Garn ish, if
desired .
1. Bring 1 113 cups wa ter to a boi l over
high heat in 1-qua rt saucepan . Stir in Prep Time: 8 minuies
co uscous. Cover; remove from heat.
Healt hy Hint : Use lig ht moyo nnaise
instead of regular moyonna ise.

PeanutSauce overVegetables and Pasta

• Peanut Sauce over 1. Cook frozen vege tables according to

package di rections; drain well. Set aside .
Vegetables and Pasta 2 . Combine milk and peanut butter in
Makes 6 servings medium saucepan over med ium heat,
blending we!1 w ith fork. Add soy sauce,
1 pockage (16 ounces) frozen Oriental vegetable lime juice, ginge r, curry powder and red
mixture (broccoli, red pepper and mushrooms) pepper flakes; stir lo blend. Remove from
% cup skim milk heat and coal . •
113 cup reduced-fat peanut butter 3 . Add peanut sauce to vegetables.
114 cup reduced-sodium soy sauce
Spoon mixture aver cooked pasta and top
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice w ith g reen onions.
1/ 2 teaspoon minced peeled fresh ginger
Y4 teaspoon curry powder Prep and cook time: 20 m i n u ~es
1/ 4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
6 cups cooked small posta shells Serving Suggestion: Serve w ith a fresh
3 green anions, thinly sliced green salad or a cucumber and tomato


Puerto Rican Sofrito Make-ahead time: up to 2 da ys before
Beans with Rice Final prep and cook time: 25 minutes

Makes 4 fa 5servings Fo r a special touch, stir a hand ful of

chopped cilantro and finely choppe d red
1 green bell pepper, cut into quarters bell pepper into the rice [ust before
1small onion, cut in half serving.
'/2 cup chopped cilantro
3 tablespoons oliveoil, divided Serving Suggestion: Press coo ked rice
1 tablespoon battled minced garlic into coffee or custard cups sprayed w ith
11/ 2 teaspoonssalt, divided nonstick coo king spray. Unmold onto
1 teaspoon ground cumin individual plotes or bowls; serve bean
lf4 teaspoon grou nd red pepper mixture around rice .
2 medium tomatoes, chopped
1 con (8 ounces) tomato sauce
1 con (15 ounces] blackbeans, rinsed anddrained • Fettuccine with Pesto
1 can (15 ounces) red beans, rinsed and drained
1V2 cups long-groin rice Makes 4 10 6 servings

1. Place bell pepper, onion and cila ntro 12 ounces uncooked fettuccine
in food processor; process until finely 3 cups (1 ounce) looselypacked fresh basil leaves
chop ped . 2f3 cup grated Romano or Parmesan cheese
112 cup choppedCalifornia walnuts
2 . Heat 2 tablespoons oil in large skillet.
1/ 2 cup olive oil
Ad d bell pepp er mixture, garlic, 112
2 cloves garlic, peeled
teaspoo n salt, cumin a nd ground red
114 teaspoonsalt
pepp er; coo k 5 minutes. Stir in lo rnolo es
V4 teaspoon black pepper
and tomato sauce; cook 5 minutes. Stir in
beans; coo k 5 minutes. A t this pai nt, Cook posto according to packa ge
bea n mixture may be chilled up to 2 di rections: d rain. M eanwhi le, ploc e basil,
da ys. cheese, w a lnuts , oil, ga rlic, salt and
3. To complete recipe, combi ne rice, 2 3/<1 peppe r in food processor or blende r;
cups wa ter, remaining 1 tabl espoon oil process until well blended . [Sauce wi ll
and 1 tea spoo n sol! in med ium thin out over hot pasta .) Place hot pa sta in
saucepa n. Bring to a boil over high hea t. large bow l; odd sauce. Toss until well
Red uce heat to low ; cover and simmer cooted. Serve immedia tely.
20 minutes or until w a ter is c bsorbed . rovonle recipe from Wa lnut Ma rketing Boord
4 . W hile rice is cook ing, heat bean
mixture in large saucepa n over low heat,
stirring oc casionally, until healed through
(or microwa ve on HIGH 8 to 10 minutes,
stirring after 5 minutes).

Puerto Rican 5afrito Beanswith Rice


• emon ( icken and Pasta with Spinach
Vegetables and Ricotta
Makes 8 (I-cup) servings Makes 4 servings

8 ounces uncooked spaghetti 8 ounces uncooked tri-colored rolini

1 pound boneless skinless chicken breasts 1 box (10 ounces) frozen chopped spinach, thawed
1 large green bell pepper, cut in half ond drained
1 lorge red bell pepper/ cut in half 2teospoans bottled minced garlic
1 medium yellow squash, cut in half lengthwise 1 cup fat-free or part-skim rkotto cheese
1/ 2 cup finely chopped fresh parsley 3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese/ divided
1/ 3 cup dry white wine
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1. C oo k pas ta accord ing to package
2 fablespoons olive oil directions; d ra in.
3 doves garlic, minced 2 . W hile peste is cook ing, coo t large
2 teaspoons finely grated lemon peel skiller w ith nonstick cook ing spray ; heat
1/ 4 teaspoon salt over medium-low hear. Add spinac h a nd
1/4 teaspoon black pepper garlic ; coo k a nd stir 5 minutes. Stir in
rico tta cheese, half of Par mesa n cheese
1. Cook pos to accord ing to package
a nd 112 cup w a ter; season w ith sa lt a nd
d irectio ns, o mitting salt. Drain; set aside .
pepper to taste.
2 . To prevent sticking, spray gr id w ith
3 . Add poslo to skillet; stir until w ell
nonstick cooking spray. Prepare coo ls for
blended . Sprinkle w ith remai ning
grill ing . Place ch icken, be ll peppers a nd
Pa rmesa n cheese .
sq uash on gr ill 5 to 6 inches from
med ium-hot coo ls. Grill 10 to 12 minutes Prep and coo k time: 24 minutes
or until chicken is no longer pin k in cente r
and vegeta bles a re soft to rhe touch. N ote: Fo r extra flovor a nd color, odd a
Remove from g rill. Cool slig htly; cut into chopped fresh tomato or a can of d iced
1h -inch pieces . lo molo es to the skillel w ith the pasta.

3. C o mb ine pa rs ley, w ine, lemon iuice, For a spec ial touch , garn ish w ith fresh
o il, ga rliC , lemon peel , salt a nd block ba sil leaves.
pepper in med ium bowl. Toss coo ked
chicken a nd veqeto b les wi th 113 cup
sauce . Toss posta wi th rema ining sauce .
Place ch icken and vege rables over pasta ;
serve .

Prep time : 15 minutes

Cook time : 15 minutes

Lemoll Chicken and Vegetables


Serving Suggestion: Serve wir h fla ky
• Rice an Bean Salad breods ncks o r cro issants a nd juicy chunks
Makes 6 servings of w atermelo n.

For a speci al touch, ga rnish with to ma to

1 can (about ]41/2 ounces) chicken broth
slices, carro t curls and a fresh bas il sprig .
2 cups uncooked instant brown rice
1tablespoon olive oil

~ Linguine with Fresh

1 medium onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 medium corrols, cut into l-inch julienne strips
1 medium zucchini, halved lenqthwise and sliced
Tomato Basi Sauce
diagonally Makes 6 servings
1 can (15 V2ounces) red beans, drained
1 can (14 V2ounces) ltolinn-style stewedtomatoes 1 cup chopped onion
1/ 2 cup grated Parmesan cheese 3 cloves garlic, minced
1/ 2 cup Italian salad dressing 114 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/ 4 cup fresh basil leaves, finely chopped 2tablespoons FlEISCHMANN 'S®70%Corn Oil Spread
2 cups sliced fresh mushrooms
1. Bring ch icken b roth to a bai l in medi um 3 10 rge tomatoes, peeled, seeded and rho pped
saucepan o ver high heat; add rice and 1 tablespoon dried basil/eaves, crushed or V4cup
cover. Reduce hea t and cook 10 minutes chopped fresh basil
or until chicken bro th is absorbed. 1 teaspoon sugar
Remove from heo t; set aside . 12 ounces uncooked linguine, cooked [](cording to
2 . Heat o il in large skillet ove r mediu m- package directions, omitting soil, drained, kept
high heat. Add o nio n and garlic; caok warm
and stir 2 to 3 minutes or unti] o nion is
In larg e skillet, co ok and stir o nion , garliC
tend er. A dd carrots and zucchini; cook
a nd pepper in spread over med ium-high
and stir 3 to 4 minutes ar until veg eta bles
heat unlil on ion is tende r, a bo ut 3
are crisp-tender. Rem ove fro m heat. Add
minutes. Add mushrooms; cook 5 minutes.
beans , tomatoe s and prepared rice; stir to
Ad d tomatoes , basi l and sugar; b ring to
combi ne.
a bo il. Reduce hea t to low ; simmer,
3. Place rice mixture in large bow l. Cover unco vered , 15 to 20 minutes. Serve ove r
w ith plostic w rap and refrige rore overnig ht. ling uine.
4. To comple te rec ipe , add Par mesa n
cheese , solad dressing and bas il to rice
mixture: toss ligh tly. Sea so n to ta ste w ith
black pep pe r.

Make-ahead time: Up to 2 days before

Final prep tim e: 5 minutes



1. Spray nonstic k skillet w ith cooki ng
• Beef & Bean Burritos spray ; hea t over med ium heat until hot.
Makes 6 servings Ad d steak and gar lic; coo k and stir 5
minutes or until stea k is cooked to desired
Nons1ick cooking spray doneness.
112 pound beef round steak, cut into 1/2-inchpieces 2 . Stir bea ns, chilies a nd cil o ntro into
3 doves garlic, minced skillet: coo k and stir 5 minutes or until
1 can (about 15 ounces) pinto beons, rinsed and heated through .
1 can (4 ounces) diced mild green chilies, drained 3 . Spoon steok mixture evenly down
V4 cup finely chopped fresh cilantro center o f each tortillo : sprinkle cheese
6 (6·inch) flour tortillas evenly over ea ch to rtilla. Fold bo ttom end
112 cup (2 ounces) shredded reduced-fat Cheddar of tortilla over filling ; roll to enclose .
cheese Garn ish with salsa a nd no nfa t sour
crea m, if desi red .

Beef g BeanBurrito


eppercorn Pasta nood les; bo il, uncovered, 6 minutes or
until tend er. Drain.
and Bean Salad 2. M eanwh ile, place mushroom soup,
Makes 4 servings sour cream and on ion so up mix in
medium bow l. Stir until blended ; set
8 ounces uncooked rotelle or radiatore paste aside . Place beef in larg e skillet; coo k
1 bog (16 ounces) BIRDS EYE®frozen Form Fresh over hig h h ea~ 6 to 8 minutes ar u n ~ i l
Mixtures Broccoli, Red Peppers, Onions & mea t is no lo nger p ink, b reaking beef
Mushrooms a par t w ith wooden spoon . Pour off
1 con (15 ounces) garbanzo beans (chick-peas), dripp ing s. Red uce heat to low. Ad d soup
drained mixture ; stir over low heat until bubb ly.
1/ 2 cup creamy peppercorn ra nch salad dressing Stir in peas ; heat through. Serve over
nood les.
• In large saucepan , co ok pasta
accordi ng to packag e d irections. Add Prep and cook time: 20 minutes
vegeta bles dur ing last 7 minutes; dra in in

~ Herbed Veggie
colander. Rinse unde r cold w a ter to cool .

• In la rge bow l, com bi ne pasta,

vegeta bles, bean s and dressing . Cover Cheese and Rice
and refrig erate until read y to serve.
Makes 4 servings
Prep time : 5 minutes
Cook time: 10 to 12 minutes ] bog (16 ounces) BIRDS EYE®frozen Form Fresh
Mixtures Broccoli, Green Beans, Pearl Onions &
Variation: Ad d 1 ca n (6 o unces) tuna o r
Red Peppers
salmon, d rai ned and flaked , or 6 ounces
2 cups cooked white rice
cooked shrimp o r cubed cooked chicken
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
to the pa sta mixture .
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon dill weed
V2 cup reduced-fat shredded Cheddor cheese
• Beef Stroganoff 112 cup reduced-fat shredded Monterey Jock cheese

Makes 6 servings • In large saucepan , cook veg eta bles

ac co rding to pa ckage d ireclions;' dra in
12 ounces wide egg nood les and return to saucepan.
1 con (lO ounces) condensed cream of mushroom
soup • Add rice, using fo rk to keep rice fluffy.
j cup (8 ounces) sour cream • Add Parmesa n cheese, basil, d ill, a nd
1 pocket (11/4 ounces) dry onion soup mix salt and pepper to taste.
]% to ]1/2 pounds leon ground beef
• Ad d C hedd a r a nd Monterey Jack
112 (lO-ounce) package frozen peas
cheeses; toss tog ether. Cook over medi um
1. Place 3 quarts w a ter in 8-quart stock heat until hea ted thro ugh.
pot ; bring to a bo il over hig h hea t. Stir in
Prep time : 6 minutes
Cook time: 12 to 15 minutes


• Chi, en Curry • Baked Pasta and
Makes 2 servings Cheese Supreme
Makes 4 servings
112 cup uncookedwhite rice
1 small onion
8 ounces uncooked fusilli pasta
2 bonelessskinless chicken breost halves
8 ounces bacon, diced
I lablespoon butter or margorine
'/2 onion, chopped
I clove garlic, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
] teaspoon curry powder
2 teaspoonsdried oregano leaves, divided
1/ 4 teaspoon ground ginger
1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce
I cup coarsely chopped apple, divided
I teaspoon hot pepper sauce (optional)
3 tablespoons raisins
11/ 2 cups (6 ounces) shreddedCheddar or Colby cheese
1 teaspoon chicken bouillon granules
1/ 2 cup fresh bread crumbs (from 1 slice of white
114 cup plain nonfot yogurt
2 teaspoonsall-purpose flour
1 tablespoonmelted butter
1. Cook rice according to packa ge
I , P re h e a ~ oven to 4 0 0 °F. Cook pcsto
d irections.
according to pac kage directions; dra in.
2 . Wh ile rice is cooking , cut onion into
2. Wh ile posta is coo king, coo k bacon in
thin slices. Cu t chicken into 3J4 -inch
larg e ovenp roof skillet over medi um heat
until crisp; dra in.
3 . Heat butter, ga rlic, curry powder and
3. Add onion , ga rlic a nd 1 teaspoon
g inger in med ium skillet over med ium
orega no to skillet; coo k and stir about
hea ~ . Add chicken; cook and stir 2
3 minutes or until onion is lende r. Stir in
minutes. Add onio n, 3/Ll cup chopped
tomato sauce and hal pepper sauce. Add
apple and raisins; cook and stir 3 minutes.
coo ked peste a nd cheese to skillet; stir to
Stir in chicken bouillon a nd 1/ 4 cup w ater.
Reduce heal to low ; cov er and cook
2 minutes. 4. Co mbine bread crumbs, remaining
1 leospoon oreg ano and melted butter;
4 . Com b ine yogurt a nd flour in sma ll
sprinkle over peste mixture. Ba ke abo ut
bowl. Stir several ta blespoons liquid from
5 minutes or until hot and bubbly
skillel into yogurt mixlure. SHr yog urt
mixture bock into skillet. Cook a nd stir just Prep and cook time: 25 minutes
unlil mixtu re storts to boil.
For 0 specia l touch, garn ish w ith yellow
5 . Serve chicken curry over rice; garnish
pear toma toes a nd fresh basil leaves.
w ith remaining 1/ 4 cup chopped a pple.

Prep and coo k time: 28 minutes

For a special touch, sprinkle chicken w ith

g reen on ion slivers [ust be fore serving .

Chicken Curry


• Turkey Vegetable • Sweet &Sour
Chili ac Vegetable Couscous
Makes 6servings Makes 4 servings

Nonstick cooking spray 1 can (141/2ounces) vegetable broth

¥4 pound ground turkey breast 1 box (10 ounces) uncooked couscous
V2 cup chopped onion 1 tablespoon vegetobleoil
2 cloves garlic, minced 3 cups frozen Oriental vegetoble mix
1 can (about 15 ounces) block beans, rinsed and 113 cup stir-frysauce
drained 2 tablespoons honey
1 can (14 V2ounces] Mexican-style stewed tomatoes, 2 tablespoons lemon juice
undrained V4 cup slicedalmonds
1 can (141/2 ounces) no-salt-added diced tomatoes,
undrained 1. Pour vegetable bro th into medium
I cup frozen whole kernel corn saucepan; bring to a bo il. Stir in
I teaspoon Mexican seasoning couscous and Oil. Remove from heat ;
1/ 2 cup uncooked elbow macaroni
cove r and let slond 5 minutes or until
1/3 cup reduced fat sour cream
liq uid is absorbed . Fluff couscous wi~h
fork; cov er to keep w ar m.
1. Spray large nonstick saucepan or
2 . While broth is heotinq , place
Dutch oven with cooking spray ; heat over
veqelobles in microwavable dish .
med ium hea t until ho t. Add turkey, o nion
M icrawave a cco rd ing to package
a nd garliC; cook 5 rninules or until turkey
dir ect ions; d rain .
is no long er pink , stirring to crumbl e .
3 . Combin e stir-lry sauce, honey and
2 . Stir beans, lornotoes wir h liqu id, corn
lemon juice in small bowl . Pour over
a nd M exican season ing into saucepan ;
cooked veg etables; microwave on HIGH
bring to a bo il over hig h heot . Cover;
1 minute .
reduce heat to low. Simmer 15 minutes,
stirring occasionolly. 4. Spoon couscous onto serving p lotes.
Top with veg etable mixture and sprin kle
3 . M eanwhile, cook pasta accord ing to
with almonds.
packoge direc tions, omitting salt Rinse;
d rain. Stir into saucepan. Simmer, Prep and cook time : 20 minutes.
uncovered , 2 to 3 minutes or until heated
through Hint: For extra flavor ond crunch , roast
almonds. Place in smal l no nstick skillet;
4. To p eac h serving w ith dollop of sour
cook and stir over medium heat 2 minutes
cre a m befo re serving . Cornish as
o r unnl g olden brown. (Watch carefu lly to
des ired .
prevent burning .)

For a special touch, garnish with co rrot

cut-outs and chives .

TurkeyVegetable Chili Mac

6 2 • PENN Y -PIN C HI N G PA S T A , BE AN S & R IC E

Ski et Dishes
Stir up some fun tonight! ~ Cheeseburger
Skillet dishes are every Makes 4 servings
cook5idea of acasual 1 cupmostaccioli orelbowmacaroni, uncooked
effortless meal. These fuss- 1 pound ground beef
1 medium onion, chopped
free one-dish meals are 1 con (J41/2ounces) DEL MO NTE®Original or Italian
Recipe Stewed Tomatoes
quick to fix and easy to 1jq cupDELMO NTE®TomatoKetchup
1 cup(4 ounces)shreddedCheddor cheese
clean up. Serve them 1. Cook pasla accord ing 10 package
alone or with asimple d irections; drain.

2. In large skillet, brown meal w ith onion;

accompaniment of fresh dra in. Season wi~h salt and pepper, if
desired . Stir in tomatoes, ketchup and
fruit raw vegetables or hot pasta; h ea~ throuqh.

bread. You/II be in and out 3 . Top w ilh cheese. Garnis h, if desired.

Prep time: 8 minutes

of the kitchen in aflash. Cook time: 15 minutes

Presto! Dinner is served!

Cheeseburger Macaroni


Chicken Fried Rice • In la rge skillet, place Pasta Secrets a nd
water. Bring to bo il over high hea t.
Makes 6 servings Redu ce heat to med ium; cove r and
simmer 7 to 9 minutes or until pes te is
liz cup sliced green onions tend er.
Y4 cu psliced celery • Stir in chicken a nd ol ives; cook 5
Y4 cupchopped red bell pepper minutes more .
1 clove garlic, crushed
l/ Z teospoon grated gingerrool
• In sma ll bowl, comb ine yogu rt a nd
114 feaspooncrushed red pepper fla kes parsley.
2 teaspoons peanul oil • Stir yog un mixture into Posta Secrets
6tablespoons EGG BEATERS®Healthy Real Egg mixture; co ver a nd coo k ove r low hea t
Substitute 1 minute or until heated through.
3 cupscooked regular long-grain rice, prepared in
unsalted water Prep time: 5 minutes
2 cupscooked diced chicken Coo k time: 15 10 18 minutes
2tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce
1 teaspoon sugar

In la rge no nstick skillet, over high hea t,

_ Southwest S iIIel
saute g reen on ions, ce lery, bell pepper, Makes 4 servings
garlic, ginge r and crushed red pepper in
oi l until tender-crisp . Pour Eg g Beate rs info 1 cup cubed, cooked chicken breast
skillet; cook, stirring occas iona lly until 1 bag (16 ounces) BIRDS EYE®frozenPasta Secrets
mixture is set. Stir in rice , chicken , soy Zesty Garlic
sauce and suga r; cook until heated 1 cup chunky salsa
through . Yz teaspoon chili powder
Yz cup chopped green or red bell pepper
Prep time: 20 minutes
Coo k time: 30 minutes • In large skillet, comb ine a ll ingred ients.

• Cook over med ium heat 10 to 15

minutes o r until heated through.
• Jiffy Chicken Supper
Prep time: 5 minutes
Makes 4 servings Cook time : 15 minutes

1 bag [16 ounces) BIRDS EYE®frozen Pasla Serrets Cheesy Southw est Skill et: Stir in 112 cup
White Cheddar or Creamy Peppercorn shredd ed Ch ed da r cheese dur ing lost 5
1/ 4 cup water minutes. Cook until cheese is melted.
1 can (6 1/z ounces)chicken, drained
Y4 cuppitted ripeolives, sliced Crea my Southwest Skillet: Remove skillet
1cup(8 ounces) plain yogurt from hea t. Stir in '/4 cup sou r crea m
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley before serving.

Chicken Fried Rice

empting Tuna Joe's Special
Parmesano Makes 6servings
Makes 2to3 servings
J pound lean groundbeef
1 small onion, chopped
2 large doves garlic
2 cupsslicedmushrooms
1 package [9 ounces) refrigerated fresh angel hair
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
1teaspoon dried oregano leaves
Y4 cup butter or margarine
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup whipping cream
Y2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 cup frozen peas
1/ 2 teaspoon salt
1/ 4 teaspoon salt
1 pockage (lO ounces) frozen chopped spinach,
1 con [6 1/ 2 ounces) white tuna in woter, drained
Y4 cup groted Parmesan cheese, plus additional
4 large eggs, lightly beaten
cheese for serving
1/ 3 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1. Fill larg e dee p skillet % full w ith very

1. Spray la rg e skillet w ith nonstick
ho a p w a ter. Co ver o nd bring to a ba il
cooking spray. Combine beef, onion a nd
over high heat. M eanwh ile, peel and
mushrooms; coo over med ium-high heat
mince garl ic.
6 to 8 minutes or until onion is tender,
2. Add posta to s iller: boil 1 10 2 minu es breaking beef apa rt w ith w ood en spoo n.
or until pas 0 is firm to he bite. (Do not Add W orcestershire, orega no, nutmeg ,
overcook.) Drain; set aside . ga rliC pow der and salt. Cook until beef is
3 . Add butter and g arliC to skillet; cook no longer pink.
over med ium-hig h hea t until buller is 2. Dro in spi nach (do not sq ueeze dry); stir
melted a nd sizzling. Stir in cream , pea s into beef mixture. Push mixture to one side
and salt; bring fa a bo il. of pa n. Reduce heat to med ium. Pour
4 . Break tuna into chunks a nd stir into eggs into other side of pan ; cook, w ithout
skillet w ith 1/4 cup cheese. Return pasta to stirring , 1 to 2 minutes or until set on
skillet; cook until heated through, tossing bottom. Lih eggs to allow uncooked
gently w ith 2 w ooden spoons. Serve wi th po rtion to flow undern eoth. Repeot until
ad d itional cheese and pepper to taste. softly set. Gently stir into beef mixture and
heo t through. Stir in cheese.
Prep and cook time: 16 minutes
Prep and coo k time: 20 minutes
Servi ng Suggestion: Serve w ith a tossed
roma ine a nd omoto salad wilh Itali a n Serving Suggestio n: Serve wifh solso ond
dressing. toast.


Hamg Barbecued BeanSkillet

Ham &Barbecued 1. Heat o il in large deep skillet over

med ium-hig h hea t until hot. Add on io n
Bean Skillet and garlic; cook 3 minutes, stirring
occas iona lly.
Makes 4 servings
2. Add kidne y beans , ca nnellini beans ,
1 tablespoon vegetable oil bell pepper, brown sugar, cotsup , Vineg ar
1 cup chopped onion (from the salad bar or frozen) and mustard ; mix w ell.
1 teaspoon bottled minced garlic 3 . Trim fat from hom ; cut into l/2'''inch
1 ran (15 ounces) red or pink kidney beans, rinsed piece s. Add hom to bean mixture; simmer
and drained over med ium heat 5 minutes or until sauce
1 can (15 ounces) cannellini or Great Northern thickens and mixture is hea led through,
beans, rinsed and drained stirring occas ionally.
1 cup chopped green bell pepper
1/ 2 cup firmly packed light brown sugar Prep a nd cook time : 2 0 minutes
1/ 2 cup cotsup
2 tablespoonscider vinegar Servi ng Sugge stion : Serve w ith a Caesar
2 teaspoons dry mustard salad and crisp bread sticks.
1 fully cooked smoked hom steak (about 12 ounces),
cut 1/ 2 inch thick

_ Thai-Style arm • Add beef and bea ns; sprinkle w ith salt.
Mix well .
Noodle Salad • Cook 5 minutes or until beef is we ll
Makes 4 servings browned , stirring occasiona lly.

• Stir in Ca lifornia wa lnuts ; cook 2

8 ounces uncooked spaghetti or angel hair pasta minutes mo re.
V2 cup chunky peanut butler
1/4 cup soy sauce Prep time : 5 minutes
V4 to 112 teaspoon red pepper flakes Cook time: 7 to 10 minutes
2 green onions, thinly sliced
Serving Suggestion: Serve over hot
1 carrot, shredded
cooked egg nood les or rice.
1. Cook posta accordi ng to pack ag e

~ Quic Skillet Rice

di rections.

2. While posta is cook ing, blend pea nut

butter, soy sa uce a nd red pepper fla kes in . Groti
medium bowl until smooth.
Makes 4to 6servings
3. Dra in poslo , reserving 5 tablespoo ns
wa ter. M ix hot posta water w ith pea nut
2 tablespoons olive oil
butter mixture until smoo th; toss pe ste w ith
1 onion, chopped
sauce. Stir in green o nions a nd ca rrot.
2 doves garlic, minced
Serve worm or a t room temperature.
2 medium carrots, peeled and chopped
Prep an d cook time: 12 minutes 1 teaspoon dried thyme leaves
2 cups uncooked instant white rice
1 can (1 SV2 ounces) kidney beans, rinsed and
. ,Beefy Bean & Walnut 1teaspoon salt
Stir-Fry \13 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Makes 4 servings 1. Hea r oi l in Iorge skillet over med ium-

hig h heat until hot. Add on ion and gorlic;
1 teaspoon vegetable oil cook a nd stir 2 minutes. Add co rrors a nd
3 doves garlic, minced thy me; cook a nd stir 4 minutes mo re.
1 pound lean ground beef or ground turkey
2. Add rice , 2 cups water, bea ns a nd
1 bog (16 ounces) BIRDS EYE®frozen Cut Green
salt; season to taste with black pepper.
Stir w ell. Bring to a boi l. Reduc e heat to
1 teaspoon salt
low. Spri nkle with cheese. Cover a nd
112 cu pCalifornia walnut pieces
simmer 5 minutes or until cheese is melted
• In large skillet, hea t oi l and garlic over a nd a ll liq uid is eva po ra ted .
medi um hea t abo ut 30 seco nds.
Prep a nd cook time : 15 minutes

Thai-Style Worm NoodleSalad

• Bacon & Potato . Tuscan Pasta and
Frittata Beans
Makes 4 servings Makes 4 servings

2 cups frozen O'Brien-style potatoes with onions and 1 package (8 ounces) pasta
peppers 2 to 3teaspoons minced garlic
3 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 tablespoon vegeta ble oil
5 eggs 1 con (l43f4 ounces) chicken broth
V2 cup canned real bacon pieces 1 box (lO ounces) BI RDS EYE®frozen Chopped
1;4 cup half-and-half or milk Spinach
VBteaspoon salt 1 can (15 ounces) white beans, drained
l/ B teaspoon pepper Crushed red pepper flakes
Grated Parmesan cheese
1. Preheat broiler. Place po ta toes in 0
microwa vable medium bowl; microwa ve • In large sa ucep an, cook posto
on HIGH 1 minute. according to packag e d irections; dra in.
2. M elt butter in la rge ovenproo f skillet • In large skillet, saute ga rliC in o il over
over medium-high hea t. Swirl butter up medium-high heat until garl ic is tender.
side of pa n to prevent eggs from sticking. Add broth and spinach ; cook accord ing
Add po tatoes; cook 3 minutes, stirring to spinach package directions.
occasiona Ily.
• Stir in beans and pasto . Cook,
3. Beat eggs in med ium bow l. Add uncovered, over med ium-hig h hea t until
ba con, half-and-half, salt and pepper; mix hea ted through.
w ell.
• Season wi th pepper flakes and cheese
4. Pour egg mixture into skillet; reduce ta teste.
hea t lo medium . Stir ge ntly to incorpo rc le
po tatoes. C over and cook 6 minutes or Prep time: 5 minutes
until eg gs a re set a t edges [top w ill still be Cook time: 20 minutes
wet) .
Variation : Add 112 pound Ita lian sausage,
5 . Transfer skillet to broiler. Bro il 4 inches casings removed and sliced , w ith the
fro m hea t about 1 to 2 minutes or until garlic. C oo k until sausage is brow_ned .
center is set a nd fri/ta to is golden brown . Con tinue as dir ected .
C ut into w edges .
Serving Suggestion : O ffer crusty Italian
Prep and coo k time: 20 minutes bread to soak up this flavorful broth.

Serving Suggestion : Garn ish frittata wi th

red bell pepper strips, chopped chives
and salsa .

Bacan 8 PotatoFrittafa


Vegetarian Stir-Fry • In large skillet, place vegeta bles in
w ater. C over; coo k 7 to 10 minutes over
Makes 4servings med ium hea t.

• Uncover; stir in bea ns, spag hetti sauce

1 bag [16 ounces) BIRDS EYE®frozen Mixed and ga rlic powde r; cook until heated
Vegetables through.
2 tablespoons water
1 can (14 ounces) kidneybeans, drained • Sp rinkle wit h cheese.
1 jar (l4 ounces) spaghettisauce
Prep time : 2 minutes
V2 teaspoon garlic powder
Coo k time : 12 to 15 minutes
1/ 2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Serving Sugg estion : Serve ove r ho t

coo ked rice or pa ste.


BeefStrogonoff, 59 Fried Rice with Hom, 75 Soups
Broccoli Losogno Bionco, 87 Herbed Veggie Cheese an d Rice, Albondigas, 17
Cheeseburger Mocoroni, 64 59 Beer a nd Cheese Soup, 14
Country-Style Losogno, 88 Puerto Ricon Sofrito Beons with Blender Patoto Soup, 24
Fettuccine with Pesto, 53 Rice, 53 Geomy Asparagus Potato Soup, 11
Heorty Peste ond Chick-Pee Qu ick Skillet Rice Grotin, 7 1 Creamy Groundnut Soup, 22
Chowder, 20 Rice and Beon Solad, 56 Dijon Hom a nd Lentil Soup, 12
JiffyChicken Supper, 66 Sonta Fe Block Beons & Rice Middle Eastern Lentil Soup, 16
Lemon Chickenond Vegetobles, 54 Solad, 28 Minestrone Soup, 25
Lemony Dill Solmon ond Shell Smoked Sausage Gumbo, 12 Pototo-Bocon Soup, 8
Co sser o le, 87 Sweet and Sour Beef, 46 Spinach and Mushroom Soup, 11
Linguine with Fresh Tomoto Bosil Tofu Stir-Fry, 76 Szechuan Vegetable Lo Mein, 10
Souce,56 Roosted Pototo and Tuna Salad , 35 Tha i Noodle Soup, 26
Mocoroni ond Cheese Dijon, 85 Veggie Soup, 22
Minestrone Soup, 25 Salads Southwest Skillet, 66
Noodles Thoi Style, 78 Antipasto Salad Stock, 40 Spanish-Style Couscous, 50
Posto Nicoise, 30 Caesar Salod, 44 Spicy Crabmea t Fritta ta, 75
Posto with Spinoch ond Ricotta, Easy Greek Salad, 36 Spicy Vegetable Stew, 19
54 Gorden Tuna Salad, 44 Spinach & Egg Casserole, 89
Peonut Souce over Vegeta bles Jicama and Block Bean Salad , Spinach and Mushroom Soup, 11
a nd Pes te, 51 40 Stews
Peppercorn Posto ond Bean Posta Nicoise, 30 A il-in-O ne Burger Stew, 26
Solod,59 Peppercorn Posta and Beon Brunswick Stew, 20
"Secret Chowder," 24 Solod, 59 Chili Stew, 24
Southwest Skillet, 66 Rice ond Bean Soled, 56 Italian Sausage ond Vegetab le
Strow ond Hoy Fettuccine, 48 Roosted Potolo ond Tuno Soled , Stew, 11
Stuffed Shells Florentine, 48 35 Skillet Sausage a nd Bean Stew, 14
Szechuon Vegetoble Lo Mein, 10 Sonto Fe Block Beans & Rice Smoked Sausage Gumbo, 12
Torrogon Tuno Posto Soled, 50 Salod ,28 Spicy Vege ta ble Stew, 19
Tempting Tuno Pormesono, 68 Tarragon Tuna Posta Solad , 50 Strow an d Hoy Fettuccine, 48
Thoi Nood le Soup, 26 Thai-Style Worm Noodle Soled, Stuffed Shells Florentine, 48
Thai-Style Worm Noodle Soled, 71 71 Sweet and Sour Beef, 46
Tri-Color Posto, 50 Worm Couscous Salad , 41 Sweet & Sour Vegeta ble Couscous, 62
Turkey Vegetoble Chili Moe, 62 Sa nto Fe Block Beans & Rice Salad , Szechuan Vegetoble Lo Mein, 10
Tuscon Posto ond Beons, 72 28
Tuscony Covotelli , 48 Sousage (see also Sausage: Torrogon Tuna Posta Sa lad, 50
Peonut Souce over Vegetobles ond Bulk Pork, Italian) Tempting Tuna Porrnesono, 68
Posto , 5 1 Brotwurst Skillet Breakfost, 78 Tha i Noodle Soup, 26
Peppercorn Posto ond Bean Solod, Smoked Sau sage ond Sauerkrout Thai-Style Worm Noodle Salad, 71
59 Cosserole,90 Tofu Stir-Fry, 76
Potato ond Egg Pie, 43 Smoked Sausage Gumbo, 12 Tri-Color Posta, 50
Potatoes (see 0150 Potetoes, Sausage t Bulk Pork Tuna
Frozen Hash Brown) Corn Breod Stuffi ng with Gorde n Tuna Salad , 44
Blender Pototo Soup, 24 Sausage an d Apple, 76 Posta Nicoise, 30
Bratwurst Skillet Breokfast, 78 Potato and Egg Pie, 43 Roosted Pota to a nd Tuno Solad, 35
Creomy Asparagus Potato Soup, Sausage, Italian Ta rragon Tuna Posta Soled, 50
11 Itolion Sausage and Vegetoble Tempting Tuna Pormesano, 68
Potato-Bacon Soup, 8 Stew, 11 Tuna Corn Chowder, 16
Roosted Potato ond Tuna Soled, 35 Mediterronean Microwave Meal Turkey, Ground
Spinach and Mushroom Soup, 11 Loaf,43 Turkey Vegetable Chili Moe, 62
Petetoes, Frozen Hash Brown SkilletSausage a nd Beon Stew, 20 -Minute White Bean Chili, 19
Bacon & Potato Friltoto, 72 14 Tuscan Posta a nd Beons, 72
Potato ond Egg Pie, 43 Seafood (see also Tuna) Tuscany Cavotelli, 48
Skillet Sousage ond Beon Stew, 14 Clam Chowder, 26 20-Minute White Bean Chili, 19
Spicy Vegetoble Stew, 19 Hot Cra b ond Cheese on
Puerto Ricon Sofrito Beans with Muffins, 35 Vegetable Strata, 80
Rice, 53 Lemony Dill Selmon and Shell Vegetorian Stir-Fry, 74
Co ssero le, 87 Veggie Kabobs with Tex-Mex
Quick Skillet Rice Gratin, 7 1 Spicy Crobmeot Frittato, 75 Polenta, 33
"Secret Chowder," 24 Veggie Soup, 22
Rice Skillet Sousoge and Beon Stew, 14
Chicken Curry, 61 Smoked Sausage and Sa uerkraut Worm Couscous Solad, 41
Chicken Fried Rice, 66 Cosserole, 90
Crea my Groundnut Soup, 22 Smoked Sausage Gumbo, 12 Zucchini Mushroom Fritta ta , 82

94 • IN D E X
The publisher would like to thank the companies and
organizations listed below for the use of their recipes
and photographs in this publication .

Birds Eye®

Del Monte Corporation

Egg Beaters® Healthy Real Egg Substitute

Fleischmerm's'" Spread

Grey Peupon'" Mustard

Hunt-Wesson, Inc.

National Pasta Association

Walnut Marketing Board

Wesson/Peter Pan Foods Company

Beef, Ground Egg Salad Scndwiches, 40

AJ b6ndig o ~, 17 Gorden Omelet, 32
Ai l-in-One Burger Stew, 26 Joe 's Speciol, 68
Boked Cheesey Rotini, 84 Mexicon Stroto O le, 84
Beef Strogonoff, 59 Poto to ond Egg Pie, 43
Beefy Beon & Wolnut Stir-Fry, 71 Spicy Crobmeot FriHoto, 75
Chee seburger Mocaro ni, 64 Spinoch & Egg Cosserole, 89
Creomy Beef a nd Vegetoble Vegetob le Stroto, 80
Cosserole, 89 Zucchini Mu ~h roo m FriHoto, 82
AJb6ndigo~, 17 Homburger Cosserole O le, 89
Ail-in-O ne Burger Stew, 26 Joe 's Speciol, 68 FeHuccine wilh Peste, 53
Antiposto Solod Stock, 40 Mediterroneon Microwove Meot Fish (see Seafood)
Aspo roqu s FriHoto Co ssero]e, 84 loof,43 Fried Rice with Hom, 75
Spanish-Style Couscous, 50
Bocon & Pototo FriHolo, 72 Sweet ond Sour Beef, 46 Gorden Omelet, 32
Boked C heesey Rotini, 84 Beef & Beon Burritos, 58 Gorden Tuno Soled, 44
Baked Posto ond Chee se Supreme, Beer ond Cheese Soup, 14
61 Blende r Potolo Soup, 24 Hom
Ba rbecue Chicken with Cornbreod Brotwurst Skillet Breoklc st, 78 Brunswick Stew, 20
Topper, 82 Broccoli lc scqno Bionco , 87 Country-Style Iosoqnc , 88
Beans, Black Bru nsw ick Stew, 20 Dijon Hom ond lentil Soup, 12
Jicomo ond Block Beon Soled, Fried Rice with Hom, 75
40 Coeso r Soled, 44 Hom & Barbecued Beon Skillet, 69
Puerto Ricon Sofrito Beons with Corpoccio di Zucchini, 33 "Secret Chowder," 24
Rice, 53 Cheese & Beon Ouesodillos. 44 Spinoch & Egg Cosserole, 89
Sonto Fe Block Beo ns & Rice Chee seburge r Mocoro ni, 64 Homburger Co sserole Ole, 89
Solod,28 Chicken Hear ty Posto ond Chick-Peo
Turkey Vegetoble Chili Moe, 62 Borbecue Chicken with Chowder, 20
Beans, Cannellini Cornbreod Topper, 82 Herbed Veggie Cheese ond Rice, 59
Hom & Borbecued Beon Skillet, Chicken Curry, 61 Homemode Pizzo, 38
69 Chicken Fried Rice, 66 Hoi Crob ond Cheese on Muffi n ~, 35
20-Minute W hite Beon Chili, 19 Jiffy Chicken Supper, 66 Hot Doqs with Dijon Krout, 36
Beans, Garbanzo lemon Chicke n ond Veqeto bles,
Hearty Peste ond Chick- Pee 54 Ito lion Sovsoqe ond Vegetoble
Chowder, 20 lemon Pepper Chicken, 30 Stew, 11
Peppercorn Peste ond Beon Mediterroneon Corrots with
Solod,59 Chicken, 30 Jicomo ond Block Bean Soled, 40
Beans, Green Southwe~t Skillet, 66 Jiffy Chicken Suppe r, 66
Beefy Beon & Wolnut Stir-Fry, 71 Thoi Noodle Soup, 26 Joe's Special, 68
Homburger Cosse role Ole, 89 Chili Slew, 24
Peste Nicoise, 30 Clom Chowder, 26 le mon Chicken ond Veqetob les, 54
Spicy Vegetob le Stew, 19 Corn Breod Stuffi ng with So usoqe le mon Pepper Chicken, 30
Beans, Kidney ond Apple, 76 lemony Dill Salmon and Shell
Antipa sto Solod Stock, 40 Country-Style lc soqoo. 88 Cosse role, 87
Hom & Borbecued Bea n Skillet, Couscous linguine with Fresh Tomoto Bosil
69 Curried Wolnut Groin B urger~ , 36 Souce, 56
Mexican Stroto O le, 84 Spa nish-Style Couscous, 50
Quick Skillet Rice G rorin, 71 Spicy Vegetoble Stew, 19 Moco roni ond Cheese Dijon, 85
Vege torion Stir-Fry, 74 Sweet & Sour Vegetable Mediterroneon Corrols with
Beans, Pinto Couscous, 62 Chicken, 30
Beef & Beon Burritos, 58 Wo rm Couscoos Solod, 41 Mediterroneon Microwove Meot
Cheese ond Beon Ouescdillos, Creomy Asporoq us Pototo Soup, 11 loof, 43
44 Creomy Beef ond Vegefo ble Mexicon Stroto O le, 84
Skillet Souso qe ond Beon Stew, Cos sero le, 89 Middle Ecstern lentil Soup, 16
14 Creomy Groundnut Soup, 22 Mine~tron e Soup, 25
Beans, Red Curried Wolnut Gro in Burqers, 36
Barbecue Chicken with Noodles Thoi Style, 78
Cornbreod Topper, 82 Dijon Hom ond lentil Soup, 12
Puerto Ricon Sofri to Becn s with Pasta
Rice, 53 Eosy Greek Soled. 36 Ail-in-One Burger Slew, 26
Rice ond Beon Soled, 56 E05YPolento Morinoro, 90 Antiposto Solod Stock, 40
Beans, White Egg Dishes Baked Cheesey Rotini, 84
Mine~ troneSoup, 25 Asporoqus FriHo to Cosserole, 84 Baked Posto ond Cheese
Iuscon Peste ond Beons, 72 Bocon & Pototo FriHo to, 72 Supreme, 61

9 3

1/8 teaspoon = 0.5 mL 1/16 inch = 2 mm 250°F = 120°C
1/ 4 teaspoon = 1 mL 1/8 inch = 3 mm 275°F = 140°C
1/2 teaspoon = 2 mL 1/ 4 inch = 6 mm 300°F = 150°C
3/ 4 teaspoon = 4 mL 112 inch = 1.5 cm 325°F = 160°C
1 teaspoon = 5 mL 3/4 inch = 2 cm 350 °F = 180°C
1 tablespoon = 15 mL 1 inch = 2.5 cm 375°F = 190°C
2 tablespoons = 30 mL 400°F = 200°C
1/ 4 cup = 60 mL
425°F = 220°C
113 cup = 75 mL 450°F = 230°C
'/2 cup = 125 mL
213 cup = 150 mL
3/4 cup = 175 mL
1 cup = 250 mL
2 cups = 1 pint = 500 mL
3 cups = 750 mL BAKING PAN SIZES
4 cups = 1 quart = 1 L Size in Metric Size in
Utensil c hes/ Quarts Volume Centimeters
VOLUME MEASUREMENTS (fluid) Baking or 8 x8 x 2 2L 20 x 20 x 5
1 fluid ounce (2 tablespoons) = 30 mL Cake Pan 9 x9 x 2 2.5 L 23 x23 x 5
4 fluid ounces (1/2 cup) = 125 mL (square or 12 x 8 x2 3L 30 x20 x5
rectangular) 13 x 8 x2
8 fluid ounces (1 cup) = 250 mL 3.5 L 33 x23 X 5
12 fluid ounces (11/2 cups) = 375 mL Loaf Pan 8 x4 x3 1.5 L 20 x 10 x7
16 fluid ounces (2 cups) = 500 mL 9 x5 x3 2L 23 x 13 x 7
Round Layer 8 x 1 Y? 1.2 L 20 x4
WEIGHTS (mass) Cake Pan 9 x 1Y2 1.5 L 23 x4
1/2 ounce= 15 9 Pie Plate 8 x1 :4 '. 750 mL 20 x 3
1 ounce = 30 9 sx 1)1.; 1L 23 x 3
3 ounces = 90 9
Baking Dish 1 quart 1L
4 ounces = 120 9 or Cass erole 1 Y2 quart 1.5 L
8 ounces = 225 9
2 quart 2L
10 ounces = 285 9
12 ounces = 360 9
16 ounces = 1 pound = 450 9

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