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• Count, read and write whole numbers
1. WHOLE NUMBERS • Identify place value and value of each digit in whole
1.1 Whole numbers numbers
• Round whole numbers
• Add whole numbers
1.2 Addition and • Solve problems involving addition of whole numbers
subtraction • Subtract whole numbers
• Solve problems involving subtractions of whole numbers
Working out mentally
• Multiply two or more whole numbers Making inferences
1.3 Multiplication and • Solve problems involving multiplication of whole numbers Translating
division • Divide a whole number by a smaller whole number
• Solve problems involving division of whole number
• Perform computations involving any combinations of
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole
numbers including the use of bracket.
1.4 Combined Operations
• Solve problems involving any combinations of addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers
including the use of bracket.
2. NUMBER • Describe the pattern of a given number sequence. Making generalizations
PATTERNS AND Looking for patterns
• Extend number sequences.
4 SEQUENCES Classifying
2.1 Number patterns and • Complete missing terms in given number sequences. Identifying relations
sequences • Construct number sequences based on given patterns. Working out mentally
2.2 Odd and even • Identify and describe odd and even numbers. Finding all possible
numbers • Make general statements about odd and even numbers.
• Identify the characteristics of prime numbers.
2.3 Prime numbers • Determine whether a given number is a prime number..
• Determine all the prime numbers less than 100.
5 2.4 Multiples • List factors of whole numbers.
• Determine whether a number is a factor of another whole
• Identify prime factors from a list of factors.
2.5 Common multiples
and Lowest common • Find prime factor(s) of whole numbers.
multiples • Determine whether a number is a prime factor of another
whole number.
• List the multiples of whole numbers.
2.6 Factors • Determine whether a number is the multiple of another
• Find the common multiples of two or three whole numbers.
6 2.7 Prime Factors • Determine whether a number is the common multiple of two
or three given numbers.
• Determine the LCM of two or three given numbers.
• Find common factors of two or three whole numbers.
2.8 Common factors and
Highest Common Factors • Determine whether a number is a common factor of two or
(HCF) three given whole numbers.
• Determine the HCF of two or three given numbers.
• Read fractions. Identifying relations
• Describe fractions as parts of a whole. Drawing diagrams
7 Interpreting
3.1 Fractions • Represent fractions with diagrams. Finding all possible
• Write fractions for given diagrams. solutions
• Find equivalent fractions for a given fraction. Comparing and
• Determine whether two given fractions are equivalent. Looking for patterns
8 3.2 Equivalent fractions • Compare the values of two given fractions. Arranging sequentially
• Arrange fractions in order. Classifying
• Simplify fractions to the lowest terms. Working out mentally
• Recognise mixed numbers. Translating
• Represent mixed numbers with diagrams.
3.3 Mixed number
• Write mixed numbers based on given diagrams.
• Compare and order mixed numbers on number lines.
9 3.4 Proper fractions and • Recognise proper and improper fractions from given
improper fractions fractions.
• Change mixed numbers into improper fractions.
• Change improper fractions into mixed numbers.
• Perform addition involving:
a) Fractions with common denominators.
b) Fractions with different denominators.
c) Whole numbers and fractions.
d) Fractions and mixed numbers.
e) Mixed numbers.
3.5 Addition and • Perform subtraction involving:
subtraction of fractions a) Fractions with common denominators.
b) Fractions with different denominators.
c) Whole numbers and fractions.
d) Fractions and mixed numbers.
e) Mixed numbers.
• Solve problems involving combined operations of addition
and subtraction of fractions.
• Multiply:
a) A whole number by a fraction or mixed number.
b) A fraction by a whole number.
c) A fraction by a fraction (include mixed numbers).
3.6 Multiplication and
• Solve problems involving multiplication of fractions.
division of fractions • Divide:
12 a) A fraction by a whole number.
b) A fraction by a fraction.
c) A whole number by a fraction.
d) A mixed number by a mixed number.
• Solve problems involving division of fractions.
3.7 Combined operations • Perform computations involving combined operations of
of fractions addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions,
including the use of brackets.
• Solve problems involving combined operations of addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions,
including the use of brackets.
1 1
• Represent fractions and as decimals and vice-
10 100
4. DECIMALS versa.
4.1 Relationship between • Represent fractions with denominators 10,100 and 1000 as
decimals and fractions decimals.
• Read and write decimals to thousandths. Drawing diagrams
• Change fractions to decimals and vice-versa. Interpreting
• State the place value and value of each digit in decimals. Working out mentally
Looking for patterns
4.2 Place value and the • Compare the values of two given decimals. Comparing and
value of digit in decimals. • Arrange decimals in order. differentiating
• Round decimals to the nearest whole number or up to three Arranging sequentially
decimal places. Making inferences
• Add decimals. Translating
4.3 Addition and • Solve problems involving addition of decimals.
subtraction of decimals. • Subtract decimals.
• Solve problems involving subtraction of decimals.
• Multiply two or more decimals.
• Solve problems involving multiplications of decimals
4.4 Multiplication and • Divide:
division of decimals a) A decimal by a whole number.
b) A decimal by a decimal.
c) A decimal by a fraction.
• Solve problems involving division of decimals.
• Perform computations involving combined operations of
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of decimals,
4.5 Combined operations including the use of brackets.
of decimals. • Solve problems involving combined operations of addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division of decimals,
including the use of brackets.
5. PERCENTAGES • Express percentages as the number of parts in every 100. Working out mentally
5.1 Percentages Identifying relations
• Change fractions and decimals to percentages and vice-versa.
• Find the percentage of a quantity. Making inferences
Comparing and
• Find the percentage one number is of another. differentiating
5.2 Problem solving • Find a number given the percentage. Working backwards
• Find the percentage of increase or decrease. Solve problems Translating
involving percentages.
• Read and write integers.
• Represent integers on number lines.
6. INTEGERS • Compare the values of two integers. Classifying
6.1 Integers • Arrange integers in order. Comparing and
• Write positive or negative numbers to represent word differentiating
descriptions. Arranging sequentially
• Add integers.
Looking for patterns
6.2 Addition and • Solve problems involving addition of integers. Working out mentally
subtraction of integers • Subtract integers.
• Solve problems involving subtraction of integers.
• Use letters to represent unknown numbers.
7.1 Unknowns • Identify unknowns in given situations.
• Identify algebraic terms with one unknown.
• Identify coefficients in given algebraic terms with one Working out mentally
7.2 Algebraic terms unknown. Comparing and
• Identify like and unlike algebraic terms with one unknown. differentiating
• State like terms for a given term. Identifying relations
• Recognise algebraic expressions.

7.3 Algebraic expression

• Determine the number of terms in given algebraic
• Simplify algebraic expressions by combining the like terms.
• Measure the length of objects. Identifying relations
8. BASIC • Convert one metric unit to another. (mm, cm, m and km) Interpreting
MEASUREMENTS Drawing diagrams
8.1 Length • Estimate lengths of objects in appropriate units. Estimating
• Use the four operations to solve problems involving length. Working out mentally
8.2 Mass • Measure the mass of objects. Translating
• Convert one metric unit to another. (mg, g, kg, tonne).
• Estimate masses of objects in appropriate units.
• Use the four operations to solve problems involving mass.
• Determine the appropriate measurement of time for certain
8.3 Time • Convert measurement of time in different units (seconds,
minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years).
• Estimate the time intervals of events.
Making inferences
• Use the four operations to solve problems involving time.
• Read and write times in twelve-hour system.
• Read and write times in twenty-four hour system.
8.4 Twelve-hour and • Convert time in twelve-hour system to twenty-four hour
twenty-four-hour system system and vice-versa.
• Determine the interval between two given times.
• Solve problems involving time.
• Recognise angles. Drawing diagrams
• Denote and label angles. Finding all possible
• Measure angles using protractors. solutions
• Draw angles using protractors. Interpreting
9. LINES AND Classifying
ANGLES • Recognise, compare and classify angles as acute, right, Identifying relations
9.1 Angles obtuse and reflex.
• Draw acute, right, obtuse and reflex angles using protractors.
• Determine angles on straight lines equal 180°.
• Determine one whole turn is 360°.
• Determine parallel lines.
9.2 Parallel and
• Determine perpendicular lines.
perpendicular lines
• State that the angles formed by perpendicular lines is 90°.
9.3 Intersecting lines • Identify intersecting lines.
• Determine the properties of vertical, complementary and
supplementary angles.
• Determine the value of an angle on a line, given the adjacent
• Solve problems involving angles formed by intersecting
• Recognise polygons.
• Name polygons (triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon,
10. POLYGONS heptagon and octagon).
10.1 Polygons • Determine the number of sides, vertices and diagonals of
given polygons.
• Sketch polygons.
• Determine and draw the line(s) of symmetry of shapes.
10.2 Symmetry • Complete shapes given part of the shapes and the line of
• Draw designs using the concept of symmetry.
• Determine and draw symmetry line(s) of given triangles. Classifying
Making generalizations
• Draw triangles using protractors and rulers. Drawing diagrams
10.3 Triangles • State the geometric properties of the different types of Interpreting
triangles and name the triangles. Identifying relations
• Determine that the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180°.
• Solve problems involving triangles.
• Determine and draw symmetry line(s) of given
• Draw a quadrilateral using protractor and ruler.
10.4 Quadrilaterals • State the geometric properties of the different types of
quadrilaterals and name quadrilaterals.
• Determine that the sum of the angles of a quadrilateral is
• Solve problems involving quadrilaterals.
11. PERIMETER AND • Identify the perimeter of a region. Drawing diagrams
AREA • Find the perimeter of a region enclosed by straight lines. Identifying relations
11.1 Perimeter Translating
• Solve problems involving perimeters.
Making generalizations
11.2 Area of rectangles • Estimate the area of a shape. Estimating
• Find the area of a rectangle.
• Solve problems involving areas.
• Identify the heights and bases of triangles, parallelograms
and trapeziums.
11.3 Area of triangles, • Find the areas of triangles, parallelograms and trapeziums.
parallelograms and • Find the areas of figures made up of triangles, rectangles, Interpreting
trapeziums. parallelograms or trapeziums.
• Solve problems involving the areas of triangles, rectangles,
parallelograms and trapeziums.
• Identify geometric solids.
• State the geometric properties of cubes and cuboids.
12. SOLID • Draw cubes and cuboids on:
GEOMETRY a) Square grids. Classifying
12.1 Geometric properties b) Blank papers. Making generalizations
of cubes and cuboids Drawing diagrams
c) Make models of cubes and cuboids by: Interpreting
 Combining given faces. Identifying relations
 Folding given layouts of solids. Translating
• Estimate the volume of cuboids.
12.2 Volumes of a
• Find the volume of cuboids.
• Solve problems involving volume of cuboids.

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