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New Neighborhoods: The Consumer's

Guide to Condominium, Co-op and HOA

July 31, 2009 — New parents often lament, "Oh, if only
children came with owner's manuals!" That probably
wouldn't make much difference since nobody reads
owners manuals anyway, being that most of them seem
to be written in poorly translated Dutch. But you get the
idea. Bright-eyed volunteers who find themselves
serving on co-op or condo boards often feel the same
way: There's the crying and the screaming and the lack
of sleep and the wishing that board service came with an
owners manual. In English.

Authors Gary and Ryan Poliakoff — a father and son team,

appropriately enough — can empathize. Dad Gary (below),
an adjunct professor at Nova Southeastern University
School of Law, and a partner in the Florida firm Becker &
Poliakoff, and Ryan, a former attorney and now a writer on
legal topics, are themselves veterans of shared ownership
communities (SOC), which include cooperatives,
condominiums, time-shares and homeowner/property-
owner associations. Ryan was the first board president of
the $100 million Hollywood, Fla., condo The Ocean Palms.

For the estimated two million volunteers who serve on such boards, the Poliakoffs
have written this 246-page tome (list price $16.95, but who pays list price?) that
covers the rights and responsibilities of both homeowners and board members,
much of which most people are unaware. Not Habitat readers, mind you, but,
y'know, other people. Presented as a conversational primer in non-legalese, the
books deals wih everything from determining whether an SOC is right for you to the
nuts and bolts of operation, revenue collection, meetings, elections, covenants and
conditions — and even includes, in the words of the publisher, "some of the crazy
rules and regulations that have arisen around the country and how to know when to
follow them."

Available as both a real book and as Sony and Amazon Kindle e-books, New
Neighborhoods answers good ol' questions about both being on and dealing with
co-op and condo boards. When you have little shareholders and unit-owners of your
own someday, you'll understand. Ah, they grow up so fast -- especially when there
are books like this to help.

New Neighborhoods Publishing / Emerald Book Company, a division of Greenleaf

Book Group • P.O. Box 91869, Austin, Texas 78709 • toll-free (800) 932-5420 •
7101  Hwy  71  W  #200  
Austin,  Texas  78735  

Gary A. Poliakoff and Ryan Poliakoff
Emerald Book Company (2009)
ISBN 9781934572184
Reviewed by Irene Watson for Reader Views (7/09)

As a current condominium owner and former board member of the HOA, reading ³New
Neighborhoods´by Gary A. Poliakoff and Ryan Poliakoff confirmed the importance of acquiring
knowledge before considering this type of living arrangement. This book is certainly one that any
prospective buyer or anyone that is embarking on co-op living should read before signing the

There is glory in having all the amenities of condo/co-op complex living - grounds maintenance,
exterior building upkeep, use of pool/recreation area; however, there is also a payback. The rates
could be high, or in some cases nothing is covered by the dues. Parking can be an issue as well as
noisy neighbors. The HOA can impose its own rules, sometimes totally irrational or one-sided. On
the other hand, the rules keep the complex at the certain standard and if you don¶t want to conform
to those rules/standards, then this type of living is not for you.

The authors give a very concise but comprehensive look into complex living. They cover an area
that most prospective buyers don¶t even consider - the role of the developer and the original filed
documents. They also cover the role of the HOA and the rules that can be imposed (or changed) at
any time, the owner¶s rights and responsibilities, and legal conditions. Although condo or co-op
living may sound attractive, it is not like owning your own home on your own property. However, if
you know all this, condo living can be very rewarding. Personally, I prefer it. We¶ve owned our
own free-standing homes for almost 40 years and moving into a condo gave us the freedom of
having amenities like yard maintenance, great neighborhood, and quiet neighbors. It is important to
be clear what it is you expect in condo living and ³New Neighborhoods´ by Gary A. Poliakoff and
Ryan Polialkoff is the perfect book to read before making that final decision. This is also a perfect
book for real-estate sellers to provide to their prospective buyers.
Welcome to Ungated

A Consumer- Oriented Guide to Associations

by Tom Skiba at 01-48PM (EDT) on July 16. 2009 I Permanent Link

A quick look in any bookstore tells you that one version or another of "everything you
need to know about condominiums and HOAs" is readily available to the interested
consumer. I've yet to come across one that quite has it all. Or one that is unbiased, or
professionally published.

Long time CAI member Gary Poliakoff and his son Ryan have come closer than anyone
to getting it right. Dad's decades of legal experience and son's literary talents have
combined nicely to produce the comprehensive and well written New Neighborhoods:
The Consumer's Guide to Condominium, Co-op, and HOA Living. It's debuting August
1st in Borders, Amazon and Barnes & Noble. But, CAI has it in stock now, so you can
look over the table of contents and order it for 40% off the regular non-member price in
our bookstore today. And don't forget to check out all the other titles and merchandise in
the CAI bookstore.

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