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Standards 1

Running head: ISLLC STANDARDS 1-6

ISLLC Standards: 1-6

Tomekia Wise

Grand Canyon University

Education Administration Foundation and Framework

EDA 534

October 20, 2010

Standard #1 (Vision): A school administrator is an educational leader who
promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation,
implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported
by the school community.

Knowledge Skills Enduring Essential Questions


Administrators will Administrators will Administrators What question focuses an

know… be able to … will understand administrator’s knowledge
that… & abilities?
effective consensus- collaborate with 1. Shared At what level should all
building and stakeholders to commitment is students be able to perform?
negotiation skills develop a shared necessary to What could the staff,
Creati vision develop the vision parents & community do to
ng a (ISLLC 2008: 1A) of a school. support the shared vision?
d 2. All
Vision stakeholders
effectively to
achieve the goal.
the barriers impeding clarify and address What strategies would work
the shared vision. barriers to the vision with the staff to build
Barrie (ISLLC 2008: 1A) consensus? What would
rs you do to effectively
negotiate with stakeholders
who oppose the vision?
the core beliefs of the model the core How can the vision be
vision should be beliefs of the vision modeled? How can we
modeled among (ISLLC 2008: 1A) measure our current status
to the
stakeholders and can towards the vision?
Vision be communicated
through symbols,
ceremonies and stories
Standards 3

student assessment analyze data in an How can our assessment

data focuses the goals unbiased manner to data be used to develop our
Resea needed to obtain the determine the goals school mission and goals?
rch vision for achieving the What needs to be taken into
Based vision account to ensure our goals
Goals (ISLLC 2008: align with our
1B,C,D,E) demographics?

educational programs facilitate the How does the vision shape

and school development of a the educational programs
Vision improvement plans are plan to make the and school mission? What
shaped by the shared shared vision happen strategies are needed to
a Plan
vision (ISLLC 2008: 1C) achieve the vision and reach
the goals?

student assessment collaborate with the What information is needed

Resea data establishes the stakeholders using to asses our current status?
rch progress and data to determine the Are there ways of analyzing
Based demographic data schools current status the data more efficiently?
Progre gives the context for (ISLLC 2008:
ss progress 1C,D,E)

monitoring the growth collect and organize What data should be

Monit of a school is a the data to maximize monitored to determine the
or constant process its impact on all schools status towards the
Growt requiring focused stakeholders vision?
h reflection (ISLLC 2008: 1E)
data can be used as an present data in a How should we change the
improvement tool for manner to facilitate plan after looking at the
as a
schools improvement and pertinent data? What
Growt growth of the methods can we use to
h Tool stakeholders promote added value and
(ISLLC 2008: 1E) expansion

successful programs assess the pace of Should the strategies to

can be improvement growth to determine obtain the goals be refined
the feasibility the to improve performance?
ss goal
(ISLLC 2008: 1E)
the roles of key develop self- How can we celebrate our
stakeholders in the explanatory job progress towards our
Sustai progress towards the descriptions that can vision? What resources
vision be implemented by need to be obtained to
veme anyone joining the sustain improvement? Can
nt "team" we identify an irreplaceable
(ISLLC 2008: 1D) stakeholder?

schools are constantly adapt the established What are some foreseeable
uous improving in order to system to overcome barriers to continuous
Impro maintain the vision new barriers to the improvement? What
veme vision strategies should be put into
nt (ISLLC 2008: 1D) place to maintain the vision?

Standard #2 (School Culture): An education leader promotes the success of every

student by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional
program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.

Knowledge Skills Enduring Essential Questions


Administrators will Administrators will Administrators What question focuses an

know… be able to … will understand administrator’s knowledge
that… & abilities?
organizational changes utilize multiple 1. A trusting Which motivational theories
towards the vision motivational theories school climate would be most effective for
Nurtur happen when the to cultivate centered around our staff? How does our
e& staff's perspective on collaboration collaboration organization need to
Sustai culture is cultivated positively restructure to allow time to
n impacts student collaborate?
Collab learning and
oratio staff instruction
n while
encouraging life-
long learning.
Standards 5

staff and student evaluate whether all How safe do staff members
safety is vital to staff members are feel when expressing their
Nurtur nurturing a culture of treated with fairness, opinions? Are there multiple
trust dignity & respect ways for staff members to
n express their ideas? In what
Trust ways do we celebrate &
recognize our students &
culture of learning is assess the What methods can be used to
obtained through professional communicate my beliefs
celebrating the development needed about teaching & learning to
n academic successes of to build on the the staff? What professional
Learni the students lifelong learning development would be most
ng model beneficial to the staff?

Nurtur high expectations are a implement culturally How do we encourage &

e& necessary component appropriate strategies model lifelong learning? In
Sustai for all students success to reach diverse what ways do we have high
n High populations of the expectations for self,
Expec school community students, & staff?
quality curriculum is support the process How is teacher opinion, the
Comp designed around of designing, research, and
rehen students learning the implementing, recommendations of learned
sive &
PLC's shared power evaluating and societies balanced to make
us standards refining curriculum good curriculum decisions?
Curric How can the process for
ulum evaluating & refining
curriculum be improved?
curriculum should be coordinate What content knowledge
designed so "power curriculum alignment skills must all students
Vertic standards" are learned between teachers of achieve to become
in increasing various grades, and productive members of
complexity by content to ensure the society? How is the
Curric students throughout learning of "power curriculum aligned to ensure
ulum their school standards" for all all students have learned the
experience students "power standards" before
exiting the school?
quality instruction and identify and In what ways do we give
curriculum is communicate school multiple opportunities for all
Perso adaptable to all resources available to students to learn? What are
nalize students teachers while the common barriers to
providing students’ success and how
ng interventions are we going to overcome
Enviro them? How are the
nment demographics of the school
considered when designing
monitoring of use various Which supervisory methods
instruction can be an supervisory methods will be employed and in
effective form of to maximize teachers' which situations?
ction professional growth
Monit student learning is share with teachers Which sources of student
or achieved through methods to performance data are needed
Stude constant and accurate efficiently collect to assess student growth?
nt monitoring of student student assessment What techniques could the
Growt achievement data school use to assess student
h performance?
professional learning incorporate applied What are the principles of
communities promote learning theories into effective instruction? What
Devel instructional growth the culture of the resources/training does the
via a collaborative school through staff need to improve
Instru focus on student collaborative classroom instruction? What
ction achievement professional are some strategies for
developments implementing these changes
to the organization?
effective staff empower and support How can staff members be
op leadership develops teachers striving to empowered to improve their
Staff from a culture of trust move the school school? What resources do
Leade and collaboration towards the shared teacher leaders need to be
rship vision successful?
quality instruction develop interventions What are we doing, as a
focuses on: and differentiated system that takes away from
1) students learning instruction quality instruction? What
Maxim "power standards"; connecting school interventions can we do as a
ize 2) monitoring student resources with system to support core
Qualit performance; student needs teaching (RTI)?
y 3) remediating when
students struggle;
4) enriching students
who understand
Standards 7

technology supports model technology What technological

Promo quality instruction by: use through resources best support
te improving innovative: modes of effective instruction? How
communication; communication; can teachers of various
Techn collecting & methods of collecting technology backgrounds be
ology evaluating assessment & analyzing student motivated to utilize effective
Use data assessment data technology in instruction?

Monit instructional programs assess the How do we identify the

or & benefit from constant effectiveness of effectiveness of pupil
Evalu monitoring & instructional personnel programs?
ate refinement via a programs using
Instru collaborative process research based
evidence and peer

Standard #3 (Management): An education leader promotes the success of every

student by ensuring management of the organization, operation, and resources for a
safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.

Knowledge Skills Enduring Essential Questions

Administrators will Administrators will Administrators What question focuses an
know… be able to … will understand administrator’s knowledge
that… & abilities?
a well managed school transparently A well managed How can we minimize the
prevents lawsuits and communicate school is a legal liabilities within the
provides a safe decisions and collaborative school? How could
learning environment management effort between operational procedures be
Gener for all staff and procedures (ISSLC stakeholders more clearly communicated?
al students 2008: 3A) producing a safe,
Mana efficient and
geme effective learning
nt environment that
learning for a
diverse school
management practices align management How does each management
geme should support and practices with school procedures improve teaching
nt enhance teaching and goals and vision and learning? How are
Focusi learning (ISSLC 2008: 1C) current management
ng on practices aligned with the
Learni school goals and vision?
an effectively obtain and provide How can maintenance
Mana maintained school resources needed to procedures become more
ge supports the teaching maintain a safe proactive? What safety
Schoo and learning learning issues need to be addressed
l environment. environment (ISSLC in the building? How can
Faciliti 2008: 3A, 4A) the building be prepared for
es an emergency?

modern management monitor and evaluate What feedback is needed to

technology and management and assess the effectiveness of
practices are constantly operational systems the current management?
Moder changing to meet the and modify to How should management be
n changing needs of increase modified based upon the
education societal effectiveness (ISSLC feedback gathered? How can
demands. 2008: 3A,C) current research be used to
improve management and
operational systems?

quality new teachers implement hiring How can current hiring

and staff can have a practices ensuring practices be modified to
positive impact on premium educators ensure quality hires? How
teaching and learning are hired (ISSLC is staffing aligned with the
ces 2008: 2A) vision and goals of the
school? How are new staff
members supported and
Standards 9

collective bargaining is negotiate a contract How can communication

a constant process of that balances the before, during and after
balancing needs and needs of the staff collective bargaining be
available resources and students (ISSLC improved? What checks and
ning 2008: 3B) balances can be put into
place to ensure adherence to
money management is assess whether the How can current fiscal
Mana integral to an effective financial resources practices become more
ge learning environment are aligned with transparent? How can
Fiscal school goals and quality learning be ensured
Resou vision (ISSLC even if money resources
rces 2008:1B,E; 3B; diminish?
Mana educational technology purchase, track and What are the procedures for
ge that is managed well maintain technology purchasing, tracking and
Techn has a supportive and to support teaching maintaining technology?
ology positive impacts on and learning (ISSLC
Resou teaching and learning 2008: 2H,I; 3B)
a safe environment is develop a What could or is happening
Stude paramount for a quality comprehensive that affects student/staff
nt & learning environment safety plan for daily safety?
Staff operations and
Safety emergencies (ISSLC
2008: 3A,C ; 4A)
distributed leadership develop consensus- How can consensus-building
allows an organization building strategies to be used to increase
to respond quickly and empower and accountability of
efficiently to problems increase staff stakeholders in the
ownership of management process? What
rship management issues resources do staff members
(ISSLC 2008: 1A, need in order to take
2A,3D, 5A) ownership in the
management process?
Teach consistent develop a consistent What time is set aside to
er communications with time to communicate communicate organizational
Organ staff about with staff about procedures with teachers?
izatio management issues management issues How can communications
nal creates a shared vision (ISSLC 2008: 3A) with teachers be improved?
Time of the organization
problems not identified identify and resolve What are the major
and dealt with quickly conflicts in an problems at the school?
can create other effective and timely What are the foreseeable
management issues manner (ISSLC problems at the school?
g 2008 1E, 2A, 4, 5, How can problems be
6A) identified and resolved

Standard #4 (Community Partnerships): An education leader promotes the

success of every student by collaborating with faculty and community members,
responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community
Standards 11

Knowledge Skills Enduring Essential Questions

Administrators will Administrators will be Administrators What question focuses an
know… able to … will understand administrator’s knowledge &
that… abilities?
diverse partnerships develop a sense of 1. Effective What are specific examples
develop an open and equity and give community of diversity enriching the
safe school and credence to partnerships school culture? How can the
community individuals and groups help solve school model effective
environment where with differing ideas problems and community partnerships
everyone's ideas are and values (ISSLC overcome where all groups are treated
valued 2008: 4B) barriers to equally?
achieving school
ity 2. Community
require constant
monitoring and
maintenance to
ensure everyone
knows how
resources are
resources of the develop a partnership What local businesses can we
family and with area businesses, solicit to partner with us?
Comm community needing community groups to Can we identify specific
unitie to be brought to bear strengthen programs programs offered that certain
on the education of and support school businesses would be willing
al students goals (ISSLC 2008: to support? How can we
Resou 4D) work collaboratively with
rces diverse communities to
support the needs of the
intellectual create and sustain How can relationships with
Comm community resources partnerships with higher educational
unitie help schools meet intellectual resources institutions be developed and
diverse learning (i.e. higher education, sustained to support school
ctual needs and ensure all libraries, museums, goals? What local
Resou students learn technical businesses) community resources (i.e.
rces (ISSLC 2008: 4B) libraries) could be used?
Comm social resources help integrate community What are the school issues
unitie schools solve youth and family that can be more effectively
s: problems and remove services into school addressed through outside
Social the barriers to programs (ISSLC community resources?
Resou achieving school 2008: 4B)
rces goals
the school's role in integrate families and How can families and other
Conne the larger community other stakeholders by stakeholders be integrated
cting is to facilitate addressing their into the problem solving
Stake connections between concerns and their process? What is the most
holder stakeholders perspective on the important purpose of the
s affecting the students school's purpose school from the community’s
point of view?
community and identify the concerns What are the concerns,
Data: family needs and and expectations expectations and needs of
Collec expectations should families and the families and the community?
tion & be addressed even community have for
Analy when they differ the school (ISSLC
sis from school needs 2008: 4A)

community develop a marketing What media sources are the

perceptions are a strategy to keep the most effective at informing
valuable part of public informed and the public? How can
achieving school involved in the positive relationships with
gies goals and reaching workings of the school the local newspaper, radio
the shared vision (ISSLC 2008: 4B) and TV stations be fostered
and maintained?
successful equitably outreach to How can school leaders
sustainable outreach local businesses, inspire staff to initiate their
Modeli is most effective with churches, service own partnerships through
ng a distributed agencies and local modeling of successful
Succe leadership approach government (ISSLC community partnerships?
ssful 2008: 4C & 4D) What collaborative skills
Partne would help the staff be
rships successful in developing and
sustaining community
Parent parents are powerful maintain a partnership Which mode of
- allies in the vision to with parents centered communication is most
Schoo ensure all students around students effective to various groups of
l learn and have their successfully learning parents/caregivers?
Partne kids best interest in (ISSLC 2008: 4C)
rship mind
Standards 13

Comm community leaders collaborate with Who are the key community
unity are important community leaders to leaders? What can be done
Leade catalysts for creating identify and address to get community leaders
rs- effective partnerships school and community involved in our school?
Schoo between school and problems (ISSLC
local resources 2008: 4C)
community prioritize active What needs to happen in
Relati partnerships require involvement, high order to ensure community
onshi constant maintenance visibility and members know their
p With
where everyone communication with resources are being used
unity knows how joint the larger appropriately and wisely?
Partne resources are used community(ISSLC
rs 2008: 4D)
Standard #5 (Integrity): An education leader promotes the success of every student by
acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner.

Knowledge Skills Enduring Essential Questions

Administrators will Administrators will Administrators will What question focuses an
know… be able to … understand that… administrator’s knowledge
& abilities?
successful academic analyze student 1. Education leaders How can the influence of the
programs require the performance data for are the "first citizens” principal be used to support
Accou advocacy of a leader the effectiveness of of the school effective educational
ntabili instructional community and should programs? What issues
ty: strategies; use the uphold personal and negatively impact our
Acade influence of the office professional morals students and how do these
mic to enhance consistent with the issues inhibit educational
Succe educational programs school and community success?
ss focusing on helping values.
students and families

educational history formulate a nurturing, How do we involve parents

provides clues of the caring environment in the educational and social
Accou social skills needed by that surrounds the development of their
ntabili our students for our learning process; children? How do we
ty: future society develop a caring develop citizenship in our
Social school community students?
Succe focusing on
ss citizenship and
students roles as
future leaders (5A)
Standards 15

public trust is sacred; safeguard the public How are my decisions

the school leaders trust; develop a code aligned with my personal
operate with high moral of ethics reflecting and professional code of
and ethical standards personal and ethics? Have we made
consistent with the professional values 2. Most of the public certain that things we do
Trans school and public held by the school view Educators as here will not impede the
paren values; personal and community; model trustworthy and community's trust in our
cy and professional code of values, beliefs and honest; therefore, ability to provide quality
Ethica schools should be
ethics guide the attitude that inspire education and perform our
l careful to never engage
decision-making others to higher levels duties equitably and fairly?
Behav in any practice which
ior process of performance (5B)
would violate that

democracy is a valued model and expect How can democratic

social component to our impartiality during decisions be enforced so
society; respect for the the decision-making individuals cannot override
of equal worth and moral process to facilitate the decisions? Which areas
Demo equality of the school democracy (5C) is the democratic process
cracy community is essential best for the school?
to campus success.

fair distribution of structure equity in the How do we make certain that

resources and fair workplace; make one group does not feel more
Values treatment of all are key decisions to ensure entitled than another? Do
of elements to a campus' every student has the staff and students believe
Equity successful harmony. right to a free, quality they are treated fairly,
education (5C) equitably and with dignity
and respect?
diversity in staff and defend and articulate How do we awake cultural
students promotes a the value of a diverse awareness to ensure the
culture where every school community; acceptance and equity of
Values individual is valued and examine the every member of the school
of appreciated; equal performance disparity community? How can the
Divers educational between groups appreciation for diversity be
ity opportunities are not defined by gender, demonstrated?
only critical for school ethnicity, and
success, it is the law. socioeconomic status
decisions made impact employ integrity with What are the moral
Conse others. every decision made; consequences of the
quenc perform all duties in decisions made? What are
es of
an ethical manner; the legal ramifications of the
on- accept legal decisions made?
makin responsibility for
g school operations
social justice requires a Appraise the campus' Have any discriminatory
leader who protects the procedures of fairness practices been identified and
rights and and equity with addressed? Which groups of
confidentiality of regard to gender, kids need advocates? What
students and staff; ethnicity, disability, resources are currently
Social educational and and sexual implemented to identify the
Justice socioeconomic-equity orientation; apply complex issues impacting
for all students is vital laws and procedures our students?
to the school's fairly, wisely and
perception of being fair, considerately (5E)
just and equitable
Standards 17

Standard 6 (Politics) : A school administrator is an educational leader who

promotes the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and
influencing the political, economic, social, legal, and cultural context.

Knowledge Skills Enduring Essential Questions

Administrators will Administrators will Administrators What question focuses an
know… be able to … will understand administrator’s knowledge &
that… abilities?
economic and political promote student 1. Education How are the economic and
issues have a major achievement by leaders are part political issues and trends
impact on the actively of a local, state, affecting the school's vision?
development and participating in the and national How do we deal with those
implementation of the local, district, state, representative issues to support student
school's vision. and national governance achievement?
decision-making ensuring all
process. students are
Politic protected and
al and are afforded
econo opportunities
mic to succeed. 2.
conte Instructional
xt decisions
education as an
factor in
promoting a
society in our
social and cultural assess, analyze, and What are the social and
Social differences affect the anticipate emerging cultural issues affecting our
educational success of trends and initiatives community and student
the students. to improve our learning? How do the
Conte students' social and community norms and values
xt cultural awareness. relate to the role of the school
in promoting social justice?
the legal system is a protect student’s How are the laws affecting the
tool used to support rights and improve school system and the
Legal students and their opportunities using educational success of our
Syste families. the legal system. students? What procedures do
m we have in place to manage the
legal inefficiencies affecting
the educational system?
a structured recognize the How do enhance the student's
curriculum importance of historical and political
substantiates the sustaining a knowledge through content-
Curri inclusion of the curriculum that based curriculum?
political and includes the
democratic system. economic, political,
social, and cultural
factors of other
Advoc the leader is a crucial proactively advocate How can policies and laws be
ate advocate for students for policies and used to improve educational
for and families. programs promoting and social opportunities for all
childr equitable learning students?
en opportunities.
the school has a analyze and What influence does the school
relationship with the articulate the have on the local economic
economy, legal relationship between factors, the legal system, and
es of
system, and policies school and the the political system?
nce where they all have an economic factors,
impact on others. legal system, and
the political system.
change requires a engage students and What are the causes of poverty
leader who promotes the parents, and the and other disadvantages in our
Spear activism on behalf of members of the community? How can
head the students. community in students, parents, and other
Chang advocating for members of the community be
e adoption of engaged in advocating for
improved policies improved policies and laws?
and laws.
Standards 19


ISLLC Standards Reflections

Tomekia Wise

Grand Canyon University

Education Administration Foundation and Framework

EDA 534

October 20, 2010

Standard #1 Reflection

Standard 1: An education leader promotes the success of every student by facilitating the

development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared

and supported by all stakeholders.

During our CLC Unwrapping the Standards, we did not encounter any problems. We

decided that each group member would have a fair share of work. The team stayed in contact

with each other constantly through email and yahoo chat. We also used the Team Orange

discussion board a couple of times.

As we were unwrapping standard 1, I came to a realization. I figured out the number one

reason of having a strong working vision for a school. It reminded me of Proverbs 28:18 “Where

there is no vision the people will perish”. I know that this is speaking about the bible. I feel that

this could/should be used as a guideline for school leaders. In my opinion, the vision or the

mission sets the climate of the school. If the vision is strong and accessible which means that it

is not hard to concur, the moral of the entire school will become strong.

To ensure that the vision is strong and accessible, the leader has to make sure that she/he

adheres to all the needs of the community. The school is not that of the leader but it is a

community based institution. All stakeholders should take a part in developing the vision of the

school. There are many different ways to make sure that all stakeholders take part in this

process. Things such as: parent meetings, school assembly programs, board meetings, town hall

meetings, workshops, etc. Strong schools manufacture from an even stronger school


Standard #2 Reflection
Standards 21

Standard 2: An education leader promotes the success of every student by advocating,

nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student

learning and staff professional growth.

With the CLC, we did a great job on unwrapping standard 2. The group participated with

each other via email and yahoo chat. It is a lot easier for us to communicate through yahoo chat

because this gave us the opportunity to give feed back to each other in a timely manner.

The standards feed of one another. Just as standard 1 was Vision. Once you develop the vision,

you have to nurture and sustain the school culture. This means to develop an effective leaning

environment. An environment that is conducive to learning.

School culture could be defined as the priorities driving the thinking and actions of

people within a school community. A school culture is generated first and foremost by

communication. With communication, a leader can make the learning environment more

effective. For instance, if a new administrator comes to a district for the first time; it would be of

best interest for the administrator to communicate with the parents, and teachers. This will help

the administrator know and understand the needs of the community. To acquire an effective

understanding of standard 2, the leader must establish trusting relationships, be consistent, and

continue to monitor and assess the needs of the students.

At all times, the students come first. It is imperative that the school leader understands

that it is necessary to create and promote a positive climate in order to have an effective school.

The school includes the students, faculty, staff, and parents.

Standard #3 Reflection

Standard 3: An education leader promotes the success of every student by ensuring

management of the organization, operation, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective

learning environment.

This was a hard week for me. My computer started to act up. It was hard for me to

interact with my group members effectively. I was only able to communicate with them through

email. Because of the time zones, I was not able to participate in the yahoo chat with my group


Having good management skills is a very important aspect of being/becoming an

effective and efficient leader. This standard brought up a lot of questions as to how a good leader

will have to be a great manager.

Effective leaders must know and understand organizational development. Organizational

development is a response to change. It requires leaders to look at the whole system not just

isolated parts.

In my opinion, the whole educational leadership is based on communication. This is a

must when it comes to the aspect of management. Without communication, the educational

organization is doomed for disaster. It is very important that the leader has good communication

skills. This will ensure a learning environment that is conducive to learning. To be an effective

leader, communication is needed. If a leader cannot get their point across effectively, it causes

confusion between the teachers and the students. In order for an organization to be successful,

the leader has to ensure that the vision is clear. The vision is only clear to others when the leader

is able to communicate effectively with them. The leader not only has to be able to talk with

other stakeholders they must also be willing to listen. Many leaders feel that their way is the

only way. They never take the time to listen to others input. An effective leader has to listen and

be able to collaborate with others. This process has to happen over time; not just in one question
Standards 23

and answer session. The lines of communication have to stay open!!!!!!

Standard #4 Reflection

Standard 4: An education leader promotes the success of every student by collaborating with

faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and
mobilizing community resources.

My computer is still out. It’s my turn to submit the standard for this week. It was not

hard because my group members understood my problem and they helped and gave suggestions

for standard 4. With the help of my team members, our group received a perfect score.

Community partnerships are also a must in today’s educational society. With the help of

the community, schools and students will benefit. With this standard, we did a lot of focus on


Diverse is simply being different form the norm. In today’s schools, there is a plethora of

diversity. It is the responsibility of the administrator to recognize and understand the diverse

needs of their students. Administrators should collaborate with the community in order to meet

those needs. Leaders can do things to get the community involved with education of the students

of different cultures. Things such as: Community Involvement Meetings, Parent Teacher

Conferences, PTA Meetings, or Town Hall Meetings. A strong leader makes sure that they

understand and know as much as possible about the culture of their diverse students.

Standard #5 Reflection

Standard 5: An education leader promotes the success of every student by acting with integrity,

fairness, and in an ethical manner.

I had the same problem this week. No computer. It’s getting harder and harder to
Standards 25

participate with my group. I am glad that I have some understanding group members. Not being

able to communicate with them in yahoo messenger is really getting to me. We all have been

working hard to complete all of the CLC projects.

This standard focuses on integrity. Integrity is the quality of possessing and steadfastly

adhering to high moral principles or professional standards. In my opinion, this standard pertains

to the administrators, educators, parents, students, and lawmakers.

I feel that lawmakers should make laws that benefit the students and the educators. It is

the responsibility of the school system to adhere to those laws. The laws are put in place to

insure that students receive a quality education. In my opinion, applying laws and procedures

fairly, wisely, and considerately does not ensure each student will receive a quality education. It

is my belief that a child will receive a quality education only if they have caring and qualified

teachers. Teachers that teach with their heart and not just the book. Teachers that teach the

whole child and not just the parts that they like about the child. Applying the laws and

procedures is the easy part. It is the responsibility of the administrator to ensure that they have


TEACHERS in order for the laws and procedures to effectively benefit the students.

Administrators should always carry themselves in a professional manner. They are the

leaders of the school. They are to act accordingly. If they are showing integrity, the teachers and

students will follow their footsteps. The saying is that you lead by example.

Standard # 6 Reflection

Standard 6: An education leader promotes the success of every student by understanding,

responding to, and influencing the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.

This is the last and final standard to unwrap. The group did a great job on all the other
standards, as well as, this one. This has been a rewarding experience. This was my first time

ever to work in a group online. I thought it would be difficult and that members would not

participate. I was fortunate to work with some talented and intelligent individuals.

Standard 6 was basically a summation of the other five standards. All of the standards

are put in place so that the administrator can become effective.

The ISLLC standards are very essential to the development of the school leader. An

effective leader is one who knows what to do and how to do it. The school leader has to prepare

the teachers, students, and the community for the things that the education arena has in

store. With all the high-stake testing that is taking place within the education system; the school

leader has to be prepared for the unthinkable. They have to be knowledgeable and flexible for all

the possibilities. The standards help to increase the knowledge and awareness of the school

leader. They ensure that the leader will be a strong asset to the school.

Running head: FINAL PAPER

Standards 27

ISLLC Standards Final Paper

Tomekia Wise

Grand Canyon University

Education Administration Foundation and Framework

EDA 534

October 20, 2010

The Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium’s standards serve to define expected

outcomes and activities for effective school leaders. The standards were developed to enhance

the quality of education. Because of the No Child Left Behind Act, the standards were

implemented to promote excellence in the professional preparation of future school

administrators. These standards were put forth to make school leaders accountable for individual

student achievement. Educational Administration is a discipline within the study of education

that examines the administrative theory and practice of education in general and educational

institutions and educators in particular. The field ideally distinguishes itself from administration

and management through its adherence to guiding principles of educational philosophy.

(Wikipedia 2010)

The ISLLC standards are very essential to the development of the school leader. An

effective leader is one who knows what to do and how to do it. The school leader has to prepare

the teachers, students, and the community for the things that the education arena has in store.

With all the high-stake testing that is taking place within the education system; the school leader

has to be prepared for the unthinkable. They have to be knowledgeable and flexible for all the

possibilities. The standards help to increase the knowledge and awareness of the school leader.

They ensure that the leader will be a strong asset to the school.

The unwrapping process helped me to better understand the meaning of the standards.

The functions of each standard are very essential to educating future administrators. As I was

unwrapping the standards in ISLLC (ISLLC, 2008), I noticed a strong point that my

administration has. I also noticed a lot of things that could help my school administration.

To ensure that the vision is strong and accessible, the leader has to make sure that she/he

adheres to all the needs of the community. The school is not that of the leader but it is a

community based institution. All stakeholders should take a part in developing the vision of the

school. There are many different ways to make sure that all stakeholders take part in this

process. Things such as: parent meetings, school assembly programs, board meetings, town hall

meetings, workshops, etc. Strong schools manufacture from an even stronger school
Standards 29


To begin with, the school administration should have a working vision. A working vision

is a vision that is accessible and easy to achieve. The vision has to be strong and reliable. In

order to achieve a working strong vision, there has to be communication with all the stakeholders

in the education process. Standard one is the first and only strong point that I see in the school

district that I work. As the vision/mission of the school district was being developed, the

administration had a town hall meeting. This allowed all the entire community to have a voice in

the vision/mission of the school district.

On the other hand, one down side of my school district is management. Management is

the third standard in the ISLLC (ISLLC, 2008). Standard three states, “An education leader

promotes the success of every student by ensuring management of the organization, operation,

and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.” (ISLLC, 2008)

Administrators have to know and be able to do many different things under the management

umbrella. For instance, administrators will have to know that a well managed school prevents

lawsuits and provides a safe learning environment for all staff and students. Basically,

administrators must have the school safe and conducive to learning. The constant challenge that

school systems face in today’s society is how to improve student-learning outcomes.

Management is the number one problem of my school district. The district as a whole is

suffering with mismanagement of funds and test scores. Money and management are the number

one reason why school districts fail. There is not enough money in the district for the teachers

and students to have all the things that are necessary to survive in the education world. There are

no printers or computers in some classes. If a teacher does have a printer, he/she has to purchase

the ink/toner with their own money. This is totally ridiculous because the federal government
has given all the districts money to purchase the resources that we need. If the district does not

get it together, the students will continue to suffer and will not be able to compete globally.

Webster defines management as the conducting or supervising of something. Even

though this is the working definition given to this word; the administrator at my school does not

illustrate that she fully understands this. In my opinion, the whole educational leadership is

based on communication. This is a must when it comes to the aspect of management. Without

communication, the educational organization is doomed for disaster. It is very important that the

leader has good communication skills. This will ensure a learning environment that is conducive

to learning. To be an effective leader, communication is needed.

Furthermore, at the school that I teach, management is so poor. The administrator has

good intentions/ideas but she does not know how to implement them. The administrator

demonstrates different leadership styles all the time. The administrator has, as some will agree, a

split personality. Most days the administrator will demonstrate the autocratic style. Meaning she

exhibits direct authoritarian behavior and her decision making is centralized. (Green, 2009)

When she is in this mode, there is extremely low morale amongst the teachers and the climate is

full of fear. Other times she demonstrates that she can be an ineffective democratic leader.

Simply meaning that she will make it seem as if she was collaborating with the teachers and

there was a shared vision. The democratic leadership happens about once or twice a month.

In addition to management, community partnerships seem to be a barrier of the school

becoming successful. Standard four states, “An education leader promotes the success of every

student by collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse

community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.”(ISLLC, 2008)

Community partnerships are also a must in today’s educational society. With the help of the
Standards 31

community, schools and students will benefit.

Because the school district is basically in a small community the community

involvement is both positive and negative. The positivity comes from the older community

members. These people realize that the school needs their help by any means. There are retired

teachers that come to the schools to tutor students and mentor the newer teachers. Which I think

is absolutely great. However, there are the members of the community that do not care whether

the students are learning or not. Here is where the negativity sets in. Of course, these are some of

the younger community members. In my opinion, the administrators can do more things to get

the community involved with the school district. Such as: Town Hall Meetings, PTA meetings,

Social Gatherings, etc.

In summary, the ISLLC standards were put in place to prepare future administrators for

the challenges that the education world have in store. The standards are to be used as a guide.

Just as most Christians use the bible as their guide; the ISLLC standards are the “Bible” for

administrators and future administrators. On my journey to becoming an administrator, I will

most definitely make becoming more familiar with the standards a priority. As a future

administrator, having a successful meaningful collaboration with all the stakeholders in the

education system will be my goal.


Green, R.L. (2009). Practicing the art of leadership: A problem based approach to implementing
the ISCLL standards (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Prentice Hall.

Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium. (2008). Educational leadership policy

standards: ISLLC 2008.Washington, DC: Council of Chief State School Officers.

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