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Uses of Differentiation
Increasing and Decreasing Functions
An increasing function is a function where: if x1 > x2, then f(x1) > f(x2) , so as x increases, f(x)
increases. A decreasing function is a function which decreases as x increases. Of course, a
function may be increasing in some places and decreasing in others. A point where a function
changes from an increasing to a decreasing function or visa-versa is known as a turning point. A
turning point is a type of stationary point (see below).
We can use differentiation to determine if a function is increasing or decreasing:
A function is increasing if its derivative is always positive. A function is decreasing if its
derivative is always negative.
y = -x has derivative -1 which is always negative and so -x is decreasing.
y = x2 has derivative 2x, which is negative when x is less than zero and positive when x is greater
than zero. Hence x2 is decreasing for x<0>0 .
Stationary Points
Stationary points are points on a graph where the gradient is zero. There are three types of
stationary points: maximums, minimums and points of inflection (/inflexion). The three are
illustrated here:

Find the coordinates of the stationary points on the graph y = x2 .
We know that at stationary points, dy/dx = 0 (since the gradient is zero at stationary points).
By differentiating, we get: dy/dx = 2x. Therefore the stationary points on this graph occur when
2x = 0, which is when x = 0.
When x = 0, y = 0, therefore the coordinates of the stationary point are (0,0). In this case, this is
the only stationary point. If you think about the graph of y = x2, you should know that it is "U"
shaped, with its lowest point at the origin. This is what we have just found.
Maximum, Minimum or Point of Inflection?
At all the stationary points, the gradient is the same (= zero) but it is often necessary to know
whether you have found a maximum point, a minimum point or a point of inflection. Therefore
the gradient at either side of the stationary point needs to be looked at (alternatively, we can use
the second derivative).
At maximum points, the gradient is positive just before the maximum, it is zero at the maximum
and it is negative just after the maximum. At minimum points, the gradient is negative, zero then
positive. Finally at points of inflexion, the gradient can be positive, zero, positive or negative,
zero, negative. This is illustrated here:

Find the stationary points on the graph of y = 2x2 + 4x3 and state their nature (i.e. whether they
are maxima, minima or points of inflexion).
dy/dx = 4x + 12x2
At stationary points, dy/dx = 0
Therefore 4x + 12x2 = 0 at stationary points
Therefore 4x( 1 + 3x ) = 0
Therefore either 4x = 0 or 3x = -1
Therefore x = 0 or -1/3

When x = 0, y = 0
When x = -1/3, y = 2x2 + 4x3 = 2(-1/3)2 + 4(-1/3)3 = 2/9 - 4/27 = 2/27

Looking at the gradient either side of x = 0:

When x = -0.0001, dy/dx = negative
When x = 0, dy/dx = zero
When x = 0.0001, dy/dx = positive
So the gradient goes -ve, zero, +ve, which shows a minimum point.

Looking at the gradient either side of x = -1/3 .

When x = -0.3334, dy/dx = +ve
When x = -0.3333..., dy/dx = zero
When x = -0.3332, dy/dx = -ve
So the gradient goes +ve, zero, -ve, which shows a maximum point.

Therefore there is a maximum point at (-1/3 , 2/27) and a minimum point at (0,0).
Solving Practical Problems
This method of finding maxima and minima is very useful and can be used to find the maximum
and minimum values of all sorts of things.
Find the least area of metal required to make a closed cylindrical container from thin sheet metal
in order that it might have a capacity of 2000π cm3.

The total surface area of the cylinder, S, is 2π r2 + 2π rh

The volume = π r2h = 2000π
Therefore π r2h = 2000π .
Therefore h = 2000/r2

Therefore S = 2π r2 + 2π r( 2000/r2 )
= 2π r2 + 4000π

So we have an expression for the surface area. To find when the surface area is a minimum, we
need to find dS/dr .
dS = 4π r - 4000π
dr r2
When dS/dr = 0:
4π r - (4000π )/r2 = 0
Therefore 4π r = 4000π
So 4π r3 = 4000π
So r3 = 1000
So r = 10

You should then check that this is indeed a minimum using the technique above.
So the minimum area occurs when r = 10. This minimum area is found by substituting into the
equation for the area the value of r = 10.
S = 2π r2 + 4000π
= 2π (10)2 + 4000π
= 200π + 400π
= 600π

Therefore the minimum amount of metal required is 600π cm2
Differentiation Application Example

Lets assume that the student asked what the solution to the below question.

Question: Write the equation of the curve, which is a third order polynomial, shown below. The two

points, the curve crosses the x-axis are -2 and 2 and has a local minimum at .
Answer: The curve is a third order polynomial which crosses the x-axis at -2, 2 and another point to the

right of . The general equation of a third order polynomial is

This equation has four unknowns, namely a, b, c and d and therefore four equations are needed to solve.
The concepts you need to answer this question includes zeroes of a polynomial (Algebra Download),
derivatives and stationary points (Differentiation Download).

You can solve this question by seeing the solutions to the given questions which use the same concepts.

Questions which will help you to solve your question.

Question 1: What is the value of y when in the third order polynomial sketched below?

Answer: The general equation of a third order polynomial is . When

. In other words since when ,

(equation 1)

Hence .

Substituting in y gives:

What is the value of d in your question?

Question 2: If the third order polynomial y in question cuts x axis at points -1 and 2, further identify
the curve y. (At what points the curve in your question cuts the x-axis?)

Answer: At the points where curve cuts the x-axis, y equals to zero; and the points (-1,0) and (2,0) are

called the zeroes of the polynomial. A third order polynomial, at most has three zeroes. and
are two of the factors of the given third order polynomial. So when , and when

, . If we substitute this information in , we obtain:

That is:

.............................................. (equation 2)

.............................................. (equation 3)

Multiplying equation 2 gives:

.............................................. (equation )

Adding equations and 3 gives:

That is:

.............................................. (A)

At what points the curve in your question cuts the x-axis?

Question 3: If the above third order polynomial has a local maximum at , identify the

Answer: Local maximum, minimum and point of horizontal reflection are stationary points. At
stationary points of curve y, .


.............................................. (equation 4)

.............................................. (equation 2)

Adding equations 2 and 4 gives:

That is:

.............................................. (B)

We already obtained the equation A in question 2.

.............................................. (A)

Multiplying equation A by 0.8630 gives:

.............................................. ( )
Adding equations and B gives:

Substituting b, in equation A gives:

Substituting the values of a and b in equation 2 gives:

.............................................. (equation 2)

Finally, substituting a, b, c in gives:

At what value of x, the curve in your question has a stationary (maximum, minimum or point of

Differentiation is rate of change of a quantity with respect to another time and other factors.
List of applications of differentiation:
A function can be increasing or decreasing. We can find the maximum and minimum of the curve. This
finds use in the cost and profit function.
1st application of differentiation
• Let us consider the following curve :
The daily profit of an oil refinery is given by
Y= 8x - 0.02x2 where y is the profit, x is the number or barrels processed every day.

= 8 - 0.04X, Equating this to zero, 8 = 0.04x

8/0.04 = x
x =200

= -0.04 is negative
so the oil refinery can earn maximum profit, if it processes 200 barrels every day
2nd application of differentiation:
• Apart from this we have Marginal cost
Cost has two components Variable cost and fixed cost
Total cost = Variable cost + fixed cost
Marginal cost means the rise in cost as the production increases. Eg:- Daily production of a factory is
100 units, if the production increases to 150 per day, then cost (fixed and variable) also increases
accordingly. Marginal cost is the study of increase/decrease in the cost as the amount of production
C is the cost of the production and
X is the quantity of the output

Marginal cost = .

Tangent to a Curve on Application of Differentiation

• We know that Tangent to a curve at a given point is a line that touches the curve
at that point and has the slope as the curve at that point.

Normal to a curve is the line that is perpendicular to the Tangent at that point.
Why do we need all these tangent normal?
This finds application in Physics.
The spokes of the wheel are placed normal to the circular shape of the wheel at that point where it is
connected with the centre.
If a car skids on the road, then the car continues in the direction tangent to the curve.
well this helps in designing the car.
Again, we find angular momentum, torque, gravity, velocity, acceleration where differentiation plays a
major role. The analysis of study of these motions lead to better designing in car, rocket etc.

More on Applications of Differentiation

• Let us consider the implicit differentiation.
A stone is thrown into the river forming ripples. If the radius is 4 cm and the rate of change of the
radius is 0.5 cm per sec, then what is rate of change of area of the circles.
Area= r2
= cm per second = 0.5 cm per second


= Pi * 2 * r * = 3.14 * 2 *4 *0.05 = 3.14 * 8 *0.05 = 12.56

Thus application of differentiation is non exhaustive.

In Isaac Newton's day, one of the biggest problems was poor navigation at sea.

Before calculus was developed, the stars were vital for navigation.
Shipwrecks occured because the ship was not where the captain thought it should be. There was not a
good enough understanding of how the Earth, stars and planets moved with respect to each other.
Calculus (differentiation and integration) was developed to improve this understanding.
Differentiation and integration can help us solve many types of real-world problems.
We use the derivative to determine the maximum and minimum values of particular functions (e.g.
cost, strength, amount of material used in a building, profit, loss, etc.).
Derivatives are met in many engineering and science problems, especially when modelling the
behaviour of moving objects.
Our discussion begins with some general applications which we can then apply to specific problems.
In this Chapter
1. Tangents and Normals which are important in physics (eg forces on a car turning a corner)
2. Newton's Method - for those tricky equations that you cannot solve using algebra
Related Sections in
"Interactive Mathematics"
Introduction to Calculus, where there is a brief history of calculus.
The Derivative, an introduction to differentiation, for those who have never heard of it.
Differentiation of Transcendental Functions, which shows how to find derivatives of sine, cosine,
exponential and tangential functions.
Integration, which is actually the opposite of differentiation.
Differential Equations, which are a different type of integration problem, but still involve
3. Curvilinear Motion, which shows how to find velocity and acceleration of a body moving in a curve
4. Related Rates - where 2 variables are changing over time, and there is a relationship between the
5. Curve Sketching Using Differentiation, where we begin to learn how to model the behaviour of
6. More Curve Sketching Using Differentiation
7. Applied Maximum and Minimum Problems, which is a vital application of differentiation
8. Radius of Curvature, which shows how a curve is almost part of a circle in a local region

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