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First Presbyterian Church

Weathervane 101 Bridgeboro Road, Moorestown, New Jersey (856) 235-1688

From His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.

February 2011 John 1:16

Dear Friends,

As we approach the beautiful month of February ~ let me remind you of one of the basic truths of the
Kingdom we are invited to live in today. I was an 11th grader at the Wilmington Friends School. One of my
favorite teachers was a man named Mr. Short. If you wanted to get out of 11th grade there was one require-
ment. You had to memorize a poem by W.E. Henley. Some of you will no doubt remember it and some might
be able to recite it.

In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeoning of chance, my
head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears, loom but the horror of the shade, and yet
the menace of the years, finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, how charges with
punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.

Stirring, yes but is it true? For the poet the only resource we can depend upon is ourselves. And the older
I get the less I can depend upon myself ~ did you ever notice that? If it wasn’t for Karin cheering me on in
these perpetual and daily radiation treatments, I am not sure how my life would be. Every time I return from my
daily treatment (Monday – Friday) I find a “sign” of her love. A card, a favorite piece of chocolate, new boxer
shorts ~ you name it I’ll probably get it. I am not the master of my fate, there is only one master in my life and
His name is Jesus. In fact, because of Him I have the joy and privilege to become a child of God (John 1:12).

Think back to your best days as a Christian ~ were they not always those days in which you worked from a
greater frame of reference, surrounded by people who love you and love our Lord. Our mission trips around
the corner are “life changers.” There is no question in my mind that if everyone went on a mission “reach”
either locally or internationally, our congregation would look and operate very differently.

The fact is the closer we are to the poor and the places of injustice, and those who are simply lost the more
of the fullness of Jesus we know. And in that fullness we have all received, grace upon grace gift upon gift.

What a joy and what a thrilling adventure to walk together in Christ this month, not as the master of our souls,
but as beloved children of the Most High!

Bring a friend to hear the good news around here almost any day of the week

Jonathan Miller, Pastor

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February 2011 Sermon Schedule


8am in Fellowship Hall
8:30am in the Sanctuary 5pm New Creation in the Commons
11 am in the Sanctuary

Mark 14:22-31
John 8:34-59
Dick Herman
Jonathan Miller

Mark 14:51-72
John 9
Phillip Jones
Jonathan Miller


PLAIN TALK One of our Seminarian Interns

will be Preaching
John 10:22-42
Martha Jordan


John 11:1-16 Martha Jordan
Dick Herman


Raise a song, sound the tambourine, the sweet lyre with the harp. Ps. 81:2
Let them praise his name with dancing, making melody to him with tambourine and lyre. Ps. 149:3
Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Ps. 150:3

Do you love to play an instrument? This is your opportunity to praise God while playing an instrument. We are looking for
people who play the clarinet, the violin, the flute or any instrument. You are invited to join the Family Band which will play
one Sunday in Lent during the New Creation Service. It does not matter if you are an expert or just beginning to play, this will
be a fun night to help in worship while sharing your God given gift.
Please contact Neal Stephens by February 20th
If you are interested in participating in order to allow time to practice the music!
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2011 Lenten Small Group Studies

Beginning March 6
From the Chronicles of Narnia
by C.S. Lewis

The Magician’s N ephew

The H orse and H is Boy

Beginning the week of Ash Wednesday, the first full week of March, members and friends of First Presbyterian will step
out into an exciting journey of faith and Godly imagination that will be fun and challenging, inspiring and significant.
Since the first volume was published in 1950, the seven Narnia tales of C. S. Lewis have enthralled the hearts and cap-
tured the minds of several generations of children and adults alike. Now three of the stories have been made into major
motion pictures (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian and most recently The Voyage of the Dawn
Treader). This year, we will be studying two of the “lesser known” books in this series – The Magician’s Nephew and
The Horse and His Boy.

Writing about how the tales came to be in answer to an editor’s request, Lewis says:
“At first they were not a story, just pictures. The Lion all began with a picture of a Faun carrying an umbrella
and parcels in a snowy wood. This picture has been in my mind since I was about sixteen. Then one day, when I
was about forty, I said to myself: ‘Let’s try to make a story about it.’
“At first I had a very little idea how the story would go. But then suddenly Aslan came bounding into it. I
think I had been having a good many dreams of lions about that time. Apart from that, I don’t know where the
Lion came from or why He came. But once He was there He pulled the whole story together, and soon He pulled
the other six Narnian stories in after Him.”

I like that! How like Jesus Aslan is—bounding into our lives not by our design but joyously by His grace, pulling our
life’s story together … and pulling other stories in after Him. During this six-week study we’ll turn the pages of two fan-
tastic stories and also read biblical stories of Jesus Christ who bounds into our lives as Redeemer, Creator, Protector,
Companion and Friend. Written originally as children’s stories, the two books are easy and fast reading (which is why
we can do two books this year) – but they are not “light-weight” or “shallow’ as they speak directly into our souls as

In early February, information about signing up for small groups will become available and the books will be on hand for

If you’re willing to host a small group in your home during Lent 2011, please give Elizabeth Caggiano a call at the
church (856-235-1688) and let us know as soon as possible; and, should you be interested in leading a group (let us
know about that, too), there will be training sessions with the study guide in February to prepare you to have the best
experience possible.

I invite you to join us in this wonderful study during Lent 2011. Blessings,
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“One beggar showing another beggar where to find bread” is an apt description of spiritual direction. In this ancient meta-
phor we see the two essential qualities for being a spiritual companion: attending to the Presence of God with one ear
while simultaneously attending to another hungry soul with the other. (In this respect spiritual direction differs from mod-
ern psychological counseling that usually has a more problem-centered focus—though some persons may be involved in
both at times.)

One beggar. The desire to find a spiritual guide needs to grow out of a deepening desire for companion-ship with God.
Because so much of spiritual companioning is “the art of holy listening,” it’s essential that the guide and seeker both
spend time between and during the meetings “listening with God”—which is a good definition of contemplative prayer.

Showing other beggars. The desire to help others find spiritual direction needs to grow mutually out of the guide and
seeker hungering for God at the center of all life experiences—grieving and celebrating, working and playing. Aware-
ness is everything: the guide’s own neediness can assist in being closer to God and more present for others—or it could
get in the way.

Where to find bread. Spiritual direction isn’t just talk; it’s a holy conversation about finding and follow-ing the One who
nurtures a hungry soul intent on seeking “the Bread of life” in the very ordinary stuff of life. The guide encourages the
seeker to cultivate spiritual disciplines—praying with scripture, meditating, journaling, retreating—that help a person to
pay attention to the rhythms of grace in the gifts and struggles in the world of action.


This ancient art is “a many colored coat” that goes by varied names: spiritual direction, spiritual guidance, spiritual com-
panionship or friendship, soul friends (Irish anamchara), spiritual mentoring, or discipling—and the rebbe-hasid tradition
in Judaism. It has biblical roots: the friendship of David and Jonathan, Ruth and Naomi, Paul and Silas—even in the rela-
tionship of Jesus with “the beloved disciple.” Through the ages there have been many examples: Francis of Assisi and
Claire, John Calvin and John Knox, Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Eberhard Bethge,
Evelyn Underhill and Baron von Hugel, Howard Thurman and Martin Luther King, Jr. It is two persons encouraging and
praying for one another, with some mutual giving-receiving (Romans 1:11- 12)—even when it is a disciple-mentor rela-


The many “names” reflect unique facets of one experience. “Spiritual direction” conveys a more formal-ized relationship,
and speaks of discernment—finding a sense of direction for one’s life. “Spiritual companioning” (com-panis in Latin—
literally “bread with”) speaks of more reciprocity: yet the one friend clearly needs to be the guide—one beggar showing
another by example, story, listening, praying.

From SPIRITUAL COMPANIONING: What is This Thing Called Spiritual Direction?

By Rev. Dr. Kent Ira Groff of Oasis Ministries, Inc., Camp Hill, Pa.

If you are interested in finding out more about Spiritual Direction and
whether this ministry is something that you would find helpful to your
life in Christ, please contact Pastor Dick Herman
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From Our Associate Pastor for Families

Dear friends,
I hope the beginning of 2011 has been a good one for you. I have a feeling of excitement. There are many things
that I am looking forward to this year. Some are things that are happening soon for example the Mother~Daughter movie
night on February 25th and mission trip to India in March. Some events are happening later this year like VBS in June and
the Great Date Night in April. But at the same time there is some apprehension on my part. There is a sense of uncer-
tainty about what to expect. There are times in our lives when we feel the excitement about special events and then
sometimes we feel let down or depressed when they are over.

One thing that is important for Christians is to always have the excitement of the Good News. We are blessed to
have a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is not something that we should take for granted or become complacent about.
Recently, I was leading the chapel for the Step by Step preschool. After sharing a Bible story with the children we began
to sing some songs. One of them was “This Little Light of Mine.” The children were wonderful in holding up their finger
and singing about letting the light of Christ shine in them. Somehow we lose that excitement as adults.

As Christians, we believe that in Christ, God calls us toward new things. These new things may seem as plain
and ordinary as a phone call from a friend at the right time or new person in our midst. But they are not just plain and
ordinary when they are put in the context of God’s plan. A card, a smile, an unexpected expression of love can make all
the difference in helping us carry the light of Christ out into the world.

I hope you will take the time each day and reflect on “where have I felt God’s presence?” Sometimes the answer
is easy. I always feel God’s presence at the communion table. I can see and feel the presence of God when I am in the
Sunday School classrooms. But I can also feel the presence of God sometimes when I talk with members one on one. So
often, and in so many ways, I am privileged to see the Spirit moving among us.

However there are days when things don’t go like they should, when I am frustrated and tired or even cranky.
There are days when I see people that I just don’t know what to say to help ease the hurt they are feeling. There are days
when I see and feel my limitations. Those are the moments that a friend once told me that “Invited or not, God is here.”
For those moments, I am grateful for the grace and mercy and support of fellow believers.

I would like to encourage you to see where God is moving in your life. We have many wonderful education
programs for children and adults that will help strengthen you on your faith journey. We have programs during the week
and on Sundays and at a variety of different times. I hope you will take the time to pray about what can feed your soul
or maybe how you can help lead or teach in order to feed the souls of Christians around you.

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Children’s Ministry Youth Ministry

February 1
6pm Meeting for the 24 youth participants in YouthWorks
that takes place in June (see below)
Letter writing workshop. Pizza will be served.

February 11-13
Philly Blitz weekend for families, youth and adults.
The Philadelphia Project at Mt. Airy Presbyterian Church
$50/person - Martha Jordan

Note: a full week experience is being developed

for late July or early August

March 4-6
Junior High Lake Champion Winter Retreat
For those in grades 7-8.
Experience a life changing event in the beautiful mountains
of New York State. Be challenged in your walk with God
Check the website under Children’s Ministry while having fun in the company of good friends.
for more details and to register: $135/person Register online by February 14, 2011


Children’s Fellowship Groups
2011 WINTER/SPRING KICK OFF! June 26—July 1, 2011
Wednesday, February 2

Adirondack Mountains—Youth Mission
for students
— 6pm FAMILY DINNER — Feb 1st Mtg.
in grades 9 thru 12 6pm
Letter Writing
CROSSING ZONE $400/person and Pizza

6:30pm—7:30pm Stay tuned for mission details. In the past we have run
Kids Clubs, painted and done light construction.
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Stepping Stones ALPHA

Sharing the News from our Preschool

Alpha is a Safe Place to Begin…

Two Special Courses are offered

Wednesday, February 2nd
here at the church
This is a great follow up for the weekend
It’s that time again… with Christian Andrews!
Preschool Registration for 2011-12 classes!
Early registration (for church members and those cur-
rently enrolled) began January 10. Open registration The Big Focus in a Small Group:
(for everyone else) began on January 24. Christianity! The Trinity! Is any of this relevant to you life?

Help spread the word about our wonderful Preschool Wednesday, February 2—May 11
here at 1st Presbyterian! If you or someone you know did 6pm Dinner 7pm Program
not get a chance to stop by our Registration Open House
in January, contact Amy Agger at ALPHA III
or 856-235-7105 to schedule a tour. The Jesus Lifestyle Series:
The Sermon on the Mount
We have half day programs for 2½ , 3, and 4 year olds in
a variety of schedules. NEW for 2011-12...a 4 day PreK Wednesday, February 2—April 23
class and we extended the school year by two weeks! 6pm Dinner 7pm Program
Check out our website,
for all the latest information. These ALPHA courses are friendly
and faith-building.
Come for dinner at 6pm
We still have a few spots avail-
able in our program this school (catered by Georgetti’s)
year. To get more information, followed by an evening
call Amy Agger at the
Preschool Office,
of stimulating discussion and learning.
856-235-7105. The cost for dinner is $7 per person


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The 2010 Alternative Gift market……produced more than $11,000 for basic necessities, school
and educational supplies, domestic animals, and medicine and life changing surgery! Thank you to everyone who sup-
ported the vast needs at home and around the globe with alternative gifts that honored family members, friends and oth-
ers. Below is a recap of the amazing ways that your generosity will be shared.

Health & Medicine: Women, Children & Families:

8 Biosand water filters for safe water 65 Sets of warm clothing (multiplied 6X by corporate sponsors)
7 Cataract surgeries 60 Days of food for AIDS widows and orphans
31 Medication treatments for eye 16 “Jesus Loves Me” toy lambs
12 Operation Christmas Child boxes sponsored
265 Children’s immunizations
122 Nutritious meals – Rise Malawi children’s program
180 Doses of vitamin A
21 Soccer balls/sports equipment for
16 Community Health Clinic days in India
Project Teach in Malawi
15 Sets of pump repair tools for safe water
16 Kids healing kits for Haiti 7 Weeks of milk for
3,280 Doses of anti-parasite medication impoverished children
1 Fistula surgery for a Congolese woman 8 Shares to rescue a girl child from exploitation
1 HIV/AIDS health caregiver kit 23 Shares of loans for women’s income/business
2 Shares of construction materials for a family latrine
140 People receive emergency medicine Domestic Animals/Agriculture:
3 Hygiene kits for displaced families 22 Shares of a donkey for work
22 Sets of blankets and bedding and transport (2+ animals)
13 Cholera training kits for Haiti 18 Shares of a goat for food and
9 Shares of construction materials
income (1+ animal)
for Haiti
24 Shares of a water buffalo for
26 Days of shelter for a local family
food and work (2+ animals)
18 Baby chick broods for food
Education: and income
29 Children sponsored in after school programs for 5 Shares of a llama for wool and income
a month in Camden 192 Packs of Moringa tree seeds
3 Girls high school fees at Hekima Place
sponsored for a year
Excerpt from an Alternative Gift card recipient:
27 Sets of school books for SNEHA School (India)
240 Hours of music classes at UrbanPromise “The idea of contributing toward a water buffalo
288 Hours of art instruction at UrbanPromise for a poor family is terrific! I’ve always thought I
16 Weeks after school program for a child in might want to do this – but now you made
Honduras my wishful thinking an actuality!
20 Art and music therapy sessions for children Thank you so much!
The Weathervane Page 9

2011 Mission Outreach
Teams are forming and details are being finalized as we move
closer to the opportunities to serve and share our faith through mis- Philly Blitz weekend – Feb. 11-13 - families, youth and
sion service in 2011. The map below defines the outreach pro- adults – The Philadelphia Project at Mt. Airy Presbyterian
grams with dates and approximate costs – please contact the lead- Church - $50/person - Martha Jordan
ers indicated for additional information and to commit –
it’s not too late! (Note: a full week experience is being developed
for late July/early Aug.)

Harriet Benson Memorial Hospital – March 11-23

Lalitpur, India – up to 4-person adult team – rehab project
to assist implementation of the Palliative Care Ministry –
$2,800 – Carol McWilliams

Hekima Place – Kenya – April 14-25 – completion project

at the permanent home for girls orphaned by AIDS and
poverty. Intergenerational - $3,200 – Carol McWilliams

Haiti Outreach Ministries (HOM) – April 16-23 – home con-

struction for families impacted by earthquake. Intergenera-
tional team of 10. $800 - David Hess
YouthWorks – June 26-July1 – Adirondacks - high school youth.
All spots are presently filled; a wait list has developed as additional
spots become available. $400 – Wes Allen

March 5th ~ Benefit Evening ~ Dinner & Silent Auction

Mission travelers, Deacons and others from throughout the Church are participating in this
year’s Benefit Evening. The evening includes a delicious home made spaghetti dinner which is
served in the Fellowship Hall, while the silent auction is featured in the Commons. For the past
2 decades, the dinner has been one of the best attended activities held at the church because it’s a time for friends and families to
gather. The Silent Auction adds an element of fun and excitement to the evening by providing an extensive variety of gifts, services,
themed baskets, sports equipment, lessons, personal services, art, and home accessories to winning bidders. Save March 5th on
your calendar to be a part of this enjoyable evening that supports mission teams and the Deacons. Dinner tickets will be available
in the Church Office and at Missionwares.

Valentines from Missionwares are cherished in two ways…..first by the recipi-

ent of a unique gift or jewelry item and second by the artisan who earned fair
wages by producing it. Organizations such as Ten Thousand Villages and
SERRV provide artisans with training, materials, design assistance and, most
importantly, markets for their products. Consider a gift item from Missionwares
for Valentine’s Day and other occasions.
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Adult Education

Study of Ezekiel begins February 20th

Ezekiel was a 6th century prophet. The name Ezekiel means “God strengthens” or “May God Strengthen”,
which is appropriate for a prophet called to proclaim a message of uncompromising judgment and later a
message of a restoration for God’s sake, not Israel’s. The Lord strengthened Ezekiel in the face of cynicism
and rejection by his fellow Jews.
Come learn about Ezekiel from Kelly Hernandez, one of our seminary interns from Princeton. Beginning
February 20th, Kelly will share in four weeks information about this prophet but also help us to understand
some prophetic words.
Kelly will be teaching the class in Room 3/4 during the Church School hour—9:30am to 10:30am

Theology for the Troubled Believer

Dr. Diogenes Allen will lead a four week Adult Sunday School class beginning March 20th.
He will talk about the Theology for the Troubled Believer, which is the title of his recent book.
The reasons people are attracted to Christianity and it’s teachings are many and varied. Dr.
Allen hopes to supply the missing pieces of the puzzle that are needed to make sense of the
Christian understanding of God and our life. The book addresses issues and questions that
emerge on a daily life for people. We have copies of his book available in the office for $15.

Mark Cable has been ministering full-time through

LOVEBIRDS… music since 1981. An accomplished acoustic guitarist
and songwriter, Mark has released 17 CDs and has
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! played on Christian stations across the country.
Many of his concerts are “Great Date Night” events
Great Date Night! for couples. This is a fun and encouraging evening
of music and laughter.
Friday, April 29th at 7pm
Come and enjoy a “night out” with your spouse!
$20 per Couple
Dessert will be served
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I n terf a it h Hosting schedule for 2011

H osp it a lity February 13th—20th
N et w ork May 1st—8th

Through the Burlington County Interfaith Hospitality Network, we at FPC with 11 other churches extend compassion,
care and hope to families through a network of Host and Support Congregations, social and business organizations, and
individual volunteers. We provide emergency shelter, meals, transportation, and other support for assisting families to re-
gain their independence. The families are provided with essential service for locating and securing housing, employment
and job training as well as helping to rebuild their savings, repair their credit and restore their unity.
At the center of the program is the IHN Day Center, which is located on Moorestown-Mount Laurel Road. In addition to
providing case management, the center offers work areas, as well as a home environment with kitchen and laundry facili-
ties. It also serves as their temporary address, telephone, and transportation center.
In the evenings the families go to the Host Congregation for dinner, overnight accommodations, and breakfast. The fami-
lies arrive at the churches around 5pm and leave the following morning at 6:30am. Congregations can host up to 4 fami-
lies and a total of 14 individuals for one-week periods. They arrive at the new congregations on Sunday evening and leave
the following Sunday morning.
Volunteers are needed at FPC to prepare/provide meals, host evening activities (arts/crafts, homework assistance, infant
assistance, reading, and so forth), along with hosting overnight. There are also opportunities for assisting with set up and
breakdown of rooms, beds, toys, etc. and providing transportation for the families as needed. In general there are
approximately 50 opportunities for assisting/volunteering during the week that we host these families in need.
If you would like to know more about IHN and volunteering opportunities please contact Joe Sheideler (856) 461-5475

The Latest News from Presbyterian Women

The Presbyterian Women continues its study of Revelation. We thank The Rev. Martha Jordan for starting us
off teaching Lesson 4 and 5 at our Winter Gathering. We are so blessed to have a woman pastor as part of
our team. It was also a delicious luncheon with four wonderful homemade soups!

Next on the Calendar is The Ash Wednesday Soup Supper. Please join us in Fellowship Hall for a bowl
of soup prior to the Service in the Sanctuary. Then before you know it we will be on to the Rummage Sale!
See page 12 of this Weathervane for more information about this annual event.

Keep your eyes open—there are many opportunities in our church to praise the God
“from whom all Blessings flow".

Deborah Heller,
Presbyterian Women, Moderator
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Please donate the following:
for the 93rd Annual Collectibles, Antiques, Vintage Items
Clothing in NEW/GOOD condition
Jewelry, Shoes, Boots
SMALL Furniture Items, Wicker Furniture
Area rugs, Linens, Bedding and Quilts
Computers, Printers, Software,
Gardening Supplies, House wares, Kitchenware, Tools,
Pet Items, Camping Gear, Sports Gear
Action Figures and Dolls
Books, DVD’s, CD’s, Video Games
ROLLING Suitcases
Infant Items that conform to government standards

May 8—12, 2011 PLEASE NOTE: Due to Federal tax regulations, we can
ONLY give receipts for New or Nearly New items.


Please DO NOT donate these items:
ON YOUR CALENDAR ! Clothing in poor condition—outdated/torn/dirty
(except for torn jeans; please DO bring these in—
we have a special purpose for them!)
We hope to have a large turnout CRT Computer Monitors
of volunteers since it takes many hands Computers or Printers OVER 5 years old
Cosmetics, Underwear (unless in unopened pkgs)
to prepare/execute/clean-up this event.
Swimwear (unless new and TAGGED)
Downhill Skis and Boots,
Bowling Balls
We have positions for: Large Appliances, Air Conditioners
Receivers, Schleppers, Un-packers, Microwave Ovens (unless nearly new)
Sorters, Pricers, Sign Makers, Check-outers, Carpeting, Mattresses, Drapery Rods
Cashiers and Packer-uppers! Plastic Sports Cups or Bottles
Suitcases WITHOUT rollers
Contact Debbie Walker (856) 234-6404 USED Bicycle Helmets
Encyclopedias, Textbooks, Children’s Books from China
or Annette Emerson (856) 234-0717
Large Pieces of Furniture (unless by prior arrangement)

Rummage Sale week. If coverage is needed/desired for Tuesday or
AND BASEMENTS! Wednesday, please contact Annette Emerson…(856) 234-0717
or Debbie Walker…(856) 234-6404
The Weathervane Page 13

ISG Women’s Retreat

April 1-3 , 2011 Our Deepest Appreciation
St. Mary’s Providence in Elverson, PA Every year we are amazed at the number of toys
members of our congregation give to make
Christmas special for children who would go
without. All of the gifts go to the “Food Shelf” in
Camden where they are distributed to families in
great need. To each person who helped make
this possible, thank you. Also a special thanks
to the NJ Society of Pennsylvanians who bring
toys to their Christmas Dinner each year and
donate them to our drive, the couple who gave
two beautiful bicycles, the person who came in
August with new books, puzzles and games and
also to the family that shops all year at toy sales
Theme: and fills our hallway with bags and bags of toys.
“Lo, the Winter is past” All of the donations brought our collection
to well over 500 toys!
Featuring Carol Morgan,
You are all very special—may God bless you.
Flower and Gardening Specialist.
Cost: $150 before 2/15 Annette and Skip Emerson

Contact Ruth Stotsenburg:

On the web:
or call (856) 220-1602

Dear Friends…
Knitting Network Bob and I want to express our gratitude to the
congregation and staff for your kindness and
Saturday, February 26 thoughtfulness which was extended to us following
the death of my mother. We are, indeed, blessed
10am to 12pm at the church to be members of such a caring congregation.
Stop in for a brief visit or spend the whole two hours Thank you for the many cards and telephone calls
depending on your weekend schedule! which we received and thank you to the staff for your
For more information call Betsy Gildehaus: support and helpfulness during those days of deep
(856) 234-5414 sadness. Our entire family is very appreciative.
Upcoming gatherings: Peggy and Bob Morris
March 26, April 30 and May 21
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Random Acts of Kindness

Saturday, February 19th LUNCH BUNCH
9:30am—10am Prayer and Instructions in Room 2
February 3 at 12pm
10am—12pm Random/Intentional Acts of Kindness

Would you like to shake off those winter blues and bring a Rev. Renee Colson-Hudson
little joy into someone’s life and into yours as well? Why will be our speaker
not join us for an intentional, Random Act of Kindness. In
this cold weather we may go to local Laundromats and
approach folks by saying: “We’re from the first Presbyte-
rian Church in Moorestown and we would like to show
God’s love in a practical way. Could we pay for your
clothes washing today?” And since they aren’t going any- ANNUAL
where, we might have a nice conversation and get to know
them. Or we my take baked goods to folks who recently
visited our church and make them feel welcome to come
February 6 at 12:15pm (Lunch)
again. Double joy, once for the gift for them and once for
the warm heart for you. Please join us.
Come and see
Nothing to bring but yourself!
what the Lord is doing in this church!
Questions? Contact Randy Bricker (856) 727-0448

Rock Ministries
Rock Ministries is an FPC program that provides Christ 2010 FINANCIAL REPORT
focused career counseling for those in job transitions
and those interested in career development. THANK YOU! As the 2010 budget year came to a
We can help with the following: close, we met our expenses for the year. Thank you for
giving generously to fund our ministry and operational
expenses this past year. Once again, God has provided
Interview skill enhancement through the faithfulness of His people. Praise the Lord!
Placement/contact/networking ideas A complete year end financial report will be available
in the 2010 Annual Report.
Career/life objective goal setting
Looking Ahead...If you haven’t sent in a pledge card for
Financial planning
2011, you can still help by completing and returning a
We offer private appointments, which may be scheduled card. Cards are available in the Narthex
by calling Ann McBride at the church office. and the Church Office.

If you become aware of any job openings, please contact Your pledge will assist us as we anticipate our ministry
us so we can pass that information on to our clients. If you expenses for the new year.
would like to help with career counseling, we would like to Thank you!
add you to our resource data base. Thanks!
The Weathervane Page 15

February 2011 List of Events

The Weathervane
First Presbyterian Church
101 Bridgeboro Road
Moorestown, NJ 08057

Do you want to help the church

Call the church office to let us know
you would like to read the Weathervane
online each month.
Give us your email address and we will send
you a reminder to log on each month rather
than receive a paper copy of the newsletter.
To read the Weathervane online:
Go to
Click on Weathervane

What is Per Capita?

Per Capita is the governing cost per person requested by our denomination from each
congregation to support the functioning of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
and all it’s functions and responsibilities.
This is a once a year expense which in 2011 is $38.75/person.
At FPC we choose to pay the FULL amount each February in order to take advantage
of a discount for early payment. That total in 2011 is $50,875.
If you are a member of this church we ask you to contribute your portion.
If you haven’t already, you will be receiving a letter giving you more information
and an envelope to use for your donation. Please place this blue envelope
in the offering plate or send it to the church office.
Checks should be payable to First Presbyterian Church.

Thank you for being part of the greater Presbyterian Church (USA) community!

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