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ATI Practice Test (Test 1)

1- Which statement by a client who is learning about ostomy care indicates the need for further
“I should remove the pouch using a quick pulling motion”
2- Which nursing action is appropriate when caring for a client with a fever?
Provide liberal fluid intake
3- The phase of wound healing that begins on the third or fourth day after injury and lasts from 2-
3 weeks, during which time collagen develops, is called:
Proliferative reconstruction phase
4- Which instruction is correct regarding the use of an incentive spirometer?
Sit in an upright position
5- Which client is at greatest risk of complications associated with surgery?
6- Data regarding weight, vital signs, and skin color are examples of which aspect of nursing
Objective data
7- Which is the most reliable method of verifying correct placement of nasogastric tube?
Obtaining an x-ray
8- Which urinary diversion device is used to promote continence?
Koch pouch
9- The nurse’s understanding of which issue is enhanced by studying the history of nursing?
Nurses’ autonomy
10- Which type of pressure ulcer produces partial thickness skin loss of the epidermis and/or
dermis, is superficial, and often presents itself as an abrasion or shallow crater?
Stage II
11- Administering intravenous medication through an intermittent venous access device (saline or
heparin lock) has which advantage?
Increased client mobility, safety, and comfort
12- The orientation to time and place of a cultural group who does not use a clock and has no
concern for the future is:
Present oriented
13- Which laboratory urinalysis finding should be reported because it is abnormal?
2.6 pH
14- Which nursing activity is necessary for the client wearing antiembolism stockings?
Assess legs for swelling each shift
15- When implementing basic medical asepsis, which item requires disinfection to prevent the
transmission of organism to the client?
Gastrointestinal endoscope
16- Which nursing action is appropriate for the client who feels dizzy when getting up from a
sitting position (postural hypotension)?
Assist the client to sitting or standing positions
17- Which factor can contribute to sensory deprivation in a hospitalized client?
Being placed in isolation
18- Nurses are legally required by U.S. Contract Law to fulfill the terms of contracted with their
employer. When conditions are specified in writing, the contract is known as:

19- Which is a contributing factor to postoperative atelectasis?
Decreased mobility
20- Leadership that is task oriented an based on the premise that the leader knows best is:
21- Which action is correct when positioning a hemiplegic client in a semi-fowler’s position?
Flex the client’s knees
22- The nurse suspects which electrolyte imbalance when a client experiences numbness and
tingling of the fingers, hyperactive reflexes, tetany, and muscle cramps?
23- A person within which developmental group is at greatest risk for death to excessive risk-
taking behavior?
24- Which condition is most often associated with hyponatremia?
Increased sweating
25- Which action should be avoided when making an occupied bed?
Positioning the client on the side nearest the nurse and facing away
26- A 74-year-old client is admitted to the long- term-care facility. Which nursing action will help
promote normal sleep patterns for the client in her new environment?
Providing a back massage before sleep
27- Which is the primary area of focus for the nurse planning a health education program for the
parents of preschool-age children?
Accident prevention
28- A nurse is pouring a liquid medication into a medication cup. Which action, if observed, needs
to be corrected? The nurse:
Removes the cap from the bottle and places it down on the counter
29- During the implementation phase of the nursing process, the nurse:
Carries out the agreed on plan of care
30- Individuals who are faced with inactivity due to illness or injury are at risk for which problem?
Urinary stasis
31- Which type of drug is more likely to contribute to sexual dysfunction?
32- Which statement is correct about the administration of oxygen?
Client using nasal cannulas are at increased risk for skin breakdown over the ears
33- Which measure is most effective in preventing falls among older adult clients?
Installing grab bars in the bathroom near the toilets and bathtubs
34- Which action is contraindicated when performing oral hygiene for a debilitated client?
Rising the client’s mouth with hydrogen peroxide
35- A nursing action or intervention that does not require collaboration with another health care
professional is known as a/an:
Independent nursing intervention
36- A medication’s expected or predictable physiological response is referred to as the drug’s:
Therapeutic effect
37- Which is a hypertonic intravenous solution?
Dextrose 5 % in 0.45 NS
38- The general practice of post-mortem care includes:
Washing soiled areas of the body

39- Therapeutic and social relationships differ in that therapeutic relationships:
Focus on goal achievement
40- Which condition can cause isotonic fluid volume excess (hypervolemia)?
Congestive Heart Failure
41- Which nursing action is inappropriate when weighing an adult client?
Position the lighter weight in a calibrated groove first
42- Which activity will help prevent postoperative atelectasis? Encouraging the client to:
Splint the abdomen during deep breathing exercises
43- While auscultating the lungs of the client with emphysema, the nurse hears low-pitched,
rumbling, and hyperresonant sounds during inspiration. These sounds are describe as:
44- Which procedural step is correct when administrating short (clear) and long-acting (cloudy)
insulin at the same?
Draw up the prescribed dose of short-acting insulin first
45- Which is characteristic of stress incontinence? The involuntary loss of urine:
Occurring with sneezing or coughing
46- As part of ethical nursing practice, the duty to do good to others and to maintain a balance
benefits and harms is referred to as:
47- You are developing a new assessment form and are including an assessment of spirituality to
assist the staff in understanding and meeting the spiritual needs of each client that is admitted
into this institution. You realize that your staff must understand spirituality. Which is the best
A belief in or a relationship with a higher power
48- Which is a cause of respiratory acidosis?
Severe pneumonia
49- The client with altered nutrition is experiencing difficulty swallowing and pain. According to
Maslow, these are examples of which need?
50- Which nutrient is composed of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen, and is essential for
growth, maintenance, and repair of body tissues?
51- Which communication strategy is most effective when talking to hearing-impaired clients?
Decreasing background noise
52- Which is the correct technique when administering an intramuscular injection?
Quickly insert the needle using a dart-like motion at a 90-degree angle
53- Which is a normal function of the colon?
54- Which action violates a principle of surgical asepsis when it occurs during a sterile or invasive
procedure? A sterile:
Package is used even though torn
55- The nurse can create a safe home environment by encouraging the older adult client to:
Remove all loose floor rugs
56- Which model is more effective when teaching adult client? When the nurse:
Uses vocabulary the client understands

57- A student states, “I received a bad grade on the science test because the questions were poorly
written.” This is an example of which defense mechanism:
58- Which is a violation of body mechanics principles?
The higher the center of gravity, the greater the stability
59- When performing chest physiotherapy (CPT) and postural drainage, it is important for the
nurse to:
Use Trendelenburg’s position to drain lower lobes
60- Which goal is included in Healthy People 2010, as defined by U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services?
Increase physical activity and fitness
61- The process of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange between the blood and body cells as
known as:
Internal respiration
62- Florence Nightingale’s theory of nursing involved nurses modifying unhealthy aspects of
external conditions in order to put the patient in the best condition of nature to act. This theory
is describe as the:
Environmental theory
63- An alternative health intervention that involves quieting of the mind and focusing the attention
of healing, thus resulting in positive physiological changes, is:
64- Policies differ from procedures in that policies:
Are written descriptions of the employer’s expectations
65- Which procedural step is completed first when inserting an indwelling urinary catheter in a
female client?
Assisting clients into a supine position
66- The family is an important component in the overall health of an individual. The purpose of a
family assessment is to:
Obtain an overview of the family processes
67- Health models attempt to explain health, in some cases, health’s relationship to illness and
injury. Which model reflects the state of health as being the absence of signs and symptoms of
disease or injury?
Clinical model
68- Which action is correct when collecting a clean voided urine specimen? Instruct:
Females to clean their meatus wiping from front to back
69- Which is a hypercoagulability factor that can contribute to the development of postoperative
70- Which sign or symptom is produced during the inflammatory process when arterioles dilate
and deliver blood and leukocytes to the injured area?
71- Wound drainage that is pale and watery, and contains both plasma and red blood cells, is
described as:
72- When cleansing an incision or drain site, the nurse will:
Cleanse in a direction form least contaminated to most contaminated

73- Which is the primary purpose for applying a dry sterile dressing to a wound?
To provide thermal insulation
74- Which drug should the nurse withhold for clients with heart rates below 60 beats per minute
75- Urine is initially formed in the:
76- Which finding may indicate the presence of a postoperative cardiovascular complication?
Decreased blood pressure
77- Proper positioning of the client undergoing surgery is essential in order to:
Prevent nerve or tissue injury due to pressure
78- Which is the correct action when administering a cleansing enema?
Add warmed solution to an enema bag or container
79- When partial or total separation of layers of skin and tissue above the fascia occurs in a wound
that is not healing properly, the separation is referred to as:
80- Which nursing activity may help prevent the development of postoperative urinary
Assisting the client into a normal voiding position
81- Localized heat produces increased capillary permeability, resulting in which effect for the
client with low back pain?
Promotion of muscle relaxation
82- The primary development conflict during middle age is generativity versus stagnation.
Resolution of this conflict may be manifested by:
Establishing lasting relationships
83- Which drug is an example of an adjunct analgesic?
Hydroxyzine (Vistaril)
84- As a child grows and functional abilities and skills are achieved, behavioral changes occur.
These changes are referred to as:
85- Which is a common component defining a person’s self-concept?
Role performance
86- Where are the chemoreceptors that sense changes in oxygen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen to
maintain normal arterial blood gas levels located?
87- When initiating an intravenous infusion, it is important for the nurse to:
Cleanse the access site antiseptic solution
88- Which guideline applies to passive range of motion (ROM) exercises?
Body parts are moved smoothly and rhythmically
89- Which step should be avoided when bathing a client with a history of deep vein thrombosis
Using long, firm strokes when washing from the ankles to knees
90- Which disease places the surgical client at increased risk for delayed wound healing?
Diabetes Mellitus
91- Which is an example of a primary health care service?

92- Which action is appropriate for administering gastroenteral feedings?
Aspirate stomach contents and check the pH of the sample
93- A client’s arterial blood gas analysis reveals pH 7.55 PaCO2 40 mmHg, PaO2 96, bicarbonate
level 32 mEq/L. The client is experiencing:
Metabolic alkalosis
94- Which action may result in an incorrect medication dose when an adult client is self-
administering a metered dose of inhaled medication? The client:
Tilts his head forward, depresses canister, and inhales slowly
95- Which is the correct procedure for administering ophthalmic drops?
Instill the prescribed number of drops onto the lower conjunctiva sac
96- Which technique is contraindicated when suctioning a client’s tracheostomy?
Applying suction for 15-20 seconds
97- Which is a common manifestation of the normal grieving process?
Sleep disturbances
98- Which barrier to therapeutic communication is used by the nurse who says, “You’ve got
nothing to worry about, everything will be fine?”
Giving false reassurance
99- Nursing diagnoses differ from medical diagnoses in that nursing diagnoses:
Focus on client responses to actual/potential health problems
100-Which action is completed first when removing contaminated clothing after caring for a client in
protective isolation?
Untie gown at the waist

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