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hUuf ef8f;Demf}tf kq g+= =========================

LAND RENT AGREEMENT No. .............................

hUufef8f ;Demf}tf– f–kq Land Rent Agreement

lnlvtd =================================================sf] gflt÷gfltgL Mr./Mrs./Ms.......................................................................,
=========================================================5f]/f÷5f]/L÷>LdtL Son/Daughter/Wife of Mr..................................., Grandson/
===================lhNnf =====================d=g=kf=÷pk–d=g=kf=÷ Granddaughter of Mr. ………......……….......... with

g=kf=÷uf=lj=;= j8f g+= ========= a:g] jif{ =========sf] permanent residential address at ……… District,

======================================================================== -h;nfO{ ................................. Metropolitan City/ Sub-Metropolitan

City/ Municipality/VDC Ward No. …………………….. (herein
o;kl5 of] ;Demf}tfkqdf k|yd kIf elg ;Daf]wg ul/Psf] 5_
after referred as the “FIRST PARTY”)
s[i0f 6fj{;, gofF jfg]Zj/, sf7\df8f}+ –!) df /lhi6{8 sfof{no
M/s Ncell Pvt. Ltd. having its registered office at Krishna
ePsf] Pg ;]n k|f=ln=sf] tkm{af6 o; sDkgLsf
Towers, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu Metropolitan City,
Kathmandu District Ward no. 10 being represented by
-h;nfO{ o;kl5 of] ;Demf}tfkqdf bf]>f] kIf elg ;Daf]wg ……………………………………………………………………..
ul/Psf] 5_ sf lardf o; ;Demf}tfkqdf pNn]lvt p2]Zo (herein after referred as the “SECOND PARTY”), hereby
k|flKtsf] lgldQ pNn]lvt zt{ aGb]hx?sf clwgdf /xL s/f/ agreed to and entered into this agreement at the office
P]g, @)%^ adf]lhd bf]>f] kIfsf] sfof{nodf a;L ;xL5fk u/L premises of second party and both the parties received duly
Ps Ps k|lt a'lemlnO{ of] ;Demf}tf ;DkGg ul/Psf] 5 . signed and exchanged copies of the document to meet the
ox? following objectives in line with the below mentioned terms
o; ;Demf}tfkqdf k|yd kIfsf] gfddf dfnkf]t sfof{no, and conditions in accordance with the Contract Act, 2056.
===================== df btf{ sfod /x]sf] Psnf}6L÷;+o'Qm Objectives:
:jfldTj÷ef]uflwsf/df /x]sf] ================ ==lhNnf ================ The land owned by the First Party having exclusive/joint
d=g=kf=÷pk–d=g=kf=÷g=kf=÷uf=lj=;= j8f g+= ======= possession registered at Land Revenue Office, .................,.

lsQf g+= =============== sf] s'n If]=km=================== dWo] Plot no. .................. and out of total area .........................,

If]=km=========================== hUufdf bf]>f] kIfn] GSM Cellular the area of ........................ located at ………………District,
...........................Metropolitan City/ Sub-Metropolitan City/
Mobile tyf eljiodf k|of]u ul/g] cGo s'g} k|ljlwsf] b"/ ;+rf/
Municipality/ VDC Ward No. ……. will be used for GSM
;]jf ;+rfng ug{ cfjZos kg]{ 6fj/, PG6]gf, / ;f] ;Fu
Cellular Mobile and other telecommunication technology
;DalGwt cGo ljB'lto pks/0fx? h:t}M Aof6«L, Pc/
operate in future by Second Party., required materials like
slG8;g/, dfO{qmf]j]e 6«fG;ld6/, BTS Equipment, Tools,
tower, antenna and related electronic devices/equipments,
Rectifier cflb ;d]tsf] ;fdfgx? /fVgsf nflu slDtdf
batteries, Air Conditioner, Microwave transmitter, BTS
!)X!) ju{ km'6sf] sf]7f, h]g]/]6/ /fVg] :yfg tyf equipments, Tools, Rectifier etc. will be stored and can be
===========ld6/ prfO{ ePsf] 6fj/ /fVg 7fpF cfjZos k/]sf]n] used for other purposes by the Second Party by
3/, sf]7f h:tf ef}lts k'jf{wf/ tof/ kf/L cfkm\gf] ;]jf constructing room, house Physical structure as per the
;+rfng ug{ cfjZos ePsf]n] slDtdf !) -bz_ jif{sf] requirement. The requirement of the Second Party, area of
cjlwsf] nflu ldlt @)^&. . b]lv k|yd kIfsf] hUuf 10X10sq.ft. room, space for install DG and land to fix tower,
cfjZos k/]sf] x'gfn] ef8fdf lng bf]>f] kIfn] k|:tfj u/]sf]df antenna of ................ meter height the Second Party
k|yd kIfn] ef8fdf lbg dGh'/ ul/ lgDg zt{ aGb]hx?sf] request to the First Party for rent. Both parties on mutual
clwgdf /xL of] ;Demf}tfkq tof/ ul/Psf] 5. consent accept the following provision effective from date of
/ / 2011 for a period of 10 (Ten) years.

zt{ aGb]hx? Terms and conditions:
!= If]qkmn / cjlw M 1. Area and period:
s= k|yd kIfs]f ef]uflwsf/df /x]sf] dfly pNn]lvt hUuf a. The Second Party agrees to rent land mentioned
bf]>f] kIfn] ef8fdf lng dGh'/ ub{5 . above owned by the First Party.
v= of] ;Demf}tfkqsf] cjlw hUuf k|of]u ug{ ;Demf}tf nfu' b. The duration of this agreement shall be valid for 10
ePsf] ldltn] sDtLdf !) -bz_ jif{sf] nflu x'g]5 . (Ten) years from the contract effective date. This
ldtL @)^&. . ut]af6 ;Demf}tf nfu' x'g]5 t/ Agreement will come into force from / /2011 but
lgdf{0f sfo{ ;f]eGbf cufj} ug{ afwf kg]{ 5}g . does not obstruct the construction work earlier.
@= axfn /sd / w/f}6L M 2. Rent amount and deposit:
s= bf]>f] kIfn] k|yd kIfsf] pNn]lvt hUuf k|of]u u/] a. The Second Party shall pay amount of
jfkt k|lt dlxgf ?= ======================÷– cIf]?kL NRs ............../- In words ...........................................
========================================================= ?k}ofF dfq only to the First Party per month for using above
k|yd kIfnfO{ e'QmfgL ug]{5 . mentioned rented land.
v= bf]>f] kIfn] k|To]s =========dlxgfsf] clu|d hUufef8fsf] b. The Second Party shall pay rental amount of every
/sd hUufef8f s/ s§f u/L k|yd kIfnfO{ e'QmfgL ..............months in advance after deducting land
ug]{5 . t/ hUufsf] dfnkf]t, ;DklQ s/ tyf cGo s/ rent tax to the First Party. But the First Party shall
cflb ltg'{kg]{ ePdf ;f] sf] lhDd]jf/L k|yd kIf s} be responsible to pay the land tax, property tax and
x'g]5 . other taxes.
u= of] ;Demf}tfkq nfu' ePsf] ldtLn] tLg jif{ ;Dd k|yd c. The First Party shall not increase the land rent amount
kIfn] ef8f j[l¢sf] dfu ug{ kfpg] 5}g . tLg jif{ kl5 for 3 years from the effectiveness of this contract.
bz k|ltzt yk u/L bf]>f] kIfn] hUuf axfn s/s§f The rent will be increased upto 10% after 3 years
u/L dfl;s lx;fan] ef8f a'emfpg dGh'/L AoSt and the rent will be paid after deduction of land Rent
ub{5 . Tax.
#= ljw't / h]g]/]6/ ;]jf M 3. Electricity and Generator services:
s= bf]>f] kIfn] ef8fdf lnPsf] hUufdf h8fg ug]{ b"/ ;+rf/ a. Second Party will acquire separate electricity line
;]jf;Fu ;DalGwt 6fj/, PG6]gf / ;f] ;Fu ;DalGwt from Nepal Electricity Authority to use electricity for
pks/0fx?sf] ;Grfngfy{ cfjZos ljB'tsf] nflu g]kfn Tower, Antenna and equipments installed on the
ljB't k|flws/0faf6 5'§} ljB't nfO{g h8fg u/L pkef]u rented land and Second Party shall pay the
ug{]5 / ;f] ljB't k|of]u u/]jfkt p7\g] ljB't dxz'n electricity bill directly to NEA. The First Party will
bf]>f] kIf cfkm}n] g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fnfO{ e'QmfgL have to co-operate with the required procedure in
ug]{5 . ljB't nfO{g h8fg ug{ cfjZos ;xof]u k|yd this regard.
kIfn] u/L lbg' kg]{5 . b. The First Party shall provide necessary space required
v= bf]>f kIfn] k|yd kIf;Fu ef8fdf lnPsf] hUufdf h8fg by the Second Party to install Generator and
u/]s]f 6fj/, PG6]gf / ;f] ;Fu ;DalGwt pks/0fx? Transformer for the electricity to operate Tower,
;Grfngfy{ cfjZos ljB't cfk"lt{sf] nflu h]g]/6] / / antenna and related equipments.
6«fG;km/d/ h8fg ug'{kg]{ ePdf ;f] sf] nflu cfjZos
:yfg k|yd kIfn] pknAw u/fpg' kg]{5 .
$= ;+/rgf kl/j{tg tyf dd{t ;Def/ M 4. Structural changes and maintenance :

s= BTS Equipment tyf GSM, Antennas sf] Earthing a. The First Party shall provide land to construct building
System /fVg cfjZos kg]{ 7fFpsf nflu ejg agfpg to install Earthing System related to BTS equipments

cfjZos hUUff k|yd kIfn] pknAw u/fpg' kg]5 { . and GSM, Antennas.

v bf]>f] kIfn] ef8fdf lnPsf] hUuf 5f]8\g] ;dodf ;f] b. Second Party can take all the installed equipments

:yfgdf h8fg u/]s]f ;Dk"0f{ pks/0f / cGo ;fdfgx? and other goods from rented land at the time of

cfkm";Fu} lnO{ hfg]5 . leaving.

u= dfly h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg k|fs[lts k|sf]k, c. Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, the
Second Party shall not be liable for any kind of
e'sDk, hldg efl;g] h:tf bf]>f] kIfsf] sfa'aflx/sf]
permanent damages or destruction to the land
kl/l:ytL k/L bf]>f] kIfn] lnPsf] hUufdf s'g}
caused due to action beyond the reach of the Second
lsl;dsf] lb3{sflng c;/ kg{ uPdf ;f] sf] lhDd]jf/L
party like Natural disaster, fire, land slides etc.
bf]>f] kIfsf] /xg] 5}g .
5. Supervision and Directions :
%= lgl/If0f / lgb]{zg M
The First Party can observe room, terrace, and
k|yd kIfn] ;fdfGo÷c;fdfGo b'j} cj:yfdf clu|d space only after giving prior notice to the Second
;"rgf lbO{{ dfq bf]>f] kIfn] ef8fdf lnPsf] hUufdf Party in both usual/unusual conditions. But, both
lgl/If0f ug{ ;Sg]5 / c;fdfGo cj:yfdf Psn] parties shall have reserved right to give required
csf]{nfO{ cfjZos lgb{]zg lbg] clwsf/ b'j} kIfdf directions to one another in unusual condition.
lglxt /xg] 5 . 6. Re-rent:

^= k'gM ef8fdf lbg kfOg]

kfOg] M a. The Second Party shall re-rent the rented land to any

s= k|yd kIf;Fu ef8fdf lnPsf] hUufdf bf]>f] kIfsf] third person, firm, company or organization for

;]jf;Fu ;DalGwt cGo t]>f] s'g} klg JolQm, kmd{, operation of business or service related to the

sDkgL jf ;+3;+:yf cflbnfO{ k'gM ef8fdf lbg' kg{] Second Party.

ePdf bf]>f] kIfn] ef8fdf lbg ;Sg]5 . b. The First Party can allow any third Company,

v= bf]>f] kIfn] ef8fdf lnPsf] hUufdf k|yd kIfn] cGo Organization or Person for construction of tower and

s'g} sDkgL, ;+3 / JolStnfO{ 6fj/ tyf cGo lgdf0f{ any other constructional work to the room, terrace,

;DalGw sfo{ ug{ lbg'kg]{ ePdf bf]>f] kIfsf] clu|d and space rented by Second Party after getting prior
written approval of the Second party.
lnlvt ;xdlt kl5 dfq lbg kfpg] 5 .

7. Prohibited to do Illegal works:

&= u}/sfg"gL sfd ug{ gkfOg] M
Both parties shall not perform any such prohibited
bf]>f] kIfn] ef8fdf lnPsf] hUufdf b'j} kIfn] k|rlnt
g]kfn sfg"gn] aGb]h nufPsf s'g} klg u}/sfg"gL activities in the rented land by Laws of Nepal. Even

sfo{x? ug{ kfpg] 5}g . s+ysbflrt o:tf] u}/sfg"gL though if found doing any such prohibited acts then

sfo{ u/] u/fPdf To;sf] ;Dk"0f{ lhDd]jf/L kIf :+jo such party will be solely liable.

x'g]5 .

*= ;+zf]wg tyf gljs/0f M 8. Renewal and Amendments:

of] ;Demf}tfkqsf] ;+zf]wg tyf gljs/0f ug'{k/]df b'j} Renewal and amendment of this agreement shall be

kIfsf] cfk;L ;xdltn] lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhd x'g]5 . directed with mutual understanding of both parties.
9. Termination:
(= ;'rgf / ;dflKt M
a. The First Party shall not have right to dispose the
s= of] ;Demf}tfdf bf]>f] kIfn] ;Demf}tfsf zt{ /
Second Party from the rented land, if Second Party
aGb]hx?sf] kfngf u/];Dd ef8fdf lnPsf] hUufaf6
has rightly followed the terms and conditions of the
k|yd kIfn] x6fpg kfpg] 5}g . oBkL k|fljlws jf
contract. If Second Party has any technical or other
cGo sf/0fn] ubf{ bf]>f] kIfn] pQm 7fFp 5f]8g' kg]{ reason to leave the land, then Second Party shall
cj:yf cfPdf tLg dlxgf cufj} lnlvt ;'rgf lbO{ giving three month prior written notice before
bf]>f] kIfn] ef8fdf lnPsf] 7fFp 5f]8g ;Sg]5 . leaving the place.
v= o; ;Demf}tfkqsf] zt{ aGb]h g+= @-v_ adf]lhdsf] b. However, if Second Party doesn't pay rent amount

cjlw ;dfKt ePsf] ^ dlxgf;Dd klg bf]>f] kIfn] up to 6 months from date of expiry in accordance

axfn ga'emfFPdf of] ;Demf}tkq :jtM lgis[o eO{ with clause 2(b) of this agreement, then the
agreement automatically become null & void. The
;Demf}tf eË x'g]5 . bf]>f] kIfn] afFsL aSof}tf /sd
Second Party cannot take all installed equipments
r'Qmf gu/];Dd hl8t pks/0fx? ;d]t n}hfg kfpg]
until and unless clear all due amount.
5}g .
10. Enactment of special Act/Law :
!) = ljz]if P]g sfg"gsf] lgdf{0f M
Government of Nepal, if enacted any new Act/Law
g]kfn ;/sf/n] hUufsf] :jfldTjdf c;/ kg]{ u/L s'g}
in regard to land rent, which affects the land
gofF sfg"g jf P]gsf] lgdf{0f u/L nfu" ePdf b'j} kIfsf]
ownership, new agreement shall be made upon the
cfk;L ;dembf/L cg';f/ gofF ;Demf}tf ul/g]5 5 .
mutual understanding of the both parties.
!!= ljjfbsf] ;dfwfg M
11. Settlement of disputes :
s= of] ;Demf}tfsf] kfngfsf] qmddf s'g} k|sf/sf] ljjfb
a. If in case any dispute arose in the course of
pTkGg x'g uPdf b'j} kIfsf] cfk;L 5nkmn4f/f
implementation of this agreement, then both the
ljjfbsf] ;dfwfg ul/g]5 .
parties will settle the dispute by mutual consent.
v= sy+sbflrt b'j} kIfx?af6 ljjfbsf] ;dfwfg gePsf]
b. Even though, the dispute cannot settled from both
cj:yfdf b'j} kIfsf] cfk;L ;xdltaf6 dWo:y lgo'Q
sides, in that condition Arbitrator will be appointed
u/L dWo:ytf P]g, @)%% adf]lhd ljjfbsf] ;dfwfg
by mutual consent and shall be doing in accordance
ul/g]5 .
with Arbitration Act, 2055.
!@= ljljw M
12. Miscellaneous :
s= bf]>f] kIfn] ef8fdf lnPsf] hUufdf cfjZoQmfg';f/
a. The Second Party can install separate telephone
cfˆgf] 5'§} 6]lnkmf]g nfO{g, ljB't jf cGo cfjZos
connection, electricity or other equipments in rented
pks/0fx? ;d]t h8fg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
land as per the requirement of the Second Party.

v= bf]>f] kIfn] ef8fdf lnPsf] hUufdf ePsf ;a} b. To ensure the security of the equipments both
lsl;dsf pks/0fx? /x]s]f :yfgdf ;'/Iffy{ cGo s'g} parties can prohibit the movement of any
klg JolQmx?nfO{ ToxfF cfjthfjt ug{ b'j} kIfn] /f]s un-related persons inside the rented land.
nufpg ;Sg]5 . c. The scope of this contract shall be enforced as per
u= of] ;Demf}tfkqdf n]lvPsf] xb;Dd oxL ;Demf}tfkqsf] the terms and conditions mentioned in this
zt{ aGb]h adf]lhd / gn]lvPsf] ljifodf k|rlnt agreement and matter beyond this agreement, it will
g]kfn sfg"g adf]lhd nfu" x'g]5 . be in accordance with prevailing Laws of Nepal.
3= k|:t't ;Demf}tfkqdf b'O{ kIfsf] dfq uf]klgotf sfod
d. Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of
/fVg] ;xdlt JoQm ub{5 . b'O{ kIf dWo] s'g} Ps
this agreement. If any one of them not maintaining
kIfaf6 uf]klgotf eË eO{ pQm uf]klgotf eË ePsf]
the confidentiality of this agreement shall be liable to
sf/0faf6 s'g} kIfnfO{ Iflt ePdf Iflt x'g] kIfnfO{
compensate the loss incurred to the next party.
csf]{ kIfn] ePsf] Ifltk"lt{ ltg'{ a'emfpg' kg]{5 .
e. After this agreement come into action, the First Party
ª= of] ;Demf}tfkq nfu" eP kZrft k|yd kIfn] cfkm\gf]
is bound to sell/transfer of ownership/to separate,
xsef]usf] hUuf s'g} cj:yfdf a]rlavg ug'{k/]df,
make partition, transfer the ownership or possession
c+za08f÷efua08f ug'{k/]df jf ;Demf}tf jf cGo s'g}
of the owned land by any method, it shall be the
k|sf/af6 3/ hUuf xs x:tfGt/0f ug'{k/]df ;f] gofF
hUuf wgLnfO{ bf]>f] kIf;Fu o; ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v u/] sole responsibility of the First Party to convince the

adf]lhdsf ;a} zt{ aGb]hx? nfu" u/fpg] ;d]t new house owner to observe and follow all the term

lhDd]jf/L k|yd kIfsf] g} x'g]5 . and conditions as mentioned in the agreement.

r= olb o; ;Demf}tfkqdf pNn]lvt g]kfnL / cu|]hL f. If the meaning of Nepali and English language

efiffsf] cy{df km/s kg{ uPdf g]kfnL efiffsf] cy{nfO{ differs then in such case meaning of Nepali

dfGotf k|bfg ul/g]5 . language shall prevail.

5= k|yd kIfsf]] pNn]lvt hUufdf s'g} d'2f dfldnf 5}g, g. First party declares that the mentioned rented land
s'g} klg a}+s, ljlQo ;+:yfdf lwtf], aGws /fv]s]f 5}g has no any Legal obligation or cases, and has no
eGg] s'/fdf k|yd kIfn] bf]>f] kIfnfO{ ljZj:t collateral/mortgage to any Bank or financial institute.
t'NofPs]f 5 . h. Second Party shall be liable to insure the equipment
h= pk/f]Qm ljj/0f cg';f/ bf]>f] kIfn] ef8fdf lnPsf] installed in rented land from the afore-mentioned
hUufdf h8fg ePsf pks/0fx?sf] bf]>f] kIf cfkm}n] particulars.
ladf ug]{5 .
em= xfdL b'j} kIfn] o; ;Demf}tfkqdf pNn]lvt ;a} zt{x? i. We, the both parties, have read and duly signed this

k9L dGh'/ u/L of] ;Demf}tfkqdf ;lx5fk u/L Ps–Ps agreement paper upon mutual consensus on all the

k|lt a'lem lnof}+ lbof}+ . terms and conditions written herein and have taken

one copy each of the agreement paper.

k|yd kIfsf] tkm{af6 bf]>f] kIfsf] tkm{af6 On behalf of First Party On behalf of Second Party

Signature Signature
b= b=
Name: Name:
gfd, y/ M gfd,y/M
Address: Post:
7]ufgfM kbM
Ncell Pvt. Ltd.
P]g;]n k|f=ln=
Ph. No.: Ph. No.: 9805554544
kmf]g g+=M kmf]g g+=M (*)%%%$%$$ Mobile No.: Fax no.: 9805554538
df]afO{n g+= km\ofS; g+=M (*)%%%$%#*
Witnesses Witnesses
;fIfL ;fIfL
1. 1.
!= !=
2. 2.

@= @=

O{lt ;+jt @)^&;fn dlxgf ut] /f]h z'ed


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