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-serving Narberth Town
'. ~

and Lower Merion Town.
ship . . . An independent
newspaper dedicated to the
ideal of service to the East·
ern Main Line community.


VOLUME 24. No. 47

Pros Lose In Dream Game, and !

Parks Political 'Boro Ball President Defends Pro

to Amateurs in Nightmare Fray I

And Playfields A re A -Building
in the Ton'nship.
Notables Attended Saturday's
G. O. Picnic.
! Team; Playground Suggestion..-
8"m .. thn'.. thousand baseball ('n- and seventh, but fell short as the Bid, on se"ding the new General It was held in W Manavunk COIII- ~ Editor Elwood: i As regards local hoys playing else-
thusiasts crowded th" playground last youngsters rubbed it in a little harder Wayne and South Ardmore park-play-' IllissiOlH'r C. Rrooke Jones" woods nll~ . You are swinging" wildly inl where, we will dismiss the case of
Saturday to witness the llluch-her- with a final run in the eighth. fields· were asked by Lower Merion Woodbine avenue. 8('wral hundn'd' your analysis of what th" majority ofl Howdy Powell who has long since left
.. aided Dream Gam". I Gavin, playing with his old team- this week. and will be opened at the Il"publicans fraterniz('d in tIl<' purdy Rorough fans demand in the way of the Borough. Harvey Cook signed
Not on" umptl'enth of that num· mat"s for the first tim" since he lost Commissioners' meeting in Ardmore social gatllCring, first "vent of the fall, Ims('ball. While there is m"rit in th" and play"d with Narberth this year,
ber wen' on hand a day later wh"n a Iq~ two years ago, hurled well un- S"pt"mber 7. The work is expected campaign. Congressman J. William claim for recognition of lo"al talent, but askcd for and r"ceived his release
they could have heen witn"sses to all til tl1,' crucial fifth. to be completed this fall to provide Ditt('r was ther", and County Lead"r: and I suhscribe to it to a certain de- to go with Coatesville where he was
unadvertis"d Nightman' Game. Th(' courag"ous littl,· athl"te got solid turf for n"xt spring. Grading John W. Hoffman. County COlllll1ission! gn'l', tbought must h" gi"en to th" fact promispd work every game. Narberth
;":arberth's pacesetters of the Main I lilt" t roubl(' whell 11<' pass"d DavI" the General Wayne park-10 acres off Prl'sidpnt Frederick C. ppt"rs, mallY that th,' Narbprth Bas('ball Club oper- was th" fitst Main Line L"ague team
LIn" \.f'agu(' w('re gIven a r"splt(·' StJ·"lIl'. I',arl ZJ('g-!.·1' and MIke :'I!c- :'I1(·I·tlng- House lane behind Albrecht's oth"rs, ; atl'S to furnish the h"st grade of hall to givp Ock Smith his chanc", He
from the wars so that 111 Ill' of theIr; Gal 1.\, I
lIud KiJlnucan and Johnny :-IS now gorng on. and, several men; ~ ! til ttl<' patrons who support th" club. came to us as a pitcher and worked
number could do their stutT in thc. (;al "'.'::)('1' thell slap!H'd singles and i In the town and townshIp have been County R"publican committ"ewomen: Fans can' not where thp player makes many g-anws, and only left when the
sl"Cond annual Main Line v'ag-ue af',lh" ga\(' way to Bill Rpynolds. RUd'put,to wor~, , ! m a d e plans for incn'as"d rq~istration,!lris aho<l". any more than a Narberth old arm went dead. That we could . ,~.

fair which is played for the play"rs ! Wall,(" n·lll'v('d I{"ynolds In the Narb"rth 0' Burg-pO's. Frank A' I at Mrs. John Faber iI!illt-r's, near; sllld.'nt IS dlsturb('d by,th,· thoug-ht hiS not have forpse"n that he would later
disability fund. They were members II'jg-Irtl', Schr"pf(·r. and Julius. Zieget, presi-: Plymouth Country Cluh. 1'U"sday,: t('ach"r may liv" outsirle of th" town, develop into a star outfielder is one of
of the Eastern Division which was i ..1· :,nl'Y (Admiral) ~ill"r w"nt the d('nt of Low"r, Menon s CommIssIOn, I Th" meeting- was calJ('d by I\Irs. John! 'I'h(' 1:1anag('nH'nt'~ chid concern of the the strange twists in juclgment, com-
throttled by the Western DIVISion to .llIll '''lIl,' l"r th('. :"atlOnals. The t?ld at Tuesday s meetIng of the Bala-; Y. Hub"r, Jr., vicf'-chairman of th,,: t.'am s p"rsonn,,1 IS that th"y d('mon-I parable to that which persuaded Con-
the . sour tune
' of 10-3. , :I fOIIIi"1 1.,,\\·(·r :\!('non hurh'r ' was 111 (ynwYd-Narb"rth Rotary' ,Club. of the COUlltV .c< ) 1111111'tt,oo
,. 'strate
I . th"" hrand of ball I"agu,' comp,,-I n I<' I , II'1 ac'k t0 I"t H a rry K e II y go t 0
A day• later the def"ndrng , I . .
pro-! hot wa!l'r a lIumlH'r of tImes. but '
he advanced
' .
program provldll1g" re-crea-· ! ' , I
,titlon n'qulr"s,' I
and whIch Narherth \V as h'mgt on wla ' waIver
, rou t 1', a t a
f('ssional champs clashed WIth thf'1 Plt<-IIl'd IllS way out or "Is" hI!' VIC- tlOn space. , . "xp"ct~ and demands. t' . h I d ' t h - h dl Y
Narberth Nationals, a team manl1l, teammates backed him up Mr. Schrepfer, consultant for the' Lar.g-<',st crowd .ever .asse~bled. Ill i Twilight hasehall in !,;arherth has:kl~:)~. heO\:.le~~~nitiscn~r;V~li~' "H~~
b') th I' young-er talent , who boast With hm' support. General Wayne. and Cynwyd ' plaY-j
F t H'lI F Vall,,~
Whltunarsh t W ISh' exp"ct,d
t thOto S,
Jalll : ,In recent y"ars h een a money- i ' oSll1g anyboriv here seen Kelly?" . g-
that they are all residents and ama- :\'al'b('rth will get back to the fields, w~s praIsed by Mr. Zleg~t as or J, or as I~g on, IS. "It-, proposition. Last year with a pen- . Hovray {etr t,hl! NaiR
teurs. The Nationals defeated th"ir I,'ag-u,' wars tomorrow when Manoa an archItect, botamst and eng1l1eer urday for the count~ fall e!"c(lon! nant winning team and all reg"Ula.r I It t h b . ht h
• elders 8-5! Of course the big t"am is. nll't on the latter's .field
, Sunday whose knowledge . and experience"1 iSlcampaign's ' I I opening
J d rally.
h HSpeakers!
J. , pI',Iyers on h an d f or ev e ry tWI·II'"ht. .. mus. aveoptll1l1sm
In ('xprl'ssll1g o\"('rslg
for Narberth's w en
played without its regular catch"r th,' loc'lIs " will tangle with Rerwyn almost , umque. And he ' praIsed . Mr.!, S WI I Inc u, J e u J geD Art .' ur C . ames.. Ig-,ll1Ie, an d \\··th I
th e excep. t'Ion 0 f th e b asehall future, that vou overlook
and second baseman, and also s"nt I i at th" ~arlJl'rth Plavground ZI"get and . the . commISSIoners for I enator
' ~. , . W D' amesH . Fa\ IS, I 'k IIng-ressman
C 'I'
I ),lttcry, no p Ia~er . ."
r"Cel\lI1g a rl'une, mentlOnll1g . . th" Narberth ' NatIOnals
Mickey Gavin to the mound. Rut th" I JOHN MULLIGAN. theIr foreSight rn buymg up land now;. J . Itter, on. IreI "rl<" . Pet(·rs. t h e major ., . f t h e curr"nt ,Ie Ii1- Here's an aggr"gatlon '
, tJ portion 0 that stands.
kids point to the score which, aft,'r and improving neighborhoods at a: many ano 1<'r nntab e. ' d t t T ht Th " .
ll' is what one remembers wh"lI fraction of what the cost would bt! I ~ cflt was trace 0 WI It/!.' th gam"s. I the Lonllnue(J on Page Two
a , . Playground Notes I ans suppor was no t en', an' I'

other points are forgotten,
Official report is that the Dream
20. 10. even 5 y"ars from now. I Youl'lg Democratic Cluhs of P"nn- h i
Full details of the park and play- : "ylvania will rally and picnic at Her- "ver ea , )per gan t1e d texl$)'3·nO~Oeo IIr h la -
( fit
Onl' of the summer's most i n t e r e s t · , '. tery on l v amoun I' 0 . , w ere-
Game was a big success-better than fi"ld prog-ram s tremendous value to, shev Park near Harri.burg to op"n th' II t' "2000 Il('ar Edl·tor·.
I' l l " "vents at the Narberth Plavgr'lund ' ·111···'·· as (' av"ra"" co ec Ion was.. . ,
last year's---even though the score ... ~ ~ reSIdents and property owners WI ,formally the Democrat's fall cam- . d I" .... . kl th' B"causl' last Sunday at the play-
' " was the women'!, tenni!' final. Annette b 'I . TOn'N d' ,lll P aymg t\\O games \\"e y, (
was one-sided. The Western D IVlSlOn . ' e gIven ater on m .. an I paign. It is expected Gov"rnor Earle: I fi 't' h ff t I Itt'
. . , Wanl"n, champIOn for the past two N ' . , . (" CI 111 t esc games n Sl' t 1e Ie er g-round the :-':arberth Nationals de-
deserved to WlJ1 because ItS repre- .. TOW SHIP. WIll speak and that With an attend-I f th I .' h h
, II Al \,ear· lo"t her crown to Kit Cabrey, , R k '11' ,support 0 e eagu" games. \\It t" f"at"d the Narberth Main Line
• s"ntatlVe!' played better ba.
the management showed keener JU( g- i
so· .. . ,
, I ,the Rav Cabreys daughter of Nar-I
., •
' Next Tuesday s otary spea er WI : ance of 100000 answer will be madc.
be H('rvey "1m, . . ., treasurer! to the strong show of strength made
' ,
'resu tant re
d fi
d'd d
gure!' or .,..
1'\37 Th'
Il'agu" tpam there seems to be a lot
t . u -n a complete team-bat-' brllok Park. The scores w"re 6-4, 7-5. of the club who will goive imlJressions' : - , i y"ar It was eCI e to pay on y one ' , .
men ,111 Sl g .. ' . 1 Consolation tennis tournanwnt fori . ' . : last week-end by the Young Repub'II-. twilight game a week and even at the IIf crying towels out in the lair of the
t<'rv lI1stl'ad of mlxmg up pItchers
· t h f . lub .. wonwn was won hy Alice Coal whol
of hIS recent western travels. 'cans' Harnsburg convention
i • .
I ' 'I
gallll'S plav"d before the one m whIch Narberth Club. Which is quite hard
an d ca c ers rom varIOus c s asI '
... diri th" Ea:-;terner!'. Dan Redmond's: ,kfeated Nell Curran 7-5. 4-6, 6-4.

Mam· Lm·es R " '"
I l\Ilck"y Gavm pItched there was only a rllr tl1<' fan:-; who have followed the

club scored two runs in each of th"l l\ten's tennis tournament has silll- anger Lodge bakl'rs dozen 111 attl'ndancf'. Narberth teams for twenty years or
first and second and sewed it up lllll'red down to finals between Barl The continued loss in th" twilight, I!lore to understand. These real fans
tight by notching in the sixth frame. I 'ILJ~'Ig- Ie~ an d B0 b D unn f or t h e Clam· I Legionnaires at Convention ' I
Casco , Maine 'g-allJ('s b~' I100ve d t h e f ew n1<'n w h 0 must Ilaw be"n waiting a long tim~ for a
The losers got all of their runs in the! plonshlp. At Scranton last week-end for the: Augu~t 21, 1938. me"t thIS shortage, and who are al- plln' all ~arberth team to again take
fifth wh"n George Bragg poled "I Th" junior children's treasure hunt ~merican Legion's twentieth conven-! Just two days hence IS .the Ranger n'ady endorsers on a substantIal not"l (!rl' field and show. their stuff. You
home run with two on base. I
was won by Mary PfetTer from the tJOn, were Frank A. Schrepfer, past; ~odge day of days-the Slxt~ annual rllscounted at the local bank for th,' probably have notIced how the ball
Harry Fox, Tanny Ralston, Rog,,!, I group of 4:-1 children. Older boys' and commander of the Military Or~er ofi Farew~1I Banquet, the crowlllng (and I hen"fit of the ball club, to cut :-;hort hy crowds have fallen off this year and I
Malsecd, Buddy Walk~r,. Claude girls' hunt was won ~y Jim :ru,itt. I
the Purple Hea.rt, who wa~ ch~lrm~n; crammmg) event o~ t~e season. I
I two weeks.the regular twilight season. It IS explarned. in th~ fact that the
Railey, George Gazella, Nickle Myers, I I
In the older boys and gIrls deck of the ResolutIOns CommIttee, WII-: N earl~ everyo~e IS ~n ~he throe: of However, It was not necessary to can- "ld local tale.nt IS mlssrng for although
Jack Eachus and Al Herrmann repre- tennIs tournament Dave Duncan won bam D. Carpenter, delegate, and. last mmute pomt-wll1mng. Pomts I c,,1 the game with the Philadelphia tlI(' popMlatlOn of the borough and
1 I<~rank S'. Challenger, alternate, fro~ ar". given. to campe.r:-; to represent' Polic", as it was never definitely 1vicinity has grown twenty-five per
sented :-':arberth. One distinction of in tl](' fina!s over Bob Rail"y.
th£'. fans' vote was that :'\arberth m,en
drew high for every post except I \\'aS won by S"lma Bres]ow.
CI1r1dn'n s hopscotch tournanJ('nt, Narberth s Harold D. Speakman :ost, I. their achIevements 111 each of the uook"d.
IEarl Hepburn andPhlhp WIlson'i twenty or more activities of camp., Yd with all of the lack of "esprit ["ast fifty per cent.
I I ('('nt the attendance has dropped at

pitcher and catcher. In all, for~six I Prizes Jor the best work in handi- Merion; Russell Garber and George, Eighty must be earned to merit the· ,I<- e(ll'ps." ',Illd grabhing pinch hitters ,To understand the attitude of the
player's were used in the colorful fray craft w~re awardedthu~:, Boys-How- K'i~k: Bala~Cynwyd's Thomas D. Van-;title of "Honor Camper." I
! from among the spectators, Nal'h"rtlr "Id fan, ask "Pop" Davis how they
·.... and the Imeups changed as fast as ard K, am:.:: fi~. BIll? SullIvan, Tom i dl\.e,' Post, George B. M~tthews ~nd I' Incomplete returns yestprday show-' rluring the sea!'on lost on ly one twilight ll~"d to turn out and root for the
women's fash,lOns. . Butl"r. (".rls-Lols W"bh. Mary Mc- J oS( ph M. Baltz, Bullock-Sanderson. ed, Harry Middleton and Bill Thomas: gam", and that came ahout by substi- :: arberth boys and he can t,ell y?u.
In Sunday s game the NatIOnals . AtTerty,. Dll1lltra Chlos . I
" With Leland N. Gibbs J and ' neck and neck in th" race at 85. points. 'tt' I u II1g an al11a t "ur pi'tcIler I at e 'In th " I he wrIter personally doesn t thmk
• were first to score with one m th" . Flcld ' Dall r""<ult,~: R01IR-. H., Sibley Lee as alternates;
' . and ' ohnl "~a"h . '"<'orne of the other~~ ~"ure to Ig-ame, Ill'cause \Vor d wasd passet 0 h'1111 the real :\'arherth talent should be ab-
second; they saw the rE'gular club get NlI1e years and under: chicken rac(', BIard, and Har;lson Edsall, Bryn' "nd up with points to spare are Paull ill advanc" that he would be given an "orb"d as a body. but I do make the
three in its half, but came back to I{ichard Iborra; dash, Donald Shaver'" Mawrs John \\mthrop Post, I \Vlth'Colemann ' Charlie Dykes
H . .. Leon Her-', IIppor t UIlI't yo t wor k. tll a t nI' ght. "uggestlon that the ;":arberth Club
knot the count in the third. Then crackl'r eating. Bobby Gentle. H"nry \\. Farrow and A bert en- b!'rt. Bob Mahon. Howard McConnell.: n,'xt )'"ar promot" the younger team
they .went wi~d with four in the sixth'i 1'\\'"lve amI under: chicken race, dncks as alternat"s. !Sandy Whitwell and Bill Shanklin. I in twilight games and the officials
shelhng Gavin from the peak. The, Paul Rudolph; rla:-;h, AI Becker; 3-leg- , One of the features of the Tuesday! Micke')' Ga"in Writes III rn out and watch them carefully .;

oldsters got single runs in th" sixth I g('d race, Ed McQuiston and Bill All- Increases Staff night eat-fest will be the awarding' Rryn Mawr, Pa to see if they can't produce a few
_________________' i rlcrson; bicycle race and cracker con. Announcem"nt is made by Robert: of medals and trophies for superior i A ug-ust 22, 1!13H I.:lIod players to replace a few of this
Around the Town i test, K"nneth Wilson.. , i
. .I., ;'I1ash of the ,addit~on to 'hi,s Main wnrk in individual activities. ! Editor Elwood: . ;'"al':s ~ arb crt h team that don't
-. Martha Casey at Davis' has 11 /Il'W: 13-15 years: dash, JIm PruItt; bl- LIne staff of I<redenck A. F.gmore,: Red Cross life saving insignia willi Ref"rence made 111 your basehall ar- lUll, nach the heart:-; of the fans.
type of permanent wave. cycl" races, Palmer Hemmons; ohsta- 1!1 Elmwood avenue. Narberth, and: h" sewn on the swimming- suits of: tide in this week's issue of OUR TOWN I undC'rstand the Narbe~th Club is
Narberth Hall's builder, M. Heil- eI" race, George Breslow. Franklin J. Cox"y, 318 Bala avenue. i tpn Main Liners, accorolllg to instruc-. that Mick"y Gavin played a ben('fit "~'(Jm(Jtll1g ,another game With the Na-
veil, who is now getting- Narherth 16 y('ars and over: dash, P. Nordblol1l; Bala-Cynwyd. With Mr. Egmore at· tor Bill Whiting. The newly inducted' game is somewhat ambiguous. tlOnals WIth the reason that the
Apartments ready for occupancy, at. hicycl", fast, Dav" Duncan; bic~'c1e, the Wynnewood office, Lancaster pike [lifeguards are Franklin Wedge, Bill I Th" game at Narberth in which J ellmplete ~arberth team w~s not on
Narberth and Price avenues, is off- i slow, Joe McCafferty; ohstacl", Vav!' and Wynnewood road, and Mr. Cox"y: Kl'nnedy. Blaine Rawdon. Paul Hol-, play"d wa~ in no sens" a b"nefit galll.' 'h" fi"ld last Sunday. ThIS sounds
ering $10 for the best name for tht~ i Duncan. at the Narberth office, the enlarged gate, Ted Friel, Bill Thomas, Kent fol' lI1e which some reader~ might con, II~". a poor excus~, but I believe the
new structure. ' Girls: III'g-allization is giving a better scrvicp I Roberts. Joe Clausen, Wins Connor! strue from your article, :'\allOnals are wIllIng to accept if the
Monday nig-ht's "arth'luakes rum.1 15 years and over: circle hall and III i,s :'Iiain Line clientele, and Tennent Buzby. I I sought the opportunity sever:r1I'lrrang~ments are more satisfactory.
bled like heavy trucks and causeu un-I Ilhstacle race, R"ha Hutton; dodgeball, : Bpst in the game of voll"v ball times to pitch a g-ame for the Narberth In clOSIng, I the officials of the I'

e-asy recollections for those Main ' Kit Cabrey; bicycle, Alice Cook. Pigskin Practice Begins 'which became quite a fad in AUgust:' Club as I wanted to demonstrate to my Nar~erth, Club, If you do thump the
Liners who had been in quak"s ill: 10-14: circlp hall, Dorothy Colog-n,,; At Lower Merion H' hare Bob Mechling. John Bartle, Bob1manyfriends in theROrOUghWhOWCl'elNa~lOnals ears off in the next game,
Italy and in San Francisco's "fil'e." i dasb. Stella Ridg'''; 3-lcgg-"d. Stella
I ]{ I. . d M M C ff t .. I ri' I h
I ---
Ig Paine and Dick Longaker.
I ·
I so kind and generous to me at the dllll t I('t that stop you from watching
I. : LlH'm and help to develop them in 1939
: Il !.,~' an, ., c a "I' ~. n Ian c u Football practice at Lower Merion There WIll be plenty of "decorat-, tIme of my aCCIdent, that I was up and I .
Sh-h-h. . . . ; and JumpIng races, J"an Sarg-"nt. I
Junior High was due to begin this ing" done in the rifle division, no less! about again and practically normal. THOMAS W. CASEY.

· . Fourth of July celeb~ations are!

banned hereabouts-especlally
. m d' AU-Icl'acker
Under 10: should,'r shove and! Thursday, an announcement from than twenty campers receiving- gold, I I think the reason why most of the
contests, J"an Duncan; snatchl ' k M a tt'IS, h ea d coac h • de cl a r ed thl's ."ilver and bronze National Rifle As-
, I D IC
~st. So SquIre C. Howard Mere Ith' the hat, Nancy Cantagalll; stump; weck. Every student under 17 who sociation medals for praiseworthy ticular game was not on account of
' ; r"gular, players.were ' not at this. par- All Vacation's h' I Nearly
h Over
paroc la sc ools hereabouts
, I~ Ardmore fined three boys ~nd three race, Mary Jane Cabrf'Y.; 3-legg'ed,; weighs 110 or more is eligible to take work on the range. The honored tb" fact that the Twilight games prior will open next Thursday, September
.' girls $5 each, for throwmg fire- Mary Jane Cabrey and LOIs Well. i t P t' . 10 t 11 45 A M marksmen are Walt and Bob Hayes to this g-ame were played on Tuesday 1. Narberth Public School, Tuesday,
, . 'l
crac k e~s f r~m ~n au t omo b I e, one
otherwlse-qUJet n.lght. ,Aged 14 to .17,
the lads and laSSIes had from Menon,
I par. rac Ice IS O. .,
i Schedules have been arranged for Charlie Dykes, Herb Phillips. Herman' night, whereas this game was played n e
• I two squads, pennitting sixty boys an Schaeffer.

Isaac Kershaw, Carrell Wednesday night, and it was the first I esday, the 7th. Most of the private
That the nght and left eyes of SIX opportunity to compete. Among the Laird. Bob Reed. Blaine Rawdon, Bob g'all1e played on Wednesday night., schools and colleges, towards the first
th 6th L
ower erlOn sc 00 s,
h I W d
' '

Narberth and Wynnewood. lout of every ten persons are different. i sc h 00I s I'me d up are th" e .IunJor h'Igh s Narrigan .' Bob Boyne , Marshall Contlnuea on page Two of October.

'; . Penn W ynne T roop

-.1 k H·
es Istory 1YJO
of Haverford, Upper Darby, Chester Brooks, Ken Claney. Bob Claney,· - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . : . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
and the two Norristown institutions. Hugh and Stu Dunlap, Ted and Brooke
Coaches Serrill Gibson and Lloyd Continued on Pall'8 Two
Home t Th· elr 0 wn p.IreSlue
. 0

Musselman will be in charge. FLOWER SHOW I C h 5 ' 17 ..

A S Camp D e1mont E ndS Best Season A full varsity schedule of eight All amateur gardeners and
games for boys weighing more than lovers of the Eastern Main Line will
flower orne t e ummer s ,., acat,onlsls
Camp Delmont, the Delaware and time in history that a Main Line 1 125 pounds includes home games with have a chance to compete for prizes Mrs, Hervey C. Keirn, Dudley ave- Mrs. Jesse S. Harris, formerly of
Montgomery Counties' Boy Scout troop has had two such awards for ICoatesville, Pottstown, Smedley of at the 12th annual flower show to be nue, g-ave a luncheon last Tuesday Sabine avenue, who is visiting her
camp. closed its twenty-sixth succes- I) single camping season. I Chester, Edison of Harrisburg and held September 16 by the Woman's in honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. sister in Mapleshade, N. J., will re-
sive camping season last week. American Red Cross Swimmers,l Upper Darby, and away games with Club of Ardmore at the Ardmore Joseph S. Haws, and her daughter, turn shortly.
In the six weeks' season, 2650 buttons were given 196 scouts, 76 J Rittenhouse of Norristown, Haverford avenue clubhouse. The show will be Miss Sarah Jane Haws, of Pottstown, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hanson, of
• awards were made to the 2119 Scouts (Oarned their A. R. C. Junior Life Sav- I and Phoenixville. ' I a memorial to the late Mrs. Cecil H. who have just returned from a two "von road. had for guests over the
who attended camp. Besides the 2119
Scouts, 137 troop leaders and 45 staff
members were in camp. hoys became Scout Life Guards while Khne and BIll Green.
ing rank, and 2 received their A. R.I Associated with Mattis in the Vaughan, of Ardmore, who had been months' trip to California. Among
C. Senior Life Saving cards. Seven co~ching d~partment are Harvey chairman of the shows for ten ye~rs the I!;uests was Mrs. Percy Beyers, of
,prior to her death this summer. MISS Philadelphia. The Keirns were guests
week-end the H. B. Aliens, who were
on their way home to Mountain Lakes,
N. J., after a stay at Cape May.
The ratio of leaders to boys this in camp. I I · • • ! Emma Hamilton, her co-chairman, of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Crater, at Mrs. H. M. Berry, Narbrook Park,
year was one to fourteen. 196 boys 129 scouts were elected to the Or- L. M. Senio~ High's football uni- and Mrs. Campbell Carr and Mrs.· Camp Swiftwater, the Craters' place who has been spending several weeks
were taught to swim. 141 passed der of the Arrow, an honorary camp- forms were gIVen veterans of the Harold H. Elliott, and a large com- in the Poconos, last Wednesday. in Beach Haven, returned home
their first class rank, while 120 be-
cam'e second class. A total of 938
ing organization to be found in most team Wednesday, and regular prac- mittel' held a meeting August 11,: Mrs. Frank C. Stiefel has returned
scout ca~ps throughout ~he country tice began 2 P. M. Thursday, in when ~Ians were. completed. Sched-, to her home O? Woodside .avenue after
Miss Anita Jones, Old Gulph road,
merit badges were earned and 1227 and conSidered to be the hIghest honor charge of Coach Albert Adam and ules WIll be furmshed to anyone on several days m Ocean City. who has been traveling in Europe thi5
scouts went home with their C. D. '\ camper can receive outside of hi~ his assistants. I the Main Line who wishes to com-I Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Coholan, of '1ummer after graduating from Wel-
Awards, which are comparable to a actual scout rank. I pete. Save your choicest blooms and Essex avenue, have returned after lesley, sailed for home Saturday on
camp letter. There were 9 Honor The various scouting courses taught A Hint for Mailing I send them for exhibition and thus, four weeks in New Britain, Conn. the Staatendam.
in camp proved most. popular with Hat boxes must be. crated for pro- heIR make this a fitting tribute to. Their son.s, Te.ddY and Fred Coholan,
Patrol awards, 2 of them going to
Penn Wynne Troop No. I-the firllt Contll\\\ed on Pace Two tection when mailed as pa~~\post. I_t~e former c~airman. are at Camp Palmer for the summer. I Miss Betty Smith, of Penn Valley,
Contlnued on PaIr- Th....

>.;,:..... -. ., ."...... ';...... ', ...... ,. ~~ ..'

OUR TOWN August 26, 1938

"Victoria the Great"

Voters May Schools and Colleges
Boy Scouts
OURToWN c'olltiTlupr) from Pag-e ()np
Fl'ipJ. T,.d !I('rbl'rt and Mpr!t· Lil'bl'r.
f "On' Inuf'!r1 from P1U!A One
Is Visiting Narberth
TIH' most astonishing woman who
Register the End of September
for Fall Election.
A Co-opemti1'e Commllnity S"iVspaprr Till' last campfin·. in thp pinp I Camp Delmont Closes C'VN won' a crown is portrayed by A~OT~" ·:·,I,;/::~t·.~TI(:~f~ t"llll .. gt·
fall nderl in 1.91!, hy the Na rlwrth :-;dIlJol~. l-oll,,,l.:t-' alld SIn!,· hoard "xarnH
n,.",lI,' g-I'''Vp lIn thl' lakefront. was the I till' ,,,,,"uts. with 117 rl'ceiving degrpes Anlla :--':('agl(' in one of the greatest AllllaJlllll:-l III \\'N~t I'tllill :\ f'olllplf"t.·
Cit.ic A"orinti"n. and p"iJli.qhed
every Frir/flY fit Sarberth. po. Ill,,~t impr<',~il'l' "f thl' spa~on. 1\1pl-1 in tl1<' Aquatic Lpadership Course, 103 s'll'ctacl" romanc('~ evpr madp. at thp C"unty Commissioners Fred C. 111L: h :·w II I It d '·II\Jr!"'f~. Individual atl"fllion
r prUl ill :-;"pf "Ill b ... r
I':rlroll Till\\" rIll' (I .... w
ody "f violin and marimba blended I in Activitil's. IZ!I in Nature. RH in borough theater this week-end. Peters. Fostpr C. H illeg-ass and J arne,.; Ilay and ;'\."ig-til
ThomaH A, Elwood. E,lItor & l'obltHher
Anne Morgan Hoberts. Social Erlitor with natun"s "wn rhythms supplil'd ('rafts. I!Hi in Patrol Lpudership, (J4 A c"medy in tl.'chnicolor-"The Di- W. Pottpr are making it conveni('nt 15TH &: RACE STS. RIT. 2956
II~' thl' wa\'pll'!s lapping thl' shorp in (Juartprmastl'rs and i!l in the Ex· v"rc(' of Lacly X" - stars Merl,'
Office9--258 Haverford Ave"
--f', n, n'if ,I/li
ancl the cracking of pine logs. And' ,,1,,1'1'1' Camp. It is hplipved that Camp
in thp circlp. a dog story. a rC'cita-: IIl'lmont i;; thl' first scout camp to
Oh"r"n at Narberth next Monday and
1'''1' unrpgistered local voters to enroll.
by traveling this summer to various
c('ntprs throughout the county. Their
tion hy Bill l\ennpdy. a harmonica: Il'ach hoy~ thl'Sl' coursps in Ieader-
,,,I,, h~' Bill :-;poonpr. "Roll Along. 1ship. ' "Thc Rpturn of thp Scaril't Pim·
tlays for thp Main Line: VALLEY FORGE
Entered aA Re('otlf1·ela~u~ rna It pr OJ't OhPT I pprnpl," Alexander Korda's sUllPrb Sqlll'mhl'r zo. 27, 28, 29 and 30 in MILITARY ACADEMY
18, 1914. at the Post Oll\,'P at :-;llrbprth. Prairie Moon" harmonized hy Pop, :-;I'v"nt ,"lll'np Ilo'·,'. , uncll'r thl' Ipal]' and stirring spquel to his . great AT THE: NATION'S SHRINE:
Pa" under the Act of March 3, 1879 thl' Township Building, Ardmore; and
and ('nk. ancl ",JlIst a Song at Twi-i,'rship of Ml'h'in ~Iack and Ray Om- F!'l'nch R('vo!ution film. is du(' Wpd·

S"ptl'mber 20 and 27 in the Borough b&llln.... Bo,..
lig'ht" hUllllllPd by thC' audiencp. "'I'. ! madl' up thp Explorpr Camp at 1I""clay and Thursday. Hall. :--;arberth.
12 to 20. Ala.o Junior Coi-
Friday. August 26. 1918 An "ducatll>nal tn'at was prl'sl'ntpcl! Ih,lmont. Th,'y completed the first of l . . . of BUlin••• Admlnl.-

-----, _- in ~ug'ar·coatpd fashi"n last wppk ' ;\ l' d k I' J t t :'-:"xt wpek-pnd. Lloyd C, Duuglas' tr.tlon. Enrollm.nt
======= ..
,SIX. CIr"n ac ca lIns. a pan· 0 ypP illspin'cI successor to "Thp Magnifi· Narberth Bridge Club .... I
doubled In p.1t fiy. y
N • • flr.p ..oof do ... mlto
The Baseball Storv wlH'n Am"ry Waitp. ,r. I> I A chid radio ' oper- '
I "f cahin 14 fpp( bv
. I~ fp t
e. Th lOy cpllt Obsession" and "The Green ~ ... - .. ;.;:. , mod ... n audernlc build-
~aturday. :\11';;. J. H, Baker and
at"r" f t h I' I!I:", )~'1'I ntarc!lc expl" al", c"llstructpd six Ar I 1 ~' .... ,~'::::- Ina .nd Ilbra ..y. la..,.e rec-
cliti"n. I"etun'd and ~hl)wpd s!id('~ of "'lail'~.
_ ~,¢&Z, - •• , ~t1on and riding hell,
:\lallY \"'''1'1,· IldY" 111'11111:1'<1 wll" (Iron, ac (I LIg'ht" will Ill' shown in Narberth. It ('harl,'~ B. Stoudt; sC'cnnd, .1. H.
All thp material uspd in. this ~ is "\\'h,tp RanrH'rs." starring Claudl' atabl g,.mn•• lum, Incr_.ed 'acuity. High
wrot,' it, Th,' "dito\' did, ~I'II' till' til''' yl'lIr ~cil'ntific advl'nturp to \\'ork wa~ foulHI wlthl'n tl H' I 'm) t so,: f Rains.
flak .. r and E. C, Griswold. Monday. Ichola hlp n.and ... d. with epeel.1 lup.rvilion
Fay Baintl'r and Jackie :\!r'~, :II. 1.. Hin,·baugh. Jr .. and Dr, for Indivld ..... 1 Itudent. All IpOrU, golt, polo.
Cavalry. Infantry. Senior R.O.T.e. Band. High
tilllt'lit ill fa\'lIr Ill' a \arl,,'rth I'all

Littlp Anwrica. 1I,.lmont. ('o"p,'r, ••t Gov."nment ratinG.

team IIlallll,·<I I,y \arllt'rt II playl'r, 'III

Thl' Pi"lll'pr Calllp m:lllag"d to'

,, :'<1 a I'k :\1 organ; ;;('cllnd :\[ iI ford F""
F"or catalog, .ddr..... Sox 59 WAY~E. PA. *
:lnd A rthul' ('OOlll'Y.
is wid"I,\' ,1,ar,"1. TIIl'I'(' aI'" R ang"r~ at (' 1'''I' rangp: B . .,poon· ,'''\'1'1' "Vl'r 100 milp~ in ovprnight EGYPTIAN'
"r and .I"n Fri,' I "njoying a ~urpris,'
tho~l' \\,1111 ,a.\ 111<' r,'il'"11 all,'lIdal"'" birthday ('ak" lIn thp sanll' day. hike;;. All nwals wprp prppared hI' "L"rd ,Jplf" is now playing at thp
lCu,~ (;raham. gt'l-atl\" dwarfpd bl'- IIll' ~cout~ in pn·paration for Cooking Egyptian. Starring in this dramatic bt'l.'n acrlaim('d o Ill' nf th .. strongC';;t
at 1,lt'al g-alll"', IllItal>!y twdig-hl
Ollt'S. has fa111'11 "Il i, ),""all," \ar,
hind '
till' slxtl'pn-pnund
h,'cnnll' int"n'st,'d in.
. ~ IlOtpUt hI's . ~1prit .Bad"'t'. ~ Thpir" pntirp program ~tol'Y an' .nlckey U' R oonpy and Freddie <'lnd 1111Jst
,flttpd In With tht' SenIor Scout Pro· BarlhololTIt'w. "Lord Jl'tT.. is definite· rpcC'nt month.,.
1 t' fil m 0 I prlngs
Ir'l< naIl' f' ,
Sally F:ilprs. Loui;;
URBAN"Tire Great Outdoor School"
berth 1';111' 01'"1'1 ~,·t ,I"alllt'd III' Sih I.,'p, complaining that C'Vl'ry gram a~ df'~ign('(1 by National HC'ad- ly w"rth ~c'l'ing, ,Hayward and Annp Shirlt'y head thp
11600 Sunset Boule\'ard
OY''f ,lrallg-,'r,: w}lal IIIt'.\' likl' is tilll<' hI' l'mbark~ in tlH' sailboat th,' "",rl"r,-, "J,t'arning by doing thp R"mane(' and advl'ntur.. arC' com- cast of thl' picturp which disclosps Los Angeles
10 1'0'" for th,·ir 11\1'11 1I"ig-hhnr, wind c,'aSl'S ahruptl~'. pla~··wa~· nll'thnd." thpsp. oldpr scouts hilll'd with hilari"u, rl'"ults in "Fast much of th(' plotting' and "politic;;"1 Oldest ...·hool of its kind in
Thp Donald Smiths I with c"llwly' \\"'I'P pn'pal'l'd fnr mpl'lt hadg .." In ('lImpany." nl'W m~·~tl'ry drama which that takl' placl' In puhlic In~tltul1nn". (he "'·I·st-16th year!
pla.\'I1I!.!' 1111 111"11' 0\1 II I'all t ,'alii:
c aug' 1'1" up tn "'" Dlln . .Jr .. and l'innl't'!'ing-. Cooking. Camping and i, b.. ing ~ho\\'n at tlw Egyptian this -.----~---.- Featuring Eastern scholaslic
lht',\" ('y"11 !.!II 'l' fill' as 10 ~a.\' 1hal I
Adrian. ht ) Sur\'C'~'ing', In Ihis partirulnr s",,1 ion I\I"nday and Tupsrlay. August ~!l and Tlii~ I';lflf'r is I'uhli~h"d flit you standards with Western out·
All of u~ (101i ~tl'f>llg) writing homC" :,f camp till' ~couts avC'ragpd parninl?; :30.
tli!' hall ,,1111,', d"li"lt will Ill' 11111"11 (!oor dass"'s limit<>d to ten
;',!<,Ivyn Douglas and Flon'nce p1• • • • • • • •IIiii• • • • • • • • hoys to a master.
!'a"i,'r III "iI'" 1I11t. alld to pl't'I"'1I1 tn warn thp folb (lUI' busl's hit the .\0 m!'l'lt backl';; ppr wpek. They also RicO' ()(lrtray an ultra-modern couple
h"I"'llft,'r. if IIII' 1.:111 ,,1,11, rl'll1nh :\Iain Lilll' nn Fridav at 3.z5 P. M, I found timl' to con;;truc! thrpp bridgps., who bl'liC'v(' in combining tht'ir do- E"cellent department of health
and corrt'Clive physical ,'du·
til all alll;lt"11r hlllll,··II1\\'11 ,lalll". And so it'~ into th~ mothballs with iI boat dock and a wash~tand as thpir Illpstic and bu;;ines, Carl'l·rs. This is CHlon.
.-------- thp callne~ for anothl'r ypar. ..:lml' projl'cts for the spason. a pil'luTt' alnH"t as funny a, thl' "Thin
"\,,credited al Stal<' Univer.
S. PAL~ER READ. Provi~ions uSf'd 0\,('1' a six w('eks' :'Ifan." You'll likC' it. sit\' and all universities ad·
Narberth Baseball ~_ _._____ ppriod at Camp Dplmont Wl'rp l~fl "('lIndpmnpd \\'ompn." haspd on a
cratps of Ipttuct'. ~I.OOO quarts of doctllr', rl'dpmption of a girl cllnvict.
mitting on certili,·ate. Mem·
('Olltitll1+'(1 fro Tn l'age Ollf:' .. Inn N cagle III hl'r California Headmasters'

tops in thp cla~s th,'y trav(·I. ,·\,·n wh,'"

Church News milk. \.IiRO pounds buttC'r. 3.570 ]oavC's "()m\'~ to thl' F:l?;yptian npxt W('dne,' A '\sociation.

it conH';; to playing' thl' old,,!, t"alll, THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH

"f Im'ad. 1.j~,RO() ~licl's of brC'ad; 5.250 day and Thursday. This pietur(' ha,
pounds }wl'f. 1flH hags of potlltcws and
"Victoria Pri\.lh' stahll"s.
rning pool. riR .. rang'e; all
pri\".1 [(. swinl-

whom thl'\' took to camp nn Sunday R,,\' . .,\rchl'l .-\ . .\"'!<-r'''". 'I'll. !l lfi.ROO pnund;; nf potatot's.
last. Th .. ~ arc all ~arhl'rth h"y~ and· the Great" athl ..tics expl,rtl)' coached.
Highest "ducational standards;
play for thl' 1,,\',' nf thl' g'alill', Th .. y R"Y, ,I"hll Yall :'-:"'~' 1l,1l .. I'a·t" ..
furnislll'd pa~tinll' fnr th(' Bn!'ough
!l.4's A. ~I. Bibll' ~chon1.
. ,·llinl!: nOIl·fictilln). ADELIZZI Monday & Tuesday
recr(';)tion and athletics nu'.:'t
individual needs. A bov's
activit\' is determined by
wt1('n th(' oltll'r t('am was playing' awa~ "With :'Ilalil'p To\\'ard Sonw." h~'
or was not ,ch,·dul"d. and I am told
II A. :\1.-~forning' w(lr~hi", :-;"r \:al'gan't Halsey.
whpn th,' hat wa~ pa",'d at thc·ir 'nnn hy R,·\' ..J. Frank :'If",~ ..11 "a~' "{{<'turn of thl' :--:ati\'('." hy Thllmas
BROTHERS M eric Oberon in a his ph}'si"al requirements.
F.. ncing. dancing. boxing.
horselnanship. swimnling,
tor of :"1. .Iohn·~ I'n,~h~,t"riall ('Ilurcll. "<I:nC'dy in Technin)lor-
gaml's thl'i r a ""rag'(' Clilket i"n W a~ I[ard~' (anothl'r t'xtra copy for Lowpr, Custom Tailors marksmanship. golf. drama·
Il,·\'nn. Pa, tics; military training.
"The Divorce
less than $~l.OO.
\Vith bas"hall, cn,ling' ov,'r a d"lIar
II A, l\1.--Childn·n·" nur"'ry lind,"
till' ;;u"I'J'\'i~if\n of ;\1i" Tilll,,'n.
\Il'rionites) ,
"Biddc'n to thl' hy .Jack
Cleaners - Dvers - [-'Ilrriers
of Lady X" For ('alalog address

each, to say nothing IIf nthl'r n'T"" .Ipntl~.
li.,l:, 1'. :'11.- Th,' Chri;;tian En,!<-a\'"'' 102 Forest Ave. Narb. 2602 C,,/. P. G. McD(H1ne/l. Prc,id"rrt
sary disbu!'~('nll·nt'. it truly \I"ill Ill' a ".\, lIall &. ('fl .... hy .Io,,'ph C. Lin· -'-- -_._----- ---~-
I\ox RI.H. 1 1600 Sunset Blvd.
g'rnu,,~. 'I'll(' t""ic [fir till' \'\"·ninl.! \I ill 228 Bala An. Cynwyd 928
long long' rang'" plan to play hall IlI'l'" \X' edne,dar & Thursday Los Angeles. California
for the ~I'ort nf "x('rci;;ing' I"cal tal'·llt.
unless thl' I'Xltl'n~l' is und"j"\lritt"n Il~
I,,· "What "'ill I B,' Like;" and H''',,'rt
:'<Ia~fln \lill I,,· in charg"llf til(' I1ll'd;nl.!,
i.45 P. ~I.-:--:arbl'rth'~ Happy Bihl,'
'·~1r. :'Iioto i, :-;0 S"rry." b~' ,John I':
I' :\Iarquand.
'-====::============= "The Return of the !,!
morc b"II!'factor, than WI' ha\',· I"·",, Hnur. "Y,'arling-." h~' ~1ar.ioril' l\. Rawl-: Scarlet Pimpernel"
Sl'rlllnn by Rl'\', .J. Franl. ~

abll' tn chase nut nf hiding in nul' IIl\'n IIW' (third cnpy), ' 0'

financial pl'obl!'m. which is stl'ad iI~

;',foss. Jr. .. :-;canllllouch,·... hy Hafal'l Sahat in' BUSINESS
\\'(·c!lH'sday. August :0 ~t:
becoming' a hpavic'r hurdl'n for tlill f"1\
i'< P, M.-Pray,')' ;',1l·C'tin\:,.
(I wo ,'xtra copi ..s to spepd rpquirpd Ncxt Week-End EDUCATION
peoplp to meet, when tIlt' sC0I''' Ill' th,' ... ·ading for school). for 34 years, Strayer'$ B.uin...
pleasure an,l the publicity to th" NARBERTH METHODIST ":\Iy Son. :\1y Son." by Howard "White Banners" School h .. been giving practical
and exceptionally thorough
Borough in g"'!ll'ra! i;; consl(!t-r,·d. EPISCOPAL ,c;pring (a s,'cond copy). training for position! as !ecrt!·
Twilight 1>as..hall play,'d at ti.lf> 1'. Rl'\·. W. \"'l'IlOn l\IicJdll'tnn. ,"Lnister "Imag"" ill a :\Iirror." b~' Sigrid MATINEE DAlLY tary, stenographer, stenotypist,
M., no mattl'r 1\,111'1'1' play,'d or und,')' '1.4fi A. M,-Church St'1,,·,,1. l'll,bl't. bookkeeper. typist and execu·
tive's assistant.
what ci)'cumstanc'·~. hil' not ht"'n ~ue· II A. :'11.-- :'I!orning' \\'or,hi". J{,'I, "Th,' ('olll(lll'lp POl'try flf "'alt
cC'ssful this y,'ar. TIll' Philadc'lphia .I. :\1. Fitrian \\'ill ]In'aeh. "'bitman," Stenotyp¥ hal been lauabc: for over
"Thn'(' (;uinl'as." b~' \'irginia Woolf. ten vean, a. Sir".,,.,., where 200
Leagup • a majol' It'agu!' in this n·";I"'I'l· Irenorl'pe machine!l an In us. and
HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN "Thi~ !~ :'IIf'. Kathil'." by .Julia Pet1na,Of!1'ciq/ J ~o studenu are arU'ndinR dav and
is badly !'attling fnr want of ,upp"rt
Big chunks. to chill waler- NARBERTH niRht .tenotypv

I{,,\, Cl<·tu~ A, :""ft. I'a"tor Truitt Yl'nni. /'f1;ptXtliln SttJf,on
and haye bl'pn ublig,'d to changl' man~
of the night g',1111(''' to Saturday alld ~fi"s Margaret Squier, Orl?;anist melon. 223S-J CIVIL SERVICE
Hundred. of S""."("r.,,ar,,("d .rudent.
fl.,l:, A. M. Bible school for e v e r y . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · h~\'e received appointments to Gov·
Sunday aftl'l'I100l1. TIll' starting' tilllt' And In cubes. for parties. ernment positlona at •• l.riel from o
c1ashl'~ with a !llai n nlt'al of t Ill' day. class, dppartnwnt. and age group.
: $1260 '0 $1620 • y••••

and it Sl'pms to bl' too Illuch IIf a II A. !\I.-Th,' Illol'lling s,'rYic,' \I',t" i • EMPLOYMENT
Strayer. BusinelU School lind. em·
hustle hustll' in thl'S" hot day, f"r th,' ,'l'Inol1 hy L"'1l1ard Dl't\\'(·ll<-r. a 'I:> i Chester Jones ployment tor Ita Kraouares. Unem
ployed Rraduatea of hiRh acbooll .nd
fans to g'l't thl'rp on tilllp. d,'lIt f"r th,· IlIini,tl'" ' .' I'

200 \\'~dbine, Narberth

.,:allegre would do well to prepare for
busine.. po.ilions. Nt'_ claues .l.rt
Thosl' who ha\'p mad,' a 1'1,,,,,' stl1d~ I I inK now. both dat and night.
of the dC'c!i1)(' in att,'ndanc,· at twilight BAPTiST CHURCH o} the EVANGEL I :' Phnne Nc.rberth 4058 A lit for 'nformdt.on
Rob"rt E. J~l'ighton. :\Iinistn I'
games in COlllmuniti"s ~uch as lI11r~.
claim it has ;;ulf('red sincl' till' a,I\"1I1
\!",iC':l1 I> !'I'd"!' llnl'y J1 .. t~ CA~$ eALUiD I"fJtIl
Strayer's Business School
Established 1904
:-;unday: , Anything for the summer SOl»' EFEMOI>R. WOIll< 807 Chestnut St.• 'hila•• 'a.
of Sunday hasphall, for tl1l' fan~ ill

II A.:lI. Thp Rev. D. H. Rinl1ig.: HOME AND GARDEN o
these cpntl'rs cannot bl' n·ganit-tl ;1'
of Ridl('y Park. will preach.
rabid. I)('in~ satisfil'd til se" a ~illl\l' at AllYS
their con\'eniencp and leisurp. anti
Sunday sepms to bl'tter fit thc occasioll
for them.
Plal/.Qround S/(IIII(··.till"
Twili~ht games could, hO\\'l'Y"r, III'
Montgomery Pike, Wynnewood
Re\'. Gibson Rell, Rector
8 A. I\L Holy Communion.
lUG A.;\1 ;-':;unday SchooL

241 Haverford Avenue

-Opt'ns Wednesday, September 21

Mrs. Fricke's Progressiye Nursery School

COIlH' !llore intl'r('sting' to tIll' fans alld A Place for Ihe Snack, Narb. 4134 for delivery
1] A, :'II. :\!orning Servtce.
more self-suhstaining' to thl' Cluh. if and a place to enjoy it- KINDERGARTEN & fIRST GRADE
you \\'Cft' to \\"arnl up thp City Fath.'!'-- -~_.--------------
Breakfast Set of Table
to thC' thought of placing are lights io
and Chairs.
the playing- fipld, \l"hpn thl' g'aml' could
start in thl' cool or till' ('\"'lIing al,,,1I1
9 P. M., whell all otlll'r chon'~ \\'('r,'
finishc.d. Th,'s(' lights clluld al,,) III'
Shull Lumber Company
used for Band Concl'rts. Outdllor no" The Link Between Forest (/ Hom~ So far as
ing (strictly local) and olhn act il i, .)u~t rpC'pil','d at the Narberth Com· possible. all ;
tit.s, and in thp Wintl'r who kn"ws hut' fllunity Libran'~ 29 B.l!;t Ave., BaJa-Cynwyd
mayhe we could ha\'l' Icp Skating Oil "Fanny l\l'mble," by Margan't .-tetivities are
the Borough fil'ld. A I'In~trong (a bpst-selling biography). CYNWYD 662
conducted in

Switch thpn thl' long rang'1' plall f"" "Under thl' Hog." by Patrick Carle·
CLOSED 12 O'a..OCK the open air.
this and support will come fnlnl all' ton (biography of Richard III. for 't't.
sides. I hosC' who like thpir history fiction· SATURDAYS
ized. but authentic). JULY and AUGUST
R. A. CABREY, PI'I'sidf'/>I.
"Southerner Discovers the South," I

hy Jonathan Daniels (another best-
l"ontlnued from Page (hiP
Woman's Club House, Bala Ave. and Levering Mill Rd., Cynwyd

This change mig-ht have contributpd tn, Telephones: Associate

Mailing Address: •
the small crowd that was prpspnt that:
night, for while I have no knowledgl"
Eagle Shirts ROBERT JO NASH Realtor
Mrs. Helen K. Fricke
441 Anthwyn Road, Merion
Merion 273
Cynwyd 1759 .
Marion Elva Taylor
(Regularly $ 1.95) (Narberth Post Office) Roxborough \356 . . . Helen Oine
what the Narberth Club took in that
night, I have a pretty good idea that' For a limited time--
they don't get enough to pay for th"1
baseballs after paying the visiting: Special, s1.69
takes pleasure in announcing that
Club a guarantee. Mr.. FRANKLIN J. COXEY of Cynwyd and
I want to take this opportunity of i
again expressing my warm gratitudl'
Good shirts. You'll like
'em. Drop in. Mr. FREDERICK A. EGMORE of Narberth Get Your School Supplies
to all the fans in Narberth for theirl
loyality to me, both while a member of' are no"' associated with his organization in his suburban
at .~ .

the Narberth Club, and during my

stay in the Abington Hospital
The Narberth' offices at Narberth and Wynnewood, respectively.

MEN'S SHOP, GREenwood 2494
Narberth 4009 DAVIS' STORE
Narb. 2772 lim Stanton Ardmore 2400
224 Haverford Avenue Narberth 4035
Ask about your paper'~ special
trial subscription offer, for clubs,l
churches, etc. 1• •
The Theatre is ttear us
I':'·~"-<: .~..
..... '.. " .' t •..'••.• I~o .:.
,"".' "_ 0,' •• '

OUR TOWN Page Thrd

August 26, 1938
ac('ol1lpallipd hy his son. th" HI'v ter. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Malin.
The Fireside .JallH's .J. [luffy. of TJ'<·llton. l..ft 1'". Miss Peg-g-}' MacGuffin. daughter of ForMain Line
EGYPTIAN ('c'lltl~· Oil th .. AIg-flI11juin for an I'X-
t"llIkd stay at ~Iial1li 8 .. a('h.
the Ralph D. MacGuffins. of l\!prion.
is visiting- in New York City.
Women 0 I Discrimination
gav,' a SU rprise shower Wednpsday
.. ftprnoon in honor of Miss Helen
:'Ilonks. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Tlw .J . .J. :'IlcElroys. :'Ilerion road,
"n' wpek-enriing at Lava!ettf·, N . .J.
( '/In !I rtl t III (I t I' d

TI14' Franklin C. !\Iaxw"lIs. 1:'17 Win-

Harv,'y Monks. of Grayling' avenul'.
WhOSl' marriag'e to Mr. Ernest E.
I )of'rschuk. Jr .. is announ('pd. Mr. and
Th" E. Burkp Wilfords. Linden
lane. had thp Hf>nry R. Ballow"lls,
n"rlll'rrip, !\Id .. for gllf'stS last wl'ek-
clwstpr road. an' Iwing congratulat!.'d
on thl' birth of daughtl'r. I':'ntlil' Sl'r- Hairstylist
"lId aholll·d th,' Sirpn K. on thp Chl'sa- \.'" :\Iaxwpll. August 16. Custom oil permanent waves
Mrs. Monks will cntf'rtain the ml'm- :\11'. and ;\Irs. H"r1,,'rt .John Eg-l11ol'f'.
'"TS of thp hridal party Friday evl'- I"',,kl'. 108 Forest Aye., Narberth
.Jr.. of 210 Dudley a\,('nup. Narl)('rth.
Iling. Spptf'mbl'r 2. following' the wed- l\lrs. Walter R. O'Sullivan and hl'!' al'f' rpc!'iving c()ngratulatiolls UpOIl th!.' Narberth 2180
• ding rphparsal. ",n and daughtl'r. \\'arren and Isabel. birth of a son. Arthur .Johll. nil SUIl- __ ~ pen _F riday"~Yening~_!!.y..!'PP.!!.i.!!!_"'!_e.'!.t only
:'III'S. Ada E. Sweet. of New York, of Windsor aVl'nue. accompanied by day. August 14.
is thl' gUf'st of hpr son-in-law and :'III'S. (;"orgf' :'.Iichf'nl'r. of Elmwood :'.11'. and :\-Irs. Frank (;. Richal'fk
dallghtpr. :III'. and Mrs. B. 1. Mc- avpnup. I,'ft Monday for Bpll Haven . .Jr.. .J0~1 IludIPy, Karlll'rth. arp J'<'cpi\'-
Connl'!!. of ~If'rion avenue. They also on t hI' Eastf'rn Shorp of Virginia. ing congratulatiolls '"l tl1l' birth ,d' a
have as thpir gupst Miss Esther Dors-
hpimpr. of Honeybrook. Pa.
",h"J'<' tl14';'· an' gUf'sts of :\11'. alld '.11',-;.
Lloyd H. Edg('rton. of Ch"st nut a \',,-
son. Frank (;. Richard,.:. :ld. AUglht I:,.
l.oWI·1' !'Ilprion om,·('!' J"s"ph :--;01'-
Tllis C_~OUI)O'I is \\T or. It aOte
Suzanne !'IIiss B<'tty McConnell has just ri'-
nlH'. who aI''' spl'nding- thl' sumnwr
'''"'~ third child. a boy. was born
at thpir farm. The Narberth Electric and Radio Co. will deduct this amount
loret Gill turnpd aftf'r ten days in Npw York. \\,,'dn,'sda;.· night in Bryn !\Iawr Hos·
from your bill for the next repairs you may need to your Radio,
-For ('x pert car(' Mr. and :III'S. F:. S. Henry, of Avon Thp O'Sullivans' otllf'r sons. Hidj.('l'ly pital. Baby and lll.ltl1l'r· thl' fonw'r
Refrigerator. Washer, Vacuum Cleaner or Electric Wiring, if
of skin and hair. roao. arl' pntprtaining Mr. Henry's and Bil!. ll'ft Sunday for Kf'ystone ~Iiss 1\'1 a 1';" Ti,'rll"y-ar" n·port ..d
this coupon is presented to our service man.
• 216 Dudl('y - Narb('rth 2324
mothN, :III'S. R. Jlpnry, of Washing'- Camp. Indiantown Gap.
ton. :'Iliss DClI'is Hamilton. daughtpr of
doing nicely.
-This offer is good until Septemher 1.
Betty .Janl' Simons, of fill Duoley Mrs. R. E. Hamilton. of Tauton. UuIe _ _ c...u a.- Waller G. Case
a\,pnup, was thl' gu .. st last w....k of :\Iass .. formprly of Narbl·rth. is thl' ..... ..,.. eI S. Aaada
FINANCIAL I her ~ranelpal·pnts. Ill'. ano Mrs. H. gu"st of th,' :\Iissps .J('an and Bplty IJ.~ .U......., ... . - .... Call Narberth 4182
J~, Rada .." ,h. at :'Ilargatp City. :--; . .J. Simpson. daughters of Mr. anri Mrs. for prompt and economical service.
Mrs. \\'alt,'r Ilunsick .. r. of EsSl'x lIarry A. Simpson. of Avon roao.
Tltl' "tl', k dch,llk"- -;"!'ldl""L'r
'n\"'lllJf', wh" is a ('ouns.. llor at Camp Thp EIH'rhardt :\Iuellers. Esspx avp- "THEirs A
Moon~un in thl' Poconos. ano her !HI". an' pnt .. rtaining their npph!'w + we
]"t \\!tltllllt dll\d'l Ir II til ,rdl
j he llltl.'[dllllnl( I'd;lll' d[ dll'
dallg-hl"r". (;w.'n and Kancy. will rf'- :lnd ni ..cp, :\Ir . .JanH's Ilibplka and
1l1rn hom" n"xt Thursday. ~Ii"s Flora SUI' DilH'lka. of \\-ood-
WEALTH Frankellfielf' .... uIlG·rul IloDle
hn;her /'II,t' hI! \\'.' Itk,' let ~I 1'''. E. C. (;riswold. of Chc'stnllt ~tock. III.
I (IUf J)1·I~hb()r...: III I'll .t
~IH)J a\'I'III11'. 'Iwnt la~t Wf'l'k-I'lId with !\II'. and :\Irs. IIprlwrt B. Price OF WM. G. FRANKENFIELD
Simpson Road at Athens Avenue
fri,'nd:, ill :'Ilargat". 'spl'nt th .. wI,..k-pnd in Ocean City.,
dung :\lr", .11>1111 Paul. of Cra;.·linl! a\,('- II'h"rl' tl1l'Y joinl'o thpir ciaughtl'r. HEALTH ..
Telephone Ardmore 92646 A r dmore, Pa.
1111". alld h"r dall~htf'rs. Louisl' an:! Iloris. who has bpl'n th.'rp s('vC'raJ
HH;H yidd
U )\\' co~t
Harhara. 11:Ivl' r..tllrrwd frnm a \'a(':\- days.
1111'1 in Cap,. :'.Iay. :'III'. and l\lrs. !'II. L. .Johnson. of
CU)SE IH'" Ill', 1-'r:III";S R. \\·alt"n. Sllll IIf Ill'. Avon road. are pntf'rtaining' !\II'. and
and :111''':. Wtllialll C. Walt"n. :\nlh- !\Irs. Charles .Johnson and their daugh-
WYIl road. is l'f'cul"'rating in 1l"llllil\Q'- 11'1'. Zell. of LouiS\·illp. Ky.

.IEI)!)()·HI<;HLAl\:P AN·
ton. '·t.. from an appell,!Pctolll;'· IH'I'-
. fOl'lllcd Ia:'t \\('c'k.
:'.1 iss Patricia .Johnson, of A\'llll
I road. is "IWnding thl' rpst of tlJl' sum-

:'II r. r ..1. Iluff\'. "f Dud!.'\' a\·,'I1I11'. n1l'r at Camp Eagle Lodge.

, THE BEST BL;'Y ()'\ THE . . :'III'. and :III'S. A. II. Durboraw and .0". Mr•• Helen T, Rober,.. For the Convenience ()f Electors of I

thpir daughtpr. Esthl'r. of Elmwood Mother oj Grand Champion BahF

BOAJ{DFt)JZ EHIClr~T. The Marriage &-enG.
aVI'nUl', slwnt t hI' wl'ek -pnel as gUl'sts
ECt.. )N( )MI<~. 1'1\( )l'BLE Of :lliss Ill'll'n Monks. daughter of in York of thl'ir son-in-law and daugh- BROOKMEAD Lower Merion and Narberth
fREE HEr\T l\lr. and :'.Irs. Harvey W. Monks, of GUERNSEY DAIRIES
~oo Grayling' avenue. Narbprth, to
Registrars from the Office of the Montgomery
:'\( >T f The .lhot {' \1 •.ll(omntC' Jrc' Mr. Ernest E. Doerschuk. Jr .• son of Classified (Licensed Producers &. Distributors
under Trademark) County Registration C(llllmissioll will be at
frllm .~,)Hrl(·\ l"l;\lli,,! 1(·lldh/c o

U t'
ARE p<"<,,,r,,,i :' 1";I,,nIL"
tlw Ern""t E. Doerschuks, Sugar
Advertisements Wayne, Penna. 'Phone Wayne 1121 ! I

\'(IUT htL \11,.1.;

Creek. Ohio. will take place Saturday
aft,'rlloon. Septl'mber :1. at four
will hi' :l1'I't'pt"ll up III \\"'1\-
rrhe Township Building I

o'clllck in thl' l\:arbel·th Presbytprian IIt'~day. ~, (,·,·I,,('k. fHr Fllda,\:-- Lancaster Pike. Ardmore, Monday-Friday indusi~,·
Church. Th., Re\'. Erwin Britton. of
will lil' 1·llan... :t·d !lIllY til "'~I· Septl'l1lber 2h-2--2X-24- Hl
Avon Lakl·. Ohio. will officiate. dt'lIt~ \dltl~t-· ll.trllt'S ;lJ'IW:l1 III
Miss Alison Trenholme will be the till' tl'!l,pllIHlt· dlrt"-{lll,\ 111 Ill"

maid of honor and the bridesmaids
will bi Mi'S Barbara Myers, Miss Vir- 3c a word
and Borough Ha 11
ginia Thompson. Miss Esther Lou 3 weeks for the price of 2 Forest A venue. Narberth
• Smith and Miss Evelyn Kirk. Monday and Tuesday. Septemher 26 and 2-
Mr. John Doerschuk will be best
~ man for his brother and the ushers
Phone Narberth 3637 TIME: 2:30 to 5 P. M. alld 6 tv 8:30 P. M .• D. S. T.
• I
will inclurie Mr. Paul Hasting'S. Mr.
Fn'dnick Ih'nnett. Mr. Robert Evans Hel1I Wanud
-at your SerYICl'
... I,
This will afford an 0ppl)rtunity to elN"tors "ho have not regis-
1.. \I°:'\I\HI·:~:--' and ('it-ailing- \\omatl want-
Stor" }~ours 9: 30 to 5:00 and :'II r. Chades Mears. "11 (III' Ilav'l'" wllrk ~aturday III' III takt· tered under the If} P Permanent Registration Act to qualify to
Complet,·ly Air Conditioned A n'cpJltion will follow the cpn'-
mony fol' the members of the bridal
LlllllllJ'\ 11111;'" 1'110111 f·.vIlW~t'd tl~~ :-;al\1r-

lia\ f't'· ~lJllday If rill all:--Wt'r, try ('YTIWy(l R. R. Bringhurst vote at the elections thi .. and subsequl·nt year...
10:'1 _\\' If
party and intimate friends. & Co., Inc. The main Registration Office in the Court House at Norristown I I
for \ali' FUNERAL DIRECTORS wil1 continue to be open daily from 8 A. M. to -l P. M. (Satur- !I
Ansell-Spl-ck 1':o\~Y \\'0\:--;111':1{ \l"llb dr:"'r .,WIll'r has days 8 A. M. to noon) until Octohl'r H. whil·h is the last day
1111 fllrllll'r ll:"t'. 1-:111111 1·IlIHlltillll. l'/lHt 1924 Arch St. RITtenhouse 5690
TIH' marriage of Miss Doroth;. :llil $1fill :-iI,11 fllr' $:~;). ( '~'Ilwyrl 1.._:_I~l
. _ _-,-_
to register for the (Jeneral Election.
dred Spf'ck. daughtl'r of Mr. and !'III'S. !.:t.t-:c'TllI'· 1:1':FHl';I~:ltAT<)I(' (·apa,·it~· 6 Local Representatiye:

EWEEJ .JanH's lIarry Speck. 21 Woodsid,·. 2~,6
Narberth. to Mr. Edward Vinc('nt .-\ II
sl'lI. took plan' FI'iday in All Saint"
"II, fl. Like new,

Garall~s lor R~nt

Heas. Ph. Narb.
215 Avon Rood, Narberth
Narberth 2216
Montgomery County Registration Commission

Church. \Vynnpw,HHI. ';ara,-," ,I',h'ale) for n,'nt--l hto.'k from lAMES W. POTTER

PHILADELPHIA TIH' ){l'\'. Gihson B"II. pa"tol' of th,·
church. officiated.
Thl' bloidp, v,:hn \VOrl' a dres:, (If
d,·pol. $,,1111 n,olllll1y II. A .Ia.. ohs.
It I ")~1
~ caf"l-l, priV;llt' t..:araL::t> 1"'II\".
f{,'asiltlahl ... 1'11'aSI' pllIlIH~ :"ar-
_-II .'-:

lacl' with matching hat and slipp,'rs I_)_"'_·I_II_~_~I_"_-_"_·_. _

... anci a cOI'sagp of orchids. was attended At Y lJur Seryice
hy Mrs. George Schaeffer, as matrllll '·.\'·I·I·~1 .·L1·:.\~Ens r,'pair..d lik., lIeW,
,of honor. fl.";';1 UJl. l'h. ~arh. ~376.

Mr. Da\'id J. Sp"ck. broth,'r "f t h.· FI:-':I-; l>HESS~IAKI:-':C:, l'emo<leltn~. al-
brid!.' was best man.
teratloos, huttonlloles made. Materials
(or salp. :\1i~:-i l\1adelf'ine l\tieHen, 209 Hav-
.. rford a\'~. :\arb. ~~I05-J. (to
Miss Edith Johnson S.. rrill. daugh-
ter of MI'. .Joseph Lpwis SN1·ill. alld
LA\\'-~~IO\\'EH rel.>;"rs

h('rth ~!166
and g-rll1dlnl';.
Ht~hllllt mOWI~rs for sale. ~o E. Srnedley
10~ \ludley ave.. Nar-
Tl·;-';I:-.:n-('oll1pl"le retlahte serv-

the latl' 1\Irs. Senill. of Nl'wto\\'11
ice hy fartory expprt, All work gouar-
Squar.. !ll'callle the bride of Mr. Wil antpprl. Antmfln~ Iliallo Service, I)hone
.\ nlmOl'e ~~~6. (0-8-31)
• liam Douglass Calloway, .J 1' •• Sllll "f
Mr. and :'III'S. William Douglass Gallo IU-:LIAIlLE l'AHI')';NTER. alterations &
Jobbing. Screening. Goltlleb Esslinger.
way. of Narlll'rth, Saturday aft"rn'"'" t22 Conway ave. :"arb. 3748-H. (to and she will have
ill Old Marph' Pn'shytl'rian church. PPHOLSTlml;.:r; and-r:e;;:---Sp;:jl;"g-s--nr
3-pleee sultee repaired. $10: ('hair re- a healthful winter
• Frank P. Brennan
covered, $5. Cio p nywherf'. (ON II
227 E. LallPRslpr b "e, \\'nynp 1 '96
in a home heated
Resident of Narberth 16 years. Sf'X-
, ton of St. Matthias Church BaJa, 1:1 Rooms for Rent automatically by .:~
years. Frank P. Brennan died in Bryn F(lit HE~T Ito~"l11onl. con\' (0 lran"- c.
po,'tatillll. ~ furniHhvll or unfurnished
Mawr Hospital Tuesday last. Aftf'r "ooI11H. c'alt Br)'n :llawr ~3:17. ..,t.
services 8.:JO Sat., from his home. 5Hl H(ll)"\. halll all.l hkf.. '"'ar Imln. hUH
Dudley aVf'nue, solenln requienl 1l1aS~ and ~whotlls. Pholw ('ynwyd a~74.
was celphrateo at St. Mar~aret's in LAlt';!·: fr,,"t ~,"lfl ..-Io.·dr,-,,,", "nd ';;11'-
:! J.,::t'lIfl('T1l~ll or youn~ .,,:,. "I"d ('Oupit'

· . Narherth. with interment in St. Iknis pfll. ~adl. ~sn 1",1. 6 & ; , ~I ,17.
,Cemetery. Mr. Brennen is survived ;-';I('I';LY furn. targ-<- 2nd flo"r f..o"l roo 111.
hy hiB wife. Mrs. Marg:aret E. Bren-- '·on\'. 10 ~arh. SIal I",,: I 0" ~ pe.. ~onH, I
M.. ~ W. .I, Butlt-r. .lr.. ~"7 lIampden.
• Lucky babyl She'll thrive on the all-over, even, clean
heat of her Daddy's automatic gas system. She'll be much
nan. and five children: Frank. Mary. ;-';a .. h~rth. less apt to catch colds in such ideal, comfortable atmosphere.
Josl'ph, John and Sister Admirahilis - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
i Marie, I.H.M. Also a brother, Thomas Apartments For Rent
" B rennall. 1'0,'.'11 and lawn. 11. \\'. 11. lit) Wood-1
~Idn a venuE'. ;
Reversible coat's • Let us make a survey of your home ... at no obligation
":1 Mary Mul1en
a college "must" ESTATE NOTICE to you. We feel sure you will find it will cost you LESS
Miss Mary Mullen, of Narberth. was
• drowned last Thursday afternoon than you anticipate. On your small down payment, we'll
$16,95 'l .' B B h N J
I';STATE OF (', K. STAHL (also known: install a Janitrol, Bryant or Welsbach Gas Conversion Burner
i W h Ie s\'/Immmg at rent eac, . .
aN ,·I.Al'llE K. i:lTAIIL). (lec·d.
This ', . • I She was there with with her emplo-,
L~(l,-rH of Admlnl~tratlon cum t('sta- immediately. Pay nothing more until October. Burner
one s plaid. In I yers, the C h a l' I e s Chandlers, of
mento annexo On tho above estate hn ve
ortcd I d W d Sh Iwen ~ranted to the undersigned, who
30 d I' d' costs $195 each, installed. Slightly higher on budget
ass co ors. an ynnewoo,. e was I
,an Ive
"pqueHtH all p"rsons having- <'lalms or
plan - 3 years to pay. Ask about our monthly plan for
• gabardine. Sizes 9-17.1 with her aunt, Miss Celia Kelly, 215
I • •
,Iemands ag-alnst the estate of the de-
: ,'ed""t to make known the same. and all
, .' Others in tweeds 01'1 Hampden. After a VIeWing at that, perHons Indebted to the decedent to rnll.l(e operating a heater and our low combination gas rate.
· .h b
came1- h an wtt ga ar-
address Sunday night, solemn requiem: payment, without delay. to
'ne all sl'zes
dl •

College Shop, Second Floor

mass was celebrated Monday mornmg
,at St. Colman's, Ardmore, where she
, was a devoted parishioner, In addition'

f ),' h~r attorney'

. . , .
Administratrix c. t. 11."
516 EHsex Ave..
Narberth. Pa.

I to her aunt, she is survived by her I HE:>iHY A. I~RYE. EN'I.. I
Staffed by College Girls , uncle, Martin Kelly, 212 lana, and her 1608 Walnut St.. PLUMBER OR HEATING CONTRACTOR
I . I I'hlladelphla. Pa .
• •11II•••••
• =1 ' parents and brother m Ireland, '(f)-10-7)
"I ' i
.:...., ".: ":""'-:~~ .. '-" '';'':.'' .. -,.:.....

August 26, 1938

! :"h~~'~t'~~::~ ~:;I~~ ~~~::~ t~:n;;:':::
tAnc,. of 11,q fe-et to a point of tangent I Q20 ... nd reviled M.. rch 8. I and de-
1;1 on Ihr Soulhwf"st sidr of H~nl~y Road, the SCribed aa follow •• to W'it: E. C. GRISWOLD
By vlrtur of vRriou! Writs. i15!u~d oUI of ery. nnn Stftt~ of Pennsylvania. bounded hrst rnrntion,.d point and plac~ of begin· H. C. Fritsch, Jr.
theo Court of (omrnon Plt'R! of Montlo'(omt"ry and rlrascrihrd according to a crrtain Aur· nlng BECINNING at a point In the middle i. now associated with Fire & Ca.ualt., In.uranu
County. Prnns. to mt" dirrclpd. will br sold vt'y and plftn thereof made by Milton R. I lin" of Orexeol Road 1.. 0 freot wide) at the
at Public Salr on Y"rkr·l'I. (ivi\ Engineer. Bryn Mawr. Penn', ll'lDER r\ND SURjECT to certain ease· distancf" of Iq2 fl"et measured South IS Fidelity Investment Ass'n A. M. Fritsch
syl.anlR. on thf" Fourth day of january, I1ll"'nl!4. conditionl\. restrictions and reserva- drgs. 4) mine. East along the said middle I
W[()SESDAY. SEI'TE\1RER 7, IqJ8 ~\ () 1')20. as follows. to wit: liOn:" ALSO L'NDE.R AND SUBJECT to lin" of Drexel Road from a stake set at I "FiJ,,'it., lncom" PI'In" Notary Public R"al E.tat"
fhra paymt"nt of a crrtain mortgaR:~ debt its int~fBr-etion with the middl~ line of St.' _ _I~rest Ave. Nar. 41_~J_ _
Chestnut Ave. Narberth 4095-J
at 12 00 o·clock. ~oon. EAslern Stanrlllrd HI.l,I'\,'\,I'\,L at a point in th~ mic:lc:lle of'!lr principal sum o( S~.OOO.OO wtth inte-rest. Paul"s Road ( .. 0 (eet widel. thencr- con-
Timt". in Court Room "A" at th~ Court ILIIf! Honr! (40 ff"t't widt") ot thr distance linuing along the 8llid middle lint" of Dresel
Houae. In the BorouRh of Norristown. slliri 01 4K2;0 1f"'I'! rnr"aAurt"n in a ~orthwesterly T(.CETHF_R wilh lht" free and common Road South IS de-gs. "S mins. East, 32 feet
1I~t". rl~ht.
I Let Dan do your
Counly, Ihr following n~scflbf"d [{"al Es dlr.'t:lton IIll1ng th(" middle of Baird Road liberty and privilege o( the to a point. thf"'nce- South 7 .. degs. IS rains. Two Barbt!rs
tate; froUl It .. Inf"rsf'clion with th,. middle Iin~' aforrosaid driveways as and for driveways West, 130.46 feet to a point, thence North
(II Bo\...·man AVt'nuf". th,.nce along tht" mid.: anrl paS80i{e w ays at all times thereafter (or. 17, rlt"K8. S8 mina. \\'rat, 32.02 feet to a
No I
waiting Barbering at home
ALL TIIAT CERTAIN 10' or pI''' of dl,. (If B'llrd HORn on 8 line curving to the' t'Vt"r in common with the owners. tenants pomt. tht"nce North 74 dr~s. 15 mins. East,
ground, with thl'" builninsp. and Improvt' It'fl WI h 11 radius of I tt21 0 ft'f"t the arc and ocr.lInl, of the- othrr lots of Rround
m"nts tht'rf"on rreeled. Situate in th,. Bor· dlo;,llinct" of 24 CJ2 fe,.t. tht" chord of said hounoing' thrr~n and entitled to the use tl1100 wall dividinK these from the prem-
oulith of Narbt'rth, County of Mont~omrry, cUf',:t"d lint' has 8 he-artnR North 62 degs.: ,hl'rrouf

g through the centre line of a par-I

to rhr Northwrst, 131 70 feet to the:

Dan' 5
and Stalf" of Pt'nnsylvftniA. hOllndt't1 und 14 Tnlns \\'~!lt 24 1)0 f,.et; thence leevin g : hrst mC"ntlon~d pOint and place of begin- Barbtr Shop
describf"d 8ccordinK to 8 ct'rlain survt"y ~alrl Bairn Roar:! by other land now or late; 1 h,. Improvf'rnf'nts lhf"reon Ilr,. a ning.
and plan tht'rt'of mad", as follow •. to Wit of Pnrt' lv. Ann~iovanni passinR throuKh the ~ 2 story plastt"rt'n hou!le. 16 f~et front 41 N. Narberth Ave., Narberth
10 Ct'rtaln ("onditlon~ ano rt'-
~in.r:!I,. of ft pllrty wall of a twin dwelling: by It> fret t1f"ep. with J rooms on first floor.
BEC.I~:"lI~C at .. point in tht' Soulh dl\:lfhn~ thiS from prernist's adJninin~ to, 1 room:" lind halh on sf"cond floor. cellar. ~triclions Phone: Narberth 4209 Women'. and Children's
easl,.r1v side of PflC~ ,\vf"nur no
l,.d the W,.st. North 21 Of'gs. 21 mins. S6 sec-Il-:ns. t'1f"ctric lif.{htl'l, Springfu"ld water. heat- Fonnerly Stephen Girard Bldg. Hair Cutting Specialist
widf") -at tht' rlifl,tanct" of 2tl 41 ft't'l South onch East 174 37 fef"t to a stake in line of! In): f1V~If"m. Rine porch
garD~t" 21~ ~tory
Tht" improvemt'nts thereon are a
80 dt'lits. 16 min8. \\/est from a st8k~ nHuk Illnrl of tht> Pt'nnsylvania Railroao Corn-i 1 rAr pIHstf"re-d 10 ft",.t by 14 feet f1lnnf" and plastf"rrd housf" 1 8 ' 1 - - - - - - - I
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------'
inR; thf" intt'rsrction of thf" SlliO 51')f" of pany. th("nce by said Railroad Company ((°t't front bv 38 fet't df"t'p, with J rooms on • I
Price Avt"nue with th,. Southwt'stl"'r1y !"irlr" I.. n I ~n' th ~) <!t'J.!s 3l mtns Easl ~2 7l t Sf"17t'd Bnd t8k,.n In eXf"cutlon as the hrst floor. i rooms and bath on sf"cond
of MontR"omery Avenu~ (6tl ff"f"t widt'l ft'f"t to a "tllkt'. thf"nrf" by othrr lano now: property of John A McQualt'. Jr. and MII.lllonr. 2 rooms on thlro Roor. ct'lIft .... Ras.
CONTAINING in fron' or bT'ad.h along or Inf,. of PACe- nnd RongiovRnnl South 32 I drl"'r:1 [) :\ItcQuale. hu Wife. MortgaRoffl, and 1,It"rtric Itghtl\. Sprmgfirld watt'r. hf"otinK
Specials, 3 for $1
the said side of Price Avt'nue Southwt"st nf"ioC~ I 0 mtn~ I' st'conos We-st I)q 20 f~t't Hrlt"n C Kf"Ilt'y. john E Fitzpatrick and Io;,vst,.m. pOf( h front -Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
wBrnly 2~ ft't"t and f"xtt'RdinK of Ihat wlnlh to tht' placf" o( beoglnning : Josrph A Kf"ough. EXf"cutors and Trush.0t"s I ('ltr frllrTlt" garogt' 10 f~t't by 14 ff"f"t
in leni<{th or dt'pth hf"'lwt"t'n parllllt'l hnrs I undt'r thf" Will of Marlin McWllhams, d~ . See our modern new shop, over Cotter'6.
on 8 count" Soulh CJ dt'~s 44 min", Fast l ~l1f R ·\'\n Sl'BJEC T to Cf"rtaln Bulin I
ct'8s~d. and Jost'ph A Melont"y, Rt'al Own-I Sf"i7,.rI ann takf'n 10 t"xf"cutlon as tht!
100 I.e'.


in~ Rt'slrlCllons a8 rf"('ornt'n 10 Dt'~d Book ~ t"rs. and to bf" sold by
i'17. PaHr 344 and Book 853. Palo:e 172 i
propt"rly of Annl~ C K"ylor. widow. and to
lit" sold hy
of ground. Situatt' as aforf"soirl, houndt'd
and deRcribed occorrlinR to tht' above mf"'n·
tioned plan. as follows. to wit'
Tht.· impro,;rm,.nts thrrl"'on arC' a
ll,',! !'tory stone ftnd plsstt'rt"rl houst". 18 !
fr-f"t front by 10 fel"'! df"ep. With 1 rooms on' ALL THAT CERTAI~ lot or pif"ce of
ALL TIIAT CERTAIN 10' or pIece of
Beauty Shop
firsl lIoor. i room!t and hUlh on I!'f"cond ground with thf" buildin~s and improve- I IFlnrl with thf" buildin~s ann improvemente 223 Haverford (second Boor) , Narberth 2565 . Miss Helen Farrell

BEGI~NISC "I 8 point 160 frf"t Soulh q floor, 2 room~ on thirn Roor. cellar. gaB" rnt'nts th,.rron ert'ct,.d Situate in Penn
ht'rl"'on t"rt'ctf"d, situate at Ardmore, in the
dellS .... mins East of it POint in tht' South f'\"ctric li~hts. Sprinio{field watt'r. h~atinRII \\':ynnr, Lowf"r Mrrion Township, Mont- I"fH.... nship of L.owt'r Mf"rion. County of
easterly sid~ of Pri("f" Av~nu~ 00 f,.t't ... vs'r"TTl !'\Jr:lf" porch gomf"ry County. p,.nnsylvania. on the North·
\1ontg-omt"ry, anrl 5t8tt' of Prnnsylvania.
wid~) which point is 261 41 fef'"t South RO I cor pln!'itt'rf"d lo:aragro 10 f,.t't hy 14' .-""t si-lf'" of Rock~ll"'n Road at the dist8nce
houndl"d nnd rlt'scribed ftccording to a crr-
deRs 16 mint' Wt'st from a stake morkjn~ ff"t"t i nf IR2 q ft"',.t mf"a!lured BlonR thf" North· :ain survt'V ann plan man~ by Milton R.
th~ tnt~rsf'ction of tht' said side of Pric,. ~t"l7f"l anrl lakron in t'x~rutjon 80S thf" ("nst Side of Roek~lrn Road on a course
Yf'rk,.s. C E, Bryn Mawr. Po,. on Jan. 20.'
Avpnu~ with thf" Southwrsterly lidt" of propt"rty of RUS8t'1l F Fitch. MortlitBRor.· ht'nrinR North 31 rie~s. 30 st"conds West
Montgomery Avt'nut" (b6 feet wide); thence linn thf" Thf" Hiuh Buildinlo{ AND LOAN, from ftO anRIf" in tht' said sid~ of Rockglen
IQ20, and revised March 8. 11)20. B8 follows. The !
continuing South q df"Rs ..... mins. East ·\..,":Ot l'\TIOS. ann "'/ILLIAM T. CAMP- I Road. which anRle is at the distance of 10 wit I

National Bank of Narberth!

21 Q f", to a point. 'hence South 80 deg •. I1I.LL. HERBERT K REAR and CLARENCE II) lee' m"a.ured .till along 'he Northeast
BECI~~I';G H' R poin' in .he middle line'
Itl min" \X.·r!lt 2~ frrt to a point; thencr I C,\RBRICK. Liquit1ntin~ Trusters in the l sidt" of Rockgl~n Road on a courst! bearin~
f';orth q clf"Jl •. 44 mins. ··W~st. 21.9 ft"et tn \',.,lunIHry Iiqllirlntion of thr said The Hi~h! ~orth Iq deR's. r S mins. West from a point
of [)r~xeJ Road (40 ft't"t wide) at the di,s-I
tanct' of 160 feet rnealurf"d South IS degs.
8 point. th,.ncf" t"orth 80 eteR~. "'6 mins. Eft!! H\lildin"g anrt Lonn A fI !'IO cia t ion. Rf"al Own- on the corner formed by the intersection i 45 mins Eftst along- th~ said middle line
2) ff"'t"t to tht' first mentioned point an' rl~. nlld to be solei by lof the Northeast side of Rockglen Road
plact' of bf"~inninR. jjf t':J:tt'nded) with the Northwest side of
of [)rt"xe-l Roan from a stakt" st"t at its I • Deposits Insured under the GOVf'rnment Plan •
intf'f9~ction with thp middle lint' of St.:
BEINC known a. No. H6 114!fmerlY 306'
Prict' A\,("nue, ,. \..Il't
CIU3ERT 5 JO\;ES. Sh.riff i Mona Road
i 10 front or breadth on the said Rockglen tinuing alonl{ 'he .aid middle line 01 Drexel!
(il extended);
em er 0 e era
eseryt ...,')'stem
Paul'. Road 140 I.e' wide); thence con· ~ • \.1 b IF d IR I..:

.. ~.I" I TI i
lot or pit'ce a
f' Rond 42 feet and extending of that width Road South 15 deg. 45 min.. Ea.t, J2!
·\T (" :_RTAI~
in l,.nRth or d~pth Northeastward between
21'l:J.tory fNlmt' anr:! plAstrr,.d house, 14 Innr! ,·... ilh Iht" bull,lin~s B.nn improvr"'mf"nts flar",lIrl linf"8 at riRht an~les to the said f~e' '0 a poin •. 'henre South 74 d"l{s 15
Thr1'Hhprovrmt"nts thf"reon Art' a ,\ I.

ff"t',-lront --9Y 18 fef"t nf'rp. with 3 rooms I thrrron rJ"rrt,..r:I. Situat(" 10 tht' Township Rock~len Road 100 f~t"t. including on the mins West passing' throuRh the Cf"'ntf"r line

Opt'n at convenience·
8 A. M. daily for your I
on firel Aoor, 3 rooms and both on st"cond' of l.ow~r M«onon. <.. ounty of Mont~omery r"'1f the soil of a crrtain '4 feet wid~ of a partition wall dividing thf"se from'j~I~'!!~~'IIIi"--------------------"'-----------III-!!!~.
tht' prt"mist's to thr Southf"ast. 1 J I 70 feet
floor. attic. cdtar. R8S. t'lrctric lights. I Bnd S:atf'" of Pt"nnsylvRnia. boundt'd and! ·!n\·t'wav which t"xtends Northwestward and
Sprinllfi,.ld water, hratins: systt"m. e-nclosed described lt~ follows. vi2': I Sou!ht'n~tw6rd communicating at its South- 10 a point. thenct" North 1 7 dt'g's. 58 mins.!
Wt'st 12.02 ff"et to a point. thrnce North I
......... ........ .~~~~~~~~~~~~!"'!!'~~~~~~ """'~~~~~"""' ~~- ~~~"""'~~
Ironl porch te~~~;;:~I~r" l~~ ':n'~~'I:' I~:rk~~\:~:ri~~ ~::,.e~n,';;:·~r7:edwa~I·:.h~chce;:~~~d~th;~u,~~
74 dt"gs I) min.!! East. I ~2.Q" frt't to the'
first me-ntlont"d point and plac~ of bf'gin·
SfO:7f"r! and tak,.n in "~"r\ltinn A9 tht' ... wf"stward into Ro kIn R d (Bei H
pro;Jf"rty of Chtulf"s !V1illc; Tho:npson. jr Mill Road as oflgoinally lAid out of the" 22Q R k I c ~ e d Loa N ~; B~us~ ninR·
R, Owner. and to br sold by . width of 31 frd. and' Bowman Avenue; p~ oc g rn oa - at o. . oc
th~nr. along I h. middl. of Bowman Ave· . Sl'RjECT to ct'rtain conditions and rt'·
nu'" on a lint' curving to tht" right with a
JOSES, Shniff l''JDER ANO SUBJECT to certain Build. !'>trictions.
radius of rlf),td frl"'t .. thf" dh,tonct' of 16S' inR Rf'strictions. Conditions. Agr~ements.
feet. thf" chor I of said curvf"c! linr has a Easrments and Reservations The improvf"mrnts thf"rron art' a
ALL THAT ,ERT·\I'; 10' or piece of beartn,:: of 'Jorth 8'; de"~s 40 mins. 3Q I
~:round. with tht' bud Hogs and improvt" seconds \t-'I"'sl. IIl474 ff"f"t, thrncr 1f"8ving.
. 2 1 '] story stone snrt plastf"rt"d houf'f". 18,
TOCETHER with the free and common f,.t"t front by 38 fef"t del"p. with .3 rooms
mrnts ahout h,.ing erf"ctt'd thrrt'on. Situ BowmRn AVt"nul"'. hy ,othl"'r land of the E. USf". ri~ht. libf"rty and privilege of the on first floor. 3 rooms and bath on s~cond:
atf" Ilt Wvnnf"woocl. in thf" Town!\hip of J. Ht"ddrn ( ompany. f"o,;orth 10 df"gs. 8 mins.
Lowt'r :\oit"rion. County of MontR'omf"r\'. nn" East. IOqqA f.-rt. thencr still hv otht'r
II Orrsal
'd d . n f
rlvtlways as an. or
d' Aoor. 2 rooms on third floor. ct'llar. gas. I
rive-ways rlectric light !II. Springfirold watt'r, heating! SWIMMING POOL
StBte of Pennsylvania. df"siRnfttt'ri an,l land of thr !!t;ud Com an . South j9 de s ann pu~s8gewayS at all times thereaftt!r s\,.!!t,om. porch front
.. p y . ~ forevf"r In common with the owners, tenants
known as lot 237 on a cf'rtl'lin plAn of lot· S2 mtns La~l. 163 q fef"t to tht' mIddle and occupif"rs of the other lots of ground II I car frnmf" ~ftr8gf" 10 fe~t by 14 f~et. i
m8ci~ tor th,. Wynnewood Rralty Companv
and bound~d and df"scribf'd
line of I r'\'f"(Inlo: Mill Road as originally
ac:cordinl opened 10 ·h \\'id~h of 33 ft't"t ann thenct'
boundin", thf'reon and entitlt'd to the use·
SI'izt'--! nn J tak,.n in ~xecution as the'
not the hot bother
thereof. 1

th~reto as follows, to wit:


leet mea.u"d Sou'heastwardly alonl: Ih

along sn' 1 I.n nn I.("vr'rin..:: Mill Roan South I
point in tht' linf"
of Crenox Road ot the distance of 2<)6.76
'~~eg~ ~ Ol'n~ \\·r~t.
0 eglr,nlOg.
E "
93 ft""~t to the place

The improvement!'l therron are a
2·story stone and frame house.
Iron. by 3b I"et deep, with I .• tory frame
18 feet

I he
prn;)f"rty of Annif' C Kf'ylor. wi do ...... and to
liold by

I f)o ..... n GILBERT S JONES. She"ff

! I
of supervising the wash,
said center line of Grenox Road from j" UND --P ...\~~. ~ to the restnc-; aodftion 10 ff'~t
St BJF.( .Monf"Y $200.00 by 10 feet, with 3 rooms
intersection with the centf"r IinfO of Knn tions and conditions particularly St't forth. on first Aoor, 3 rooms and bath on second Sh,.ritf s Office. Norflstown. Po Let the cool water tingle your body
oad (as it extf"nds Southwestwardly (ronl Th ,floor. celtar. gas. electric liRhts. SpringfieJd O·\ugust <). Iq38 •
Grenox Rood) thence North 46 d~gs. 28
e improvrmt'nts tht'reon are a '
2 Yz story stone and plastered house 36 I water. heating system. encloeed
. 8 26
(ront ~.~.~~~=~=====~==~=~=~
and take away that hot, stuffy feel·
mins, East alonR lot 238. 27S 18 feet to ~ (eet front b~. 26 fef"t ri~ep. with 2t/2-s~Ory: porch. ;.
point in the hed of 0 strf"um; thrnr I stone a.nd pla.terrd addition .I~ (eet by 81 St'iu'.j ann laken in raxf"cution 8S the ESTATE NOTICE I' ing, You can, you know! Just call
throu~h the bt'rt of said stream thr tw, ff"t""t. wllh I-storv stont" addll10n 18 feet !
followinR cours~'s and distancrs, South " by 22 fet"t. with -S rooms on first Aoor. 4, propc-rtv of Mary D. Shallow. sin~lf" wom~n, us on the phone. We'll take care
df'R"s 3S mins East 64.42 ft"t't and Soulh
21 d("gs. 30 mins East 16.17 ff"f"t to A
db h
at on sreon
d fI 3 mort..:ag-nr, nnd Hf"len Jellsup Webster. wife
Oor. . roo~s on of I red \\l Webs-ter. Real Owner. and to
I third

Roor. cellar. gas. t'lectnc hRhts, bf" Id b
LARP, Illtf' of IA'wf'r Merion Towl1~hlp. of all your washing while you're
point a corner of lot 23ft; thf"nct' South 4::'
de~s. 16 mins. W("st lJlon~ lot 236; 28<') 28
SprinR"f"ld watt'r, heating system. front' so y ~tontg-omery County. Of"ceased.
I! I . . .
feeot to a point in tht' centf"r line of Grt'no'\7
and sidt' porch.
LettMs of administration on the ahove.
Estllte ha\'in~ been ~ranted to the under- I
enjoyIng your swun.
Road and thence along th~ SlImf" on thf" ( l H Seoi7~d And takrn in rXf'cution a~ the i si~ned. RII p"r~on" Indebted to said Y;;s-:
on a circle curvinJ.: to the If'ft with It proper:~' of Thomas Pow!"r and Catherine- ALL TH.·\T CERTAI~ lot or piece of talf' ;lrp l"t'qllN~ted to make immediate' I , I

radius of 232.41 ft'et the t!lfC' distant',. of Power. ~ortga~ou. C~orK" J. Kilnf". Jr., ground. with the brick andframt! owdlinio{ paymf"llt. and tho~e having' lpg-at C'lalmR ..
90 feet. the chord of which arc bran North Executor of th!' Will of Thomas Powt"r. de- thrr~on erected, Situatf" in Cynwyd. in the. to prf"~Pl1t thp RamP. withnut delay to
25 deg •. 22 mlns. 27 second. We.t 8Q.H ceased. a Mortl::agor (\\ ho survivt'ri his TownshIp of Lower Merion, Coun'y of EDW A It II RACilY POl,LARD, 2nd, I
feet to th~ first me-ntion~d point and place wife. Calherine Power. a co·\t1ortgagorJ and ~on'l:om~ry. nnd Stale 01 Pennsylvania. Rnd EMILY LOUIHE POT.LAnD, : Clothes are Clf'anf'r
of beginnin. Certrudt" Powrr. Marianne P"ower and Gt'nt'· dt'scnbNl as follows: Executor·s. '
vieve McCoskf"r. Deviset"~ under will of :ln~ 1\1anor Hond. \\·ynnpwoocl. J'a. and Last Longer-at
UNDER ..\ND SL'BIF,CT howev" to rer Thomas Power, decea.ed. Real Owners, .. nd BECINNING at a .pike •• , in .he bed Or Attorn,·y, .TAMES PATTEHSON, I •
~(l:! ('hp:--tf'r TlnlPs Building.
tain rf"!\trictions 05 thpTf"in men"ioned ;In·l i to be sold by : of Vlanayunk Roan (now called Lt'vt"ring
:\1t·rlia. l'a.
aIRo subjf"ct to c~rlain
theorl"infully srt forth.
GILBERT S. JO~L5. Sheriff
I Mill Road) At its intrrsection with the mid·
dl!' lltlf' of B("ntl~y ,'"venue; tht"nce extend-
I ing along said middlr line of Bentley Ave-
St. Mary's Laundry, Inc.
The impro'\'f'mrnts thf"rt'on arf" 8 ALL TIIAT CERTAIN la, and me.suage nu. Nor,h 8q deg •. 14 mins. Ea.' 177.QO Know W her" Your Laundry Go"
2-story brirk house, 30 ff"f"t front by 42situate in lowt"'r Mt"rion Twp .. Montg. Co., fert to a stake; thence extending South 2 PROPOSAL a
fe~t deep, with 2-story plasterf"o nddition Pa .. known a5 No 2, Merbrook Lane and ot'gs. 4, min!! 'W't"st Q4.74 fe~t to an iron PHONE TODAY ARDMORE 4400
18 lee' by I h leet. with I '/' .• 'ory brick Lot No. Q on plan of Merion-Overbrook De- I pipf"; thrnce rxtending North 86 d e 5i::B. S 3 Proposals will be received at the office
addition 8 fef"t by 16 feet. with 1'/2' ston' velopment. mins. \Vest 17756 feet to 8 spike set in
brick addition 18 leet by 12 le"t. with 8 I thp hen of said Manayunk Road Bnd thence of the Borough of Narbt'rth. Forrf"st Avf"-
nue. Narbel"th. Pennsylvania. until Seven' t
rooms and bath on first Roar. 5 rooms ann BECI~NI'G a' point on E .ide of Mer·' Sorth 2 "eg •. 45 mins. Ea.t 82.50 feet to (7) P. M .. Eastern Standard Time. Mon· I
bath on second Roar, cellar, R:as. elt'ctric hrook Lant" S44.61' measured alon~ E. side thr" plano of bt!ginning.
lights, Springfield water, heating system. day. Septt"mber 12. 1938. at which time and I
of MC"rbrook Lant" (rom its int~r8ection place tht"y will be publicly open~d and read:
with 5. side of Beacom Lane; thence N. L'snER ASD SUBJECT to cer'ain cove· for furnishing one (I) dump body Ford;
Seized anrl taken in ex~cution as thf"
7q' H' 20" E. alonl: S. line 01 Lo' 8, 1hq 08' nan'~ ann buiHinlot rf"slrictions as thf"rein truck in accordance with thf" fo11owing,
property of Earl B. Mor~an, MortJ;'BRor. and rnt'nlionrd.
to Wright ·of ·way line of Pennsylvania R. specifications: :
Earl B. Morgan and Marie Alice Mor~Rn.
R.; tht"nce S. 10° 15' 40" E. along said (I) Ford cha •• ls, Model 81 P with cab 1
hi. wile. Real Owner •. and to be .old by ALSO UNDER AND SUBJECT to ,he pay-
r1gh'ol·way 42.07' and by .ame N ]q' Front tirf"s 7.00-20 8 ply, rf"or tires on:
47' 40" E. 6.70' .. nd still by same; 'hence r1H'llt of two certain mort~age debts ag-
GILBERT S. JONES, Sheriff curving to E. with radius of 40QO', arc of grf"gflting $3800.00. which are intended to
"ual wheels, 32 x b H. D. 10 ply, rear axle!
~f"ar ratio 6,67 to 1 I

l,r forthwi'h paid off and 5atl!'fied of r~cord
27.96' to point at intersection with N. line /21
Bo-Iy '0 be /I II Model S L - I I or
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece 01 of Lo' 10; thence S. 79' 44' 20" \1! along Thf' im'''lrovf''m'''nts thf"rron are a "qual 2':! ~ard cnpllc.ty Ii ft x (I ft With
Kround with the messuage erected thereon the same IS2.IS' to point on E. side of 211 storv hr;ck nn-i frame housf'. 14 ff't!t 24" hi~h front Hn~l 24" hl~h double achnR
Situate in th~ Township o( Lower Merion.
County of Mont~omery, and State of Penn-
Mf"rbrook Lane; thence N. W:rdlv alonR
sairl E ~idt" cur\'inJ.: to W. with rn·Hus of
front by 4'2 ff't't derp. with 2'/1-story brick I 'adll'ut(". chut{" -~ate mount,.d rn centf"r of
and frnmt' a·fdjtion 6 ff"t't by 24 fe~t, with tail~atf" nnd lA" coal chutt" With a" lip to
sylvania. boundt"d and described as follows,
to wit:
2874 Q •• flrc of 3Q.32' to point o~ re\'rr~e
curve ilnrl stili along same curving to E.
4 rooms and bath on first floor. 4 rooms be supplied. slots for extra sideboftrds are, •
"nn balh on sf"('"ond Roor. 4 rooms and to bf" part of. the body. Hoist to be Heill
with radius o( 120', arc of 34.3~· to be-
REGISSING at a point in the bed 01 the hAth on thir~ Roar. cellar. Ras. electric Model S. L. No. I or equal. I'

circular portion or h("sn of Cedar Lane 183

ginninK· Iq..~h!s. SpfJngfif'ld watt'r. heating system. Tow .. hook~ to hI" fu;nish~~ front and I

feet Northeastwardly meosured along the Thr improvt"ments thereon are a porch front. enclosed r("Br porch. rear. I ruck to be camp ete With turn sig·!
nals. I .., 8\ Iq~hts. t"tc., to comply with I
mlddl" 01 .aid Cedar Lane (01 a width 01 2 1/,z.story plastered house. 24 fef't front P~nnsylvanlB State rt!Kulntions. Painting I
26 (eel) .. nd prolonl{a'ion of said middle by 36 ft"f't deep, with 2·story plastrred ad-: Sloin°·1 an-l takt'n in eXt'cution as tht'!
line from the intrraection of the middle dition 12 feet by 10 fN°t. with I-story; propf"rty of Rudolph Lukens Hnd Elizabeth
:0 he battleship ~r8Y with black trim-, •
mjnKs. lettt'red as follows: TailRBte,1
line of Narberth Avenue. extending along plastered .. ddition 8 leet hy 20 f.~,. with''n •. hi. wife, Mortl:al:ors, and Eliza· "DANCER"; sirles, "BOROUGH or NAR.I
the continuation 01 said middle line of s .. ld 6 rooms on first Roor. 4 room !oJ and bath hf"th Luk"ns. R("nl Ownf'r. and to be sold by B£RTII" in on lettrrs; on each side of cab:
Ceda r Lane. North 6<) deg.. 17 min •. East on second Roar. 2 rooms on thirn floor, i "No.3."
5 leel. And still within the circular por- cellar. I:as. electric Iil:h... Springfield CILRf~RT S. JONES, Sheriff. I'urnish one ex'ra rim. tire and 'ub"
tion of said Cedar Lane and crossing the wat'T. heating .yst,·m. I ALL THAT CERTAIN 10' wilh buildinl:., mounted.
drcumf~rence thereof and by l .. rt d of Abel 2-car plastert!d ~aral-:f" 18 ft'rt by 14 situotf' at Ardmor~, Low~r M~rion Twp,. (3) Each bidder must submit dt'tnilf"d •
Bottom. North 44 deg.. SO mins. 20 sec· feet. I· :v1ontg. Co., Pa. Inf'chnnical spt"cifications and incluoe tradr-
ondl East 24.17 leet. thence stili by I..nd
01 Abel Bottoms North 69 degs. 17 min•. Seized and takf"n in ~xecution as the
Ea.t 80.87 leet: thence South by land of property of Hnrv("\, J Aun~st. Real Owner,
the School District of Lowf'f Merion Town· and to be soU by
BECINNINC at point in middle of Arnold
Rd 177.7)' mensurf"d S. 20° 23' E. from
in allowance for a Ford IQ30 truck, which
may be seen on application to the Borough
Office. The BOI'"OUKh reSr.-fves thl" right to
I intersection o( middlt! lines of St. Paul's reject any or nil bids.
ship. 20 degs. 4l min •. East 85 le"t; thence I Hrl. and Arnold Rd.; thence S. 6Q' 37' BI-!dinl: lorm. lor the above may be ob· I'
South by land lormerly 01 Jame. H. Sul-
livan bQ del: •. 17 mins We.' 107 n lee';
W. 121.58' to point; thence S. 22' 51' E. tained at the o ffi ce of t h e Superintendent·
; 2).02' to point; thence N. 69° 37' E. of Pllblic Works.
thence Nor,h by land of Harold I Short 20 ;\l,1 Tlil\T CERTAIN lot or piece of lhroul:h c~ntl'r of partition wall 120.50' to Bids to be sealed and addressed to
dellS. 4'1 mine. \\'eat 7S feet to the plnce
~'round with the messuage or tenement middle line of Arnold Rd.; thence along "Chainllsn, Highway Committee."
01 beginning. I tht-reon erected, Situate in Penn Wynne, same N. 20° 23' W. 25' to beginning. The Borough Council reserves the right
TOGETHER WITH THE FREE RIGHT, I Lower Merion Town.hip. Montgomery to re).c' any and all bid. or par's of bid.
LIBERTY and privilege of said Ct'rlar Lanf": Co·tnty. Pf"nna .. on the Southwest side of I Bf"inl{ known as 136 Arnold Road. as det"med to the belt interest of the
in common with the party of the first port. II~nlf'Y Ron-J at the distance of 7.31 feet Borough.
her heirs and a8si~ns and others havinR Southeastward from a point; the corner The improvements thereon are a RUTH W. GRACE, ACOAl or two at Sherwin-WI 1- more square feet of paint .. paint
righte therein at nil times hereafter, for- formrd by thr" intersection of the South-·I 2-story plaetered house, 16 feet front 0-8/26 Secretary.
ever, I w•••• ide of Henley Road (II extended) by 36 fee' deep, with I .•tory plas'ered ad- '<!::=~~=~~~~=~~~=~~=~== ' " ' Iiams SWP House Paint-that's that spreads and covers as only top
UNDER AND SUBJECT to reo wl,h ,he Southea.t side 01 H ..mpste..d Road dillon 12 leet by 8 feet. with 4 rooms on
~xtended); thence extending South. first Roar, 3 rooml!!l and bath on second
giving the old homestead a real quality paint can.
atrictions set forth in Deer! r("corded In (if
Deed Book No, 805. page 268. eas'ward alonR the Southwe.' .Ide 01 Hen- floor, cellar, ga •. elec'ric light •• Spring· beauty treatment I And you'll flnd We're proud to sell SWP and •
lfOy Road 18.bQ feet to a point; thence ex, field wateT. heating system. PUBLIC HEARING t110~ !:eauty far more than skin deep we're even prouder that we can
The improvements thereon are a tcn,.Hn~ Southwestward on a line at right I-cllr pla8ter~d garage 10 feet by 14 feet.
2-atory .tone ..nd Irame hou.e. 45 feet an,·I~. '0 Henle, Road 100 leet to the SWP g:ve~ thorough, IO:lger- sell such quality at the reasonable
A Public Hearing will be held in the:
front by 24 'feet deep. with 1 11z-story elone mH·lIr line of a certain 14 feet wide drive. S~ized and token in execution as the Council Room, Elm Han. Forest Avenue,. I-::sting protection. Costs less to user prices we feature. In pure white one:

IIddltion 12 leet by 18 leet. with 5 rOOm. way which extend. SoutheBStward Irom property 01 john E, Caruao and Santi N.. rberth, Penna., at 8 P. M. August 30,'
on first Roar. S roome and bath on second) Hampstead Road and Communicates at ita Caruso (sometimes ,known as S. T. Caruso)" 1938, to con.ider the application 01 Mrs. I too. In every gallon at SWP there's a variety of rich colors. a
Root. cellar. g.... electric light., Sprln,,- Sou'hea.termo.t end with a certain other Mortgagors. ..nd John E. Caruso. Real lIunh B. 8nrclay, to tr.. naler the u.e 011
'0 ARDWARE and
·.li..ld water, heating system. porch Iron'. driveway 1Sleet wide which extends North. Owner, and be .old by property 1280 Montgomery Ave .. Narberth.
enclosed rear porch. eastward Into 'Henley Road ..nd Southwest-I Penna" from Mr. j. R. Biddie '0 Mr •. Hugh· plastered garage 18 leet by 18 leet. ward Int'o Harrogate Road; thence extend·'
-. Ing Northwestward along the middle line'
Seized and t.. ken In execution as the nl the first "boye mentioned driveway, ,.

ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece 01

B. Barclay, to continue the same clOSI of,
bu.ln~se, .
All prorsona inlt!rested are urged to at· I
property 01 Catharine Ziegler, ..nd to be leet wide, 28 leet. 5 leet to .. point on the gtound with the building" and Improve.
aold by Southeost side of Hamp.tead Road: thence ments thereon erected" situate at Ardmore.
~x'endlnl{ Northeagtwllrd along the South· In the Town.hlp. of Lower Merion. County Board 01 AdJ".tme~t 01 Zoning, WINDOW SHADES
GILBERT S. JONES. Sheriff. "a.t .ide 01 Hampstead Road 92,72 leet to 01 Mon'gomery. and State 01 W. D. R. EVANS. Chairman,
fl point of cu rVe: thence extending along bounded and described according to a cer· W ALTER I. DOTHARD. 203 Haverford Avenue, Narberth Phone Nar"'rth 2555
THAT CERTAIN lot or piece 01 the arc 01 a circle having a radius of 7,5 taln .urvey and plan made by Milton R. WILLIAM j. KIRKPATRICK
with the buildings and Improve. feet (chord bearing to the right), the dla- I Yerkes, C. E .• Bryn Mawr. P •.• Jan. 20, (0-8.26)

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