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Advanced Hospital Management System

1.1 About the project
My project Advanced Hospital Management System includes registration of patients,
storing their details into the system and also computerized billing in the pharmacy, and
labs. Our software has the facility to give a unique id for every patient and stores the
details of every patient and the staff automatically. It includes a search facility to know
the current status of each room. User can search availability of a doctor and the details of
a patient using the id.
The Advanced Hospital Management System can be entered using a username
and password. It is accessible either by an administrator or receptionist. Only they can
add data into the database. The data can be retrieved easily. The interface is very user-
friendly. The data are well protected for personal use and makes the data processing very

2.1 Introduction
System Analysis is the detailed study of the various operations performed by the system
and their relationships within and outside the system. Analysis is the process of breaking
something into its parts so that the whole may be understood. System analysis is
concerned with becoming aware of the problem, identifying the relevant and most
decisional variables, analyzing and synthesizing the various factors and determining an
optimal or at least a satisfactory solution. During this a problem is identified, alternate
system solutions are studied and recommendations are made about committing the
resources used to design the system
Here in the project Advanced Hospital Management System, a detailed study of
existing system is carried along with all the steps in system analysis. An idea for creating
a better project was carried and the next steps were followed.
Existing system refers to the system that is being followed till now. Presently all the
hospital functionalities are done manually. That is if a patient want to consult a doctor he
can visit their till his chance called. This is make the person very difficult. Out_Patient
and In_Patient tickets are distributed directly. The main disadvantage is time consuming.


1.Lack of security of data.
2.Time consuming.
3.Consumes large volume of paper work.
4.Manual work
5.No direct role for the higher officials.

To avoid all these limitations and make the system working more accurately it needs to
be computerized.

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The aim of proposed system is to develop a system of improved facilities. The

proposed system can overcome all the limitations of the existing system. The system
provides data accuracy and save disc space. The existing system has several
disadvantages and many more difficulties to work well. The proposed system tries to
eliminate or reduce these difficulties up to some extent. The proposed system will help
the user to consume time. The system requires very low system resources.


The Hospital management system software is user-friendly software. The main
objectives of the system is which shows and helps you to collect most of the information
about Hospitality and Medical Services The system is very simple in design and to
implement. The system requires very low system resources and the system will work in
almost all configurations.
The main objectives of the proposed system can be enumerated as follows:
•Patients are easily allocated to the doctors.
•Doctors Search is possible.
•Today’s patient list help doctors to search their patients


The system is very simple in design and to implement. The system requires very low
system resources and the system will work in almost all configurations.
Security of data.
Ensure data accuracy’s.
Administrator controls the entire system.
Reduce the damages of the machines.
Minimize manual data entry.
Greater efficiency.
User friendly and interactive.
Minimum time required.


A feasibility analysis usually involves a through assessment of the

operational(need), financial and technical aspects of a proposal. Feasibility study is the
test of the system proposal made to identify whether the user needs may be satisfied
using the current software and hardware technologies, whether the system will be cost
effective from a business point of view and whether it can be developed with the given
budgetary constraints. A feasibility study should be relatively cheap and done at the
earliest possible time. Depending on the study, the decision is made whether to go ahead
with a more detailed analysis.

When a new project is proposed, it normally goes through feasibility assessment.

Feasibility study is carried out to determine whether the proposed system is possible to
develop with available resources and what should be the cost consideration. Facts
considered in the feasibility analysis were.

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•Technical Feasibility
•Economic Feasibility
•Behavioral Feasibility


Technical feasibility includes whether the technology is available in the market for
development and its availability. The assessment of technical feasibility must be based on
an outline design of system requirements in terms of input, output, files, programs and
procedures. This can be qualified in terms of volumes of data, trends, frequency of
updating, cycles of activity etc, in order to give an introduction of technical system.
Considering our project if is technically feasible. Advanced Hospital Management
System with its emphasis on a more strategic decision making is fast gaining ground as a
popular outsourced function.


This analysis involves how it will work when it is installed and the assessment of
political and managerial environment in which it is implemented. People are inherently
resistant to change and computers have been known to facilitate change. The new
proposed system is very much useful to the useful to the users and there for it will accept
broad audience from around the world.


Operating System : Windows 2000/XP
Font end : Visual Basic 6.0
Back end : MS Access
Design Tool : Data Flow Diagram


Processor : X86 Compatible processor with 1.7 GHz Clock speed
RAM : 512 MB or more
Hard disk : 20 GB or more
Monitor : VGA/SVGA
Keyboard : 104 Keys
Mouse : 2 buttons/ 3 buttons


Visual Basic 6.0 is Microsoft’s latest version of the Visual Basic Programming language.
Although writing programs can be a tedious chore at time. Visual Basic reduces the
effort required on your part, and makes programming enjoyable. Visual Basic makes
many aspects of programming as simple as dragging graphics objects on to screen with
your mouse.

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Visual Basic 6.0 is more than just a programming language; the secret to Visual
Basic is in its name” Visual”. With to days Windows Operating System, a program must
be able to interact with the screen. Keyboard, mouse and printer graphically.
The environment provided by Visual Basic is suitable for any type of application.
Using this environment, the user can visually design the objects that your application
uses. Visual Basic is not just a languages, it’s an integrated development environment in
which you can develop, run, test and debug your applications. The impressive array of
programming resources provided by Visual Basic enables to create the objects
extemporaneously which can range from pop-up menu to a message box.
A form is a major part of Visual Basic application, which allows the user to enter
the data as well as view the result. A control is an object that we draw on a form to
enable or enhance user interaction with an application. Hence a Visual Basic application
is a combination of object like forms and controls, procedures that can respond to Events
and other general-purpose procedures.
Visual Basic (VB) is an event-driven programming language. This is called because
programming is done in a graphical environment unlike the previous version BASIC
where programming is done in a text only environment and executed sequentially in
order to control the user interface. Visual Basic enables the user to design the user
interface quickly by drawing and arranging the user elements. Due to this spent time is
saved for the repetitive task.
Visual Basic is an event-driven language. Visual Basic is governed by an event
processor. That means that nothing happens in a Visual Basic project until some event
occurs. Once an event is detected, the project finds a series of instructions related to that
event, called an event procedure.
An event is an action recognized by a form or the control. Event driven applications
execute basic in response to an event. Each form and control in Visual Basic has a
predefined set of events. If one of these events occurs and there is code in the associated
event procedure, Visual Basic invokes that code.

Following is the sequence of events in an event driven applications.

a)The application starts and a form is loaded and displayed.
b)The form (or a control on the form) receives an event. The event might be caused by
the user (For example, a key stroke), by the system (For example, a timer event), or
indirectly by your code.
c)If there is code in the corresponding event procedure, it executes.
d)The application waits for the next event.

Features of Visual Basic:

1. Good User Interface.
2. OLE Features.
3. Windows API Features.
4. 32 bit Programming Languages.
5. Data Management
6. Online Help
7. Data Access.
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Microsoft Access
Microsoft Access is the default database of Microsoft Visual Basic. Microsoft Access
2003 provides many new features that make working with data and designing a database
even easier. Microsoft Access Database is a collection of data and objects related to
particular topic or purpose. Microsoft Access Database may contain tables; queries,
forms, reports, macros modules and shortcuts top data access pages.

Microsoft Access is a Relational Database Management System. Using Access we can

organize our data according to subject and can store information about how different
subject are related. In general MS-Access database can have several small tables.

Microsoft Office Access, previously known as Microsoft Access, is a relational database

management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database
Engine with a graphical user interface and software development tools. It is a member of
the 2007 Microsoft Office system.

Access can use data stored in Access/Jet, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or any ODBC-
compliant data container (including MySQL and PostgreSQL). Skilled software
developers and data architects use it to develop application software. Relatively unskilled
programmers and non-programmer "power users" can use it to build simple applications.
It supports some object-oriented techniques but falls short of being a fully object-oriented
development tool.

Access was also the name of a communications program from Microsoft, meant to
compete with ProComm and other programs. This proved a failure and was dropped.
Years later Microsoft reused the name for its database software.

Access is used by small businesses, within departments of large corporations, and by

hobby programmers to create ad hoc customized desktop systems for handling the
creation and manipulation of data. Access can be used as a database for basic web based
applications hosted on Microsoft's Internet Information Services and utilizing Microsoft
Active Server Pages ASP. Most typical web applications should use tools like
ASP/Microsoft SQL Server or the LAMP stack.
Some professional application developers use Access for rapid application development,
especially for the creation of prototypes and standalone applications that serve as tools
for on-the-road salesmen. Access does not scale well if data access is via a network, so
applications that are used by more than a handful of people tend to rely on Client-Server
based solutions. However, an Access "front end" (the forms, reports, queries and VB
code) can be used against a host of database back ends, including JET (file-based
database engine, used in Access by default), Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and any other
ODBC-compliant product.
One of the benefits of Access from a programmer's perspective is its relative
compatibility with SQL (structured query language) —queries may be viewed and edited
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as SQL statements, and SQL statements can be used directly in Macros and VBA
Modules to manipulate Access tables. Users may mix and use both VBA and "Macros"
for programming forms and logic and offers object-oriented possibilities.
MSDE (Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine) 2000, a mini-version of MS SQL Server
2000, is included with the developer edition of Office XP and may be used with Access
as an alternative to the Jet Database Engine.
Unlike a modern RDBMS, the Access and the Jet Engine implements database triggers
and stored procedures in a non-standard way. Stored Procedures are implemented in
VBA, and Triggers are only available from embedded Forms. Both Triggers and Stored
procedures are only available to applications built completely within the Access database
management system. Client applications built with VB or C++ are not able to access
these features. Starting in MS Access 2003 (Jet 4.0), there is a new syntax for creating
queries with parameters, in a way that looks like creating stored procedures, but these
procedures are still limited to one statement per procedure. Microsoft Access does allow
forms to contain code that is triggered as changes are made to the underlying table (as
long as the modifications are done only with that form) and it is common to use pass-
through queries and other techniques in Access to run stored procedures in RDBMSs that
support these.
In ADP files (supported in MS Access 2003 and later), the database-related features are
entirely different, because this type of file connects to a MSDE or Microsoft SQL Server,
instead of using the Jet Engine. Thus, it supports the creation of nearly all objects in the
underlying server (tables with constraints and triggers, views, stored procedures and
UDF-s). However, only forms, reports, macros and modules are stored in the ADP file
(the other objects are stored in the back-end database).

The most creative and challenging face of the system development is System Design. It
provides the understanding and procedural details necessary for implementing the system
recommended in the feasibility study. Design goes through the logical and physical
stages of development.

In designing a new system, the system analyst must have a clear understanding of
the objectives, which the design is aiming to fulfill. The first step is to determine how the
output is to be produced and in what format. Second, input data and master files have to
be designed to meet the requirements of the proposed output. The operational phases are
handled through program construction and testing.

Design of a system can be defined as a process of applying various techniques and

principles for the purpose of defining a device, a process or a system in sufficient detail
to permit its physical realization. Thus system design is a solution to “how to” approach
to the creation of a new system. Thus important phase provides the understanding and the
procedural details necessary for implementing the system recommended in the feasibility
study. The design step provides a data design, architectural design, and a procedural

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In the input design, user-oriented inputs are converted into a computer based
system format. It also includes determining the record media, method of input, speed of
capture and entry on to the screen. Data entry accepts commands and data through a
keyboard. The major approach to input design is the menu and the prompt design. In each
alternative, the user’s options are predefined. The data flow diagram indicates logical
data flow, data stores, source and destination. Input data are collected and organized into
a group of similar data. Once identified input media are selected for processing.

In this software, importance is given to develop Graphical User Interface (GUI),

which is an important factor in developing efficient and user-friendly software. For
inputting user data, attractive forms are designed. User can also select desired options
from the menu, which provides all possible facilities.

Also the important input format is designed in such a way that accidental errors
are avoided. The user has to input only just the minimum data required, which also helps
in avoiding the errors that the users may make. Accurate designing of the input format is
very important in developing efficient software. The goal or input design is to make entry
as easy, logical and free from errors.


In the output design, the emphasis is on producing a hard copy of the information
requested or displaying the output on the CRT screen in a predetermined format. Two of
the most output media today are printers and the screen. Most users now access their
reports from a hard copy or screen display. Computer’s output is the most important and
direct source of information to the user, efficient, logical, output design should improve
the systems relations with the user and help in decision-making.

As the outputs are the most important source of information to the user, better
design should improve the system’s relation and also should help in decision-making.
The output device’s capability, print capability response time requirements etc should
also be considered form design elaborates the way output is presented and layout
available for capturing information. It’s very helpful to produce the clear, accurate and
speedy information for end users.


The general theme behind a database is to handle information as an integrated whole. A
database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum redundancy to serve
many users quickly and effectively. After designing the input and output, the analyst
must concentrate on database design or how data should be organized around user
requirements. The general objective is to make information access, easy, quick,
inexpensive and flexible for other users. During database design, the following objectives
are concerned:-
•Controlled redundancy
•Easy to learn and use
•More information and low cost
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The database file used in the system is :

Table Name: Login

This table stores the details about the login .User login table contains the fields username
and password.

Field Name Data Type Description

User Name Text User Name
Password Text User Name

Table Name: Admin Registration

This table stores the details about the admin .Admin registration table contains the fields
username and password.

Field Name Data Type Description

User Name Text User Name
Password Text User Name

Table Name: User Registration

This table stores the details about the user registration. The User Registration table
contains the fields.

Field Name Data Type Description

Name Text User Name
Age Integer Age
Sex Text Sex
Address Text Address
Phone no Long Phone Number
User Name Long User Name
Password Long Password

Table Name: Doctor Registration

This table stores the details about the doctor registration. The Doctor Registration table
contains the fields.

Field Name Data Type Description

Dr name Text Doctor Name
Sex Text Sex
Dept Text Department
Consultation time Integer Consultation Time
Address Text Address
Contact no Long Contact Number
Emergency no Long Emergency Number
Consult fee Long Consultation fees
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Date Date/Time Date

Consultation da Text Consultation Day
Tot pat DoubleTotal Patient

Table Name: Patient Details

This table stores the details about the Patient. The Patient Details table contains the fields.

Field Name Data Type Description

Name Text Name
Age Integer Age
Sex Text Sex
Address Text Address
Doctor Text Doctor
Patient id Text Patient id
Reg fee Double Registration fees
Admin Date Date/Time Admitted Date
Room no Integer Room Number

Table Name: Medicine

This table stores the details about the medicine. The Medicine table contains the fields.

Field Name Data Type Description

Medname Text Medicine Name
Medtype Text Medicine Type
Amt Double Amount
Expdate Date/Time Expiry Date
Stock Double Stock

Table Name: Discharge Sheet

This table stores the details about the discharge. The Discharge Sheet table contains the
Field Name Data Type Description
Patient id Double Patient id
Name Text Name
Doctor Text Doctor
Remark Text Remark
Totbill Double Total Bill
Date Date/Time Date

Table Name: Blood Bank

This table stores the details about the Blood donors. The Blood Bank table contains the
Field Name Data Type Description
Name Text Name
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Age Integer Age

Sex Text Sex
Address Text Address
Phone No Integer Phone Number
Blood Group Text Blood Group

Table Name: Eye Bank

This table stores the details about the eye donors. The Eye Bank table contains the fields.

Field Name Data Type Description

Name Text Name
Age Integer Age
Sex Text Sex
Address Text Address
Phone No Integer Phone Number

Testing is a process to show the correctness of the program. Testing is needed to show
completeness, t improve the quality of the software and to provide the maintenance aid.
Some testing standards are therefore necessary reduce the testing costs and operation
time. Testing software extends throughout the coding phase and it represents the ultimate
review of configurations, design and coding. Based on the way the software reacts to
these testing, we can decide whether the configuration that has been built is study or not.
All components of an application are tested, as the failure to do so many results in a
series of bugs after the software is put to use.
Testing involves
•Unit testing
•Integration testing
•Acceptance testing

The first level of test is unit testing. The purpose of unit testing is to ensure that each
program is fully tested.
The second step is integration testing. In this individual program units or
programs are integrated and tested as a complete system to ensure that the software
requirements are met.
Acceptance Testing involves planning and the execution of various types of tests
in order to demonstrate that the implemented software system satisfies the requirements.
Finally our project meets the requirements after going through all the levels of testing.


System Implementation
Implementation includes all those activities that take place to convert from the old
system to the newe system.The new system may be totally new,replacing an existing
system.Proper implementation is essential to provide a reliable system to meet the
organization requirements.Successful implementation may not guarantee any
improvement in the organization using the new system.
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The implementation phase includes the following tasks:

•Careful planning.
•Investigation of the system and constraints.
•Design of methods to achive the change over phase.
•Training of staff in the change over phase.
•Evaluation of change over.
The method of implementation and time scale to be adapted is found out
initially.Next,the system is tested properly and at the same time the users were trained in
the new environment.
In Advanced Hospital Management System implementation process is
successfully .We implement the systen by satisfying all the aspects of the user. All the
procedure are designed to minimise the users resistance to change and make a attitude for
full utilization of the system.

System Maintenance
After the installation phase is completed and the user is adjusted to the changes
created by the new system,evaluation and maintenance is to continue to bring the new
system to the standards. If the new information is consistent with the design
specification,changes have to be made.Maintenance is actually the implementation of the
post implementation review plan.
Maintenance is necessary to eliminate errors in the working system during its
working life and to tune the system to any variation in its working environment.There are
also some errors detected that must be corrected.The quality assurance goal is develop a
procedure for corecting errors and enhancing the software.This procedure improves
quality assurance by encouraging complete reporting and log of problems,ensuring that
reported problems are promptly forwarded to the appropriate group of resolution.
In our project if any error is reported it must be corrected.

The ADVANCED HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is a great improvement over
the manual system using case fields and paper. The computerization of the system has
sped up the process. In the current system, the front office managing is very slow. The
hospital managing system was thoroughly checked and tested with dummy data and thus
is found to be very reliable.

The proposed system is Hospital Management System. We can enhance this system by
including more facilities like billing system, inpatient room allotment for the admitted
patients and the stock details of medicines in the pharmacy.Providing such features
enable the users to include more comments into the system.

A Complete Guide to Programming in Visual Basic .Net
A Complete Visual Basic 6 Training Course: How to Programme: Package
Advanced Programming Using Visual Basic: Version 6.0
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summer training report and lot more.
NOTE:-This work is copyright to its Authors. This is only for Educational Purpose. /

Access 2003 Power Programming with VBA

Advanced MS Visual Basic

Final Year Project's is One place for all Engineering Projects, Presentation, seminar,
summer training report and lot more.
NOTE:-This work is copyright to its Authors. This is only for Educational Purpose.

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