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Mises Memo News from the Ludwig von Mises Institute • Fall 2003

new mega-spending programs that

The Roots of Federal Debt break all records.

How could all this be hap

The issue of government debt the fog begins to fall. Right now, pening at the same time? Has the
and deficits lay dormant for example, we observe the com government learned how to create
throughout the high-revenue ing together of three trends that something out of nothing? Hardly.
1990s. But widi recession and would seem to contradict each The leakage is visible in the federal
exploding government spending, other. deficit, which is estimated to
the issue has become enormously exceed the $600 billion mark, and
important again. Sadly, just about First, many Americans are
receiving refunds on their taxes as the federal debt, which now stands
everyone is missing the central
well as unexpected rebates for at $6.7 trillion. And then there's
point, which is not that we need
budget reform so much as drastic money already paid into die fed the problem of unfunded liabilities
monetary reform. eral system. Second, government in die system itself, which exceed
revenue has actually fallen for $44 trillion.
Federal finance is a shell game
of such complexity and trickery nearly three years in a row, due Of course diese numbers, as
that it makes state-level finance, to not to tax cuts but to lower eco staggering as they arc, are too
say nothing of family finance, nomic growth. Third, govern large to really comprehend. It is
appear simple by comparison. At ment spending is soaring, with not even possible to comprehend
the state level, the government defense and nondefense spending the sheer size of the daily increase
takes money from its citizens increases breaking all postwar in the national debt: $1.72 billion.
through taxes. The taxes can be on records. Meanwhile, Congress The very meaning of these num
land, goods, sendee, or income. and the President are instituting bers boggles the mind.
The government spends the
money it takes in. If die money
comes up short, the government
Federal Government Debt
tries to issue bonds and get people
to buy diem. Or it raises taxes. If
it can't do that, it cuts die budget
or seeks a federal subsidy. There g $6,000 •.
are no other options.
$5,000 ••
State governments fleece tax •a

payers at ever}' turn, of course, but

at least it is hard to disguise. The
states embarked on massive new
spending in die 1990s before die
revenue dried up. States are now
struggling to raise new revenue -a $1,000--
through bond sales and taxes,
while avoiding necessary cuts.
When you move from die state C*»0*>O^C»CtGfct^C^C»C^O'tCT'»0">©©
T-l-T-T-I-r-T-1— *- T-T-r-i— N N

to the federal level of government,

Your finances are not the first
concern of its primary clients, the
large banks and the government,
that established the central bank.
Federal Receipts and Outlays, 1941-2003
It is short-term thinking at work.
In the institution of die central
bank, the government has the ulti
mate tool to permit its profligacy
to continue without check and
without regard to the future.
If the Fed, the sponsor of die
ultimate check-kiting scheme, is so
dangerous for society, why doesn't
somebody do something about it?
For years Congressman Ron Paul
of Texas, distinguished counselor
to the Mises Institute, has worked
The following question is that enjoys the monopoly privilege to restore the gold standard,
basic but hardly ever asked: given to create out of diin air all the because it would mean the aboli
that this debt cannot be paid, and money it wants to create. Fed gov tion of central banking and the
nobodv reallv believes it can be, ernor Ben Bernanke is right that instituting of sound monev that
how is it that the federal govern the Fed is capable of bailing out would keep government in check
ment can continue to borrow so even the worst debt crisis by and stabilize economic growth
much even as taxes are marginally merely creating unlimited supplies and inflation.
cut and spending expands at a of dollars. Mises wrote about this But he is unusual: a statesman
record pace in the midst of a lack as early as 1912, and he saw the who understands die issue and
luster economy?
grave costs for society. cares enough about America's
If individuals or corpora future to push a program diat
What are those costs? An
tions—or state governments, for would benefit everyone but the
inflated money supply distorts the
that matter—were this much in banking/government elite. What
debt, they would see the value of structure of production and leads
to serious investment miscalcula
about everyone else? They either
their existing debt on the market lack the economic education to
downgraded. They would no tions. It drives down the value of
understand it or just have no real
longer be creditworthy. They the dollar on the international
incentive to do the right thing.
would default and be bankrupt. exchange. It provokes a decline in
The profligacy would come to an the purchasing power of each indi
end. vidual unit, thereby gutting savings
How is it diat the federal gov and discouraging thrift. It redis
ernment is able to accumulate all tributes wealth from the produc
this debt and still market its notes tive to the government-connected.
all over the world? The answer to As die recent experience of Zim
die riddle is understood by the babwe shows, inflation can literally
Austrian School: the Fed, the turn a society and culture upside
agency of the federal government down.

Even the Fed would regret the

consequences of such actions.
The Mises Memo is published quarterly Why, then, does it continually
by the Ludwig von Mises Institute. Vol
ume 9, No. 3. Copyright © 2003 by the
promise to drive interest rates
Ludwig von Mises Institute, 518 West down to zero if need be? Why do
Magnolia Ave., Auburn, Alabama 36832-
4528; 334-321-2100; fax 334-321-2119;
its spokesmen never tire of empha; sizing that the whole banking sys
tem is insulated from failure?

News from tiii-: Ludwig von Mises Institute Faij. 2003

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Fro;;; te/fc; Summer Fellows Andrei Kreptul, Anlero Atilla, Art Garden, Bob Murpin/, and Daniel McCarthy

We live under what Paul Gott consequences as a society, people appreciated having access to such
fried calls the managerial state— are going to demand answers. a great library and being permitted
which is to say a seemingly perma Ideally, the system would be the freedom to research and write
nent bureaucratic government fixed before a crisis that results in a around colleagues who know and
subject to little effective demo complete financial meltdown. understand the Austrian/libertar
cratic control, that attempts to Given what we know about Wash ian tradition. •
plan every aspect of society ington today, however, the crisis
though it has no real stake in the will not be stopped but will result Prosperity, War.
outcome of its failures. In this in upheavals of a kind and degree and Depression
respect the modern state is very that cannot be known in advance.
different from its medieval prede One look at the debt, the con
There arc ways around it, of
cessor in which the king took per course: put an end to the reckless tinuing economic bog, and
sona] responsibility for the out ness and the institutions like the
the government's response shows
come of his decisions. Fed that make it possible. • that we could be in for very tough
times ahead. The government's
Under today's system of gov lust for war and welfare guarantees
ernment, there are few mecha Summer Students continued exorbitant spending.
nisms in place that operate as an The Fed will be called on more
What a wonderful group of
effective check on public looting. and more to be the final purchaser
student fellows we had this
The framers of the constitution of treasury debt. Will there be a
year at the Miscs Institute. They
didn't imagine institutions such as have universally reported an soft landing and a restoration of
the central bank, the income tax, extremely valuable experience of sanity? If not, how bad could the
and a permanent bureaucratic research and learning. They came calamity be? Will it be a Japanese-
class, nor did they imagine the from universities around the coun style stagnation or will it all end in
explosive growth of the welfare- try and the world, mostly graduate one great crisis, such as a massive
warfare state that these institu students but also some outstand run on the dollar?
tions would underwrite and ing undergraduates. They pre Dealing with dicse topics and
entrench in public life. sented papers and benefited from more is the Mises Institute's Sup
One check on power does critiques from our in-house faculty porters Summit (October 24—25,
remain, and it is the one that has and visiting scholars. The research 2003, in Auburn): "Prosperity,
been most effective from time topics covered a huge range: sci War, and Depression." Speakers
immemorial: public opinion. In entific method, monetary policy, will unmask wrongheaded theo
light of the impending bankruptcy international trade, war history, ries of the business cycle that dom
of the federal government at our secession, business cycle theory, inate the business press and the
expense, we might demand to antitrust, property rights theory, academic journals. They will take
know: where is the outrage? At interest rates, financial markets, on the central planners who think
some point, when it becomes clear and many other areas. that Big Government is precisely
that the present level of profligacy A common comment from what a recession needs most. They
cannot continue, and we lace the the students was how much thev will address the problem of

Fall 2003 News from tiik Ludwig vox Mises Institute

deficits, spending, warmongering,
trade interventions, SEC regula
tions, lawsuit mania, and all the
other factors that are forestalling

Mises Institute scholars will

give you an inside look into the
latest issues and arguments that
are driving the current debate, and
show how die Austrian School of
economics is working to advance a
logical, liberty-minded response.
Come to support our work, and
learn from experts in economics,
history, philosophy, and law. We
will also present the 2003 Gary G.
Schlarbaum Prize for Lifetime
Achievement in Libcrtv to Con
gressman Ron Paul of Texas.
Students and faculty of the 2003Mises University
Among the speakers: Sean
Corrigan, Roger Garrison, Mor
gan Reynolds, Joseph Salerno, state of the economy as well as knowledge of the Austrian contri
Peter Klein, Ron Paul, Burt freedom and its future. • bution and teach it in their class
Blumert, Jeffrey Tucker, Walter rooms.
Block, Joseph Stromberg, David
The interest in the economics
Gordon, Thomas Di Lorenzo, The Mises University
of the Austrian School both here
Mark Thornton, Hans-Hermann T h e 18th annual Mises Univer
and abroad is expanding at a dra
Hoppe, John V Denson, Ralph sity was the largest ever. With matic rate. Sadly, we had to turn
Raico, Jorg Guido Hiilsmann, and a high-powered faculty and a deserving students away, more this
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. schedule offering an integrated year than ever before. That's why
This will not only be an educa understanding of economic sci the Mises Institute has taken a big
tional conference but an exciting; ence, this year once again proved step for 2004. We will be holding
and fun one as well, as arc all our why this program has achieved two separate Mises Universities,
annual Supporters Summits. Held such international renown. After one at the beginning of the sum
at the Mises Institute with its all these years of holding this pro mer (June 6-12) and one at the
remarkable libraries and grounds, gram, thanks to the benefactors of end (August 1-7). This way we can
this is an occasion to hear what the the Mises Institute, more working double the number of people who
Austrians are saying about the economists than ever before have can come through our programs.

From left: Summer Fellows Devlin Cooper, Jan Havel, Jeffrey Cleveland, Jeremy Livingston, and Marcus Verhaugh

News from tiik l.umvir. von Misks Instititk Fall 2003

its applications. As Salerno points
out, Rothbard makes huge
advances over his predecessors, for
example, on monopoly riieory and
the theory of production. It also
contains critiques of contemporary
neoclassical and Keynesian theories
and a critical analysis of state inter

When our first reprint came

out in a student edition, it became
a huge seller once again, taking on
a significance that can only be
compared with Mises's own
Human Action. And yet this edi
tion lacked something extremely
important: the last section of the
book, which only appeared later
and footnotes (Rothbard's fabu
under the title Power and Market.
But die expansion will require lous footnotes!) at the bottom of
(The original publisher took it out
additional financial commitments each page (no more turning to the
on the recommendation of a
on the part of the Mises Institute. back). The care riiat was taken in
reader who was not an economist
It is worth it, given the proven putting this 1,400+ page edition
but rather a Gold War military
effectiveness of this program. We together, along with the quality of
welcome your support for this the paper, binding, and printing,
teaching program, which does so We are very pleased to will insure that this edition imme
much to make up for the failures announce the publication ofMan, diately becomes definitive.
of academia to expose students to Economy, and State with Power and Man, Economy, and State has
the economics of freedom. • Market in its first fully unified edi special value for the student of
tion, available in early 2004. It is economics because it takes on the
exactly as Rothbard originally apparatus of theory that is still
The Rothbard Moment
intended it. Our edition is entirely being taught in classrooms today
How important is Murray new, with an introduction by and provides a point-bv-point
Rothbard's Man, Economy, Joseph Strombcrg that uses new Austrian alternative. Anvonc who
and State in the history of ideas? material from the Rothbard reads this book cover to cover—as
In an essay appearing in the Quar archives at the Institute, a magnif the prose invites you to do—as a
terlyJournal ofAustrian Economics, icent index for scholarly purposes, graduate student, an undergradu
Joseph Salerno wrote: ""The ate, or an interested adult, will be
revival of Austrian economics as a profoundly affected by its argu
living scientific movement can be ments, which are both rigorous
dated from the publication of and inspiring. Power and Market
Rothbard's Man, Economy, and alone is so powerful a case for the
State in 1962." He calls it "a con free market as to leave no escape
tribution to Austrian economics hatch for any government inter
and to pure economics in general vention.
that ranks as one of the most bril
It is a shame that the authentic
liant performances in die history edition of the classic diat Roth
of economic thought." bard wrote fully 40 years ago is
The book, written in scintillat only now coming into print. And
ing prose, deduces the entire cor yet the good news is that at last
pus of economictheory step by step this remarkable work on the his
from its theoretical foundations to tory of ideas, the book that makes

Fall 2003 News i-rom the l.nnvic, von Mises Institute

From left: Summer Fellows Mason Drake, MatusPetrik, Paul Cwik, Perhlenrik Hansen, and Peter Anderson

such a technically competent, sys private police to protect the places see in the hands of friends, family,
tematic, and sweeping case for the we shop. and students.
economics of liberty, will at last These are all commercial func It is a collection based on our
appear and be available in early tions. Unlike government, free oldest form of mass communica
2004. •
enterprise actually works. There is tion: public speaking. These
a profit and loss test. You can shop speeches introduce ideas at greater
What Defense? around to get the most for your length, and apply them to the cur
he latest GDP figures from dollar. Imagine if the only locks rent moment in a way that holds
T the government reveal that the were issued by the government.
Or if government were responsible
people's attention. The prose is
more immediate and more rhetor
bulk of it is artificial, based in large
part on government spending for for all insurance coverage. Yet ical in the classical sense, since
purposes of "defense." Now, even somehow we put up with taxation speeches seek to persuade and
if you believe that military spend to hind a national-security appara motivate.
ing makes us more secure, it is pre tus that consumes half a trillion The book begins witii eco
posterous to think that it adds to dollars a year, stirs up trouble nomics, and explains why Austrian
prosperity. Like all government around the globe, and makes us economics matters, how the Fed
transfers of wealth, money vulnerable to terrorism. eral Reserve brings on the business
siphoned off the private sector in This new book, guaranteed to cycle, why we need private prop
order to build missiles and bombs cause a commotion, includes 11 erty and free enterprise, the unrec
only makes us poorer. chapters by top scholars on all ognized glories of the capitalist
But does it even make us more aspects of defense. Indeed, it rep
secure? Not according to the con resents the most ambitious
tributors to our spectacular new attempt ever to extend the idea of
volume edited by Hans-Hermann free enterprise to the area called
Hoppe: The Myth of National
Defense (Mises Institute 2003).
"public goods." It will be available Speaking
by year's end. •
The book shows that the national- of Liberty
security state is like the welfare
Speaking of Liberty
state: expensive, unworkable, and
intrusive. Lew Rockwell has done what
Might private enterprise do a many people have urged him
better job than the government? to do for years. He's written a
In some ways, it already does. We book, or, rather, the book has writ
use private security services. We ten itself. The book is called Speak
arm ourselves to protect our fami ing ofLiberty, and already the Con
lies. We insure our property and servative Book Club has made it a
lives. We lock our homes, cars, and selection. It struck the editor as the
places of business. We depend on kind of book people will want to

News FROM the Ludwig von Mises Institute Fall 2003

economy, and why the gold stan die process of preparing those for
dard is still the best monetary sys distribution next year.
tem. There are other topics from Also, we held our first summer
taxation (also blown as organized reading session of Man, Economy,
wealth destruction) to the state and State for graduate students.
takeover of medical care. The facultv loved teaching from a
It deals with war: the book that had such a huge impact
founders' views, free trade and on their lives. The students were
international conflict, the problem so pleased to be reading from a
of sanctions, and how war grows book that is so obviously superior
the government and reduces lib to anything they would ever be
erty. The subjects of imperialism, assigned to read in graduate
war propaganda, war and infla school. Every one of die attendees
tion, congress and the presidency, left: with detailed technical knowl
war powers and the constitution, edge that allows them to go toe-
all are covered. Robert Higgs to-toe with any economist from
Next is the subject of Mises another school of thought.
and his work. Here was a man of School and the freedom move As one student wrote us: "The
enormous personal courage, a ment blast into public view. It's no professors' lectures had real depth
model who stood against every wonder that Ron Paul said that if and scholarship. Rothbard's work
form of statism and paid a dear he could he "would enter this was not just summarized, but
price for doing so. Later in the entire book in the Congressional engaged, criticized, and extended.
book, Lew addresses other Record" and Paul Craig Roberts This was a true graduate seminar.
thinkers, including Henry Hazlitt, said that "omnipotent government The feeling was not that we were
Hans Sennholz, EA. Hayek, and, has rarely faced as fierce an intel piously reading holy writ, but that
of course, the great Murray Roth- lectual opponent." • we were being brought into a liv
bard. ing research program with plenty
Finally, the book explains gov of opportunities for all of us to
ernment as the main violator of
A Summer oe Seminars extend the Rothbardian paradigm,
the seven deadly sins, what an The seminars held by the Mises refine it, and apply it." •
American classical liberal of the Institute during the summer
founding era really believed, the attracted members, students, and The Mises Blog
vast gulf that separates the current faculty from around the world. Did you ever watch the news
tax-eating political elite from the There were the two week-long and think: how would the
taxpayers, and why we should be programs with historians Robert Austrian economists respond?
hopeful about the prospects for Higgs and Ralph Raico, which Thanks to the blog (short for web
human liberty, thanks to the role spanned the history of liberty from log), there is now a way to find
that ideas play in shaping history the ancient world to the present out. Austrians post their responses
The book is united by a set of times. What a pleasure it was for to all the important economic
fixed principles: the corruption of those who attended to benefit news, whether it is a new regula
politics, the universality and from such wide learning. The ses tion or die announcement of new
immutability of the ideas of free sions were all recorded. We are in government data that is being
dom, the centrality of sound
money and free enterprise, die —
moral imperative of peace and
trade, the importance of hope and
tenacity in the struggle for liberty,
^^^ Mises Economics
and the need for everyone to join
the intellectual fight.
This book will sell, and could
be the book diat helps the Austrian
Fall 2000 News from the Ludwio von Mises Institute
wrongly interpreted. The Mises that the Austrian theory has
Economics Blog has proven to be received since Hayek taught there
enormously popular, widi links all in the 1930s. Garrison provides a
over the web and a constant full report on the event in the Fall
stream of visitors through the day 2003 issue of the Austrian Econom
and night. ies Newsletter, or online at http://
The blog also gives us a nice
place to post news on new essays, 23_3_l.pdf. •
monographs, journals, and books
being posted on the Mises site—of Requiesgat in Pace
which there are new ones every We mourn the passing of two
day. The site wages an ongoing Charter Members: William R.
war against interventionists of all Jackson, Sr., entrepreneur and
stripes (even when they call them philanthropist of Pittsburgh, Penn
selves libertarian). We are working sylvania, and former chairman of
on an online edition ofMan, Econ the Pittsburgh-DesMoines Corpo
omy, and State, and some unavail Toby Baxendale andRoger Garrison
at No. 10 Downing Street
ration, and Charles Toops, II of
able classics from the history of Corrales, New Mexico, former
the Austrian School. As the sheer proprietor of Midwest Art and
size of our traffic confirms (we are Coin whose brick at the Institute
the most trafficked think tank in charge has been Roger Garrison, reads "God bless Ludwig von
the world today), is an who was the Hayek Visiting Fel Mises." We are also grateful for
invaluable resource. • low at the London School of Eco the generosity and example of the
nomics in a program co-sponsored late Albert F. Myers of Northville,
by the Mises Institute. Michigan; A.J. Singletary of
Garrison a t LSE
His lecture scries and public Blakely, Georgia; Scott S. Valen
During the 1990s economic speech were enormous hits, and tine of Friendship, Maryland; and
boom, it was difficult to get led to a visit with the economists Norman E. Wright, M.D., of
anyone interested in the Austrian at 10 Downing Street. One might Amarillo, Texas. May they all rest
theory of the business cycle. After say that it is the most exposure in peace. •
all, hadn't the boom-and-bust
cycle been conquered? Of course it
all came to an end, and led to a
resurgence of interest. Leading the

We mourn the passing, and will always be inspired by the
dedication to liberty, ofour benefactors. May they rest
in peace, and may we always strive to be worthy of them.

William R. Jackson, Sr.

Charles Toops, II
Albert F. Myers
A.]. Singletary
Scott S. Valentine
•Norman'E. Wright, M.D,

FA. Hayek

News from the Ludwig von Mises Institute Fall 2003

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