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Jan/Feb 2011.


Looking Ahead – Busy for the Lord …
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Dear Pastors & Prayer Partners:
Looking Ahead - 2011 We Greet you in the Name of Jesus:

Prayer Requests Busy for the Lord ! We thank God for many blessings we count as we go forward in 2011.
Our Mission Emphasis
Praise the Lord … 21 - 3rd year students (12 from South Africa and 9 from Angola) graduated from Bible School, with a
Diploma in Divinity. Equipped with a Harvest Kit, they return to their villages where they lived, to pick up where street
Evangelists and discipleship trainees have been witnessing, testifying and ministering to lay a strong biblical foundation of:
“Reach Each One for Christ” by asking “Do You Have A Minute?” … in order to tell people about Jesus and lead
them to Christ. “… For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.”
James 4:14 KJB. (Street Evangelists and their teams are the forerunners, preparing the people to accept a pastor/teacher to
help them grow spiritually). Pastors who have graduated are now full time in the field, beginning January 2011.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJB.

We support these young men with a monthly donation of $50.00 to help them get on their feet financially, to get settled, buy
or build a house to live in, then when they plant a church, we help them to build a building (pole barn type) 20 x 60 ft, with a
grass thatch roof, or a metal zinc roof, depending on their location, if they are closer to a town. The further away they are in
the rural areas, where supplies are not easily available, there is usually plenty of elephant grass growing. People make use of
this tall grass for thatching house and church roofs, an art most of the African tribal people are very good at.

January 2011, we also had an intake of 12, 1st year students in South Africa and 12 1st year students in Angola Bible School.
The brethren said we have a Full House. Praise the Lord. Once more let me remind you that we have a 2 year Discipleship
study and hands-on daily training for new converts who feel called to the ministry, going out into the streets or villages,
sharing with 3-4 people daily, before they attend Bible School. They experience what it is like to literally live by faith; it
teaches them to exercise their faith as they trust God for all their needs. We covet your prayers for all the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year
students, as well as all those who have just graduated. We are trusting God to plant at least 18 - 21 new churches in 2011.

Our Vision is to help the Indigenous Churches take the gospel to the lost in Southern Africa.
Our Mission is to train disciples to build churches, so God’s Word is established in remote areas.
Heaven will record hundreds of souls touched by them - through your prayers and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Not all villagers come to know Christ at the first encounter with a Street Evangelist. Their confidence grows over a period of
time, they become used to the evangelists, calling them strong people. (Soul Winners). “The fruit of the righteous is a
tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” Prov. 11:30. These villagers visit with CFAM workers asking
questions; This builds confidence in their hearts towards the “Soul Winners”. Please read Mark 6: 7-13. To preach that
men should turn away from their sins. Once they understand the plan of salvation, they accept Jesus into their hearts.

Confidence, Conviction and Conversion – all three work together by the Holy Spirit to turn the people to God, and away from
“Ancestral Worship” where they have been bound by the spirits of their ancestors, and are forced to believe what the
witchdoctor tells them. This life of bondage and fear has destroyed African tribal people, who have grown up in darkness,
and are afraid or fearful of what the evil witchdoctor will do to them. Satan has a great stronghold through tribal customs,
and a Sangoma (woman witchdoctor) is feared a lot more than a male witchdoctor.
Looking Ahead – Busy for the Lord … Page 2 

Corn Grinders have given very few problems during 2010, (mechanically). 10-20 new ladies have come to church weekly to have
their corn ground. They listen to the gospel being preached, receive the Lord as Savior, get baptized and join the church. Every
week, 70 - 100 ladies enjoy teaching/preaching, while their corn is ground for free, wherever we have placed a Corn Grinder. Our Mission
Emphasis is
Donkey Taxi’s are a great blessing – this ministry is growing, and is vital to the success we have had with each Corn Grinder that has
been placed in the field. To serve the
During 2010 4 workers went to be with the Lord. Pray for their families - we share in their loss, and rejoice in heaven’s gain.
Church in Africa.
Anita and I will not go to the field this year, as it is very expensive. Overall cost of airfares, travel within the country –
Our Method is to let
gasoline is high, roads bad, and we feel that the money could be put to better use in supporting the Native Indigenous Pastors and
God present a need
Evangelists, Students who are preparing for the ministry; We are sending a supply of Bibles, Bicycles, Corn Grinders, Donkey Taxis, . . . and for us to
Harvest Kits. We know there are plenty of ordinary needs, like blankets, a stove needs replacing, roofs needing repair, doors and match it with
windows get worn, especially with the Orphan Ministry. In remote areas a fence is required to keep animals out of the mission passion to serve.
property, like elephants that trample down trees, deer who eat the vegetable garden and corn planted to help feed the hungry.
When Anita and I visit the field, we not only minister to the spiritual needs of the pastors and workers, but also to physical Support for
needs of the people. We enjoy the church meetings, preaching the word, praying for salvation and healing – which does take place, Christ For Africa
Ministries comes
their faith is strong – when they are sick they turn to prayer; Churches are overflowing with hungry souls for the teaching of the
from gifts by friends
Word. The witchdoctors and sangomas are not happy at all, and they try to discourage the villagers from going into the churches. like you.
But we thank God that even in dark Africa, God’s Word and the Blood prevails. We could never give an accurate figure on the
number of people that have accepted the Lord as their Savior in So Africa over these many years; We give glory and honor to God, for We are not
every soul saved. funded or endowed
Sometimes people get bitten by a dog with rabies, or a poisonous snake. They need to get medical help, shots, or vaccines, by any group or
which are always in short supply. The clinics are few and far between, mostly run by a dedicated nurse, with a field doctor who stops Corporation,
as we are an
by once in two months if they are fortunate. These nurses and doctors work hard; their countries are poor and cannot afford to pay
Independent Faith
much or anything at all. Teachers are in the same boat financially. Pray for the people, they need to hear the gospel. Mission.
We are thankful for our Indigenous Pastors, who have prayed and organized the field work in the 9 countries in Southern
John & Anita Newton
Africa where CFAM labors, keeping us focused and up to date with the Lord’s work. With your dedication, prayer and support, we
Hold to the
have been able to do much for the Lord. Thank you, we look forward to an even greater year ahead 2011 – together we can attempt
great things for God. Please read Ps 20 1-9. God bless you all. King James Bible


Thank You for Answered Prayers: P.O. Box 536

 Water Well - Finances came in to clear the outstanding debt, Thank you one and all
for your prayers and financial support. Tahlequah
 Mission Truck Repairs - Finances came in to cover the entire repair bill – S.A. Businessman
OK 74465-0536
was touched by the testimony of the service manager. Praise The Lord.
 3 Corn Grinders - Finances came in – Corn Grinders delivered. Thank you

E-Mail Address: Send us your new email address if you have made a recent change. E-Mail:
If you do not have email, we will continue sending your newsletter by mail.
John & Anita Newton.

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