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Chapter 2 Blood Circulation and Transport

2.1 Transport system in Humans

1. The human circulatory system consists of
( a ) heart –
( b ) blood vessels –
( c ) blood –
2. The functions of the heart :
( a ) To receive __________________ blood from the lungs.
( b ) To pump the oxygenated blood through the arteries to the _____________.
( c ) To receive ________________ blood from the body through the veins.
( d ) To send the deoxygenated blood to the ______________ to be oxygenated.
3. The structure of the human heart :

4. There are four chambers in the heart

( a ) left atrium ( auricle )
( b ) right atrium ( auricle )
( c ) left ventricle
( d ) right ventricle
5. Arteries and veins connected to these four chambers
Blood vessel Heart chamber to Function
which it is connected
Aorta Left ventricle Carries oxygenated blood out of the
_____________________ to the rest of the
Vena cava Right atrium Carries deoxygenated blood from the body to
the ____________________
Pulmonary Right ventricle Carries deoxygenated blood from
artery ___________________ to the lungs.
Pulmonary Left atrium Carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to
vein the ____________________.

6. The valves found in the heart

Blood Vessel Valve Allows blood flow from Prevents blood flow from
Aorta Semilunar
Pulmonary Semilunar
artery valves
Between right Tricuspid
atrium and valves
Between left Bicuspid valves
atrium and

7. The type of blood carried by each type of blood vessel

Types of blood vessel Direction of blood flow Type of blood
Arteries Out of or away from the heart
Veins Into or towards the heart
Capillaries To the tissue cells and away
form the tissue cells

8. Comparison between artery, vein and capillary

Characteristic Artery Vein Capillary

Thickness of

Presence of
Type of blood
Direction of
blood flow
Rate of blood

9. Blood circulation starts from the vena cava through the heart to the whole body

10. Blood circulatory system

Circulation of blood from the heart to the entire body consists of two phases
Circulation of blood from the ____________ to the
__________ and back to the _____________.
( a ) Pulmonary circulation
Transport __________________ blood from the heart
to the lungs and carries __________________ blood
back to the heart.

Circulation of blood from the ____________ to

_________________ and back to the _____________.
( b ) Systemic circulation
Transport __________________ blood and nutrients
to ______________________________ and carries
__________________ blood back to the heart

( a ) When the right ventricle contracts, deoxygenated blood is pumped to the lungs
through the ________________________.
( b ) In the lungs, the blood takes up ______________ and releases _________________
as well as water vapour.
( c ) Oxygenated blood is transported to the left atrium through the _________________
( d ) When the left atrium contracts, the oxygenated blood flows into the left
( e ) The left ventricle contracts and the oxygenated blood is pumped to the rest of the
body ( except the lungs ) through the _________________.
( f ) Oxygen and nutrients are released by the blood in capillaries to
______________________. Metabolic waste products produced by the cells are
collected by the blood.
( g ) Deoxygenated blood returns to the right atrium through _____________________.
( h ) When the right atrium contracts, the deoxygenated blood flows into the

11. Role of the blood circulatory system :

( a ) Transport oxygen from the ______________ to the _____________.
( b ) Transport nutrients to the ______________.
( c ) Transport carbon dioxide from the ____________ to the lungs to be removes.
( d ) Transport waste products ( urea, water and mineral salts ) to the ___________
and ______________ to be excreted.
( e ) Transport hormones from the ______________ to the various parts of the body.

2.2 Human Blood

Constituents of Blood
Constituents Structure and content Function
Plasma Transport
1. _________________ liquid 1.
2. Contains _______of water 2.
and ______ of dissolved 3.
substances like ___________, 4.
______________, _________
And __________________

Red blood cells Transport

1. Shape - _________________ 1.
2. Has no _____________
3. Contains red pigment,
4. Produced by
5. Has a life span of about

White blood 1. Colourless and __________ 1. Protects the body from

cell in shape. ______________ caused by bacteria
2. Has ____________ 2. Produces ________________
3. Larger than red blood cell to destroy bacteria.
but fewer in number 3. Produces ________________ to
4. Produced by ____________ neutralize the toxins produced by
and ____________________ bacteria
1. Tiny pieces of ___________ Helps in blood _____________
2. Has no ___________
3. Has _____________ shape
4. Produced by

2. Blood group
Blood Group Can donate blood to Can receive blood from

3. A person with blood group O is able to donate blood to people with the other three
blood groups and he is known as ________________ donor
4. A person with blood group AB is able to accept blood from all the blood groups ( A ,
B, AB and O ) and he is known as _________________ recipient.

2.3 Transport system in plants

1. The vascular tissues in plants are concerned with transport of food and water in plants.
2. The transport system in plants consists of the ___________ and the ____________
which are vascular tissues..
2. The xylem and the phloem are found in ___________, ____________ and _________.
3. A vascular bundle consists of phloem, xylem and cambium lies between the phloem
and the xylem.
4. The xylem transport ___________ and the dissolved ___________ from the roots up
the stems and to the _____________

5. The xylem also _____________ the plant.

6. The phloem transport synthesized ____________________ from the leaves to the
______________ and _____________.

2.4 Transpiration
1. Transpiration is the loss of water vapour from a plant through the process of
2. Transpiration occurs through the ____________ of the leaves and the ____________
of the stem.
3. Functions of the stomata :
4. The size of the stoma is controlled by the ___________________.
5. The rate of the transpiration is affected by the following factors :
( a ) Temperature
The higher the temperature, the ____________ the rate of transpiration.
( b ) Humidity of air
The higher the humidity, the ____________ the rate of transpiration
( c ) Light
Presence of light _____________ the rate of transpiration.
( d ) Wind
The stronger the wind, the ______________ the rate of transpiration.
6. The role of transpiration :
( a ) get rid of __________ water from plants
( b ) ____________ plants on hot days.
( c ) transport __________ and _______________ from the roots to the whole plant.
The transpiration process produces a sucking force which helps the absorption of
water and minerals salts by the roots to rise to the other higher parts of the plant.

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