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Journal of Public Affairs

f. Publ. Aff 6: 228-240 (2006) .-••- ®WILEY

Published online in WUey InterScience •^^ DOI: 10.1002/pa.232 T ^

Safeguarding corporate social

responsibility (CSR) in global
supply chains: how codes
of conduct are managed
in buyer-supplier relationships
Esben Rahbek Pedersen^* and Mette Andersen^
'Department of Operations Management, Copenhagen Business School, Solbjerg Plads 3 DK-2000
Frederiksberg C, Denmark
^ Copenhagen Centre, Porcelaenshaven 24A, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark

• In the wake of globalization, companies are becoming increasingly aware of the social and
environmental aspects of international production. Companies of today not only have to
be profitable, but they also have to be good corporate citizens. In response to the increasing
societal pressure, many com^panies adopt the concept of corporate social responsibility
(CSR) by introducing codes of conduct that are expected to ensure socially responsible
business practises throughout the chain —from supplier of raw materials to final end-
• However, there are several challenges to the management and control of codes of conduct
in global supply chains. Active commitment is a precondition for the successful
implementation of the codes, but the incentive to comply with the codes does not
necessarily extend to all the actors in the chain. Moreover, it is difficult to enforce codes of
conduct in global supply chains, because the involved companies are separated
geographically, economically, legally, culturally and politically. In consequence, introdu-
cing codes of conduct in global supply chains raises a series of agency problems that may
result in non-compliance.
• Realizing that norKompliance can have severe consequences for the initiator (due to
consumer sanctions, negative press, capital loss, government interventions, damaged brand
etc.), the article analyses how the interests of the actors in the supply chain can l?e aligned with
the terms of the codes. IKEA is used as a 'best case' example to illustrate how codes of conduct
can be effectively managed in the supply chain.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

•Correspondence to: Esben Rahbek Pedersen, Department of Operations Mani^ement, Copenhagen Business School,
Solbjerg Plads 3, DK-2000 Frederiksberg C, Denmark.

Copyright © 2006 John WUey & Sons, Ltd. Journal of Public Affairs, August-November 2006
DOI 10.1002/pa
Safeguarding CSR in global supply chains 229
Supply Chain

Suppliers Manufacturer Distributors

CSR issues

•Child labour •Corruption •Wtioiesafe

•Discrimination •No freedom of discrimination
•Long working speech •Britaery
hours •Dangerous •Unfair
•Abuse of working competition
union rights conditions •Unethical
•PoliuUon •Social Inequity investments
etc. in local

Examples of CSR issues in supply chains (Neergaard and Pedersen 2005. p. 103). Inspired by WBCSD (2003).

Introduction: CSR in global supply boundaries of the individual organization and

chains include social and environmental requirements
forsuppUers(cf. Roberts, 2003, p. 163; Jenkins,
Doing the right thing in business is no longer 2005, p. 527).'
just a matter of making profit. The ethics of When the success of CSR depends on the
business activities are becoming increasingly actions of all parties in the supply chain, the
important, and more and more companies governance of these inter-organizational rela-
are evaluated on their ability to meet not only tionships are of crucial importance. Failure to
the customers' needs but also the various manage and control the social and environ-
needs of employees, NGOs, the local com- mental impact of the supply chain will
munity representatives and other interest increase the risk of non-compliance, which
groups. In response to this development, in turn may damage the reputation of the
companies are increasingly embracing the company that developed the code (the
discourse of CSR, and a wide range of initiator). One thing is to be socially irrespon-
international organizations, business associa- sible; another is to be a socially irresponsible
tions and standardisation organizations have liar. Inotherwords, the initiator of a code has
recently introduced management standards, a strong incentive to ensure that the other
labelling schemes and reporting systems, companies in the supply chain comply with
which all address the social and environmen- the code.
tal aspects of production (Utting, 2000, p.l; So far, much research has addressed the
Kapstein, 2001, p. 114; Kolk and van Tulder, question of whether CSR initiatives are reli-
2003. p. 267). able from the perspective of the various
Moreover, a large number of especially interest groups in society (e.g. unions, NGOs,
muJtinational corporations (MNCs) have intro- government, customers). Much less has been
duced Codes of Conducts, that is a set of done in order to investigate how companies
written principles, guidelines or standards, safeguard CSR in global supply chains. Realiz-
which are intended to improve the company's ing the complexity and difficulties in mana-
social and environmental performance. Realiz- ging external relationships with independent
ing that CSR issues arise throughout the supply companies operating in different geographical,
chain (see Figure 1) and that companies are
increasingly held responsible for the conditions
'According to the Worid Bank (2003, p. 2), there is an
under which their products are being pro- estimate of approximately 1000 of these codes in
duced, these codes often go w^ell beyond the existence today World Bank (2003A, p. 2)..

Copyright £) 2006 John WUey & Sons, Ltd. Journal ofPubUcAffcUrs, August-November 2006
\ DOI 10.1002/pa
230 Esben Rahbek Pedersen and Mette Andersen

social and political settings, the question is between outcome and the agents' behaviour
how a company can be certain that the
suppliers fulfil their obligations stated in the
Agency problems and codes
of conduct
Theoretical perspective
It is generally acknowledged that opportunism
Based on a simple buyer (principal)—sup- poses a threat in inter-firm relationships, and
plier (agent) relationship, the article will try one case in point is the planning and imple-
to answer this question by presenting some of mentation of Codes of Conduct in global supply
the safeguards/protective mechanisms on chains (see e.g. O'Donnell, 2000, p. 526; Das
which a company may rely when planning and Rahmann, 2000, p. 89). To be more
and implementing Codes of Conduct in global specific, opportunism in relation to Codes of
supply chains. The presentation will be based Conduct and other CSR standards becomes
primarily on agency theory, which is useful in relevant due to the fact that these initiatives can
the analysis of most cooperative efforts, be costly and time consuming (See e.g. Walley
where it is difficult for a principal to monitor and Whitehead, 1994, p. 46; Kolk, 2000, p.
the work of the agent. Moreover, a number of 118-119; Sinding, 2000, p. 86; Utting, 2000,
related theories (most notably transaction p. 26; Kapstein, 2001, p. 115). In consequence,
cost theory) and alternative perspectives suppliers might have an economic incentive to
(most notably network theory) will serve as reduce social and environmental standards in
discussion partners in the analysis. order to achievefinancialgains. Moreover, the
Agency theory assumes that individuals are potential benefits from introducing Codes of
self-interested creatures and addresses the Conduct might be unevenly distributed among
problem of opportunism, that is, self-interest the companies in the supply chain. For
seeking with guile (Dees, 1992, p. 29; Koch, instance, goodwill from being socially respon-
1995, p. 3; O'Donnell, 2000, p. 526). With sible is often associated with a brand, which
regard to the latter, it is not expected that all only one of the companies in the chain holds.
individuals are opportunistic, but that some This company will receive the full benefits from
are, and that it is difficult and costly to separate introducing a Code of Conduct. The rest of the
the opportunistic actors from the non-oppor- companies in the chain will have to share the
tunistic ones (Williamson and Ouchi, 1981, p. indirect benefits, for example from new
351)- In order to avoid opportunism, it is deliveries. If these companies furthermore
necessary to provide the agent with incentives have to bear the costs of implementing CSR
to act in accordance with the principal's initiatives, there is a potential conflict of
interests (Dees, 1992, p. 25; Petersen, 1993, interest between the companies in the chain.
p. 277; Koch, 1995, p. 13). In short, this can be This increases the risk of opportunistic actions.
done either by monitoring behaviour or It would be easy to deal with this opportu-
rewarding outcomes (Eisenhardt, 1989, p- 61; nism if it were possible to formulate an
Petersen, 1993, p. 281; ODonnell, 2000, p. enforceable contract, which included all con-
526). Monitoring can be seen as a mechanism tingencies (Milgrom and Roberts, 1992, p. 127;
used by the principal to obtain information Greve, 2000, 155). However, most contracts
about the actions of the agent, whereas rewards
are outcomebased, financial incentives (cf.
O'Donnell, 2000, p. 526). However, both ^Morc formally, agency costs can be defined as;'T. • •)the
costs of structuring, monitoring ami bonding a set of
alternatives are associated with costs, which contracts among agents with conflicting interests.
depend on the characteristics of the activity Agency costs aiso include the value of output lost
(the complexity of the assignment, the ability because the costs of full enforcement of contracts exceed
the benefits" (Fama and Jensen, 1986, p. 279). See also
to monitor the agents, the correspondence Jensen and Meckling (1976).

Copyright ce 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Journal of Public Affairs, August-November 2006
DOI 10.1002/pa
Safeguarding CSR in global supply chains 231

are incomplete and this applies to Codes of

Conduct as wcil. As noted by Utting (2000,
p. 12-13): 'Codes very often remain at the
level of lofty principles and well-intentioned
policy statements that are not effectively
implemented (...)'. In line with Utting, Sethi
(2002) also criticizes Codes of Conduct for
typically being presented as public statements
of lofty intent and purpose without a specific
content. In consequence, it becomes difficult
to verify whether a supplier has actually
complied with the Code of Conduct. Moreover,
Klein argues that codes of conduct are awfully
slippery' (2000, p. 430). This statement is based Figure 2. Safeguards/protective mechanisms.
on the argument that the codes cannot be Stjurcc: Based on Koch (1995, 1997)
enforced in the same way as legal require- them. Instead, the article intends to discuss
ments, and that they are not drafted in response how safeguards can ensure compliance with
to the needs of the employees of the companies Codes of Conduct in global supply chains.
they are directed towards. Historically, Codes The safeguards/protective mechanisms dealt
of Conduct have also been characterized by a with in this article are direct sanctions, goal
remarkable lack of efficient monitoring sys- congruence, third-party intervention, trust and
tems. Only a minority of firms with Codes of reputation effects (see below).^ In the follow-
Conduct actually mention monitoring in ing sections, we will present each safeguard in
relation to the implementation, and the turn and discuss how they are manifested in the
majority of these use internal systems (Kolk Swedish home furnishing retail chain, IKEA.
et al, 1999, p. 169; Kolk and van Tulder,
2001. p. 274; OECD, 2000, p. 31).
Safeguarding mechanisms at IKEA
Safeguards/proteetive mechanisms IKEA is a Swedish home furnishing retail chain
selling low-priced products, including furni-
The potential conflict of interest between the ture, accessories, bathrooms and kitchens. The
companies in the supply chains and the company was found in 1943 by Ingvar
incomplete nature of Codes of Conduct Kamprad. /KEA is short for /ngvar iCamprad,
makes it relevant to discuss how an initiator flmtaryd—the farm he grew up at, and
of a code can be 'safeguarded' from non- Xgunnaryd — the village he grew up in. To
compliance on pan of its suppliers. It is worth begin with, IKEA sold pens, wallets, picture
mentioning, however, that opportunism frames, table runners, watches, jewellery and
occurs in all relationships between indivi- nylon stockings at low prices. The first
duals, and thus safeguarding is relevant in the
understanding of all aspects of the social and
economic life. classification is based on the work of Koch (1995,
1997). It is by no means stated that the classification is
Safeguards, or protective mechanisms, are definitive. The different types of safeguards are inter-
basically means to ensure that an agent fulfils related, and depending on perspective and interest, some
his or her obligations according to the agree- of them coutd probably be united or split up. However, it
is ai^ued here that the five safeguards give a fairiy
ment (Koch, 1995, p. 8). Safeguarding includes representative overview of some of the means, which are
elements of different theories, but the purpose relevant for companies implementing Codes of Conduct
of this article is neither to give a detailed in global supply chains.
"•The analysis is based on written documentation and
presentation of the different positions, nor to interviews with representatives of IKEA. Conducted in
engage in the dogmatic discussions between 2004.

Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Journal of Public Affairs, August-November 2006
DOI 10.1002/pa
232 Esben Rabbek Pedersen and Mette Andersen

furniture showroom opened in 1953 in Direct sanctions

Almhult, Sweden, which is still the location of Contracts, complete or incomplete, are of little
IKEA's headquarters. Two years later, IKEA use, if it is impossible to enforce diem. However,
began designing its own furniture, and in 1958, the description of monitoring and the conse-
the first IKEA store opened in Almhult. From quences of non<ompliance are often absent in
the outset, the idea was to design furniture at Codes of Conduct (see e.g. Kolk et al, 1999, p.
low prices. After a while, the company also 167-169). In consequence, it is rather unclear,
began to think in terms of designs suitable for what sanctions are open to a buyer, which
flat packaging, which led to even further price discloses a supplier's non-compliance with a code.
reductions. Today, IKEA employs approxi- The fastest and most ultimate sanction is to
mately 90000 co-workers and operates in 44 break off the relationship with the supplier in
countries. In the financial year 2004, sales case of non-compliance. However, this exit
totalled 14.8 billion euro. strategy has certain limitations. Most impor-
IKEA's product range is produced by tantly, the principal's ability to terminate an
approximately 1300 suppliers according to agreement depends on the bargaining power of
product specifications developed by IKEA. each party in the relationships. Exit is only
Almost 2/3 of the suppliers are located in applicable as a safeguard, if it is a credible
Europe and 1/3 in Asia. Only 3% of the suppliers threat. Hence it follows that the threat of exit
are from North America. Purchasing is handled has little effect, if the supplier's products and
by 46 'trading service offices' divided into 16 services are of vital importance to the buyer
regional 'trading areas'. (buyer-dependence). On the contrary, the sup-
Recognizing that negative publicity about plier has at strong incentive to honour the terms
the environmental or social conditions of its of a Code of Conduct, if the future of the
suppliers might damage the IKEA name company depends on continuous co-operation
considerably, the company realized by the with the buyer (supplier-dependence) (Helper,
end of the 1990s that it needed to relate 1990, p. 5; Hill and Jones, 1992, p. 142; Buvik
actively to the environmental and social and Reve, 2002, p. 265).
conditions of its suppliers. Therefore, the The way direct sanctions work in IKEA is that
company decided to develop a Code of each supplier is audited against the code by
Conduct aimed at all its suppliers worldwide. IKEA's own auditors. As the company has a
The code is labelled 'The IKEA Way on strategy of engaging in long-term relationships
Purchasing Home Furnishing Products'— with its suppliers, it does not break off relations
in day-to-day operations referred to as due to non<ompliance with IWAY require-
'IWAY', and it was introduced in year 2000. ments as long as the suppliers show a will-
IWAY defines what the suppliers can expect ingness to improve conditions. Instead, it
from IKEA and what IKEA requires from its requires that the suppliers prepare a written
suppliers with regard to working conditions, action plan detailing how the non-compliance
child labour, environment and forestry man- issues will be rectified. The company requires
agement. IKEA requires from its suppliers to that the suppliers carry out the corrective
comply with national laws and regulations actions within a period of 24 months. If a
and with international conventions on the supplier is not able to fulfil the IWAY require-
protection of the outside environment, work- ments within this time frame, but shows a
ing conditions and child labour. The suppli- positive attitude towards implementation of
ers are expected to abide by the most IWAY, he is put on a 'risk register' and given
demanding of the requirements, whether it additional time to fulfil the requirements.
is the applicable legislation or IKEA's specific However, IKEA is willing to terminate the
requirements. IWAY includes 19 different relationship with suppliers who do not show
areas divided into more than 90 specific an interest in fulfilling all the IWAY require-
issues. ments. And the company has in fact terminated

Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Journal of Public Affairs, August-November 2006
DOI 10.1002/pa
Safeguarding CSR in global supply cbains 233
supplier relationships, either partly or entirely and environmental issues. The company must
due to lack of IWAY fulfilment. Thus, since persuade the other organizations in the supply
IWAY was introduced in 2000, a total of 354 chain to act socially responsible too. In a buyer-
supplier contracts have been terminated supplier relationship, this might be difficult, if
(Andersen, 2005, p. 141). Of these, 6% were for example a supplier shows no interest in CSR
terminated mainly due to non-compliance of or the buyer holds limited bargaining power
IWAY issues, and 11% were terminated partly against the supplier.
due to non-compliance of IWAY issues. IKEA's Opportunism is only likely to occur, if there
ability to use contract termination as a safe- is a conflict of interest between the principal
guarding mechanism should in large part be and the agent. The basic idea of agency theory is
seen in the light of its size. Due to its large size, therefore to give the agent incentives to act in
IKEA constitutes an important customer for accordance with the principal's interest (cf.
many of its suppliers. The Regional Quality Dees, 1992, p. 28; Milgrom and Roberts, 1992,
Manager puts it this way: p. 185-188; Koch, I995,p. 13). Higher levels of
goal congruence in relation to Codes of
"When we place an order, we are not Conduct can be acquired in numerous ways:
talking about 250 pieces only — we are (1) the buyer can compensate the supplier for
talking about 25 to 50 containers. This costs associated with code compliance. For
factor alone has the effect that a supplier instance, the buyer and supplier can make
almost turns hisfactory upside downJust to jointly investments in environmental friendly
deliver to us". machinery; (2) the buyer can reward the
supplier for complying with the code. As an
As a result of their dependence on IKEA as a example, the supplier can get an exclusive right
customer, many suppliers are often willing to to deliver products and services to the buyer;
go to great lengths to fulfil IKEA s IWAY
(3) the parties can undertake joint investments
requirements. They simply cannot afford to
in transaction specific assets which will com-
give the code a low priority, as this might imply
a termination of the relationship with IKEA, mit both of them to the relationship; (4) by
which in turn could be very damaging to their referring to the strategic potentials of CSR, the
business. We might therefore argue that the buyer can convince the supplier that they will
case of IKEA indicates a great deal of supplier- both be better off in the future, if they
dependence. implement the code; (5) the buyer can involve
the supplier in the planning and implementa-
In summary, direct sanctions can be a very
tion of the Codes of Conduct, thereby stimulat-
efficient safeguard, if the buyer is the dominant
ing commitment and goal congruence.
partner in the business relationship (unless
non-compliance is likely to go undetected, of With regards to the latter, using non-
course) (Koch, 1995, p. 14). If not, the buyer economic incentives to increase commitment
might envisage more subtle means, which will is normally outside the scope of standard
alleviate the fear of opportunism. Moving agency theory. It is nonetheless worth noticing
beyond the scope of institutional economics, that if it is possible to create commitment to the
buyer-supplier dialogue during the planning Codes of Conduct, whatever the means,
and implementation process can be an impor- compliance is more likely to be accomplished,
tant element in this process (see next section). ff the Codes of Conduct are implemented as a
top-down approach, where the suppliers have
Goal congruence Uttle influence on the terms, it might be difficult
to ensure commitment to the project. A bottom
Implementation of Codes of Conduct requires up/voice approach, where both the buyer and
some kind of motivation and commitment. In supplier are involved in whole process, might
supply chains, however, it is not enough that be an important element in a successful
the initiating company is dedicated to social implementation of Codes of Conduct (cf.

Copyright (P 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Journal of Public Affairs, August-November 2006
DO! 10.1002/pa
234 Esben Rabbek Pedersen and Mette Andersen

Helper, 1990, p. 6; Schary and Skj0tt-Larsen, In conclusion, creating goal congruence is

2001, p. 183).^ one of the main tasks in establishing efficient
IKEA puts great efforts into ensuring goal safeguards, which prevent the buyer against
congruence between itself and its suppliers. non<ompliance. Especially in global supply
The company makes use of several of the above- chains, where monitoring is complicated and
mentioned means. First of all, IKEA makes sure costly.^
to emphasize up front to the suppliers that it
does not require IWAY fulfilment just for its
own sake, but that it is indeed important for the Third-party intervention
suppliers' employees as well as environmental Even though the principal believes that the
surroundings. Secondly, the company lets the agent has violated the contract, the conflict
suppliers know that IWAY is a great opportu- resolution is often in the hands of, for example,
nity for receiving assistance to build up some courts and arbitrators. The normal legal system
well-functioning environmental and social rou- is probably one of the most important protec-
tines. The Regional Quality Manager explains: tive mechanisms in this regard.^ However,
there are a number of limitations to the legal
"We tell the suppliers that 'we will give you system's ability to ensure compliance with
all the time you need, we will provide you Codes of Conduct in global supply chains. For
with all the help you need. And if it costs you instance, it is difficult for the legal system to
money, we will discuss that as well'. They impose sanctions on agents, unless they fail to
have nothing to lose, but everything to comply with existing laws. Moreover, many
gain". Codes of Conduct include issues that are
As indicated, IKEA provides its suppliers beyond the legal requirements, and in conse-
with technical as well asfinancialsupport. To quence non-compliance with codes does not
be able to provide technical support, the necessarily mean non<ompliance with the
company trains its employees to follow-up on national laws. Last but not least, enforcement
and support the implementation of the Code of of codes is difficult in countries with a weak
Conduct requirements at the suppliers. Of institutional structure. This is especially rele-
particular importance in this process are the vant to buyers, which engage in global supply
efforts to change the mind-sets of the suppliers, chains involving suppliers in developing coun-
particularly in developing countries, and hence tries.
improve their knowledge and understanding of Even if the legal system were able to settle
Code of Conduct-related issues. With regard to conflicts between buyers and suppliers, the
financial support, IKEA is willing to support the system will still face difficulties in determining.
implementation of capital-intensive invest-
ments such as a wastewater treatment plant.
Such support will normally be in the form of a 'Tiowever, it is worth noticing that time changes and so
does the level of goal congruence between the buyer and
loan, which the supplier will pay back, for supplier. As Kocb (1995, p. 13) notes: '[clbanges,
example through deliveries to IKEA. unexpected or expected, originating "outside" the
transactional relationship may change the situation to
a considerable degree as well. In this case, low ex ante
goal incongruence may well turn into high ex post goal
However, even thou^ the voice strategy is attractive to incongnience'. Moreover, the societal expectations to
many academics, because it seems more constructive the companies develop overtime and tbese changes must
than the take-it-or-Ieave-it exit strategy, voice is not a be reflected in tbe codes. Therefore, goal congruence is
panacea, which can be applied to all business relation- not established once and for all. It requires continuous
ships. The voice strategy requires information, commu- interrelation between the buyer and supplier and
nication and coordination between the buyer and the responsiveness to the changing societal demands.
supplier, wbich will inevitably increase the transaction ^Tlie normal legal system can be defined as: "(...) the
costs of the cooperation. These additional costs have to be regulatory body that can impose sanctions on the
compared with the benefit.s deriving from increased parties to a transaction in order to force them toftilftl
commitment and goal congruence (Helper, 1990, p. 10). their obUgalions" (Koch, 1995. p. 4).

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DOI 10.1002/pa
Safeguarding CSR in global supply chains 235

whether the supplier has acted opportunisti- In fact, these compliance audits have
cally or not. As mentioned earlier, Codes of revealed that some of IKEA s own auditors
Conduct are incomplete contracts. When the have used too low judgement levels. The
buyer and supplier are unable to account for all company has subsequently had to re train some
contingencies and formulate the Codes of of the auditors to increase their competence
Conduct in precise language, the resulting level as well as re-audit suppliers. This indicates
ambiguity of the agreement will leave room that in the case of IKEA, third party interven-
for different interpretations of the terms. In tion has in fact enhanced the credibility of
consequence, both the buyer and the third IKEA s monitoring work.
party might be unable to prove that the agent To sum up, third-party intervention might
has not complied witli the agreement (Milgrom serve two purposes. Most importantly, third
and Roberts, 1992, p. 131-133). parties' monitoring of code compliance serves
Therefore, it is relevant to consider other as a protective mechanism, which can prevent
third parties, which can safeguard the buyers violation of the codes. Moreover, third parties
from non-compliance, for example industry improve the credibility of the codes and signal
organizations, certification auditors, external commitment to the company s stakeholders.
consultants, NGOs or legal authorities (Diller, In contrast to current practises in the business
1999. p. 118; Kolk etal., 1999, p. 168). From a community, where most codes today are
contractual point of view, it is of little relevance monitored internally, third parties should play
whether the buyer or a third party carries out a more prominent part in the monitoritig of
the monitoring of the supplier. However, third Codes of Conduct.
parties might have special competences in
evaluating code compliance, and most impor-
tantly the third parties will improve the Trust !
reliability of the codes. Moreover, customers All theories have build-in assumptions, which
and other stakeholders might perceive third are statements about the world, that are neither
party monitoring as being more reliable and observable nor testable (Neuman, 1997, p. 41).
credible.** With regards to the behavioural assumptions,
As already mentioned, IKEA makes use trust versus opportunism has been one of the
of internal auditors for carrying out on-site major controversies between network theory
audits at the suppliers. However, to ensure and the institutional economics (see e.g.
objectivity and credibility in the eyes of Granovetter, 1985, p. 72; Ring and Ven, 1992,
the stakeholders, the company also uses p. 492; Podolny and Page, 1998, p. 60-62).
external auditing companies to conduct third- Both agency theory and transaction costs
party verification audits of the suppliers. The theory are inclined to see opportunism as a
Social and Environmental Manager for IKEA central behavioural assumption, whereas net-
Group emphasizes the role of external audits by work theory favours the concept of trust
arguing that; (Williamson and Ouchi, 1981, p. 351; Petersen,
1993, p. 279; Foss and Koch, 1996, p. 190).
"If it's internal, we need someone with However, both institutional economists and
other eyes to look into how we operate and network theorists seem to agree that it is not
manage it". essential that all economic agents are opportu-
nists/trustworthy (Williamson and Ouchi,
"According to Kapstein (2001), the reliability of third-
1981, p. 351; Schary and Skjott-Larsen, 2001,
party tnonitoring can also be questioned. From a case p. 92). One might question then, whether
study it was concluded that: "(... )/tJbeauditors ignored opportunism/trust is a behavioural assumption
hazardous chemical tise. barriers to freedom of associa- or a variable, which the companies have to take
tion and collectit>e bargaining, violation of overtime
and wage laws, and other infractions' (Kapstein, 2001, into consideration when they engage in con-
p. 116). tractual relationships. Opportunism (lack of

Copyright t^ 2006 John WUey & Sons, Ltd. Journal of Public Affairs, August-November 2006
DOI 10.1002/pa
236 Esben Rahbek Pedersen and Mette Andersen

trust) and trust (lack of opportunism) are of IKEAs choice of engaging in long-term
interrelated and all co-operative activities will relationships with a limited number of suppli-
include aspects of both. ers. Within the last few years, the company has
A high degree of trust between the buyer and changed its supplier strategy by going from
supplier can be an efficient safeguard, which 'trading to purchasing\ Whereas it previously
can reduce the costs from, for example, engaged in short-term relationships with many
monitoring and performance evaluations.^ smaller suppliers, where the focus was on
The question is how the buyer knows, which buying articles, IKEA is today increasingly
suppliers should be trusted. Agency theory engaging in long-term relationships with fewer
seems to favour control in preference to trust, suppliers, where the focus is on buying
because it is difficult and costly to separate capacities. Moreover, whereas IKEA previously
trustworthy agents from the opportunists. demanded a certain level of quality, service,
However, both agency theory and network price and environmental and social responsi-
theory nonetheless share the opinion that some bility of its suppliers, the company is now
kind of trust can develop over time in business developing these issues together with the
relationships Qohanson and Mattson, 1987, p. suppliers (Andersen, 2005, p. 115). This new
37; Eisenhardt, 1989, p. 62-63; Petersen, 1993, way of relating to the suppliers implies that
p. 286; Podolny and Page 1998, p. 60). In both parties are committed to working hard to
general, new buyer-supplier relationships are make the relationship work. Termination of
expected to be characterized by low levels of supplier relationships is accordingly less fre-
trust. Trust is something the company must quent today, since both parties have typically
accept in a world of incomplete contracts. invested much money and time in the relation-
However, as the relationship evolves over time, ship. Moreover, by virtue of the long-term
the partners might begin to feel a moral relationships, frequent interaction takes place
obligation towards the cooperation. Trust between IKEA's employees and the suppliers'
emerges between the parties, and in conse- employees. This has in turn laid the ground for
quence, the governance can be more relaxed the establishment of a fairly high degree of
(Ring and Ven, 1992, p. 488-489; Child, 2000, personal trust.
p. 244-249; Buvik and Reve, 2002, p. 261).
The basic argument seems to be that if a When looking specifically at the implemen-
supplier could be trusted in past transactions, tation of IWAY at the suppliers, IKEA seems to
he or she is also likely to be trusted in future put much effort into making sure that its follow-
transactions. The cooperation can be seen as an up activities take place in a cooperative manner
ongoing screening process, where the princi- and hence do not have a resemblance to a
pal and the agent learn about each other. In 'police function'. This is so as IKEA spends
relation to Codes of Conduct, the buyers will much time explaining to and showing the
often get a record' of experiences from work- suppliers how to improve their non-compli-
ing with the suppliers. Based on this informa- ance issues. This could be seen in contrast to
tion, the buyer will often have a fairly good idea follow-up activities based almost solely on
about which suppliers should be monitored controlling whether the suppliers rectify these
most carefully. non-compliance issues. IKEA's way of
approaching the follow-up activities signals to
IKEA strives towards building up a high its suppliers that it has trust in their ability to
degree of trust between itself and the suppliers. implement IWAY. On the other hand, a
This trust is in lai^e part established as a result stronger degree of control would probably
make the suppliers believe that IKEA does not
'in this article, trust is defined as:"(...) the confidence of have much trust in their capabilities. In
a person, group, or organization relating or transacting consequence, trust-based follow-up activities
with another utider conditions ofsome uncertainty that
the other's actions will be beneficial rather than are likely to give the suppliers greater incen-
detrimental to ir (Child, 1998, p. 243-244). tives to implement IWAY.

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DOI 10.1002/pa
Safeguarding CSR in global supply chains 237

In summary, trust can be an efficient safe- In the case of IKEA, reputation has proven an
guard, especially in long-term relationships, efficient safeguard. In the eyes of many of its
where the buyer and supplier have accumu- suppliers, IKEA has an image as a ' t o i ^ '
lated a thorough knowledge about each other. customer, which is in lai:ge part due to its IWAY
(Diller, 1999, p. 109). It will be a waste of requirements. Despite the feict that its tough
resourees to monitor suppliers, which tradi- requirements at times lead to complaints from
tionally have been proactive in the implemen- the suppliers, IKEA also seems to benefit fiom its
tation of social and environmental standards. im^^e as a tougli and demanding customer. Thus,
In the planning and implementation of the nCEA has experienced that several suppliers
codes, the buyer can use experiences from past coasider compliance with its IWAY requirements
transactions with suppliers to target the mon- a good reference toward other (potendaO custo-
itoring of suppliers. mers, and consequently they are willing to go to
great lengths to fulfil the requirements.
In conclusion, the applicability of reputation
Reputation effects
effects depends on the supplier's overall
Related to trust are reputation effects. Reputa- interest in keeping a good relationship with
tion is one of the main reasons why companies the buyer. Reputation is a highly relevant
are adopting Codes of Conduct in the first safeguard, when the supplier can benefit from
place. They want to persuade the customers future co-operation with the buyer, and/or the
that their products and services are produced buyer can harm the supplier by communicating
in a socially responsible way.'" In a supply non-compliance to other relevant actors, for
chain perspective, however, the company's example in business networks. Relying on this
wish to be seen as socially responsible is not protective mechanism requires an analysis of
necessarily shared by the other actors in the the power structures in the relationship, the
chain. Therefore, compliance with codes will characteristics of the transactions, and the
be affected by these actors' interest in keeping external environment.
a reputation as reliable transaction partners.
The reputation of a supplier can be seen as a Conclusion: managing codes
resource, w^hich influences future income
(Koch, 1995, p. 16; Bensaou and Anderson, of conduct in global supply chains
1999, p. 469). For instance, if a supplier acts Codes of Conduct can be seen as a contract
opportunistically, the buyer will probably not between the company and society. The com-
engage in future transactions. Moreover, the pany promises to fulfil its societal obligations as
buyer might tell other companies that the a corporate citizen by being profitable, law-
supplier is an unreliable partner. On the other abiding and ethical (cf. Carroll and Buchholtz,
hand, there might also be costs associated with 2003, p. 40). In a global supply chain perspec-
establishing and maintaining a reputation as an tive, however, where part of the production
honest and trustworthy person (Ostrom et al., process is outsourced to companies in different
1993, p. 44). The supplier's choice of action geographic, cultural and institutional settings,
therefore depends on a valuation of the costs such a promise cannot be made without the
and benefits from being a reliable partner. active commitment of all actors involved.
However, Codes of Conduct are often vague
and poorly monitored, which leaves some
'**!n an investigation of 246 voluntary Codes cf Conduct, it
was concluded that enhancement of the company's room for interpretation—and opportunism in
reputation and stronger customer loyalty was a strong the form of non<ompliance.
motivation for implementing codes (OECD, 2000. p. 4). Realizing that this non-compliance constitu-
Moreover, in an analysis of Swedishfirmsintroducing ISO
14000, 88.5% of the companies considered 'corporate tes a threat to the companies, which promote
Image' as an important or very important motivation themselves as sociallyresponsibleby developing
fee-tor (Hoksinska et al., 2003, p. 593). Codes of Conduct, it is becoming increasingly

Copyright 0 2006 John WUey & Sons, Ltd. Journal of Public Affairs, August-November 2006
DOI 10.1002/pa
238 Esben Rabbek Pedersen and Mette Andersen

important to develop new means to man- • Trust can be an effective safeguard, espe-
age and control inter-organizational relation- cially in long term relationships in which the
ships. buyer and the supplier have accumulated a
In the previous sections, this article has thorough knowledge of each other. How-
discussed some of the problems, which are ever, it is difficult to separate opportunistic
associated with ensuring code compliance and trustworthy suppliers, and therefore
throughout the chain, and has tried to give an trust must be combined with other safe-
overview of some of the basic protective guards.
mechanisms, which can safeguard the buyer • Third-party monitoring and enforcement can
from non<ompliance with Codes of Conduct be an effective protective mechanism. More-
in global supply chains. The discussion of over, third party verification can be a means
safeguards can be summarized into a number to improve the overall credibility of the
of general recommendations to companies codes. Codes of Conduct are often met with
implementing Codes of Conduct in global some scepticism, and failure to ensure
supply chains: compliance with the codes might erode the
overall credibility of the buyer s voluntary
• Direct sanction is a very effective safeguard if initiative. In general, third party involvement
the buyer is the dominant partner in the can be recommended in the implementation
business relationship (Unless non-compliance of Codes of Conduct.
is very likely to go undetected, of course) • Reliance on reputation effects depends on
(Koch, 1995, p. 14). The governance of the costs and benefits of opportunistic
code implementation can be relaxed if the behaviour. Reputation is a highly relevant
exchange relationship is very important to safeguard when the supplier is dependent on
the supplier (cf.HiU and Jones, 1992, p. 135). future co-operation with the buyer, and/or
An analysis of the power structure and the the buyer can harm the supplier by commu-
resource dependency in the chain must be nicating non-compliance to other relevant
included in the planning of safeguard actors, for example in business networks. As
mechanisms. A description of legitimate with direct sanctions, the planning of code-
direct sanctions should be included in the compliance mechanisms requires an analysis
formulation of a Code of Conduct. of the relationship with the suppliers in the
• Metaphorically speaking, direct sanction/ chain.
exit is the stick whereas a bottom up/voice
approach can be seen as the carrot (Helper,
Future reseatvh
1990, p. 6). Codes of Conduct are often
implemented in a top-down way, but an It could be argued that successful implementa-
increased involvement of the supplier in the tion of Code of Conduct requirements at
planning and implementation of the codes suppliers not only depends on the type and
might reduce the risk of opportunism scope of safeguarding mechanisms employed
because it aligns interests and establishes by the buying company but also on the ability
commitment to the initiative throughout the of suppliers to adopt the necessary CSR
supply chain. practices in their ow^n organization. Therefore,
• Goal congruence can be achieved through future research into CSR in supply chains
joint investments and/or medium and long- may preferably include examinations of the
term delivery contracts conditioned by code suppliers' ability to receive and interpret
compliance. For instance, the buyer can the requirements from the buyer. Some
support investments in socially and envir- studies already exist, which deal with the
onmentally friendly technology and offer challenges and barriers experienced by
training and technical assistance in social and suppliers — particularly suppliers in less
environmental management. developed countries — in the process of

Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Journal of Public Affairs, August-November 2006
Safeguarding CSR in giobal supply chains 239

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