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=f açWýçÌ[ýSTöf 40 [ý»K÷ãÌ[ýÌ[ý YÌ[ý YQÍöçã`çXçÌ[ý LXî »Jô`]çÌ[ý ×V`çÌ[ý _ç×aEõ %çã]×Ì[ýEõç, Lç]ïç×X, +=ãÌ[ýçãYÌ[ý =~Tö
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Disha Lasik
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) n Is the LASIK procedure painful? DISHA LASIK: Advantages
Local anesthetic drops are applied. No pain is
n Am I a candidate for LASIK?
felt. • Eye-tracker using Radar technology makes LASIK
· You must be 18 years of age or older with
Safe Lasik to improve stable glass power for the last one year n How long does it take? at Disha a safe, predictable and efficient procedure.

Quality of Vision
· A healthy cornea 15 minutes altogether
· If you have: • Only facility in the country to offer Oculyzer guided
n Will I need Glasses for reading?
Myopia upto -10 D posterior corneal topography for best result.
In most cases people over 40 need glasses for
Laser in Situ Keratomileusis, popularly known as Hypermetropia upto +6 D Oculyzer can detect even problems like Posterior
near vision.
LASIK is an established and proven procedure for Astigmatism upto ±6D
n Can I go blind from the Laser? Keratoconus (as rare as one in a million eyes)
vision correction in USA and European countries n Will I be awake during the procedure?
The answer is “No” which is never permitted for LASIK.
since 1990. Yes. You will be awake and alert during LASIK
procedure. It’s a 60 seconds bloodless No one has ever been blinded by the Laser
Lasik reduces dependency and in most cases No energy from the laser penetrates below the • ReLASIK may be done in case of residual power
eliminates the need to use spectacles and contact surface of the eye. problem, at no extra cost, of course within a limited
lenses for proper vision. n What are the risks or side effects? period.
The chances of serious complications with laser
Lasik as a procedure had certain risk factors. But • Disha uses Allegretto Wavelight , manufactured
eye surgery is very low less than 1 percent.
Allegretto Wavelight with Eye-tracker backed by
Myopics in general have a 2% possibility of retinal by Allegretto of Germany, a company totally
Oculyzer with radar technology virtually makes the detachment. LASIK neither enhances nor reduces dedicated to LASIK only. Therefore Disha receives
procedure risk free. This is one of its kind installation the risk.
not only in West Bengal or Eastern India but at par all upgrades on continuous basis.
n Will it eliminate the age related problems like
with the very best with the leading Indian, US or
cataract, Glaucoma etc. • Lasik at Disha permits correction for one eye also.
European facilities. This unique German technology No
is FDA approved and is fast becoming the most • Other than a few specific hazardous activities,
n Should both eyes be corrected at one time?
preferred technology in the USA and Europe. The normal life can be resumed from the next day after
It is obvious and more convenient to correct both
same technology is in use at premier Indian undergoing the procedure.
eyes at a time.
institutions like Shankar Nethralaya.
n How do I know if LASIK is right for me? YOU ARE WELCOME TO ASK QUESTIONS
However, please remember not every body can We at DISHA will be pleased to provide more
undergo this treatment. Our specialists will be happy details or answer any other questions you may
in helping you to arrive at an informed decision. have.

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