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Generic/Brand/Classification Dose Route Indication Contraindication Nursing Responsibility

Hydrocortisone/ >for severe inflammation, Oral, Intravenous, >Severe inflammation, Contraindicated in patient >Give IM injection deep
Cortizan/ adrenal insufficiency Intramuscular & Rectal adrenal insufficiency with hypersensitivity to into gluteal muscle rotate
Glucocorticoid Adults: 5 to 30 mg P.O. drug or its ingredients. injection site.
b.i.d., t.i.d., or q.i.d.. Or, >Shock
initially, 100 to 500 mg >Warn patient of
succinate I.M., >Adjunct treatment for drowsiness.
subcutaneously, or I.V. ulcerative colitis and
daily divided doses q 12 proctitis

>for shock
Adults: Initially, 50 mg/kg
succinate I.V., repeated in
4 hours. Repeat dosage q
24 hours, p.r.n., Or, 100 to
500 mg to 2 g stabilized.
Children: Phosphate or
succinate 0.16 to 1 mg/kg
or 6 to 3 mg/m2 given once
or twice daily.

>for treatment of
ulcerative colitis and
Adults: 1 enema P.R.
nightly for 21 days. Or,
applicatorful P.R. daily or
b.i.d. for 14 to 21 days. Or,
25 mg rectal suppository
b.i.d. for 2 weeks. For
severe proctitis, 25 mg P.R.
t.i.d. or 50 mg b.i.d.

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