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f'eedbackAmpliflers and Oscillators,

feaibatk pl ... y:s an ~mpmlt<l fill J\t}I~ in OlIlmm.t all dectronk cilicnH:s. 11 is C!lmos~ in wlriiablv used in ~he am~1mie:r to ~lmnmv,O' Us t"ll"dOmMJlt . .liJ and to m~~~"U nr:!.ore- .~delllhl

,~ ~ '''' ,Ir·'"

Ull~ p'r~ess of {eedb~<:k:, a Pi.ut of output i~ smnpleJ! ilnd! fed back to th~ ~np'ln of the

ampMi.e'r. Therefere, at ~npul we h.we t1>-\IYJ' :51gl1la.~s:hlput si~I~[ln.d part of the lQlUtpU~ whkh is f~d back. to ~hei11l!puLBi.lth these :;Olgnab may be ~n phase or out o~ phase .\Nhen htpu t ~~gn1!J~ and part Qf output sigt"lill are in phase". the feedback b ('e leedbadl:.. On 'tlw G'tller hand,when du~'Y ,M:\';' ln on t of pha&e, the If~b~l~~isc;:alh:ld negiltive fee<fbac:k USIi! of positive f~ ... >db;]ck r!:.'ju~t:s it1. ,~.illaliol:lsiJJnd h.e,rtc,t~ not uscdi:n Th~pos~.ij:v~ f~cdbilck isused in oSidl~~lahndrcuil~:s.

[n this chapter, we mtroduca the negaHve roodb'lck amp~~[h::~rs and pOSiltive feedback osdUaW1(l5.

Before proceeding\.vj lh the c:oncepts of feedback.. it is lr~selfu1 to ulnder::;t~u:!d the da~,uicaU!nil1 (lif amp liners bilsOO (If! the nl~gnitndes of tlhcinr~n t ~l!i!d 'oUi'!p~lli!1!1!~ances of an amplifier rel .. Uve to' the source and lead fmpedances, respt~~i'llely'. TIiH: ;lmplifler,s (<'11111 be druilsified into, four bro< VQI.t.lselCUrre!1l.t~ h·iI~'i.COllductal:i'l!~e ilind lFam\ireslst:anoomnpliJiers.

5.2:.1 V,oltage Ampllifiler

Filg. 5.1 stU)WS. a l''hevcttjn's eq\.lbltl~I~.nt eireult e:F,1n ampUHer.

If tih,,~'u~ te5l6t-;ln~ :It, is klrge comparcdwil:IDl Ht~ souree 1.1csi:t'itilno.l R~. then Vi ~. Vs. If the cxtern..:l1 ~mld resist.l.noe R[. ls ]arg~ compared with 'theou'l.p utreststance R.~1' of t'hcl101lpliHtlr, lhenVn :il:i A ¥ Vl .~ A v V~" Suchampli fier d,rcu~l pll~"'r:idc$ <I voltag.e mnpm ~A:lpofiUlon,d to Ute v(lU;a,g~ input Ilnd the pmporl]OI.13[ity factor does n{),t depend on the nla8ln:itflld~!O of the~i)u!Kce ~nd ]o~d resistances, H(;'fic:et ~hi~'lmpMn er is called voltage amp] ifier.. An ideal voHage 'lIlnpli fie:r muslim v:eililfinite inputA1'r5ls~:mil.oe R, arsd zemoutput re!:\ista.11CeR,u. l:'\olr prOl,ctkal vo]f,ag-e ampliHer we [Dust hi1iVe fit! » R~ and Rl. »R.~>.

Copyr'ghted materia

IF~gli' 5 .. '11 'fhev8nii.nilis 8,qlU[ivalent cijrel!.l~ts of~ a VOltII9'Q i8l11lplliifijer' s..2~2 CUlmmnt Am Pi Ii flS11t"

~1: :c:' 2 11 W N" rj.~'~v ']-. t tir . -it ". -1-- -t . -. ""I'ii:i:- 'IIIf ~- --'I"it" - ~---- --I!,nS'. ~"~, s~ _01 _5 1,_{)_~'~Jl! S 'eq]U~,_a erL cireun O~ ,a currem tlmp-, '!I,~,e~', rr (_n.1Lp mer ~[I!IP'U~'

:r,~:s'hTh:ilCG R; ~ O~ then m'! ~ Is, If ii!lm.pruij]~r OUl;ptd' :reSi5it-~]lOO 10 -), C!Qt then,~, ... .Ai [; ~ Sum,

- ---- rfi - -- -y ~ ~I ,. a- - -- -- t h-ii - - t - - -- - ~ - 'nl b.-. ii;'h . -' m . - _! ,I, - -- .JI :&i-'l.-

~.m,p_I~; ._,~ pr'O': l!LA:e5i _~ ro~n;_' 'OU'~,rl.l pro,po~ "o:naw m I~~ ,@' :S\1,~!l,~ curteru, ilniU ''''I;I!e~

pmpo~Honanty factor: iis il1depefiLdef:l'~ of ~01]'K-e' and lead f€~is;t~nc:-e~~, '11l1s ,aImpHfi!er. is ~]]ed (une~.t. ;un~Uf,iie'r;. An. :idea~1 «I,~rent ,iI1m,~'Wi:fiier 'mit1~t l'iii(lrve ~J;;:f~ in,fi~tt f6'islafiJOe Ft~ ,~lriidl

~ ~. ~'-

'inHnne ()'I,tpU~ reg,i:stan,oe Ro" :Fm' ,r-acUcal cumn~ ,~mplUief we ~rUlS~ h~vQ' R. ,<:;(, I,!! ,~ll:u,i

R.~ ><> III '.

~ - 0 er R· <~ IR

l'i'\i )-..... . i, -'$

!t2.,3 Tra ns condudance ,Amplifl;e:1i

'Di" I:: f:Ii 11:.. ...l 'to' I' '·I:L 'TiL. ;,. "1 '.';,

~~~. ,u"J' i$m(j,WS a Itranooorn~fUc:t~n~ ,~m:p,_~I~u~~r w~,u~, ~l ',_ ,~le:V'~nun, ,s eqjUll"va, {!nt :ul 'IJ5, ,lIllpUI,

cirruH and 'Ni(jir-tcrt~, @:q~.i~·,~'~len~ it1il :i'~;8i ou~Ptl'!' clr,~tdt., l'n this, iiim:pH~1ef'~ an O'u~ut: CUflie:r1iJt lSi propordonal to 'the' 'inpii:lt 6:i.;gnal vo'Ua,ge and UU~ propoI:'tio~alUy r~ctgr is ~oo~e:nd,ent ,0-' th-e '[ffl~gn:itudes o:f' "tllil,e' source ilnd, '~O~~, resDS,ta:n:~e$. :~aeEl;~[f,; ~bis a:mp'Ufi,er must 'ha,v,e a'n, in6nim :~npij]]~ 'msisJhln~' Ri atlld intlldt~ OU,llput re5lstanc@' itfl) • Fol" 'pr.1JcHc2l1 tra~oodtu:bl1lC~ am:p~~fi}e;r' w,e '1;WIIl\tsl: h~v,e R ~ :>:>. R,~ ilnd :R.Q )0;> R 1,;,;,

11iOI'.»~! fI,,' '!~

Fig;. 5.3 'Tn1ili'llSCCHlducta nC'8' am~plli'fli@r !t2 .. 4 'Tra,nsresiista Iilee, Am pll i'tier'

'Fig. 5.4, shows ~ i~~r:~n$r~i~tan>ce amplif er 'w:i th a 'N'orton"" 5 equ:i" alen t 'i t'i!l ,j ts i nput .din;ul'~ and a "'rh~'v,en~n;fs ~,'U~~\I'~'~err~ :i'~ H~ g,u Ipli~'~ c,i feu U" In th is a mpUf~er ,iI!, fil, ~'ultl~ut '\0,1 ta,~~ ~s' pmporHon;al to tlh~, input: :sign~1 CUirl.',{iI"Ut: and U~!~, ~p'r'OportiQIiI,il,d.ity :faL:~ol" is :independ!ent on the ,BOiUrce' and, load. resistanoes, Ideally, '~h~,s am.p]ilifii~~r' nlus~ h~rve zero i:niP:U~: ro:lllis;tlJllnee Rj and Zl~,[\O 01ttpu:l n1l\5iis'b'n'U.:~ R~",. For :P'[Bc'!icl'lJ:1 l~ra:rn$re.,slsttIJnc-e" anlllpHfi(1!r l'\\'1@ must have R.~ <:<:It'!" ,lll1l,dj R~,« :!l!)_.

I~l I


f~· 54'

. . , .

II_ ,~, ",. "

5 3·' IIO·""'I!.. Di'~;gli!"§[m"

". " I ,- . ~_"",~ _ 1, .• ;: I, I!!!l!!)_

lu the prevtous :~octj.[jrn1, "'Ie' ,h~!\~,e~ seen four b;':!sh:'a:mp;Hfil€.'f' tyf'·~' end UlJE:'i r 'i de~J

l~ffi1l1i:rii'''Il!!:r,i~H·'''·~\, ln each orne clf t:h~s.c;;-]'if'I."Hli ~~ li!;f~ ran ,~iim: -Je lh..t;>, ''"'''" "i!t._,. - it volta 1J'o<'lii loh'llt 1:-:· ·~;n:l-"

.... __ .. 11;.. . ......... __ ...... _ . _. _._.0;: C ~ ... """_~ .. C '1;,' __ '"_ ._.p .no; !;.!I'I!.W_PU_ -"-,,.gr-';!;01'- 1i..~_.

by tiL"IJ~fi:M of ~ s,u~l~ab'le' $a,mpt~~~; 'iThenwo:t'~, ;:md ,~:pp:ly U11s, .si gn~'~ to the' i,!),pu~ UilJiii't'fUgil ,~ (eed'b-a~k hy'(] port: ,1'iLeb,V'ork)!, as s._h(lW'n, in ll~e 'FiS'., 5.5. Al the' itipu~' Ihe ~~edb, 5iigf,la:1 1i5;, eomblned with the' ,i:filJP:u~ :5~,gnriJ] "lh:r'lIJli~lrli fiJ mixer il1el\"Vu;r'k ,i'uld is ~oo hdo 'the anll,plif'ie:r.

A~ sho'wn In Idle Fi~g. 55 .feedbttlt;':k oofineC.l~ion ~:lI}S LI;'JJu~ 'futtwg:r'~ :

.' ~'lm:p;1 illLS N,~twotk

• F:~.back N,en,\:t'ark.

Elamrolltic, Circuiits,

B gni'li. 'so urea

lFi~g. 5~5 B~oclk. diagram of ,almplifie1f with fBed back ;5,.3~ 1 ,SalrnlpMng Nie'Molrik

TIa~ro ,~ire two 'w'ay~' ~o sample t,h~: ou'!pul~ acw(fiding' to' ~U~ :sa:m:pHfill: :pi1riU'tt;ru~ter.!' -el~:h[!!!Ii" vo~~age or current. The au t~'ld: 'V\olt'a~,~ is, sampled ~Y' e;rornu~c-Ung' l'~e! feedb~ck :!.leltWoit"k, in ~lU1Jt ~~ns~, tfu,e' oU'tput~ as ~dl.iOwn in the" 'F:ig;" 5.if) (~)I. This l~ype: of oortn~\';ti,on W:$, reJ~rred to a :' 'V,[)j,~,~;g;e~, or node, sirm.pli:ng. 'Th~' o't_tllPrt~1 Cl,l,rtie:n I is, ~~:I,tJlL'ph~d by contu~c~tllg I~he ~e€dba!C'i< :1'!If!1! ~:wor:k in. :S ~ "r~th ~he, O~ttp'tdJ' ,~ :s;hown ill!; ~:h~' Fig~, 5.6 '(b)l, nti~; ~~ of i~o:ni:ili~ffi;I.on. :1:8, 'mfer.roo! '~ as 'ct.n']"~trI,t~ or l~Of,j sElm;pHn.g;"


, "

Feedlbaick IfQ~IW,Of~


• ,;.,., ••• ,. , • .J!

' .


5,.3 .. 2 f'eedbae:k; ;Neilwork

l,t, maY' consists of' ~,ist'OiI;"S.!' ~_flpiJljCUQr$\< ,i'Ind ililiduiCmn. Most, often n 'IS ,s~m,:p]y a 'res~tive ~O'nr]g~l:r'i1IUon. It prov:ides 'fiOO1J;jiCOO pO'rt~lDiIl, ,of' fhe ,output as ,Feedb~k S'i,~a~ ~~ the :in:p~'t :m~:xer til~ilwo,t'k. U '~S g]we-n as

Copyr t1t m 'C'rla

Feedback Am pUfiers a;nd 'Oscnlata~

wher,e p~s, a feedbacll(,fadot ()ir l!eedback: ratIo. The symbol, ;~ used in ro(.'dbllck circuits oop~nt::s 1mback. factor whkh .dWOlfs lies be~ 0 and, 1. It is totally dHfeoont from p, syrnbo~ used to rep.rnsent current sa~1'I in ,cQ,immun emi,ltc:r ampHfier. which 1;:; g,f;ll·a~et: than 1.

5.3.3 'Mixer INetwork

Li,keSi'lI.l1!pling, there ,1lrf:e two. 'ways of mrxlng feedback s,igrml with the ~nput5~gl1lcal. 1~he5e are : seriesinpu l: C01ITrnectlon and :~hu:nti:npU!~ 'Wrl,!Jle(Uon: The Pig. S ,,1 (a) and (b) SllH)IW the .simple and very common series Hoop) input<l nd shunt (node) III!lP'lI t eenneetions, respectively.

Source Series mi:xer 'r----""II

I~ ;o;,,.;;a; .... , ,.;,.",.; f,;a; .. ;a;., II; '!- 11; ... ,.;,., ... ": I



" .~

Sou~ce Shun~ mixElir "'- __ """'I!

'".II.,~ ,., .. I ... II;.a; , • .a; I~". .. .. ,~ .. ". ~;a; ,., .".,~

8asic ampillie:r A


• armpliflfu A

'" .

~ _,., •••• '.'.L~I.'."'~

(a} Sorles mlldng

(b) Shuntmb;i~ngl

'Fig'. 5~1

5.3.4iransfer 'Rati,o or Gatn

In Pig!, 5.5. the ratio ·Of d.1te outpUll: ~,tgna!] to the input signa;l. of the b.~sh:;:Jlliinpl.~fieris repr$e'n.t",d by ~hesyn'il.bol A. Th€ su mx- of A ghl~:rl I1II~xt, rep'rl?St~nls thlJ d ln~:~:nl transfer ratios.

• .. (2)r



.,' r(3}

.". {4}

Copyr"ghtcd materia'

Eleclronh:: Circu Its

Feedback Am;pUfien and OscIDamn.

Tbe tour qUi'!nHtic1'i ·l\Vi Aif G~'l and Rm are l'~(l.Jnai t,{) as; a transfer'gM:n oJtnE! basic .. mpmierwH:.I~QUi~ - feedback arid u~of ,onlysym.oo,] Aff!p~n:t any o!"w ()f these qu<m.H~i.e,,,,,

'n1i:e tr~.nsfe, go"lHl~V]Ull feedback is r1!pn?scnted by the sy.mbo~. A f. Ills denned IllS l!he r~Uo o€ ~he Ol.i!~put .s~g!1al b)l the input sigliila) of n\e~mpMnei" U!tJ'ngura~:hm. ,slnowl:f! in Fi,g. 5.5.Hen~e A r h. used to represent anyone of the foUowi_ng .tour ratios :

v;, .1;"

.," t(S)

Fig,. 5,.,B shmvs the tic fl.'lpreM'lntaltion efa feedback ('o.r'linec'tiol1. around ,11 basic (lmpUnet'.RecliIll ltwi" when part of output :slg!!a~1 ;lnd Inpt!ts~gnal are jn out of phase ~he il.'ll:dback ~s called nll:gaHv~~il'edback The schcmaUc: dtii!.gf:!fl:l shown ~n 'Fig, 5,.8 n,'Pn.'S(."1:I!I~ f'lcg~ll:ht~ fefJdo.:lck bCCo1lUSC th(! f(ledb~cks~gn~~ls :{~d back to th~ lnpu~ of Ibei:l:mp.Mtcr Qut of phase wHh ,Inp~.t sjg:rM~J~ of the ,"'~plillex.

comparator or m'i;l(e[

,Dmerenc.e siglllo1ll r----.....,

~~.ioi_ e<li~ic

ampmier A


X$ Inpul, s19naJ

Ollltp:ul sigoo~ _!(j .~ ,Axr_ .

»1"" Ilxi:I IFllIed,bflck ~9:.nall

F,eedback ei~.cuil


5.4 Advantages of Neg!atlv,e Feedback

n is poos,ible tu ~mOl1Ove im.pol'ilant (chamcteristics of rour bil!sk amp1ifier type'S

d~sn.ssOO ~r1I seclio.tni 5.2 by the propkruse Qfnegative feedback. "

.. NOT.01Iany high llflpu.tre!!h.tanoeof a V'o.ltage ~m1liplL£ier OI_", 00 made hi~.

• NonnjilUy low C1lIt;pU t resistance ,of a voltalst! amplifier can be lowered.

Copyr"ghted materia'


• The transfer gi;'!~n Af of the 3111l pU Ii er \,"'i:~h f~db~c:k'i:'!n be st~bU~eda,g!l ~n5~ varlaUoos of tIle h ()f hybdd·~ parameters o~ the trant'llislot' or UiliJ' pilmmeters of the other "lCJti:\t~ dev~ccs Hood il!.1the ~n'lpHn~r"

• TI,e pm:P'C.r U8e o~ n~;gl1lthre ~~'('dtmck ~mpmvC'B ifn:quency :resPQI.1!i;c of Itbc ampUfi.ef"

,_ There js,a $ig,ncillica,n'~improv(:l:llIIl'ot in th,~ l:~ne a r:ity otopera Uonof ~he~iOcd back

~mplm~ comp01!red 'v~lth that of ~h,ci!)tnpliHer 'v~HnotU feedbi;lck.

Key Point ~ AU Ihe l~dUflI1ttl:~'('$ ~m~utiolu:\[l (]bm,l,~ are obi'ah'lt'fl nl. #w e.ll.'l~1"j~~£, of Hie gnin A! ~v.uh fel.·dbl~ckril~htch i:~ l.~nj'~~!ri'd hI c'Om.rm rism~ wiOI flu' 'I1M~!!f(,f gfriu ",1 of an lir/11])lifiIH' mWuJUl fi~I~11J(u;k.

The b.1ls,lcIlI1WI.i.filil'f !ihn~'Wn in Fig, S.S ID;;IY be ~1 \l'O:ll~ge, cu:rrt~ntl tT~nscondudo:lnce, Or 1!];l~li'Istesi:5tan,e amplm~~r. These {,,;i~n be connected ]:r! ~l feedbad·:; con ngu ra UQIi as shown in ~he F~g, 5.9.

~_~I~~ !~~


(0) Tilransconductanceamplifier :wIth Clurrent series feedback

Copyr . gh ted m a1.cri a

IElectronlc Cilreuits


ClJiiT{ll:i,t ampllif,jcr


fc.~ CUrrentampUfler wMlcuoent4htmtfeedback


(di~rl!tanlS!reslsbn.ce amlP~lftell' 'with 'voltage shunt fe.edback Fig. 5.9

5.6 Gain. with ~Feedback

We have ~n, tihesymbol A is used to rep.~ttril:n.c;fer gain of lbe bask a:mpUfier withoutfeedbil'Ck and $ymbo~ A f ~s used to~t trans;fer .~OI!in ·of the basic a:luplifie.r wU'h fcedihar:k. These <!f'C girvcn as

- Xo "-d' Xi'! A = ~ an. Ar=·-.-'

Xi - x~

x 0 OUltput vol~as~ or . ,output' <;:ur~!Ilt

- I

Xiii - Input volfage or: Ll1Iput ,oorrent

X~ -Souroe V10ltilgO o.rsou.lIOO cun'l!._nt As iit is a neg~'l~\l'1~ feedba,J:; there1ati:on between X ~,!lif'ld X~ is· given as!



x,~ - X~ + (- X t )

X f ~ F_back voJta;ge Of f~.b.1£ikcUHHeJII~


x, X

_ ._.""'_ . 0)

x~ Xi +Xr

Copyr . gh ted m a1.cri a

Electronic Circ>u~ts

IFeedback Amlplifi.e:rs and Oscillators

_. A . ..: A ~ X"

~ . .., X:f/Xj Xi



.. , ('1}

Looking a,t equation Wl;l ,can $<11 that gl'lin w:)i:hoot f,~.b<l,k {A) ~;;I!]W;;)y.5greiltef than gain 'with toodback CA/n + P A) ) and ~t decreases wHjh increase in P Lc. increase IIl'I

fetldib,u;:k fa~tQlt. \

- - - ·;O~\i"~ll~~(i; ,amplifi.e[~ ,ga~1:i! w~lh negali~a f,eOObacli:. is given as


5.6.1 Loop, 'Gain

The d:iference si.gna~,:x.. iu Fig .. ,5.8 is mu];UpJicd by A in passin_g ~hro1il.g:hlhe ampIUlet •. is, mult:ip~ied by P in tra:msmlssiooth(1)ugh the feed~d)ck netwnrt. and is ffillUipllred by - 1 jn the mix~ng or difference network. A path ufa signal from, 'input ~erminOJits through bask aJmplifier,lh,f'Ou~h the feedback n.C'twmkO\'lndbolck to the input te!"!ninii'll<\> fQ!llI::< a loop. The gail1lQf tli'dsloop' is the produ.ct -~ This gain is known as loop gain or retum r.di:o.

5,,!6.2 IDesensMMty ,of Gainl

The transfer gain ·of _the amplifierisn.o,t eenstantas lit depends, On the factors: such as opimUi_n_g pomt$ temperatu!fe,elb;. Thiis lack of :stabUlty in Ilimplifiers can bered!llced! by ~ntrOOudng~tivefecd.bilck

We know thali,

Copyr"ghtcd ~<l1cri~

Electronic Ciir,cuits

5 ·~10

Feediback AmpnfiB~ arndOscUlator&'

(~+ ~A) 1- j3-A (I +PAP

dAr -


dAr _ Af

I d>i\ f II

A{ I

dJ. f

... 'l. _ 'Fractional d:KlIl'Ige in ilmp~in('alionwith feedback


~: - fiFilctiQrull ch1linge in amp~~~icalionwithont feedback

LoQkin.g atequatio[:l (3)w~ can saytt.atohange in ~hc gain with feedbacki.s tf?SS Ulan tine (ihange in gain wHlllOul feedback by factot (I '" P A),The fra;c:tiol1ta~ chang~ in ilill1ipUfic-a'lio,n wifh ~feedback d~vided by '~fra'ti~mal chi!;!i'!ge w'ithout fEedback j~ caned the

~eD~Uiv'ity of~ihe trarhsfe't gain. Heno: the :::>e115iUvUyis (1 'I- ~.A ). The reciprocal oftbe

s:ensm\i'ity is (ailed t~ desemi:ti:.vit:y D. .It IS given as,

Therefor:e~. ~tabm:ty of ~heam,pllfier increases with increase in. desensiitiV'Hy. [f P A » 1, the'n



- ~+PA '~'IP,A


- Ii

Copyr'ghted materia'

SiflCli!- A l'epl'eSer'lits eitlwr A"" OM' A I Of RM am!. A r represents tne cmrespond!lng transfer g.'lirIswith feedbaik ,either Ac~., O~n, Al~r or RMf 'the equatiionsigniflcsth'l.t :

... (5)

II .F~f v,O:lhlgcshtwl.t feedback

c _II

RMf ... j3transres,lsta:I:1:QEl giliil:1l 1S'lOO

••. (7)


All' = P Curn;mt gain ls.s<ta:biilized

..... (8')

5.7 Cut Off IFrequencieswilitb Feedback Wg know that"

A,~ -



... m

Ai~w l+PAItJoov

... (2.)

.... (3)

Now we aoo~lyseth.e effect of I n~S4'!tiV'c feedback .OJ:'! luwer c;utoff and uppe.r ,u~Diff frequ.ency ~f n'L(!ilmpmi~r,;

ILower cutoff fl1"8quen,cy

We know n~af~ the rel;ation bertwee!1!gain at~o'W frequency and gMn at mid f'requeJIK:Y. is given as,

1 Amld

(1· ) ;' .. AIg", "', (" f ).

t~.ji·· .. ~ •.. ~~jl·~·1

.... H)

Copyr"ghtcd materia'

ElRtrortlc Circuits



I-"t-r ••••

[ A'~'l

l+~ . III .... '

. Fr.


(I + A ImJdro-{~)

rn.vidir'lS numera,ro![ arid de!Wm.~natQr by 'f 1+ Aliii..'! :p:)weget~.




- ---- ---------------- ----:-:--7---y-- I

.From, ,equation (6),. we can say that lower c:u'toff frequency wif}t teedba,d .. is less tmn lower rutO.~ffreqUMCy wi.thoul £~kbyfactDt (I + A midP)' Theferore~ by I\ll;torooucing neganve feedback tow ftlequencyresponse of the amplifier is impt'Oved.

....• (6)

. !


Copyr"ghted materia'

U,ppar C'uto,ff Frequ!8ncy

Wekn,e,w l!hal. there]aHon between, g;;li~n~t hig~, freque,nc:yi:tn.d gainll~ m~d freqUiI!n.Cy is· ~'!l'ienas,

Ahii~ A mill



ll-·( .. · .. '.'.)·.

- J iH

... (7)

- l-j[ f ]'

(1 '+ A Irm~tl,~)i ft;!. .

A ~rni,d,

., A." .. ~ AI1,tid

- -f nudl ~.I .• 1, A " ,; I,' . . ~ T·n,~!dll'

A ~m.ld,

~ .. (, :f -)1

~-jl. 'r-. _,I :II;U

.' .. (8)

FroHil, equ~t:i~:n (8}, l-ve Can :sa:y that upper curo,ff fmqjuency wHh ~eed,ba.,ik is greillrnr tmu,l' ,up,kr . cUt~Jf lrequency w~Ui!~UJt feedback by fI1JC~t'!f (] ~ A 1I'!io:!'~ Therefere, by ill~rodItldl:1!g.negative 'feedback high frequ~cyresPQI:Ue 'of the ampJifiier ~s imp~rovOO.

Copljr'ghtcd materia

IEliIctron_lc Clrcultl

Thll' bi1Lnd\Yldthof theilimpnfi~r is :givEn as

BW= Upper cutoff frequency - ~owercutoflfrequency _ ·-Bandwidth of the ampliflerwith feedback is gi:~~ as


BWf .... fut ~ rt.f ... (I + AmI<! p) r~ -t-

(1+ Amid fH

It is very dear thM (f~llf - fl.r) :> ,(fil ~ f!,.) and hence ba.ndwidth of ampl:iller with faodbacki:s greater ~han, balldwidth ·of ampUfief wililo'tlt feed.b.a,c!lc~. 8:!iI shown in FIg. 5J O.

, ... (9)


A,mla O".107~d

. ~, ~'.'.~'.'.~~I.'.'.'~'.~I.~I.~~~~~~~'~~'~'~'~'~'~'~~' .. I.~~~~~~'~

.1 II

___ Atmid O.701At·~

~~~ ....... ~~~~~~~~ ....... ~~~~- .. _ Frequen,cy

fu: fl fHI (Hf:

~OI 8W ,~~~-....j


Fllg. 5.10 Effect of negativ. feedback. ,on ,gain Blndl ban dwJcHh

Key Polint ~ Sin',~ bandwidth wftl,lmrgatiw feedback' iUO'M8eS byfoctor n TAil' n.l1d gaJu d~.r(a$t:Sby~amt jrtctof~ ,tI~gaiu·bmult:qidtlr prod,ll"" of au amplifi(t' ,aQf!'S,IQl aU~r¢. ~vJlm negative ftMbflck is il1trodll"od.,

5.8 Dlstortiion with Feedback

S.8 •. ~ IFrequency Distortion

From equaHon (8) of previous sed ton 5, 1we can saylhi1!t iflhe feedback neMotk. does ('lot contain reactiv'ee1emen,ts.the overaU 8iltfl! is note.funenon of fFeqlilOOCY. Under such '':;Q:nditi~ frequency and p'hase distortion ·ils SUIDs,tant1allyr:edllcOO ..

IfP,js. made up ,of reactivcoomponfmt"S, th~ Nactan.ocs of these components w~l~ d:Ml:nge with, changing the It As iii result" gain w~n also change with" This fact i:s used in tuned amp1ifiers. 1.0. .tuned ,amplifiers, feOOibacknetwork is d!eslgned.suchthat· at tuned lreq~encyp -90 0 and at ,other frequen.desp -7 ee, As a result, ampHfierprovLdeshjgh g.lin for s:ilgrt']li at tuned frequency and re]al~.v,elyrejeclt !'III! other

Copyr·ghted materia'

Electronic 'Ci~lts. . . . ~ ;' . ~ . .j ~ i . ~ ~ ~ I I t-€ 15' ~. 'F:18~'lllfters and 'OscJUators

5.8.2 Nolise and NonUnear D,istorflon

Si,gn.a] feedbac:kreducesth.eamounl; of noise s~.gnal and non Uneat dfst'o:dion. ''I'he: fllIC~Ot (1 -Ii- 11 A) red,ures both input noise and rll'SuIHn.g nonlinear distortion ('Or considerable improvement, TInts, noise and non linear d~stortlo.l'iI, a150 reduced by same facter <IS the gam.

lithe feedback$lSMl is added to the Uipllthllsenes with the ilppli.ed voltage (regardl,es5, of wnether tbe feedbil~!k is, obtained by sampli.n,gthe output current' or vo~tage:)~ it ~ne.teilisesth.c Input resistnnce. Since the: fued:bac.k v()~tag~ Vf opposes ~j the Input current ~ i .fu;. less than H would be if Vr were absent, assllow.n in the fig. SJ1.

R Henoo~ th~ ~npul 1\51st'aflC(!

Is t, '" tLt:-_.... _1',. ·R .~. I

'W~I.n ~~Ioago.;' j,f ,= 'r' 15 grea:er


than the input resistance wIthout

I!, leedb.r:u:k,Wr Ithe drcu~t :shown .in

~ ,Fjg. S.U.

On the ~JrtI1lethand, if the

Fig. 5.112 fetldbad;'s, is, added eo the

inpl!.l~t ·irA. shun! with the a.pplied. vuitage (1i(!gaird.~ of whcttU!1 the :futldool;:k is cjbtamw. by sam.pUng: the c.lutpnt volt~ge Or ctlrron~), it de.(:ruases. Um i:rnpru~ resistan.ce. Slnee I" ""I; + Iff the current t, drawa frcm the s.~ignalsouKe ~s increasedJ 'ov~ what U w{mld be if 'there were flO (eed.back Cl.UNmt~ as .m.ownin the Fig. 5.12,

Hence,tti:le iinrputreslst.a,1illCe with .feedback R" = V.I: i is doct\eased .ror' the clrctdt shown J~

5 .• 9 ~I11P:Ut a.nd O,utpLd. Resistances

in Fig. 5.12. N('Iwwesee the effe:;t of l'IIegaiUv,e~ba(.k ('I!!I jnpul resi5tan~-ein dift~n:t tOftlilu,gies i('iNays) :of oogat~Vle reedbac,k an.d obtain R if 'quantilati;vely.

The V{lrut!lie ~Tle:> ~~b~k topology ~howl"l jnrig,. 5, 13 .... UhampUficr i:!i rep~i\~ by Theve-nil:il·snl.odel. Here, A~rep'resents the ()pen-c.irc:Ui~~ v,ol.tas~gain ta,king R~ huo

Copyr·ghtcd materia'

Bam'Dolic Cfllrellllilts,i'~ll mA »: .. ' ;.~ f ~ F'aedbaclk, ,AmpUl. andl Dscma,tor&

-- -'-':~E"III""'''''';;;: --''''I.:!~m!l''!II!inrillll!lIil'''_''l! •• ''III.iII"iIIl'~~''I ... ~;w;, - 31'1 'T'

t'iiOCD1i:J'n,t,,, slnce thr.oo:g;h~ult· I~'he d tsctlss:i.on. df .~bad;. ,i1i • .p:Ufl~:r5' we· wU] COJiU~~d~ll' '~i1l: I~O be ~l'rt of' th~ ,~,m"llf'i~r' ~nd. W~i wHI. drop' the s\lbscr~p"t' '00, 'the' tt:"ansfe]~' g:,Hill ,and input Ms'is~:Il;ne·e fA \1 h~stead of A '1fJl and R if ht~tei'u;1 ed' R"rl )\.

L s, ~

1=1 - - _

-. Slot. H- _._3

'I' ....... IL. i.'i." ·~l·'iil!'· 5' 1'3,', It]-,.,,;::. 'ji;"i;p"I1ifll. ¥107i;~'·I~'t,......,;i'!\I!Ii u.~: ... L, .l=,a,Ji'l!..~-t. ~e' 'D'1UBn' ' .. c !Lt\J.u~ !~L Ir, -b'I' .~ ',I~ ,I~~ ~,~ _ .,~'~ ,I,I~~_~ .. (;~~,~.'-m~ ")T~ ~ty,~ ~_t;_",~,UJ(Ii~, ~ er!!"~ 'b-_' -'Iii ~~

_ f'lil)'

~J iE .. ' \ [Ill .

Appi'lyin.g 'KVL h) t,\'le' :inpu,t' :s:ide 'W'!;!! ,1~Uj'

''I , 'I' '0, ''I'

T~ =, I i [!Ij,_~, =y,~,

,', • 0,

.,. 'Of (2.)

~ .. , (3)


Av·RL '-'Ro 'i- 'RlL

IKe,' Pol'n-t:~ A~, re~:en~s ~~,.e ~jm, drC!iit 1JO,1,tnge' pi~j wiih~~,t· /tedmd( Itu~d Ay is t:li~ w1t~8)'e 8'4'i~~ ~vitlw'ul foed~'Cl 'dJ~;g' "''Ie Foo,d' Rt iidp a~u"d),.

Subs:t~tutins: 'v',alue of' V~, from equcdion (3) in iequation, 1(,2) 'we ,get~

:F,eadback Amplifiers and a.cur.tots

•. ,' (IS)

Th.ecu:mmt .series, f,eedbru:k topo~ogy is shown. tn 'iPig" 5014 wUhan1!pl,i,JiJer in!pu'tcil"'(;uit ~srepresel1lted by Th.e:venin's equivaJ!m~ Ci1"!CUilt and ou'lput ,circuit by Norton's equ:iva.l~nl dKU~~:.

IFlg., 5.14

" V~ ::: Ii, R,~ 'F Vr
"" h R,i' ~~I [0 !,+ ~ ,(5) .• " (6}



Key Pol,nt: GM ,repfrsents Il!t'opetl: (i'reui~ t,nmsconduelmrce Wnl~Old fi':;dmcl aud 'G,Mli''S t$1t ,ffll'~lscoudtfcl:auctwitltou'foedwrk takiltg the loadRt into' ~"!l\JUM't.

Subst:itintmg:value of'l",fron1l equatlol1l (6) into eqJuaUon ,(~J,) we get, V~ -I,~ It,~ ,*,p OM~!

- l~ Rii""IP G:M I, R~': Vi ~ IERi.

Copyrighted rnalerla'

·'.'", f7)


-'RL V


--I -

.'ill''' " .! ....

The' Cl_I,n;ent shunt feedbsck It,opology is, sh£icwn '~~, F~g. 5.15 w~~h, am'pUHef' 'Hl,PUtt I~_nd. output d!f(Ui~' ~pla!Ced by ,N~,rron."Si ~qui'~J'a]~:I' ,d:fttli.l:

A:pplyiling' :KCL to ~he. 'm.put' node 'wr.: g,~t

1- - '~> + I~

-.... ,I( JJ'


•• I!l \~~.

A.i ]1 R~ Ro+ Rt

A 1-' ]'-

- ,- _, -I

i,I!l{\ II! "",I I~~,.

,Ai',RilI 10 + 'Rt.

Key Ploint: A.,~ rfPresen~s; U!'e open dflti,!d~ cu,rmr" ,8~i'~ wi,t.ljQ'!'~~' ./tJtiMCk it1~d A.:~ ;,\\; tIll! fi'~m,,;U' pJri wiUilnd' .feedlmd ,taki'~,I' U:1't~' 'fad It t. J1t!ltil! IITOOmitlJ.,

'~:il - ~,i -+ :PA'I:Ii

,..,. '~i (II +ilA.,I: ')

The inp:UJt. lr'E!sis't:alnetl'wi:lh feed/back. lSi given, as

R. !l Vii

::,f ;..;. I, _, 1, 0 +'!p A l.l

Copyr JH d ICl min

,Eleellronb:: GJFreultli~ " · -~.

,1,-- __

f'illii'll') •.•.• \.i1i.yl.

V·o.ltage shu nt feedbaick

Th_e 'v'Q~:t[]~~ ,~h.Uf1II~ fe~dbaCk: ~~-g1cg}1I' is sho·wn In. :Pi:g:." 5.16 with ,~mp.~~fitrr input dliCl;;d~ is t,ep~ted !by N:o:r1t!O:n:ts ~,uival~D'U: ,d:i:\~uit: and. 'OOlFrUJ~ cit(.'Uit tep~@seJ1t.oo. by Th,@VGnm~s ~:il.flv~]el:lt

., .. t]1.)

~l •

~." (1.2;)

:Rm.RQ :rt,~. -I!-. :l l

K:ey Poin,t~ '~f!i ~.~~~~;f:;: iJN.~ , ... ~tJ ,~ircuif' t.iti1~~'$1'm~t~~~ct",oul 1i!r..~,M(k ,m~d' :Rl~ i'S ,fl!t' t,M1J,~~istai1Cf' (Vl&,~Ill\tit' leedMdctatl1~g tn'e lood .ltt. ,f,I~t:() aCOO\ltnt

Suibstii m't~r1!Jg v.~~tte o;f Vo from. ec,[iJJ;aUOVIJ (12), 'i;nto eq;ui]t~ol1l 0 '~.) w·e 8e~·.i I, - h +P R.M Iii


SIKtronIC Circuits

... (l3)

'-p... R~' I

""f ,_ "

. {.1+PRMl ..

5,,9.:2 Output resIstance

The negath!'e feedba<:k which S!lmples the output VQ~bge~ I'egatdrucss of how this output $igoo~ is rehuned to the input, tends Ito decrease the output: resi.:6tanoe .•. asshoWl'll. in tlhc F~g. 5.11.,.

1- ~

---, T'+ 1\ '10

__c' _, , __ , 1:.-

.---1---,..JI- Rm<'Ro

Fig. 5.111

On the oUmr m,nd" the nega,tive: feedb8d:; wruch sam.plesthe output, cune~litr~aJrdles'5 of how tfiis outpu~ silgnal Isrew:m.ed to the inpu'~~ '~et'il.ds ~o mCfe'tlse {he 'OUtpllt resistance, as shown in the F~g, 5, lit

I I Ampliftef

.. 1- ........ ___"


Now~we SCt'!. the: effect of negative feedloack on output resistanre m different topol~gjes (ways) of Uiltroducmg negat:ive feedback and obtain Rot quan,

VoltageserlD 'eedbaele

In ilii.s topollogy, the output resistan.ce can be'me'as~,u;ed by shortlm.gtihelnput source V~ ~. 0 ,and ~ooking ~n,ro the ,ot,np;utteJmmal!s w~th R]. disoormected, as; shown in the Fig, .. S.~9' ...

Copyr"ghtcd materia'

Feedback Ampliffersand 'Oscllhnors


Fig,. 5.11'9 App]y~liIg KVL to the ,output s,ide W~ gl3t


V-Av~ Rp

\Ii ::;; -\t;1=-P V ';' \(~ = (iI

Substi'tutirng the Vi, from equation (15) in Equation (14)1 we get,


I '"

V+A~.aV R.,

V(J-i- f:!.A,,) Ro


~ R~r)(Rl Rm:+RL

[)ividlng numeral-or illtlLd drutominalwr by (Ro:> -+ R .• J we g~t RaRt



.~+.~. ~. _v-:: .. ~'. ~_.

~ - R(! +Rt

., 1".!' ~ .. R"RL., .. - . .JI A .• ~ AvRL • .1'''0' - R. R. a.tlL~ .n;v .- n, 'R

o +1.. ~.(!.+ .. t

.... (14)

, .. (15,)

, .. (16)

... ,. (1'7)

Copyr'ghtcd materia'

El'ectmnic Chi'cults ..

I ~ ~ I

. Voltage shunt feedback

In thi:; ilopoil,ogy. the output ~ist(;jnce ,can bemessured bysh'OIilimg lfl.e input ~,u~

v. ~ Oarnd looking into Ute output termiffills lvitffil,RL. d~soonnected, as sniJwn ~nt:he F~g. 5.2,JQ.


Fil'g!.S.20 ApplyingKVL eo th.e ou~ut side we g~l,

.' + •

~. -

V~RIliI'i R~

••• (1,8)

v+ Rm PV.~ ,'l(1 + R,,! 13)

R,~ 1+ R,m13


_.!If :g

rnv~ding numerator and deMm.iJ:1liill~1 by Ro + Rt. we ~t, Ro,

Copyr"ghted rnmcrla

· ... (20 b)

Key IPolnt: Hm,.R j\i ieStl!l! Qptn Iwpimtl~re5\ii;ihmc~ takiug RL inO'a;Q.lmi.

CUIif8I11!t slilul1lt feedback

In Ithis top(dogy, the outputres,1s:taMe canbe m.easu-red, by open. drcuUirngtihe input source I~ ,~, 0 and ~ooking 1nlto the output terminals. wil.\h Ril dilsml1!nec ted, as shown in the Fig. 5,

. I

!I""""'~~..,_;;; .. ;.;-;;.... ... +


IR' Of

FIg.5,.::n AppLying t.he KCL to the output node we: ge~1 v

I .= III ~ Ai Ii ,hUiJ

... (2.1)


, .• (22)

from equation (22)1 in equation (21)1 we .Sef, V

.I -'R-,=-- ~ Aj PI


..• (23)

IKey IPotnt~ Here, A'i' fu the opt'ulexp cnm.,"! gtrm wilh .. ut tnkilt:g Rl i.!;IU"COJU'I,f., ,D, •• ~_' ,., = R', III 'R- = ,Rof x 'Rt

.,.. ~~ I)f, 'I. R,o( '+ Rl.

R ... 01 +'PA. -) RL Ri,l (l +PAi )+ Rl.

R,g. Rl (~ +~ Ai ) - R. ... + RL+P AI 'R~

Copyr'ghted materia\. \



Dividing numerator and de:nominatQ'l' by R~, + Ill. we gell

1.0]' Rt (lTPAi)

R.~ =

... (24)

~n thjs. {cpo-Jogy the ol1t.plltre!;ii5t1m:~ can be mcasu~ by shoding thernput SO:l:Ir~e V~= Oillnd !ookin.g in:to the oldput terminals with RI:,. d~on~tedf as. shown. ~t1I ,the F:ig,. 5.22.,.


. ] r----T"""' ... ;;_. -9·+

Fig .. !!t22 App~yi ~g KCL to the oullpul node we get,

'.[ V - -

L_ '-R."- G:m ~I


.". (25)

= JH

.. ,(26)

Substituting vlli~!(le of \i fr·OItil equa'lion (26), in ,equ:aHon (2.5) we get, v

1- -~GmIPI

RQ .....


Copyr'ghtcd materia'

ElectronIc Clrcult8


Dividillig nl.l.mera'tot and denomin.ltor by Ro, + R I.

RL R" (I +PG.m}

Ro+ Rt

R~(1+nGI'1I) .1·""paM

S.1lSumrnary '0" Effect of Nega.tlve IFeedback ,on .A:mpllfler Table 5,.1 :su:mrnarizes (he effect of on ampnner.

i(5alnwilJII fmJ' I~


A" - A.

": - II+~ A.


- _ Gi",

u,mJ' -fiji Gm'


R~= R~ ..

-~,t ~ .~ ~ RIO!'


Frequency Ir,esponse


ll'npu~ resistance

R,r = R~J +1fl. ·Av) incree~

R~rr= R~i +11 Q~J) ilnC!'~s~

",. ill' R:

'''fir' '1.4- R, '",

• - I' "'t.1.


R - R"

<>I" ! + ~A,.



R"f=R .• .(H PYM) R«I"= R.~(I +~~ii)'

Uncreases If'IClI'ease5


_ R.~

R.w'''' , -

- ! +, ~ R."


Copyr'ghted materia'

'To ana.lyse ~he f~dback amplifjeritis~ary to .gothrough the following 5t~ps.

Step, 1.~ JdenHly TOpOlogy {Type of )

a" To find ~ha type of sam piling Inetwo.1I'k

1. ByshotHng the outp'ii:lt te. V= 10.. ~f ~ertdhack. signa II (x f) beromn 7~ro then we can say tfu!,t it is "Vcdta,ge SaimpUng""

2, By ()'pening tlle output: loep Le, I .~ 0, if f~edIb"ck signal (xr)beoomes zero' then we 'fin ~y tihal it is "'Curren.tSalUpling".

h) To flndthe~pe of mb:Jng lnetwoli1k.

1. If thefoodback sign~~ is s.ubb' .. ded .trom, th~ ex.ter:rIa!UyappUed $~.gtilalas a vol.tage In ~he .~nput ~ooPr we can Sily tihat ~t is "series :~]xing".

2. ~:f the feedback s:ign~l is SubIXa(,wd .from Ole exrernal1y app:Uoo~signal as a ,oo1:'llm:l in ~he input ruoop~ we can say that ~t :its "'shunt mbd~g~.

Th~s by d.el~rmini:ng· type of samp~mg network and mixing netw,or:k.t:ype of feedback il!l1pUfier (an he .octtl:rmine. For ,e.x;lli~pl,e,. ~fanlp~ifif;lT uses <I. vo],ba:ge sampling and series mbd:ng then we can s.ay that it is <II voltage ~l1'de5 amplifier ..

Step 2 :: F.lnd th~ :input circuit

1" ForvoJtilge ~mpn_ng: m~~e V= Oby slilQrttngthe output

2. For eurrent s.,mplmgmake I .'" 0 by open~ng the {l'lUput~oop.

Step :3 : Ffnd the output d:r.cll~t

~. Forserles, mbdng .ma'ke I "" 0 by opening 1he~[iUput loop. 2. FO:fshUfnt mb::i:ng make V "" .0' byshQrting the input

Step 2 and .step 3en~ure that !the ieedbilick.1:s reduced to ~fO wl'lhou t: a~terlng the 10ading Q!ii! It he bask amp-Utter.

Sts:p 4 ~ Optional. Repl<lce each ·a;c,uve device by Hsh~pammete:r mooet at low frequency ..

Step 51.~ Find the open loop gain (gain. Without feedback.). A ,of the ampHfier"

Copyr'ghtcd materia'

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