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J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2010) 285:455–460

DOI 10.1007/s10967-010-0595-4

X-ray fluorescence analysis for the study of fragments pottery

excavated at Tell Jendares site, Syria, employing multivariate
statistical analysis
E. H. Bakraji • M. Itlas • A. Abdulrahman •

H. Issa • R. Abboud

Received: 8 February 2010 / Published online: 14 May 2010

Ó Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary 2010

Abstract X-ray fluorescence analysis study of 44 thermo luminescence (TL), etc. Archaeologists have been,
archaeological pottery samples collected from Tell Jend- for many years, interested in the provenance of pottery
ares site north-west of Syria has been carried out. Four fragments, since pottery is the most abundant tracer in all
samples of the total previous investigated samples were archaeological excavation. The analysis of pottery can
obtained from the kiln found on Tell Jendares site. Sev- indeed supplement the information gathered from written
enteen different chemical elements were determined. The documents to produce a better knowledge of trade routes
XRF results have been processed using two multivariate linking populations of different areas, which is one of the
statistical cluster and factor analysis methods in order to essential in gradients for the comprehension of their his-
determine the similarities and correlation between the tory. The microscopic properties of pottery such as
selected samples based on their elemental composition. chemical composition may answer questions concerning
The methodology successfully separates the samples where origin [1].
three distinct chemical groups were discerned. Chemical composition of pottery from major, minor and
trace elements provides a compositional ‘‘fingerprint’’ for
Keywords X-ray  Pottery  Archaeology  grouping together pottery made from the same raw mate-
Multivariate analysis  Syria rials and for distinguishing between groups of pottery made
from different raw material [2]. In the early days of
provenance studies using chemical analysis the principal
Introduction analytical techniques were instrumental neutron activation
analysis (INAA), and X-ray fluorescence (XRF). Since the
In view of the considerable Syrian heritage, special atten- initial pottery study by Sayer and Dosden in 1957 [3],
tion was given recently to physical instrumental analysis many techniques have been widely exploited in the study
science applications in archaeology, such as X-ray fluo- of archaeological pottery, such as INAA [4–6], XRF, PIXE
rescence (XRF), particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE), [7–13], and inductively coupled plasma emission analysis
[14]. The trace constituents-elements which are present in
amount below 1.000 ppm that provides the primary basis
E. H. Bakraji (&)  H. Issa  R. Abboud
Department of Chemistry, Atomic Energy Commission, for provenience analysis. XRF, a very sensitive non-
P.O. Box 6091, Damascus, Syria destructive method for analyzing the content of various
e-mail: chemical elements in material, is an excellent tool for
investigations of historic relics, works of art and archaeo-
M. Itlas
Department of Scientific Service, Atomic Energy Commission, logical finds [15, 16]. The XRF method have been applied
P.O. Box 6091, Damascus, Syria in our laboratory to analyze different kind of samples,
among them archaeological pottery [12, 13]. XRF is low-
A. Abdulrahman
cost and rapid technique for the determining the major,
Director of Tell Jendares Mission, Albassel Centre for
Archaeological Training, Atomic Energy Commission, minor and trace element composition of pottery [17, 18],
P.O. Box 6091, Damascus, Syria XRF can analyze some 15–30 elements with atomic

456 E. H. Bakraji et al.

numbers ranging from Z = 11 to Z = 41 and some of the The 44 samples analyzed are unglazed and not decorated
rare earth elements (REEs) [19, 20]. earthenware and fairly representative of Hellenistic-Roman
In this work, we applied the XRF technique to analyze pottery made between 300 BC and 100 AD. Four samples
archaeological pottery recovered during the 2006 and 2007 of the total samples derive from the kiln found on the site
field seasons of the Syrian–German Expedition to the Tell (samples K41, K42, K43, and K44).
Jendares site. Seventeen chemical elements were deter-
mined. These elemental concentrations have been pro-
cessed using statistical method in order to determine Experimental
similarity and correlation between the various samples. The
first aim of our study was to classify pottery into groups Sample preparation
having similar elemental composition, which are assumed
to correspond to the same provenance. The determination After removal of the surface deposit, pottery samples were
of provenance of pottery is of special interest, as it gives ground into a fine powder for 10–15 min, using an agate
valuable insight into ancient trade connection. The second motor. All samples powder were then dried at 105 °C for
aim was providing database on additional chemical com- 24 h and stored in desiccators until they were measured,
position of archaeological pottery in Syria. Provenance where pellets from pressed powder were performed.
studies based on chemical composition involve then the
analysis of a large number of samples. In selecting pottery Instrumentation and measurements
samples for analysis, it is important that the samples are
from a single period and site. The analyses of the thick pellets (25 mm diameter) from
pressed powder were performed using an EDXRF spec-
trometer assembled by the Syrian Atomic Energy Com-
Description of area and materials mission. The unit is equipped with a Molybdenum X-ray
tube (Philips) with Mo secondary target, controller and
Tell Jendares is located north-west of Syria (36° 220 N, 40° cooling system from (ItalStructures), Si(Li) detector and its
360 E), at the heart of this Tell exist the Alomek plain, electronics (H.V. power supply, Amp., ADC and MCA)
which represent a key milestone in this geographically part from PGT, system 4000. The Si(Li) detector has an energy
of Syria. Alomek plain extends from the north-east to the resolution 140 eV at 5.9 keV for the Mn–Ka. The X-ray
south-west among the Mont Simon in the east and moun- tube was operated at 35 kV, 20 mA at 1000 s live time to
tains Alomanus in the West. generate X-ray intensity ka, La lines data for the following
The plain starts from the north of the Syrian–Turkish elements: bromine (Br) calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), chro-
border and ends at the south-west coast of the Mediterra- mium (Cr), gallium (Ga), iron (Fe), lead (Pb) (from La),
nean, where the mouth of the Orontes river. The archaeo- manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), potassium (K), rubidium
logical hill (Tell Jendares) exists in the south-west of the (Rb), strontium (Sr), titanium (Ti), and zinc (Zn). For the
Jendares town. Tell Jendares has a semi circular form and elements niobium (Nb), yttrium (Y), and zirconium (Zr),
the average diameter of the reminder of this Tell is about Ka line data were generated by using a cadmium (109Cd)
450 m. Tell Jendares is located in plain at an altitude of radioisotope source (*9 9 108 Bq) for 1000 s live time.
200 meters above sea level. The highest level of the Tell X-ray fluorescence outgoing from the samples were carried
Jendares is 31 m above the surrounding plain. Tell Jend- out with qualitative and quantitative X-ray analysis pro-
ares contains consecutive settlements dating back to the gram (QXAS) from the International Atomic Energy
second millennium BC, where it is expected to be the Agency (IAEA). The net peak intensities of the Ka and La
capital of Alomek plain and its name was ‘‘Anek’’ at that lines were calculated by fitting the spectra with the sub-
time. In the first millennium BC, the Assyrian text indicates program AXIL (version 3.6) [21].
that the name of the city Jendares was ‘‘Konaloa’’ at that One of the implemented procedures in the QXAS
time, and it was the capital of Alomek area as well. It was package is called elemental sensitivities in sub-program the
also mentioned that it was a rich city, has handed donations simple quantitative analysis (S.Q.A.), which is used to
and gifts to the Assyrian king Ashur Nasir Pal II, to avoid determine the sensitivity of X-ray lines, taking into account
the conflict with him. the X-ray attenuation in the standard used for calibration.
All subsequent settlements belong to the classical per- The standards used in our study to establish the sensitivity
iod, which constitute recolonization since the Hellenistic curves are the following: Ti; Cr; Fe; Cu; Zn; Zr; as foils; S;
period to the Byzantine period, and the hill was called Ni; Se; as powder pure elements; KH2PO4; CaCO3; KCl;
‘‘Jindaros’’. KBr; As2O3 and SrCO3 as chemical compounds; for Ka

X-ray fluorescence 457

lines; Pt; Pb and U as foils; CsCl3; La2O3; Nd2O3; Gd2O3; discriminating effect of other well-measured element tends
WO3 as chemical compounds; for La lines. to be reduced. In the present work the precision was better
Soil-7 (IAEA); sediments SL-1 and SL-3 (IAEA) were than 10% for all determined elements. In the other hand all
used as standards samples for testing the accuracy of sen- elements that have more than 25% missing values across
sitivity curves. The S.Q.A. is then used to determine the the samples set were not introduced in the data set for
concentrations of the elements in the unknown samples multivariate analysis, this is the case of the elements gal-
with the possibility to take X-ray attenuation into account. lium (Ga) and bromine (Br). The procedure used to esti-
More details about the S.Q.A. method are described in mate the missing values for other element in the data set
[21]. All of the XRF data analyses were the results of was to replace any missing value by the minimum detec-
averaging three measurements for each pottery sample. The tion limits (MDL) determined by XRF, this is the case of
repeated analyses of several samples showed that in each the two elements niobium (Nb) and lead (Pb) were the
case the relative standard deviation (RSD) was less than MDL is 10 ppm for these elements.
5% for each element under investigation. Based on the screening criteria, only 15 elements were
used in the subsequent data analysis. The final data set
Statistical treatment consisted of 44 samples (observations) with 15 elements
(variables) for a total of 660 data entries. The cluster and
The Statistical 6.0 package was used in this work for all factor analysis were performed from the base log.10
statistical calculations. The final data which consists of transformed concentration values, to normalize element
observations (samples) and variables (elements) have been distribution and reduce the impact of differences in mag-
processed using two multivariate statistical methods, nitude for some of the major elements.
cluster analysis (CA), and factor analysis (FA). Cluster
analysis is often used in the initial inspection of data Cluster analysis (CA)
because it is a rapid and efficient technique for evaluating
relationships between a large numbers of samples, between The resulting dendrogram is shown in Fig. 1. It was found
which distance measures have been calculated [22]. CA using single linkage as grouping rule, according to
classifies samples into distinct groups and the results are Euclidean distance. It is clear that there are two main
commonly presented as dendrogram showing the order and clusters. Cluster 1 contains 31 samples (70% of the
levels of clustering as well as the distances between indi- observations), cluster 2 contains eight samples, and there is
vidual samples. one small cluster, cluster 3 which contains only three
A primary goal of factor analysis is to extract a mini- samples (C1, C5, and C6).
mum number of factors which explains an acceptable
amount of total variance of the data set. In order to explain Factor analysis (FA)
100% of the variance in the data set, the number of factors
retained should necessarily be equal to the number of Table 2 shows the factor loading for the three extracted
elements chosen for statistical analysis. In general we factors. As listed on Table 2, factor 1 explains 28.6% of the
choose a number of factors that explain at least 70% of the total variance of the data set, factor 2 explains 27.5% and
total variance, and generally the three-first factors are finally factor 3 explains 14.8%. It is clear that the three
sufficient to reach this value. For the present work the factors extracted in this study explain 70.9.% of the total
three-first factors were adequate to explain, as we will see variance of the data set. The square of the factor loading of
later, more than 70% of the total variance. The method for an element for a given factor indicates the fraction of
factor extraction used in this study was principal compo- variance of the element which can be explained by the
nents; the method utilized for rotation was varimax. common variance of that factor. For example the loading of
manganese (Mn) in Table 2 on factor 1 for the data set is
0.92, thus (0.92)2 = 85% of the variance of Mn can be
Results and discussion explained by the common variance of factor 1. The squared
factor loading of a particular element summed over all
Table 1 lists the concentration of major, minor, and trace factors is the communality of that element. It is clear from
elements found in the pottery analyzed. It is clear from this Table 2 that the communalities for 80% of the elements are
table that there are large variations in the elemental con- greater than 50%. Therefore, the FA fit to the data set is
centrations among the samples. All the elements in the data good. In addition to factor loading, this analysis yields
set with precision better than 10% were considered because factor scores, which quantify the relative intensities of
if an element is not measured with good precision it factor strength on each sample. Factor scores are very
can obscure real differences in concentration, and the helpful in interpreting and understanding factor analysis

458 E. H. Bakraji et al.

Table 1 Major, minor and trace elements concentrations data of pottery samples
Samples K% Ca% Ti% Cr Mn Fe% Ni Cu Zn Ga Br Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Pb

C1 1.2 20.0 0.2 138 437 2.8 103 98 98 12 10 29 513 17 126 11 12

C2 1.0 12.2 0.4 791 1342 4.3 545 56 105 13 33 428 19 98 13 27
C3 1.0 12.7 0.3 796 1197 3.8 346 46 91 14 29 379 20 88 11 29
C4 1.1 12.6 0.4 501 980 3.4 355 51 96 21 67 277 25 198 12 36
C5 1.4 20.2 0.3 155 545 2.7 108 88 105 14 12 35 553 21 101 12 13
C6 1.3 20.8 0.3 144 378 2.4 101 91 115 15 31 546 19 101 12 14
C7 1.2 12.2 0.4 490 1045 4.0 328 56 121 14 99 274 24 182 15 28
C8 1.2 12.5 0.4 764 1181 3.9 321 51 119 13 11 29 442 18 96 13 28
C9 1.2 16.2 0.3 578 952 4.0 487 54 117 14 38 480 16 98 11 28
C10 1.2 12.1 0.4 594 838 4.1 368 43 98 15 65 329 22 121 11 27
C11 1.0 13.0 0.3 780 1135 3.6 356 47 103 25 395 16 88 11 21
C12 1.3 14.5 0.4 614 915 3.4 344 61 111 28 354 17 106 12 29
C13 1.0 13.4 0.4 607 942 3.4 387 51 101 24 416 15 102 13 27
C14 1.3 12.4 0.4 617 1252 3.9 347 64 105 29 333 20 107 15 28
C15 1.2 10.1 0.2 273 699 2.0 188 28 47 16 279 11 100 14
C16 1.1 13.2 0.3 812 1318 2.8 407 46 102 35 309 20 100 11 25
C17 1.4 15.4 0.4 646 1021 3.1 420 44 115 26 295 16 102 11 26
C18 0.9 9.1 0.2 271 680 2.1 198 24 56 17 243 11 83
C19 1.3 13.3 0.3 610 940 3.3 355 54 106 24 352 17 96 14 28
C20 1.2 12.7 0.4 844 1188 3.8 350 54 103 28 381 19 100 22
C21 0.7 12.2 0.3 654 999 3.0 305 37 93 40 85 25 202 17 19
C22 2.2 14.4 0.4 879 1259 4.0 308 45 126 60 224 35 204 11 26
C23 1.0 10.4 0.2 301 704 2.0 201 27 55 14 244 13 94 11
C24 1.1 13.6 0.4 656 1069 4.6 337 50 104 90 212 30 193 14 30
C25 1.2 12.4 0.4 981 1279 4.6 331 64 123 44 417 25 130 16 27
C26 1.1 14.2 0.4 741 1413 5.0 357 54 107 20 98 224 35 204 15 33
C27 1.3 12.7 0.5 833 1259 4.6 349 65 140 16 71 314 29 178 15 24
C28 1.0 10.5 0.2 245 794 2.5 195 29 49 14 15 251 11 95 11
C29 0.8 10.1 0.3 302 794 2.0 204 30 50 12 17 257 13 102 16
C30 1.0 9.8 0.2 304 708 1.8 218 28 55 14 19 224 13 126 18
C31 1.3 15.6 0.4 458 1339 4.9 381 66 163 18 136 296 30 159 15 28
C32 1.0 8.8 0.2 309 677 2.1 217 32 52 15 222 10 103 11
C33 1.4 12.9 0.4 547 1112 5.0 405 63 128 16 65 401 20 101 11 25
C34 1.1 19.1 0.3 987 1093 3.7 517 64 91 29 410 15 70 12 24
C35 0.3 13.2 0.4 369 1026 5.2 510 41 95 13 5 115 14 27 11 17
C36 1.1 12.5 0.7 688 1302 4.0 480 52 108 14 13 28 308 17 141 15 29
C37 1.2 15.6 0.4 765 1025 5.5 504 62 130 15 101 257 22 118 11 24
C38 1.3 16.1 0.5 499 1394 4.8 501 58 135 16 87 282 29 86 14 30
C39 0.8 12.7 0.4 532 1055 2.2 407 47 103 16 343 11 199 11 21
C40 1.0 9.9 0.2 304 781 1.9 199 27 63 18 251 14 101 15
C41 1.4 14.6 0.5 402 1401 4.7 355 58 134 19 88 277 29 78 13 23
K42 1.3 17.5 0.3 701 987 4.4 425 61 120 18 11 69 365 19 77 12 32
K43 1.1 16.4 0.4 506 1024 4.7 465 67 107 13 59 336 17 109 12 29
K44 1.3 17.1 0.4 641 1002 3.8 501 59 115 14 63 367 22 141 11 34
All values are in lg/g except otherwise stated

results and can be helpful in finding errors that may exist in samples with the same factor score patterns can be grouped
the data set. In addition, factor scores may be utilized to together into these categories. Figures 2 and 3 present plots
identify grouping of the samples into particular categories, of factor score 1 against factor scores 2 and 3, respectively,

X-ray fluorescence 459

1.4 2.5
2.0 C5
1.2 C1

1.5 C31
K41 C38
1.0 1.0 K42
K43 C37
C7 C24C35

Factor 2
0.8 0.5 C12
C9 C25
C4 C22
C10 C2
0.0 C13 C17
0.6 C16

0.4 -1.0
-1.5 C15
-2.0 C39

0.0 -2.5
-3.5 -3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Factor 1
Fig. 1 Grouping of pottery samples from Tell Jendares site by cluster
analysis Fig. 2 Factor score 1 versus factor score 2 of pottery samples

Table 2 Factor loading for fifteen elements in the data set for prin- C22
cipal component as factor analysis, and varimax as rotation C7 C26
1 C30 C21
Elements Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Communality C15C40 C14 K44
C10 C36
C1 C5 C29 K41 C33C38
C6 C19 C8
0 C23C32
C17 C16
C9 C20
K42 C2
C18 C3
K 0.02 0.33 0.66 0.55 C11
Factor 3

-1 C34

Ca -0.03 0.85 -0.04 0.73

Ti 0.69 0.53 0.15 0.78 -2

Cr 0.93 0.04 0.14 0.88 -3

Mn 0.92 0.07 0.12 0.86 -4
Fe 0.33 0.64 -0.11 0.52 C35
Ni 0.95 0.08 -0.13 0.92
Cu 0.07 0.89 0.10 0.81 -3.5 -3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Zn 0.50 0.77 0.18 0.87 Factor 1
Rb 0.31 0.60 0.61 0.83
Fig. 3 Factor score 1 versus factor score 3 of pottery samples
Sr -0.10 0.36 0.10 0.15
Y 0.34 0.68 0.47 0.79
Zr 0.07 -0.03 0.92 0.85 From Figs. 2 and 3 and returning to factor loading in
Nb -0.02 0.01 0.40 0.16 Table 2, it is clear that samples of group 1 have the highest
Pb 0.78 0.50 0.19 0.91 concentration of elements (Ti, Cr, and Mn) compared with
Variance explained 28.6 27.5 14.8 70.9 group 2 for the 15 elements used in data analysis (See Fig. 2).
by factors% It is also evident from these figures that group 2 differs from
groups 1 and 3 where the concentration of elements Ca, Cu,
Zn and Rb are lower than for groups 1 and 3. Table 3 sum-
for each of the 44 samples. A deep examination of Figs. 2 marizes these results by presenting the average elemental
and 3 indicates that the 31 samples identified as group 1 concentration and standard deviation for the samples in
from the cluster analysis in Fig. 1 follow a consistent groups 1, 2 and 3. This table illustrates the variation in ele-
pattern. We find the same notice for the eight samples and mental concentrations between the three categories.
the three samples, identified as groups 2 and 3, respectively It is evident, from this table, that categories 2 differs
from the CA in Fig. 1. Finally it is clear from Figs. 2 and 3 from the other categories since Pb did not detected and Cu,
that samples C35, and C39 do not follow a consistent and Rb have the lowest concentration in this category.
pattern with any group, which identifies these samples as
unique samples among the data set. The results obtained by
factor scores confirm that 100% of the pottery samples Conclusions
classified by cluster analysis are correctly classified. The
results confirm the existence of two major groups in In this paper, we used statistical classification, based on the
addition to a third small one. elemental composition of archaeological pottery. XRF

460 E. H. Bakraji et al.

Table 3 Mean values and standard deviation for the three chemical mainly on typology to classify material in fragmented
groups in the pottery condition.
Elements Group 1 (n = 31) Group 2 (n = 8) Group 3 (n = 3)
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Acknowledgements The author wishes to thank the International
Atomic Energy Agency (project ARASIA/1/010) and Prof. I. Othman
K 12000 ± 2000 10000 ± 1000 13000 ± 600 Director General of AEC of Syria and Dr. B. Jamous Director General
Ca 141000 ± 18000 98000 ± 6000 203000 ± 4000 of antiquity and museum in Damascus for their supporting of this
Ti 3900 ± 800 2000 ± 300 2600 ± 400
Cr 700 ± 150 300 ± 23 140 ± 9
Mn 1100 ± 160 700 ± 51 400 ± 85 References
Fe 41000 ± 6300 20000 ± 2000 26000 ± 2000
Ni 400 ± 69 200 ± 10 100 ± 4 1. Glascock MD (1992) Characterization of archaeological ceramics
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Y 22 ± 6 12 ± 1 19 ± 2 6. Bakraji EH, Othman I, Sarhil A, Al-somel N (2002) J Trace
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