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Abstract Mobile database is a new context of database application in wireless environment. It

introduces unique type of queries, and query-processing strategies that are different to traditional
databases. We classify mobile database query into two categories, especially context-awareness query
and adhoc query. Context-awareness query is further classified into location dependent, context
dependent, and hybrid query. As for the query processing, we define three strategies namely mobile
client, on air, and server strategy. Mobile client and on air strategy relates to caching strategy and
broadcast strategy respectively. Finally, we include some challenges in mobile databases.

1. Introduction
Recent advances in wireless technology have led to mobile computing, a new dimension in data
communication and processing. Many predict a new emerging, gigantic market with millions of
mobile users carrying small, battery-powered terminal equipped with wireless connection
[1,2,10]. The mobile computing environment provides database applications with useful aspects
of wireless technology, which is known as mobile databases. This advance technology has
created a new age of nomadic database users. Basically, these users are simply accessing a
database through a network.


What are the main factors to consider in budgeting for an enterprise-wide database system?
An enterprise-wide database system as known as a distributed database contains advantages and
disadvantages. Careful planning and consideration must be taken when looking to implement a
distributed database. A DDBMS allows you to disperse your database across multiple geographical
locations. This brings the processing power closer to the local region. Many companies in the 70's
utilized a centralized model where the database was located on a single system. End users had a direct
connection to the system where the processing was done locally. Remote locations connected through
serial connections and used dumb terminals or emulations applications on the PC's to connect to the
main host. As PCs and Windows servers grew in popularity end-users demanded and required faster
access to data and the ability to produce ad-hoc reports. This forced the model to move from a
centralize to a decentralize environment.

n the decentralize model servers and databases were locally housed and data was replicated or synced
with the main database located elsewhere. This gave corporations the ability to move operations to
multiple locations, closer to customers and lower operating cost in certain countries. The decentralize
model contained many benefits. The speed of applications became faster for the end-user. The ability to
access data quicker and the production of ad-hoc reports resulted from local processing. A DDMS also
reduces your single point of failure. In a distributed system the user can access replicated databases
from any region. If one should fail the user can access a backup system from another geographical
location. While the benefit looks good one must consider the disadvantages as well.   The DDBMS model
introduces another level of complexity which increases operating cost.

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