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Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 4 No. 1 (Jan 2011) ISSN: 0974- 6846

Role of insoluble glycogen in ethanol adaptation mechanism of Saccharomyces italicus

M. S. Dake, M. B. Khetmalas and S. V. Amarapurkar

Dr. D. Y. Patil Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Institute, Survey No. 87/88, Mumbai–Pune Bypass Express Highway,
Tathawade, Pune-411033, Maharashtra, India


Saccharomyces italicus has two pools of glycogen–one is the soluble pool and the remainder water insoluble linked
with cell wall or β-glucans. Soluble pool of glycogen present is assigned to produce energy required for metabolic
activities but the insoluble pool in the cell wall plays a special physiological role in providing the osmotolerance under
ethanol stress conditions. S. italicus grown in the presence of 2-8% v/v ethanol exhibits exponential increase in
insoluble glycogen content as a protective measure against the stress created across the plasma membrane by the
action of ethanol. But ethanol concentration above 8%v/v reduces hydrophobic interactions thereby decreasing the
insoluble glycogen content with increase in membrane permeability.

Keywords: Saccharomyces, glycogen, osmotolerance, ethanol, yeast cell wall.

Introduction cell wall β-glucan (Smith et al., 1977). Due to different

Yeast cell wall is a major structure, which plays an physiological roles, the metabolic regulation of these two
important role in transport of nutrients and in maintaining pools of glycogen is independent. There is also presence
osmotolerance. Cell wall is also involved in flocculation, of glycogen in the periplasmic space of yeast cell (Smith
conjugation and cell-cell interaction process. & Smith, 1974). Metabolism and storage level of glycogen
Macromolecular constituents of yeast comprise proteins, in yeast is affected by physiological, environmental and
glycoproteins, polysaccharides, polyphosphates, lipids nutritional stress conditions. Depletion of carbon, nitrogen
and nucleic acids. The wall of a yeast cell contains some or sulfur sources induce glycogen accumulation in yeast
15 to 25% of the dry mass of the cell. Major structural (Lillie & Pringle, 1980). A secondary metabolite produced
constituents of the cell wall are polysaccharides (80- by yeast cell is the ethanol, a stress factor affecting cell
90%), mainly glucans and mannans with a minor growth, viability (Thomas et al., 1978), intracellular
percentage of chitin. Carbohydrate portion of yeast cell proteins and glycolytic enzymes (Nagodawithana et al.,
wall consist of β-glucans, mannans and chitin. β-glucan, 1977).
the insoluble component present in yeast cell wall is The fermenting microorganism, usually
composed of branched β(1-3)-linked polymer along with Saccharomyces cerevisiae cannot tolerate more than
β(1-3) and β(1-6) interchain linkages forming a major about 10-12% by volume of ethanol (Taylor et al., 1995).
fraction whereas, β(1-6) linked polymer represents a An important correlation between insoluble glycogen
minor fraction (Manners et al., 1973). These major and content and ethanol yield has already been established.
minor fractions are also termed as alkali insoluble and This implies the certain role of cell wall bound insoluble
acid soluble fractions respectively. β-1,3 glucan forms glycogen and ethanol as indicators of stress created in
amorphous components as well as a fibrous network of yeast by external factors. Here especially the effect of
the inner surface of yeast cell wall (Kopecka et al.,1974). externally added ethanol on the yeast glycogen content is
Mannans present as cell surface mannoproteins an important aspect for such study. Flocculation, a
consisting of short chains of α-(1-2) and α-(1-3) linked physiological process exhibited by yeast showing
mannose residues (Ballou, 1975). Yeast wall aggregation of cells is a cell surface phenomenon. The
mannoproteins are highly glycosylated polypeptides, content of acid soluble glycogen is correlated with the
often 50 to 95% carbohydrate by weight (Vaart et al., process of flocculation in yeast (Patel & Ingledew, 1975).
1995; Orlean, 1997). Chitin, localized mainly in the bud So, study regarding the role of glycogen in flocculation
scar region is an unbranched polysaccharide containing process will conclude their correlation with ethanol.
β-(1-4) linked N-acetylglucosamine units. The β-1,3 Presence of third pool of glycogen in the form of α-
glucan-chitin complex is the major constituent of the inner glucans at cell surface level of yeast is confirmed by
wall (Lipke & Ovalle, 1998). Apart from these cell wall previous studies (Arvindekar, 1995). Effect of ethanol on
components, presence of two pools of glycogen has also cell weight, total cell count and glycogen content in
been reported in yeast as one intracellular cytoplasmic Saccharomyces sp. is studied previously. In accordance
soluble pool and the other cell wall bound glycogen to this the effect of variable concentrations of ethanol on
rendered water insoluble owing to its covalent linkage to the corresponding level of cell surface α-glucans as well
Research article “Ethanol tolerance in yeast” Dake et al.
©Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) Indian J.Sci.Technol.

Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 4 No. 1 (Jan 2011) ISSN: 0974- 6846

as on cell wall bound insoluble glycogen is studied in study variations in glycogen content resulting from
detail. The study will reflect the associated correlation ethanol stress generated in S. cerevisiae.
between ethanol and glycogen content in S. italicus.
Since the prime target for the action of ethanol is the cell Media for set A: Increasing sugar concentration (Flasks:
wall and plasma membrane of yeast. The components of a, b, c, d & e) 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10% glucose; 0.5% peptone
yeast cell wall i.e. cell wall bound insoluble glycogen and and 0.3% yeast extract in a set of 5 flasks each.
cell surface α-glucans are significant factors which can
contribute towards the osmotolerance of cell against Media for set B: Increasing ethanol concentration with
higher ethanol concentrations. constant concentration of carbohydrate (Flasks: f, g, h, i, j
& k). 8% glucose; 0.5% peptone, 0.3% yeast extract and
Materials and methods 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12% (v/v) ethanol in a set of 6 flasks each.
Organisms & culture conditions
Bottom flocculating Saccharomyces italicus NCIM– Media for set C: Increasing sugar concentration and
3230 was obtained from National Chemical Laboratory, constant ethanol concentration (Flasks: l, m, n, o, p & q)
Pune and is routinely maintained on YEPD agar at 40C. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12% glucose, 0.5% peptone, 03% yeast
Peptone, yeast extract and malt extract were from Difco extract and 8 % (v/v) ethanol in a set of 6 flasks.
Laboratory, Detroit, Mich. Amyloglucosidase was All the flasks from Set A, B and C were inoculated
purchased from Sigma Chemical Company, USA and and fermentation was carried out at 25 ± 2°C temperature
Glucose oxidase kit was from Biolab. Viablity of cells was for 48 h. Then yeast cells were harvested from each flask,
accessed using methylene blue stain. centrifuged under cold conditions (+4°C) at 7000 rpm for
Glucose was measured using glucose oxidase 10 min, washed repeatedly with chilled distilled water.
peroxidase method (Lloyd & Whelan, 1969) and total Cells were subjected to alkali digestion process to
carbohydrate was estimated by phenol sulfuric acid determine the amount of soluble and insoluble glycogen
method (Dubois et al., 1956). Proteins were analyzed by (Arvindekar & Patil, 2002).
Folin Lowry method (Lowry et al., 1951).
Media with variable concentrations of glucose as a Isolation of glycogen
carbon source as well as ethanol were used to study their Glycogen was isolated from yeast cells by alkali
effect on insoluble pool of glycogen and mechanism of digestion method (Smith et al., 1977). The resultant alkali
flocculation. Different media compositions were used to digest obtained as reddish brown coloured liquid was
centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 20 min at room
Table 1. Fermentation carried out using three sets of media. temperature (20°C-25°C) and separated into
Flask Glycogen mg/g cells Carbohydrate mg/g cells supernatant and residual fractions. The supernatant
No. Soluble Insoluble Soluble Insoluble obtained contained soluble glycogen and other
a 4.15±0.01 3.13±0.03 16.44±0.04 11.02±0.02 components. The residual gelly like mass representing
b 5.25±0.03 5.21±0.01 22.13±0.03 16.23±0.02 insoluble glycogen was washed with distilled water
c 5.32±0.02 6.01±0.01 25.41±0.01 21.41±0.01 repeatedly till the supernatant gives negative phenol
d 5.67±0.01 7.42±0.02 25.50 23.21±0.01 sulphuric acid test.
e 4.24±0.01 9.23±0.03 29.02±.02 27.02±0.02
f 2.02±0.02 8.03±0.03 26.22±0.02 25.31±0.01 Estimation of soluble & insoluble glycogen content
g 2.62±0.02 10.51±0.01 28.09±0.01 28.03±0.03 Degradation of glycogen was carried out specifically
Set h 3.22±0.02 13.12±0.02 29.03±0.03 31.21±0.01 by the action of amyloglucosidase (2 IU) and fungal α-
B i 3.61±0.01 15.02±0.02 30.40 33.40 amylase mixture (1 IU) (Smith et al., 1977). For routine
j 4.02±0.02 11.41±0.01 21.39±0.01 24.59±0.01 estimation 1 ml yeast digest as supernatant and
k 4.21±0.01 6.12±0.02 11.02±0.02 13.61±0.01 residual suspension was treated with the enzyme
l 0.61±0.01 2.60 19.02±0.02 18.03±0.03 mixture prepared in sodium acetate buffer pH 4.2 at
m 1.79±0.01 4.51±0.01 23.01±0.01 25.22±0.02 37°C for 1 h. The reaction was terminated by keeping
Set n 2.99±0.01 10.02±0.02 25.01±0.03 27.05 the tubes in boiling water bath for 5 min. The reaction
C o 3.41±0.01 15.12±0.02 28.16±0.04 31.03±0.03 mixture was centrifuged and librated glucose was
p 4.10 10.37±0.03 19.02±0.02 22.41±0.01 estimated by glucose oxidase peroxidase method. The
q 4.30 4.34±0.04 12.52±0.02 10.02±0.02 amount of glucose liberated in supernatant and residual
Set A: Variation in glycogen and carbohydrate with increase in fractions represents soluble and insoluble glycogen
sugar concentration (2-10% w/v); Set B: Variation in glycogen and content respectively.
carbohydrate with increase in ethanol content (2–10% v/v). Sugar
concentration kept constant (8% w/v); Set C: Variation in glycogen Results and discussion
and carbohydrate with increase in sugar concentration (2–12% In yeast the presence of two pools of glycogen is
w/v). Ethanol concentration kept constant (10% v/v) (The values established on the basis of results obtained from
are expressed as mg/g wet weight of yeast cells. The data
chemical and enzymatic analysis. Both pools of
represents mean ± S D of three sets of observations).
Research article “Ethanol tolerance in yeast” Dake et al.
©Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) Indian J.Sci.Technol.

Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 4 No. 1 (Jan 2011) ISSN: 0974- 6846

glycogen play an important role in yeast cell metabolism. 4 mg and 33 mg to 10 mg respectively. Thus cells grown
Since ethanol production by yeast cells was observed to in media supplied with 2-8% (v/v) ethanol along with
increase, there was a corresponding increase in insoluble sugar resulted in comparatively higher values of both
glycogen content. So, study regarding the correlation insoluble glycogen and carbohydrate than the cells grown
between ethanol and insoluble glycogen in only with sugar. Fig. 1 indicates decrease in yeast cells
Saccharomyces italicus was carried out in this work. The biomass grown in media containing ethanol higher than
results obtained display the effect of ethanol on the 8% (v/v). Thus higher ethanol concentrations above 8%
insoluble pool of glycogen in S. italicus. The values of (v/v) adversely affects yeast cell metabolism resulting in
soluble and insoluble glycogen as well as carbohydrate net depletion of cell biomass. The action of ethanol is
are depicted in Table 1. From the experimental primarily on a membrane in agreement with the
observations it revealed that the content of soluble conclusions of Leao and Uden (1984) for sugar transport
glycogen did not exhibit any significant increase either and membrane potential in yeast. Sudden increase in
with increase in sugar concentrations (2-12% (w/v)) or insoluble glycogen content in yeast cells grown with
ethanol concentrations from 2-12% (v/v). The higher ethanol concentrations (up to 8% (v/v)) indicates
corresponding values of soluble glycogen observed for the major role of insoluble glycogen in ethanol tolerance
yeast cells varied from 0.6 mg to 5.6 mg/g wet weight of mechanism of yeast. Here ethanol acts by changing the
yeast cells for all 3 experimental sets i.e. set A, set B and membrane permeability causing membrane leakage.
set C. The insoluble glycogen content exhibit exponential Interactions of ethanol with plasma membrane reduce
increase varying from 3 mg to 15 mg/g wet weight of hydrophobic interactions thereby increasing its
yeast cells with increase in ethanol concentration up to permeability for free exchange of ethanol and other polar
8% (v/v) for both set B and C respectively. Total soluble solutes (Alexandre et al., 1993.)
carbohydrate content of yeast cells consists of soluble
glycogen, α-glucan and mannan while total insoluble Conclusion
carbohydrate comprised of insoluble glycogen, β-glucan When cells enter stationary growth phase, glycogen
and chitin. So, carbohydrate content was estimated by accumulates in yeast batch cultures during transition from
phenol sulphuric acid method. The amount of soluble and exponential to stationary phase (Rothmans-Denes &
insoluble carbohydrate showed parallel increase from 25 Cabib, 1970). Glycogen content in yeast cells undergoes
mg to 33 mg/g of weight of yeast cells grown with ethanol. variations in response to changes in cultural conditions
But cells grown with ethanol concentrations higher than like pH, temperature as well as percentage of carbon and
8% (v/v) displayed sharp decline in the values of nitrogen source. Ethanol added to cultural medium of
insoluble glycogen as well as carbohydrate from 15 mg to yeast causes changes in cell membrane structure

Fig.1. Variation in wet weight of yeast cells in 3

different media compositions.


Cell weight in gms

Set A
Set B

1 Set C


2 4 6 8 10
Suga r concentra tion (% w/v) & Etha nol concentration (% v/v)

Research article “Ethanol tolerance in yeast” Dake et al.

©Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) Indian J.Sci.Technol.

Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 4 No. 1 (Jan 2011) ISSN: 0974- 6846

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