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Robin Bertram Ministries





10 Steps to Obtaining Spiritual Power

1. Divine power comes to those who are willing, first of all.

2. Willingness to walk in divine power must accompany a surrender.

3. Surrender leads to an innate desire for truth.

4. A search for truth leads to wisdom.

5. Wisdom is the beginning of understanding.

6. Understanding opens one up to the process of dying to self

7. Dying to self allows for divine power to freely flow through

8. An open vessel (empty of self) is ready to receive revelation.

9. It is by revelation that one can partake in divine power, move in divine

power and impart with divine power

10. Divine power is given for the benefit of others and not for selfish

How do I walk in divine power? Ask yourself this question, “Am I willing to
surrender?” If the answer is yes, then a spiritual rebirth is the next process.
You are born in the natural realm with a biological father and mother., but
now you must be born of the Spirit. Man is spirit and the body is its house,
or dwelling place, and as you determine to walk into this rebirth, your spirit
man becomes alive to things of the spirit realm. The body however, is
temporal. Once rebirth has occurred, the process of death begins. It may
seem ironic, but death is the place of true spiritual

The death process must include a burial. The burial will then be followed
with a resurrection. It’s like a seed, which falls into the ground. It dies, but
when it dies, it produces much fruit. The natural man must die first and then
the spirit man arises in resurrection power. The things of this world hold no
real obstacles for the man of the spirit.

Once a man of the spirit, then the search for spiritual truth begins. The
search for truth will open man’s eyes to the fact that there are many
counterfeit powers, but only one true source of divine spiritual power.
Spiritual realities supersede realities of the natural realm and as this truth is
understood, freedom to flow in supernatural power becomes available. The
realm of the spirit is a new order.

Ability to flow in supernatural power is granted as an individual empties

himself of the desires of his own natural flesh, his love of this world and the
things in it, and determines to walk in a life separated to the one and only
true source of power.

If you want a life filled with meaning and purpose, a life flowing with
supernatural power, a life free of the bonds and chains that has kept you in
the old man, then say yes and simply surrender and become a new creature.

Pray this prayer:

God, the one and only true source of resurrection power,

Make yourself known to me. I choose to surrender. Help me understand

truth. Open my eyes that I might see. I choose light over darkness. I choose
truth over deception. I choose freedom over bondage. I choose you over
every counterfeit. Let this day be a day of new beginnings in my life as I

choose to die to self, surrender to the truth and walk in resurrection power.
Forgive me of a life lived to self. Forgive me of all my sins.

Jesus is the way, the truth and the light. He is resurrection power. He is the
source of love, peace and joy. He has dominion over the natural realm as He
walked on water, healed the sick, opened blind eyes and made the lame walk

I Am the Light of the World

Jesus declared Himself as the Light of the World. God is light, and all
believers are to reflect His light. He came to light the path for everyone who
would believe. He is both the source of seeing and the only means by which
one can see. Jesus, being
challenged by the Pharisees, declared that His own testimony regarding
Himself was true, but He also declared God, the Father, as His witness.
Light expels darkness. Darkness can never stand in the face of light; it is
absolutely impossible.

Spiritual illumination by the power of the Holy Spirit is the only way by
which one can understand spiritual truths. They are veiled from viewing and
cannot be discerned through self-effort. The Gospel, as it illuminates for
those who will receive it, transforms them from being held captive to the
kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light. Henceforth, they become
aliens of this world, no longer subject to the spiritual hosts of wickedness.

Spiritual truths to the unbelieving are foolishness and vain thinking. To the
believing, illumination by the Gospel brings freedom and deliverance from
the bondage of sin and its chains of guilt and oppression. Light shows the
way to walk. It illuminates the path. It helps one see as they travel through
this world, and it cleanses them from the defilement encountered along the
way. Jesus is that light, and His life reflects the way we are
to walk, the path of righteousness.

Walk now in the truth of the Gospel- Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the
only way!

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