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Changes for Misty Companion Version 1.3
If you've used this mod before, I'd recommend loading your latest save game with
out the mod, then save the game again
creating a clean save-game. Exit the game, enable Misty Companion and load that
latest save. You will have to re-hire
Misty from her starting location at Primm again when doing this but it should ma
ke sure that the new things
which were not in the previous version loads properly.
------- Changes in v.1.3 -------------------------------------------------------
* Added a new targeting system for movement. The system from version 1.2 remains
as well and it is now only intended
for objects with special options (locked containters, locked terminals, NPCs (
only Sunny with the companion mod for now).
For a better view on how the targeting works check out
watch?v=kOJ-IxBEZms .
CAUTION: The new targeting system highlights pretty much ANY object you point
at. As a tip, avoid big structures such
as complete houses etc as it can occasionally lead to some rendering problems
with some certain objects, such
as litter or rubble on the street (leaving a green "tint" on the object afterw
* Movement options changes from 1.2;
- Get Back to Me, cancels all other movement orders and returns Misty to follo
w the player.
- Search and Destroy, marks a location and Misty will rush to it, she continue
s towards the location after combat
if she gets in combat on her way.
- Get Waypoint object, mark 3 waypoint objects to create a 3-point patrol betw
een them. Misty will walk between
the objects (starting with the closest waypoint always) until cancelled by "
Get Back to Me".
* Added option to give control of Sunny Smiles to Misty IF you have the companio
n mod installed. No changes have been
made to the original Sunny Companion mod, everything is scripted in NVC_Misty.
esp. Basicly what it does is that
Sunny follows Misty instead of the player for now. If you enable the feature y
ou can reset it the same way as you enabled it
which returns Sunny to following the player instead.
* Added lights to Misty, enable from the Misc. menu and use the 0-key on your nu
mpad to toggle light color.
* Bugfixes and compatibility issues adressed. Hopefully now compatible with the
Playthings mod.
------- Changes in v.1.2 -------------------------------------------------------
* Removed the buggy plasma grenade marker and added a new NVSE based system to g
ive Misty additional commands based
on objects that you target. For a quick view of how it works check the vid @ h
With the new system you can currently order Misty to move to (and guard at) yo
ur selected location. Selectable
locations (objects) so far are; Doors - Furniture - Containers - Terminals - C
reatures - NPCs. All these objects
can be marked as "Combat retreat markers" as well. Once you set a retreat mark
er, like the door when entering an
interior, you can give Misty a command in combat to retreat back to that marke
r. The marker is "consumed" when
used and have to be reset again.
Objects with additional special interaction are as of v1.2 only Containers and
Terminals. Containers can be blown
up in an attempt to unlock them (if theyre locked obviously) and you can have
Misty attempt to unlock terminals by
hacking. Both the Container and Terminal skills require "mats", dynamite for b
lowing up things and Scrap Electronics
for hacking. There is also a skill-check involved based on your Explosives and
Science skills, not Mistys. The Perks
"Demolition Expert" and "Vigilant Recycler" greatly improve chances to succee
* Added a new default armor, the NEVEC bodysuit by fizz99 http://newvegasnexus.c
When worn by Misty her sneak skill greatly improves.
* Added a backpack to Misty which increases her carry weight. By Bunsaki, http:/
* Some minor changes to scripts and bugfixes for compatibility with other mods.
------- Changes in V.1.1 -------------------------------------------------------
* Should add compatibility with mods that affect dialogue.
* Fixed a bug where Misty would not properly unequip her default weapons in sand
* Tweaked scripts for default weapon switching. Unfortunately sometimes she stil
l picks up lesser DPS weapons in combat
when set to use default weapons, havent found any good solution to this yet. A
dded a check for if the player has the
Animal Friend perk so that it makes Misty a friend with the animals too if the
player has the perk.
- Also some other minor script tweaks.
- Fixed re-hire bug.
* Added ability for Misty to heal you in combat if you want her to. Ability show
s up in the main menu during combat.
It can only be used ONCE per any combat situation (resets when Misty goes out
of combat) and also only if Misty has
Stimpaks available. The amount healed is determined by a combination of the pl
ayers Medicine & Survival skills. Simply,
the higher the skills, the stronger the heal. When the ability is activated sh
e tries to find you and when close enough
you'll recieve the heal. It can sometimes take her some time to get you when s
hooting at stuff on her way to you, but
you can also move towards her to get the heal.
* Added ability for the user to change the main menu key from the default middle
mouse button to any other KEY.
You cannot bind to other mousebuttons or other devices. There is NO checking f
or what key you bind to, so make
sure before you rebind the key that the new key is free, or you might get some
unwanted behaviour. (Remember that
the mod uses Numpad 0 & Numpad 1 already)
HOWTO: Enter her main menu, go to [ Misc. Options ] figure out what you want t
he new key to be, then select
[Menu: Set Custom Key] you go back into the game and see a flashing message to
p left. Press the new key and if
all goes well you should hear a sound and see a message that the new key was s
et successfully. After a second or two,
the new key is ready to be used. If you want to swap back to the middlemouse b
utton again, enter Misc. options then
just select [Menu: Set Default Key] and it switches back to the default middle
mouse button instantly without you
having to press it.
Additional Notes:
Make sure to comment and give feedback at the site. Thanks!

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