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Katie Day and Sarah Gakobo
Saundra Watts
Period 1
The Web of Life


I. The Web of Life

A. Animals

1.) Eagles

2.) Trout

3.) Snakes

4.) Salamanders

5.) Frogs

6.) Damselflies

7.) Rabbits

8.) Coyote

A. Types of Consumers

1) Herbivores ( eat plants only)

2) Carnivores ( Eat meat only)

II. What is food?

A. Types of Foods

1.) Breads – Provides Carbohydrates

2.) Meats – Good source of protein (fish - provides healthy fats)

3.) Vegetables – Full of vitamins and minerals

4.) Fruits – good source of potassium

5.) Dairy – Good source of protein

B. What can foods give you

1.) Carbohydrates

2.) Fiber

3.) Vitamins
4.) Minerals

5.) Iron

II. Calories

A. Necessary Amount of Daily Calories

1.) Adult Men: 2,500 Calories a day

2.) Adult Woman: 2,000 Calories a Day

3.) Children: 1,875 Calories a Day

B. Too Much Calories

1.) Excess calories we consume form to fat

2.) Body becomes overweight. Causes serious health issues

III. Food Guide Pyramid

A. Parts of the food guide pyramid

1.) Bread, Cereal, Rice, Pasta

2.) Vegetables

3.) Fruits

4.) Dairy Products

5.) Meat, Fish, Eggs, Dried Beans, and Nuts

6.) Fat, Oils, Sugar

B. Importance of Food Guide Pyramid

1.) Prevent stokes

2.) Prevents heart disease

IV. Choosing Healthy Foods

A.) What are healthy foods?

1.) Apples – excellent supply of Vitamin C

2.) Oranges – Rich in nutrients such as Vitamin C

3.) Potatoes – Lots of fiber

4.) Green peas – Great supply of Vitamin K

5.) Grapes –Has vitamins A and C, but you'll also find vitamin B6

6.) Fish – Lots of proteins

7.) Milk – needed for muscles

8.) Wheat Bread – Loads of fiber

B.) How to maintain a healthy weight

1.) Balance amount of food we eat

2.) Exercise at least 30 minutes a day

V. Carbohydrates

A.) Foods with Carbohydrates

1.) Potatoes

2.) Grains

3.) Beans

4.) Pasta

VI. Fiber

A.) Foods with fiber

1.) Beans - great source of mineral iron

2.) Grains - Such as Barley, Bulgur, or Ferro

3.) Vegetables

VII. Good Foods Bad Foods

a.) Consequences of eating too much fats

1.) Obesity

2.) Health problems

3.) Cause babies to develop brain and nervous system issues

4.) Clogged arteries

B.) Goods foods

1.) Fruits

2.) Vegetables

3.) Bread

4.) Protein

5.) Dairy Products

C.) Bad foods ( all may resort in getting diabetes)

1.) Cake

2.) Fatty cuts of meat

3.) Butter

4.) Fatty Fish

5.) Sunflower Seeds

VIII. Proteins

A.) What do proteins do?

1.) Shield you from disease

2.) Make enzymes and hormones

3.) Make neurotransmitters

B.) Necessary amount of daily protein

1.) 10 – 15 percent of calories should be protein

C.) Body Parts the NEED PROTEIN

1.) Hair

2.) Skin Cells

3.) Fingernails

D.) Too much protein

1.) Excesses protein turns into fat

2.) Heath Problems

IX. Vitamins

A.) What are Vitamins?

1.) Group of 13 organic substances our body needs

B.) Types of Vitamins

1.) Vitamin A

2.) Vitamin B

3.) Vitamin C

4.) Vitamin D

5.) Vitamin K

C.) Foods with vitamin A

1.) Liver

2.) Salmon

3.) Egg yolks

4.) Dairy products

D.) Foods with vitamin B

1.) Bread

2.) Meat

3.) Fish
E.) Food with vitamin C

1.) Lime

2.) Grapefruit

3.) Orange

4.) Lemon

F.) Food with vitamin D

1.) Milk

2.) Oily fish

3.) Fortified cereals

G.) Foods with vitamin E

1.) Chicken

2.) Nuts and seeds

3.) Vegetable oils

4.) Mayonnaise

H.) Foods with vitamin K

1.) Peas

2.) Cabbage

3.) Spinach

4.) Asparagus

5.) Broccoli

X. Minerals

A.) Body parts that need minerals

1.) Bones

2.) Tooth Formation

3.) Biological reactions

4.) Water Balance

5.) Hormone Production

6.) Functioning or the circulatory

7.) Nervous System

8.) Digestive System

B.) Foods with Minerals

1.) Water Cress – has zinc , iron, foliate, and much more
2.) Eggs - foliate, thiamin, riboflavin, phosphorus, zinc,

iron, choline, lutein & zeaxanthin

3.) Bananas-Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Selenium

4.) kiwi-Iron Magnesium, Copper, Phosphorous, Potassium

5.) Pumpkin Seeds – include Phosphorous, Iron, Copper,

Potassium, Zinc

6.) Seaweed- Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium,

Iron, Iodine ,Chromium, Copper

7.) Dark Chocolate- only has Magnesium

C.) How many minerals do we need in a day?

1.) Men – 55

2.) Woman-36

3.) Children -35 or less

Laura, Buller . Food . First American Edition . New York : Dk publishing
iic, 2005. 1-27. Print.

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