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April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 1


VICTORY FOR GOLF’S EDGE saga takes a bizarre twist
INSIDE PRESIDENT’S Feder: “I’m Going to Pray More.”
By Sue Cohen
64-year-old Issac Feder can no longer have friends over to

Delegate Assembly pray.
Minutes record what At a hearing ordered by Palm Beach County Zoning Depart-
happened at our ment, after some four hours of testimony, it was orally ruled
monthly meeting.........2 that the unit owner was in violation of County Zoning Code.
The rumpus started two years ago when Issac and Judith
The results of the Feder, who already owned a unit in Kingswood, bought a sec-
Executive Board ond apartment in Golf’s Edge. It wasn’t long before it became
election.......................2 Criminal Dumping Ground? clear to the Board that the unit was being used for assembly
It’s Up to You. purposes, and President Cookey Courier was bombarded with
complaints about the change of use. County Officials concurred,
Hear what UCO VPs
have to say.................3 The recent revelation that but the Feders returned to up-state New York and the original
blind them to the risks they are
case was never adjudicated.
a convicted murderer on life- incurring. My recent conversa-
Editorial comments.....5 This winter season brought another burst of activity to the
time supervised parole has tion with PBSO Detective Ken
Golf’s Edge apartment. The County became involved once
been living in our Village Burr indicates that we have
Your Theater...............6 again, claiming that the Golf’s Edge unit may be in violation
gives one pause as to whether many felons in our Village of the ‘occupancy code’ which eventually led to the March
our association boards are who are on parole, and the 23rd hearing. Feder attorney, Esther Zaretsky, Esq. attempted to
Arts & Entertainment:
meeting their responsibilities criminal records of these ap- secure a dismissal of the case from Magistrate Carolyn Ansay.
Reviewing a play
that takes a look at when it comes to whom they plicants have apparently been Defense witnesses were equally unsuccessful in convincing
the fragile state of approve for occupancy. One ignored by various boards.  the hearing that the apartment was primarily used as residence
marriage.....................6 basic responsibility of an as- In response to the arrest and not as it was referred to several times by Judith Feder as a
sociation’s board is to promote of yet another felon, Marc synagogue.
List of open the health, welfare and peace Steven Phillips, a renter in Having already delivered a petition of over 800 signatures,
meetings.....................8 of mind of the residents. our Village who had been on the Golf’s Edge Board of Administration, joined by more than
We now know that one as- the run for 30 years, UCO has 400 remarkably restrained residents of Century Village, were
Investigations.............9 on hand to hear the verdict.
sociation, with the knowledge embarked on a major upgrade
that the applicant was on life of our investigative process. Continued on Page 11
Reader’s Corner ......21 parole for second degree mur- We are interrogating sources
der and grand theft, elected to of information over and above
Legal Updates .........27
accept this applicant. What is those used by our investiga-
worse yet, he is now serving tion company. These sources
Mark Pafford, our man
in Tallahassee, means on their board of administra- promise to bring UCO and
business...................51 tion. This convict, on lifetime the associations a more com-
parole supervision, has not had prehensive view of those who
The games are afoot: his Civil Rights restored, so would rent, own and occupy
See the Recreation he is not eligible to serve on our apartments. It is likely that
News section............52 any condominium board, as in due course we will change
per Section 718.112(2)(d)1, investigation companies as a
Florida Statute. result of this case.
Delegate What is this Board However, in the final analy-
Meeting thinking? sis, UCO and our attorney can
Friday Most probably, like many of only advise the associations.
4/1/11 our boards, they are not really In the end, the association has
“minding the store.” With the the ultimate decision as to who
downturn of the housing mar- it will accept or reject. Exer-
ket, there is greater pressure cise your rights, be informed,
Read recent back issues at to make a unit productive in and choose wisely. We all have terms of cash flow, which may to live with the consequences. Pictured: (L to R) Judith Feder, Issac Feder, Esther Zaretsky.
Page 2 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011

MINUTES OF MARCH 4, 2011 Poor Turnout for Executive
UCO Vice President Phyllis
Richland chaired this meet-
the Vista Center. Your sup-
port is very important.
need them. UCO’s contract
with Medics has 1½ years to
Board Election
By Sue Cohen
ing.  We had a quorum of 167 Dave announced the retire- go. Medics’ phone number is
delegates. ment of Syd Kronish, acting 659-7400. A disappointing 167 out of an eligible 349 delegates turned
The Pledge of Allegiance editor of the UCO Reporter. Vice President Bob Mar- out to vote before the March 4 Delegate Assembly, when 10
was led by Lt. Richard Dib- He made an emergency ap- shall announced that Comcast seats on the Executive Board were competed for by 16 can-
erardino. He reported that pointment of Jean Dowling did not change from analog to didates.
last month a car window was and Sue Cohen as acting co- digital on the 16th as previous- The apparent lack of interest was blamed on the fact that the
smashed in the Kingswood editors. ly announced. A new date has election was exclusively for Executive Board positions.
area. Other than this, things Channel 63 is down and we not as yet been determined. Due to the lack of competing candidates, the two Vice
were quiet in CV. Deputies are awaiting the return of our Becker & Poliakoff will President seats were automatically filled by Bob Marshall
wrote multiple traffic citations equipment which was sent out give another seminar for As- and Phyllis Richland for a two-year period. The election was
this month. Minor crashes for repair. sociation Board members on conducted exclusively by volunteers, and the final tallies for
should be reported to PBSO Recording Secretary Louise Friday, March 25. Those who each candidate were given to the UCO Administration in the
– only then can they investi- Maccarone has resigned for wish to attend must register at early afternoon, having been completed to the satisfaction of
gate and reexamine a driver’s personal reasons. the UCO office in order to get all observers.
ability. He will look into get- We have a commitment from a certificate. Maintenance Chairman Dom Guarnagia secured the high-
ting a speed trailer for our the Water Dept. for 22,000,000 There will be a welcome est number of votes, with his predecessor Jerry Karpf com-
perimeter roads. The traffic gallons of reclaimed water per meeting for new owners and ing in last, but not least. After her defeat in her bid for Vice
circle at Greenbrier will also month. renters on Monday, March 7 President last year, Dot Loewenstein made an impressive
be monitored. Associations are asked not in the Party Room at 1:30 p.m. comeback, securing 105 votes. The new incumbents will
There were no corrections to move their dumpsters to The Insurance meeting on serve for two years.
to last month’s minutes. another area. March 23 has been cancelled. DOMINIC GUARNAGIA..................................................................... 121
The Treasurer ’s Report Unfinished Business: They will reschedule. KEN DAVIS........................................................................................... 106
was easier to read this month. The Homestead extension A suggestion was made that DOT LOEWENSTEIN.......................................................................... 105
JACKIE KARLAN................................................................................ 101
There were questions for the has been extended to May 25 UCO form an ad hoc commit-
HONEY SAGER...................................................................................... 89
Treasurer concerning an As- for 2012 tax breaks. Sign-up tee re walking dogs, leash and MYRON SILVERMAN........................................................................... 89
sociation’s decision of who to is the last Wednesday of each pooper-scooper laws. Alan SUZY BYRNES...................................................................................... 85
accept or deny. The methods month in the Clubhouse. Lit, a retired code enforce- SANDY COHEN..................................................................................... 85
of rejections were discussed. The next Presidents’ Coun- ment officer in Philadelphia, HOWIE SILVER...................................................................................... 85
JERRY KARPF........................................................................................ 82
President’s Report – Dave cil is Wednesday, March 9 in volunteered to chair this com-
Israel reported that the Feder the Party Room. mittee.
hearing, brought by Palm Refunds will be made for New Business: Installation Luncheon
Beach County Code En- the cancelled show “Sarge.” Starting March 1, Associa- David Israel welcomed mittee members. As usual,
forcement, was well at- Tuesday, March 8 is the cut- tion Presidents can get a list of almost 200 dignitaries, resi- Mary Benton and her com-
tended by CV residents. In off date for reservations for the delinquent unit owners from dents and guests to the 29th mittee created a spectacular
fact, it was standing room UCO Installation Luncheon. WPRF. annual Installation Luncheon occasion. The staff of the
only. Mr. Feder’s attorney Anyone who uses the Life- Good & Welfare followed. at the Hilton Hotel. State’s Reporter congratulate the
was granted a continuance line button should be sure their These minutes were taken Attorney Michael McAuliffe newly installed Executive
until March 23 at 10 a.m. at company calls Medics if you by Mary Patrick Benton. installed ten Executive Com- Committee.

UCO Officers being sworn in as members of the Executive Board at the Installation Ball on Sunday, March 13, 2011. Pictured from left to right: Dom Guarnagia,
Ken Davis, Jackie Karlan, Dot Loewenstein, Jerry Karpf, Suzy Byrnes, Sandy Cohen, Howie Silver.
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 3


If you are having a problem, call the UCO Office at 683‑9189 and ask for
the Vice President that is covering your Association.
say, I am not anxious for the con- forward to his future columns,
version date to be upon us. which we understand he will con-
The Guest Call-In software has tinue to submit.
now been modified to accept up to As to the future, we hope both
two phone numbers. It will now ac- coeditors pro tem, Jean Dowling
cept one land line and a cell phone and Sue Cohen, will receive the
or two cell phones. Be certain that cooperation they require to make
your association has become cell our UCO Reporter a village news-
phone friendly, then come to the paper of note, that will “Inform,
BOB MARSHALL UCO office and give the clerk your FRANK CORNISH Entertain and Educate,” to use
number or numbers—simple as their own descriptive phrase.
that. We like to say yes! The Village will be quieter in
• Berkshire The Becker and Poliakoff semi- • Cambridge the coming months, since by the
• Camden nar “Everything you wanted to • Canterbury time this issue is distributed many
know about being a board member of our seasonal residents will be
• Dover • Chatham
but were afraid to ask” was a large heading toward other locations. I
• Hastings success. Approximately 500 unit • Dorchester want to THANK all who volun-
• Somerset owners attended, and the com- • Kent teered during their seasonal stay.
• Wellington ments to me afterward were all • Northampton We wish them a safe journey and
• Windsor very positive. Another seminar is • Sussex look forward to their return in the
planned but will take place before fall. Without our permanent resi-
this is published. Perhaps more on dents, however, much of what we
Comcast conversion, guest it next month. The election results were just enjoy would not be possible, so
call-in, board member seminar, I have spent some time this posted at this writing. Congratu- to those who are helping all year
a little mixup with the remotes month removing the old copies of lations to our returning vice presi- round, our THANKS, also. Which
The day that Comcast had pro- the UCO Reporter from the file dents, who ran unopposed, and to reminds me, those of you who stay
posed to convert a large percent- cabinets in preparation to having elected members of the Executive here, we can always use your help-
age of the our TV channels from them scanned, and then they will Board—some new, with a major- ing hand in volunteering your time
analog to digital has come and be available online. Check the side ity having served on previous to your condo association or UCO,
gone with no action taken yet by bar on the CV Blog for all of the boards. or both.
Comcast. No new date has been forms and documents that are cur- The UCO Reporter, as well, To all: Have a happy Passover
given us yet, but I certainly hope rently available. has undergone a change of lead- and a happy Easter!
we have adequate time to notify One example: Why come to ership with the retirement of Syd
all the folks. UCO to acquire investigation Kronish, who served this com-
I was recently given a Comcast forms? Just pull them up and print munity in many capacities, most
report that we still have approxi- them at your leisure. recently as Editor-in-Chief of the
mately 1800 units in the Village Got a situation you need help newspaper. We wish to take this
with no box and another 3000 with? Come to the office—perhaps opportunity to thank Syd for his
with only one box. Needless to someone else has shared this situ- many years of service, and look
ation and we can talk about it.

• Andover
• Coventry
• Bedford
• Easthampton
• Golf’s Edge
• Norwich
• Greenbrier
• Plymouth
• Kingswood
• Salisbury
• Oxford
• Sheffield
• Southampton
• Waltham
• Stratford

OFFICERS Executive Board

President: David Israel
David Bernstein Jerry Karpf
President Emeritus: George Loewenstein Randall Borchardt Claudette LaBonte
Vice Presidents: Sal Bummolo, Frank Cornish,
Bob Marshall, Phyllis Richland Suzy Byrnes Dot Loewenstein
Corresponding Secretary:
Ed Black
Avis Blank Sandy Cohen Haskell Morin
Recording Secretary:
Community Assn. Mgr.:
Rodger Carver
Ken Davis Honey Sager
Administrative Assistant, George Franklin Joe Saponaro
Office Manager: Mary Patrick Benton
UCO-Business Coordinator: Edie Levine Roberta Fromkin Howie Silver
Office Assistants: Charlotte Brown,
Roberta Fromkin, Sandy‌ Levine, Beverly Lyne, Louise Gerson Myron Silverman
Florence Pires, Isabelle Scherel, Joyce Weberman
Receptionists: Sonia Goldberg,
Dom Guarnagia Lori Torres
Natalie Hauptman, Claudette LaBonte, Mildred Levine, Jackie Karlan Jeanette Veglia
Ron Massa, Coralie Oliviera
Page 4 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011

in violation of all of our strict
written procedures. This mat-
ter should be investigated.
Anglo Saxon, The
Carping Columnist
With David Israel, UCO President This latter issue is so
I’m told that a good journalist never retires, and is
replete with misinforma-
Answering Questions from Myron Solomon always on the lookout for “news.” Modesty prevents me
tion; it is hard to know
from claiming to be good, but I am a seasoned reporter
where to start.
with over 20 years of experience on London’s Fleet Street.
QUESTION: First of all, the $250,000
I also spent years “chasing bad guys and bringing them to
The UCO Reporter, a multi-page newspaper issued every is the amount of money
justice” as part of the award-winning team of England’s
month for the general public to be informed of a number of in the 2011 budget being
primetime investigative program “The Cook Report.”
current and future happenings, and more importantly, a publi- added to the Road Re-
Just over a year ago, I witnessed one of the most shame-
cation that prints what you want to say—your opinions. This serves, which fund cur-
ful episodes in C.V. history. I refer now to the havoc
is supposed to be a free and open newspaper. This is not the rently has over $3,000,000
reigned upon unsuspecting unit owners and associations
case. The acting Editor-in-Chief, Syd Kronish and his more than in it; our Administration
by First Priority Restorations, when this company, for
qualified associates, seem to be prohibited, for the most part, reduced this line item
whatever reason, attacked an alleged pandemic of leaks
from printing anything that comes before them. Our president, in the draft UCO bud-
and mold, leaving many residents here homeless and many
Mr. Israel, censures whatever he feels is not complementary get from the originally
more much the poorer for the experience.
to himself and his own personal group. He does this regularly proposed $500,000. It is
The behavior of UCO’s administration at that time was
and without recourse. This is shameful and you, the Delegates, no different in this re-
equally shameful. For almost a year there was a stretch
actually The Board of Directors, should not stand for this form spect from an association
of avoidance of responsibility by the very people elected
of dictatorship. Delegates, do something to stop this man from adding to its Reserves,
to protect us. It’s like the old saying, “If you’re not part
controlling everything out there. whether for a new roof
of the solution... you’re part of the problem.”
Articles were submitted to the Reporter well ahead of the or painting. Facts are
I am pleased to say that the new UCO administration
deadline and in proper form, and it got back to me that the being assembled and
has cooperated fully, and I have no desire to in any way
president overruled the Chief Editor and gave him an order not considered, Gathering
damage an ongoing insurance investigation by publiciz-
to print them. These were articles that were of great interest to of these facts, include
ing details. Nor do I wish to disturb the sensibilities of
Unit Owners; they did not mention specific names or locations, a full engineering study
residents who prefer not to be “in the know.” But this
nor did they contain any vile or abusive language. Shame on of the roads, swales and
kind of shameful situation must never be allowed to hap-
you, Mr. President—you certainly don’t believe in accepting pipes effecting drainage.
pen again. This is why at this point in time, I am further
anyone else’s opinion. And, after this is read, you’ll deny it. The engineering studies
motivated to offer my services to our community. If you
The word is on the street; you shut everyone down that doesn’t were bid out to a number
believe that you have something that needs investigation,
agree with your philosophy. of firms, before a final
please contact me, Anglo Saxon, at the UCO Reporter
selection was made by
Office (E-mail:
ANSWER: our LCAM, the Bid Com-
Incidentally, if you’re wondering whatever happened to
When I took office as President in March of 2010, mittee and the Officers.
First Priority Restorations, I hear they are still around, but
it was the practice of the previous Administration to As these actions are part
now have new “competition.” Offering identical services
read the UCO Reporter galley proofs prior to pub- and parcel of the roadway
is a newly formed company called Titan. The similarities
lication. One of my first acts was to terminate this rehabilitation project, the
don’t stop there either, because its director, Orly Levy,
practice, making it clear that the content of the UCO money was spent from
just happens to be a co-director of “Styl Investments,”
Reporter was at the sole discretion of the Reporter the roadway reserve;
a company she shares with Yitzhak Levy and Salomon
staff and the Editor-in-Chief. there is no question of
Teboul, who are also directors of First Priority. Although
We had one incident, which I have documented and “diversion”. So there is
the business address of Titan is registered just down the
witnessed, where a unit owner threatened the Editor no need for any further
road, they advertise themselves in the White Pages at
“that if he did not publish her article, he would know approval of expenditures
3388 Sheridan Street, Hollywood, Florida. Coinciden-
her wrath”—whatever that means. I did indeed opine from a Reserve line that
tally, this just happens to be the address of First Priority
to the Editor, Syd Kronish, that if such an incident is being used for the pur-
Restorations! Must be a bit crowed down there, because
had occurred at the Palm Beach Post, the perpetrator pose which the Delegates
believe it or not, it’s also the address of First Priority’s
would be removed by security or the sheriff, and it long ago approved!
attorney Rhonda Zimmerman, and also Florida Sciences
would be unlikely that this person’s material would It is important to under-
Inc., which allegedly did mold testing for First Priority
ever be published. In short, neither UCO nor the UCO stand that the process
Restorations. More chillingly, the 3388 Sheridan Street
Reporter will ever respond to threats. of road repair involves
mailboxes were used by 9/11 lead terrorist Mohamed Atta.
The decision concerning what to publish or exclude much more than patching
Enough said, eh?
is solely that of the Reporter staff, unencumbered by potholes. Included in road
any burden, directive or coercion by UCO officers or repair is rehabilitating the
the president. swales, which provide the
principal drainage for the
QUESTION: right-of-way. Collateral to
Lastly, Mr. President, with respect to a different issue: The this are the main drain-
Paving/ Drainage Reserve amounts to $250,000, as calculated age arterials that take the
on Page 5 of the 2011 budget. Then there was the shifting of overflow from the swales
money so that the scope of work could involve other work, into the lakes, canals and
such as swales, viewing inside pipes by camera, etc. A proce- lagoons. All of the work
dure established in early 2010 required that any expenditure in statements and contracts
excess of $12,500 “be put out to bid with the goal to receive are being managed by our
at least three bids. Moneys taken from the reserve account, or LCAM, the Bid Committee
savings, must be approved “by the Delegates prior to making and the Officers of UCO. NEWCOMERS’ MEETING
any commitment to any vendor. We’re talking about moneys It would be nice if those Our annual Newcomers’ meeting was held in the Clubhouse
in the vicinity of $176,000, and of that, about $57,000 already who write critical letters party room on Monday, March 7. UCO president Dave Israel
spent. would take the time to and WPRF Vice President Anita Pearce welcomed all those who
“Who then, came up with a scope of work and who approved research for facts and try attended. There was a large turnout, proving that we have many
it? Who has this contract? Who came up with an amount of to understand the issues new residents moving into the Village. Our housing market
money to be spent and who approved it? Who obtained at least at hand. seems to be improving.
three bids for this work and who approved a certain bidder? Informative handouts were given to the attendees, there were
“Who has these bids? Why was the contract awarded without
Editors Needed presentations describing the many services and recreational
• Rewrite
the Delegates approving it? Inasmuch as this work was not • Proofread facilities, and there was a question and answer period. In this
• Must be computer literate
budgeted item, how can this be an expenditure? In other words, Call Jean Dowling at the UCO way, the new residents were given a broad view of their new
it appears certain that our money has been mishandled and used Reporter, 683-9336 home. We hope they read the Reporter, also!
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 5


A Different Point of Jew Welcome to the new informative UCO Reporter. We
Palm Beach Post Columnist, Frank Cerabino’s coverage of promise never to forget that this is your newspaper and
the county’s magistrate Zoning Committee hearing back at the we warmly welcome your comments and contributions.
beginning of March did little to defuse the difficult situation Our mission is to:
surrounding Issac Feder’s unit at Golf’s Edge. Inform — Residents have the right to know what’s actu-
Century Village residents were, once again, at the brunt end ally happening in the village.
of Cerabino’s jocular pen. In my opinion, due to his indecent
Entertain — To present to you interesting articles cov-
haste for hilarity, the columnist missed the plot by concentrat-
ering a wide range of subjects geared to CV residents.
ing on an alleged influx of Satmar followers, believed to be
the largest and most pious sect within Chasidic Judaism. Educate — Covering all aspects of condominium living.
Wouldn’t it have been wiser of Mr. C to ask the most relevant Letters to the Editor
question? Did you read the association documents before buying Out of Bound Dog
Owners Letters to the Editor should be limited to 250 words.
your second unit in Golf’s Edge?
I would like it understood We respect your opinion but please refrain from gossip,
Mr. Feder and his wife Judith seem like perfectly nice, intel-
that I do not object to the as- conjecture, or defamatory gossip.
ligent people, so personally, I find it rather hard to believe that
they were ‘surprised’ at the reaction to the daily ‘comings and sociations that have voted to In the event that the editorial staff considers the written
Cohens’ at their apartment. allow dogs. material libelous, we will inform you of the particulars,
In fact, even a cursory glance at Golf’s Edge governing docu- In making this allowance giving you the opportunity to revise your submission.
ments, a matter of public record and readily available over the the association should have All letters must include the name and phone number of the author.
Internet, reveals that occupancy is clearly defined. also informed the owners of
certain rules that go along with Articles
Each of the units shall be occupied only by a family and
for no other purpose. this approval. Articles are welcome on any subject but are included at
No nuisance shall be allowed upon the condominium prop- Rule #1 — the dog can be the discretion of the editorial staff and should not exceed
erty, nor any use or practice that is the source of annoyance only walked on that particu- 500 words. Please include your contact information with
to residents or which interfere with the peaceful possession lar association’s immediate your submission, and the best time to contact you.
and proper use of condominium property. grounds. Not anywhere else. All submissions should be e-mailed to the newspaper at
The bylaws further add that there shall be no improper, of- Rule #2 — you must have
fensive or unlawful use of the unit or the condominium prop- something in hand that would al-
erty. And, all valid laws, zoning ordinance and regulations of low you to pick up after your dog. The absolute deadline is the
It seems to be that these are not
all governmental bodies having jurisdiction shall be observed.
difficult to understand or to follow.
seventh day of the month.
Seems pretty clear to me.
I first spoke with mother of ten, Judith Feder, at the first hear- So please co-operate and The content herein is under exclusive editorial control
ing. She claimed she “simply didn’t understand why there was keep your pet within the by the Reporter staff.
such a fuss about a few people praying with her husband, and boundaries of your associa-
due to his walking disability, couldn’t, under any circumstances, tion. Thank you. have the dogs on their own ers who don’t clean up after
attend the twice daily services held at the Orthodox Temple on Albert Schulman property area. Unfortunately their animals. It’s a health risk.
Haverhill.” In keeping with American Jewish Tradition, this some of the “dog-walkers” It’s a nuisance for pedestrians.
Orthodox Temple houses both the American and Israeli flag. Dogs, Dogs and More have been extremely rude to It’s something that must be
The sight of the Israeli Flag is far from a welcome one to the Dogs the guards in refusing to do stopped…..installation of our
majority of followers of the much revered Grand Rebbe Joel Tietle- Most of us are aware of the that. It is difficult to deal with company’s Surveillance Hy-
baum (a holocaust survivor) who believed that the State of Israel many dogs that have moved this problem. However there drant Information Technology
itself was an abomination of the Torah (Holy Text) and should only into our community and the may be a solution to this. trackers…..they look like real
exist following the arrival of the Messiah. Yet, Mrs. Feder claimed problems that some of the In Frank Cerabino’s col- fire hydrants, but they’re actu-
it certainly was not the Israeli Flag that kept her husband and his dog owners have caused. The umn in the Sunday, February ally sophisticated surveillance
friends from seeking spiritual solace at the Orthodox Temple. owners know that they are to 6 edition of the Palm Beach platforms that photograph the

Unfortunately, all those involved have sidetracked the whole keep their dogs on their asso- Post he had a very amusing but license tags of nearby dogs
issue. It turned ugly with the usual cheap shots and lame excuses ciation property and not walk interesting column about the in the act….they attract dog-
being thrown by people old enough to know better. them on common grounds. problem with “dog-walkers” walking traffic. Each camera
But, as the whole sordid mess disintegrated, everyone, including When our security guards see not obeying proper procedures will begin recording as soon
Frank Cerabino, seemed to lose sight of the bottom line. The rules dogs on common property I quote…..“we recommend as a dog starts walking in tight
are applicable to all of us, no matter what our beliefs or opinions. they approach “dog-walkers” you start being very concerned
Whilst it’s always a source of great regret when neighbors and request that they only about the scourge of dog own- Continued on Page 7
find it impossible to get along, perhaps our new residents should
remember that this is an established community with its own
legally binding covenants, which we are ready, willing and able
to enforce. All most of us wish for, is to preserve our way of
life in our retirement paradise called Century Village.
Sue Cohen The official newspaper of Century Village
Much Ado About Doo 24 Camden A, West Palm Beach, FL 33417
There was much consternation at the Delegate Assembly about Tel: 561-683-9336 • Fax: 561-683-2830
doggy doo in Century Village but very little said about being Email:
cheated out of approximately $1800 per unit for the past 4 years. Send photos to:
Personally, I am a little more concerned about living and Office hours: 9:30 am-12:00 noon, Mon-Fri
dealing with people who cheat me than stepping in doggy doo.
Editors-in-Chief, Pro-Tem.................Sue Cohen & Jean Dowling
My building has lost approximately $44,000 in 4 years by
Associate Editor..........................................................Lanny Howe
paying inflated insurance premiums. The Village has, in those Business Editor, Advertising.............................. Phyllis Siegelman
same 4 years, overpaid by millions!!! Think of what the Vil- Assistant Business Coordinator....................... Martha Ostapenko
lage could have done with millions of dollars! ...and you are Photo Editor, Consultant................................................ Ken Graff
concerned about doggy doo? Pre-Press Editor......................................................John Saponaro
1st Priority has put at least 75 owners out of their units for Copy Editor.................................................................. David Saxon
up to 18 months, has overcharged for inferior work and lost a Editors.......................................................Joe and June Saponaro
major insurer for us. ...and you are concerned about doggy doo? Technical Editor............................................... Randall Borchardt
Many units are being abandoned or foreclosed in Century Circulation................. Seacrest, Pruitt, Gallagher, CMC, Apogee
Village. The economy is in the pits and people are losing their (your property managers)
homes. ...and you are concerned about doggy doo?
Visit your Web site:
Jean Dowling
Page 6 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011

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stage presence. She has per-
CLAUDETTE LaBONTE formed in Europe and Asia irv rikon
The season is over (so Coordinator. To my Captains and is also a favorite on cruise Donald Marguilies’ Pulitzer One, finds Karen and Gabe
quickly), but we certainly can who have always been there ships. Opening for Keelor, is Prize-winning play, Dinner still affected by their friends’
say it was filled with outstand- for me, a special thanks, and singer Bill Davis. with Friends, running now break-up. But Karen blames
ing performances. In addition, of course there is no Usher Sat. 4/23 - 8:00 PM - Cav- through April 17 at Palm Beach everything on Tom, and she
the variety kept everyone com- Corps without the ushers. You endish Presents will feature Dramaworks in downtown wants nothing to do with him.
ing for more, especially those will always be special to me. stunning soprano Rebekah West Palm Beach, opens in Gabe somewhat weakly de-
of you who took a chance on To the patrons who say good- Diaz. Her versatility will cover Karen and Gabe’s Connecticut fends Tom.
the newest additions and were night and thank-you, please opera, Broadway and jazz. home. The young couple are Scene Three brings Tom
so pleasantly surprised.  know that is what makes the Violinist Randolph Margitra entertaining Beth, who’s usu- and Gabe together in a Man-
Now for another surprise. volunteering worthwhile. will share the stage. Always a ally accompanied by husband hattan bar. Tom, surprisingly,
I began the Usher Corps six So now, let us see you at the favorite. Tom, but Beth suddenly starts has a new love. He’s looking
years ago and have benefited following April shows: Sat. 4/30 - 8:00 PM - A to cry and she says Tom has forward to getting married.
from a very giving staff and Sat. 4/2, 8:00 PM David Night At the Cabaret with left her. What happens to two By contrast, Gabe reports that
made lasting friendships with Orson - A singer/entertainer, Wayne Hosford. His creden- couples who have been close Karen is having “hot flashes.”
very special people. It is now who has been compared to tials include New York City’s friends for years when one Love-making isn’t quite what
time to step down and enjoy Josh Grobin & Harry Connick, Beacon Theatre, Friars’s Club marriage falls apart? That’s it used to be.
traveling with my husband Jr. with influences from Sina- and The Town Hall. He has the question raised by the play- One more scene follows, but
Joe (who has patience beyond) tra, Presley & Nat King Cole. performed with Liza Minelli wright, who takes the position I won’t give away the ending.
and live every moment with- Opening for Orson is guitarist and Neil Sedaka. Opening for that close friends are like fam- The play is directed flaw-
out having to plan life around & vocalist Frank Carmelitano, this talented singer, pianist, ily, feeling the others’ pain. lessly by J. Barry Lewis and
shows. I will always have a who has performed for Prin- comedian is songstress Mora In Scene Two of Act One, acted the same way by Jim
special place in my heart for cess Caroline of Monaco.  Newman, who has appeared in Tom returns to Beth: Accu- Ballard, Eric Martin Brown,
my assistants, Isabelle Scherel Sat. 4/9 8:00 PM Fabio Zini numerous off-Broadway pro- sations, recriminations and Erin Joy Schmidt and Sarah
& Ron Massa, who helped me - Promises an exhilarating eve- ductions such as “Mame,” “A shouting follow. Who’s to Grace Wilson.
hold everything together. As ning of rhythms. A native of Chorus Line,” “Hello Dolly,” blame? How, when did things Palm Beach Dramaworks
of March 31, I will exchange Argentina with a gift for love “Fiddler On the Roof” and go wrong? Can anything be promotes itself with the slogan
roles with Ron Massa, who of music and a talent to play more. salvaged? “Theatre To Think About.” It
has so generously agreed the guitar. Opening for Zini is Isn’t this a good reason to… In Scene Three, Karen and caused me to do just what the
to become the Usher Corps comedian Carl Guerra, a New “See you at the Theater”?? Gabe discuss the marriages of slogan says.
their friends and their own. You won’t leave the theater
Scene One of Act Two takes laughing and singing, but you
CLUBHOUSE MOVIES place in Martha’s Vineyard
twelve and a half years earlier
should see it. You’re liable to
remember it for a long time
The Switch (pg-13 • 101 Min) on the happy day when Tom to come. For tickets and addi-
Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman and Beth first met. tional information, telephone
An unmarried 40-year-old woman turns to a turkey Scene Two, occurring a few 514-4042 or online: www.
baster in order to become pregnant. Seven years later, months after the events in Act
she reunites with her best friend, who has been living
with a secret: he replaced her preferred sperm sample

It’ll Be All Right

with his own.
04/03, Sun, 1:45pm; 04/04, Mon, 6:45pm
(continued from last month)

you again (pg • 105 Min)

Kristen Bell, Odette Yustman, Sigourney Weaver
When a young woman realizes her brother is about to
On the Night
marry the girl who bullied her in high school, she sets
out to expose the fiancée’s true colors.
04/05, Tue, 1:45pm; 04/07, Thu, 6:45pm; 04/10, Sun,
1:45pm; 04/11, Mon, 6:45pm; 04/12, Tue, 1:45pm

secretariat (pg-13 • 123 Min)

Diane Lane, Scott Glenn, James Cromwell
Penny Chenery Tweedy and colleagues guide her long-
shot but precocious stallion set, in 1973, the unbeaten
record for winning the Triple Crown.
04/14, Thu, 6:45pm; 04/17, Sun, 1:45pm; 04/18, Mon,
6:45pm; 04/19, Tue, 1:45pm; 04/21, Thu, 6:45pm

Social network (pg-13 • 120 Min)

Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield,
Justin Timberlake
A chronicle of the founding of Facebook, the social-net-
working Web site. Over 30 talented performers, including these pictured above, rehearsed
04/24, Sun, 1:45pm; 04/25, Mon, 6:45pm; 04/26, Tue, for a final time before staging their annual revue, which this year was “I
1:45pm; 04/28, Thu, 6:45pm Hear the Music.”

April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 7

Letters a formal bidding process? By in the running of UCO meet- and more vibrant community, called “UCO REPORTER”.
Continued from Page 5 competitive bidding, and by ings that respectfully allows and we hope that advance- I am requesting that you
approaching new markets, the every opinion to be heard, ments like these will continue. cease the prohibitive practice
circles near the hydrant…. insurance committee identi- even though there have been Our thanks to the UCO team. immediately and allow infor-
Fines will be mailed to the fied $2 million in excessive frustrating incidents of rude- Tom and Anita Buchanan mative and articles of dissent
owners of the dogs within costs compared to the old ness and attempts to disrupt. to be printed. I also request
30 days….some owners will contract, a travesty really – These episodes seem never to that the Editorial staff not
claim that they did pick up considering that these new produce any good alternative
Allegation of discriminate against articles
after their dogs….we recom- markets were available since ideas, just noise – yet everyone Discrimination they may not be in agreement
mend proof be in the form of 2008. The committee set a is allowed to have a say. It has come to my attention with and that they be unbiased
bagged evidence accompanied precedent for sound, respon- Have you noticed that UCO that Mr. David Israel and the and objective and abide by
by a notarized letter with a sible business processes for investigations are becoming Editorial staff of the UCO Re- Standard editorial principles.
date and time stamp….” C.V., which UCO expects to more efficient, simple and porter has prohibited certain Olga Wolkenstein
There is more to Frank’s expand and continue on all timely? And that UCO financ- informative articles and let-
column but I am sure you all contract negotiations and re- es and expenses are becoming ters to the mailbag from being Ever hear of the Standard
get the idea and the signifi- newals. more transparent? There’s printed in the UCO Reporter. Editorial Principle called
cance of this. It was discussed I’m not sure that most resi- a decidedly more friendly In doing so they have vio- LIBEL, Ms. Wolkenstein?
at the Delegates meeting on dents realize that the new atmosphere for unit owners lated the UCO Bylaws; spe- - Editor
February 4 that the population
Comcast agreement was ne- in their dealings with UCO. cifically article 3E which reads
of dogs in our village is grow- gotiated to give C.V. residents There are serious initiatives in part:
ing and “dog-walkers” must be services for $27 per month that to connect the neediest of our To keep the unit owners of • No handwritten mate-
reminded to keep their dogs on Century Village informed on rial will be accepted for
would cost $67 per month out- residents with services such as
their own association property. matters of common interest the UCO Reporter
side the Village—petty good! food stamps and reductions in • P l e a s e e m a i l t o
Perhaps this article will help UCO also set up regular train- utility rates. by any and all appropri-
to educate them to the need to ing in the use of the Cable box. Every day we see Century ate means, which includes
follow procedures when they We also see an openness Village becoming a stronger a community newspaper
live in a condo village that
tries to instill behavior that
affects all their neighbors.
Honey Sager

Oh dear! Frank gotcha

again. - Editor

Thanks to UCO
As snowbirds for 6 years
and now full-time residents,
we have been truly impressed
with the improvements in
Century Village, especially
during the UCO administra-
tion led by David Israel, Bob
Marshall, Frank Cornish, Ed
Black, Phyllis Richland and
others. The Village is finally
being run as a business with a
new level of efficiency, open-
ness and transparency.
A major advancement is
the availability on the blog of
UCO forms and legal docu-
ments that residents and their
associations need, including
UCO bylaws, laws and statutes
affecting the Village. Anyone
who has scanned documents
for electronic access knows
the inordinate amount of time
and commitment it takes to get
a project like this done.
It’s a great convenience to
have ready access to interac-
tive printable applications for
things like committee mem-
berships, sale or deed trans-
fers, non-owner occupancy,
and association board member
& delegate listings. Also avail-
able are electronic forms for
hardship requests, requests for
occupancy, occupancy exten-
sion certificates of approval,
and resident transponder reg-
istrations, among others.
This is also the first time in
C.V. history that the contract
for insurance has ever gone
out for bid. Can you imagine
a business awarding a multi-
million dollar contract without
Page 8 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011


Date Time Group Location
4/01/11 9:30 am Delegate Assembly Theater
4/01/11 1:00 pm Editorial UCO Office
4/01/11 2:00 pm Security UCO Office
4/08/11 10:00 am Maintenance Room B
4/12/11 9:30 am Ir igation UCO Office
4/12/11 9:30 am Transportation Room B
4/13/11 9:30 am Presidents’ Council Party Room
4/19/11 10:00 am Insurance UCO Office
4/20/11 1:30-2:30 pm Homestead Sign-Up Room C
4/26/11 10:00 am Operations UCO Office
4/28/11 10:00 am Officers UCO Office
By Frank Cornish
I hope everyone enjoyed our
trip to Festival Flea Market.
I personally want to thank
Roberta Kolin for handling the
trip for me. We are working
hard (our sub transportation
committee) on getting ready
for a new bus contract. In the
near future we are working
on changing the bus sched-
ules to make it easier for our
residents. Keep the comment
sheets coming they are very
helpful. Residents, please use
the buses during show nights
and save yourself the headache
of looking for parking spaces.
On the bus please be courte-
ous to your fellow riders. Also
with the price of gas going up
take the bus and save.

Editors Needed
• Rewrite
• Proofread
• Must be computer
Call Jean Dowling
at the UCO Reporter,
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 9

riod to complete and decide
on each applicant. Failure to
make a decision to reject will
make approval automatic,

COMMITTEE and this is so very much more

important because some as-
sociations have not amended
their documents to allow the
ed black 30-day investigation period.
This is a major concern be-
cause each association has the
We send Investigations to a cy, bankruptcy, pets, crime, opportunity to request attorney
vendor for Credit and Criminal civil litigation answered. review and be guided by that
Background Checks. Your by- • have proof of age included. opinion when making their
laws provide the opportunity • have proof of all incomes own decision. All associations
to check on each applicant, included. using UCO for investigations
and you, the Association, • have funds available show- are acting under a precedent
must pay a $100 investigation ing the source of cash pur- permitting each association to
fee and sign the application chases. seek a legal review by UCO’s
engaging UCO’s vendor to • be completed legibly and attorney without cost to the
complete each application include Social Security association. More importantly,
to be investigated. Florida numbers, etc. if your association follows the
statute provides that that you Most of our associations opinions of counsel and is later
may request a fee of $100 to bylaws have been amended sued, UCO has a reserve fund-
cover this process from your to provide for a 30-day pe- ing to cover the legal costs to
applicant, thereby reimbursing
Continued on Page 10
your costs up to the $100.
Each applicant (or married
couple) must complete one of
three types of applications,
covering all types of transac-
tions normally occurring here
in the Village:
• Rental/Occupancy–requir-
ing only a Criminal back-
ground check.
• Deed Transfer/Sales Con-
tract–requiring a Full Credit
& Criminal check.
• Other than an Individual
(such as a Trust) – accom-
panied by a “Personal Guar-
antee Form” signed by the
Signers of the Trust. Those
signing will be financially
responsible and also be
the ones subject to the full
Each application is avail-
able with an instruction sheet
covering just what is required
to accompany the completed
application for the officer of
your association, so you may
initially decide whether this
application is acceptable and
should therefore be authorized
by you to be investigated.
Please do not take this step
lightly, for the decision you
make may well affect the ca-
pability to reject the applicant.
Example, if the applicant has
a pet, and you are a “no pet”
association, then you may well
have grounds to reject without
investigating. However, once
you investigate, how can you
go back to the pre-investiga-
tion position of rejecting for
what was an obvious deal
Each application you re-
view should:
• have all pages signed by
the single applicant, or hus-
band and wife if a married
• have questions of occupan-
Page 10 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011

Continued from Page 9
subsequent board review. We process. If you wish to waive
will review the findings and any of the steps/requirements
defend the association up to help you to understand the for minimum incomes, etc,
the $5000 deductible. details; however, all decisions please remember you may
Please remember, each deci- rest with your board of direc- have just established a prec-
sion is yours to make. Neither tors, and no one else. edent that could restrict your
UCO nor the attorney review is One last concern, please. future procedures or place
intended to substitute for your This process was established your association at risk for
decision-making process. and reviewed four times over being sued based on the act of
When our vendor has com- the past 15 years. Each and selective enforcement. We of
pleted the investigation, our every step was developed to the Investigation team are not
investigation team will call provide greater insight into the attorneys, and we encourage
officers in your association applicant’s qualifications in you to seek advice from your
to make the completed report order to assist you, the associa- attorney to answer any ques-
available for your pickup and tion, in the decision-making tions that you may have.

Red hot mama, Sylvia Leighton, sings “Some of These Days” at the Resident
Show “I Hear the Music.”
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 11

Victory for Golf’s Edge

Continued from Page 1

But the ongoing saga of million dollars in securities future prayer dates.
Golf’s Edge took a bizarre belonging to his late wife. “There is evidence of code
twist two weeks ago when rou- He was later found guilty of violation and that Issac Feder
tine research on Issac Feder’s grand larceny and convicted of is using his condominium in
attorney, Esther Zaretsky, second degree murder for in- Golf’s Edge for other than
revealed a much closer con- jecting his 48 year old spouse residential use.”
nection with Century Village. with lethal doses of Demerol, He was given 30 days to
In 2009 Ms. Zaretsky pur- a narcotic analgesic. comply or face a fi ne of $100
chased an apartment, which It is understood that ‘UCO a day.
she deeded to her father, a sur- Investigations’ were aware Feder commented, “I’m
geon who had been released of the criminal’s past, but in going to pray more.” But the
on parole after serving more accordance with policy, the question is, where?
than 30 years for the murder association had the fi nal deci-
of her mother in Great Neck, sion regarding his request for
Long Island in 1975. ‘The occupancy.
UCO Reporter ’ has since Esther Zarestsky, refused
discovered that he is now to be drawn into questions
serving on the board of that regarding her father before or
Association in clear violation after the March 23rd Zoning
of Florida Statute. hearing. When asked for an in-
UCO President David Is- terview the attorney reiterated
rael, a strong supporter of “No Comment” and turned her
Golf’s Edge and their plight, attention to her client’s second
stumbled across the connec- appearance before the County.
tion whilst researching Ms. Three weeks previously,
Zaretsky’s distinguished ca- amidst allegations of subter-
reer. The purchase of the fuge, Ms. Zaretsky success-
apartment, and its subsequent fully obtained a postponement
transfer to her 93 year old by alleging that she hadn’t
father, prompted further in- been given documentation in
vestigation which revealed time for the hearing. Erring
the presence of the paroled on the side of caution, Special
convicted murderer in Century Magistrate Carolyn Ansey
Village. granted the Zaresky motion
The former doctor has been to postpone. Reminded that
the subject of a book and nu- this was the second year that
merous articles written on his the zoning department had at-
crime. Now ailing, he was re- tempted to rule on the matter,
leased on his sixth attempt for the magistrate indicated that
parole, having been sentenced no further delays would be
to life imprisonment. He was tolerated, and the case would
arrested on the tarmac of JFK be heard despite the imminent
Airport whilst attempting to departure of the Feders to New
fl ee the U.S. to join his mis- York.
tress. Authorities discovered True to her word on March
that he was in possession of 23rd Magistrate Ansey deliv-
jewelry and almost half a ered her verdict, canceling any

Attorney Zaretsky and Judith Feder.

Special Magistrate Carolyn Ansay.

Page 12 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011

Residents play bocce on the courts of the Clubhouse.

April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 13
Page 14 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011

• New Year’s Day
• Memorial Day
• Fourth of July
• Labor Day
• Thanksgiving Day
• Christmas Day
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 15
Page 16 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011


The Sisterhood
and Men’s Club
of Congregation
Anshei Sholom
will host their
annual Mother’s
and Father’s Day
Breakfast on
Sunday Morn-
ing, May 8th, at
9:30 a.m.
The activities
will include a de-
luxe breakfast,
and gifts, with a
door prize.
are required and
may be made by
calling Rae at
478-3221 or
the Temple office
at 684-3212
any weekday
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 17

Will Handwritten
Letters Become
By Claire Fass
When was the last time
you received a handwritten
personal letter, or even a little
thank-you note for sending
someone a gift? If the answer
is recently, then you are one
of a miniscule percentage of
people worldwide who have
received one.
At this time in our current
use of technology—namely
the computer age—that ques-
tion could sound as ridiculous
as the one asked ages ago:
“Will the motor car com-
pletely replace the horse?”
I am perfectly willing to
admit that progress has made
life much easier for man. I cer-
tainly wouldn’t want to have to
jump on my horse to go pick
up a few groceries. Nor would
I want to go back to the days of
the washboard and line-drying
that my mother had to endure
when doing her laundry. Un-
til disposable clothes hit the
market, I wouldn’t give up my
washer and dryer.
Letters, however, represent
a different place in our lives
and are our means of com-
municating with one another.
I still have boxes of letters
written to me over the years by
former students. The memo-
ries are irreplaceable.
Pictures from movies of
soldiers in the field receiving
letters from family and friends
bring tears to one’s eyes that
an e-mail could never replace.
Sadly, however, many chil-
dren today have never learned
how to write a letter or want
to bother sending a thank-you
note after receiving a gift.
Saying “I love you” on
e-mail might be meant the
same as writing it in a letter
or sending a Valentine’s Day
card, but it just doesn’t have
the same sentimental value. I
hope HalImark is taking that
into account.
Adapting to change is dif-
ficult for most of us. Canned
soup saves a lot of time in
preparation, but it sure doesn’t
taste as good as homemade.
But maybe the time has come
to bow down and make the
computer an essential part of
our daily lives. Even the car-
rier pigeon finally had his day.
Admittedly, progress makes
life easier, but in many in-
stances can we honestly say it
makes life better?
—Claire Fass, a retired
speech pathologist, is a
Century Village resident.
Page 18 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 19
Page 20 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011

Scenes from a yard sale in Century Village.

Visit Our

Our own
blog for
Village can
be found
by logging
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 21

law enforcement. Both Rusty And of course, Sandy Stern, tion and two non-fiction books,
and Tommy are portrayed as ever the brilliant lawyer. mesmerizes the reader with his
sympathetic as they age both Turow, who has sold over 25 courtroom scenes. If you like this
personally and professionally. million copies of his eight fic- genre, you will enjoy this novel.


they entered the military. This
exemption affects many of the
veterans in my district and I
LENORE VELCOFF am working hard this session

Innocent by Scott Turow

is a sequel to his 1987 debut
law clerk, Ann, who is young
enough to be his daughter.
STATE SENATOR to change that law.
Every year on Veterans’
Day stories are told of the
heroism of our service men
novel, Presumed Innocent in Then to complicate his life, MARIA SACHS
which Rusty Sabich, a pros- a year after Ann breaks up and women. Unfortunately,
ecuting attorney investigat- with him, she starts to date his the schools do not allow stu-
ing the murder of his former son. The love triangle and its dents to take the day off and
The Florida legislative ses- My father, Russell F. Lorts, so many of these stories are
lover, finds himself accused of presumed resolution is highly
sion is well under way. I am served in World War II and not heard by our children. I
the crime. Some of the char- improbable. And then, Sabich
excited to take this opportunity was awarded two purple hearts am working presently to allow
acters in this new novel are is accused of murdering his
to share with you some of the for injuries suffered during the school districts to hold a
the same – Rusty Sabich, our wife. All very soap-operaish.
ways I am fighting for you. In combat in North Africa and holiday for those students, to
protagonist – is now a judge. We see how deep-seated
particular, I would like to tell Italy. This bill will encourage honor our veterans.
His nemesis from twenty-two resentment that has festered
you about an issue very close recognition of those who have Our veterans have fought
years ago, Tommy Molto, is for many years can do a great
to my heart, supporting and sacrificed so much for our for and served our country
prosecuting attorney. Even his deal of damage. Molto, who
honoring our veterans. country’s defense. I welcome with bravery. As your State
old attorney, Sandy Stern, has was unsuccessful in convict-
Recently, my Purple Heart anyone who has been awarded Senator, it is an honor to fight
been resurrected. ing Sabich the first time and
Day Bill (SB704) passed the a purple heart to contact my everyday for the recognition
Sabich’s wife is bipolar, and his deputy, Jim Brand, go
Military Affairs, Space and office for special recognition. and benefits that they deserve.
why he stayed in this marriage after Rusty with a vengeance.
Domestic Security Commit- Additionally, I am excited
to an unstable woman who set Turow keeps us off-balance
tee with full support. The to become further involved
him up for the crime all those by going back and forth in
proposed legislation would with legislative efforts to
years ago is unfathomable, time and keeps key pieces
make August 7 of each year expand the benefits avail-
Support Our
but Turow tries to convince of information secret so that
“Purple Heart Day” in Florida. able to veterans and their Advertisers
us it was for the sake of their he can surprise us in the final
Military veterans throughout families. Presently, veterans Say you saw
son. Anyhow, a philanderer chapters. He gives us strong
Florida will be honored as cannot qualify for property it in the
doesn’t change. Rusty has a characters, good dialogue
the state commemorates their tax benefits if they were not
brief affair with his former and interesting insights into
heroism on this special day. Florida residents at the time
UCO Reporter
Page 22 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 23

Insurance Committee - Special Meeting
Wednesday, April 6, 2011 Classroom C 9:30 a.m.
Ty Beba – Brown & Brown
Come and have all your insurance questions answered.
Page 24 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 25

Neuropathy Solution legs and feet and reduces swelling

By Dr. Sabrina Morgen as muscle contractions encourage
Neuropathy and chronic pain is lymphatic drainage and movement to
characterized by numbness, tingling, the proper nodes. The osmotic pres-
stabbing and/or sharp pain, loss of sure and the ionic tension from the
sensation and/or balance, and poor electroanalgesia signals successfully
tissue perfusion. These symptoms jumping across the gaps then carries
indicate that oxygen is not getting these necessary minerals into the
to all the cells causing dysfunction. synaptic junctions between the nerve
Because the patient’s quality of life is cells helping to restore the conductiv-
decreased, these results are often dev- ity that is lost. The restorative signal
astating. Pain medications do not cure promotes healing of superficial skin
the condition; it only helps to mask it sores and non-healing ulcers on the
and, eventually, leads to complications feet and re-polarizes the nerve mem-
with adverse side effects such as men- branes that may have been disrupted
tal confusion and intestinal problems. by neurotoxins.
There is a new, safe and 96% ef- The treatment works for both the
fective treatment which facilitates the hands and the feet. The technology
healing of neuropathy — electroanal- improves and restores sleep and in-
gesia. This treatment is pleasant and creases mobility without drugs, inva-
has no side effects. It stimulates leg sive medical procedures or surgery. It
and arm muscles to contract and relax improves quality of life by increasing
thereby increasing blood velocity and mobility and reducing the need for
volume with fresh blood to the nerves pain medication.
and muscles. It stimulates all the nerves If you or someone you care about
with a signal larger than normal to re- suffers from neuropathy, feel free to
establish the pathways for subsequent call the office at (561) 964-9191 for
normal signals to follow. It causes the a consultation. Medicare and major
brain to release endorphins that reduce medical policies are accepted. Visit
global pain and anxiety and increases us online at
muscle strength for safe, pain free
walking. • No handwritten material will be accepted
for the UCO Reporter
It promotes better mobility and bal- • Please email to ucoreporterwpb@gmail.
ance as proprioception returns to the com
Page 26 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011


By Courtney Olsen
Some classes and clubs
have subsided for the sea-
son, but some continue to
anita J. pearce thrive through the summer
months. The Brooklyn Club,
Congratulations to the new- at all WPRF pools. We hope in addition to the O.W.L.S.,
ly-elected officers and mem- that this furniture will provide United Order of True Sisters,
bers of the Executive Board many years of beautiful use to Christian, Democratic, Ital-
of UCO. I trust that I will con- our residents with an improved ian, Sailing, and Snorkeling
tinue to have the same good look to the pool decks that you clubs continue until the end of
working relationship with will enjoy and be proud of. If May, and many smaller clubs Scenes from the Resident Show, “I Hear the Music.”
those who sit on the Opera- you use one of the patio um- continue all year round. A
tions Committee as I have in brellas, please be considerate few new classes have formed
the past, and together we will and close the umbrella as you this season, all of which were
accomplish much good for the leave. We do experience high extremely popular. Learning
residents who enjoy the WPRF winds here in South Florida to Sew, instructed by Mr. Al-
facilities and the “Century Vil- which can be devastating to an bert, is held on Thursdays at
lage® way of life.” open umbrella, causing break- 1 p.m. in the Sewing Room.
It’s hard to believe that age and the need to pay for
This class has been widely
another season is coming repairs. It only takes a minute
accepted among the Century
to a close. Judging from the to save the life of one of our
Village® residents. Body and
comments I have received new umbrellas, and I thank
Mind Healing is a new class
from so many, you have been you for your help.
pleased with the entertainment Work is nearing comple- instructed by a registered
offered this year – the shows tion on a new gate for the hypnotist that has founded
have been widely praised, and Main Clubhouse island en- and directed her own practice
comments such as “outstand- trance. This new aluminum outside the village. This class
ing” and “this year’s shows gate replaces a very old and will teach you how to quiet
were the best ever” have been rusted chain-link fence, and your mind and discover in-
repeated to me over and over. I it now matches the two other ner resources for healing and
would like to personally thank entrance gates at Haverhill well being. This class has been
Abby Koffler, WPRF’s enter- and Okeechobee. I’m very very popular and will continue And more.
tainment director, for such a pleased that we were able to through the summer months.
wonderful lineup of shows. combine a functional and safe Another addition to the class

Community Emergency
Abby improves on the quality entrance gate with an aestheti- list has been a Crochet Class.
and diversity of her shows, cally pleasing appearance for This class is a three week set
with each year’s music, dance, all who cross the bridge to the in which students will learn
comedy and theatrical shows Main Clubhouse.

Response Team
how to crochet a small bag
being better than the last! If you are going north for or large purse. In the course
If you would like to learn the summer, please know that of the three weeks, students
more about what entertain- our staff will continue to work will learn the fundamentals
ment is available to you, we on maintaining the facilities of basic crochet skills and
provide regular updates by while you are gone and you JACKIE KARLAN
put them to work. All of the
e-mail to those who wish to be will find a clean and safe
classes listed above have small
on our email list. Subscribers environment waiting for you The CERT general meet- stand up in a fire. Always
fees, and registration must
are provided with information at our clubhouses and pools. ing on February 21, 2011, led crawl low under the smoke
be completed before the start by Lori Torres and Dorothy and try to keep your mouth
about upcoming shows and For those of you who are here
of the class. W.P.R.F. Inc. is Breier, dealt with fire safety. covered. Never return to
performers, as well as advised year-round, I invite you to take
of any show changes. If you advantage of all of the activi- currently seeking a jewelry We discussed the basic charac- your burning apartment
would like to receive these ties WPRF offers and to stop making teacher and a mosaics teristics of fire. Did you know for any reason. Papers and
email updates, you may sub- by my office anytime when teacher. If you or anyone you that in less than 30 seconds a valuables can be replaced.
scribe by going to our website, you are in the Clubhouse to may know has experience in small flame can get completely • M a k e s u r e y o u h a v e
www.centuryvillagetheater. say hello or let me know if I these fields, please contact out of control and turn into a a WORKING SMOKE
com. can be of assistance to you – the Staff Office and ask for major fire? ALARM.
We have finally completed my door is always open to you. Courtney. 640-3120 EXT. 1 Most fires occur when peo- At the meeting, we also
our project for new pool chairs, Enjoy the beautiful spring The Homestead Exemp- ple are asleep. If you wake up demonstrated the proper use
lounges, tables and umbrellas months ahead, and be well. tion Outreach has continued to a fire in your apartment, of a fire extinguisher. This
meeting in the Clubhouse until you must escape. Inhaling the led to a discussion about our
May 25, 2011. They are here hot air will scorch your lungs. buildings: Does every build-
to take homestead applications Fire uses up the oxygen you ing in Century Village have
and answer any questions you need and produces smoke and working fire extinguishers?
may have. They meet the 4th poisonous gases that kill. Are they checked periodical-
Wednesday of the month at What can you do to pro- ly? Are they kept in a locked
1:30 p.m. in Meeting Room C. tect yourself? case? Who has the key? How
As always, if you have any • In the event of a fire, many people in each building
questions or concerns regard- REMEMBER: TIME IS know how to use a fire extin-
ing classes, clubs, or special
AND EVERY SECOND Join us! Our monthly meet-
meetings in the clubhouse,
COUNTS! ings are held on the third
please call the staff office
• ESCAPE FIRST, THEN Monday of each month in the
and ask for Courtney. To the
CALL FOR HELP. C.V. Clubhouse Art Room at
snowbirds, I wish you a safe • Develop a home escape 3:00 p.m.
trip back home, and to the plan and designate a meet- Remember: No experience is
Floridians, I hope to see you ing place outside. Never necessary—we will train you.
And another scene from “I Hear the Music.” around the Clubhouse!
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 27

From the Sheriff’s Office
contest. Think! Did you enter
Recent information about the following subjects indicates any contest? Probably not—so
that they may be staying in hotels along Okeechobee Blvd. how can you win one? And of
course they ask you to send a

Subjects are believed to approach elderly victims in parking
lots and offer to fix dents in vehicles for $100 to $200. If the certain amount of money to
victim agrees, the subjects will follow the victim home and cover the taxes for your prize.
perform the work. While working, they will obtain information Do not send any money to
on the victim and vehicle from paperwork. The subjects will GEORGE FRANKLIN anyone. Hang up the phone!
contact an insurance company and purchase an inexpensive The Check Scam: Do you
sell items on E-Bay or through
Four Scams
policy under their own name or an assumed name and claim
that the elderly person struck them in a crash. The insurance the newspapers? Pay attention
agent advises them to go to a claim center, where the damage to this one, folks. You get a
is estimated and a check is written. Checks are later cashed by Scams, scams, scams! some place other than where buyer for your item. He sends
the subject at check-cashing stores. you a check for more than the
Here are four of them to the call came from. NEVER
amount of the purchase and
watch out for. wire money right away.
shipping, asking you to send
The Grandchild Scam: The Lottery Scam: You
the item and cash the check,
You receive a panicky tele- receive a phone call from an
sending him the difference.
phone call: “Help, Grandma! excited person telling you that
You are able to cash the check
I just got arrested in Canada you have won the lottery, and
at the bank, but it comes back
for speeding and need to get in order to claim your prize
from the bank as no good.
bail money to get out of jail!” you need to send a certain
Now you are out not only the
The first thing you should do amount of money to cover the
item you shipped, but also the
is stop, relax a moment and taxes. Well, let’s step back a
cash sent with it, and the bank
Rickey S. Petro (10/11/66) Robert Shaun Petro (02/26/93) think—is this really my grand- moment and think: Did you wants its money back!
AKA Robert Petro, Ricky Son of Rickey Petro child? You question the caller purchase a lottery ticket? We
Never ship an item until the
Scott Petro and say “David? Sam? Linda?” all know that you must pur-
check clears your account!
(whatever your grandchild’s chase a lottery ticket to win a
And do not accept a check for
name is), and of course right lottery. How could you win a
more than the cost of the item
away they reply, “Yes.” lottery if you did not purchase
plus shipping.
Now they have you. They a ticket? You couldn’t.
Finally, do not ever give
tell you where to send or wire You would be surprised at
your credit card, banking, or
the money, so you think you are how many seniors rush out to
Social Security number over
helping your grandchild, but in Western Union and send cash.
the phone to anyone you do not
reality you have just been taken Do not do this! When you re-
know. Use your common sense
to the cleaners. Before you ceive a call like this, hang up!
and don’t become a victim. If
commit to sending any money, Don’t even discuss anything
Corey Blue Petro (02/27/87) Johnny Paul Siganoff you are ever in doubt, call the
ask for a call-back number. with the caller.
Son of Rickey Petro (07/12/85) Crime Prevention Division of
Then call your family to see The Contest Scam: In
the Palm Beach County Sher-
where your grandchild really much the same way the lot-
iff’s Office for information and
is. Ninety-nine percent of the tery scam works, you receive
Erratum help. Until the next time, BE
Through an editing er- time you will find out that your a phone call from someone
ror inserted after the fact, grandchild is safe and sound saying you won a certain
the article “President’s

Council Review,” in the
March 2011 UCO Re- accompanied by a method or
porter, contained an error mechanism for the association
with regard to having a to determine the precise num-
quorum at a condo as- ber of positions on the board

Corey Chris Siganoff sociation board meeting. from year to year. “In the ab-
(12/09/83) One may attend a meet- sence of such a provision...”
ing of owners by proxy;
refers to the requirement for
one may not, however,
Subjects not pictured: the method or mechanism
attend a board meeting randall borchardt
Eda Siganoff 03/27/66 and by proxy. to be placed in the bylaws
Nina Siganoff (nfi) accompanying a range. This
Board Size tion regarding the legal board also holds true for board size
Have you ever wondered size of each association. Let amendments that state, for
what determines the number us begin by referring to the example, “the Board shall be
of directors of a condominium Condominium Act, Section composed of not greater than
association? There are many 718.112(2)(a)1, F.S., as fol- seven (7) persons.” Basically,
associations that have deter- lows: the statute provides a fallback
mined their board size based “In the absence of such position when the documents
solely on historical precedence a provision, the board of either intentionally or errone-
(“this is the way we’ve always administration shall be ously fail to specify either
done it”!). Most bylaws, or composed of five members, the number of board seats or
amendments thereto, offer a except in the case of a con- a method of determining the
range of five to seven persons. dominium which has five or number of seats. For example,
Some associations are fixed fewer units, in which case in if the documents provide that
at five, seven or even a higher a not-for-profit corporation the board should be composed
number of directors. Since the board shall consist of not of not less than five (5) and not
most of our elections have fewer than three members.” more than seven (7) persons,
already been held, and most When the bylaws fail to most documents do not con-
of our association boards have provide a specific number tain the necessary procedure
already been constituted, this of board members, the de- designed to set a precise num-
David Israel checks the amount of signatures gathered on peti-
may be the most opportune fault number in statute is five
tions presented to the zoning board.
time to share this informa- members, unless the range is
Continued on Page 28
Page 28 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011

Condo Corner provision in this Article IV of that an officer need not be a

Continued from Page 27 the Bylaws which provides for board member. If co-owners
“different voting and election of a unit wish to be members
ber. Therefore, the board must procedures” which includes of the board, they may only
consist of (5) members. An the use of general proxies do so if they own more than
example of such a procedure in elections. As per Section one unit in the association,
placed in the bylaws could be 718.112(2)(d)8., F.S., these or there are insufficient can-
as follows: “Prior to mailing different voting and election didates to serve on the board
the first notice of election, procedures may only be used otherwise. An easy fix may be
the board may determine the by associations governing ten for one of the co-owners to be
specific board size for the or fewer units, so all condo- appointed as an officer by the
upcoming election within the miniums in Century Village newly constituted board and
range offered.” with more than ten units, must perform the duties customarily
Many associations prefer conduct board elections as performed by such an officer
to amend Article IV of the outlined by Statute, Section of a corporation. Such officer
Bylaws, “Directors,” to set the 718.112(2)(d), and the Florida does not have a vote at board
board size at five (5) persons, Administrative Code (61B- meetings, since he/she is not a
since it has become increas- 23.0021). Therefore, those board member.
ingly difficult to find compe- associations that have adopted
tent and interested volunteers this master declaration, may
to serve on the board. While wish to delete this voting Below: Randall Borchardt,
we are on the subject, the procedure in its entirety when Supervisor of Elections, gives
1999 UCO MODEL DOCU- amending their documents. his thanks to some of the many
MENTS, which most associa- I’d also like to make it clear volunteers that helped out.
tions have adopted, contain a
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 29
Page 30 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011

renewed call for freedom in greatest destabilizing threats nian nuclear weapons program.
Iran is, once again, being met to the U.S. and our ally Israel Already, the State Department
with harsh crackdowns from is a nuclear-armed Iran. The estimates that nearly $60 bil-

Islamic Revolutionary Guard crippling economic sanctions lion in investments have been
forces that serve the dictator- signed into law by President removed from Iran by compa-
ship led by Supreme Leader Obama last year, as well as nies to avoid these sanctions.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and those from the United Na- Yet amidst these internation-
TED DEUTCH President Mahmoud Ahma- tions, the European Union, al efforts, some U.S. companies
The revolution in Egypt, tance that developments in dinejad, rather than the Iranian Canada, Australia, Japan, and and banks continue to work
and the ensuing democratic this region have on the se- people. South Korea, have bolstered with foreign subsidiaries that
uprisings across the Middle curity interests of the United The volatility of the Middle an international effort to choke support Iran. Illuminating these
East, demonstrate the impor- States and our allies. The East reminds us that one of the the financial lifeline of the Ira- relationships is no easy task.
The crony capitalism under
Ahmadinejad has encouraged
the formation of a multitude of
front companies in the Iranian
energy industry. These hidden
subsidiaries grant Iran access
to our markets, avoiding sanc-
tions, funding uranium enrich-
ment and nuclear research, and
financing terrorism.
In a world of interconnected
global economies, vast webs of
multinational conglomerates
and foreign subsidiaries, and
astoundingly complex financial
products, when it comes to
identifying companies whose
business ventures fund Iran’s
nuclear weapons program, the
burden is on our government to
find the needles in the haystack.
I want to change that. Ameri

Continued on Page 33
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 31

michael rayber

Technology and Health

It sounds like science fiction but exist now. It will still be awhile
computer implants are here now. before they reach your local
There is now a computer doctor. Many years of testing
chip that can be implanted still need to be done. Research
in the brain to transmit com- has now started on implants
mands to a computer. This for the eye to restore vision
will be used in the future for through implanted mini-chip
paralyzed people. cameras.
There is now a chip the size My favorite has been men-
of a grain of rice that can be tioned in this column before
implanted in the arm that can but deserves to be mentioned
check blood sugar for diabet- again. There is now an app for
ics. The results are transmitted your Smart Phone that lets you
to your Smart Phone. Mini- hold the phone to your chest
sensors can be implanted to and does an EKG. This app
monitor almost any function can then trigger an implanted
of the body and transmitted to defibrillator if needed.
your Smart Phone. An implant I know that most of us do
can now monitor your heart not have Smart Phones, but I’ll
and detect any slight changes bet our UCO president David
that may warn of a heart at- Israel does. It may be that in
tack. This is also transmitted the future we will have to go
to your Smart Phone. to the UCO office and have
These futuristic implants David check our health.

Sailing on Lake Chatham.

Page 32 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 33

From Rep. Deutch

Continued from Page 30

cans have a right to know

whether their investment dol-
lars aid a regime that threatens
our security, poses an existen-
tial threat to Israel and risks
spurring a destabilizing arms
race in the Middle East. Leg-
islation I introduced this week
in Congress, the Iran Transpar-
ency and Accountability Act,
would require companies to
disclose relevant business in
Iran in their quarterly and an-
nual filings with the Securities
and Exchange Commission.
Mandating that companies
report this information to the
SEC would shift the burden
of exposing sanctionable ac-
tivities to the companies, and
direct the government to im-
mediately investigate possible
violations. I filed this proposal
during the last Congress, but
this year I am pleased to be
joined by Sens. Kirsten Gilli-
brand, D-N.Y., and Mark Kirk,
R-Ill., and Rep. Dan Burton,
R-Ind., for its reintroduction
because bipartisan support
will substantially improve the
bill’s prospects for passage.
Our ability to identify compa-
nies investing in Iran’s energy
industry would sharpen the
bite of sanctions already on the
books. Effective enforcement
of these sanctions extends
beyond our effort to dry up
funding for Iran’s nuclear
ambitions. By weakening the
financial foundation of the
Revolutionary Guard, we can
help stop the human rights
abuses committed against the
Iranian people.
The Iran Transparency and
Accountability Act directs
the SEC to publish online
the names of companies sup-
porting Iran because, as we
saw in Egypt most recently,
online communication and
transparency places tremen-
dous pressure on regimes
and companies to do the right
thing. My legislation also
would empower Americans to
let their money talk and state
clearly to America’s business
community that they will not
stand for investments aiding
a regime that violently sup-
presses its own people and
endangers our nation and our
allies with its relentless pursuit
of nuclear weapons.
Page 34 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 35

By: Randall Borchardt
The courts have carved out
an exception to the condomin-
ium documents and to statute
regarding the actions taken by
the Board relating to the alter-
ation and improvement of the
common elements. Tradition-
ally, the Board is protected by
the Business Judgment Rule
when it undertakes projects
which are related the Board’s
duty to manage, maintain, pro-
tect, and preserve the common
elements, even if the alteration
and improvement constitutes a
material alteration of the com-
mon elements. In other words,
the courts will side with the
Board of Directors which
undertakes certain projects
without putting such project to
a vote of the unit owners, since
the courts will not substitute
their judgment for the Board
in a wide range of business
decisions. For example, if
the Association undertook a
substantial window replace-
ment project, even if the new
windows were deemed to
constitute a material alteration
to the common elements, such
alteration would not require a
vote of the unit owners where
the replacement of the win-
dows is reasonably necessary
to maintain and protect the
common elements, despite the
fact that that the new windows
were a substantial upgrade to
the existing windows. On the
other hand, if the improvement
was to create an outdoor patio
with a fountain and marble
benches, such an expensive
improvement should be put
to the vote of the unit owners
as a material alteration of the
common elements, since it
did not implicate the duty of
the Board to maintain and
repair the common elements.

If you think you

or you think you
you are right.
Page 36 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011

The Right of First

By: Randall Borchardt

The right of first refusal

is solely vested in the Board
of Directors and such power
cannot be usurped by any
unit owner or other person.
The Board of Directors may
waive such right and not vest
that right to any unit owner
or any other person, or may
choose to assign the right of
first refusal to a unit owner
or any other person. It has
been a long held fallacy that
the notice of a sale must be
posted on the bulletin board
so that any owner who wishes
to purchase the unit under
the same contract terms and
conditions could do so. Every
Board of Directors should be
aware that it may be held liable
if the substituted purchaser
approved by the Board is not
ready, willing and able to per-
form under the same contract
terms and conditions as stated
in the original contract. It is
also worth mentioning that the
Board should be very careful
in assigning that right to any
other person, if the original
purchaser is a member of
a protected class under the
Florida Fair Housing Act, as
such action by the Board may
be viewed as a discriminatory
housing practice.

• Answer phones
• Greet guests
• General clerical
Call Jean Dowling
at the UCO Reporter,

• A t t e n d a n d
write reports on
• Write reports on
• Be a part of what’s
happening at the
Call Jean Dowling
at the UCO Reporter,
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 37

Peterson Rehabilitation, Inc.

5912 Okeechobee Boulevard, WPB, FL 33417 • Tel 561-697-8800 • Fax 561-697-3372
(Opposite Century Village on Okeechobee Boulevard) •

Dr. Ron Peterson Carmen Peterson Tony Armour

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Are You Fed Up with the Status Quo of Pain, Stiffness, Weakness
and Unsteady Gait?
We are experts at restoring your Quality of Life!
Our Services are personally supervised by Dr. A. Ronald Peterson,
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Massage Therapy $5.00 Off With This Ad!
When Life just gets you down, there is a solution!
Page 38 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 39
Page 40 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 41


Pictured: Cookey Currier, President of the Golf’s Edge As-

sociation; Harriet Bluming, star witness.

Pictured: Assistant County Attorney Amy Petrick.

Page 42 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 43

Time & Place

UCO Office Hours: Monday thru
Thursday, 9:00 am-1:00 pm; Friday,
12:00 noon-4:00 pm
The UCO Office Address: 2102 West
Drive, West Palm Beach, Florida 33417
Page 44 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 45

During Its 100th Year, Hadassah PHOTOS FROM THE

Offers Special Lifetime
By Rebecca Lutto

To celebrate 100 years of sides equally. Royalty from life membership (usually
healing, teaching and research, other Mideast nations have $350) call Dora Weiner at
Hadassah, founded in 1912, been treated secretly in Israel. 687-5196.
offers a special lifetime mem- Hadassah is a partner with
bership for $100. Men, as well the Jewish National Fund
as women and children, of all in reforestation. As a result,
creeds, religions and nation- Israel is the only country in
alities are invited to join in the world that has more trees
Hadassah’s lifesaving work. in the 21st century than it had
Although founded with a in 1900.
primarily medical mission, Hadasah’s chapter in Cen-
Hadassah has had a century tury Village offers members
of growth in aiding in land monthly meetings featuring
reclamation, resettlement, holidays and timely topics.
education and social services. Fellowship is fostered in spe-
No matter where or what the cial projects and festive events
need, Hadassah has sent heal- outside the Village as well as
ing missions to war-torn areas inside our gates.
or nations suffering national For more information or to
disasters such as earth quakes. take advantage of this special
In 1990 in a two-week
period in a remote area of Ke-
nya, Hadassah eye surgeons
operated on 400 blind persons,
giving sight to many for the
first time.
Giving the world an ex-
ample of cooperation and co-
existence, Hadassah’s flagship
medical center in Jerusalem
treats terror victims from all

The De
By: Randall Borchardt
This doctrine is a legal
failsafe which provides that
Board Members who were
not qualified to hold office, or
were elected illegally (through
a faulty election procedure)
are considered under law to
be Board Members until or
unless removed by appropriate
legal process. The acts of a de
facto Board within the scope
of a Board’s responsibility
as set forth in the documents
or in statute, cannot later be
invalidated. The doctrine has
generally been applied to indi-
viduals who are in possession
of an office, are performing
the duties of the office, and
who maintain an appearance
of right to the office. What
that means in clear English, is
that an improperly constituted
Board has the full rights to
make the same decisions, in
good faith, as a properly con-
stituted Board, and such acts
cannot later be overturned.
Page 46 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 47

By Jean Dowling I will drive you anywhere within 50 miles
The trip to Wakodahatchee of Century Village in my personal car
with friends netted me one (Cadillac sedan) for a nominal fee.
of my favorite photos--of a In most cases, I would like some notice.
tri-colored heron. Of all of 24/7, door to door.
the nature preserves, it is one Florida licensed “safe driver.”
with more wildlife than most. Call Don at
This site has a boardwalk with
wetlands on both sides. 249-0235 or 772-678-2542
Pictured: tri-colored heron.
I found that walking quietly
and slowly allowed me to get
very close to birds and get
some great photos.
A little further down the
walk, I spent a long time
watching 40-50 snowy egrets
fuss and squabble among
themselves. By looking very
carefully as I walked, I saw a
purple galinule preening. They
are bright blue and green with
an orange beak, but seem to
disappear into their habitat and
are easy to miss.
On the same walk, I encoun-
tered a great white heron, a
rabbit, a Florida crocodile, a
flock of ducks and assorted
other birds.
The scenery is beautiful
and the walk is pleasant. It is
worth a trip. Directions are: go
south on the Turnpike, exit on
Atlantic, left on Jog and look
for the entrance on your right.

Pictured: great white heron.

Page 48 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 49

Considering the fact
that the associations
are responsible for their
guest policy, UCO has
established the following
procedures necessary
to allow cellphone use
when calling in their
• T h e r e m u s t b e a
meeting of the
association board at
which a quorum is
• T h e r e m u s t b e a
majority vote to allow
cellphone use to call
in guests only when
the residents are in
• Notification must be
given to every unit
owner (best is in
writing) advising of
this vote and new
policy. Residents must
also be advised that
the first violation of
this procedure will be
cause to remove that
cellphone number,
used for call-in for
that unit, from the
Security list.
A letter must be written
to UCO confirming that
these things have been
accomplished. The
letter must be signed
by two board officers
and the association seal
must be affixed.
Please bring this
letter with a copy of
the minutes of the
above referenced
meeting to UCO to
have your association
listed as a cellphone use
Page 50 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011

Please note!!! Do not re- prizes. Arrive by 12:15 if Evangelical Christian Net- meeting. Our efforts go to Russian Club: Meets every
submit dates for events you wish to join, renew your working Club: Meets 1st Fri, creating welcome kits for the 3rd Wed, 3:00 pm, rm C; ev-
already appearing in Orga- membership, or register for 6:30 pm, Classroom B of CH. veterans at the VA Center at ery 2nd Thu, 3:00 pm, Party
nization News unless there free hands-on classes. We share relevant info among Military Trail and various po- Room. За дополнительной
is a correction. ourselves and with our com- sitions at the Center. We find информацией, call Tamara,
Century Village Gun Club: munity. Dee, 827-8748; Steve, our volunteer work helpful and 712-1417.
Amit Women Rishona Chap- Meets every 2nd Tue at 7:00 389-5300. rewarding and welcome new
ter: Meets every 2nd Tue w/ pm in Classroom B of the members. Dorothy, 478-6521. Sisterhood of Aitz Chaim:
collation at 12 noon and meet- CH. Every meet has a guest Getting Younger, Getting Will host a luncheon, card and
ing at 1:00 pm at Aitz Chaim speaker. Come listen to great Better: Meets last Fri, Nov- Jewish War Veterans Post game party at the temple, 2518
on Haverhill. Coming events: speakers; make new friends; Apr, 3:00 pm in CH rm C. #520: Meets 4th Sun at Elks N. Haverhill Rd. Reservations
monthly trips to Hard Rock view historic and modern Guest speaker every month. Lodge, Belvedere Rd. Con- required. Charlotte, 478-8756.
Casino (Ann 707-2096). FMI, firearms and other weapons. Group discussion dedicated tinental breakfast at 9:00,
call Ellie 471-4935; Malca George, 471-9929. to the proposition that we can followed by general meeting. Solid Gold Karaoke: Con-
688-2698. change to get younger biologi- Come as our guest and see tinues every Tue (6:30-9:30)
Century Village Orches- cally and spiritually. what we’re all about! Walt, in the CH Party Room. All
Anshei Sholom: Don’t forget tra: Meets every Mon, Nov 478-6521; Phil, 686-2086. are welcome to sing along.
our Mon adult ed classes! The 1, 2010 to Mar 2011, in CH GiGi’s Group: We travel to For more info, call Tom and
9:30 am class, led by Rabbi Room C, 1:15-3:15 pm. We the Mardi Gras Casino every Knights of Pythias: You are Dolores at 478-5060.
Dr. Michael Korman, dis- would like to add a conductor, 3rd Mon. Contact GiGi at 689- invited to join Palm Beach
cusses “Great Jewish Women more strings (violins, violas, 6092. Rainbow Lodge #203, meet Strictly Ballroom Dance
Through History.” The 10:45 cellos and bass), bassoon 2nd and 4th Mon at North Coun- Group: Meets every Sat,
am class, led by Sarah Farkas, and percussion players. Call Greater Philadelphia Club: ty Senior Center, Northlake 6-8 pm, at CH Party Room
teaches “Conversational and Rickie at 683-0869 or email Now meets at Anshei Shalom Blvd. We welcome new mem- (time/day subject to change).
Reading Hebrew.” For info, on 2 nd Thu at 12:00 noon. bers, duals, reinstatements and All dancers are welcome. No
call the Temple at 684-3212. Coming events: Apr 14, bye- transferees from out of state. charge; music is good; come
Daily minyans at 8:30 am Sun- Cenwest Fishing Club: Meets bye dinner at 5:30 pm. Sylvia, We are a fraternal brotherhood join us. Your hosts are Bill
Fri (8:45 on Sat). 1st Wed, CH rm B, 3:00-4:30 683-5224. fostering the credo of friend- (plays the music) and Hugh
pm. Varied fishing every week. ship, charity, benevolence. (offers a helping hand to be-
Baby Boomers Club: We are Al, 242-0351. Hadassah, Judith Epstein Mike, 615-0218. ginning couples). Call Bill
looking for more members to Chapter at CVWPB: Meets 684-2451 or Hugh 689-3466.
volunteer to arrange an activ- Chit Chat Group: We meet 3rd Wed at 11:45 am for mini- Merry Minstrels: Meet Thu,
ity for the group. It could be at 2:00-3:30 pm, Classroom lunch, 12:30 meeting at Anshei 10:00-11:00 am, Music Room Super Seniors Club: Interest-
simple or elaborate. Our group B of CH, every 1st & 3rd Tue Sholom. Rosetta, 689-2459. B. We are a group who enjoy ing convo about current issues
includes those who remember from 2-3. Our discussions are singing at various nursing affecting seniors at the CV 912
iconic TV shows, movies, mu- friendly, informative, inter- Holocaust Survivors of the homes. We’re looking for new Super Seniors Group. We meet
sic, dances, and events of the esting and fun. This is a free Palm Beaches: Meet 2nd Wed, members, so if you enjoy mu- every 1 st Thu, 10:00 am in
50s and 60s. For info, email program. FMI, call Rhoda @ 9:30 am, in Anshei Sholom. sic, contact GiGi at 689-6092; the CH as a forum for shar- 686-0835. Our next meet will be held Apr the feeling of giving joy to ing knowledge, asking ques-
13, Yom Ha’shoa — Remem- others is so rewarding. tions and educating ourselves.
B’nai B’rith Century: This Christian Club: We meet 1st brance Day. Kathy, 689-0393. Email cv912superseniors@
is B’nai B’rith International’s Wed, 1:00 pm, Party Room Mind Spa Discussion Group:
167th anniversary. We meet of CH. Irish-American Cultural Meets 2nd and 4th Thu, 1:30 pm,
every 4th Sun, 9:30 am (except Club of CV: Meets 1st Tue in in CH, CR A. All are invited This and That: Meet up with
holidays), at Anshei Sholom. Democratic Club of Century CH, 2:00 pm, Room C. For for in-depth discussions of a group of intelligent people,
Village: Meet at 1:30 in CH info, call Robert, 917-704- significant issues. Allan, 587- discussing various topics, on
Brooklyn U.S.A.: Meets every Party Room. Two guest speak- 0223. 3602. the 1st Tue in CH Room A,
2nd Wed Oct-Apr at 1:30 pm in ers will attend. 1:30 pm. Dr. Ducati, 687-
Party Room. Our meets are en- Italian-American Culture Mister Karaoke: Karaoke, 3935.
tertaining and informative. We Deborah Hospital Founda- Club: We meet every 3rd Wed, dancing and general entertain-
are open to former and present tion: Meets 2nd Fri every other 1:00 pm, in the CH Party ment continues throughout the Three Friends: Two singers
residents of Brooklyn and their mo in CH Party Room, 12:00 Room. FMI, call Fausto, 478- year every Fri eve in the Party and a piano player entertain
significant others. noon. Call Bea 688-9478. 1821. What we’re doing: Mar Room in the CH from 6:00- every last Thu in CH rm C w/
6, “Italian Dance,” 6:00 pm 9:00 pm. Come join the fun! music of the 30s to the 60s.
Canadian Club: Meets 4 th Drama Society of Century in the PR, w/pizza & wine on Please call Jack at 616-0973 Come listen and enjoy w/Ellie,
Wed, Party Room of CH, 1:00 Village: Meets 1st and 3rd Mon, every table, we will also give for further information. Wolf and Sonia.
pm. Membership open to all. 7:00 pm, CH Party Room. Join door prizes (Bruno, 478-0047;
Lots of great activities. Betty, the fun. Play the hero or vil- Anna, 684-5605; Grace, 640- Na’Amat USA (Pioneer United Order of True Sis-
684-0766; Franne, 478-9526; lain. We perform plays, skits, 5279). We bowl at Verdes on Women): Meets 4th Tue, 1:00 ters: Meets 2nd Mon, 11:30
Madelaine, 684-5595. monologues, songs, you name Sat, 9:00 am (Fran, 616-3314). pm, at Cypress Lakes Audi- am, in CH PR. The order of
it. New members welcome; no torium for mini-lunch and the day: Apr 8, last time to see
Century Village Camera experience necessary. Chuck, Jewish War Veterans Post interesting programs, guests the horses at Gulfstream Race-
Club: We meet the 2nd Tue, 688-0071; Janet, 686-4206. #501: Meets 1 st Sun, Cy- are always welcome (Rhoda track & Casino (call Bobbi or
10:00 am, Classroom C. All press Lakes CH. Breakfast at 478-8559). Roz).
are welcome. Just bring an Duplicate Bridge at Hast- 9:00; meeting at 9:30; meets
interest in taking pictures. ings Clubhouse: All bridge from Sep to May with guest NYC Transit Retirees Club: W O W, W h a t a P a r t y :
Spread the word. Contact Ken, players welcome Mon at 7:00 speakers. Activities include We are looking for new mem- WOW’s 8 th Annual Super pm and Wed at 1:00 pm, up- servicing VA patients. Ralph, bers. For more info, call Kathy, Bowl Block Party on Feb 6
stairs at Hastings rec hall. Call 689-1271; Howard, 478-2780. 689-0393. was its biggest and best. The
Century Village Computer Mimi, 697-2710, if you have Women of Wellington invited
Club: Meets 1st and 3rd Thu, questions or if you need to Jewish War Veterans Ladies Queens NY Club: Meets 4th their neighbors to a party at the
Nov-Apr (1st Thu only rest of be matched w/another player. Auxiliary Post #520: Meets Tue from Sep to Mar at the West Pool. WOW President
year), 1:00 pm in CR 103, and Bridge lessons coming soon 3 rd Mon at The Classic. A Somerset Pool, 11:00 am-1:00
incl 30 min Q&A, biz portion, for beginners. continental breakfast is served pm. Harriet, 684-9712.
presentation, 50/50 and door at 9:00 am, followed by our Continued on Page 51
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 51

Organization News
Continued from Page 50

Classified ads are printed cnr, 2 ba, comp furn, overlook- Kingswood D: 1/1 furn, gr fl, For Sale or Rent
Judy Ryan and VP Lenore on a space available ba- ing golf expanse, new remod AC, newly dec, warm, friendly
Velcoff were assisted by other sis. Ads may be placed for kit & bath, comp tiled CAC, Waltham D: Upper, fully furn,
neighbors, excel full time prez,
one, two or three months. ceil fans thruout, pvt pool, pristine cond, walk to HOW. MIR, close to CH, fans in all
dedicated officers, members
For renewals after that, the must see! Negot. 683-9830 $575/mo yearly. 512-9420 rooms, AC, Parkeywood fls,
and friends, including Alan
UCO Reporter will need to
Lit (at the turntable); Dom LR & DR, carpet, BR. For
be contacted. Ads should be
Guarnagia, David Torres and submitted by the seventh of
Greenbrier C: By owner, very Northampton E: 1 BR upper sale $16,900; for rent $550/
David Anderson (at the grill); the month prior to the month lg 2 BR 2 ba, FL rm, CAC overlooking wtr, newly paint- yr or $950/sea. 242-1261 or
and Sal and Jeff of Salon 27. of issue. & htr, tile fls, new kit, fans, ed & cleaned. $440 unfurn; 379-2731
The game pools were won by All Classified ads must be hurr shts, next to laundry rm $490 furn. 697-8385
eight Wellington residents. on a full sheet of paper (8½" & storage, beautiful vw, front Miscellaneous
WOW, what an organization! x 11"). Scraps of paper will not of pool. $89,999 negot. Home Northampton I: 1-1 gr fl unit,
be accepted. 561-478-6564; cell 786-473- newly renov. $550/mo. 685- One twin size elec bed, like
Yiddish Advanced Reading All items submitted must 2682 7655 new, w/remote control, has
include name, address and pillow top mattress, pur-
Group: Menke Katz Read-
phone nunber of contributor Somerset C: 2 BR, 2 ba, 2nd fl Sheffield I: 2/1½, gr fl cnr, chased from City Mattress.
ing Circle invites readers to
or they will not be printed.
join group headed by Troim w/lift, beautiful lkvw, acr fr remod, furn, HDTVs, phone, 471-8148
Handler. Currently reading tennis cts, part furn, fin lanai, tile, nr gym & pool, avail
Night by Elie Wiesel in Yid- For Sale all new wndos. $55,000. 686- for the 2011-12 season, info 2008 Chevy Aveo for sale:
dish. The group meets 2nd & 4th 2793 & pics at http://ltdinflorida. AC, PS, PW and more. Runs
Fri of ea mo @ 10 am. Troim, 2 BR, 1½ ba downstairs, all contact excel and great mileage w/4
684-8686. tile ba, 2 fls, all upgraded, mint Southampton B: 1 BR, 1½ email: svsummerwind@ cyl engine. Nice looking car.
cond, new AC, new wtr tank, ba, very good cond, tile fls, (phone: 686- $7,500. 640-9671 or 254-
Yiddish Chorus: Men and wtr lagoon, nr Camden pool, comp furn, move rite in, avail 9441). Stop by to have a look! 4484
women members welcome. good loc, must see. $39,500. immed, excel buy! 697-9159
No knowledge of Yiddish nec- 478-1086 Waltham D: 1 BR, 1 ba, gr fl Video camera stand: Single leg
essary. Rehearses every Wed For Rent apt, best loc. $525 furn; $500 extends to 6 ft w/compact car-
at 1:30 pm in CH music rm Bedford H: Beautiful, bright, unfurn; $900 sea/mo. 817- ry bag. Brand new; must sell.
B. Director/conductor: Shelley 1 BR, 1 ba, gr fl wtrvw, 1 BR, 1 ba, furn, 2nd fl w/ 313-3579 $9 or best offer. 683-0057.
Tanzer. Call Edy, 687-4255. very conv, newly upgraded elev, newer appls, refurb bath,
plbg, elect, etc, new tiles newly painted bathroom furn, Waltham D: 1 BR, 1½ ba, furn, Wanted – driver. Anyone with
Yiddish Class: Meets Thu at thruout, furn or unfurn, avail close to bus stop. $550/mo + 1st fl, encl pat, great loc, walk a car who is interested in at-
10:00 am, CH CR A. Taught immed. $15,500. 333-2224 or utilities, $650 sec, long term to CH, avail Apr. $550/mo. tending evening performances
by Golda Shore. Register at ann lease avail, 1st mo rent & 536-8488 at Kravis Center or other ven-
Class Office. Call 697-3367. sec req. No pets. 55+. Avail ues. Call Allan at 687-3602.
Chatham T: For sale by owner immed. Please call and leave Waltham D: Lg cnr unit, CAC,
Yiddish Vinkl: The Village’s — 1/1½ condo, 1st fl on lake, message: 681-1432 1 BR, 1½ ba, Haverhill ent. Royal Palm Memorial Gar-
unique and much-loved Vinkl tot dec, new baths, new appls, $500/mo yearly. 805-965- dens: 2 plots & 2 vaults. Make
meets all-year round every new wtr htr, new tile thruout. Golf’s Edge — 1/1½, gr fl cnr, 2540 offer. 631-662-2246; 631-367-
1 st and 3 rd Sun, 1:30-3:00 $22,000. We will pay for all steps fr pvt htd pool, comp 8069; 954-788-9311
pm, in CH music rm. All are closing costs! Must see! 712- remod, new tile, kit cabs w/ Waltham D: 1st fl apt, 1 BR,
welcome. Yiddish knowledge 8720 granite ctr tops, all appls, 1 ba, great loc, walk to CH. Safe driver w/car in & out
is not required, as all is trans- bathroom cabs w/granite tops, Monthly prices $525 furn or CV for shopping & travels.
lated to English. Call Edy, Greenbrier C: Best possible freshly painted. Ann rent, call $500 unfurn; short lease avail. Call Giuliano, 249-2478 or
687-4255. loc on 2nd fl of lux bldg, 2 BR Sara 683-7515 817-313-3579. 329-8361


pornography. Current Florida children that can lead to death health benefit plan to partici-
law does not adequately pun- without detection. pate in the Medikids program.
ish criminal conduct commit- House Bill 795; Florida Visit the House of Repre-
ted by individuals who view Kidcare Program, will allow sentative’s website at www.

REPRESENTATIVE child pornography but do not

download the actual photos or
video. House Bill 595 would
make it a 3rd degree felony to
children under the age of 1
who are eligible for subsidized
kidcare and a state-sponsored
Bills/bills.aspx to keep up to
date on all legislative efforts.

MARK PAFFORD control or intentionally view

As The 2011 Legislative duty since September 11, child pornography.
House Bill 713; Special
To All Seasonal
Session Comes To a Start, 2001.
Representative Mark House Bill 337; Domestic Districts, will give the public
a voice in local government
Would you like to re-
Pafford Will Be Working Partnerships, will entitle Flori-
To Pass the Following da residents living in domestic by requiring that before any
Six Important Pieces of partnerships to have the same independent special district
can be dissolved or merged, a
ceive the UCO Reporter
Legislation: rights as married couples.
House Bill 171; Veteran’s Florida currently ranks 8th in referendum of the residents of while you are away? If
Affairs, will allow veterans
affected by Operation New
the nation, with 5.5 million
people living in communi-
the affected areas must be held
to give the residents a voice. so, please come into the
Dawn and other military op- ties that recognize domestic House Bill 793; Infant Eye UCO Reporter office and
Care, will create a manda-
erations subsequent to Sep-
tember 11, 2001 to have the
partnerships, either through
registries or public employer’s tory protocol for screening write your name and ad-
same benefits as those in the benefits. newborns for retinoblastoma.
Retinoblastoma is a cancer
dress on envelopes we
military prior to these opera- House Bill 595; Sexual
tions. Florida is home to nearly Performance by a Child, will that develops in the cells of will provide. The cost
200,000 men and women who create penalties for individuals the retina. This is a danger-
ous condition found in many
is $2.30 per month.
have been deployed to active who intentionally view child
Page 52 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011

Petanque First Tournament, Monday, opportunity to participate in Third place was Jack Fahey, Tennis
By Anne Marie Feb. 21, 2011. sailing right here in Century Jan Wright, and Ed Wright. By Christine Mohanty
and Roger Groulx First winning team: Capt. Village. Not all communities The winners for Wednesday Our league players have
Eleven years ago, a new Lorne Martin, Huguette in West Palm Beach are so doubles were first place: Gene been busy competing outside
couple named Anne Marie Cousineau, Gerry Talbot. privileged. Thanks for your Badlato and Ed Wright, third Century Village. The “A”
and Roger Groulx from Lake Second winning team: Capt. support, WPRF! place: Bea Hartman, John team is hoping to place third
Worth moved into this village. Gordon Ivany, Pierrette Moris- There is one very important Hartman, Jan Wright, and in the division. Results from
They met Mrs. Peggy Jackson sette, Jeannette Dupont. precaution all sailors are urged Cliff Patterson. Winners for the March 10 tournament
and asked for the authorization Third winning team: Capt. to take. Almost every body of Thursday bowling pin were against Jonathan’s Landing:
to build a new game called by a Andre Amyot, Rejeanne Des- water throughout Florida has first place Jack Fahey, second Our “B” team won all 18
very strange name, petanque. forges, Sylvio Plourde. alligators, and ours is no ex- place Archie McKay and third available points the first week
The Grand Opening was on Second Tournament, Tues- ception. On March 1, Trapper place, Lou Scothorn, Jean Guy in March—way to go! Tro-
Monday, February 27th, 2001. day, Feb. 22, 2011. Chase removed and relocated Giroux, Jan Wright, and Ed phies were presented at our
Every week around one First winning team: Capt. one measuring 6.5 feet. Obvi- Wright. annual picnic on Duck Island
hundred Canadians (mostly Gabriel Ladouceur, Laurier ously sailing was suspended We have 54 members now. March 30.
French speaking) and 40 Eng- Fortin, Roger Marcotte. until the danger was no longer This is 11 more members than That brings us to the social
lish speaking attend. Roger Second winning team: Capt. present. All sailors should we had last year. We also have aspect of our club. Last year’s
and Anne Marie Groulx are Jacques Lagueux, Irene Gag- heed the warning signs posted had some new people come picnic was a tremendous suc-
still responsible. They want to né, Rosaire Depelteau. by WPRF around the entire and play with us. We will cess, and we hope this year’s
say Thank You to the Author- Third winning team: Capt. lake to be vigilant. continue to play on Tuesday, will surpass it. Once again
ity of this Village, particularly André Brouillette, Lucien For those new to sailing, Wednesday and Thursdays Tom & Dolores Caruso of
to Mrs. Anita Pearce, W.P.R.F. Bourque, Bertrand Moreau. please take advantage of the through the month of April. Solid Gold Revue will have us
V.P., and to Mr. John Skoczek Third Tournament, Thurs- free lessons provided by Helga Everyone is welcome to join. hopping and bopping to their
for their unrelentless support. day, Feb. 24, 2011. Lieb, our dock attendant and The equipment will be pro- tunes. Our chefs are contribut-
This year they managed to First winning team: Capt. instructor. To become certified, vided. Please arrive around ing their efforts to the BBQ,
rebuild the surface and create Gordon Ivany, René Lanctot, residents must be able to swim 1:15 pm. We play singles on and everyone is asked to bring
brand new supports for our Rocco DelDuchetto. one length of the oval outdoor Tuesdays, doubles on Wednes- a pot luck dish to supplement
balls. They gave us the very Second winning team: Capt. pool at the clubhouse, and days, and bowling pins on the feast. A few lucky folks are
best, finest, Petanque ground Laurier Fortin, Angele Poirier, climb out at the deep end. Next Thursdays. We have a differ- sure to win our 50/50 raffle.
of the region. That ground is Jocelyne Poirier. comes learning how to sail and ent schedule throughout the A board meeting was held
located in Somerset near the Third winning team: Pierre passing the final test which re- summer. on March 9 to discuss various
tennis court. Bourbeau, Héléne Cote, Guy quires the sailor to tip the boat You can come each day or issues of concern to the entire
For our 10th anniversary of Paré. over, right it, and climb back just one day if you choose. membership. In attendance
Petanque, the winners of our Congratulations all!!! in. For more information, we It is not a league where you were President Alan Cutler,
Tournament were: We hope to see you all this invite everyone to attend our have to be there each day or Vice-President Rhoda Nadell,
season — 2011-2012. meetings held on the second each week. You do not have to Treasurer Les Rivkin, and
Friday of each month at 10 have had previous experience. Secretary, Christine Mohanty.
a.m. in Classroom C. You can learn as you play. It We’re all grateful to our
Our social highlight of the is always good to meet new wonderful Tennis Director, Tom
season was our annual Rock people and get a little exercise. Speerin, for keeping our games
’n’ Roll dinner/dance held Please call Ed at 632-5268 running smoothly. His helpful
on Sunday, March 13 from or Jack at 640-3373 if you and personable manner contrib-
6-10 p.m. in the Clubhouse have any questions. ute much to the positive attitude
Party Room with 200 people on our courts. We encourage
in attendance. Golden Corral,
which also hosted our lun- Snorkel Club players of all abilities to come
down, and give it a shot!
cheon on February 16, catered By Sandy Wynn
a superb dinner while Ryan February went quietly as
and the Rockers had us kick- many of us had family com-
ing up our heels. Gail Fei led mitments with school breaks Secretaries
our Sailette Cheerleaders into and President Holidays. There Needed
the evening’s entertainment. was a club excursion to the • Answer phones
Finally, our next pot luck din- Big Cypress Seminole Indian • Greet guests
ner is scheduled for Tuesday, Reservation. Lots of fun at the • G e n e r a l c l e r i c a l
Vignette; from the left to the right April 5; our chefs will be hard Billie Swamp Safari where we duties
Petanque 10th anniversary ground opening. Roger Groulx, Pet- pressed to top the last one held sat in an open water and land Call Jean Dowling
anque founder and responsible; Michel Denis, president, French on March 1. buggy. At this time our sched- at the UCO Reporter,
group Les Bons Amis; Mike Skoszek, WPRF maintenance direc- The season is almost over, ule is very busy for March. 683‑9336
tor; Mrs. Anita Pearce, WPRF vice president; Mrs. Anne Marie so come on down to the dock Our annual picnic was held
Groulx, Petanque co-founder and responsible. If you have any to sail away! at Ocean Reef Park on March
problem, please call Roger or Anne Marie Groulx, 683-5577. 18th. The out of country snor-
kel trip will be April 30th to
May 6th. Now that the water Reporters
Shuffleboard temperature should start ris-
Sailing certain occasions, we didn’t By Ed Wright ing we will be able to be back
have enough Sunfish for all The 2010-2011 shuffleboard • Attend and write
By Christine Mohanty to snorkeling once again on a
who wished to participate. season has been underway for reports on meetings
This has been a wonderful more regular schedule.
Way to go, sailors! more than 4 months. We have • Wr ite repor ts on
active season for our sail- Our meetings are on the
As for our races, a run-off completed our second tourna- events
ors despite the strong winds, third Friday of the month at
was held on Tuesday, March ment. We had many ties which • Be a part of what’s
which tested everyone’s skills the Club House, room A at
8. Winners will be announced was good because it gave us happening at the
to the max. Maneuvers to 10:00 a.m. It is always the
and presented with trophies, 11 different people winning at Village
avoid tipping were a real chal- third Friday of the month.
most likely at our annual pic- least one award. Call Jean Dowling
lenge that transformed the art For more information about
nic on Duck Island slated for The winners for Tuesday at the UCO Reporter,
of sailing into a true sport. our club please call our Vice
April 12. All of us in the club singles were first place: Mary 683‑9336
Our Thursday regattas were President John Odoardo at
are so grateful to have the Pittman and Archie McKay. 561-478-9921.
so heavily attended that, on
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 53
Page 54 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011

6. Circuit breakers to large
appliances should be
snapped to the OFF posi-
tion, and TV’s and other de-

vices and small appliances
unplugged. Power surges
and lightning strikes can
easily destroy electronic
dom guarnagia components. toni Salometo
With March coming to a close and winter residents preparing 7. Through-the-wall air-
conditioners should be As You Leave Us For The 1. Turn off the water to your
to return north, I thought that this would be a good opportunity
connected to a timer and Summer… unit before you leave. It
to review a common-sense approach to both completing your
set to operate for about 3 “It’s been good to have you may cost you a few dollars,
Maintenance Checklist and preparing your unit for the summer
hours daily to reduce hu- here, and we’ll be sorry to see but it will be money well
midity levels and prevent you go” will be heard a lot in spent if there is a leak.
Hopefully, you have used the information from the Checklist
mold and mildew propaga- the next couple of months, and 2. Get a full-time resident
(obtainable at the UCO office) and these articles on main-
tion. Apartments with AC we are sincere. Our seasonal who you know and trust or
tenance to be well on the road to correcting your buildings’
units in the living room will residents bring a vitality and a condo-checking company
deficiencies. To reduce the likelihood of accidents from water,
require a 220-volt timer.   energy that those of us who to inspect your unit 2-4
mold and mildew, etc., while you are away, remember the fol-
This is a necessary step, be- are here all year seem to lose; times a month till you get
cause your furniture’s fab- we take for granted what we back.
1. Shut off the water supply to your unit.
ric can tolerate 90-degree have. We forget how beauti- 3. Leave a phone number
2. The water heater, if older than 6 years, should have been
temperatures, but not 90% ful a clear blue sky is and the where you can be reached
replaced. If not, at least install a Leak Detector Alarm (costs
humidity without serious light wind blowing through in an emergency, as well as
less than $15 at a home improvement center) with fresh
consequence. Ventilation to the palm trees. It truly is a the phone number of your
batteries. Do not drain the tank, because oxygen and steel
get rid of humidity is cru- paradise. insurance agent.
create rust, which will hasten the demise of the water tank.
cial, but opened windows Unfortunately, as in any All of these things can re-
3. “Frozen” toilet tank fill valves, located below the tank and
have no effect on getting paradise, there are serpents. For duce a loss or the severity of
on the wall, usually 6-10 inches above the floor, should be
rid of humidity during the the Insurance Committee, those one. Remember that you have
replaced, so those units where the water has not been shut
summer months. Therefore, serpents are water damage a responsibility to inform your
off will have no occasion to leak.
artificial air circulation is losses from seasonal residents insurance agent in a timely
4. The toilet bowl should be covered with a plastic wrap. There
needed to extract moisture. who don’t turn off their water manner of any loss. It is not
are various old wives’ tales about the reason. The real rea-
The time of day for running and don’t have a responsible the responsibility of your year-
son is that this covering reduces evaporation, so that water
the AC is not important, person checking on their units round residents or officers
stays in the trap, which is designed, in being full of water,
since the occasional power while they are away. to check your unit without
to prevent poisonous sewer gases from entering the unit.
outages will change the set It’s been about a year since your permission or request an
5. Kitchen and bathroom sinks and tubs should have tape
time but not the duration of I took over as Insurance Chair, agreement on their part to do
placed over the drains—and the overflow openings—for
operation. and I don’t want to tell you this. If you use a company or
the same reason. The same measures will help keep roaches
the number of residents who an individual who is in busi-
from entering through these openings.
have returned to find their ness to check your unit, make
The Old Boston Dad loved the marathon be- given for winning. Marathon- units wet and moldy messes. sure they are licensed and in-
cause to him it was a pure sport: ing was strictly an amateur Or, residents who have re- sured, and that you have them
Marathon it didn’t require any “equip- sport in those days. ceived phone calls from their sign when they have entered
By Lanny Howe ment” and the long distance We lived in Dedham, a Association officers to advise your apartment on a specific
In the 1940s, when we were tested a man’s endurance. (And suburb south of Boston, and them that there has been a leak date.
kids, our dad used to take us to it was only men in those days. in early April of 1947, three and it’s done damage to their These are all things you can
watch the Boston Marathon on They allowed women to run men from Korea stayed at apartment. This is a phone call do to make your return next
April 19th, which was Patriot’s later, and then eventually even my friend Billy Paik’s home, no one wants to receive. season a pleasant experience.
Day, a holiday celebrated in wheelchair entrants.) up the street from where we Most of this can be elimi- In the meantime, we’ll miss
Massachusetts and Maine. We After watching the start, lived. They were going to nated by doing a few things you and look forward to seeing
would pile into the old Ford, we would pile back into the run in the marathon that year, before you leave. you next year.
and Dad would drive us out car, and Dad would drive us Billy told us. We saw them
to Hopkinton, a small town to somewhere in the Newtons, almost every day, running up
west of Boston, where the where we would watch the and down the street, going
race began. Now the oldest race at about the 17-mile mark. clippity-clop, clippity-clop
Reporters Needed
and most prestigious mara- We had to take back roads, in the old leather running • Attend and write reports on meetings
thon in the world, even then because the direct route was shoes of the day. It was at this • Write reports on events
the race boasted some 5000 roped off for the race. By then, time that I realized the Paiks • Be a part of what’s happening at the
runners, who would be lined the runners were pretty well were Korean, not Chinese. Village
up in a pack for a half-mile in stretched out with occasional I had never heard of Korea Call Jean Dowling at the UCO Reporter,
back of the starting line. The small packs of two, three or before, for this was before the 683-9336
best runners were at the front. four. The Newton hills took Korean War. We didn’t give
The course was 26 miles long a toll on the runners, and at the runners, just three among
(plus 385 yards for those who 20 miles it was said a runner 5000, a lot of thought. Checking in at the UCO election.
wanted to be technical) and hit “the wall,” a physical and For some reason we didn’t
ended in downtown Boston. psychological barrier. You ran watch the marathon that year,
Dad had watched the mara- the last six miles on sheer guts. but you can imagine our
thon for years, and he told After watching for a while surprise when we heard that
us about the greats: Clarence from our Newton vantage one of the three Koreans had
DeMar, who worked for the point, we would hop in the car won! And not only won, but
old Boston Post daily news- once again, and Dad would set a new world record for the
paper and had won the race drive us to the finish of the marathon! His name, which
seven times (a record which race, which at that time was I’ve never forgotten, was Suh
still stands); the two Johnny on Exeter Street in Boston. If Yun-Bok.
Kelleys (no relation, one called we were lucky and got there April always brings back
“the younger” and the other in time, we would see the first memories of the Boston
called “the older”); and Gerard runner cross the finish line and Marathon—greatest of all
Cote, the Canadian runner who receive the winner’s wreath, races—and of our own racing
eventually won four times. which was the only award around in the car to watch it.
Though not a runner himself,
April 2011 THE UCO REPORTER Page 55


Meet Your Neighbors The COP Bicycle to ride it around, exploring all
the nooks and crannies in the
“Lagartija” Patrol Village. She had heard of COP
By Jean Dowling By Lanny Howe units that had bicycle patrols,
Alligators were first named by Spanish explorers who called them lizards (lagartijas), IT IS A COMMON SIGHT and in 1998 asked if she could
thus evolving into the name we now use. TO SEE THE COP SHER- begin one here. At first she
These much misunderstood creatures, who can grow to exceed 13 feet and 600 pounds, have IFF’S CAR making the rounds was turned down, but then
a harsh exterior but are actually very shy. They are covered in scales and hard protective plates of Century Village, but only she was given the green light.
and have not changed much since the dinosaur age. The front feet have five long toes and the two years ago it was a fairly She patrolled in uniform with
back feet are webbed. Their 80 teeth are cone-shaped and rest on top of a second set ready to common sight to see Joan Bes- a two-way radio and/or cell
replace any that are lost or broken. son making her COP rounds phone in the bicycle basket. A
For many years alligators were almost hunted to extinction, but slowly they have made a by bicycle. few others took part, including
comeback. They play a large part in the ecosystem and are known as keepers of the “Glades.” Joan’s late husband, Herb Miles & Shirley Mindel and
We live in a world that should accept the creatures around us and respect them. By way of Nordhauser, was one of the Harold Rackoff, but Joan was
respect, we should neither feed nor try to tame them, but learn the places they favor and know founders of COP (Citizen the main one you would see
that for about 30 feet they can outrun a horse. Observer Patrol) in the Vil- patrolling the Village streets
Because our waters are connected to the South Florida Waterway System, our lake is fre- lage in 1994, along with Phil by bicycle for 11 years, until
quently visited by alligators. We cannot get rid of them, because as soon as one is gone, another Shapkin and Lenny Lipofsky. 2009. During that time, she
can take its place. The growing number of men became captain over some 50
Since coming to Florida, I have learned to love the wildlife, including gators, and have visited in COP at that time often met COP bicyclists in Palm Beach
them in many of the swampy areas where they dwell. Loxahatchee Wildlife Refuge always has at Herb and Joan’s apartment County.
them either at the end of the trail where people fish or in some of the other water areas. One in Canterbury K. One day Joan still does a three-hour
photo I took shows a nice-sized one at Loxahatchee. Joan asked if she could be a shift each week in the COP
Just remember, when you call a wildlife agency or the Humane Society, any animal they trap COP volunteer. The answer sheriff’s car, and you can still
is immediately killed. The proper thing to do is to respect the animal and live peacefully with it. at first was no, that this was a spot her riding her bicycle
The optimal word is respect. If we respect their space and their habits, we can all live together job for only men, but then they from time to time, but she no
without a problem. relented, and Joan became the longer patrols by bike.
first female COP volunteer in Being a COP volunteer has
the Village. been one of the most fulfill-
Joan put in many hours ing things Joan has ever done
of COP duty, often with her and has been the means of her
partner in the sheriff’s car, making many friends.
Marcus Monroe, one driving COP can use your help. If
and the other observing. She you would like to look into
also began teaching other being a COP volunteer, please
volunteers as the group grew contact Mel Breier, COP Cap-
to about a hundred, and she tain for the Village, at 712-
was promoted to the rank of 8204 for further information
sergeant. “WE NEED YOU TO HELP
Joan had a bicycle and loved US SO WE CAN HELP YOU!”


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Page 56 THE UCO REPORTER April 2011

Internal Bus Route #1 CV BUS SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2011

Clubhouse 8:00 1:00
9:00 10:00 11:00 10:00
12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 2:00
6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00
Dover 8:02 1:00
9:02 10:02 11:02 10:00
Drivers' 1:02 2:02 3:02 4:02 5:02 2:00
6:02 7:02 8:02 9:02 10:02
Somerset 8:04 1:00
9:04 10:04 11:04 10:00
Lunch 1:04 2:04 3:04 4:04 5:04 2:00
6:04 7:04 8:04 9:04 10:04
Berkshire 8:06 1:00
9:06 10:06 11:06 10:00
1:06 2:06 3:06 4:06 5:06 2:00
6:06 7:06 8:06 9:06 10:06
Camden 8:09 1:00
9:09 10:09 11:09 10:00
1:09 2:09 3:09 4:09 5:09 2:00
6:09 7:09 8:09 9:09 10:09
Windsor 8:12 1:00
9:12 10:12 11:12 10:00
1:12 2:12 3:12 4:12 5:12 2:00
6:12 7:12 8:12 9:12 10:12
UCO Office (When Open) 8:13 1:00
9:13 10:13 11:13 10:00
1:13 2:13 3:13 4:13 5:13 2:00
Except Saturday and Sunday
Wellington L & M 8:15 1:00
9:15 10:15 11:15 10:00
1:15 2:15 3:15 4:15 5:15 2:00
6:15 7:15 8:15 9:15 10:15
Andover 8:19 1:00
9:19 10:19 11:19 10:00
1:19 2:19 3:19 4:19 5:19 2:00
6:19 7:19 8:19 9:19 10:19
Kingswood 8:25 1:00
9:25 10:25 11:25 10:00
1:25 2:25 3:25 4:25 5:25 2:00
6:25 7:25 8:25 9:25 10:25
Medical Plaza 8:29 1:00
9:29 10:29 11:29 10:00
1:29 2:29 3:29 4:29 5:29 2:00

Clubhouse 8:30 1:00

9:30 10:30 11:30 10:00
1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30 5:30 2:00
6:30 7:30 8:30 9:30 10:30
Publix 8:35 1:00
9:35 10:35 11:35 10:00
1:35 2:35 3:35 4:35 Drivers' 5:00
6:35 7:35 8:35
Clubhouse 8:45 1:00
9:45 10:45 11:45 10:00
1:45 2:45 3:45 4:45 Dinner 5:00
6:45 7:45 8:45
Internal Bus Route #2
Clubhouse 8:00 1:00
9:00 10:00 11:00 10:00
12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 2:00
6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00
Plymouth 8:02 1:00
9:02 10:02 11:02 10:00
Drivers' 1:02 2:02 3:02 4:02 5:02 2:00
6:02 7:02 8:02 9:02 10:02
Sheffield E 8:04 1:00
9:04 10:04 11:04 10:00
Lunch 1:04 2:04 3:04 4:04 5:04 2:00
6:04 7:04 8:04 9:04 10:04
Chatham 8:06 1:00
9:06 10:06 11:06 10:00
1:06 2:06 3:06 4:06 5:06 2:00
6:06 7:06 8:06 9:06 10:06
Kent 8:08 1:00
9:08 10:08 11:08 10:00
1:08 2:08 3:08 4:08 5:08 2:00
6:08 7:08 8:08 9:08 10:08
Northampton 8:11 1:00
9:11 10:11 11:11 10:00
1:11 2:11 3:11 4:11 5:11 2:00
6:11 7:11 8:11 9:11 10:11
Sussex 8:13 1:00
9:13 10:13 11:13 10:00
1:13 2:13 3:13 4:13 5:13 2:00
6:13 7:13 8:13 9:13 10:13
Canterbury 8:15 1:00
9:15 10:15 11:15 10:00
1:15 2:15 3:15 4:15 5:15 2:00
6:15 7:15 8:15 9:15 10:15
Cambridge 8:16 1:00
9:16 10:16 11:16 10:00
1:16 2:16 3:16 4:16 5:16 2:00
6:16 7:16 8:16 9:16 10:16
Dorchester 8:18 1:00
9:18 10:18 11:18 10:00
1:18 2:18 3:18 4:18 5:18 2:00
6:18 7:18 8:18 9:18 10:18
Oxford 8:21 1:00
9:21 10:21 11:21 10:00
1:21 2:21 3:21 4:21 5:21 2:00
6:21 7:21 8:21 9:21 10:21
Stratford 8:22 1:00
9:22 10:22 11:22 10:00
1:22 2:22 3:22 4:22 5:22 2:00
6:22 7:22 8:22 9:22 10:22
Sheffield 8:23 1:00
9:23 10:23 11:23 10:00
1:23 2:23 3:23 4:23 5:23 2:00
6:23 7:23 8:23 9:23 10:23
Hastings Fitness Center 8:25 1:00
9:25 10:25 11:25 10:00
1:25 2:25 3:25 4:25 5:25 2:00
6:25 7:25 8:25 9:25 10:25
Coventry 8:27 1:00
9:27 10:27 11:27 10:00
1:27 2:27 3:27 4:27 5:27 2:00
6:27 7:27 8:27 9:27 10:27
Medical Plaza 8:29 1:00
9:29 10:29 11:29 10:00
1:29 2:29 3:29 4:29 5:29 2:00

Clubhouse 8:30 1:00

9:30 10:30 11:30 10:00
1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30 5:30 2:00
6:30 7:30 8:30 9:30 10:30
Internal Bus Route #3
Clubhouse 8:00 1:00
9:00 10:00 11:00 10:00
12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 2:00
6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00
Bedford B 8:02 1:00
9:02 10:02 11:02 10:00
Drivers' 1:02 2:02 3:02 4:02 5:02 2:00
6:02 7:02 8:02 9:02 10:02
Greenbrier 8:04 1:00
9:04 10:04 11:04 10:00
Lunch 1:04 2:04 3:04 4:04 5:04 2:00
6:04 7:04 8:04 9:04 10:04
Southampton 8:06 1:00
9:06 10:06 11:06 10:00
1:06 2:06 3:06 4:06 5:06 2:00
6:06 7:06 8:06 9:06 10:06
Wellington Circle 8:06
Bedford C 8:09 1:00
9:09 10:09 11:09 10:00
1:09 2:09 3:09 4:09 5:09 2:00
6:09 7:09 8:09 9:09 10:09
Golf's Edge 8:12 1:00
9:12 10:12 11:12 10:00
1:12 2:12 3:12 4:12 5:12 2:00
6:12 7:12 8:12 9:12 10:12
Coventry 8:14 1:00
9:14 10:14 11:14 10:00
1:14 2:14 3:14 4:14 5:14 2:00
6:14 7:14 8:14 9:14 10:14
Norwich 8:16 1:00
9:16 10:16 11:16 10:00
1:16 2:16 3:16 4:16 5:16 2:00
6:16 7:16 8:16 9:16 10:16
Salisbury 8:19 1:00
9:19 10:19 11:19 10:00
1:19 2:19 3:19 4:19 5:19 2:00
6:19 7:19 8:19 9:19 10:19
Waltham 8:22 1:00
9:22 10:22 11:22 10:00
1:22 2:22 3:22 4:22 5:22 2:00
6:22 7:22 8:22 9:22 10:22
Easthampton 8:25 1:00
9:25 10:25 11:25 10:00
1:25 2:25 3:25 4:25 5:25 2:00
6:25 7:25 8:25 9:25 10:25
Medical Plaza 8:28 1:00
9:28 10:28 11:28 10:00
1:28 2:28 3:28 4:28 5:28 2:00

Clubhouse 8:30 1:00

9:30 10:30 11:30 10:00
1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30 5:30 2:00
6:30 7:30 8:30 9:30 10:30
Please Note: BY REQUEST ONLY - All Buses will go around the perimeter drive at 11:45 am prior to the bus drivers taking their lunch breaks.
Please Note: On Saturdays ALL the Internal Bus Routes will drop off at Anshei Sholom on the 9 AM run.
Please Note: Monday thru Friday Only the Internal Bus Routes #1 and #3 will drop off at the Hastings Fitness Center on the 8 AM and 1 PM runs. # 2 Route runs ALL day

Shuttle Bus Route

Perimeter Drive
Please be at your bus stop 10
Clubhouse 1:00
9:00 10:00 11:00 10:00
12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 minutes before your pickup time.
Please be Prepared to Show
Salon 27 1:00
9:04 10:04 11:04 10:00
Drivers 1:04 2:04 3:04 4:04
Library 1:00
9:07 10:07 11:07 10:00
Lunch 1:07 2:07 3:07 4:07
Humana 9:10 10:10 11:10 1:10 2:10 3:10 4:10

the Bus Driver Your Century

1:00 10:00

Walmart Supermarket 1:00

9:16 10:16 11:16 10:00
1:16 2:16 3:16 4:16
Century Plaza 1:00
9:22 10:22 11:22 10:00
1:22 2:22 3:22 4:22
Emporium Shoppes 9:30 10:30 11:30 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30
Village ID When Boarding
1:00 10:00

Lowes 1:00
9:31 10:31 11:31 10:00
1:31 2:31 3:31 4:31

ALL Buses
Bellantes 1:00
9:33 10:33 11:33 10:00
1:33 2:33 3:33 4:33
Perimeter Drive 1:00
On Request 10:00
On Request
Clubhouse 1:00
9:45 10:45 11:45 10:00
0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00

Mall Bus Route

Clubhouse 1:00
9:00 10:00 11:00 10:00
12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 The Holiday bus will run on New
** 5 PM Mall Bus
Morse Home Drop off 1:00
9:05 Drivers
runs on Saturday
Year's Day, July 4th,
K-Mart 1:00
9:13 10:10 11:10 10:00
Lunch 1:10 2:10 3:10 4:10 5:10 ONLY ** Thanksgiving Day and
10:11 11:11 1:11 2:11 3:11 4:11 5:11 Christmas Day.
Winn Dixie 1:00
9:14 10:00

Church 1:00
9:20 10:17 11:14 10:00
1:14 2:14 3:14 4:14 5:14
Palm Beach Mall 1:00
9:24 10:21 11:21 10:00
1:21 2:21 3:21 4:21 5:21
Village Commons 1:00
9:29 10:26 11:26 10:00
1:26 2:26 3:26 4:26 5:26
1:00 9:34 10:31 11:31 10:00 1:31 2:31 3:31 4:31 5:31

Post Office Drop off / Pick Up Tuesday & Thursday Only 2:35 3:35
Morse Home Pickup 1:40
Clubhouse 1:00
9:45 10:45 11:45 10:00
1:45 2:45 3:45 4:45 5:45

Publix's Bus Route Excursion Bus *Monday* (Excludes the 2nd Monday)
Perimeter Drive 8:45:00 1:00
8:45 9:45 10:45 11:45 10:00
12:45 1:45 2:45 3:45 Monday Wellington Walmart
Clubhouse 9:00 1:00
9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 10:00
2:00 3:00 4:00 9:35 AM
as Requested 1:00 10:00
Drivers 1:15 PM
Lunch Excursion Bus *Monday* (Excludes the 2nd Monday)
Publix 9:15:00 1:00
9:15 10:15 11:15 12:15 10:00
2:15 3:15 4:15 10:06 AM
Perimeter Drive 1:00 10:00
2:00 PM
Clubhouse 9:45:00 1:00
9:45 10:45 11:45 12:45 10:00
2:45 3:45 4:45 Wednesday City Place Gardens Mall
The Excursion Bus will go to Lake Worth Beach on the 2nd Monday(Leaves 9:30 am - Picks Up 2:05 pm) and to the Carnival Flea Market in DelRay on the 4th Wednesday(Leaves 9:35 am - Picks Up 1:45 pm) of the Month.

Sundays & Holidays Bus Route (Combo)

Clubhouse 1:00
9:00 10:00 11:00 10:00
12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 The Excursion Bus will go
9:04 10:04 11:04 1:04 2:04 3:04 4:04 5:04
to Lake Worth Beach on the
Walgreen's 1:00 10:00
Pine Trail 1:00
9:07 10:07 11:07 10:00
Lunch 1:07 2:07 3:07 4:07 5:07
Goodwill Store 1:00
9:09 10:09 11:09 10:00
1:09 2:09 3:09 4:09 5:09 2nd Monday (leaves 9:30 am - picks
up 2:05 pm) and to the Carnival
Cross County 1:00
9:14 10:14 11:14 10:00
1:14 2:14 3:14 4:14 5:14
Church 1:00
9:20 10:20 11:17 10:00
1:17 2:17 3:17 4:17 5:17
Palm Beach Mall 1:00
11:28 10:00
1:28 2:28 3:28 4:28 5:28 Flea Market in Delray on the 4th
9:34 10:34 11:34 1:34 2:34 3:34 4:34 5:34
Wednesday (leaves 9:35 am - picks up
Village Commons 1:00 10:00

Emporium Shoppes 1:00

9:40 10:40 11:40 10:00
1:40 2:40 3:40 4:40 5:40
Lowes 1:00
9:41 10:41 11:41 10:00
1:41 2:41 3:41 4:41 5:41 1:45 pm) of the month.
Clubhouse 1:00
9:48 10:48 11:48 10:00
1:48 2:48 3:48 4:48 5:48

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