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Many times during Lent people give up

things as a way of reminding themselves of
their commitment to God during the Lenten
season. This is a great way to help you
remember your commitment, but what I am
going to suggest, this year, is that you go one
step further. That you don’t just make this
between you and God, but that you include
others in this practice.

“What do I mean and how do you do this?”

Great question. Many people will give up
soda, sweet tea, chocolate, that morning
coffee or latte from a coffee shop, or many
other things that you may give up during
this time. You may also take on something
new such as a Bible study or journaling. If
you are giving something up, how about if
this year you take the money you would
have spent on purchasing that item and you
give that money to the church for use in the
ministry areas of the church. You might also
think about if you’re giving up spending time
doing a specific activity, you take that time
and you help do something around the
church, or help out one of our church
families. By connecting the giving up for
personal cleansing, our vertical and personal
relationship with God, you also help
someone else out, the horizontal relationship
with God’s Kingdom.

When we are able to connect our personal

relationship with God to other people, then
Pastor.........................................Andy Gans Proofreaders..............................Susan M. Jensen and
we aren’t just working to better ourselves, Director of Discipleship............Amanda Osenga John Stewart
we are working for the betterment of the Music Director...........................John Leschak Contributors...............................Members of Ft. King
Kingdom. Visitation Pastor (Ret.).............Tom McNeil Assembling.................................Dorothy Decker, Skeeter
Executive Assistant....................Chris Muramatsu Kirby, Eileen Gilbert, Joyce Gauntt, Kay Dahlen,
Nursery Attendant ....................Tammy Keeslar Eleanor Hayesmore, Carol Primm, Carol Slemmer
May God richly bless you on this journey, Bulk Mail Handling..................John Stewart

Office: (352) 694-

694-4121 13 NE 36TH AVENUE
FAX: (352) 694-
694-5226 OCALA, FLORIDA 34470
Fort King Presbyterian Church
Financials Effective 2/28/11
Monthly Year-To-Date 2010 Delta
Budget Actual Delta Budget Actual Delta YTD 2011YTD
Feb Budget - Feb - Budget - Actual -2010 YTD
2011 Actual 2011 Actual

Estimate of 0 26,473 26,473 0 56,214 56,214 79,430 -23,217
Mortgage 0 695 695 0 1,385 1,385 1,410 -25
Other 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 5
Total 0 26,473 26,473 0 56,214 56,214 79,430 -23,217
Total 0 22,105 22,105 0 55,436 55,436 54,543 893
Net 0 4,367 0 778 24,888
Endowment 40,118 40,118 27,057

Thank You
A big thank you to all those at Fort King who kept us in your thoughts and prayers when Bill had hip replace-
ment at MRMC on Feb.22nd and also as he underwent rehab at Oakhurst. Special thanks to Andy and Tom,
who visited him at both places and offered their prayers. Bill is now at home, but will continue to have more
physical therapy at Oakhurst three times a week. He was determined to be home when our daughter and son-
in-law, Jean and John Bonham, from St. Charles, IL. were in Ocala on their usual March visit.

Sincerely, Janet and Bill Gabert

Thank You
To Fort King Presbyterian Church:

The Preston family want to express our heartfelt thanks to Fort King and their members for all the cards, well
wishes, flowers, and attendance at Frank Preston’s funeral. Dad considered his time in Ocala the most signifi-
cant and meaningful time in his career. The friends he and Mom made in your church changed their lives for-
ever for the better. Thank you for helping us through what has been the most difficult time in our lives.

The Preston Family

April Birthdays

The Nurse Is In
Bonnie Schulze has finally returned to Ocala and will hold office hours on the second Tuesday of the month( April
12)from 1-2:30 p.m. Please call Chris at the Church Office to let her know that you are coming and Bonnie at 624-
1364 about the subject you wish to discuss. Topics can include blood pressure screening, review of medications, dis-
cussion of a medical condition or any topic of interest to you. If no one signs up in advance, Bonnie will cancel of-
fice hours.

For Your Health
Food Allergy or Food Intolerance

Most people know someone who has a food allergy or food intolerance This month we will
focus on an overview of the differences between allergy and intolerance to food products and
the symptoms. We will continue next month with specific examples, prevention of symptoms
and treatment of some common reactions to food.

Is It a Food Allergy or Food Intolerance?

What Is a Food Allergy?

A food allergy is an immune system response. It occurs when the body mistakes an ingredient in food -- usually a
protein -- as harmful and creates a defense system (antibodies) to fight it. Food allergy symptoms develop when
the antibodies are battling the "invading" food. The most common food allergies are peanuts, tree nuts (such as
walnuts, pecans and almonds), fish, and shellfish, milk, eggs, soy products, and wheat.

What Is Food Intolerance?

Food intolerance is a digestive system response rather than an immune system response. It occurs when some-
thing in a food irritates a person's digestive system or when a person is unable to properly digest or breakdown
the food. Intolerance to lactose, which is found in milk and other dairy products, is the most common food in-

What Are the Symptoms of a Food Allergy?

Symptoms of a food allergy can range from mild to severe, and the amount of food necessary to trigger a reac-
tion varies from person to person. Symptoms of a food allergy may include rash or hives, nausea, stomach pain,
diarrhea, itchy skin, shortness of breath, chest pain, swelling of the airways to the lungs, anaphylaxis.

What Are the Symptoms of Food Intolerance?

Symptoms of food intolerance include: nausea, stomach pain, gas, cramps, or bloating, vomiting, heartburn,
diarrhea, headaches, irritability or nervousness.

How Common Are Food Allergies and Intolerances?

Food allergies affect about 4% of teens and adults and 5% of children. Food intolerances are much more com-
mon. In fact, nearly everyone at one time has had an unpleasant reaction to something they ate. Some people
have specific food intolerances. Lactose intolerance, the most common food intolerance, affects about 10% of

Information taken from WebMD Researched by Maria Madigan

Edited by Bonnie Schulze, RN, MS, CPP, Health Minister


Barechu et Adonai hamevorach! Praise the Lord, to whom our praise is due! On our recent
pilgrimage to the Holy Land, each of the pilgrims received a devotional to guide us on our
journey. In it was an excerpt from A Spiritual Travel Guide by Rabbi Hoffman, with a suggestion
of how to prepare ourselves for each day and to experience the different holy sites. Here is
what he suggested.

Anticipate: The night before, anticipate what you will see the next day.

Approach: As you approach the vicinity, muster the expectation of a

powerful experience.

Acknowledge: When you arrive to the place itself, acknowledge its sacred presence.
When you are in the focus of the visit, take in the power of the moment itself. Say a
prayer and blessing over the site. Spend some time alone with God, your Bible, and
journal. Take your spiritual moments seriously.

Afterthoughts: After you leave, record your thoughts and feelings as soon as you can.
Discuss your experience with other pilgrims.

This is a good practice for everyday, not just while in Israel. The very world that we live in is
holy. Take time to pause and to anticipate, approach, acknowledge and reflect on your day, the
places you were and the people you encountered. Whether we’re traveling to Israel, to
Interfaith to serve a meal, or to the Silver River for R&R, we can encounter the holy. As we
continue our Lenten journey, let us continue to be pilgrims on our way to Jerusalem and the
celebration of Easter Sunday, opening ourselves up
in anticipation of meeting Christ along the way.

Continued blessings on your journey,

DISCIPLESHIP (continued)

Lenten Wednesdays
Biblical Models of Discipleship in the New Testament
April 6 and 13 at 5:30 – 6:45 p.m.
Come and join us on Wednesday evenings during Lent. The Mission Ministry will be providing dinner of
soup for a suggested donation of $5.00. All proceeds will go to the ASP mission trip this summer.

Our program will explore Biblical models of discipleship in the New Testament. There is no shortage of books
on Christian discipleship. While most books describe the initial objective as becoming a follower of Christ,
each book offers a unique set of methods to achieve this goal. Some offer techniques that include Bible study
and major changes to personal and corporate behavior, while other approaches appear more introspective
and contemplative. Why must there be so many different approaches? One might be tempted to say, "Just
live the way the disciples did in the New Testament," and leave it at that. But such a declaration is more
complex than one might initially believe.

When we look at how particular groups of disciples followed Jesus Christ, we discover many different meth-
ods within the sacred text. It appears that even during the earliest period of Christian history, there was not a
single means by which to follow Christ. Throughout this Lenten study we will investigate key texts of the
New Testament, revealing many methods by which disciples functioned as followers or pupils, and ask how
applicable these methods might be for thoughtful Christians of our day.

Easter Pancake Breakfast

The youth will be cooking pancake breakfast on Easter morning. They
will start serving after the Sunrise Service until about 9:45 a.m.

Come to the Sunrise Service or come early to the 10:30 a.m. service and
nourish your body with a hearty pancake breakfast and fellowship.

DISCIPLESHIP (continued)

PYC - Presbyterian Youth Connection

at Ft. King Presbyterian Church
Happy Easter! Spring has sprung and Christ has risen. There is much to cele-
brate, so, let’s get out and enjoy it. Join us Sunday evenings, 5:00 – 7:00 for din-
ner, fellowship, and a time for exploring and living out our faith.

April 3 – Why do bad things happen to good people? It seems totally unfair that bad things happen to good
people. We’ll discuss where God is present when life seems to take a turn for the worst.

April 9 – 10 Box-A-Thon/Presbytery Plunge. With a box as shelter we will spend the night at Camp Mont-
gomery, experiencing what it’s like to be homeless for a night. Registration information and flyers are located
outside of Amanda’s office.

April 17 Confirmation Sunday! Join us after worship on Sunday to celebrate our confirmands with a cake
and Palm Sunday Celebrations. The annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place after worship with activities for

April 24 – Christ is Risen! Pancake Breakfast after Sunrise Service

HAPPY EASTER! There will be no evening PYC.

April 27 – Gals Gathering 6:00 – 7:30 @ Amanda’s

April 29 – 30 Lockin! We’re meeting up with a few other local churches for a night of fun focusing on find-
ing Faith in the midst of Chaos.

High Tide
All elementary aged children are welcome to join us for High Tide,
Sunday evenings from 5:00 – 7:00, which includes dinner. Cheryl
Gans, Keay Forman and Amy Roberts are the High Tide leaders this
Winter and Spring.

We will met on April 10th this month for a foil cooked dinner
around the campfire. It will be delicious!

DISCIPLESHIP (continued)

Vacation Bible School

June 26 – 30
5:30 – 8:00pm
Join us for an exciting Bible-times adventure in Jesus’ hometown, Nazareth! Everyone is invited
to take a journey back to Bible times…. without leaving our church! Fellowship Hall will be
transformed into a marketplace where we will visit with Jesus’ mother Mary, learn catchy songs,
play team-building games, and dig into Bible stories.

Vacation Bible School is a wonderful time of fellowship and learning for all ages. Dinner is
served at 5:30 with programs and classes for adults, teens and children afterwards.

Registration information will be forthcoming.

DISCIPLESHIP (continued)
Palm Sunday
April 17th
The entrance into Holy Week is marked by the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. We anticipate the cele-
bration of Easter with many joyous celebrations of our own.

Confirmation Sunday - Confirmation is a time of exploring our faith and saying yes to our faith. For 12 weeks
we have been learning about community, Bible stories, baptism, communion, prayer. The journey of confirma-
tion comes to an end with Confirmation Sunday. Our confirmands will be leading us in worship this Palm Sun-

Easter Egg Hunt - The celebration continues! Our annual Easter Egg
Hunt will follow after worship. A lunch of hotdogs, chips, and fruit will be
served for $2. There will be activities and games for everyone of all ages.

Donations Requested
Please donate individually wrapped Easter candy and stuffed bunnies to the Church Office for the Easter Egg
Hunt. We have plenty of plastic eggs.


Christians Assembled to Socialize, we have not forgotten you! Our March trip was canceled due to a transporta-
tion situation but we have two great outings planned for April and May! First, on April 10th at 2:30 p.m. we will
travel out to West Port High School for a production of “The Diary of Anne Frank”, tickets will be $7 per person
and will include drink and a dessert. Then, on May 12th we will meet at the church at 9:30 a.m. and travel on the
church bus to the Marion County Inmate Work Farm (on the corner of Maricamp and Baseline). We will tour
the facilities and learn about this model work farm we have right here in our little town. After the tour, we will
have lunch at Scrambles Cafe so bring your appetite! Hope to see everyone at these events!

White Elephant Sale Thank-You
The White Elephant Sale was a huge success, earning over $4500. Your generous donations and purchases made
this possible. We are proud that 48 people volunteered to sort, price, display, and sell. The spirit of community
and fellowship among the workers was an invaluable blessing. Items not sold were donated to Hospice, Interfaith,
Domestic Violence Center, and the Women's Pregnancy Center.
Presbyterian Women

Crafts Group
Please join the Crafts Group on Thursdays from 1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. in the Fellowship
Hall. We work on individual projects and joint projects.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Our Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the first Tuesday of the month from 10:00 a.m. until
Noon. Please join us if you want to learn to knit or crochet or if you are an experienced
knitter or crocheter. Bring comfort to someone in need.


Presbyterian Women

All women of Fort King are Presbyterian Women and are invited to participate in the all the activities of Pres-
byterian Women.

Esther Circle will meet on Monday, April 11th at the home of Donna Johnson at 7:00 p.m. Call Anne Hill at
368-2491 for directions or to share a ride.

Deborah Circle will meet on Tuesday, April 19th in the Session Room at 10:00 a.m.

New For 2011 – Beautiful Calendars

Presbyterian Women will continue to sell beautiful inspirational calendars for 2011. These are full size (9”X12”)
calendars with amazing inspirational pictures…a must have for 2011! Stop by the Library on Sunday mornings
to purchase your copy at a greatly reduced price.

If you still do not have a “Fort King Favorites” cookbook, there are still copies available. The price has been
reduced to $5 per copy.

Save The Date! Church-wide Picnic!

The Presbyterian Women of Fort King will sponsor a church-wide picnic fol-
lowing worship on May 1st. A pavilion has been reserved at a near-by park.
We have planned games for adults and children. Presbyterian Women will
provide fried chicken and drinks. The congregation will be asked to bring
sides and desserts. Mark your calendar now to join everyone for food, fellow-
ship, and fun!

Men’s Night Out
Men’s Night Out will meet on Monday, April 11th at 6:30 p.m. Your host this month will
be announced in the April 10th bulletin.

The Merry Widows

All widows of the church are invited for socializing and support. The
Merry Widows will meet at Bob Evans on Silver Springs Blvd. on Wednesday,
April 20th at 1:00 p.m. Call Skeeter Kirby at 624-0825 to R.S.V.P.

The Mission Ministry would like to inform the congregation that the bloodmobile
will be at Ft. King on April 10th. Donation times are from 9:00 - 10:15 a.m. and
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. A ministry member will be in the Narthex after services on
April 3rd to sign up anyone interested in donating blood. Thank You.

ASP T-Shirt
Support the Appalachia Service Project (ASP) summer mission by ordering your Ft. King ASP T-Shirt today.
Sizes S, M, L, XL are $10 each. XXL and XXXL are available for $13 each. Please use the order form below,
make your checks payable to Ft. King Presbyterian Church, and specify “ASP T-Shirt” in the memo section.
Drop both off in the offering plate on Sunday or send to the Church Office.

Yes, I/we want to support ASP Mission and order ASP T-Shirt(s)

Qty Size Price Qty Size Price

_____ S ______ ($10/ea) _____ XL _____ ($10/ea)

_____ M ______ ($10/ea) _____ XXL _____ ($13/ea)
_____ L ______ ($10/ea) _____ XXXL _____ ($13/ea)

Name _________________________________ Phone # _____________

(please print)

Reserve The Date:
Saturday, April 9th
It is time to join your fellow Ft. Kingers in a mission close
to home. Come Saturday, April 9th from 8:00 a.m. -
Noon to spruce up the church for Easter and to welcome
spring to Ft. King. If you cannot make it on that day, you
can complete your tasks before clean-up day. Look for the
sign-up sheet in the Narthex in March.

The Property Ministry would like to thank all the people

who contribute to the up-keep of the church year in and
year out. We appreciate your efforts and generosity of
time, talents and donation of materials.

Session Notes
March 24th
1. Mary Beth Neely’s birthday.
2. Lucille Rowoldt and Joyce Gaunt are doing better.
3. Lenten Suppers are going well.
4. Ray Ruark and Debbie Pangrass did a great job as pulpit fills while Andy was in the Holy Land.
5. Mary Beth sends a big thank you to a Ministry Mission crew.
6. New Bible Study is going well (both groups).
7. Ray Ruark starts a Pastoral Care Ministry class on Sunday.
8. The mural outside the Sanctuary window is a beautiful work in progress.
9. The Bush family is our new youth leaders.

1. Motion to allow the confirmands to lead worship on Palm Sunday.
2. Motion to allow Session ministries to lead summer Sunday school classes illustrating what stewardship
means to their ministry.
3. Motion to approve the Bush family (minus Kelly) as youth leaders.
4. Motion to move all programs out of the Youth House due to health concerns effective immediately and to
notify Church Without Walls of our concerns regarding the structural safety of their building and of our
intent to shut down said buildings.

13 13
Holy Week Services
Thursday, April 21st
6:00 p.m. - Foot Washing Service - Session Room
7:00 p.m. - Worship Service - Sanctuary

Friday, April 22nd

7:00 p.m. - Worship Service - Sanctuary
8:00 - Midnight - Great Easter Vigil

Sunday, April 24th

6:30 a.m. - Sunrise Service - Front of Church
10:30 a.m. - Worship Service - Sanctuary

Easter Lilies
Let’s fill the Sanctuary with lilies
on Easter morning!

Order your lilies at $10/each

dedicated to or in memory of a loved one.

Lilies may be taken home on

April 24th after the 10:30 a.m.
Easter Sunday worship service.
Order extras and take them
as gifts for others.

Great Easter Vigil

The Worship Ministry is adding an opportunity for you to draw closer in your relationship with God and experi-
ence the power and meaning of Holy Week. Following Good Friday worship we will exit the Sanctuary and begin
the Great Easter Vigil. This vigil includes times of prayer, meditations, and scripture readings. We need you to
help make this a meaningful experience. We need groups of people to sign up for times to participate in the vigil.
The vigil will last from 8:00 p.m. on Friday until midnight (4 hours). Please sign up on the bulletin board, opposite
the church office, and participate in one of these hours of reflection. This will be a wonderful time to reflect on
the meaning and events that lead up to Easter morning. I hope you will join us.

WORSHIP (continued)
Flower Calendar
Please note: I am trying to “work ahead” on the flowers, so if you would like to
provide flowers to commemorate a special event/occasion/memory etc. for a specific
date, please call Nancy Hall at 694-3221 as soon as possible. Please also note: It is
never too early to call to select your chosen date.
As of this mailing, the following people will be providing flowers in April, May,
June and July 2011. If you can provide flowers for a date in 2011, please call Nancy
Hall. Thank you.

Thank you to these people as they share in donating the flowers for the following worship services.

April 3, 2011—From Louise Olivarez in loving memory of Joe on the 40th anniversary of our wedding
April 11, 2011—In celebration of Emily’s birthday and our 16th wedding anniversary from Lauren and Kim-
ber Merriam
April 17, 2011—To the glory of God and in memory of loved ones, from Prudence Pritz
April 24, 2011—EASTER (Easter lilies in the Sanctuary)

May 1, 2011—In memory of my loving wife, Nelly, from Charles Kirk

May 8, 2011—From Fran York in memory of my loving mother, Trudy York
May 15, 2011—From John and Jean Stewart in celebration of their 56th wedding anniversary
May 22, 2011—OPEN
May 29, 2011—From Nancy Stephenson in loving memory of her parents, Ted and Violet Wikary

June 5, 2011—In memory of our parents, Aleta, Max, and Robert, from the Repp family
June 12, 2011—OPEN
June 19, 2011—OPEN (Father’s Day)
June 26, 2011—OPEN

July 3, 2011—OPEN
July 10, 2011—OPEN
July 17, 2011—OPEN
July 24, 2011—OPEN
July 31, 2011—OPEN

Choir Notes
The three days will soon be past and then we will all sing hallelu-
iah at last.

Come join the choir on its journey through Lent. We rehearse

in the Choir Room from 7:00 until 8:30 p.m. every Wednesday
night and warm up at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings.

13 N.E. 36th Avenue Organization
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Ocala, Florida 34470 Ocala, FL 34478
Permit #376



Calling All Artists
The first annual Imagine Peace Art Show will be held at Montgomery Conference Center on May 3 at the Spring
Presbytery Meeting. The theme for this year is: “The Things That Make for Peace.” If you would like to enter an
image (painting, photo, mixed media, other) contact Alisun Donovan at by April 15th.
April 2011
Italicized items are non-FKPC activities using FKPC facilities

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7:30 Men’s Bible
Study 8:00 -
9:15 Sunday School 10:00 Prayer Noon
10:00 Choir Practice 10:00 Adult Bible Shawl Ministry 10:00 PW Council 1:00 Crafts Clean-UP
10:30 Worship Study
11:30 Congrega- 6:00 Finance 4:30 - 6:00
tional Meeting Ministry Cursillo (S)
3:30 Confirmation 5:30 TOPS (FH) 6:30 Evangelism 4:15 Fellowship
3:45 Discipleship 6:00 Mission Ministry Ministry Ministry 6:00 Worship Box-A-
Ministry - 6:00 Property 6:30 - 7:45 Ministry Thon &
Youth Ministry Community 5:30 Lenten 6:00 - 8:00 The
5:00 PYC 7:00 Adult Bible Dance (FH) Wednesday Marions United Plunge
Study (Off-Site) (FH) (Off-Site)
Congregational 7:00 VBS 7:00 Choir Practice
Retreat (Off-Site)
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
7:30 Men’s Bible
9:00 Blood Drive Study 11:00 Pastoral
9:15 Sunday School Care Team 9:00 a.m. -
10:00 Choir Practice 1:00 Crafts 3:00 p.m.
10:30 Worship 1:00 The Nurse 1:00 The Merry Turning
11:30 Blood Drive Is In Widows Point (FH)
2:30 CATS (off-site)
(Off-Site) 7:00 - 9:00 Pres- 3:00 Set-up
3:30 Confirmation 6:00 Session bytery Meeting Easter Egg
5:00 PYC 5:30 TOPS (FH) 6:30 - 7:45 (FH) Hunt and
5:00 High Tide 6:30 Men’s Night Community 5:30 Lenten Confirma-
Out (Off-Site) Dance (FH) Wednesday 7:00 Adult tion Plan-
7:00 Esther Circle Bible Study ning Meet-
(Off-Site) 7:00 Choir Practice (Off-Site) ing
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
2 Cents A Meal and 7:30 Men’s Bible
Food 4 Kids Collec- Study 10:00 Deborah
tion 10:00 Adult Bible Circle
Study 1:00 Crafts
9:15 Sunday School
10:00 Choir Practice 6:00 Foot
10:30 Worship 5:30 TOPS (FH) 6:30 - 7:45 7:00 Choir Practice Washing 7:00 Good
11:30 Easter Egg Community Service Friday
Hunt and Lunch 7:00 Adult Bible Dance (FH) 7:00 Maundy Service
5:00 PYC Study (Off-Site) Thursday 8:00 Great
Service Easter Vigil
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
One Great Hour Of OFFICE CLOSED 11:00-4:00
Sharing Offering Cursillo
6:30 Sunrise 6:30 - 7:45 1:00 Crafts PW Spring (FH)
Service Community 6:00 Gals Gathering Retreat
7:15 Pancake 5:30 TOPS (FH) Dance (FH) (Off-Site)
Breakfast 7:00 Choir Practice 7:00 Adult PYC Lock-in
10:00 Choir Bible Study (Off-Site)
Practice (Off-Site)
10:30 Worship
Hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th. It has been seven years since
tropical storms Frances and Jeanne slammed into Marion County and damaged thousands of

Marion County Emergency Management will sponsor the next Hurricane and Storm Readiness
Expo from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m., Saturday, May 14, 2011 at the Ocala International Airport on
SW 60th Ave. This exposition is to rekindle the emphasis on preparedness.

This is a free event with free parking. It is anticipated that more than 20,000 will attend this
regional event. The expo will feature the Hurricane Hunter aircraft and Air Force Reserve pi-
lots as long as the plane is not called into action. There will be more than 70 vendors from all
across northern Florida displaying products and demonstrations related to hurricane season or
after-storm hazards. The event coordinators are also planning on the power companies bringing
demonstration trailers and interactive displays.


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