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Automatica 36 (2000) 673}684

Brief Paper
Parallel structure and tuning of a fuzzy PID controllerq
Jian-Xin Xu*, Chang-Chieh Hang, Chen Liu
Department of Electrical Engineering, National University of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260, Singapore
Received 2 December 1997; revised 12 January 1999; received in "nal form 3 September 1999


In this paper, a parallel structure of fuzzy PID control systems is proposed. It is associated with a new tuning method which, based
on gain margin and phase margin speci"cations, determines the parameters of the fuzzy PID controller. In comparison with
conventional PID controllers, the proposed fuzzy PID controller shows higher control gains when system states are away from
equilibrium and, at the same time, retains a lower pro"le of control signals. Consequently, better control performance is achieved.
With the proposed formula, the weighting factors of a fuzzy logic controller can be systematically selected according to the plant
under control. By virtue of using the simplest structure of fuzzy logic control, the stability of the nonlinear control system can be
analyzed and a su$cient BIBO stability condition is given. The superior performance of the proposed controller is demonstrated
through an experimental example. ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fuzzy PID control; PID tuning; Gain and phase margins; BIBO stability

1. Introduction appropriate design methods which will assist the con-

trol engineers to con"dently utilize the nonlinearity of
In recent years, fuzzy logic controllers (FLC), espe- the fuzzy PID controllers to improve the closed-loop
cially fuzzy proportional-integral-derivative (PID) con- performance.
trollers have been widely used for industrial processes To ful"ll the above target, we need to answer the
owing to their heuristic nature associated with simplicity following three fundamental questions: (1) what is the
and e!ectiveness for both linear and nonlinear systems. suitable structure for fuzzy PID controllers? (2) how to
In fact, for single-input single-output systems, fuzzy logic systematically tune the fuzzy PID controller parameters?
controllers are essentially the fuzzy PD type, fuzzy PI and (3) how to analyze and evaluate the designed fuzzy
type or fuzzy PID type associated with nonlinear gains. PID controllers?
Because of the nonlinear property of control gains, fuzzy To answer the "rst question, let us investigate the
PID controllers possess the potential to improve and existing fuzzy PID controllers. There are many design
achieve better system performance over the conventional factors in a fuzzy logic controller determining its struc-
PID controller if the nonlinearity can be suitably utilized. ture, such as membership functions, input space partition
On the other hand, due to the existence of nonlinearity, it by fuzzy rules, various types of fuzzy inference mecha-
is usually di$cult to conduct theoretical analyses to nisms, defuzzi"cation schemes, etc. They may appear
explain why fuzzy PID can achieve better performance. either highly nonlinear or approximately linear. Never-
Consequently, it is important, from both the theoretical theless, to perform proportional, integral and derivative
and practical points of view, to explore the essential control modes, the structure of a fuzzy logic controller
nonlinear control properties of fuzzy PID and "nd out has to be in some way analogous to a normal PID
controller. Although various types of fuzzy PID (includ-
ing PI and PD) controllers have been proposed (Zhao,
This paper was not presented at any IFAC meeting. This paper was Tomizuka & Isaka, 1993; Ying, 1993; Qin & Borders,
recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor P.
Fleming under the direction of Editor S. Skogestad.
1994; Malki, Li & Chen, 1994; Xu, Liu & Hang, 1998; Li,
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 65-8742566; fax: 65 7791103. 1998), they can be classi"ed into two major categories
E-mail address: (J.-X. Xu) according to the way of construction.

0005-1098/00/$ - see front matter ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 5 - 1 0 9 8 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 1 9 2 - 2
674 J.-X. Xu et al. / Automatica 36 (2000) 673}684

Nomenclature ¹(F) fuzzy derivative constant

K proportional gain
y plant output ¹ integral constant
r reference input ¹ derivative constant
r set-point change *t sampling period
e error s Laplace operator
*e change of error z delay operator
w ,w ,w scaling coe$cients of errors G (s) PID controller
e e1 e2 #
w ,w ,w scaling coe$cients of change of G(s) plant
*e *e1 *e2
errors q ,q time delay constants
1 2
w ,w scaling coe$cients of FLC outputs ¸ dead time
u *u
*(F) fuzzy PI control A gain margin (dB)
u1 .
u(F) fuzzy PD control ' phase margin
2 .
u(F) fuzzy PID control u phase crossover frequency
*u(F) increment of fuzzy PID control A(F) fuzzy gain margin
k,k ,k membership functions a equivalent gain/phase contour
P N 0
P, P , P positive fuzzy labels K(F) FLC gain on a contour
e *e #a0 0
N, N , N negative fuzzy labels A(F)0 fuzzy gain margin on a contour
e *e .a 0
K(F) fuzzy proportional gain q(t) tank 1 inlet
¹(F) fuzzy integral constant H (t) water level of tank 2
* 2

One category of fuzzy PID controllers is composed of model of the fuzzy PID controller. Thus numerous
the conventional PID control system in conjunction with model-based controller analysis tools and controller
a set of fuzzy rules (knowledge base) and a fuzzy reason- parameter setting methods can be used. A considerable
ing mechanism. The PID gains are tuned on-line in terms amount of work has been done in this particular area of
of the knowledge base and fuzzy inference, and then the FLC structure analysis.
PID controller generates the control signal. One such In this paper we propose a new type of the fuzzy PID
design was given by (Zhao et al., 1993). By virtue of the controller of the second category. It has the simplest
gain scheduling property, this type of fuzzy PID control- structure: only two fuzzy labels are used for each fuzzy
lers can adapt themselves to varying environments. The input variable and three fuzzy labels for the fuzzy control
main di$culty in using this category of fuzzy PID con- output variable. The considerations behind our selection
trollers is that the analysis task is relatively tough, as it is are as follows. First, from the practical point of view, it
hard to acquire the equivalent nonlinearity of the fuzzy seems that the heuristic knowledge of the second cat-
knowledge base. Besides, associating three PID gains egory is more analogous to that of human operator or
adaptively with the system responses requires ad hoc expert, therefore it is easier to be acquired. Second, owing
expertise which may not be so straightforward for a user to the similarity of the input}output relationship between
or designer to extract. the fuzzy and conventional PID controllers, it is possible
Another category of fuzzy PID controllers is a typical for us to borrow conventional PID tuning methods to
fuzzy logic controller constructed as a set of heuristic decide the fuzzy PID controller parameters. Third, with
control rules, hence the control signal is directly deduced the simplest structure of the dynamics of the fuzzy PID, it
from the knowledge base and the fuzzy inference. These is convenient for us to conduct further theoretical analy-
heuristic control rules can be very simple and primitive, sis and evaluation.
hence easy to derive. They are referred to as fuzzy It should be pointed out that, for fuzzy PID control-
PID controllers because, from the viewpoint of in- lers, normally a 3-D rule base is required. This is di$cult
put}output relationship, their structure is analogous to obtain since 3-D information is usually beyond the
to that of the conventional PID controller. Once the sensing capability of a human expert. To obtain all of
structure is "xed, the nonlinear property of the fuzzy proportional, integral and derivative control action, it is
PID controller is uniquely determined. When a large intuitive and convenient to combine PI and PD type
number of fuzzy rules are involved in such a fuzzy logic fuzzy logic controllers together to form a fuzzy PID
controller and unevenly distributed in the fuzzy input controller. Therefore, in the proposed fuzzy control sys-
space, it will be again di$cult to do any analysis. On tem there are only four control rules for the fuzzy PI and
the other hand, if a relatively simple fuzzy rule base is fuzzy PD control channels, respectively, and the two
used, it is possible to capture the essential nonlinear channels are combined in parallel.
J.-X. Xu et al. / Automatica 36 (2000) 673}684 675

After determining the structure, we are ready to answer sesses higher control gains but yields less control e!orts
the second and third questions. There are two ways of than the conventional PID controllers.
determining fuzzy logic controller parameters, depending This paper is organized as follows. The fuzzy PID
on how much is known about the process under control. controller constructed by the parallel combination of
Without knowing the process dynamics or its approxi- fuzzy PI and fuzzy PD controllers and its tuning formula
mation, the FLC parameters can only be tuned through is "rst presented. The stability condition and the prop-
trial and error. On the other hand, it is well known that erty of the proposed fuzzy PID controller are then
for most industrial control problems, the e!ective tuning studied. Experiments are carried out which demonstrate
of conventional PID controllers is based on estimating better control performance of the proposed fuzzy PID
and approximating the process dynamics, whether linear controller, thereby showing the validity of the proposed
or nonlinear, by a simple linear "rst or second order control method.
system with dead time. There exist many tuning or auto-
tuning algorithms such as Ziegler}Nichols tuning for-
mula, internal model control tuning method (As stroK m 2. Design of fuzzy PID control system
& HaK gglund, 1995), optimization based tuning (As stroK m,
Panagopoulos & HaK gglund, 1998), etc. Because a fuzzy 2.1. Fuzzy PID controller with parallel structure
controller of the second category is essentially a PD type,
PI or PID-type controller with nonlinear gains, it is Usually, a fuzzy controller is either a PD or a PI type
possible to borrow the standard estimation method, for depending on the output of fuzzy control rules. A fuzzy
instance the relay test, and tuning methods of a conven- PID controller may be constructed by introducing the
tional PID controller to design the fuzzy PID controller. third information besides error and change in error,
Gain margin and phase margin are important measures which is either rate of change in error or sum of error,
of the closed-loop system characteristics and they o!er with a 3-D rule base. Such a fuzzy PID controller with
a convenient means for designing control systems. The a 3-D rule base is di$cult to construct because: (1) for
auto-tuning method for PI/PID controllers to satisfy the case of using rate of change in error, a human expert
a pair of speci"ed gain margin and phase margin has can hardly sense the third dimension of information, for
been proven to be e!ective (Ho, Hang & Cao, 1994). In instance, the acceleration besides position and velocity in
this paper, we introduce a tuning method, which is a motion control system, and thus it is di$cult to obtain
similarly based on gain margin and phase margin, to the control rules; (2) for the case of using sum of error,
determine the parameters of the proposed fuzzy PID it is di$cult to quantitate its linguistic value since a
controller. The auto-tuning formula is applied here to di!erent plant needs di!erent integral gain and steady-
decide the fuzzy PID parameters (the weighting coe$- state value of sum of error; (3) a 3-D rule base can be
cients for error, the change of error and controller out- very complex when the number of quantizations of each
put) with respect to a selected equivalent gain/phase dimension increases; in this situation, the control
margin contour on which both fuzzy and conventional rule number increases cubically with the number of
PID controllers possess the same gain and phase mar- quantizations.
gins. This ensures the required gain and phase margins, In this paper, we propose a parallel combination of
which give the local stability, of the fuzzy PID controller a fuzzy PI controller and a fuzzy PD controller to achieve
on the selected contour. The "ne-tuning of the error a fuzzy PID controller. The overall structure is shown in
coe$cient, which does not a!ect the given gain and phase Fig. 1.
margins, is based on heuristic knowledge. Simplest structures are used in each FLC. There are
As for the analysis and evaluation of the fuzzy PID only two fuzzy labels (Positive and Negative) used for the
controllers, we will focus on an important issue: the fuzzy input variables and three fuzzy labels (Positive,
stability problem. Although fuzzy logic controllers have Zero and Negative) for the fuzzy output variable. There
been adopted in many engineering applications, their are two main reasons which motivate us to choose this
performance is not guaranteed since there is a lack of type of FLC: (1) theoretical analysis is possible owing to
stability analysis. Note that the concept of local stability its simplicity and (2) the nonlinearity of the simplest fuzzy
based on the gain and phase margins is essentially controller is the strongest (Buckley & Ying, 1989). There-
from the linear control systems. Therefore, more general fore, we can expect better control performance from this
stability analysis methods which can incorporate the simplest structure controller as long as we can correctly
nonlinear nature of the fuzzy PID controller are prefer- use its nonlinear property.
red. In this paper, the well-known small-gain theorem is First of all, the error and the change of error are
employed to evaluate the bounded-input/bounded-out- de"ned as
put stability condition of the proposed fuzzy PID control
system. Through analysis we will show another impor-
tant property of the new fuzzy PID controller: it pos- *e(k)"e(k)!e(k!1). (1)
676 J.-X. Xu et al. / Automatica 36 (2000) 673}684

Consequently, there are only four simple fuzzy control

rules used in each FLC (see Table 1). The fuzzy labels of
control outputs are singletons de"ned as P"1, Z"0
and N"!1. By using Larsen's product inference
method with Zadeh fuzzy logic AND and Lukasiewicz
fuzzy logic OR, using the center-of-gravity defuzzi"ca-
tion method, and for simplicity choosing w "w "w
e1 e2 e
and w "w "w , the control output of each FLC
*e1 *e2 *e
can be obtained, in the universe of discourse (Ying, 1993),
Fig. 1. The overall structure of fuzzy PID controller. *u(F)" *u1 (w e#w *e)
1 4!2 max(w DeD, w D*eD) e1 *e1
e1 *e1
" *u (w e#w *e), (6)
4!2a e *e

u(F)" u2 (w e#w *e)
2 4!2 max(w DeD, w D*eD) e2 *e2
e2 *e2
" u (w e#w *e), (7)
4!2a e *e

Fig. 2. Membership functions of e & *e.
a"max(w DeD, w D*eD)"max(w DeD, w D*eD)
e1 *e1 e2 *e2
"max(w DeD, w D*eD).
The inputs of the fuzzy controller are normalized error e *e
(w e) and normalized change of error (w *e) where The overall fuzzy control output will be
eH *eH
w and w are weighting factors. The notation k
eH *eH
*(*"M1, 2N) denotes di!erent types of FLCs. The mem- u(F) "+ *u(F)#u(F)
PID 1 2
bership functions k(v) of fuzzi"ed inputs are de"ned in 0

Fig. 2. k w w *t
According to this kind of triangular-shape member- "+ *u *e *e# e
4!2a w /w *t
ship functions, there are four fuzzy labels P , P , N and 0 *e e
e *e e

N for the two fuzzy input variables and the correspond- w w w *t *e
*e # u e e# *e . (8)
ing membership functions are described as 4!2a w *t

0, w ) e(!1, If we choose
k eH " 1#1w ) e, !14w ) e(1, (2) w w
P 2 2 eH eH K(F)" *u *e ,
1, w ) e51, # 4!2a

1, w ) e(!1, ¹(F)" *e *t, (9)
eH * w
k eH " 1!1w ) e, !14w ) e(1, (3)
N 2 2 eH eH ¹(F) ww
0, w ) e51, K(F) $ " u e ,
eH # ¹(F) 4!2a

0, w ) *e(!1, then the fuzzy control output in (8) can be rewritten as

k *eH " 1#1w ) *e, !14w ) *e(1, (4) k *t
P 2 2 *eH *eH u(F) "+ K(F) *e# e
1, w ) *e41, PID # ¹(F)
*eH 0 *

¹(F) *e
#K(F) $ e#¹(F)

) *e(!1, . (10)
1, w
*eH # ¹(F) * *t
k *eH " 1!1w ) *e, !14w ) *e(1, (5)
N 2 2 *eH *eH Now assume that the time constants of the plant are
0, w ) *e51. su$ciently large compared with the sampling interval,
J.-X. Xu et al. / Automatica 36 (2000) 673}684 677

Table 1
Fuzzy control rules (FLC and FLC ). N: negative; P: positive; Z: zero
1 2
Rule 1 If error is N and change of error is N, change in control action is N
PI Part Rule 2 If error is N and change of error is P, change in control action is Z
FLC Rule 3 If error is P and change of error is N, change in control action is Z
Rule 4 If error is P and change of error is P, change in control action is P

Rule 1 If error is N and change of error is N, control action is N

PD Part Rule 2 If error is N and change of error is P, control action is Z
FLC Rule 3 If error is P and change of error is N, control action is Z
Rule 4 If error is P and change of error is P, control action is P

which is common and reasonable in process control, such a common linear PID controller. Moreover, the equiva-
that lent proportional control gain K(F), integral time ¹(F) and
# *
derivative time ¹(F) are composed of FLC parameters
*e w , w , w , and w as shown in Eq. (9). This greatly
e5 + , e *e u *u
*t facilitates the property analysis and setting of control
parameters, as will be shown subsequently.
then the overall control output can be approximated as
Remark 2. It is worthwhile pointing out that the fuzzy

k>*t e PID control system has six control parameters free for
u(F) + K(F) de# dt
PID # ¹(F) design, whereas the conventional PID only has three. In
0 *
this paper we choose w "w "w and w "
e1 e2 e *e1
¹(F) de w "w to reduce the undetermined fuzzy PID con-
# K(F) $ e#¹(F) *e2 *e
# ¹(F) * dt trol parameters. The purpose is to facilitate the applica-
tion of conventional PID tuning algorithms to the fuzzy

k>*t k>*t K(F) PID controller. It is clear that if all the control para-
" K(F)e5 dt# # e dt
# ¹(F) meters are used, we actually have more degrees of free-
0 0 * dom in designing fuzzy PID to achieve multiple control
K(F)¹(F) targets such as robustness or adaptation. However, in
# # $ (e#¹(F)e5 ). (11) this paper we will not pursue any further discussions in
¹(F) *
* this direction.
Note that the linear PID controller in series form is
Remark 3. Note here that the series form of conventional
K PID controller is used in the comparison. This structure
G (s)" # (1#s¹ )(1#s¹ )
# ¹s * $ is also implemented in many commercial controllers and
* can be easily transformed to the parallel structure (As s-
or troK m & HaK gglund, 1995). Although this kind of PID
controllers cannot introduce complex zeros, it is su$-

t t K K ¹ cient for the purpose of process control.
u" K e5 dt# # e dt# # $ (e#¹ e5 ),
# ¹ ¹ *
0 0 * *
2.2. Tuning of the fuzzy PID controller
in time domain. Comparing (11) with the above formula
we can conclude that the fuzzy PID controller (8) is Suppose that a process can be modeled by a second-
a nonlinear PID controller with variable proportional order plus dead-time structure which has the transfer
gain. function of

Remark 1. By adopting the simplest FLC in Fig. 1, its K e~sL

G(s)" p , q 5q (12)
nonlinear structure and the inherent relationships be- (1#sq )(1#sq ) 1 2
tween its components and their functioning can be made 1 2
transparent to the designer. With the formulas (6), (7) and a pair of gain margin and phase margin (A ,' ) is
. .
and (11), the FLC is in essence a nonlinear PID-type given as the closed-loop performance speci"cation. The
controller because its structure is analogous to that of tuning formulae of a conventional PID controller can be
678 J.-X. Xu et al. / Automatica 36 (2000) 673}684

obtained as (Ho et al., 1994) Thus the normalizing factor of error should be propor-
tional to the reciprocal of the working range, or speci"-
A ' #1pA (A !1)
u " . . 2 . . , cally in our study, the set-point changing range, i.e.
1 (A2 !1)¸
u q w" .
e r
K " 1 1 , (13) 0
# A K
. 1
Based on extensive numerical studies, we choose s"0.2
¹" , to make possible a compromise among rise time, over-
* 2u !4u2¸/p#1/q shoot and settling time, where r is the set-point change.
1 1 1 0
For a fuzzy PI controller, this w can be used to approx-
¹ "q ,
$ 2 e
imately minimize the ITAE to set-point response (Xu,
where u is the resultant phase crossover frequency. Liu & Hang, 1996). With Eqs. (14) and (15), the coe$-
cients of the fuzzy PID controller (8) can be uniquely
Remark 4. In many practical control problems, ranging determined with respect to any plant in the form of (12).
from the level control in chemical industry to the servo In the tuning algorithm, a can be interpreted as an
tracking control in disk drive industry, it is su$cient and equivalent gain/phase contour in the sense of the gain
sometimes also necessary to use a simple model such as and phase margins. When determining the fuzzy PID
(12) to design a controller. It is su$cient because parameters in terms of gain and phase margins, we need
a PI/PID controller based on the linearized model can to assign a "xed value to the quantity a. Let a"a where
work well even though the original process has high a 3[0,1]. a actually speci"es a particular contour on
nonlinearities and uncertainties (As stroK m & HaK gglund, 0 0
the normalized e/*e plane such that, on this contour the
1995; Seborg, Edgar & Mellichamp, 1989). It is also gain and phase margins (which are measures of the local
necessary because other advanced control methods may stability of the closed-loop system) satisfy the speci"ca-
either be too complicated to be implemented, or require tions (Fig. 3).
too many measurements which are not available. For According to the tuning formulae (14) and (15), when
instance, consider the level control of a coupled-tank a particular a is selected, the weighting factors
system, the complete model takes a nonlinear cascaded 0
w , w w and w will be "xed. This we have
form. Since the liquid level of the 1st tank is usually not e *e *u u
available, many advanced control methods such as w *t
¹(F)(e, *e)" *e ,
backstepping-approach-based robust adaptive control * w
methods, which are dedicated to this kind of nonlinear
systems, are not applicable. However PID, despite its ¹(F)(e, *e)" u *t,
simplicity, gives satisfactory control performance. $ w
w w
Comparing (13) with (9), let K(F)(e, *e)" *u *e
# 4!2a
K(F)"K , ¹(F)"¹ , ¹(F)"¹ .
# # * * $ $ 4!2a 1
" 0 w w
It is easy to derive 4!2 max(w DeD, w D*eD) 4!2a *u *e
e *e 0
w " e 1
*e (2u !4u2 ¸/p#1/q )*t "c w w
1 1 1 4!2a *u *e
u q (2u !4u2¸/p#1/q )
w " 1 1 1 1 1 (4!2a)*t (14) "cK(F)0 ,
*u A K w
. 1 e where K 0 is the gain of FLC when the system is at its
u q q (2u !4u2 ¸/p#1/q ) #a
w" 1 1 2 1 1 1 (4!2a). a contour. Clearly, the fuzzy PID controller has the
u A K w 0
. 1 e property that its ¹(F) and ¹(F) are "xed and K(F) is
* $ #
Thus, we have three independent equations with four variable in terms of di!erent e and *e. Because we will
undetermined control parameters. Usually, the system have
output has a working range which is highly related to the 4!2a
changing range of set point. If the working range is large, c(e, *e)" 0 , (17)
4!2 max(w DeD, w D*eD)
w should be relatively small and vice versa. Such a suit- e *e
able w ensures the normalized error "tted into the inter- which means c(1, c"1 or c'1 when normalized sys-
val of [!1,1]. This is reasonable because the tem states (w e and w *e) are inside, on, or outside the
e *e
quantization values of the fuzzy linguistic variables e or a contour, respectively. From the second equation of
*e are dependent on what range the system is working in. (13), replacing K by K(F), we obtain the closed-loop gain
# #
J.-X. Xu et al. / Automatica 36 (2000) 673}684 679

gain and phase margins. Since the concepts of gain and

phase margins are essential for linear control systems, the
above discussions are qualitative and approximate ones.
In order to explore the quantitative relationship between
the fuzzy and conventional PID controllers and evaluate
the global stability, we need more strict and more general
analysis methods which can be applied to both nonlinear
processes and nonlinear controllers. The small-gain the-
orem is an appropriate tool for this purpose. It should be
noted that the new fuzzy PID is tuned based on a simple
model of second order with dead time. This implies that
less information is available in the stage of controller
design. Hence, the stability analysis is imperative, espe-
Fig. 3. Equivalent gain/phase margin contours of di!erent a . cially when the controlled process is of general nonlinear
uncertain classes such as BIBO types.

margin for the fuzzy PID as 3.1. BIBO stability condition of the fuzzy PID control
A(F)" .a0 , (18)
. c In this subsection, we will analyze the bounded-in-
put/bounded-output (BIBO) stability of the fuzzy PID
control system. By using the small-gain theorem, we will
u q "nd the generalized su$cient BIBO stability condition of
A 0" 1 1 .
.a K(F)0 K the proposed fuzzy PID control system. Consider a gen-
#a 1 eral case where the process under control, which is de-
Eq. (18) shows that the gain margin is always recipro- noted by g(v), is nonlinear and the reference input is r(k).
cal to c. Therefore, from (17) we can conclude that no By using the control law (10), we have
matter what a is used, the further away from outside the
0 k~1
equivalent gain/phase margin contour, the larger is the u(F) (k)"*u(F)(k)#u(F)(k)# + *u(F)(i)
c and consequently, the smaller is the gain margin. Sim- PID 1 2 1
ilarly, the closer to the steady state, the smaller is the "*u(F) (k)#u(F) (k!1), (19)
c and then the larger is the gain margin. In short, PID PID
A(F) increases when DeD or D*eD decreases, which means that where
the loop gain K(F)K decreases and the system &safety *u(F) (k)"*u(F)(k)#u(F)(k)!u(F)(k!1). (20)
# 1 PID 1 2 2
factor' increases. Note that this is a desirable property, as
this ensures that the system is less sensitive to measure- By denoting
ment noise near the steady state and is quick in response *u(F) (k)"f (e(k)),
when o! the steady state. PID
The property of a can be used to allocate the equiva- y(k)"g(*u(F) (k)), (21)
lent gain/phase margin contour. For example, if a "0 it is easy to obtain an equivalent closed-loop control
the system has the same local stability property as the system as shown in Fig. 4.
one controlled by the conventional PID controller
around the steady state, and the equivalent gain/phase Theorem. A suzcient condition for the nonlinear fuzzy PID
margin contour shrinks to a single point located at the control system to be BIBO stable is that the given nonlinear
center of the e/*e plane. In this situation, the controller process has a bounded norm (gain) as DDgDD(R and the
gain will reach its minimum only when the system is at its parameters of the fuzzy PID controller, w , w , w and
steady state. In this study, we set a "0 to ensure that e *e u
0 w , (or K(F)(k), ¹(F) and ¹(F) in (16)), satisfy
the fuzzy PID controller has the same local stability as *u # * $

¹(F) *t ¹(F)
the conventional PID controller around the steady state K(F)(k) 1# $ # # $ ) DDgDD(1, (22)
and higher gain property of the steady state. # ¹(F) ¹(F) *t
* *
where DDgDD is the operator norm of the given g(v), or the
gain of the given nonlinear system, usually de,ned as
3. Stability and performance analysis (Desoer & <idyasagar, 1975):
Dg(v (k))!g(v (k))D
In the previous section, the properties of gain schedul- DDgDD" sup 1 2 . (23)
ing and local stability have been discussed in the sense of Dv (k)!v (k)D
v1 Ev2 ,kz0 1 2
680 J.-X. Xu et al. / Automatica 36 (2000) 673}684

Fig. 4. An equivalent closed-loop fuzzy PID control system.

Proof. The fuzzy PID controller can be considered as

a self-tuning adaptive nonlinear PID controller since the Fig. 5. Di!erent regions of fuzzy PID controller's inputs combinations.
gains of this kind of controllers vary in terms of the
combination of the inputs (e, *e) of the fuzzy controller.
The combination of (e, *e) can be divided into nine re- On the other hand,
gions as shown in Fig. 5. When the inputs of (e(k), *e(k))
DDg(u(F) (k))DD4DDgDD ) Du(F) (k)D. (27)
are in region I, the control law is given by (20), therefore PID PID
from (6), (7) and (9) Applying the small-gain theorem, we can obtain the
*u(F) (k) su$cient condition for the BIBO stability given by the
PID theorem
1 2 2

¹(F) *t ¹(F)

*t K(F) 1# $ # # $ ) DDgDD(1.
"K(F)(k) *e# e(k) # *t
# ¹(F)
¹(F) ¹(F)
* *
Similarly, when the system state (e(k), *e(k)) is in the
¹(F) ¹(F)
#K(F)(k) $ e(k)# * *e(k) regions of II and II@, in which the term w *e is outside
# ¹(F) *t *e
* the interval of [!1,1] and becomes a constant due to

¹(F) ¹(F) the saturation. Hence we can obtain the su$cient BIBO
!K(F)(k!1) $ e(k!1)# * *e(k!1)
# ¹(F) *t stability condition as

¹(F) *t ¹(F) ¹(F) *t
"K(F)(k) 1# $ # # $ e(k) K(F) $ # ) DDgDD(1.
# ¹(F) ¹(F) *t # ¹(F) ¹(F)
* * * *

A B When (e(k), *e(k)) is in the regions of III and III@, in which

!K(F)(k) 1# $ e(k!1)
# *t w e is outside the interval of [!1,1], the su$cient BIBO
stability condition is found to be

¹(F) ¹(F)
!K(F)(k!1) $ # $ e(k!1)

# ¹(F) *t ¹(F)
* K(F) 1# $ ) DDgDD(1.
# *t
#K(F)(k!1) $ e(k!2) (24)
# *t Finally, when (e(k),*e(k)) is in the regions of IV, IV@,
and thus V and V@, since the control e!ort is constant, the su$cient
BIBO stability condition is that DDgDD is bounded.

¹(F) *t ¹(F) By combining all the above conditions together, and
DD f (e(k))DD4K(F)(k) 1# $ # # $
# ¹(F) ¹(F) *t noting that K(F)'0, ¹(F)'0, ¹(F)'0 and *t'0, the
* * # * $
result for the stability of the fuzzy PID control system
) De(k)D#l e , (25)
1 .!9 will be:

¹(F) *t ¹(F)
K(F) 1# $ # # $ ) DDgDD(1. h
¹(F) ¹(F) # *t
l "max(K(F)) 1# $ #3 $ ¹(F) ¹(F)
* *
1 # ¹(F) *t
Note that in (22), if we eliminate the superscript (F), we
¹(F) ¹(F)
42K(F)0 1# $ #3 $ will arrive at the su$cient BIBO stability condition for
#a ¹(F) *t
* a linear PID-controlled closed-loop system (see Appen-
e "max(De(0)D, De(1)D,2, De(k!1)D). (26) dix A). Moreover, if the same gain and phase margin
J.-X. Xu et al. / Automatica 36 (2000) 673}684 681

speci"cations are used, the tuning formulae (14) and (15) ate a lower initial control signal compared to the conven-
result in a fuzzy PID controller that has the same gains tional PID control system.
on its a contour as a conventional PID controller. In To eliminate the derivative kick in the implementation
other words, the proposed fuzzy PID controller will of PID control a modi"ed derivative term is used as
retain at least the same stability property as its conven- follows (As stroK m & HaK gglund, 1995):
tional counterpart on and inside its a contour. This
0 dy
result is summarized as follows. D"!K ¹ .
# $ dt

Corollary. For a nonlinear process controlled stably by Similarly, the input *e to the fuzzy PID controller is
a conventional PID controller with gain K , integral time replaced by !*y. By transforming the series form of
constant ¹ and derivative time constant ¹ , if the PID conventional PID controller to the parallel form, and
* $
controller is replaced by the proposed fuzzy PID controller subtracting u(k!1) from u(k) we can obtain
whose control parameters w , w and w are given by the
*e *u u
tuning formula (14) with a"a 3[0,1], the resulting fuzzy ¹ #¹ K
0 *u (k)"K * $ [e(k)!e(k!1)]# # e(k!1)*t
PID control system will ensure at least the same (local) PID # ¹ ¹
stability on and within the a contour. * *
0 y(k)!2y(k!1)#y(k!2)
!K ¹ . (28)
# $ *t
Remark 5. The signi"cance of the above conclusion is
that, one can always replace a conventional PID control- Similarly, for the fuzzy PID controller we have
ler by the proposed nonlinear fuzzy PID controller with-
out losing the stability margin around the equilibrium. In *u(F) (k)"*u (k)#u (k)!u (k!1). (29)
PID 1 2 2
particular, if we take a "0, then in steady state
0 From (24) we have
e(k)"*e(k)"0, we have K(F)"K , the conventional
# #
PID and the fuzzy PID control systems have exactly the
*u(F) (k)
same stability. PID

"K(F)(k) y(k!1)!y(k)# $ (e(k)!e(k!1))
Remark 6. From equations (14), (16) and (22), it is easy to # ¹(F)
derive that the stability condition (22) is independent of
the error weighting factor w . Therefore, we can use this K(F)(k)
e # # e(k)*t!¹(F)
extra degree of freedom in the design to improve system ¹(F) $
responses, as discussed in the previous section, while at
the same time maintaining the system stability. # # .
3.2. Control eworts between fuzzy and conventional
PID controllers When a set-point change occurs, we have k"0,
e(0)"r, e(!1)"0 and y(0)"y(!1)"y(!2). There-
In the previous section we have shown that, by choos- fore from (28) and (30), we have
ing a "0, the fuzzy PID control gain is higher than that
0 du(0)"*u(F) (0)!*u (0)
of the conventional PID except for the equilibrium in PID PID
which both are the same. This property ensures that the

¹(F)#*t ¹ #¹
load disturbance rejection of the fuzzy PID will be at " K(F)(0) $ !K * $ r
least as good as the conventional one. Here we will # ¹(F) # ¹
* *
explore another novel property of the new fuzzy PID

¹ #*t ¹ #¹
controller: in set-point control the proposed fuzzy PID " K(F)(0) $ !K * $ r. (31)
# ¹ # ¹
control system will generate lower control signal pro"les * *
compared with the conventional PID controllers while
From tuning formula (15) and choosing a "0, we have
maintaining the higher control gain. This property will 0
e!ectively reduce the overshoot phenomenon in set-point 4!2a 10
control. Note that in the PI or PID control, the initial K(F)(0)" 0 K " K (32)
# 4!2 max(weDe(0)D, w D*e(0)D) # 9 #
value of the control signal plays an important role be- *e
cause of the integral action. By limiting the initial control and thus
e!ort at low level, the overall control pro"le will be kept
lower. In the remainder of the subsection we will show K
du(0)" # (¹ #10*t!9¹ )r. (33)
that the proposed fuzzy PID control system does gener- 9¹ $ *
682 J.-X. Xu et al. / Automatica 36 (2000) 673}684

From (13) we can obtain, when the speci"ed gain and the variable speed pump, which pumps water to the "rst
phase margin pair is (3, 453), *t is su$ciently small and tank. The ori"ce between two tanks allows the water to
¸/q 50.023, that: du(0)(0 (noting that ¹ "q 4q ). #ow into the second tank and then out as an out#ow. The
1 $ 2 1
Moreover, if ¸/q 50.1, we will have: ¹ 3(0.35q ,q ), basic control problem is to control the water level in
1 * 1 1
and we will arrive at the result that the second tank H (t) by varying the speed of the pump.
The measurement voltage for water level is read in and
du(0)+!K r(0. (34)
# the control signal for the pump is written out by a com-
Consequently, puter through A/D and D/A interfaces. The control algo-
rithm is realized by computer programming.
*u(F) (0)(*u (0), (35) Since the two tanks are coupled by an ori"ce, the plant
is a second-order system. Moreover, the out#ow rate is
namely, the initial control e!ort of fuzzy controller is determined by the square root of the #uid level in tank 2
smaller than that of the conventional PID controller. (H (t)), thus the system is essentially nonlinear. For the
Moreover, if the original *e is used in derivative control 2
design of conventional and fuzzy PID controllers using
action of both controllers, the fuzzy PID controller will gain and phase margin speci"cations, the plant must be
still give a smaller initial control e!ort. This is because linearized, simpli"ed and modeled by a second-order
the saturation of the controller output occurs when there plus dead-time structure. After performing a relay feed-
is a set-point change, which leads to the normalized back experiment, the ultimate gain and period are ob-
change of error being outside the universe of discourse. tained as 21.21 and 100, respectively. By conducting
This smaller initial control e!ort of fuzzy controller pre- another set-point changing experiment, the plant gain
vents it from injecting large amounts of energy, which can also be obtained as 0.75. Thus a simpli"ed plant
may cause large overshoot, to the system. In the experi- model will be
mental example we will further demonstrate the low
control pro"le property. 0.75e~8.067s

4. Experimental evaluation and the parameters of the conventional and fuzzy PID
controllers are determined based on this model and for-
To compare the fuzzy and conventional PID control- mulas (13)}(15).
lers, an experiment is carried out in which a nonlinear The experiments are carried out during a time period
plant is used. The plant employed in the experiment is from 0 to 4000 s. The sampling period is 1 s. First, the
a coupled-tank system and the purpose of the experiment system is settled at 10 cm. There are set-point changes
is to control the #uid level in the second tank from 10 to 16 cm, 16 to 11 cm and 11 to 13 cm at time
(Fig. 6). In process industries, the control of #uid levels in instants of 100, 1100 and 2000, respectively. Moreover,
storage tanks is a common and important control prob- there is a load disturbance at time instant 2800, which is
lem. By controlling the #uid level in the tank, material
balance can be achieved so that in#ow and out#ow are
equal in the steady state.
The basic experimental system consists of two hold-up
tanks coupled by an ori"ce. The input q(t) is supplied by

Fig. 6. Coupled tanks system. Fig. 7. Tank 2 water level.

J.-X. Xu et al. / Automatica 36 (2000) 673}684 683

a 20 cm3/s #ow introduced by a pump to tank 1 to PID controller is discretized by using a zero-order holder
emulate the change in in#ow. The speci"ed gain and where s in the transfer function of PID controller is
phase margins are 3 and 453, respectively. The size of the substituted by (1!z~1)/*t and for a linear PID control-
ori"ce is set to 0.396 cm2. The sampling interval is 1 s and ler in the series form, we have
the experiment results are shown in Fig. 7. In the "gure,

the solid and dotted lines are the water levels of tank u(k)!u(k!1) K ¹ ¹ ¹¹
" # 1# * # $ # * $ e(k)
2 controlled by the fuzzy and conventional (Ho et al., *t ¹ *t *t *t2
1994) PID controllers, respectively.

After the water level is settled at 13 cm (time instant K ¹ ¹ 2¹ ¹
! # * # $ # * $ e(k!1)
2500), the parameters of fuzzy PID controller are ¹ *t *t *t2
re-calculated by increasing s in (15) from 0.2 to 0.5. From
the experiment data, we can "nd that the closed-loop K ¹
# # $ e(k!2).
system performance of fuzzy PID controller is evidently *t2
better than that of conventional PID controller. The
fuzzy PID controller gives only slight overshoot to set- Referring to Fig. 4, we de"ne
point changes with almost same response speed as its
e (k)"e(k)"r(k)!y(k),
conventional counterpart. On the other hand, the con- 1
ventional PID controller gives large overshoots. The e (k)"u(k),
magnitude of the system response to load disturbance is u (k)"r(k),
relatively smaller and the convergence is faster when 1 (36)
using fuzzy PID controller. Experiment results con- u (k)"u(k!1),
"rm again the advantage of the proposed fuzzy PID H (e (k))"*u(k)"u(k)!u(k!1),
controller. 1 1
H (e (k))"N(e (k))"y(k).
2 2 2
Applying the small-gain theorem, we can obtain the
following su$cient condition for the BIBO stability for
5. Conclusion the linear PID controlled system, as

In this paper, a new structure of fuzzy PID controller is ¹ *t ¹
presented. The parallel combination of fuzzy PI and PD K 1# $ # # $ DDH DD(1.
# ¹ ¹ *t 2
controllers shows its simplicity in determining the con- * *
trol rules and controller parameters. A tuning formula
based on gain and phase margins is introduced by which References
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and gain and phase-margin-based tuning formula is con- As stroK m, K. J., Panagopoulos, H., & HaK gglund, T. (1998). Design of PI
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theoretical and experimental results show that the fuzzy Buckley, J. J., & Ying, H. (1989). Fuzzy controller theory. Limit
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changes occur. As a result, these nonlinear properties Ho, W. K., Hang, C. C., & Cao, L. S. (1994). Tuning or PID controllers
based on gain and phase margins speci"cations. Automatica, 31,
provide the fuzzy PID control system with a superior 497}502.
performance over the conventional PID control Li, W. (1998). Design of a hybrid fuzzy logic proportional plus
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Malki, H. A., Li, H. D., & Chen, G. R. (1994). New design and stability
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Appendix A Qin, S. J., & Borders, G. (1994). A multiregion fuzzy logic controller for
nonlinear process control. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2(1),
A.1. Derivation of BIBO stability condition of linear 74}81.
PID control system Seborg, D. E., Edgar, T. F., & Mellichamp, D. A. (1989). Process
dynamics and control. New York: Wiley.
Xu, J. X., Liu, C., & Hang, C. C. (1996). Tuning of fuzzy PI controllers
Suppose a nonlinear process N is controlled by a linear based on gain/phase margin speci"cations and ITAE index. ISA
PID controller. In the computerized implementation, the Transactions, 35, 79}91.
684 J.-X. Xu et al. / Automatica 36 (2000) 673}684

Xu, J. -X., Liu, C., & Hang, C. C. (1998). Tuning and analysis of a fuzzy Prof. Hang Chang Chiteh (C.C. Hang)
PI controller based on gain and phase margins. IEEE Transactions graduated with a First Class Honours De-
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics * Part A: Systems and Humans, gree in Electrical Engineering from the
28(5), 685}691. University of Singapore in 1970. He re-
Ying, H. (1993). The simplest fuzzy controllers using di!erent inference ceived the Ph.D. degree in control engin-
eering from the University of Warwick,
methods are di!erent nonlinear proportional-integral controllers England, in 1973. From 1974 to 1977, he
with variable gains. Automatica, 29(6), 1579}1589. worked as a Computer and Systems Tech-
Zhao, Z. Y., Tomizuka, M., & Isaka, S. (1993). Fuzzy gain scheduling of nologist in the Shell Eastern Petroleum
PID controllers. IEEE Transactions on SMC, 23(5), 1392}1398. Company (Singapore) and the Shell Inter-
national Petroleum Company (The Neth-
erlands). Since 1977, he has been with the
Dr. Jian-Xin Xu (J.-X. Xu) received his National University of Singapore, serving in various positions includ-
Bachelor degree from Zhejiang University, ing being the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Head of the
China in 1982. He attended the University Department of Electrical Engineering. Since October 1994, he has been
of Tokyo, Japan, where he received his appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor. His major areas of research are
Master's and Ph.D. degrees in 1986 and adaptive and intelligent control in which he has published one book,
1989, respectively. All his degrees are in 190 international journal and conference papers and 4 patents. He was
Electrical Engineering. a Visiting Scientist in Yale University in 1983 and in Lund University in
He worked for one year in the Hitachi 1987 and 1992. From 1992 to 1999, he served as Principal Editor
Research Laboratory, Japan and for more (Adaptive Control) of the Automatica Journal. He was elected a Fellow
than one year in Ohio State University, of IEEE in 1998 and a Fellow of Third World Academy of Sciences
U.S.A. as a Visiting Scholar. in 1999.
In 1991 he joined the National Univer-
sity of Singapore, and is currently an associate professor in the Depart-
ment of Electrical Engineering. His research interests lie in the "elds of Dr. Chen Liu received his Bachelor and Master degrees from Tsinghua
learning control, variable structure control, fuzzy logic control, discon- University, and Ph.D. degree from National University of Singapore.
tinuous signal processing, and applications to motion control and All his degrees are in Electrical Engineering. His research interests are
process control problems. fuzzy logic control and system tuning.
He is a senior member of IEEE.

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