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ficat for Industrial Technician ‘URRICULUM & Electronic Engineering atthe itback to Curriculum Development Unit before 3 Lamarch 2005 at to you after modification. Ist year Module No. E 1-1 E 1-2 E 13 I-4 1-5 16 1-7 18 EMI-I CEM 1-1 CEM 1-2 CEM 1-3 Bm oo 2nd year E 21 E 22 E 23 E 24 E 2-5 E 26 E27 E 2-8 E 2.9 E 2-10 E 211 EM 2-1 EM 2-2 CEM 2-1 National Certificate for Industrial Technicians ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING MODULE Subject Module Value ENGINEERING FUNDMENTALS , ELECTRICAL PRINCIPALS - | ~ ANALOG ELECTRONICS — DIGITAL ELECTRONICS — TESTING & MEASUREMENT ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION & SAFETY ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS- (workshop practice) ELECTRICAL POWER ENGINEERING DRAWING ENGLISH LANGUAGE | ENGINEERJNG MATHEMATICS. 1 ~ USE OF COMPUTERS LAB WORK ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS le ELECTRICAL PRINCIPLES - 11 ANALOG ELECTRONICS — 1 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS — 1 MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEMS INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS-1 (workshop practice) ELECTRICAL MACHINES 11 UTILIZATION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY PROJECT TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ENGINEERING APPLICATION OF COMPUTERS ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT. ENGLISH LANGUAGE 11 LAB WORK ol ol ol ol ol Ol Of Ol 01 on 1 ol ol OL o1 ol 01 Ol ol ol 02 13), National Certificate in Industrial Technician Electrical and Electronic Engineering _———————————— | ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS Unit No: E 4-1 —— ———e voce ‘} Module : Engineering Fundamentals Module No 5 E1-1 Module Value e 01 60 Hours ( 2 Hours per Week) Rational : This unit will provide general awareness in engineering fields which are connected to the Electrical Engineering Field. Assessment Method : AE Aim of the module Know the basic meaning of Electrical Engineering Get awareness on basic workshop processes and safety. Knows the material properties and uses of materials. PPP a Knows the basic concepts of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Section : Principal objectives and related specific objectives. A INTRODUCTION 4; Knows the basic meaning of the Electrical Engineering. 11. Defines the word * Electrical Engineering” 12. States the importance of Electrical Engineering to the Sri Lankan Engineering Society, considering :- . Basic aims * Available electrical engineering fields * Relationship to other engineering fields (Civil and Mechanical) 1.3. States the importance of maintenance in Electrical Engineering to Sri Lanka. idents in a general workshop and how to prevent them. for accidents in a general workshop environment, je clothing/ hair genity in the work firms end liquid e gas and dust sate electrical working in protection in. of electrical danger in the workshop. fety procedures affecting. and burns on human body of electrical shock in general 42 4.3. 44. 45. 46. 47. 4.8. Describe iron & steel production. . Blast fumace . Foundry cupola . Steel production methods Lists various materials used in engineering field according to = Metals (ferrous! non ferrous) « Plastics (thermo/thermosetting) © Ceramics (consulates / glass) Knows the basic properties of materials and use of those properties to select a material for use. Define the term * Mechanical properties * Physical properties * Chemical properties * Manufacturing properties Lists various properties according to above mentioned basic properties Defines various mechanical properties with examples:- * Strength * Hardness = Duotilty * Malleability + Brittleness * Toughness + Elasticity + Plasticity Defines electrical properties with examples. * —— Resistively * Conductivity * Temperature coefficient of resistance © Dielectric strength * Thermo electricity * Piezoelectric property + Electro magnetic property * Electrochemical property Compares various properties of material using published data Lists common properties of materials related to :- the properties and uses of various ferrous materials, Cast irons: Carbon steels Stainless steels Tool steels the importance of heat treatment steels the stages of heat treatment processes (annealing, normalizing, ardening and tempering) and their effect to the properties of steels. States the properties and uses of non ferrous metals. Aluminium alloys Copper alloys * Magnesium alloys Znalloys © TinVlead alloys ‘State the difference between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics. " States the properties and uses of plastics + Thermoplastics © _ Thermosetting plastics States the properties and uses of insulators Plastics Glass Laramie the basic concepts of corrosion ne the work “corrosion” 7A. 2s FA. 74. 7.5. 786. et Familiarizes with basie measuring work available in a general workshop States the importance of measurement in processing work and importance of ‘accuracy. Describes measurement as a measuring of lenaths, angle and : surface Selects and use appropriate basic measuring Tools such as:- . Rule . Rule/ caliper . Engineering square . Surface plate . Surface garage for measurement Describes the principle of non-digital micrometer and vemire calliper Select and use basic measuring instruments such as . Non digital micrometer . Vemire calliper . Light gauge . Protractor for measurement. Identifies limitations of above-mentioned measuring tools/ instrument considering accuracy and robustness. States the procedures to be adopted to maintain above mentioned tool and instruments in good condition. Familiarizes with basic laying-out tools available in a general workshop. uit in processing work. Select and use basic basic bench tools and hand tools available in a general workshop. bench tools such as — 10. "asic MACHINES Familiarizes with bench drilling machine 410.1. States the use drilling machine. 40.2. Identifies the main parts and states the basic working mechanism of the machine. 40.3. States the considering factors to hold a work on the machine. 10.4. Describe various machining processes such as :- . Drilling j Taping . Counter sinking . counter boring . Spot facing With can perform on the drilling M/C 10.5. Identifies main parts of twist drill bit with their uses. 10.6. Identifies types and uses of drill bit available for use in drilling M/C. 10.7. States the main factors to be considered to sharpen a twits drill bit. 10.8. States the procedure to be adopted to . maintain the machine in good condition * work safely with the machine. Familiarizes with bench grinding machine. 11.1. States the uses of bench grinder 14.2. Identifies the main parts and states the basic working mechanism of the machine. 11.3. States the types grinding wheels which can used in a bench grinder. 14.4. Describes how bench grinder be used for . Cut-off material . Cut the burr . Sharpen a scriber, punch and twist drill 11.5. States the procedures to be adopted to ° Maintain the machine in good condition . Work safely with the machine. ‘methods used in mechanical engineoring. ‘in manufacture. :mechanical fastening methods with their uses: pes of additives, their types and advantages. _ Thermo plastic additives thermosetting additives two polymer type additives ribe Electric Welding & Welding equipment. the basic soldering process and it's uses types of solders and there uses es the advantages and disadvantages of basic assembling methods in jineering application considering: mechanical fasteners ‘Additive bonding Soldering introduce working principles & widely weed machineries. Pumps Air compressors IC Engine's es the word “Refrigeration” the principle of refrigeration. the principle of refrigeration system such as. Work, demonstration lab assignments and workshop observations/ lecture support could be most appropriate methods for achieving ‘essential for the students as a instructional materials. (02 Hours per Week) ile will provide the basic knowledge and skills to communicate e technical ideas without ambiguity. the students to:- lop an understanding of the basic electrical principles needed by Suggested Time Hours 04 06 08 02 08 08 04 20 60 tof them. : s to meet the general objectives. A. General Principles 4. Understands Ohm's Law 4.1 States Ohm's Law 1.2 Defines the terms resistance, resistivity, conductance and conductivity 1.3 States the S.I. units of the quantities in 1.2 1.4 Reads the values of colour coded resistors. 1.5 Explains the temperature dependence of resistance, using the equation Ri = Ro (1+ at) 1.6 applies the equation in 1.5 to the solution of problems. 2. Understands the principles involving the transformation of electrical energy in to other for of energy. 2.1 Sates the joule's Law 2.2 Applies he joule's law to the solution of problems involving the conversion of ele energy in to heat energy. 2.3 States different units of energy (Viz. Joule, Calorie, Kilowatt hour). 2.4 Defines the unit " Kilowatt hour” the case of energy conversion in an electric heater. 2.6 Defines the " Efficiency " of a electric heater as Efficiency (n) = Useful heat eneray output Electrical energy input 2.7 Applies the equation in 2.6 to the solution of problems. 2.8 Defines the " efficiency " of ad. c. electric motor as Efficiency (n) = Useful mechanical energy output Electrical energy input 2.8 Applies the equation in 2.8 to the solution of problems. sees for the total (equivalent) 1ce of a series combination of resistors R1, Rzy........ Ra Derives the equation 1/R= 1/R; + WRo+....... +41/R,, for the total (equivalent) resistance of a parallel combination of resistors R;, Ro. R, Applies the equations in 3.2 and 3.3 to the solution of problems involving (i) series (ii) parallel and (iii) series parallel combinations of resistors. Derives the equations for star - delta transformation. Applies the equations in 3.5 to the solution of problems. appliés Kirchhoff’s laws to the solution of problems involving.not more than 3 unknowns, by (i) branch current method (ii) Maxwell's cyclic current method. . electrostatics . Understands how electrostatics can be applied to electric field - problems 41 Describes what is meant by a positively or negatively charged body. 4.2 _ States the laws of electrostatics. r 4.3 Defines the " Relative permittivity (€,) " of a medium. 4.4 _ Defines field strength (E) as force acting on a unit positive charge. 45 — Defines the terms electric flux (¥) and flux density (D) 46 — States that, flux density D =€E = €..6.E 47 Defines electric potential difference (V) between two points, in terms of work cone in moving a unit positive charge between the two points. 4.8 — Express the work done in moving a charge Q as W = Qv 4.9 Defines electric potential at a point. 4.10 Expresses field strength as potential gradient |. Understands the concept of capacitance and solves problems involving capacitor 5.1 Defines capacitance as q/v 5.2 States the unit for capacitance as the farad. 5.3 Derives the equation C = &.€,Ald for a parallel plate capacitor Derives the equation 1G = 4/C, + 1/C2+.... +1/Cy, for the total (equivalent) capacitance of a series combination capacitors C;, C2, .--- + Cn. A Ry Ns in 5.9 to the solution of problems. Lists and distinguishes between different types of practical capacitors. c 51 Explains the charging and discharging processes of a capacitor through a resist 5.12 Defines the " Time constant” for the circuits in 5.12 5.13 Solves problems involving time constant, charging /discharging current and across the capacitor. D. Magnetism 6. Understands the fundamental concepts of magnetic fields. 61 Describes the properties of natural magnets. 6.2 States the laws of magnetic force. 6.3 Defines the "Relative permeability (11,) of a medium. 6.4 Relates the permittivity (€) and permeability () of a medium. 6.5 Defines the terms magnetic field strength (H) magnetic flu density (B) 6.6 States that, flux density B= pH =) u,H 67 Lists the equivalent quantities defined in magnetism and electrostatics E. Electromagnetism 7. Understands the laws relating to electromagnetism and applies them to series circuits 7.1 Describes the magnetic field cue to a current ina straight a straight wire. 7.2 — Expresses the force acting on a current currying conductor 7.3 Applies the Fleming's left hand rule to find the direction of F. 7.4 Describes the magnetic field of a long straight solenoid. 7.5 — Describes the effect of ferromagnetic materials on flux density. 7.6 Describes the B-H relationships for magnetic and non-magnetic materials. 7.7 — Defines the terms magnetic circuit, magneto motive force (m.m.f) 7.8 Defines reluctance (s) as m,m.f /b x E, Electromagnetic induction 8. Understands the laws relating to electromagnetic induction. . 81 States the faraday's laws of electromagnetic inductign. 82 States the lenz's law. 83 i Explains the production of an induced in a coil of N turns, due to a change in magnetic flux linking with the coil. li States that the induced e.m.f.=-N d@ dt iii Applies the lenz's law to determine the direction of the induced iv Applies the equation in (ji) to the solution of problems. con-—- cuts or is cut by magnetic flux. 8.4 con li States that, the induced e.m.f. (e) Blv = @ volts t Applies fleming's right-hand rule to determine the direction of the induced or generated iv Applies the equation in (ji) to the solution of problems. Describes the phenomenon of self induction and states its effects. Defines the self inductance (L) of a circuit. States the unit of L as the Henry States that the energy stored by an inductor is % LI? Relates the equation e = -L di/dt to the equatione =-N d@ Toshow La N? dt Describes the growth of current in an inductive (R - L) circuit. Describes the decay of current in an inductive circuit. Describes the mutual induction between two coils. efines the mutual inductance (M) of two coils. * the average value, the r.m.s value and the form factor a sinusci¢ rm are 0.637 maximum, 0.707 maximum and 1.11 respectively. 2s and calculates the quantities defined in 9.4 from given dat es phasor representation of sinusoidal quanti Defines a phasor quantity. describes the phase difference (@) between two sinusoidal waveform 10.3 Draws phasor diagrams to represent sinusoidal voltages and currents and their pI differences with respect to a reference phasor. 10.4 Determines the r.m.s. value of the sum of two sinusoidal voltages /currents, drawing a phasor diagram. H. Single phase a.c. Circuits . Understands the behaviour of simple a.c. circuits. 11.1 Derives the equation of the current, from the application of a sinusoidal voltage V: max sinwt to a purely resistive circuit. 11.2 Deduces from the equation in 11.1 that Vmax = Vems. = R and | max Inm.s Phase difference (©) between voltage and current is zero 11.3 Draws the phasor diagram and the wave forms of voltage and current, relating to 1 11.4 Derives the equation of the current, from the application of a sinusoidal voltage V =Vmex Sinwt to a purely capacitive circuit. 11.5 Deduces from the equation in 11.4, that Vinax = Vems = 1 and Imax Irm.s 2xfc leads by 90° or n/2 radians. Deduces from the equation in 11.10, that Vinx = Meme = 2nfl and max Tems lags V by 90° or m/2 radians. 41.12 States that inductive reactance X.=Mo = 2nfl = WL MW 41.13 Describes the frequency dependence of X._ 41.14 Draws the phasor diagram and the wave forms of voltage and current relating to 41.10. 11.15. Show graphically that average power is zero for a purely inductive circuit. 14.16 Applies the equations in 11.2, 11.6 and 11.12 to the solution of problems. 11.17 Draws phasor diagrams corresponding to L - Rand C - R series circuits. 11.18 Determines triangles derived from the phasor diagrams of 11.17. 11.19 Defines impedance es Z = VII 14.20 Derives impedance triangles from voltage triangles. 11.21. Shows that 2? = R? + X° and that sn@ =XZ, Cos @ = RIZ and Tan@ = XIR 41.22 Applies the equations in 11.19 and 11.21 to the solution of single branch L-R and C-R series circuits at power and radio frequencies. 11.23 Draws phasor diagrams for simple L, C and R series a.c. circuits. 41.24 Determines the voltages across each of the elements in 11.23. 11.25 Shows that AP = Ret (X ~ Xo) Tan®@ = X_~Xe R sin® = X~Xe 2 and Cos O = in R-L-C series circuits. "14.26 Shows that current is leading, lagging or in phase with voltage accorcing as Xe > Xi, Xe =X or Xe = Xe 1.27 States that power dissipation (P) = -R : Relates and calculates the quantities defined in 9.4 from given dat 10. Uses phasor representation of sinusoidal quantities 10.1 Defines a phasor quantity. : 10.2 describes the phase difference (@) between two sinusoidal waveform j : 40.3 Draws phasor diagrams to represent sinusoidal voltages and currents and their pha! differences with respect to a reference phasor. 104 Determines the r.m.s. value of the sum of two sinusoidal voltages /currents, | drawing a phasor diagram. H. Single phase a.c. Circuits 11. Understands the behaviour of simple a.c. circuits. 11.1 Derives the equation of the current, from the application of a sinusoidal voltage V: max sinwt to a purely resistive circuit. 11.2 Deduces from the equation in 11.1 that Vmax = Vrms. = R and E | max Inms | Phase difference (©) between voltage and current is zero 11.3 Draws the phasor diagram and the wave forms of voltage and current, relating to 11.4 Derives the equation of the current, from the application of a sinusoidal voltage 4 V = Vmax Sinwt to a purely capacitive circuit. 11.8 Deduces from the equation in 11.4, that Minx = Vrms = 1 and Tmax. Inm.s 2afc leads by 90° or n/2 radians. Rae SAV Tina nme Hags V by 90° or x/2 radians. 2 States that inductive reactance x eM = 2nfl = WL IL Describes the frequency dependence of X_ Draws the phasor diagram and the wave forms of voltage and current relating to 11.10. 11.15: Show graphically that average power is zero for a purely inductive circuit 11.16 Applies the equations in 11.2, 11.6 and 11.12 to the solution of problems. 11.17 Draws phasor diagrams corresponding to L - R and C - R series circuits 11.18 Determines triangles derived from the phasor diagrams of 11.17. 11.19 Defines impedance as Z = V/I 11.20 Derives impedance triangles from voltage triangles. 11.21 Shows that Z? = R? + X? and that sn = XZ, Cos © = RZ and Tan@= XR 11.22 Applies the equations in 11.19 and 11.21 to the solution of single branch L-R and C-R series circuits at power and radio frequencies. 11.23 Draws phasor diagrams for simple L, C and R series ac. circuits 11.24 Determines the voltages across each of the elements in 11.23. 11.25 Shows that A? = R? + (X ~ Xo)2 Tan@ = Xa Xe sin@ = X ~ Xe Zz and Cos 9 = RZ in R-L-C series circuits. Xe 03 hours in the do racticals 8 and 9 > OShoursinthe do Practicals 10 m 03 hours in the Electrical workshop pevISED DRAFT National Certificate in Industrial Technician ELECTRICAL INSTALATION OF SAFETY & STANDARDS Module . Electrical Installation & Safety Module No Module Value ? 01 60 Hours (2 Hours per Week) Assessment Method AE Aim of the module To develop students awareness of safe work habits, materials and equipment used for domestic electrical installations, the principles and regulations that have to be followed in installation work, testing of finished installations, interpretation of wiring diagrams and preparation of estimates. Special Notes It is suggested that for assessment an end test supplemented with a record of continues assessment work as planned for the unit may be appropriate. General Objectives (Leaming outcome) ‘On completion of this unit the student should be able to: - Be mindful of general safety. - Be familiar with different types of domestic wires and cables. - Know different domestic wires and cables. - Know connection of lamps and switches. - Know protection systems and earthing requirements. - Be aware of wiring regulations. - Interpret and draw wiring diagrams. - Prepare estimates for domestic electrical installations. SAFETY AND PRACTICES ds how electric shocks are caused and methods of providing States voltage levels, extra law, Jow medium & high voltage levels Explain effect of electric shock and experiences and examples on el accidents 43. Deseribe Electrical safety method of operation in LT. line work domestic wiring work and safety equipments to be used. t 4.4 Describe first aid and treatments for burns and minor injuries and elecy shocks. 4.5 Explain the extinguisher and usage and artificial respiration methods — 4.6 Explain earthling and lighting effect on houses 4a Explain what “Resuscitation” or artificial respiration is. aaa 4.8 State the different methods of resuscitation. 19 State the basic operations of resuscitation. 4.10 Explain in detail how resuscitation is given. 1.11 State the primary causes of fire. 4.12 Explain the different types of fire extinguishers. 1.13 States general safety rules and practice for the use of eledic equipment. 4 4.14 Explain the importance of grounding electrical equipment. B. DOMESTIC CABLES, WIRING SYSTEMS, ELECTRICAL ACCESSORE AND PROTECTING DEVICES, WIRING REGULATIONS. ; 2. Understands the construction and classification of electric cables 2.1 Table on ratings of cables, voltage drop schedule 22 The difference and advantages over PVC and XLPE cables, Insulated sheathed. | 23 Diversity factor as explained in |.E.E. and methods to be adapted or mos to suit to Sri Lanka | 2.4 — Name different conductors used for electrical work. 25 State composition and properties of above 26 i | eS State the difference between a solid wire and a stranded wire. Na i Ba me different insulating materials and state their applications. State the difference between an insulated wire and a cable ¥ 2.9 2.10 mati 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2417 2.418 Explain provision of cable insulation and mechanical protection for cables. Demonstrate the use of Standard Wire Gauge (SWG) for wire measurements. Demonstrate the use of out side micrometer. Explain how wires and cables are graded Identify different kinds of wires used for different purposes Viz. Domestic wires T. T. Flex, Magnet wire Resistance wire. Antenna wire, Television wire Auto wire, Audio cable etc. State the size of out side micrometer. Explain what current carrying capacity and current rating of cables. Explain importance of considering voltage drop for deciding required wire size Demonstrate the different types of wire joints. Demonstrate soldering and application of insulating tape. 3. Understands the different type of wiring systems and connection of electrical accessories. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.7. 38. ce 3.10. 3.11. 3.12. 3.13. 3.14. 3.15. 3.16. 3.17. 3.18. 3.19. 3.20. State principle types of domestic wiring systems employed in Sri Lanka Explain the method of fixing casing for house wiring. Explain the various types of casing joints. State cable capacities of casings. Discuss the installation of PVC conducts for house wiring Demonstrate PVC conduit coupling, bending and connection of standard accessories. State the cable carrying capacities of PVC conduits. Identify use of wooden PVC round blocks, rectangular blocks and plug mounting bases. Explain use of ravel plugs, wire clips insulated staples etc. Explain in general the use ‘of metallic conduits and their standard fittings for electrical installation work. Explain the looping in system for wire connections in house wiring systems. Explain connection of lamps in parallel or series with mains. Identify by colour code phase wire, natural wire and switch wire in wiring circuits. Explain connection of power out lets. Explain installation of ring circuits. Explain connection of two way switches. Explain connection of intermediate switches. Explain connection of terminations for 2 plate and 3 plate ceiling roses and C. G. Holders. Discuss tube light circuits and their connections Explain the meaning of the term “Diversity” as applied to circuits. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 4.10. 4.11. 4.12. 4.13, Understands the necessity for wiring regulations, 5.1. 5.3. ai g of Loads in 3 phase domestic supply. te method of connection neutral to a 3 phase DB Discuss the function of fuse gear and circuit breakers in electrical circuits. Explain the construction of semi-enclosed type and totally enclosed type} 2 Explain what the current rating, breaking capacity and minimum fusing « afuse. Explain how to select fuse ratings for circuits having non indu: loads, Explain the construction and operation of voltage operated earth leakage cig breakers. Explain the construction and operation of residual current operated E; leakage circuit breakers. Explain the necessity for earthing metallic casings containing conductors, States on what factors the effectiveness of an earth system depends, Explain the working of the “Mugger’ Earth Tester. Explain the method of use of the Mugger. Explain the wiring of Single Phase & Three Phase meters. Identify voltmeters & Selector switch used in large installation. Identify Ammeter & selector ‘Switch used in large installation, Discuss the Purpose of enforcing wiring regulations. States what part 4 and part 2 of Of building refer to. Explain point set out in electrical installation, the regulations dealing with electrical equip Part'1, which must be observed to ensure safety i + equipment that are not covered by the e drop permissible in a cable according to | permissible insulation resistance between conductors and and earth of an installation before and after light fittings, al diagrams is ing diagram is. tic or circuits diagram is. diagram is. \itectural or floor plan diagram is. al electrical symbol used to indicate equipment in mbol in floor plan diagrams. with symbol and prepares working drawing for it. of quantities and estimates. electrical symbols and identify equipment and materials required for a wiring job. lamp drop etc., locations ‘of power out lets gof wiring issued by |E.E, wiring prepared by 0.8.M. branch of C.E.B. jard specification for cables and insulators person who has received a minor —_ electric (© conduit pipes for connection to various electrical s to suit electrical accessories. red , raw! plugs, and wire clips, insulated staples as requir uit pipes for electrical installation work ghting installation employing the “looping in’ system. Intermediate switches. nd three plate ceiling roses. faults if any of tube fight circuits. ss, rip switches and Distribution Boards. (Co! p tester and test lamp for electrical continuity testing and location sumer unit) and test lamp for electrical continuity testing and location and residual current operated Earth Leakage circuit je the above mentioned tasks within the Manufacture a@pcb. i Marking and cutting ii. Drawing the layout on the Peb and etching Drilling assembling and soldering Appreciate basic workshop safety. Students should be given a Projects to achieve the above mentioned the allocated time sheet metal workshop. Is to produce drawing shaping etc. Ider sheet metal. \ppreciate basic workshop safety Students should be given a project to achieve the above mentioned tasks with in the allocated time 'e mentioned tasks with in d be given @ project to achieve the abov' should be given a project to achieve the above mentioned tasks with in lentioned with i Good format of the presentation of the log book Achievement of the given tasks Interest to work Practice of safety and maintenance, No grading should be given. Students should be assessed to get results pass or fall AE ‘Aim of the module (a). to develop an understanding of the Electrical power Generation, Plant Economics, Power Transmission, Power Distribution needed by technicians in the fields such as electrical, electronics and Telecommunications, Special Notes Unit Topic Area A — Electrical power Generation & Plant Economics B — Power Transmission C -— Power Distribution enerati it i , ae Units to be Installed in a power Station, charging for electricity conception, Of transmission at which transmission is carried out, using high voltages for transmission. of Ismission lines on the basis of distance. of inductance and capacitance in transmission lines. and Ferranti effects. ‘of earthing overhead transmission lines. ce between overhead transmission and underground 1ers KVA/ MVA rating at various voltages. feed lines and underground cables with respect to (b). Environment (@). Fault fainting Explains the system of earthing in distribution times. Discuss types of Distribution systems. %. Compare radial, ring open closed and interconnected redial systems with reference to economic, protection, fault finding and security of supply. xi. Explain what switches mean. TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES Library assignments, lab work, demonstration lab assignments and workshop observations/ assignments with significant lecture support could be most appropriate methods for achieving objectives. ‘The hand — outs are essential for the students as a instructional materials. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES Achievement of principal objectives will assess as follows. (a). Assignments — 50% = Library assignments - Lat. assignments - Workshop assignments (0). End test 50% This will be Gesigned to assess the @chievement of Objectives cont covered assignments, ota ee

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