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Electrical Clearances ror Transmission- arrangements and with circuit breakers

of good behavior, switching overvoltages

exceeding 2.5 times line-to-ground volt-
Line Design at the Higher Voltages age seldom occur.) On this basis the ex-
pectancy distribution curve for switching
ov7ervoltages in Table I has been con-
structed for use in determining the corre-
P. L. BELLASCHI sponding permissible electrical clearances
required at the tower.
A second important factor in determin-
A GREAT deal of study has been dancing of conductors resulting from un- ing the clearances from insulator assembly
given by transmission engineers to loading of sleet and snow, and similar to tower structure is the strength of air to
factors present in certain geographical
the problem of electrical clearances in regions and under certain topographical switching overvoltages. Based on the
line design. Because of the complexity of conditions, which affect spacing between experimental data obtained in recent
the problem and the uncertainties in- conductors, especially at midspan. years,56 the strength of air to switching
volved, until recently the approach has 4. Application of suitable shields when surges in relation to the impulse strength
been based partly on experience, coupled required, to grade stresses and suppress is in the ratio of 9 to 10.
however in large measure with empiricism. corona on insulator assembly and hardware, The clearances for 2.5 times line-to-
With the advent of higher trailsmission so designed as to secure optimum clearances
to tower structure under all significant neutral switching overvoltages are derived
voltages the economic urge for rationaliza- positions of sideswing. in Table II. Column 1 gives the rated
tion in this field made itself felt to a point a. Safety requirements, including con- voltage and, in parentheses, the maximum
that further research and studies became sideration of national and state electrical operating voltage nominally set at 5 per
inevitable. Manv have been engaged in codes. cent more than rated voltage. The
the work. This paper relates to part of 6. "Hot-line" maintenance. switching overvoltages in column 2 are
the over-all effort in course during the past 7. Effect of spacing of conductors on the based on maximum operating voltage in
5 years or more and is presented as a basis impedances and capacitances of the line; column 1. Column 2 multiplied by 10/9
for further constructive thought and ac- likewise, effect of spacing on radio influence gives the corresponding full-wave im-
tion in this important field. and corona. pulse voltage equivalent in column 3.
S. The application of rapid-clearing and In calculating the required strength, an
Conditions of Service reclosing breakers as a factor in transmis- allowance of 10 per cent (1.10 factor) is
sion design, conducive to the acceptance of made between withstand voltage and crit-
reduced clearances for unusual conditions
The three voltage conditions to con- of operation such as may result from ical (50-per-cent) spark-over of air. An
sider in determining the insulation and maximum sideswing of conductors and additional 10 per cent (1.10 factor) is
electrical-clearance requirements for the insulator assemblies under high wind and allowed for nonstandard atmospheric
design of high-voltage transmission lines other abnormal conditions. conditions and similar effects. And
are: 1. 60-cycle voltages; 2. switching In this paper the electrical clearance re- finally a 15-per-cent margin (1.15 factor
and similar transient overvoltages; 3. quirements from insulator assembly and of safety) is applied. Thus column 3 is
lightning. line conductor to the tower will be con- multiplied by 1.10 by 1.10 bv 1.15 to ob-
To secure the most economical and ef- sidered in detail first, and then the other tain column 4. On this basis the elec-
fective design, these conditions must be factors listed in the foregoing will be trical clearances required to tower for a
evaluated quantitatively with reference examined in their broader aspect in rela- given sideswing of the insulator assembly
to the principal factors influencing opera- tion to the over-all problem. are given in column 5. The clearances
tion of the line, which comprise: correspond to point-to-point electrode
1. The action of the wind in reducing Permissible Electrical Clearances at data and positive polarity of the volt-
clearances, resulting from the swinging of Tower, as Determined from age.7'8
the conductors together and against the
Switching Overvoltages The clearances in Table II assume that
tower structure. switching overvoltages in excess of 2.5
2. Reduced clearances to ground and inter-
Inasmuch as switching overvoltages are times line-to-neutral are a rare possibility
ference of foreign or adjacent objects, and they refer to operating conditions
requiring proper measures in addition to a consideration of prime importance in
adequate clearances (right-of-way clearing, that may obtain, especially in a modern
determining the electrical clearance re- interconnected system with no-restrike
etc.). quirements at the tower structures, this is
3. Upswing of conductors due to vertical a factor that should be examined in the
circuit breakers and which is equipped to
wind and convection effects, galloping and first place. System studies and experi- limit 60-cycle dynamic overvoltages. In
ence all point to the criterion that for an
the event that system conditions are not
so favorable and are conducive to higher
Paper 54-203, recommended by the AIEE Trans- interconnected system of modern design,
mission and Distribution Committee and approved operating with the neutral solidly
by the AIEE Committee on Technical Operations Table 1. Expectancy Distribution oF Switch-
for presentation at the AIEE Summer and Pacific grounded and provided with breakers ing Overvoltages For Modern High-Voltage
General Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., June 21-25,
1954. Manuscript submitted March 1, 1954; made essentially free of restrike, overvoltages System
available for printing April 5, 1954. from line to ground on the energized
P. L. BELLASCHI is a consulting engineer, Portland, lines or parts of the energized system re- Line-to-Neutral Crest, Per-Cent
Oreg. sulting from switching or similar effects Multiple Distribution
In the preparation of this paper the author has seldom attain 2.5 line-to-neutral crest
drawn in good measure from his background and 2. 5, maximum . .......... Practically none
association as consultant to the Bonneville Power '
voltage.1- (Experience on the 230-kv 2.5 to 2.0........... 5
Administration on high-voltage transmission de-
velopments, and he gratefully acknowledges the
system the Bonneville Power Adminis-
of 2.0 to 1.5............................ 10
Less than 1.5, >1.25 ...... 85
use of various illustrative material presented. tration indicates that for normal system

1192 Bellaschi-Clearances for Trans. Line Design at Higher Voltages OCTOBE-R 1 954
Table IL. Electrical Clearances Required to Withstand Switching Overvoltages to a few (possibly a very few) assuming
the presence of circuit breakers of good
Switching Full Wave Design Strength Permissible performance and satisfactory operating
Overvoltages Impulse Full Wave Clearances
Voltage 2.5 X Voltage (1 1/2x40 Conductor practices. It is recognized that severe
Class, 60-Cycle Crest, Equivalent, Microseconds), to Tower, system disturbances and abnormal
Kv Kv Kv Kv Inches
meterological conditions bear a certain
230 (242) .. 495. 550 .765
.... 48 correlation to each other. However, in
288 (302) .620 .690.960... 61 view of the infrequency of occurrence and
345 (362) .. 740 ...... 8253. 15150 .............4...4
the short times involved, the probability
of simultaneous maximum swing and
maximum switching overvoltages is very
switching overvoltages, correspondingly Thus, taking this reference case study small. On the strength of these con-
greater clearances would be necessary. which is typical of others, the following ob- siderations, it was estimated that the fre-
Table III gives the electrical clearances servations are deduced in regard to maxi- quency at which a maximum swing (40 to
required for switching overvoltages cor- mum swing angles corresponding to a 60- 45 degrees) and maximum switching over-
responding to a maximum of 2.75 and 3.0 mile wind transverse to the line for the 758 voltages (above 2.25 line-to-ground)
times line-to-ground voltage. These suspension structures examined: might occur simultaneously, would be
clearances were derived in the same man- hardly more than once or twice per year
ner and by the same procedure as the
1. The tower structures in which swing for the entire 165-mile line studied.
angles come within the limits of 40 to 45
values in Table II for 2.5 times line-to- degrees are only 4.2 per cent.
ground voltage. 2. Structures in which the swing angle
Selection of Swing Angle in High-
Inasmuch as the spacing permissible is more than 35 degrees comprise about Voltage Transmission Design
from line conductor to tower depends on 8.6 per cent of the total.
the probability of simultaneous occur- 3. Swing angles of more than 35 degrees From the foregoing, it is apparent that
rence of maximum switching overvoltages are scattered over the entire length of the in high-voltage transmission-line design
and maximum sideswing of the insulator line (165 miles), with some tendency to permissible spacings can be based realis-
cluster in certain sections of the line, where tically on a 35-degree swing angle. Fol-
string, the selection of effective and eco- presumably prevailing topography, terrain,
nomical spacings rests very largelv upon a and other factors in the design contribute lowing this procedure the air clearances
realistic evaluation of these two factors. to the large swing angles. from conductor (clamp or grading shield)
In well-balanced designs, the two factors 4. The average swing angle for the entire to tower at 35-degree sideswing are pro-
combined should at no time or, if at all, line is in the order of 30 degrees. portioned to maximum switching over-
only rarely encroach unduly on the voltage (Table III). In the event of a
strength of the air from conductor to Probability of Simultaneous 45-degree swing and maximum switching
tower. Therefore, an appraisal of per- Occurrences of Maximum overvoltage occurring simultaneously,
missible minimum spacings requires con- Swing and Maximum the strength of the air would be en-
sideration of probable maximum swing of Switching Overvoltages croached upon, but in view of the infre-
insulator assembly encountered on high- quency of occurrence it seems good en-
voltage transmission lines. This factor The 165-mile line previously mentioned gineering to accept the risk and secure
will be considered next. (Fig. 1) as a case stud-, extends from the economic gain resulting from this pro-
eastern Washington to western Montana. cedure in design. The probable risk of
Maximum Swing of Insulator It was estimated from this and other stud- spark-over from conductor to tower at
Assembly ies that but a small per cent of line 45-degree swing angle becomes even more
would be affected annuallx by- wind veloc- acceptable and the consequences are fur-
To determine on an engineering basis ities approaching 60 miles per hour. ther attenuated through the use of fast
probable maximum swing angles encoun- Furthermore, direction of wind is un- clearing and reclosing circuit breakers.
tered in practice, a 165-mile single-circuit likely to be uniformly transverse to a line Since this proposal for a 35-degree
steel-tower line designed for 288 kv but for any great length. From this, it was swing angle in transmission line design was
scheduled to operate initially at 230 kv deduced that only a limited number of in- advanced (in 1950), other investigators
was selected as a reference for specific sulator strings could be subjected to swing similarly engaged in high-voltage trans-
study. The line chosen traverses moun- angles as great as 40 or 45 degrees at any mission developments, both here3 and
tainous terrain as well as open country one time and then only for relatively short abroad,'0"' have come essentially to the
and follows a valley for many miles, thus periods, i.e., a matter of minutes. same criterion of design based on their
covering a wide variety of topographical It is apropos to mention here that,
and climatic conditions. The load data based on a recent survey,9 strongest
for the line correspond to a wind of maximum wind velocities (5 minutes) up Table l1l. Electrical Clearances Required for
8 pounds per square foot (nominal 60 to 60 miles per hour are seldom reached in Switching Overvoltages 2.5, 2.75, and 3.0
miles per hour) and to 1/2-inch ice at 0 the United States, except on the seacoast Times Line-to-Neutral Voltage (ELN)
degrees Fahrenheit, which is the criterion and at other unusual locations. (Table
of design in determining maximum swing IV). Clearances for Switching
(limited, not to exceed 45 degrees). Spot A 165-mile line such as that just de- Voltage Overvottages, Inches
Class, 2.5 X 2.75 X 3.0 X
checks were made which show that for an scribed may experience annually some 100 KV ELN ELN ELN
8-pound wind swing angles for the con- switching overvoltages above about 1.25
ductor unloaded will not exceed swing times line-to-ground crest. On the basis 230 (242) .. 48 . 53 . 58
of Table I, overvoltages in the order of 288 (302) .. 61 . 67 . 74
angles corresponding to ice-loading condi- 345 (362) .. 74 . 82 . 90
tions. 2.5 times line-to-ground would be limited

OCTOBER 1 954 Bellaschi-Clearances for Trans. Line Design at Higher Voltages 1193
6-0 w
(MIN.) -j4(f d
z _ _ _ _ _
41 * _
450 .9_*~~~~~~~0 _ _ _
0 0 0
*S *
0 0

Z_'30 o * * * * 0- *0*
* 0-
-@- 0 000 .' 00 . 1.. 0 0 * . 0
- .oem *e*0 S- 0 .-
>7L0' - 22 - . - Y- - - - - -


id' 50 100 lSO TOWER NUMBERS 200

CO, If
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . --m - - . . . W. . - . . - - -
aiC-, 6!-O 0
(MIN.) o 0 0 0 0e -0
w -j40
0 *
0 0 0 0 e0
0 00 0 0 'be0 *0. **
0 *0 00 @

0 cn
* . *-
*~~~~~~ **
~~~ 00 0
> 7t-d'
C% 2 _ _ _ _ _ * -

1.2 I100
z 250 300 350 TO WE:R NUMABERS 400
(MIN.) .-J 400
CC- w 4 0
0 0
00 5 0 *@@ *0~~ 0 .0
000 * * 0 .0
-J 0 0 0* *0 0 . 0
@0 @0
0 0
0 * .-: 0 0 4, 0*..
: . ..00 .-0
0 10 0 00 * * *
0 0.00 0 * 0 0* 00 0 50 0 000g0
C-, 0

cn 0 0 _ _
0_ * _ _ 0 0
>71-01 2y
lop° 450 500 550 TOWER NUMBERS 600
450_ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6!-0_ .0
(MIN.) w 0

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* *0*0 0 0 000

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 0 . - 0

0 0 -~0 - . * --
>7'd0.; 22 .~~ ____-
q 650 700 750 TOWER NUMBERS 800
Fig. 1. Single-circuit steel-tower 287-kv transmission line. Initial operation at 230 kv, total length 165 miles; 16-insulator string, 5 3/4 by 10-inch units, 1.382-inch diameter steel-reinforced
aluminum cable conductor. Designed for 8-pound wind, 1/2-inch ice. Points indicate calculated swing angles at suspension towers
ba own studies. (Recent discussions by the
00 0000 000- Co eD H I
t c ca M'
O' 00 00' author with transmission engineers on
00 0 00 COD eo0 0 0)00 00 to00
00100 5' COd
the Continent indicate similar trends in
-0 0C C0'I 000-CO -H 0 CO CO O 'NC 1- -405' the use of approximately a 35-degree
1-000 v 0- _
,d4 -0Mh Cft 1- COM d414 -4 toC M) 14N' t-N CO 00
) CO 0000
swing angle as a criterion in high-voltage
C to M Co C Lo .4 in Co 14

005 X
000 eoNN- CO
N CO N 000 N 10 N 5 N 0C0
CO 5 1-0 transmission-line design.)
N 0000 COCO COS'.O57'
CO 00'' 5 5
5'S CO 5 00 CO 05

N0-, 005'.OO 00 Nq 005' 000 S~14'00o' '4 1-NO~

..................0000...'.... C '-;4 NOi 000; Pyramiding of Margins and Safety
C4 0
0000o CO IN CO CO CO CO0 CO CO CO S~ 00 S'1 CO "I' 5' CO 5' 0005 0000~
10-C CO N CO 00 N400 cO 5' CO
Factors in Design
' CO 5' 0C CO

I0 The electrical clearances in Table III

1- CO
001- S' COCO CO000
0000000) co CO CO
5'00C N
N)COC 100d CO rCO0 CO
CO'4 NooC CO are realistic for the conditions of service
00 CO CO 00 NV CO
-400000000~ S' 0) CO CO 000000)0
CO CO ' 5' CO 10C
N~0)0-O O COD and system operation stated. They are
valid for altitudes not exceeding about
0000 CO CO CO0 CO l CO
ON 0000-4 )006
OD "!
S'C C O5 to' aCOCO5s'
ot-i 5'C
1,500 to 2,500 feet. Higher altitudes
001oo CO NCO4cm cc C m "
may require additional allowance."2-14
enec COZ
CON Sstc otc '0N0
S' CO5 O5 C t++evvo
'S'C O
1- 000000 CO 00 C0 00) 0 1- 00 N'- 1 0) CO N
r0- 00-Cin CO CO COC OCCS 0' C4 N~S' S', qCO ' 5'S' 00cz CO S-' CO These understandably are electrical clear-
I 0 Cc:co
s O N>s cN CO
+ uCO coco
CO CO S' cec cli 06 CD,
S' 0 N CO CDOC o,t t 0 CC 07CO+
o ances with no allowance- for mechanical
I0) N.0...N5'.........O.00)000.-.N.00N....00 variations or similar design requirements.
00 00 C O O COCOS' C'00'0 C C"d 00S'
00C O 'U_S
CO¢OcCONNCONCOlCOS'COCOS'S'NOClCOS'COS'S00SC4Od In their derivation, unnecessary com-
pounding of margins and safety factors
S C CO5 o S 0 CO S SO
has been avoided since such procedure

would be the antithesis of good engineer-

1. 0000k
0000 CO N COCO-40000-4
CO CO 54 N 00-4000000
S 0000 COCOS
ing approach and economic design. It is
N) tOcoo o o cq0 .,I cq cc5 oo 0 CO S o o Ctto
o- 0 zCO
-4 oY oo well to point out that variations and un-
s COce N co
C t CO lec tc
certainties inherent in the respective fac-

Nr cS 00 00000cs0)0k-eXe-r0CO 540k-05': CO 00k- 00

CO CO COON 000 S' 0000000 No cc-40000
-4 N~ CO ON 0000 le~
00 tors offset each other in a measure and
00k-CO k54 ea
C4 00COS'O00S'ONC~~~OCO5't-000)k-Co
cc XMco"CO C0S CO S'o M 000k-
0 00- to
',CO CD -4
S5 )' 6S 00 C C 't therefore are not accumulative or addi-
CO CO S' CO 'C 0COS O COS000CS'' tive. That is, when all the factors (ratio
-4O C OO00
00 0S'N
NCOCO CO 54 CO '- CO S' CO-'04NO
0 000
CO CO S' 5400 S' 5' COCS
of impulse to switching, ratio of with-
0' N
stand to critical spark-over, nonstandard
000 to' k- S' 005'C -41- 0000~ 0)5--C'
k- 000000) CO CO k-O 0
atmospheric conditions, etc.) are com-
bined together in the derivation (see
U k00000)0 5' CO
Table II) their respective inherent varia-
v CO S' S CO S k-C
U S'C k- -0 -C 00000 S k-CC
N tions are not effective at the same time
1-0000' 0c) 0),0 CoN
C'CD 00
CD 00000t
C' MrC'0CO
k 0000cOkt-
U: Cv
o 1~..4
Ce 0,
Ci 1s CX.4
Css Lo M00'O00 -
and do not add simultaneously.
C: 0)
c MS M
C'] M MS M t 4 vCM Co MO M c1t+ +
Where a greater degree of conservatism
t-t CtD CQ
C; Ntt 0'.d4
l C-) Cnc:
I:cnNol M:
-4 u: oo
5' 00000000-40
M t-
0e 00
is imposed on the designer by virtue of cir-
in C CO CO 00 CO C0 S' S' M' S' S 005OS'0 cumstance and other considerations, then
0000 COMCO
00 M' -+
c c,g CO
0D, c0
N 5'
Me S'
co t.
oO o o -4 CD M 0c C'I
e Sc
some compounding of margins and factors
Mc, 5'M:
CO 0000
+a -- ks c
C1O M Mi
u-4 M'
Me Mo Ms ML n
k- 060000-4k-NC
CO 0 N N00+ "00 CO
Okt- k00-4-4t-00-4o
00 S CN O
COOS 0 N S'CO k-tC 000
C0 00 000 CN 0 0-S 400-
. . .. .. .. .. ..
C 40)00 C N -40CO ' 00 400
.... .. .. .. ...
of safety is possibly a proper recourse for
04 justification. In such instance, for exam-
._ N N00C0 0 000 N 00 -4S' M001k SC 000 00- 0 CO 00 N N'
ple, the ratio of withstand strength to
15 0) 0000CO N CO CO CO COS CO 00 CO 00 CO CO CO to
00 S' 005 CO critical spark-over may be increased to
1.15 to narrow down further the proba-
-o bility of breakdown. 15 Likewise, when
it is recognized that a more complete
D knowledge of the switching-surge strength
of air is desired, the ratio of impulse to
switching may be increased to 100/85,
again with a view toward reducing proba-
ble risk thereby, however, further com-
pounding the over-all factor of safety in
The strength of air is affected by the
temperature, the barometric pressure, and
the absolute humidity. Considering the
extent to which the three effects offset
~~~~~~. each other,"3.'4 an allowance of 10 per
cent (1.10 factor) for nonstandard atmos-

pheric conditions is realistic for the ap-


ce > plication under consideration. It may be
added that rain also affects spark-over,
z;X;>W3<X>ov ;umux4)
possibly as much as 10 per cent under
heavy precipitation.''16 The practical
OCTO BER 19-04 Bellaschi-Clearances for Trans. Line Design at Higher Voltages 1195
Table V. Comparison of Proposed Clearances and Present NESC Rules Likewise, hot-line maintenance imposes
a need for clearances at the higher volt-
Proposed Clearances, Table II Present NESC Rules ages which are reasonably low, so men
Swing Swing can handle their equipment efficiently
Voltage Class, Minimum Angle, Minimum Angle, and with safety.
Kv Clearances Degrees Clearances Degrees

230 (242) ... .. 4 feet ...........35 .5 feet 1 inch.4..........54 State and National Safety Codes
288 (302) ..... 5 feet 1 inch .......... 35 .6 feet 4 inches.......... 45
345 (362) ..... 6 feet 2 inches........ 5.. 3 7 feet 7 inches .......... 45
These studies show that the clearances
and swing angle specified in the present
rules of the National Electrical Safety
significance of this condition, like all ground, co-ordination between the insula- Code (NESC) are too high for applica-
others, again must be weighed in terms of tor string and the clearances to tower tion to line design at the higher transmis-
probabilities, i.e., the probability of simul- would extend to swing angles well beyond sion voltages. The rules were developed
taneous occurrence of maximum switch- 20 degrees. The probability of simul- for low and medium voltage transmission.
ing overvoltages, maximum insulator taneous occurrence of a severe lightning- Apparently they do not differentiate for
swing, and heavy rain precipitation. In current discharge (in excess of 50,000 am- the conditions at the higher voltages in
addition to these factors, for very long peres) in a tower footing in combination which large conductors are used and svs-
lines some consideration may need be with high tower-footing resistance and of tems invariably operate with neutral
given also to the Ferranti effect. swing angles much in excess of 20 degrees solidly grounded. A companson is given
Therefore, where a greater measure of is too rare practicallv to require greater in Table V.
conservatism is the set aim, clearances clearances, merelIv to improve further the Safety is an important factor in all high-
as much as 10 per cent higher than those lightning performance of transmission line voltage design and the question of safety
in Table III may find justification. in the higher voltage classes. Therefore naturally should always receive foremost
Higher clearances beyond this level would the practical fact is that, in view of the attention. However, a realistic and
hardly seem warranted. high insulation levels and the inherently practical approach to this problem in the
superior performance to lightning of trans- light of present knowledge and require-
Influence of Lightning on mission-line designs in the higher voltage ments is paramount if cost of transmis-
Clearances to Tower classes, the clearances from conductor to sion is not to be penalized unnecessarily.
tower as determined from switching- There is a pressing need therefore to re-
Overhead ground wires on high-voltage overvoltage considerations also ade- examine present NESC rules to ensure
transmission lines are frequently omitted quately fulfill, or more than fulfill, the their continuing to fulfill safety require-
in regions where the incidence of lightning lightning requirements. ments without hampering or restricting
is low, especially if ice in combination progress in the power-transmission field.
with the overhead ground wire becomes a Other Factors in Design
contributing factor to hazard. This is the
usual practice in the Northwest. In this Grading shields suitably designed to
Economies Attained Applying the
case, the electrical clearances required to secure optimum clearances can effect
Criteria of Design Proposed
tower are determined from switching over- worth-while economies in tower and line
voltage considerations. design. A total reduction of 15 per cent An example will be considered to illus-
Because of the more severe conditions in the spacing of conductors reduces the trate relative economies attained through
of lightning and its effect on line perform- line reactance about 3 per cent and raises a rationalized design, i.e., for proportion-
ance, overhead ground-wire protection the capacitance the same amount. ing clearances to actual requirements.
remains the practice throughout eastern Corona losses and radio influence are af- According to the present NESC rules,
United States and Canada. Likewise, fected but not appreciably so. the minimum clearance to tower required
analysis of this application will show that MIinimum mid-span spacings between for 288 kv is 6 feet 4 inches, corresponding
for the higher transmission voltages there conductors depend on span and tower de- to a 45-degree swing, compared to 5 feet
is no valid justification in proportioning sign, weather conditions, and geographi- 1 inch and a 33-degree swing. For an in-
clearances to tower above the require- cal location. Experience with 230-kv sulator string of 16 units, normally used
ments for switching overvoltages. On the lines in similar locations provides a good for 288 kv, a reduction in the width of
basis of a 35-degree swing angle and criterion for design, and there is no good tower crossarm of about 8 feet for single-
swritching overvoltages 2.5 times line-to- reason whv minimum clearances at mid- tower design can be effected. The net
ground as the criterion of design, the im- span for 288 kv and 345 kv need be much saving in weight of tower varies depend-
pulse strength of the insulator string greater than for 230 kv. ing on the design, but as an estimate may
either for a 16-unit or an 18-unit assembly In setting up design clearances at range from 5 to 10 per cent or possibly
essentially is co-ordinated to the air clear- towers, special attention must be given to more.
ances from conductor to tower up to 20- transposition towers, and also to anchor In addition, there are other benefits,
degree swing angle. These are the num- and angle towers. the reduced impedance of the line, for
ber of elements (53/4 spacing by 10-inch The application of fast circuit breakers instance. Thus, the economies attaina-
diameter) in an insulator string that is definitely a factor conducive to im- ble through rationalization constitute an
would be required normally for transmis- proved operation and to economies in de- important factor in design not only in
sion voltages of 288 kv and 345 kv re- sign. The application of rapidly reclos- themselves but as an essential basis for
spectively. For a line design where clear- ing breakers to remove nonpermanent further development and progress in the
ances are proportioned up to switching faults permits the use of reduced clear- field of power transmission at the higher
overvoltages 2.75 times or more line-to- ances, within the limits indicated. voltages.

1196 Bellaschi-Clearances for Trans. Line Design at Higher Voltages OCTOBER 1 954
Report. AIEE Transactions (Electrical Engi- PERFORMANCE, P. M. Ross. Report No. 2009,
1. POWER SYSTEM OVERVOLTAGES PRODUCED BY neering), vol. 56, June 1937, pp. 712-14. CIGRE, Paris, France, 1946.
mittee Report. AIEE Tr-antsactions, vol. 67, pt. ELECTRIC TESTS. AIEE Standard No. 4, Jan. P. H. McAuley. Electric Journal, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
II, 1948, pp. 912-21.
1953 revision. July 1938.
H. L. Rorden. Midwest Power Conference, Court. Journal, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE ECONOMICS OF
Chicago, Ill., 1952. Pa., July 1953, pp. 39-56. TRANSMISSION LINE DESIGN, William S. Peterson.
ELECTRIC COMPANY, Philip Sporn, E. L. Peterson,
Poyart. Bulletin, Societe Francaise des Elec- OF TRANSMISSION LINE CONDUCTORS, W. W.
I. W. Gross, H. P. St. Clair. AIEE Transactions, triciens, Paris, France, Nov. 1953. Lewis. AIEE Transactions (Electr-ical Engineer-
vol. 70, pt. I, 1951, pp. 64-72. 11. DESIGN FEATURES OF THE BRITISH 275 KV ing), vol. 65, Oct. 1946, pp. 690-94.
4. EXPERIENCE GAINED WITH THE SWEDISH Report No. 229. CIGRE, Paris, France, 1952.
FEATURES OF THE SYSTEM, B. G. Rathsman, G. 12. EFFECT OF ALTITUDE ON IMPULSE AND 60- AIEE Transactions (Electrical Eingineering), vol.
Jancke. AIEE Transactions, vol. 72, pt. III, CYCLE STRENGTH OP ELECTRICAL APPARATUS, 65, Feb. 1948, pp. 70-76.
Dec. 1953, pp. 1089-1100. P. L. Bellaschi, Paul Evans. AIEE Transactions 20. SWITCHING SURGE VOLTAGES IN HIGH-VOLTAGE
5. DIELECTRIC STRENGTH OF STATION AND LINE (Electrical Engineering), vol. 63, May 1944, pp. STATIONS, I. B. Johnson, A. J. Schultz. AIEE
INSULATION TO SWITCHING SURGES, P. L. Bellaschi, 236-41. Transactions, vol. 73, pt. III, Feb. 1954, pp. 69-79.
1946, pp. 1047-54. PRESSURE AND HUMIDITY, P. L. Bellaschi, P. H. TION REFERENCE BOOK (book). Westinghouse
McAuley. AIEE Transactions, vol. 59, Dec. Electric Corporation, E. Pittsburgh, Pa., 4th ed.,
SPARK GAPS IN THE INTERMEDIATE RANGE BE- chap. 15, "Power System Voltages and Currents
FREQUENCY, W. Wanger, H. Huber. Brown ING, Joint EEI-NEMA Committee Report. AIEE 22. WIND EXTREMES AS DESIGN FACTORS,
Boveri Review, Baden, Switzerland, vol. 27, Dec. Transactions (Electrical Engineering), vol. 59, Oct. Arnold Court. Journal, Franklin Institute, Phila-
1940. 1940, pp. 598-602. delphia, Pa., July 1953, p. 49.

Discussion the swing angle of an insulator assembly is pulse insulation is not necessarily the
produced by an effective wind in which the critical insulation path in the structure de-
combined effects of wind velocity and direc- sign. The author's basic assumptions ap-
S. G. Pann (Department of Water and tion on the span length are integrated into a pear valid and his reasoning sound. How-
Powver, Los Angeles, Calif.): Mr. Bellaschi's transverse force at the suspension point of ever, with the limited experience with volt-
interesting paper discusses two basic factors the conductor. ages as high as 345 kv, he has, very properly,
which are important to the design of high- Assuming for simplicity that a wind has applied his method to 230-kv and 288-kv de-
voltage transmission lines: 1. swing angles of constant direction, uniform front, and signs, where there is some 20 to 30 years of
insulator assemblies under wind conditions; variable speed, the question arises: Should experience, to test the sounidness of the
and 2. permissible electrical clearances be- the extreme (fastest mile) or the strongest method. It may be interesting to extend
tween conductor and tower at various con- maximum (5-minute average) wind velocity this test to the 138-kv class of line.
ductor positions, system conditions, and be used for calculating swing angles? The Applying Mr. Bellaschi's method to the
meterological phenomena. Both of these paper indicates that Mr. Bellaschi favors the 138-kv class, the values for this class in
factors assume an even greater economic as- latter value. However, calculations with Table II would be:
pect in transmission lines of 230 kv and large-size conductors indicate that maximum
higher providing that adherence to the pres- swing angle can be attained in a matter of Voltage class: 138 kv (145 kv).
ent provisions of the NESC Code is desired seconds. Switching overvoltages 2.5aX60-cycle crest:
or required. Industry experience and re- The Department of Water and Power re- 300 kv.
cent investigations, both here and abroad. cently undertook to develop a simple and in-
indicate that the maximum swing angle of 45 Full wave impulse voltage equivalent:
expensive type of instrumentation to 330 kv.
degrees and the minimum conductor to measure maximum swing angles of insulator
tower clearances provided for in the N'ESC assemblies. A few of these instruments are Design strength, full wave: 460 kv.
Code are not realistic for transmission lines already in operation at various locations on Permissible clearances, conductor to tower:
at the higher voltages. This is especially the Department's transmission system. In 27 inches.
true, as Mr. Bellaschi points out, if the prob- addition, we are developing a more elaborate
ability factor of simultaneous occurrence of In Table III the 138-kv values would be:
instrumentation technique which will enable
swing angle and overvoltage is taken into us to record continuously the swing angle of Voltage class: 138 kv (145 kv).
consideration. an insulator assembly and the wind velocity Clearances for switching overvoltages:
In attempting to set up permissible clear- component normal to the line. For this 2.5X60-cycle crest: 27 inches
ances between conductor and tower, it is ad- purpose, we have obtained a set of wind 2.75X60-cycle crest: 30 inches
visable to consider not only the insulation instruments which incorporate special fea- 3.0X60-cycle crest: 33 inches
strength of air but that of the insulator tures for continuously resolving wind speeds
string as well. Thus, a proper balance and into X and Y components with respect to Based on the 45 years of experience that
co-ordination between porcelain and air in- the line. This instrumentation will be used Consumers Power Company in Michigan has
sulation strengths will be achieved. on full-scale field installations employing had with 138-kv line design and operation,
There is a definite and painful lack of en- both single and bundle conductors. The the values just given are reasonable. In-
gineering information on swing angles of in- purpose of these tests will be to obtain infor- cluded in the Consumers 138-kv system are
sulator assemblies under wind conditions. mation on swing angles under natural 300 miles of single wood-pole line insulated
Wind tunnel and field tests conducted in winds and actual line conditions. with seven units of either 3-inch by 10-inch
Europe during the last few years with both or 53/,-inch by 10-inch suspension insula-
single and bundle conductors show that tors. The use of seven units is dictated by
further studies and investigations are E. V. Sayles and C. E. Waits (Consumers leakage requirements and six units would
needed on this subject. Power Company, Jackson, Mich.): In this withstand switching surges. The wet flash-
Winds, especially at the higher velocities, fine paper, the author has presented a logical over of six 5-inch by 10-inch units is 235 kv,
are seldom constant in time and space both method of determining electrical design and the equivalent gap distance is 27 inches
horizontally and vertically. Furthermore, clearances for higher voltage transmission The seven 5-inch by 10-inch unit string ac-
they are influenced by climatic and topo- lines. The method is particularly applica- tually used has a wet flashover of 270 kv and
graphic conditions. In transmission lines ble to line designs above 230 kv where im- an equivalent gap distance of 31 inches.

OCTOBER 1954 Bellaschi-Clearances for Trans. Line Design at Higher Voltages 1197
These values agree quite well with those of laschi's fine paper is a much needed contri- design which limits the number of restrikes
the author. bution. to one or less. Systems less favorably
The Transmission and Distribution Com- Implied in his conclusions, of course, is the situated would then apply additional safety
mittee has proposed using the 60-cycle-per- need of a modernization of our code for elec- factors, just as an engineer designing a high-
second wet flashover voltage as the funda- trical clearances. Some inertia must be altitude substation installation might call
mental basis for the insulation of transmis- overcome in order to do so, and much patient for special bushings.
sion lines to withstand power frequency and work and effort will be necessary to resolve However, if corrections are to be applied
switching surges. Applying this method conflicting opinions and to agree on new intelligently to the new code values, it will
but using the author's basic assumptions of values. be necessary to know the assumptions and
5-per-cent allowance for overvoltage, switch- Therefore, we should first ask whether the the philosophy upon which the new basic
ing overvoltages 2.5 times crest, 10-per-cent possible savings justify this effort. If the code clearances are founded. A statement
nonstandard atmospheric conditions, and a NESC formula is applied to the nominal on this should, I believe, be included in any
15-per-cent margin for safety, the following voltages of 230, 288, and 345 kv, values of new code, or at least widely publicized and
clearance will result: 58.7, 74.7, and 87 inches are obtained, which made readily available. Thus the designer
are in remarkably close agreement with the would have a basis from which to start when
138 kv, 31 inches right-hand column of Table III, the clear- nonstandard conditions cOnfront him.
230 kv, 51 inches ances derived by Mr. Bellaschi for a three Mr. Bellaschi presents such a derivation
288 kv, 64 inches times normal switching surge. Hence, on and philosophy, which I believe could be
345 kv, 78 inches this basis little could be gained by code expanded a little. For instance, nonstand-
These values are slightly higher than those revision. ard atmosphere covers temperature, humid-
given by Mr. Bellaschi's method. If, on the other hand, it is possible to de- ity, and barometric pressure, which in turn
He has also made a strong case for revising sign basically for a two and one-half times are related to altitude. What range of
the requirements of the NESC Fifth Edition normal switching surge, (and with many variation is expected in each of these, and
pertaining to clearances from conductors to modern systems this should be reasonable) why was the particular figure of 10 per cent
supports (Rule 235 A 3). He particularly then fairly worth-while savings in clearance selected? How should an allowance be
challenges the requirement that clearances can be realized. (It should be emphasized made for Ferranti effect? It might be
be maintained with an insulator swing 45 that even with design on this basis and if profitable to explore a little more thoroughly
degrees on steel structures. He proposed a larger switching surges should occur, it is the probability and the extent of the pyra-
swing value of 35 degrees as more realistic. likely that many and perhaps most of these miding of adverse factors. Further dis-
At voltages above 230 kv the angle of in- will fail to cause flashovers, as the sum of cussion of this, which represents the key to
the other adverse factors will, during most the whole problem, would be helpful.
sulator swing can profoundly affect line cost, of the time, usually be less than that upon Finally, how serious are the consequences
and with the large conductors used on higher which the design is based.) to a system of a rare flashover, at the time
voltage lines a 45-degree angle is certainly Calculations made by the Bonneville when it is most likely to occur, namely, when
not realistic and a 35-degree angle may be Power Administration check quite closely charging current on a line is being inter-
unnecessarily severe. with Mr. Bellaschi's estimate that savings rupted, and at a point where it can be made
On a tangent structure with no line deflec- from the lowered clearances which he pro- most likely to occur, namely, a gap at the
tion angle, an insulator string is acted upon poses would be of the order of 5 to 10 per line terminal?
by three significant moments. The first cent of the cost and weight of the transmis-
moment due to wind on the conductor tends sion towers. In terms of total line cost ex-
to swing the string toward the tower. The clusive of right of way and clearing, this 0. D. Evans (Oklahoma Gas and Electric
second and third moments due to the weight would probably be of the order of 3 to 6 per Company, Oklahoma City, Okla).: This
of conductor and the weight of insulator cent. paper cites further proof of the need for re-
string tend to restrain the string from swing- If this percentage is disappointing, it must examining the NESC, particularly in re-
ing toward the tower. If a very common be remembered that a decreased electrical gard to clearances for the higher voltage
condition of equal wind and weight spans is clearance requirement permits shorter arms, transmission lines. Already under con-
assumed and the weight of the insulator but has no important effect on the height of sideration is the seemingly excessive clear-
strinig neglected, insulator swing angles for single-circuit structures, or the horizontal ance to ground required by the Code for the
1.6-inch expanded steel-reinforced aluminum stresses. Hence the lower part of the tower, higher voltage transmission lines. At the
cable will be 16 degrees for a 4-pound wind where most of the weight is, is loaded about time of the present revision of the Code,
on bare conductor, 30 degrees for an 8- the same as before. probably little attention was given these
pound wind on bare conductor, and 15 de- Nevertheless, even 3 to 6 per cent on, say, higher voltage lines since they constituted
grees for a 4-pound wind on conductor with a 5,000,000-dollar transmission line, would an insignificant part of the transmission grid
1/2-inch radial ice. For a large conven- represent a $150,000 to $300,000 saving, of this country. The rapid increase in de-
tional steel-reinforced aluminum-cable con- which cannot be dismissed as of no account. mand for electrical power in the last 12
ductor such as 1,590,000 circular mils (diam- Next, if it worth while to change the code, years has resulted in the construction of
eter 1.545 inches), the angles are all some- what form should the new code take? In several of these lines, and the future trend is
what smaller and the same is true of large deriving minimum clearances should alti- certainly in that direction for all companies.
copper conductors such as 750,000 circular tude factors suitable for an 8,000-foot high Also such things as the upper level of switch-
mils, type Hedernheim (diameter 1.622 Rocky Mountain pass be used, and imposed ing overvoltages and the strength of air to
inches). on a system operating in Indiana? Should switching and impulse surges have become
Considering the magnitude of these switching surges be estimated on the basis better understood since the last revision of
angles, it does not seem possible to assign an of the most badly restriking breaker in serv- the Code. The paper seems to cover all the
arbitrary angle of 45 degrees or even 35 ice in the country, and the result imposed factors that should be considered in the elec-
degrees without unduly penalizing the de- on a system using improved modern switch- trical clearance requirements between in-
sign. A specified wind pressure such as 4 gear? It seems to me that the answer is a sulator assemblies and towers.
pounds per square foot on the bare conduc- definite no. Mr. Bellaschi, in effect, says The economies to be attained in the higher
tor is certainly more realistic. For 25 years the same thing. voltage lines, as pointed out in the paper,
Consumers in Michigan has used a 4-pound I believe we need a code which can be certainly justify the use of as small clearances
wind on the bare conductor as a design fac- directly applied to the large majority of as conditions permit. On shielded lines,
tor in determining clearances to provide the well-designed modern systems with modern the saving may be more pronounced, since a
desired impulse insulation value. The ex- equipment, and with no unusual adverse shorter arm for the conductor will require a
perience has been good and it would seem conditions as, for instance, extreme altitude. shorter arm for the shield wire to maintain a
that this method would be suitable at the It would be necessary for our proposed new particular shield angle.
higher voltages where switching surges code to define the systems closely which The NESC rule 235 A 3(b) now specifies
rather than lightning determine clearances. would fall into this preferred risk category. a 30-degree swing angle for determining
We might say that our basic rules would clearances from line conductors to supports
apply under 3,000 feet, just as we say a stand- of wood pole lines although a 45-degree
Richard F. Stevens (Bonneville Power ard bushing is good under 3,000 feet. We swing angle is specified for steel tower lines.
Administration, Portland, Oreg.): Mr. Bel- might perhaps require that breakers be of a The logic behind this difference in specifica-

1198 Bellaschi-Clearances for Trans. Line Design at Higher Voltages OCTOBER 1 954
(A) (B)
Fig. 2. 220-ky tangent tower. Comparison between standard and cross-catenary suspension towers
A Standard rotated tower. Spdn 1,100 feet 0 inch; sag 33 feet 0 inch at 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Total width including 35-degree conductor
and insulator swing is 99 feet 0 inch
B-Cross-catenary tower. Span 1,100 feet 0 inch or 1,200 feet 0 inch; sag 33 feet 0 inch or 40 feet 6 inches, both at 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Total width, including 35-degree conductor swing, is 84 feet for 1,100-foot span and 88 feet for 1,200-foot span

tion is not apparent. It seems to me that his frank and clear paper on the subject. pany with which I am associated has de-
if the 30-degree swing angle is satisfactory All discussions on single-circuit high-volt- signed two 345-kv lines, one of which is in
for wood pole lines, then certainly the 35- age line supports deal with standard types. operation' at 230 kv. The other is under
degree angle should be satisfactory for steel It may be an opportune time for study of construction. My discussion will compare
tower lines. nonstandard proposals, such as the design our design data with the author's proposals.
A re-examination of the present NESC is known as cross catenary, as shown in Fig. The author derives permissible clearances
an expensive and time-consuming process, 2. This radical change in construction, from conductor to tower in Table II by ap-
requiring much committee work. Never- fundamentally, permits less phase spacing plying a series of multiplying factors to the
theless, it seems justified because of the re- because of reduction or elimination of in- nominal system voltage. We consider that
sulting economies as more and more higher sulators in suspension. With all of the this process determines the minimum num-
voltage transmission lines are constructed. insulators in the cross span, no swing is ber of insulators required, rather than the
As far as safety is concerned, the higher volt- possible at the point of conductor support electrical clearance. To obtain the full
age lines would be less hazardous with the re- and hence the phase spacing may be re- value of the insulators, the clearance flash-
duced clearances shown in the paper than duced by the amount of the horizontal over should exceed the string flashover.
with present NESC clearances, since less swing plus the width of the support itself. Accordingly, we feel that the clearances
rigging would be required for hot-line main- There appears to be a very real reduction given in Table II are too small.
tenance. With shielded lines, armor rods, in right of way required by as much as one- A comparison of the factors used by us
and fast reclosing breakers, the danger that third of that normally necessary. Because with those used by the author to obtain the
a transmission line will burn down is remote two-thirds of most line material is in the required insulation strength to withstand
even though a flashover to a tower should tangent supports, and because of the large switching surges is given in Table VI. We
occur, and it is almost inconceivable that and heavy conductors nothing worth while differ in several respects. With regard to
hot-line maintenance will be undertaken can be altered in the dead-end or anchor item 1, we think it possible that the maxi-
in winds required to produce even a 35-de- supports, the decreased weight of the inter- mum operating voltage of our nominal 345-
gree insulator swing. mediate supports may be a worth-while kv system may reach 380 kv, rather than
subject for analysis, taking into account new 362 kv, as suggested by the author. For
types of design, such as the cross catenary the system we envision, we think a switching
A. S. Runciman (The Shawinigan Water & just mentioned. surge magnitude of 3.0 rather than 2.5 is
Power Company, Montreal, Quebec, proper. We have used a factor of 1.15 in-
Canada): A discussion on phase wire stead of the newer factor of 1.11 for the
clearances to ground has been long overdue F. 0. Wollaston (B. C. Electric Company ratio "critical impulse to switching surge."
and Mr. Bellaschi is to be commended for Ltd., Vancouver, B. C., Canada): The com- We have used the more conservative figure

OCTOBER 1954 Bellaschi-Clearances for Trans. Line Design at Higher V7oltages 1199
Table VI. Comparison of Procedures 21-unit strings. Two extra units were The experience at 138 kv reported by Mr.
added to ensure successful operation with Sayles and Mr. Waits provides valuable
B.C. one or two defective insulators in the string. data on clearances for the lower range of
Electric I find no discussion in the paper of 60- transmission voltages and also a useful refer-
Bellaschi Company cycle strength requirements, although this is ence for correlation with the higher voltages.
item 1 of the author's list of conditions which With 60-cycle flashover (wet) as the basis
1. Maximum operating determine the insulation and clearance re- for derivation, somewhat higher clearances
voltage (times quirements of high-voltage lines. In our are naturally expected. The discussion
nominal) ............. 1.05 1.10 designs, the 60-cvcle conditions were found to clearly gives support to correspondingly re-
2. Crest factor ............ 1.414 ... 1 414 require less string length than switching duced swing angles where light loading
3. Switching surge conditions prevail, as borne out by experi-
(time 60-cycle crest) .2.2.5 *.o surges. Using the longer string required
4. Ratio critical impulse by switching surges, the clearance to steel ence, compared to a 30- or 35-degree angle
to switching surge ..... 1.11 1 1e for wet 60-cycle flashover is found to be less for heavy-loading design (8-pound wind per
5. Ratio impulse with- than is required for switching surges (Table square foot, 1/2-inch ice, 0 degrees Fahren-
stand to impulse
flashover ............. 1.10 . . . 1 l.) VII, items 13, 14, 16, and 17). heit).
6. Nonstandard atmos- To obtain the full insulation value of the The justification for revision of the Code
phere ................ 1.10 ... 1.10 insulator string, the clearance to steel should and the basic approach in the proposed re-
7. Contaminated atmos- have about 10 per cent higher flashover vision are so well presented by Mr. Stevens
phere .................... ... 1.10
8. Factor of safety. ... 1 1.15 1.1
. strength (Table II, Items 14 and 17). On that little need be added. In regard to the
- our first line we provided the full 120-inch factor for nonstandard atmospheric condi-
Over-all factor. .. 5.75 ..8.e~ clearance derived in Table II (item 14) at tions (temperature, barometric pressure,
9. Design strength (full
wave positive 11/2X maximum insulator swing. This was re- and absolute humidity) the figure of 10 per
40 microseconds) ...... 1,150 kv . . 1,700 kv considered for our second line. On that cent is based on experience in testing out-
line the clearance is 8 feet at maximum in- doors and indoors over two decades, and on
sulator swing. As will be seen from Table an analysis of the conditions in the United
Table VIl. Comparison of Pro cedures II, item 17, this will withstand the 60-cycle States (see, for example, references 12, 13,
voltage that would flash the string. 14, 15, and 16). The author concurs with
B.C. The maximum angle of swing is calculated Mr. Stevens that in the proposed revision
Electric for an actual wind velocity of 40 mph and is of the Code, the basis for the respective fac-
Bellaschi Company 26 degrees. If the maximum switching tors and their derivation must be clearly
surge voltage should occur when the conduc- stated and spelled out in full.
9. Design strength (as tors are at maximum swing, the line would As set forth by Mr. Evans, the economies
per Table VI), kv.... 1,150 1,700 flash to the tower. We consider it highly that accrue from reduced clearances anid a
10. Minimum number of unlikely that this will occur, for reasons reduced swing angle are even greater for the
standard 53/4 by similar to those given by the author. For a shielded lines. The need of re-examining
10-inch units to
equal item 9 ......... 12.6 ... 19 4 wind velocity of 31 mph (actual) the clear- the Code is again amply apparent from his
11. Item 10 rounded off.... 13 19 ance to steel will be 110 inches. From discussion.
12. Impulse critical Table II, item 13, this is approximately the The author is not in a position at this time
flashover for string to assess critically the advantages and limi-
length of item 11. 1, 183 l 663 equal of the impulse flashover of the string.
13. Rod gap to equal We expect this clearance to be satisfactory tations of the cross-catenary tower design
item 12, inches ....... 76 ... 19 in operation. proposed in the interesting discussion by Mr.
14. Rod gap to exceed Runciman. Certainly, should this design
item 12 by 10 per
cent, inches .......... 84 120 REFERENCE prove feasible and economical it would elim-
15. Wet 60-cycle flash-
inate a number of vexing problems.
over for string The larger clearances adapted by Mr.
length of item 11, MENT, AIEE Committee Report, AIEE Trans-
kv...........2....... 525 .. 740 actions, vol. 72, pt. III, Dec. 1953, pp. 1077-88. Wollaston are no doubt dictated by the par-
16. Rod gap to equal ticular conditions encountered in the initial
item 15, inches ....... 62 88 stage of system development for the first
17. Rod gap to exceed 345-kv line. In the design of the second
item 15 by 10 per P. L. Bellaschi: The discussions, both oral
cent. inches .......... 68 ... 97 and written, are gratifying. Almost unan- line substantial reductions in the clearances
imously they center attention on the need (from 120 to 96 inches) were effected.
of re-examining the NESC, in particular, The clearances and the number of insula-
of 1.15 for the ratio "impulse withstand to the requirements for electrical clearances tors recommended in the paper apply to a
impulse flashover." We have allowed a in transmission line design. It is reassur- modern interconnected system, for the con-
factor of 1.10 for contaminated atmos- ing that the majority are in accord with the ditions usually encountered and discussed
phere; the author does not make any allow- basic approach and the principal conclu- in the paper. The insulator units recom-
ance. Our over-all factor comes out about sions of the paper. mended (16 for 288 kv and 18 for 345 kv)
50 per cent higher than the author's because In regard to the pressing need for en- are based on, and take into full considera-
of these differences. However, our design gineering data on swing angles of insulator tion, 60-cycle voltages, switching overvolt-
strength of 1,700 kv is not converted di- assemblies under wind conditions, I concur ages, and lightning. To illustrate, the num-
rectly to air gap clearance to steel as is done with Mr. Pann. The investigation pro- ber of insulators required for 60-cycle opera-
in the paper. Our procedure is illustrated posed by the Los Angeles Department of tion allow for system dynamic overvoltages,
in Table VII and, for comparison, the data Water and Power is indeed a step in the contaminated atmosphere, damaged or de-
from the paper are similarly treated. right direction. Although field data are fective insulators, and hot-line maintenance,
Item 11 indicates that a 13-unit string is still limited, the findings from recent in- a more liberal factor of safety because of the
apparently enough to satisfy the author's vestigations abroad (see reference 10 of the uncertainties of creepage surfaces, in addi-
criteria for switching surge strength of a 345- paper) substantiate the use of reduced swing tion to the factors already listed in the paper
kv line. Possibly this is an unwarranted angles as a criterion of design. Whether for the air-jump clearances. The clear-
conclusion, since he says in the section extreme velocity (fastest mile) or strongest ances and the number of insulators recom-
"Influence of Lightning on Clearance to maximum (5-minute average) shall be the mended provide a well-balanced, co-ordi-
Tower" that an 18-unit string would nor- accepted basis of design, is also a question nated design.
mally be required for a 345-kv line. How- that can be resolved through further studies Utilities in increasing number are adopt-
ever, the paper does not give any reasons in the laboratory and in the field and is one ing 230-ky and the higher voltages to meet
why an 18-unit string should be selected. which calls for a realistic evaluation of the system-growth requirements more economi-
In our designs, a minimum length of string probability of simultaneous occurrence of cally. At this juncture, the measures and
equal to 19 standard 53/4-by-10 inch units maximum switching overvoltages in relation proposals conducive to more rational eco-
was derived. The actual installations have to these contingencies. nomical line design are certainly timely.

1200 Bellaschi-Clearances for Trans. Line Design at Higher Voltages OCTOBER 1 954

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