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Our Vision:

Our Mission:
An Icon of Excellence & the Pride of the Community
Building Character, Expanding Minds, Shaping Lives
Our Core Values: Integrity, Responsibility, Commitment, Respect, Resilience, Care
Understanding Goals
 Students will understand that a chemical
change is where a new substance is
formed as a result of chemical reaction.
 Students will understand that chemical
reactions are based on interactions
between matter and matter (mixing), heat,
light and electricity.

Chapter 14 : Chemical Changes 1 2

Understanding Goals 14.1 Observing Changes

 Students will understand that chemical  Changes can be classified as physical and
reactions can be represented using chemical.
chemical word equations.  A physical change is temporary where no
 Students will develop an understanding of new substance is formed. It is usually
the social issues of pollutants in the reversible.
environment  Examples:
 Students will develop an understanding of  Changes in state of matter
man’s responsibility to have care and  Dissolving of sugar in water
concern for the environment
3 4

14.2 Types of changes:

14.1 Observing Changes Physical and chemical changes
 A chemical change is permanent where
new substance is formed. It is usually Factors Physical Chemical
irreversible. Changes Changes
Chemical Does not involve Involves chemical
 Examples: Reaction any chemical reaction
 Raw egg becomes cooked egg reaction
 Paper becomes ash
 Steel turns to rust Formation of No new New substances
new substances are formed
 Burning of sugar
substance formed

5 6

14.2 Types of changes: 14.2 Type of change:
Physical and chemical changes Chemical Reaction
Factors Physical Chemical
 A chemical reaction is a process in
Changes Changes
which reactants are changed into new
Is there No or little Heat and/or light
h t/li ht
heat/light heat/light
h t/li ht is
i energy may beb substances known as products.
taken in or taken in or given taken in or given  In any chemical reaction, matter is
given out? out out neither created nor destroyed.
Any change in Properties of Properties of  During a chemical reaction, the atoms
properties of substance do not products different are re-arranged to form the products.
substances? change from starting
7 8

Chemical Reaction Chemical Equations

A chemical reaction can be  Word Equation for the reaction between
hydrogen and oxygen is written below:
represented using chemical
equation. Hydrogen
y yg  Water
g + Oxygen
 We can write an equation using
 We can also make use of chemical formulae
words or chemical formulae.
to write the chemical equation:
Chemical Equation: H2 + O2  H2O
reactant A + reactant B  product C + product B

9 10

Chemical Equations Balanced Chemical Equations

 A typical chemical equation can only provide
information on Write down the chemical formulae of
reactants and products
 identity of reactants and the final products using
chemical formulae
 possible reaction conditions (eg: temperature, Check the number of atoms of each
physical state etc) element on both sides of the chemical
However, it can say nothing about the
quantities involved until the Balance the chemical equation by
placing numbers in front of the formulae
equation is balanced! of the substances in the equation

11 12

Balanced Chemical Equations Balanced Chemical Equations
 Step 1: Write down the chemical  Step 3: Balance the chemical equation
formulae of reactants and products by placing numbers in front of the
formulae of the substances in the
H2 + O2  H2O equation.
 Step 2: Check the number of atoms of each
element on both sides of the chemical 2 H2 + O2  2 H2O
RHS: 4 H atoms, 2 O atoms
RHS: 2 Hydrogen atoms, 2 Oxygen atoms
LHS: 4 H atoms, 2 O atoms
LHS: 2 Hydrogen atoms, 1 oxygen atom
13 14

14.3 Interactions between… Combustion

Chemical reaction which involves  Combustion or burning is a process
whereby a substance combines with
interaction between matter and heat oxygen in the air.
 Heat
H t and
d lilight
ht are given
i outt d
 Combustion combustion.
 Combination Word Equation:
Octane + Oxygen Carbon Dioxide + Water
 Thermal Decomposition

Chemical Equation:
2C8H18 + 5O2 16CO2 + 18H2O
15 16

Combination Combination
 Combination refers to a process in which
two or more substances combined
chemically through heating form a new
b t
Word Equation:
Sodium + Chlorine Sodium Chloride

Chemical Equation:
2Na (s) + Cl2 (g)  2NaCl (s)
2Na + Cl2 2NaCl
17 18

Thermal Decomposition Thermal Decomposition
 Decomposition is the process whereby a Word Equation Chemical Equation
substance breaks down into two or more Sugar heat
Carbon + C6H12O6  6C + 6H2O
simpler substances. Water Vapour

Copper(II) carbonate heat

 Thermal decomposition is the process copper(II) oxide + carbon
CuCO3  CuO + CO2
whereby a substance breaks down by the dioxide
effect of heat. Water heat
Hydrogen + 2H2O  2H2 + O2

19 20

14.4 Interactions between… Photosynthesis

 Photosynthesis is the process by which
Chemical reaction which involves green plants, in the presence of chlorophyll
interaction between matter and light and light energy, manufacture
include: carbohydrates (glucose) from carbon
 Photosynthesis dioxide and water.

 Photography Word Equation sunlight

carbon dioxide + water glucose + oxygen

Chemical Equation:
6CO2 + 6H2O  C6H12O6 + 6O2

Photosynthesis Photography
 Photographic films are coated with
silver bromide.
 When light falls on the film,
film silver
bromide is decomposed to form
silver particles.
Word Equation:
silver bromide silver + bromine

Chemical Equation:
2AgBr 2Ag + Br2 24

Chemical Changes Caused By Light 14.5 Interactions between…
Under the exposure of light, chemical reaction Chemical reaction which involves
takes place with the formation of new products
interaction between matter and electricity
 Electrolysis
Fading of the colour
of newspaper due to
light exposure
Interaction between matter and electricity
produces heat and light as well as
magnetic and chemical effect
25 26

Electrolysis Electrolysis of Water

Passing electric current may change its 2H2O  2H2 + O2
properties temporarily or permanently.

Some substances
S b t decompose
d into
i t simpler
i l
substances when electricity is passed through

This process is called electrolysis.

27 28

Application of Electrolysis 14.6 Interactions between…

Chemical reaction which involves
interaction between matter and
another matter (mixing):
 Digestion
 Neutralization
 Rusting

Electroplating 29 30

Digestion Neutralization
 Digestion involves chemical reactions  When an acid and an alkali are mixed, salt
caused by mixing. and water are formed.
 When saliva and starch are mixed, the  This reaction is called neutralization.
enzymes in the saliva break the starch
molecules into smaller sugar molecules. Word Equation:
Hydrochloric acid + Sodium hydroxide 
Sodium chloride + Water

Chemical Equation:
HCl + NaOH  NaCl + H2O
31 32

14.7 Chemical Changes –

Rusting “Friend or Foe?”
 Rusting occurs when iron comes in contact
with oxygen in the air and water.
 This is also an example of combination.

Word Equation:
Iron + oxygen + water  hydrated iron (III) oxide

Chemical Equation:
4Fe + 3O2 + 2xH2O  2Fe2O3. xH2O

33 34

Chemical Change – “Friend” Chemical Change – “Friend”

 Fractional distillation of petroleum  Pharmaceutical products

Chemical Change – “Foe” Chemical Change – “Foe”
Definition: 1) Methane 2) Carbon Monoxide
(CH4) (CO)
Air pollution is defined as the condition in which
air contains a high concentration of certain
chemicals that may harm living things or 6) Sulfur Dioxide Sources of 3) Ozone
(SO2) Air Pollutant (O3)
damage non-living things.

Air pollution is caused by solid particles and 5) Oxides of Nitrogen

poisonous gases in the air. 4) Unburnt Hydrocarbons
(NO-Nitrogen Monoxide)
(NO2 – Nitrogen Dioxide)

Chapter Review
 Physical & Chemical Change
 Chemical Change Song


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