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Math Fact

Chutes and Ladders

1. Get a hold of an old board or visit the dollar store.

2. Copy the cards included on cardstock.
3. Students will take turns picking a card and answering the
question. The answer will determine the number of spaces
they will move.

Jenn Bates

Move forward
Move back 10

Move forward
Move back 10

Move forward 1 Move back 1

Move forward 1 Move back 1

Move forward
Move back 5
20-8 19-8

18-5 17-9

16-8 15-9

14-7 13-5

12-6 11-6
1+1 2+2

3+3 4+4

5+5 6+6

7+7 8+8

9+9 10+10
5+6 7+4

3+8 2+9

10+7 11+8

12+4 13+5

14+6 15+5

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