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Adolescent mischief (Juvenile Delinquency) is activities which impinge law done by

adolescent and will be sanctioned if known by officer of law. Deed delinquent not merely

causing negativity perpetrator, but farther deed contempt of court/ norm/ arrange order exist in

society, direct felt by society as form ' badness' which have destroy peacefulness of life and life

of society, so that is matter which ought to be done by everybody as society member to strive

how acting this delinquency can be depressed and even if can lose is at all.


As for forming of adolescent mischief for example:

1. Mischief causing physical handicap to others. Like: rape, robbery, murder etcetera

2. Mischief which is cause loss of items. Like: theft, robbery, pickpocket etcetera

3. Mischief of social which do not cause damage in others side. Like: prostitution, abuse of

and liquor of drugs.

4. Mischief which fighting against status. Like: impinging their status as student by cutting

a class or school etcetera


As for the causes of adolescent mischief are:

1. Incoming problem of family. Whether that in the form of inharmonious family and also

lack of attention of old fellow to child.

2. Incoming problem of formal education institute. Whether that in the form of influence of

friend, educator action and also school environment.

3. Incoming problem of society environment.


Pursuant to UU number 11 Year 2000, Government of Indonesia gives authority to Aceh

to execute Syari'at Islam in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Hereinafter [Code/Law] Number 11

Year 2000 also gives authority to governance of Aceh to form Law court of Syari'at in charge

handle civil dispute and crime pursuant to Syari'at Islam. After the time/date of that

Governmental invite Moslem scholar to compile draft of law applying law of syari’at Islam in

Aceh utilize to judge society when impinging law of[is known as Qanun Nanggroe Aceh


Since going into effect it of qanun, all Muslim scholar and society start can pour entire/all

their patterned thinking to lessen to act adolescent mischief and also badness. All Muslim scholar

start to teach the Muslim by kaffah like cultivation of Aqidah, Fiqih and Sophy to society. They

also cooperate with security government officer utilize to overcome to act badness, especially

adolescent mischief.

This matter as according to Qanun year 2003 for example:

1. Qanun No: 12 Year 2003 About Khamar and of a kind. Chapter of IV section 10 article 1

sound: Each;Every society member share and also in the effort eradication of beverage of

khamar and of a kind.

2. Qanun No: 13 Year 2003 About Maisir (Gambling). Chapter of IV section 9 article 1 sound:

Each; Every society member share and also in the effort eradication of maisir

3. Qanun No: 14 Year 2003 is Immoral / Khalwat / free sex. Chapter of IV section 10 article 1

sound: Each; Every society member share and also in the effort eradication of deed of

khalwat, immoral, free sex.

Hence pursuant to this qanun each; every caught by society member is hand in pursuance

of gambling, free sex and drink liquor, will be brought to Muslim scholar and local old fellow to

be getting deserts.

Therefore role of Muslim scholar of vital importance in Aceh to anticipate and discontinue

adolescent badness and also badness smelling to degrade nation child moral.

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