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1624 IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 14, No.

4, December 1999
An Improved Method of Damping of Generator Oscillations
Djordje M. Dobrijevic Marko V. Jankovic
Email: Hmail:
Tlic Institutc of Electrical Engineering "Nikola Tcsla" Saitaina Univcrsity
Dcpartmcnt of Power Systcms Dcpartincnt of Information and Computer Sciences
Koste Glavinica Xa, 11 000 Belgrade, YUGOSLAVIA 25S-Shimo-Okubo, Urawa City, 338-8570, JAPAN

Abstract: An improved method of damping ol generator E,, EFD-exciter input (controllcr output) and output
oscillations under large disturbances resulting from largc V,, I, - gcnerator tcrminal voltage and current
hydraulic tsansients is prcscntcd in this paper. The digital T,,,,,, - sampling timc
controller, which consists of both governor and cxcitcr o,,oc-difference between mechanical and electrical
controllers, is uscd. The controller operata in rcal timc lo
torques which indicates large disturbance in
improve llic generating unil transients through the exciter input,
llic guide vanc posilion and the ruuncr blade position. The
govcrnor and excitcr loop, rcspcctively
dcvcloped digital controller, whose control signals are adjusted All the above quantities are expressed in per units ( p . ~ . ) ,
using [ h e on-line measurements, offers bcttcr damping cffccts [or cxccpt timc constants, given in scconds (s).
tile gcncrator oscillations under large disturbances than the
coiiveiitional conlroller does. Digital simulations of hydroclcctric 11. INTRODUCTION
power plant cquipped with low-hcad Kaplan turbine are
pcrfbrmcd and the comparisons between the digital control and Classical familiar automatic voltage regulator (AVR)
lhc coiivciilioiial control are presented. Simulation results show and speed governing system coutrol theoiy have been

that thc improved controller offers better perlormances than the widely used in the design process. In recent ycars,
conventional controlless and the digital govcrnor controller, when considerable attention has heen directed toward thc
the syslcni is sulijected to Iargc disturbances.
problem of improved designing turbine governors, because
Keywords: Power syslem control, Digital control, I-Iydroelcctric of their influence on the dynamic performancc of
powcr gcncration hydroclectric power plant (HPP).
The improved controller, presented in this paper, uses
power of waterhammcr to damp generator oscillations
/I,,, h,,(]- plant's net head and steady state plant's net head under large disturbances. In fact, this controller presents
h=/~,,-h,,~, - w'itcrhammcr extended and improved controller developed in [I]. The
w, q,, - machinc spccd and governor reference input cxtcnsion is made by including excitation control and the
y , - ~mxiliaryseivomotor piston position (govcrnor output) improvcmcnt is made by coordinating of acting of governor
ip, <pn - runncr hladc angle and required runner blade angle and cxcitcr controllcrs. In such a control, red-time
a - turbine guide vane opening measurements of the plant inputs are uscd to modify the
/,,,7;, - auxiliary servoinotor and dashpot time constants controller output directly.
r,,?,, - guidc vanc and runncr blade time constants This paper prcseuts the low-head hydroelectric power
X,,,-X., ,,,,D,,-x,~, - voltagc and frequcncy channel state variables unit cquippcd with the multivariable voltage regulator and
k,,.,, T,,,v- cxcitcr gain ;incl timc constant transient sped-droop governor, and connected to an
T,,-T,,.?,7jN,T f f -T,.?-voltage regulator time constants infinitc bus systcm. A spced deviation, plant net hcad,
wl, T,,,,- unit speed and unit torque of turbinc guidc vanc opening, runner hlade position and tcrminal
T,,,7;. - tiirhinc mcchanical torque and generator electrical voltage and current have becn chosen as input signals lo
torque this controller. The controller uses the inpnt signals to
K,,, I?, - generator armature and transformcr rcsistance calcnlatc mcchanical and electrical torques, compares thcm
and givcs output signals to the exciter and the turhine
p~-380-~~.1~-01-1ggg A paper recommended and approved by the scrvomotors.
IEEE Energy Development and Power Generation Committee of the The three conlrol configurations (conventional, digital
IEEE Power Engineering Society for publication in the IEEE governor [I] and improved digital) are then implemented
Transactions on Energy Conversion. Manuscript submitted July 13,
1998; made available for printing January 28, 1999. on the nonlinear hydroelcctric power unit simulation
model, in order to ~ S S C S Stheir dynamic pcrFormances whcn
the system is suhjectcd to largc disturbances. Thc
effectiveness of the improved controllcr is illustrated
through the comparison of dynamic responses obtained by
using the improved controller, digital governor controller
developed in ll1 and the convcntional controllers.

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111. PROBLEM FORMULATION The excitation system modcl is shown in Fig. 3. 'l'lic
modcl includes multivariiihle vollagc regulator with two
Fig. 1 shows the basic components involved in the chaiincls (voltage channcl and ircquency channel) and it is
representation of a single unit Kaplan turbine-generator of the eighth ordcr Ill].
system of a low-head HPP, with a local load, connected to The complete nonlinear plant modcl in the state spacc is
ail infinite bus via transmission lines. described by a set of 16 diIferenlia1 and appropriate
Thc water flow control of the unit equipped with Kaplan illgchraic equations II I I. The mathematical model includes
turhbine is performed by adjusting both the guide vane and models of the turhinc-generator unit, the multivariahle
the rimncr blade positions. When analyzing large AVR and the lurhine governor with its main and auxiliary
disturhiinccs it must be taken into consideration that the servomotors. If the conventional control schcmc is
unit flow and unit torque, and unit speed of rotation move replaced by the digital control scheme, cquations
along the three dimensional propeller characteristics. corresponding Lo the exciter ccintrollcr and the governor
These characteristics are experimentally obtained from auxiliary servomotor could be omitted. The conscqucncc is
Kaplan turhine in propeller mode (with fixed runner blade the reduction in the modcl ordcr, from I 6 to 7 cqu''I t'IOllS.
position and for different vahics of guide vane opening) 12- In this control scheme thc control inputs arc rotor spccd,
71. The mathematical modcl of thc Kaplan turbine unit and plant net hcad, giiidc vanc opening, runner blade position
its conventional governor arc taken from j 2-1.11. The block and terminal voltage and current.
diagram of the conventional turhine governor is shown in
Fig. 2. The results of simulation of mathematical model of N.DESIGN OB rrm NEW CONTROLLER
the Kaplan turbine (equipped with the conventional
governor controller) show very good agreement with The improved controller is discrete in nature. It ineiiiis
measurements made on-site at the HPP Djcrdap [4-61, and that stahilizing signals will be of discrete type and rcncwcd
so, in further analysis, it can he used as reference model. at every sampling time k7;,,,,,,,. TIE discrete cquivalcnt o i
The generator repvcsentation is well known third order transfer function G(zj can he derived i n SCVOI.BI ways j 14,
approximation [ 10-121, including thc second order torque 151. In this paper tlic Tustin's approximation is cmploycd,
equation of rotational masses and the field flux linkage i.e. the complex Lapliicc operator s in transform funclion
equation. C(sj is sulxtituted kit11 Z/z-/j/l;,,,,,,,jz+ /j.

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Pig. 3: Black diagram of lhc static excilalion system (multiwriablc voltage regulator with two inpms)

In thc casc of thc excitcr controller under analysis: Discrete equivalcnt of thc convcntional governor
controller is derived in 111 and the equations in time
domain are:
rllnI=-{k,(~,,,[nl-~Inl)+ d
d n - 11-4- ; (8)

/c3(m,,,ln- 2 1 - 4 -21)-kSy,[n - ~1-k,rI[~-211

' P ~ [ ~ ] = ~ P ~. h( , Y, [ n~] )[ ~ .]
Gcncrator rotor oscillations arc caused by the differcnce
between the mechanical and the electrical torques. The
objective is to dccrease that difference by changing both
the electrical and thc mechanical torques.
The electrical torque is givcn by
V J , c o s $ + ( R , +R,)/:
T,, = (10)
The mechanical torque in Kaplan turbines can be
represented as a function of four variables [2-71:
T!,, = T , , , ( w , n , p , h , , ) = T , , , ( w , , a , p ) ~ , (11)
where wI =-
Opening and closing guide vane of the turbine affects
changes in the mechanical torque as it is concluded in [I.].
On the other hand, the increasing value of excitcr output
causes the increasing clectrical torque and the decreasing
value of cxciter output causes thc decreasing electrical
torquc. This can he used to decrease the difference
hetween the mechanical and the clectrical torque by
changes in both the electrical and thc mechanical torques.
The changes in elcctrical torque on the difference betwccn
the torques is smaller and faster then the changes in
mechanical torques.
Sudden opening and closing of the guide vane increases
stresses in some cquipment (hydrosystem and turbine) and
decrcascs stresscs in rotor shaft hecause torsional
oscillations are much smaller. On the other hand, sudden
changes in cxciter input can't cause such a great stresses in
Large disturhance can be detected using parameters at
and ae.Too sinall value of at can cause significant stresses ~

in hydraulic cquipincnt and low damping of oscillations,

wherc rt = (I, I ,2,... is integer and x [ k ] dcsignate the discrete and too big value could not makc effects [I]. Also, too
milnc ,r at timc instant kT,,8t?,i,. sindl value of accan cause low damping of oscillations and
produce unnccessaly oscillations, and too big value could

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Moratuwa. Downloaded on March 12,2010 at 12:25:21 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
iiot make effects. One of tlic problems is to choose values that the transient rcsponsc of the HPP, equipped with the
(T. In this study, values ot=0.O3 and 0,=0.015 arc chosen. improved controller, due to thc largc disturhanccs, is
In ;idclition, too low voltagc is sufficient indication to detect superior than the systems with the digital govcrnor
largc disttirhance in both exciter and governor loops. controllcr developcd in 111 ;incl the conventional
Tlic improved controllcr (excitation control system and controllers. The cffccts ol the system with the digital
auxiliary servomotor) is realized by interrupt routine. The controllers, due to ' tlie sinall disturhanccs, closcly
rest of tlie system (power system, gcncrator, cxciter, corrcspond to Lhosc ohtaincd by using the conventional
turhine and hydrosystem) is modeled on PC 486 with data controllers [ 16, 171. It should bc notccl that conventional
acquisition card, which includes 1Zbit AID and D/A controllers have been tuncd off-line, as precisely 21s
convcrtcrs. Tlic conncctions (data interchange) betwecn possiblc. Further improvcmcnt of their performiinccs, hy
the intci-rupt routinc (controller) and the computer (rest of iiicrcasing gains, would lead to instahility.
tlic systcm) arc cstablished through analog channels. The Due to thc spacc limitation, only results of thc
signals are scnt through DIA convertcr and received simulation of the 3-phase short circuit, occurrcd at onc
through AID convcrtcr. Thc computcr receives controllcr third on one of two parallel transmission lines from HPP,
output signals and calculates systcm response using fourth are prescnted. The linc is disconnected iiftcr 0.2s ;incl
ordci Rungc-Kutta method. The nonlincar rclationsbips reconnected after 0.4 s. The sampling time was 5 ins, as
(9) ancl (11) arc approximatcd by a sct of linear segments well as the time step of nuincrical integration of
ancl storcd i n memory of microcontroller. differential equations (solvcd by using fourth order Ruiigc-
Algorithm of the improved control routine in the new Kutta mcthod). For tlie purpose of coinparison, IIic
controller, in sainpling time, is shown in Fig. 4. responsc cu~ycsfor the Same system variables, when using
thc conventional controllers, digital govcrnor controller 1 1 I
V. SIMULATION RESULTS and thc improvcd controller, arc sh(rwn in Fig. 5.
By comparing the responses corresponding to the
To dcinonstrate the efficiency of the proposcd improved controller, with those wlicn lhc conventioniil
ctinlrollcr, scvcral simulations werc performed. This shows controllers and digital governor controllcr arc applicd, it
can hc sccn that thc systcm transicnt pcrformiincc, under
large disturbances, is highly improvcd. Slight degriidati(in
of oscillatory processes was mentioned, chic to the fact that
thc digital controller is besctl o n several measurements
(which arc practically possiblc to iinplcment).
Detecting large disturhancc, the iinprovcd controller
generates forcing signals which reduces ainplitudc and
providcs very rapid damping of oscillations, especially in
interval iinincdiatcly artcr disturbancc. Oscillations of
rotor shaft arc dampen practically just iiftcr first period of
Also, it should bc noted that the cxcitatioii forcing
signals decrease nuinher of the governor forcing sign;ils i n
comparison with controller dcvclopcd in [ 11. Thcrcforc,
stresses in hydraulic cquipment arc dccrcascd.
Pig 6. shows systcm rcspw~scs against loss of total
(100 %) local load. Rcsidcs advantages alrciidy noted, in
this case it can he seen that frequency of rotor oscillations
is decreased, which decrease stresses i n rotor shaft.


The improvcd stabilizing control of the cxcitcr mid

governor loop of a low head HPP has bccn proposecl iii this
paper. Thc effectiveness of thc iinpnivcd controllcr is
illustratcd through thc comparison ol ilic system tlyiiaiiiic
performance obtaincd by using the cnnvcntion;il controller,
thc digital governor controller dcvcloped in [ I I and tlic
improvcd controllcr.
I'ig. 4: Algorithm of tlic iicw cnnlrol mulinc

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'-0311 n rri


0.71 , . . , . . . ,
.,.,..,.. " , " " " I " , " ' , , , , , , , , , . , ~
* - - $

lig. 5: Syslcai responses to the teinporary short circuit (fault tliiiation is 0.2 s ancl automatic Kcclosing l i m is 0.45 )

Digital simulations of the behavior of hydroelectric

power unit equipped with low-head Kiplan turbine and
CONTROLLERS performance comparisons show that the improved
controller provides improved system transients with large
stability margins.
Resides the iinprovcd generating unit transients, the
improved controller, based on microcontroller circuit idso
has many advantages compared to conventional controller,
such as lowcr costs and casicr maintcnance, grcatcr
reliability and bigger flexibility, highly improved resolution
I3z. 6: Systcin rcsponscs Lo Lhc loss of total l o i ~ t l to adjust controller piirametcrs, easier communication and

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remote coutrol from dispatch ccntcr and possibility to
apply teal time optimal control tlieoiy.


The ;iutliors gratefully acknowledge explanations and

data 011 HPP "Djerdap", used in test examples, provided by
Dr. Dusaii Arn;iutovic and Zoran Ciric, from thc Institute
"Nikola Tcsla", Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

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