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Your first two problems really are the same.

As was mentioned Workbench does not allow contacts to be generated between verti
ces. As a result your model us undercontstrained and flying every where.
To create edge/face contacts you have to manually turn that on as an allowable o
ption. The default is for only face/face contacts. This option will be in the de
tails view of the connections item in the tree outline.
You can fix the additional uncontstrained areas two different ways.
The first is to import the model through design modeler and put all the bodies t
hat are connected into a single body via form new part. Now select the bodies in
the new part use the join tool in design modeler to designate joints between th
em. This causes bodies that are touching to share nodes so they don't need any c
onnections. However, this will not work to connect shell or beam elements to sol
ids because solid nodes only have 3 DOF while shell and beam elements have 6 DOF
and if you try the solids will not show up in the simulation.
The second option is very similar to what you would do in the classic interface
but can be time consuming. First you need to create a series of named selections
. These are essentialy cm commands for the nodes of the body, face, edge, or ver
tex that you have selected. Now you need to add a command snippet in the boundar
y contidion portion of the simulation tree. The command snippet needs to start w
and end with:
in between will be series of cmsel commands and whatever constraint commpands, c
p, cpintf, ceintf, rbe3, etc., That you want to use to tie the frame together. I
f you have a series of connections that are the same type you could sequentially
number your named selections and then use a *do loop to go through them.
In all likelyhood you will have to use a combination of the two methods but if y
our model is setup with only shells or beams that touch then you can avoid using
the command snippet. My recomendation if you do use either of these methods is
to write an ansys input file and then read that into the classic interface to ve
rify that your connections are correct and any joints generated in design modele
r are maintained.
Some other information about elements
The default elements in workbench are
Shells: Shell181 a 4 noded shell, some properties can be defined with real const
ants but section commands allow more freedom
Solids: Solid186 20 noded 6 sided brick or Soild187 10 noded tetrahedron
Beams: beam188, 2 noded beam element can only be defined by section commands
However, you can force some solid elements to become different elements. If you
have only 6 sided bricks and select the drop midsid nodes option you will get so
lid185 elements which are 8 node bricks instead of solid186 elements. Also, if y
ou use a sweep method in the meshing and automatic thin model option some solid
elements will mesh as solsh190 which are 8 node solid elements that more accurat
ely model plate structures than standard solids do.
Also, if you know the itype number you can change between elements with the same
number of nodes and nodal dof using a command snippet. The only real use I have
seen for this within workbench is if you want to use real constants to define a
beam section instead of section properties. I have changed beam188 elemements i
nto beam4 elements by issuing a kt,X,4 command where X was the itype number.

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