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Leveraging Diversity

Committed to Diversity, for Associates and Customers

Wally Wozniak

Executive Director of Support Services; Director of the Food & Nutrition Services
Sparrow Hospital

Wally Wozniak has been People of various backgrounds

instrumental in fostering a
and cultures serve to enrich
diverse and inclusive work
environment. He has always tried to develop his the environments where we
workforce, and to promote from within.
live and work.
For example, he encouraged a minority Associate to
complete his education. Down the road, this allowed
the Associate to qualify for, and be promoted to a the Main Campus, patients can now order what they
supervisory position. If this Associate had not received want (within their specific dietary guidelines) when it
the encouragement and support from Wozniak to return is convenient for them to eat. Patients are also offered
to school to earn his diploma in the time frame that he foods or items that fit their lifestyle, including kosher
did, it probably would have resulted in a different, less meals, gluten-free diets, foods free of trans-fats, some
favorable outcome for the Associate. Wozniak has been organic foods, and locally grown or raised products.
proactive in building a very diverse leadership team In 2010, Food and Nutrition went “live” with menus
by promoting from within those of various race, sex, written in Spanish.
culture, and beliefs. It should also be noted that the departments under
In his role as the Director of the Food & Nutrition Wozniak’s direction are among the most ethnically
Services department, Wozniak is sensitive and inclusive diverse at Sparrow, with Associates from various
to the dietary expectations and desires of the customers. diverse groups and cultures including: African-
Visitors to the Sparrow Cafeteria(s) on the Main and St. American, Mexican-American, Asian-American, Asian-
Lawrence campuses are offered special theme meals (on Indian, European-American, and many more.
occasion) that feature menu items reflective of various Having a diverse workforce demonstrates a leader’s
cultures, religions, or lifestyles. These include: Black concern and compassion towards inclusion. Where
History Month, Cinco de Mayo, St. Patrick’s Day, Fat there is diversity, there is innovation. People of various
Tuesday/Ash Wednesday—to name just a few. backgrounds and cultures serve to enrich the environ-
In 2010, the Black History Meal celebration and Ash ments where we live and work.
Wednesday Meal were held on the same day, offering Wozniak’s actions as a leader exemplify the true spirit
meals respectful of both groups. For a hospital that is of diversity and inclusion. PDJ
focused on providing the highest quality care to a diverse
patient population, Wozniak is responsive to varying
dietary needs. With the inception of Room Service to

24 Pro f i les i n D i ve rsit y Journal M aY / J u n e 2 0 1 0

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