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Phasor definition

A rotating vector that represents a sinusoidally varying quantity. Its length represents
the amplitude of the quantity and it is imagined to rotate with angular velocity matched to the
angular frequency of the quantity so that the instantaneous value of the quantity is represented by
its projection upon a fixed axis. The concept is convenient for representing the phase angle between
two quantities; it is shown on the diagram as the angle between the two phasors.

Identidad de Euler exp(jφ) = cos(φ) + j sen(φ)

cos(φ) = Re[exp(jφ)] sen(φ) = Im[exp(jφ)]

v(t) = Vm cos(ωt + φ) = Re[Vm exp(j(ωt+φ)]

v(t) = Re[Vm exp(jφ) exp(jωt) ]

v(t) = Re[V exp(jωt) ] ; V = Vm exp(jφ) = Vm ang(φ) ; V = Fasor Voltaje

Dominio del tiempo Fasor correspondiente

v ( t ) = V m c o s ( ω t+ θ ) è V m ∠ θ °
ω t+ θ ) è V m ∠ (θ
v ( t ) = V m s i n (ω θ − 9 0 )°
Ventajas de utilizar fasores para la solución de circuitos operando en estado
estable senoidal

La relación voltaje - corriente en elementos inductivos y capacitivos está dada

por una ecuación diferencial

En el dominio complejo, la diferenciación con respecto al tiempo

es remplazada por la multiplicación por el factor jw .
dv/dt => jωV.

La integración con respecto al tiempo es remplazada por la división

por el factor jw .

Integral (v dt) => V/jω

Debido a esto, las ecuaciones diferenciales se conviertenen ecuaciones algebraícas,

simplificando considerablemente el proceso de solución
Relación voltaje-corriente en elementos pasivos

Element Time domain frequency domain Impedance Admitance

R 1
v( t ) = R i ( t ) V = RI Z=R Y=

di ( t ) 1
v (t ) = L V = jω L I Z = jω L Y=
L dt jω L

1 1 1
v (t ) =
∫ i (t ) dt V=
jω C
I Z=
jω C
Y = jω C

Z1 Z2

Zeq Zeq
Z1 Z2 L ZN

Z eq = Z1 + Z 2 +L Z N Z eq = 1 1 1 Yeq = Y1 + Y2 +LYN
. + +L
Z1 Z2 ZN
Ejemplo de operaciones con fasores

Problema 9.16

Utilizando fasores, calcular

a) 3 cos(20t + 10) – 5 cos(20t-30)

b) 40 sen(50t) + 30 cos(50t-45)
c) 20 sen 400t + 10 cos(400t+60) – 5 sen(400t-20)

(a) 3∠ 10° − 5∠ -30° = 2.954 + j0.5209 – 4.33 + j2.5

= -1.376 + j3.021
= 3.32∠∠ 114.49°°
Therefore, 3 cos(20t + 10° ) – 5 cos(20t – 30° ) = 3.32 cos(20t + 114.49°)

(b) 4∠ -90° + 3∠-45° = -j40 + 21.21 – j21.21

= 21.21 – j61.21
= 64.78∠ -70.89°
Therefore, 40 sin(50t) + 30 cos(50t – 45° ) = 64.78 cos(50t – 70.89°)

(c) Using sinα = cos( α − 90 °),

∠ -90°° + 10∠
20∠ ∠ 60°° − 5∠
∠-110°° = -j20 + 5 + j8.66 + 1.7101 + j4.699
= 6.7101 – j6.641
= 9.44∠-44.7 °
Therefore, 20 sin(400t) + 10 cos(400t + 60° ) – 5 sin(400t – 20° )
= 9.44 cos(400t – 44.7°)
Ejemplo cálculo de Impedancia equivalente
Problem 9.51
(a) 20 mH 
→ jωL = j (103 )( 20 × 10 -3 ) = j20
1 1
12.5 µF 
→ = = - j80
j ωC j (10 )(12.5 × 10 - 6 )

Z in = 60 + j20 || ( 60 − j80)
( j20)( 60 − j80)
Z in = 60 +
60 − j60
Zin = 63.33 + j23.33 = 67.494∠ 20.22°

Yin = = ∠ °
Zin 0.0148 -20.22 S

(b) 10 mH 
→ j ωL = j (10 3 )(10 × 10 -3 ) = j10
1 1
20 µF 
→ = = - j50
j ωC j (10 )( 20 × 10 - 6 )

30 || 60 = 20

Z in = - j50 + 20 || ( 40 + j10)
(20)( 40 + j10)
Z in = - j50 +
60 + j10
Z in = 13.5 − j48.92 = 50.75∠ - 74.56°
Yin = =
Zin 0.0197∠ 74.56° S = 5.24 + j18.99 mS
Ejemplo cálculo de Impedancia equivalente

Problem 9.48 
2 mH→ j ωL = j (10 × 10 3 )( 2 × 10 -3 ) = j20
1 1
1 µF 
→ = = - j100
j ωC j (10 ×10 3 )(1× 10-6 )

50 Ω j20 Ω

+ −
+ V
1∠ 0° A Vin −

-j100 Ω
V = (1∠0°)( 50) = 50

Vin = (1∠0°)(50 + j20 − j100 ) + ( 2)(50)

Vin = 50 − j80 + 100 = 150 − j80

Z in = = 150 – j80 Ω
Ejemplo división de voltajes

Problem 9.35 ω = 200

1 1
50 µF 
→ = = - j100
jωC j (200)(50 × 10 -6 )
0.1 H 
→ jωL = j (200 )( 0.1) = j20
(50)(-j100 ) - j100
50 || -j100 = = = 40 − j20
50 − j100 1 - j2

j20 j20
Vo = ( 60 ∠0°) = ( 60 ∠0°) = 17 .14 ∠90°
j20 + 30 + 40 − j20 70
Thus, v o ( t ) = 17.14 sin(200t + 90° ) V
or v o ( t ) = 17.14 cos(200t) V
Ejemplo división de corrientes

Problem 9.41

1 1
0.1 F 
→ = = - j5
jωC j ( 2)( 0. 1)
0.5 H 
→ jωL = j ( 2)(0.5) = j

Ω resistor is
The current I through the 2-Ω
1 I
I= Is = s , where I = 10∠0°
1 − j5 + j + 2 3 − j4
I s = (10)( 3 − j4) = 50∠ - 53.13°

i s (t ) = 50 cos(2t – 53.13°) A

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