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• Differentiate health, wellness, and well-being.

• Describe five dimensions of wellness.
• Compare various models of health outlined in this chapter.
• Identify factors affecting health status, beliefs, and practices.
• Describe factors affecting health care adherence.
• Differentiate illness from disease and acute illness from chronic illness.
• Identify four aspects of the sick role.
• Explain stages of illness.
• Describe effects of illness on individuals and family members' roles and functions.

1. Conceptualizes that health is a condition of actualization or realization of person’s

potential. Avers that the highest aspiration of people is fulfillment and complete
development actualization.

A. Clinical Model
B. Role performance Model
C. Adaptive Model
D. Eudaemonistic Model

Rationale: Smith formulated 5 models of health. Clinical model simply states that
when people experience sign and symptoms, they would think that they are
unhealthy therefore, Health is the absence of clinical sign and symptoms of a
disease. Role performance model states that when a person does his role and
activities without deficits, he is healthy and the inability to perform usual roles
means that the person is ill. Adaptive Model states that if a person adapts well with
his environment, he is healthy and maladaptation equates illness. Eudaemonistic
Model of health according to smith is the actualization of a person's fullest potential.
If a person functions optimally and develop self actualization, then, no doubt that
person is healthy.

2. Views people as physiologic system and Absence of sign and symptoms equates

A. Clinical Model
B. Role performance Model
C. Adaptive Model
D. Eudaemonistic Model

Rationale: Refer to question # 89.

3. Defined as an alteration in normal function resulting in reduction of capacities and

shortening of life span.

A. Illness
B. Disease
C. Health
D. Wellness
Rationale: Disease are alteration in body functions resulting in reduction of
capabilities or shortening of life span.

4. Personal state in which a person feels unhealthy

A. Illness
B. Disease
C. Health
D. Wellness

Rationale: Illness is something PERSONAL. Unlike disease, Illness are personal state
in which person feels unhealthy. An old person might think he is ILL but in fact, he is
not due, to diminishing functions and capabilities, people might think they are ILL.
Disease however, is something with tangible basis like lab results, X ray films or
clinical sign and symptoms.

5. In health belief model, individual perception matters. Which of the following is highly
UNLIKELY to influence preventive behavior?

A. perceived susceptibility to an illness

B. perceived seriousness of an illness
C. perceived threat of an illness
D. perceived curability of an illness
*If a man think he is susceptible to certain disease, thinks that the disease is serious and
it is a threat to his life and functions, he will use preventive behaviors to avoid the
occurrence of this threat.
6 State in which a person’s physical, emotional, intellectual and social development or
functioning is diminished or impaired compared with a previous experience.
A. Illness
B. Disease
C. Health
D. Wellnes
*Disease is a PROVEN FACT based on a medical theory, standards, diagnosis and
clinical feature while
ILLNESS Is a subjective state of not feeling well based on subjective appraisal, previous
experience, peer
advice etc.

7. This is the first stage of illness wherein, the person starts to believe that something is
wrong. Also
known as the transition phase from wellness to illness.
A. Symptom Experience
B. Assumption of sick role
C. Medical care contact
D. Dependent patient role
* A favorite board question are Stages of Illness. When a person starts to believe
something is wrong,
that person is experiencing signs and symptoms of an illness. The patient will then
ASSUME that he is sick.
This is called assumption of the sick role where the patient accepts he is Ill and try to give
up some
activities. Since the client only ASSUMES his illness, he will try to ask someone to
validate if what he is
experiencing is a disease, This is now called as MEDICAL CARE CONTACT. The
client seeks professional
advice for validation, reassurance, clarification and explanation of the symptoms he is
experiencing. client
will then start his dependent patient role of receiving care from the health care providers.
The last stage of
Illness is the RECOVERY stage where the patient gives up the sick role and assumes the
previous normal

8. In this stage of illness, the person accepts or rejects a professionals suggestion. The
person also
becomes passive and may regress to an earlier stage.
A. Symptom Experience
B. Assumption of sick role
C. Medical care contact
D. Dependent patient role
*In the dependent patient role stage, Client needs professionals for help. They have a
choice either toaccept or reject the professional's decisions but patients are usually
passive and accepting. Regressiontends to occur more in this period

9. In this stage of illness, The person learns to accept the illness.

A. Symptom Experience
B. Assumption of sick role
C. Medical care contact
D. Dependent patient role
* Acceptance of illness occurs in the Assumption of sick role phase of illness.
10. In this stage, the person tries to find answers for his illness. He wants his illness to be
validated, his
symptoms explained and the outcome reassured or predicted
A. Symptom Experience
B. Assumption of sick role
C. Medical care contact
D. Dependent patient role
* At this stage, The patient seeks for validation of his symptom experience. He wants to
find out if what
he feels are normal or not normal. He wants someone to explain why is he feeling these
signs and
symptoms and wants to know the probable outcome of this experience.

11. The following are true with regards to aspect of the sick role except
A. One should be held responsible for his condition
B. One is excused from his societal role
C. One is obliged to get well as soon as possible
D. One is obliged to seek competent help
* The nurse should not judge the patient and not view the patient as the cause or someone
responsiblefor his illness. A sick client is excused from his societal roles, Oblige to get
well as soon as possible andObliged to seek competent help

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