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Nama : Septian Nugroho

Nim : 1102409026

The role of Educational Technology in Education

One of the education policy in addition to equitable educational opportunities is to improve the
quality and relevance in order to improve the competitiveness of educational output (graduates).
Problem of low quality of education is still perceived as serious problems ranging from
elementary education to higher education.

To overcome this problem, the need to consider the factors that influence it. Among students
with learning problems, which generally is difficult to learn an abstract concept, difficult to
imagine the events that have past, difficult to observe objects that are too small or too large, it is
difficult to obtain direct experience, it is difficult to understand the lessons diceramahkan, it is
difficult to understand a complex concept, limited time to study. In addition, the passivity and
lack of student interest is also a factor of low quality of education .

Based on the foregoing, it appears that improving the quality of education needs to be directed at
the expansion of learning innovation both in Education fromal and non-formal education in order
to realize a process that is efficient, fun and educate the appropriate age level, maturity, and level
of development of learners. Also need to provide lunch mastery of ICT (information and
communication technologies) on the teachers to enable them to carry out the learning that uses
multimedia well, because media education is a real aspect of education toknologi generally have
the following functions:

1. Clarify the presentation of the message so as not too be verbalistis (in the form of written
words or mere verbal)
2. Overcoming the limitations of space, time and power senses.
3. Overcome the passive attitude of the learner, because media education can generate
enthusiasm to learn, allowing more direct interaction between the learner with the
environment and reality, enabling learners to learn on their own according to ability and
4. Provide the same stimulus
5. Liken the experience
6. Cause the same perception.
By using the approach of educational technology, it appears that efforts to improve the
quality of education can be realized, because the essence of technology education is a
strategy used to analyze, design, implement, assess and manage enterprise learning solutions
faced by each individual, using a variety of recources (human , procedures, ideas, tools and


1. What is the title of the article???

The title in the my articlen is the role of educational technology in education in Indonesia

2.What is it about ???

My article is about This article tells about the role of educational technology and the factors
that affect the quality of education, especially in Indonesia

3. Who is Autor article???

author of an article that I quoted was about the role of educational technology in education in
Indonesia is Deri Suyatma

4. What do you learn from the article???

- I can find educational policy in addition to equitable educational opportunities is to improve

the quality and relevance in order to improve the competitiveness of education output

- I can know the factors - factors that affect the low quality of education, especially in

- I can understand the function - function of education technology that is

1. Clarify the presentation of the message so as not too be verbalistis (in the form of written
words or mere verbal)
2. Overcoming the limitations of space, time and power senses.
3. Overcome the passive attitude of the learner, because media education can generate
enthusiasm to learn, allowing more direct interaction between the learner with the
environment and reality, enabling learners to learn on their own according to ability and
4. Provide the same stimulus
5. Liken the experience
6. Cause the same perception.

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