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Paternalism – from Latin “pater”- father and “paternus”- fatherly

- the act of being fatherly to someone.

- acting like a father to a person for own good and interest.

According to welfare, paternalism may be pure or impure. Pure paternalism justifies

intervention into a person’s life for the sole welfare of that person. Impure paternalism
justifies interference with another person not only for that person’s welfare but also for the
welfare of another.

According to recipient’s defect and safety, it may be restricted or extended. Restricted

Paternalism supports intervention which over rides an individual’s action because of some
defect or weakness in that individual. Extended Paternalism is one in which an individual is
restrained from doing something because it is too risky or dangerous.

According to promotion of good and prevention of harm, it may be positive or negative.

Positive Paternalism is for the promotion of his or her own good. Negative paternalism takes
away something from an individual to avoid an injury or danger.

According to patient’s sense of values, it may be soft or hard. Soft Paternalism, the
patient’s values are used to justify the intervention with his possible action or decision. Hard
Paternalism, the patient’s values are not the ones used to justify a paternalistic act.

According to recipient of the benefit, it may be direct or indirect. Direct Paternalism,

the individual who should receive the supposed benefit is the one whose values are overridden
or disregarded for his own good. Indirect Paternalism, a particular individual will be benefited,
if one person is restrained from doing something.

 The recipient is sick and consults the M.D. for assistance
 The recipient has some incapacity which prevents from making decisions
 There is a probability of harm
 The probable benefit outweighs risk of harm
 To improve good quality of medical education
 To upgrade high standards of medical care
 To control drug addiction

MACROALLOCATION – the allocation of scarce medical resources

- there is a conflict in the issue between the allocation of doctors, who have to
treat their patients with limited units of machines, limited beds in the hospital.

Criteria of Inclusion – it includes constituency, progress of science and success
Criteria of Comparison – composed of likelihood of successful treatment, life-
expectancy of that person, person’s family role, potential of the person in making future
contributions, person’s record of services or contributions.

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