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Genetically modified crops

What is a genetically modified food product?

Genetically modified (GM) crops are organisms whose DNA has been
modified through genetic engineering. The genetic material (DNA) in the
plant is altered in a certain way that is certainly not natural. Crops may be
genetically modified to increase their resistance to pests and disease,
increase adaptability to environmental conditions, improve flavour or
nutritional profile, delay ripening, or increase shelf life.

What foods can you create by genetic modification?

• Maize (corn)
• Wheat
• Rice
• Oilseed rape
• Chicory
• Squash
• Potato
• Soybean

4 Examples of genetically modified crops

1. Corn can be modified with a gene to produce an endotoxin
that protects it against the corn-borer pest.
2. Potatoes can also be modified with a gene to produce an
endotoxin that protects it against the potato beetle.
3. Soybeans can be genetically modified with a gene from a
bacterium to make it herbicide resistant.
4. By inserting two genes from a daffodil and one gene from a
bacterium, rice can be enriched with beta-carotene, which is
converted in the body into Vitamin-A.

What genetically modified foods are sold now?

In Europe there are 3 genetically modified foods sold and eaten. They
were permitted in June 2002. These are:
• Soya beans - resistant to crop spray
• Sweet corn - resistant to crop spray and produce insecticide
• Rape plants - resistant to crop spray and does not produce pollen
(therefore it cannot pollinate other plants)
Where are they grown?
There are 4 countries that produce the majority of genetically modified
crops (99%). The USA produces by far the most in the world.
• USA – 68%
• Argentina – 22%
• Canada – 6%
• China – 3%

How would you know if your food was genetically modified?

It is NOT possible to taste that your potatoes for example are genetically
modified. The way to find out is to read the packaging that your food
comes in to find if the food contains any GM ingredients.

However, if a food contains less than 1% GM ingredients then it does

NOT have to be labelled as genetically modified. Also, foods produced
by a GM plant do not have to be labelled. For example, a bag of GM corn
should be labelled, however a bottle of corn oil from the same GM corn
plant doesn’t have to be labelled as GM.

Is it safe to eat genetically modified food?

For a GM food to be sold, it must be EU approved. For it to be approved
it must go through a food risk assessment. Scientists don’t know whether
or not GM food affects our health; however there may be long-term
affects that we do not know of.

Is it safe to grow genetically modified crops/food?

Again, because we haven’t been growing GM crops for a long period of
time, we are unsure of the long-term affects. Risk assessments for
growing GM crops also has to take place, however this time on the risk it
may be to the environment. A few things are considered when assessing
the risks:
• Environmental consequences: For instance, can the genetically
modified plant spread in the environment and transfer genes to
related species?
• Consequences for farming: Is there a risk of pest-problems or of
resistance developing to current pesticides?
• Consequences relating to health: For instance, has the genetic
modification caused changes so the crop has become poisonous or
able to cause illness?

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