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Art Study Guide

Line: line is a point moving through space, there are two categories of line (straight and curved),
a line is a mark made by any tool, three types of drawn lines (contour lines, gesture lines, and
sketch lines) lines can be arranged to cause illusions, major directions of line (vertical lines,
horizontal lines, diagonal lines), lines can create emotions.

Radial balance: radiates or spreads out or to the center also it may spiral (twist) from or to the

Texture: the surface of quality of an object. It is the way that the surface of an object feels or
looks like it feels. It also means the identification of an object through the sense of touch. There
are three kinds of texture: actual, created, and implied

Shape: the element of design we create whenever we connect the two ends of a line together.
Any kind of lines can be connected to a make as shape. A wavy line can be connected to make a
shape and a bunch of straight lines can be connected to make a shape. A shape is 1. 2-D 2. It
has height and width only 3. It is tall and wide-but never deep 4. It is always flat



Three types of shading: cross hatching, dots,

Formal balance: formal balance is identical on each half of the design, it’s symmetrical, it’s like a
mirror. The same on both sides (symmetrical)

Pattern: A pattern is created whenever any shape is repeated. Patterns attract and direct
attention throughout a picture.


Feelings of lines: horizontal lines are best used to show a feeling of peacefulness, quietness, or
restfulness. Vertical lines are best used to show a feeling of strength, nobility, and resistance to
the force of gravity. Diagonal lines can create a strong feeling of excitement or sense of objects
falling through space.

Implied texture: the suggestion of texture on a 2-D surface, we use implied texture in drawing,
painting, printing, and photography. You may be able to see the textures, but implied textures
cannot be felt.

Real texture: textures that are from things that already have noticeable textures. Actual
textures can be seen on trees and animals. Actual textures can be both seen and felt.
Shape: the element of design we create whenever we connect the two ends of a line together.
Any kind of lines can be connected to a make as shape. A wavy line can be connected to make a
shape and a bunch of straight lines can be connected to make a shape. A shape is 1. 2-D 2. It
has height and width only 3. It is tall and wide-but never deep 4. It is always flat

Form: a form is 3-D, it is a shape that has depth. They have depth and height and width

Primary colors: blue, red, and yellow

3 sets of complementary colors: Colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel are
considered to be complementary colors (example: red and green, blue and orange, purple and

Analogous colors: Analogous color schemes use colors that are next to each other on the color

Neutral colors: such as beige, ivory, taupe, black, gray, and white appear to be without color,
and yet in many applications these hues often have undertones of color.

Artists can improve their skills:

What makes a composition look whole or complete: In a good composition there should be an
equal amount of positive shapes and negative shapes as well as space

Rhythm and movement are:

Contour drawing/line: an artist uses contour line to describe the edges, outlines, surface lines,
and important details in line. A contour drawing has little or no value. Contour line looks
smooth and has little or no value. In a cross contour drawing, interior lines are used to define
the 3 dimensionality of a form

Negative shape: the empty area of a composition. It is the area around the positive shape.


Organic shape: shapes that are made from curved lines are usually irregular and have curved

Geometric shape: shapes that are precise and have sharply defined contours ex: rectangle,
square, etc.


Opaque colors: not transparent or translucent; impenetrable to light; not allowing light to pass

Calligraphy: fancy penmanship, esp. highly decorative handwriting, a with a great

many flourishes the art of writing beautifully, a script,
usually cursive, although sometimes angular,
produced chiefly by brush, esp. Chinese, Japanese, or Arabic, writing of high aesthetic value.
Line or a group of lines either derived from or
resembling letter forms or characterized by qualities usuallyassociated with cursive writing, 

Pink/white erasers:

Kneaded erasers:

Correct thickness clay should be before it gets fired: 1 ½ inches thick

Lights part in creating form:

Ways to create depth:

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