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Stability and Degradation of Polysaccharides

Valdir Soldi
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil

I. INTRODUCTION The degradation of polysaccharides has been analyzed

by chemical, enzymatic, thermal, mechanical (ultrasonic),
The interest in degradation of polysaccharides is strongly and radiative processes, which are generally dependent on
associated with a variety of applications in the food, paper, the structure, conformation, and applicability of the poly-
pharmaceutical, cosmetic, textile, and oil industries. More saccharides, reactive agents, etc. For example, chemical
specifically, polysaccharides have been used in drug deliv- degradation reactions depend on the nature of initiation
ery, medical devices, oil exploration, water-based paints, (thermal, high energy, UV radiation, etc.) and reactive
emulsions, dispersions, wastewater treatment, etc. Besides agents such as oxygen and hydrogen ions. Depending on
the dependence on their chemical structure, these functions the structure, conformation, and reactive agents, different
are also dependent on a controlled molecular size. For chemical bonds of the polymer can be attacked. In dextran,
example, the potential biomedical and food applications for example, the bonds near the ends of a polymer chain are
for lower molecular weight chitosan encouraged the de- more reactive than those at the center [9]. In cellulose, the
velopment of viable processes for controlling the degrada- cleavage of the glycosidic bond is catalyzed either by H3O+
tion of this polysaccharide [1,2]. Through decreasing the (acid hydrolysis) or by enzyme (cellulase) [10]. At the same
molecular weight of chitosan (and other polysaccharides), time, the acid hydrolysis in chitosan breaks preferentially
it is possible to control properties like viscosity, solubility, the ether linkages in the macromolecule increasing the
and biological activity. In a similar manner, the water- polymer reactivity [11]. For chitosan, nitrous acid attacks
soluble polysaccharide, guar, needs to be depolymerized the amine groups but not the N-acetyl moieties, and
for use in applications such as food and oil production subsequently cleaves the h-glycosidic linkages [12]. Xan-
[3,4]. The primary degradation products from the thermal than is able to retain a high molecular weight (106 g mol1)
degradation of polysaccharides are also of great interest. when submitted to depolymerizing conditions such as acids
For example, monomeric anhydrosugars have been or free radicals [13,14]. This is because the double-helical
obtained from the pyrolysis of polysaccharides. By this structure of xanthan is stabilized by noncovalent bonds
process, levoglucosan was obtained from cellulose [5,6] between adjacent chains. In contrast to other polysaccha-
and starch [7], and 2-acetamido-1,6-anhydro-2-deoxy-h-D- rides, in xanthan, the cellulosic regions are the primary sites
glucopyranose from chitin [5,6]. Most of the applications that suffer the attack by cellulases (enzymatic degradation)
for cellulose depend on enzymatic modification or other [15,16].
structural changes. This behavior is in general associated The application of ultrasonic degradation in the lab-
with a total absence of solubility either in water or in oratory and the food industry (not discussed in detail in this
aqueous alkaline solutions due to the existence of intra- chapter) has received more attention in recent decades
and intermolecular hydrogen bonds in solid-phase cellu- mainly to depolymerize macromolecules, prepare emul-
lose. To solve this problem, it is necessary to activate sions, and disrupt biological cells. For polysaccharides,
cellulose by swelling and degradation processes (mechan- the preliminary studies were related to cellulose derivatives
ical or thermal treatment). In another example, cellulose is [17], starches [18,19], dextrans [20], chitosans [21], and
easily dissolved in aqueous solution (9% NaOH) after xanthans [22]. The main effect observed in these macro-
modification with cellulase (enzyme) and treatment with molecules was a reduction in solution viscosity or gel
sodium hydroxide [8]. strength due to a decrease in molecular weight [20,21,23].

396 Soldi

Recently, Lii et al. [24] studied the degradation kinetics of

agarose and carrageenans by ultrasound, observing that
for solutions with 0.5 wt.% polysaccharide, the degrada-
tion rate decreases linearly with the reduced viscosity. This
result indicated that the ultrasonic degradation of agarose
and carrageenans follows a first-order kinetics, and is
dependent on molecular size (decrease in viscosity). The
degradation mechanism has been attributed to cavitation
(mechanical effect); that is, the formation and collapse of
microscopic vapor bubbles generated by the strong sound
waves [25].
The aim of this chapter is to analyze the stability and
degradation of polysaccharides considering three main
general topics: (1) chemical (acid and alkaline) degrada-
tion in aqueous solution, (2) processes of biodegradation,
and (3) thermal stability (thermal degradation) of poly-
saccharides. The first topic was chosen because alkaline
degradation was the first process studied concerning the
stability of mono- and polysaccharides. Although most
work related to chemical degradation deals with cellulose
and cellulose derivatives, it is important to point out the
effects of temperature, concentration, and mechanism of
degradation (reaction products). In biodegradation, dif-
ferent aspects are considered such as the hydrolysis pro-
cess, effect on the molecular weight distribution, and effect
of pH. The thermal stability was analyzed in terms of the
kinetic parameters of degradation, viscosity (intrinsic vis-
cosity), temperature, depolymerization, and mechanism of
degradation. To better understand the mechanism of Figure 1 Reduced viscosity (gred) vs. concentration (A) and
degradation, a section with the main products associated log intrinsic viscosity (log [g]) vs. log molecular weight (log
with the degradation of polysaccharides was included in MW) (B). In A, 5 represents undegraded N-succinyl-chitosan
this chapter. and o, 4 represent two degraded samples of N-succinyl-
chitosan. (From Ref. 26.)


lower and a slight reduction was observed; that is, practi-
In this section, different polysaccharides were analyzed in cally independent of the concentration. At the same time,
terms of acid and alkaline degradation processes. For the intrinsic viscosity, obtained from the intercept of the
example, the depolymerization of N-succinyl-chitosan so- straight lines of Fig. 1A, increased linearly with the molec-
dium salt was studied in an aqueous solution of hydro- ular weight (Fig. 1B). The behavior in terms of viscosity
chloric acid by Kato et al. [26] in terms of the molecular and molecular weight, associated with the analysis of the
weight and viscosity behavior. The acid treatment was composition of the degraded products indicated that the
performed by stirring a solution of N-succinyl-chitosan in chain scission of the N-succinyl-chitosan probably oc-
7.5 M aq HCl at room temperature or 3.3 M aq HCl at curred through the breakdown of the ether linkages in
40jC. In the depolymerization process, two degraded the macromolecule, as was observed for chitosan [11].
products were characterized in terms of the molecular Basedow et al. [9] studied the depolymerization reac-
weight by the authors, using size-exclusion chromatogra- tion of dextran at 80jC in 0.12 N sulfuric acid. During the
phy-multiangle light scattering (SEC-MALS). Studies uti- reaction, the molecular weight distribution was determined
lizing 1H NMR and elemental analysis indicated that the by the gel permeation chromatography (GPC) method.
degraded products retained the fundamental structure of Different samples with initial concentrations of dextran in
the N-succinyl-chitosan. The molecular weights (Mw) for the range of 0.25–2% were used. Considering the results, a
the two degraded products were 70,000 and 28,000 g cm3, first-order reaction with respect to dextran concentration
very low values in comparison to the N-succinyl-chitosan was suggested by the authors. The average molecular
for which Mw = 310,000 g cm3. The viscosity behavior weight (Mw) changed from 117,000 to 3650 Da in the
[reduced viscosity (gred)] was analyzed as a function of the reaction time range of 0–450 min and the rate constant
concentration in salt solution at 37jC (Fig. 1A). As can be (k) was 6.30  106 sec1.
observed, the viscosity of N-succinyl-chitosan, despite its Changes in the molecular weight were also analyzed by
higher values, increased with the concentration. However, the size exclusion chromatography-refractive index meth-
for the depolymerized products, the viscosity values were od (SEC-RI) considering the acid hydrolysis of (n-, L-, E-)
Stability and Degradation of Polysaccharides 397

carrageenans, dextran sulfate, and heparin [27]. The desul- is the gas constant, A is the pre-exponential factor, and T is
fation and depolymerization processes were studied at pH the temperature. The activation energy can be obtained
2 (0.008 M LiCl + 0.012 M HCl buffer) at 35jC and 55jC. through the slope of the ln k vs. 1/RT plot. The activation
After hydrolysis, the results showed that for carrageenans energy values were in the range of 100–120 kJ mol1 except
and heparin, the sulfation was unaffected by the hydrolysis for L-carrageenan, which was 162 kJ mol1. The higher
conditions. However, for dextran sulfate, the desulfation stability for L-carrageenan was attributed to the steric effect
increased linearly with the hydrolysis time especially at caused by the sulfate group in the polymer structure. Under
55jC. The difference in terms of the observed behavior was the above hydrolysis conditions, only the dextran sulfate
attributed to the conformation flexibility of the polymer was sensitive to the process of desulfation. However, a
chain. The average molecular mass (hMmi) measured as a depolymerization process was characterized by the authors
function of hydrolysis time is shown in Fig. 2. A significant for the carrageenans and dextran sulfate.
decrease in hMmi was observed for the carrageenans and The cleavage of the glycosidic bond of cellulose is
dextran sulfate (Fig. 2a–d) in comparison with the theo- catalyzed by H3O+ (acid hydrolysis), producing glucose as
retical values determined assuming that desulfation was the the main reaction product (yield > 95%) and, in general,
only mechanism for molecular mass loss. However, a very the mechanism of degradation included the formation of
slight effect was observed by the authors for heparin (Fig. cationic intermediates that are responsible for the rate
2e). The comparative analysis with the theoretical values constant. The degradation of cellulose fibers was analyzed
for dextran sulfate (Fig. 2d) indicated that besides the by Phillip [10] in HCl (100jC) and 1 N H2SO4 (80jC). In
sulfate loss, a chain scission occurred, significantly decreas- both mediums, a significant decrease in the degree of
ing the average molecular mass. From Fig. 2 and using Eq. polymerization was observed. The mechanism of degrada-
(1) [28,29] and the Arrhenius equation [Eq. (2)], the authors tion includes a selective attack on the more unstable
determined the kinetic parameters (activation energy) for glycosidic bonds (less-ordered regions) by the H3O+ ions.
the carrageenans and dextran sulfate. In Eq. (1), hMm(t)i As described by the author, the acid hydrolysis affects also
and hMm(0)i are the molecular mass at time t and time zero, the fibrillar structure of the cellulose fibers.
respectively In the degradation of xanthan in dilute acid (pH 1–4)
at 80jC and at high (500 mM) and low (10 mM) ionic
1 1 kt strengths, the viscosity was described by a single exponen-
D E¼D Eþ ð1Þ
Mm m tial-decay constant (the viscosity decreased with the hy-
drolysis time). At the same time, the stability increased with
the ionic strength [30].
ln k ¼ ln A  Ea =RT ð2Þ
The thermochemical degradation of starch and cellu-
where k is the first-order rate constant and m is the lose to organic acids was studied by Krochta et al. [31–33] in
molecular weight of the repeating unit. In the Arrhenius alkaline solution. Experimentally, the reactions were per-
equation [(Eq. (2)], Ea is the apparent activation energy, R formed at different temperatures (range of 180–240jC) and

Figure 2 Average molecular mass as a function of hydrolysis time at (.) 35jC and (o)55jC, for (a) n-carrageenan, (b) L-
carrageenan, (c) E-carrageenan, (d) dextran sulfate, and (e) heparin. Theoretical molecular mass as a function of hydrolysis time
based on the desulfation effect is plotted as (–) at 35jC and (- - -) at 55jC. (From Ref. 27.)
398 Soldi

products (organic acids) were determined by high-perform- experimental conditions, polysaccharide structure, confor-
ance liquid (HPLC) and gas (GC) chromatography. For mation, and other characteristics. The predominant mech-
both polysaccharides, the degradation was described as a anism for the chain scission was the breakdown of the
second-order kinetics by Eq. (3) glycosidic bonds in the macromolecule, a well-known mech-
anism, which occurs in a wide range of polysaccharides.
ln ¼ lnM þ Cp0 ðM  NÞka t ð3Þ
where Ca and Cp are the alkali and polysaccharide con-
centrations, respectively; M is the ratio between the initial Biodegradation was defined as an event that take place in
concentrations (Ca/Cp); N is the relation ((Ca0)/(Ca) / (Cp0)/ the natural environment and in living organisms [38,39].
(Cp)); ka is the rate constant, and t is the reaction time. The Biodegradation, as well as other processes of degradation,
rate constant (ka) determined by Eq. (3) increased from is dependent on the chemical structure of the polymers (or
0.0026 L mol1 min1 (180jC) to 0.3733 L mol1 min1 biopolymers) because it is fundamental how easily they can
(240jC) for starch and from 0.0034 L mol1 min1 be attacked by microorganisms. The hydrolysis process is
(180jC) to 0.6000 L mol1 min1 (240jC) for cellulose. also dependent on the local order of the macromolecule.
A significant and similar effect due to the temperature, was Unordered macromolecules are more susceptible to hydrol-
observed for both systems. The activation energy deter- ysis (acid hydrolysis). Complex macromolecules, such as
mined using the Arrhenius equation [Eq. (2)] was 165.10 kJ lignin, which is a natural polymer, are less degradable than
mol1 for the degradation of starch and cellulose. A synthetic polymers like aliphatic polyesters, confirming
similar value (162 kJ mol1) was determined by Karlsson that the molecular composition and architecture determine
and Singh [27] for the degradation of L-carrageenan under the accessibility of a polymer to degradation by micro-
acidic conditions. organisms. As described by Ratajska and Boryniec [40], the
The stability of starch, cellulose, and rice straw in mechanism of biodegradation by microorganisms primar-
various NaOH solutions was compared by Krochta et al. ily occurs through an attack on the surface of the biode-
[33]. The conversion of starch to water-soluble products gradable fragments. By removing the fragments, the
(degradation) in 4% NaOH occurred just by heating to porosity of the material increases, allowing the permeation
240jC. For cellulose and rice straw, the degradation of water with the microorganisms that may cause mechan-
occurred in 40 min at 280jC, suggesting a higher stability ical stress facilitating the process of degradation by the
in comparison to the starch. Less time was required for the enzymes produced.
degradation when 6% NaOH was used. By HPLC, the au- The processes of biodegradation described in the
thors identified seven organic acids resulting from the literature are, in general, associated with the hydrolysis
alkaline degradation of 10% (w/w) starch, cellulose, rice caused by added enzymes or those produced by the micro-
straw, and glucose in 6% (w/w) NaOH at 280jC for 10 min. organisms, and can be followed by changes in molecular
For both systems, the yields of lactic and formic acids were weight, viscosity, and morphology. For example, in Fig.
more significant. For example, the starch degradation 3A,B, the molecular weight distribution for the biodegra-
mainly produced 19.8% lactic acid, 13.0% formic acid, dation process of pure viscose (cellulosic) fibers and mix-
and 5.7% glycolic acid. Other organic acids such as acetic ture with 30% of cellulose carbamate, respectively, are
acid, 2-hydroxybutyric acid, 2-hydroxyisobutyric acid, and shown under conditions of controlled temperature and
2-hydroxyvaleric acid were formed with ca. 2% content. humidity of the air and soil [40]. For both systems, a
Similar percentages were determined for cellulose; significant decrease in the molecular weight was observed
however, the percentages determined for the glucose were after the enzymatic degradation. The biodegradation pro-
totally different. For example, for glucose the amount of cess was also analyzed by the authors in terms of the degree
lactic acid produced was 36.1%, for formic acid 5.4%, and of polymerization (DP) observing that for pure viscose, it
for 2-hydroxybutyric and 2-hydroxyisobutyric acids ca. decreased from 268 (untreated) to 53 after 6 months in
1%. In general, for both systems, the amount of organic contact with the microorganisms. For the viscose with 5%
acids produced corresponds to the NaOH equivalents. (figure not shown) and 30% of cellulose carbamate, the
Recently, Knill and Kennedy [34] discussed the cellulose ranges of DP variation under the same conditions were
degradation under alkaline conditions in terms of the 278–48 and 159–55, respectively.
mechanism and physical aspects, which affect the degrada- The treatment of pectin extracted by autoclave from
tion reaction and products. The predominant mechanism sugar beet pulp (ABP), with enzymes to modify their
suggested by the authors under alkaline conditions and at physicochemical properties, was studied by Ooterweld et
temperatures <170jC, based on the literature [35–37], is al. [41]. The experimental procedure included the dissolu-
the formation of D-glucoisosaccharinic acids, as in the tion of the samples in 0.04 sodium acetate buffer containing
alkaline degradation of 4-O-methyl-D-glucose. 0.01% of NaN3 (pH 5.0) to a final concentration of 5 mg/
The different processes of polysaccharides depolymer- mL. The enzymes arabinofuranosidase B (AF), endo-
ization by acid hydrolysis discussed above, were in general, arabinanase plus arabinofuranosidase (EA + AF), rham-
described in terms of effects on the viscosity and the average nogalacturonase plus rhamnogalacturonan acetyl esterase
molecular weight. The extent of the effect depends on the (Rgase + RGAE), polygalactorunase plus pectin methyl
Stability and Degradation of Polysaccharides 399

radation was observed by the authors when polygalactor-

unase plus pectin methyl esterase (PG + PE) was used,
suggesting that changes in the physicochemical properties
depend on the chemical structure of the ABP. These
conclusions seem consistent if we consider that the struc-
ture of ABP consists mainly of homogalacturonans and the
enzyme used was polygalactorunase.
The effect on the molecular weight and structure of N-
acetylated chitosan by hemicellulase was studied by Qin et
al. [42]. For a sample with a degree of deacetylation of 73.2,
the Mw decreased from 659,000 to 4200 kDa when the
chitosan was submitted to degradation by hemicellulase for
4 hr at 50jC and pH 5.5. The effect observed in the Mw was
accompanied by an increase in the water solubility and
decrease in the thermal stability. For the authors, the
results suggested that the enzymatic hydrolysis was endo-
action and mainly occurred in a random fashion.

Figure 3 Molecular weight distribution of (A) 100% viscose

fibers and (B) viscose fibers containing 30% of cellulose
carbamate: (a) untreated, (b) treated for 3 months, (c) treated
for 6 months. (From Ref. 40.)

esterase (PG + PE), were added to a final concentration of

1 Ag protein/mL. Incubations were carried out at 20jC for
42 hr. The digests were analyzed in terms of the molecular
weight (Mw) at several stages of the incubation by high-
performance size-exclusion chromatography (HPSEC).
During the enzyme treatment, other parameters such as
the intrinsic viscosity ([g]w) and radius of gyration (Rgw) of
the polysaccharides were monitored. The behavior ob-
served for the above parameters is shown in Fig. 4A–C.
The Mw decreased from 271 to 112 kDa when ABP was
treated with RGase + RGAE. This effect was associated
with the hydrolysis of the rhamnogalacturonan backbone
present in the ABP. For the same enzymes, no significant
changes were observed in the intrinsic viscosity ([g]w) and
radius of gyration (Rgw). By adding EA + AF to ABP, the
Mw decreased to 207 kDa but a small change occurred in
the ([g]w) and (Rgw). However, by adding PG + PE, the
intrinsic viscosity ([g]w) and radius of gyration (Rgw) Figure 4 Effect of enzymatic modification of sugar beet
showed a significant decrease (Fig. 4B,C) and the Mw pulp, ABP, on (A) Mw, (B) [g]w, and (C) Rgw: () EA + AF;
decreased to 5 kDa. A greater effect on the enzyme deg- (z) Rgase + RGAE; (.) PG + PE. (From Ref. 41.)
400 Soldi

The biodegradation of the ethyl(hydroxyethyl cellu- degradation was observed for the sample with DSethyl =
lose) (EHEC) by endoglucanases was studied by Richard- 0.9 (E481-02506) (Fig. 5B). The Mw decreased from
son et al. [43]. Ethyl(hydroxyethyl cellulose) is a nonionic, 772,000 (intact sample) to 57,000 and 67,000 g mol1, for
water-soluble cellulose derivative produced by introduc- products obtained by hydrolysis with the same enzymes,
tion of ethyl and ethylene oxide groups to the hydroxyl respectively. The action of endoglucanase on caboxy-
groups of the cellulose backbone. In general, the endoglu- methylcellulose (CMC) also decreased the molecular
canases, which are enzymes for the cellulose hydrolysis, weight when samples with DS 0.6 and 1.2 were submitted
cleave the internal (1–4)-h-D-glucosidic linkages in the to enzyme degradation (0.2% solution) for 92 hr at 45jC
cellulose chain, producing smaller fragments of mono- [46]. For the sample with DS 0.6, the molecular weight
and oligosaccharides [44]. From the literature, is known decreased from 249,000 to 10,700 g mol1. The significant
that endoglucanases hydrolyze unmodified cellulose to decrease observed by the authors in the above value, in
low-molar-mass products such as glucose, cellobiose, and comparison to the sample with DS 1.2 in which the Mw
cellotriose [45]. For EHEC, the authors used two types of changed from 248,000 to 72,000 g mol1, indicated that the
endoglucanase from Trichoderma reesei (Cel7B, Mw f endoglucanase accessed more easily the sample with low
50,000 Da and Cel12A, Mw f 24,500 Da). The hydrolysis DS. However, for EHEC, the greater effect was observed
products were analyzed by size-exclusion chromatography for the sample with DSethyl 0.9, suggesting that the access of
with multiangle light scattering and refractive index detec- the enzyme to the internal (1–4)-h-D-glucosidic linkages
tion (SEC-MALS-RI). The molar mass distribution for was more favorable. These opposite effects indicated that a
two samples of EHEC with degrees of substitution (DS; more heterogeneous distribution of substituents occurred
average number of hydroxyl groups in the monomer unit in the sample with DSethyl 0.9.
substituted with ethyl) 0.9 (E481-02506) and 0.7 (EHMO), The effects on the viscosity were also described as
are shown in Fig. 5A and B, respectively. For the EHEC being associated with enzymatic degradation processes.
with DSethyl = 0.7 (EHM0), the molar weight of the For example, the enzymatic degradation of caboxymethyl-
hydrolysis products after being treated with Cel7B and cellulose (CMC) by endoglucanase significantly decreased
Cel12A were 83,000 and 102,000 g mol1, respectively, the intrinsic viscosity [46]. For samples with DS 0.6 and 1.2,
which are values significantly lower than those for the the viscosity decreased from 750 to 8.4 mL g1 and from
intact EHM0 (Mw = 359,000 g mol1). However, a higher 690 to 108 mL g1, respectively. As was pointed out above,

Figure 5 Molar mass distribution of (A) intact E481-02506, E481-02506 hydrolyzed by Cel7B, and E481-02506 hydrolyzed by
Cel12A; (B) intact EHMO, EHMO hydrolyzed by Cel7B, and EHMO hydrolyzed by Cel12A. (From Ref. 43.)
Stability and Degradation of Polysaccharides 401

the viscosity values indicate that the endoglucanase concentration, and experimental conditions. For structur-
accessed more easily the sample with a low degree of ally related series of polysaccharides, the chemical reac-
substitution. Chitosan and substituted chitosans (methyl tions of degradation are associated with changes in
pyrrolidinone chitosan, N-carboxymethyl chitosan) also enthalpy and entropy, which can be described by kinetic
showed a rapid decrease in viscosity when samples were parameters such as Ea (activation energy) and A (pre-
submitted to degradation in solutions with wheat germ exponential factor) derived from the Arrhenius equation
lipase [47]. [(Eq. 2)]. Depolymerization processes are commonly de-
scribed by equations that consider that the chain scission of
the glycosidic linkage of polysaccharides follows a pseudo
IV. THERMAL DEPOLYMERIZATION first-order reaction [48,49]. The rate constant will be related
to the molecular weight through Eq. (1), which indicates
As was pointed out in the above sections, the depolymer- that the inverse of the molecular weight increased linearly
ization processes of polysaccharides are normally studied with the depolymerization time and, in consequence, the
in terms of hydrodynamic properties such as intrinsic rate constant (k) can be obtained from the slope of the
viscosity ([g]) and average molecular weight (Mw). In corresponding plot.
general, both properties decreased during thermal, hydro- The degradation rate (k) can also be described in terms
lytic, and oxidative processes and are affected by pH, of the intrinsic viscosity by Eq. (4), which was derived
heating temperature range (reaction temperature), process- combining Eq. (1) and the Mark–Houwink–Sakurada
ing time, mechanical shear, solvent quality, polysaccharide equation ([g] = KM a), where K and a are constants for a

Figure 6 Apparent viscosity of 1% solutions of thermally degraded chitosan chlorides with degree of acetylation (*) 0.02, (5)
0.16, and (.) 0.35 vs. degradation time at (A) 60jC, (B) 80jC, (C) 105jC, and (D) 120jC. The degradation time for A and B is
given in days, while for C and D it is given in hours. (From Ref. 48.)
402 Soldi

given system. In Eq. (4), [g]t and [g]0 are the viscosities at independently of the temperature or acetylation degree.
time t and 0, respectively With the extended period of time, the viscosity decreases at
  a lower rate as a consequence of the chain scission. At the
1 1 k same time, a more accentuated decreased was observed
 ¼ t ð4Þ
½g 1=a ½g
1=a Mm K1=a with the increase in temperature and degree of acetylation.
t 0
The degradation rates were determined by the authors
For processes such as thermal- or acid-catalyzed degrada- from the slopes of the D1/[g](1/a) vs. t plots (Fig. 7),
tion, the rate constant can be obtained by plotting the considering Eq. (4). The values increased with both acety-
differences between the inverses of the viscosities vs. the lation degree and temperature. For example, at 120jC, k
degradation time. For a given system, the degradation rates increased from 120  106 to 1450  106 hr1 when the
at different temperatures can be used to determine the acetylation degree increased from 0.02 to 0.35, respec-
kinetic parameters through the Arrhenius equation [Eq. tively. At the same time, for an acetylation degree of 0.35,
(2)]. k increased from 3.5  106 to 1450  106 hr1 when
Polysaccharides such as dextran [50], chitosan [11], the temperature increased from 60jC to 120jC. There-
chitosan chloride [48], N-succinyl chitosan [26], agarose fore the authors observed that regardless of the temper-
[24,49], and n-carrageenan [24,49], are examples in which ature, the degradation rates of the chitosan chloride with
the thermal depolymerization was followed by measuring an acetylation degree of 0.35 was about ten times greater
the apparent and intrinsic viscosity. For example, the than those determined for a chitosan with an acetylation
viscosity behavior of 1% solutions of thermally degraded degree of 0.02, indicated a dependence on the chemical
chitosan chloride [48] at four temperatures and three composition. On the other hand, the results also indicated
acetylation degrees is shown in Fig. 6. An exponential that the effect on the viscosity was more significant as the
decrease was initially observed for all the systems studied temperature increased.

Figure 7 Time course of thermal degradation of chitosan chlorides with degree of acetylation (*) 0.02, (5) 0.16, and (.) 0.35 at
(A) 60jC, (B) 80jC, (C) 105jC, and (D) 120jC. The degradation time for A and B is given in days, while for C and D it is given in
hours. (From Ref. 48.)
Stability and Degradation of Polysaccharides 403

Food polysaccharides such as agarose and n-carra-

geenan were studied by Lai et al. [49] in terms of the kinetics
of the depolymerization process. As observed in Fig. 8, the
intrinsic viscosity decreased linearly with time, showing a
certain dependence on temperature within a range of 75–
95jC. From the slope of the plots using Eq. (4) (Fig. 9), the
authors determined the rate constants for the depolymer-
ization processes, observing that the values increased by
two- to threefold for a temperature increment of 10jC. The
rate constants were in the range of 0.2–1.6  104 and 0.2–
1.3  106 sec1 for agarose and n-carrageenan, respec-
tively, within the temperature range of 75–95jC. Appar-
ently, the access to the glycosidic linkage was more
favorable for agarose.
The thermal degradation of cellulose was studied by
Phillip [10] within the temperature range 100–200jC con-
sidering the effect on the zero-order rate constant. For the
degradation reactions of cellulose in N2 + O2 and N2 +

Figure 9 Time dependencies on viscosity considering Eq. (4)

for agarose (A) and n-carrageenan (B) depolymerized at 75–
95jC. (From Ref. 49.)

H2O, the rate constant values were in the range of 0.6–40 

105 DP1 hr1 when the temperature changed from
100jC to 200jC. However, in comparison to the degrada-
tion reaction in N2 atmosphere, the above rate constants
were up two to eight orders of magnitude higher. Under
these conditions, the chain scission produced different
amounts and species of volatile low-molecular compounds
and of char. When only air was used, the mechanism of
thermal degradation of cellulose was described as having
three stages, which included dehydroxylation (preheating
and preliminary drying for removing absorbed water),
carbonization, and oxidative degradation [51]. Depending
Figure 8 Plots of intrinsic viscosity, [g], against heating time on the heating rate, conjugate stages occurred. In the
for agarose (A) and n-carrageenan (B) depolymerized at 75– process of the thermal degradation of cellulose and chitin
95jC. (From Ref. 49.) in supercritical acetone, a very slight evolution of gases was
404 Soldi

observed [6]. The authors assumed that approximately In the processes of thermal degradation, the kinetic
98% of the cellulose is in fact liquefied. parameters (activation energy and pre-exponential factor)
The intrinsic viscosity and average molecular weight of are important to analyze the reaction mechanism and
high methoxy pectin was evaluated at various temperatures thermal stability of different macromolecules. In Table 1,
(20–60jC) [52]. The results presented in Fig. 10A,B, for the activation energy and pre-exponential factor associated
viscosity and Mw, respectively, indicated a similar behav- with different processes of degradation for a series of
ior; that is, a decrease with temperature. For viscosity, the polysaccharides were compared. In general, and regardless
observed effect must be associated with the molecular of the degradation conditions, the activation energy change
breakdown of the chain and a conformational change to with the mass loss fraction in polysaccharides, also indi-
a more compact structure. The decrease in molecular cating changes in the reaction mechanism. For example, in
weight was apparently due to the a h-elimination mecha- the thermal degradation of sodium hyaluronate, xanthan,
nism suggested by the authors. and methylcellulose in nitrogen atmosphere, the activation
The thermal stability of natural polymers, such as, energy determined by the Ozawa method [55,56] changed
sodium hyaluronate, xanthan, and methylcellulose in ni- from ca. 100 to 170 kJ mol1 [53]. For the above-mentioned
trogen atmosphere were compared considering the kinetic polysaccharides, the activation energy in Table 1 represents
and thermogravimetric parameters [53]. The results indi- average values. Variation in the activation energy with the
cated a higher thermal stability for methylcellulose, which mass loss fraction was also observed for chitosan and a
is a neutral polysaccharide. This conclusion was supported mercaptan derivative of chitosan in both nitrogen and air
by both the maximum degradation temperature and acti- atmospheres [57]. For these systems, the activation energy
vation energy. Similar behavior was described by Khomu- varied from ca. 100 to 250 kJ mol1. Another interesting
tov at al. [54] in studies of thermooxidative degradation of aspect relating to the values in Table 1 concerns the
anionic polysaccharides. They concluded that the thermal comparison between processes of thermal degradation that
stability increased with a decrease in the charge of the occurred in air (oxidative) and nitrogen atmosphere. Cel-
macromolecule. lulose and starch showed similar activation energy values
(58.5 and 50.0 kJ mol1, respectively) when the thermal
degradation process occurred in air [58]. In nitrogen atmo-
sphere, the activation energies were 242 and 474 kJ mol1
for cellulose and starch, respectively. The extremely high
value observed for starch in nitrogen was not expected if we
consider the similarity in the chemical structures of both
polysaccharides. However, the authors explained it by the
small mass loss (carbonaceous residue) observed for cellu-
lose at temperatures above 400jC.
The thermogravimetric curves for sodium alginate in
air showed two main stages of degradation with Tmax
(temperature of maximum degradation rate) at 240jC
and 380jC [59]. The activation energy determined by the
Broido method [60] were 171.4 and 174.4 kJ mol1 for the
above two stages of degradation, respectively. These values
were about three times higher than those observed for
starch and cellulose under the same conditions (air), indi-
cating a high dependence on the structure, and probably on
the conformation, of the polysaccharides. For copolymers
of sodium alginate with acrylonitrile, methyl acrylate, ethyl
acrylate, and methyl methacrylate, the activation energies
decreased to values in the range 60–90 kJ mol1 in the first
stage (Tmax = 240jC) and increased up to ca. 240 kJ mol1
in the second stage.
The activation energy values presented in Table 1
clearly show some differences in magnitude when different
degradation processes are used. For example, in the chem-
ical degradation of chitosan, values in the range 80–100 kJ
mol1 were determined. When chitosan was degraded by a
thermal process, values of 181 kJ mol1 (in nitrogen) and
160 kJ mol1 (in air) were obtained. The significant differ-
Figure 10 Effect of increased temperature on the intrinsic ence was apparently associated to the easier access of the
viscosity, [g] (A) and average molecular weight, Mw (B) for a chemical agents (acid) to the glycosidic bonds. Another
high-methoxy pectin in standard phosphate chloride buffer interesting point is the similarity in the activation energy
(pH = 6.8, I = 0.1 M). (From Ref. 52.) observed for most of the polysaccharides in Table 1,
Stability and Degradation of Polysaccharides 405

Table 1 Activation Energy and Pre-Exponential Factor for Polysaccharide Depolymerization

Polysaccharides E (kJ mol1) A (min1) Degradation process Reference
Cellulose 58.5 (air) 3.4  10 Thermal 58
83.7 (air) 3.4  109 Thermal 61
242.(N2) 6.3  1020 Thermal 58
189–199.(N2) — Thermal 62
D-glucose 174. (N2) — Thermal 62
Cornstarch 50. (air) — Thermal 58
474.(N2) 2.0  1042 Thermal 58
Sodium alginate 171.4 (air) — Thermal 59
Xanthan 130 — Thermal 53
Sodium hyaluronate 135 — Thermal 53
Methycellulose 140 — Thermal 53
Chitosan 87.1 — Nitrous acid 12
130 — Acid hydrolysis 63
92 — Alkaline hydrolysis 64
181.(N2) 1.6  1014 Thermal 57
160.(Air) 4.8  1012 Thermal 57
Chitosan chloride 109 — Thermal 48
Chitin 124 — Acid hydrolysis 65
n-Carrageenan 105 5.3  1012 Hydrolyze, pH 2 27
113 2.5  1013 Hydrolyze, pH 2 28
126 4.6  1015 Hydrolyze, pH 2 29
120 3.2  1016 Hydrolyze, pH 2 14
97.2 7.0  107 Water, pH 7 49
L-Carrageenan 162 1.3  1021 Hydrolyze, pH 2 27
133 7.4  1017 Hydrolyze, pH 2 14
E-Carrageenan 116 1.9  1013 Hydrolyze, pH 2 27
Dextran sulfate 103 9.7  1010 Hydrolyze, pH 2 27
Agarose 103 7.8  1010 Water, pH 7 49

submitted to thermal degradation in nitrogen atmosphere. heated isothermally at 250jC was determined through
The values varied from ca. 100 to 150 kJ mol1, suggesting thermogravimetry-Fourier transform infrared (TG-FTIR)
that the mechanism of degradation was, generally, by techniques (Fig. 11A) [51]. The water is produced in a great
random scission of the chain. This conclusion was consis- amount in comparison with other products as shown in
tent with the large number of different products (residue Fig. 11A. Another significant effect was observed when
and volatile products) detected in the degradation of poly- cellulose was heated to 170jC in air (oxygen) (Fig. 11B)
saccharides which is partially discussed in the next section. [51]. The water evolution was observed to be much higher
The activation energy values of cellulose (242 kJ mol1) in air than in nitrogen, because under these conditions,
and starch (474 kJ mol1) determined by thermal degra- hydroperoxide groups are formed, which can dissociate to
dation in nitrogen atmosphere were in apparent discrep- give hydroxyl radicals. The water is formed from hydroxyl
ancy with most of the polysaccharides in Table 1. radicals by hydrogen abstraction. A detailed mechanism of
cellulose degradation was described by Scheirs et al. [51]
considering the water evolution from cellulose after heat-
V. PRODUCTS OF DEGRADATION ing to different temperatures. Up to ca. 300jC, a dehydra-
tion process occurred that corresponded to the evolution of
Products of degradation in polysaccharides have been physical and chemical water. As suggested by the authors,
determined mainly in systems submitted to thermal and the evolution of chemical water occurs by intramolecular
pyrolytic degradation or chemical degradation at high elimination (from carbons 2 and 3 of the monomeric unit)
temperatures [33,51,53,66–75]. In this section, some exam- with the formation of anhydrocellulose (enol or keto
ples concerning these processes are analyzed. forms). At the same temperature, cross-linking by ether
Cellulose has been one of the most extensively studied linkages due to the intermolecular elimination between the
polysaccharides not only in terms of the processes of hydroxyl groups may occur. The degradation at temper-
degradation, but also in terms of the reaction products of atures higher than 300jC induced elimination of water
degradation and pyrolysis under different conditions. For from the carbon 6 forming a vinylene group. Other reac-
example, the amount of water evolved from cellulose tions such as ring rearrangement, which apparently oc-
406 Soldi

was preferentially formed. These results were supported by

previous studies related to the pyrolysis of curdlan a
(1!3)-h-D-glucan in which the presence of sodium chlo-
ride favored lactone formation [68]. The degradation of
glucose in alkaline media [aqueous solution of Ca(OH)2] at
100jC produced a complex mixture with more than 50
compounds (saccharinic acids) [69].
Recently, Chen et al. [70] analyzed the volatile com-
pounds generated by the thermal degradation of gluco-
samine and N-acetylglucosamine, which are the monomer
forms of chitosan and chitin, respectively. Gas chromatog-
raphy and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry tech-
niques were used to identify the main degradation products
after maintaining the samples at 200jC for 30 min. The
degradation of N-acetylglucosamine produced mainly 3-
acetoamido-5-acetylfuran and 2-acetylfuran. According to
the authors, the formation mechanism for the above com-
pounds basically included successive dehydration steps
that occurred when the monomeric unit was maintained
at 200jC. Another 13 compounds were identified in the
same degradation reaction, which to include furans, pyr-
idines, pyrroles, and pyrazine derivatives. Studies related to
the thermal degradation of glucosamine were previously
reported by Chen and Ho [71]. They identified a series of
furyl-substituted pyrazines.
The glucan pyrolysis produced one-, two-, and three-
carbon compounds: glycolaldehyde, acetol (hydroxipropa-
none), acetic and formic acids [72]. The pyrolytic behavior
for all the glucans studied was the same [73]. This behavior
suggests that the nature of the glycosidic linkages in a given
glucan has little effect on major reaction pathways.
The FTIR analysis of the residual products of the
thermal degradation of sodium hyaluronate was described
by Villetti et al. [53]. The analysis at 280jC (the tempera-
ture of maximum degradation rate) indicated that the
Figure 11 Water evolution from (A) cellulose as measured bands associated with exocyclic groups (1150, 1079, and
by TG-FTIR technique. (B) Heating cellulose at 170jC in 1042 cm1) and NH stretching (1320 cm1) disappeared
oxygen and nitrogen. (From Ref. 51.) characterizing the cleavage (scission) of the glycosidic
linkage in the main chain. With a temperature increase
(>400jC), the scission of strong links in the backbone
curred after the initial water elimination, lead to further occurred.
water loss producing furanic species. Radlein et al. [74] considered the existence of two
Richards [66] used gas chromatography and 1H NMR decomposition pathways in the pyrolysis of cellulose. At
techniques to identify the pyrolysis products of filter paper temperatures lower than 300jC (slow decomposition), the
(cellulose) under nitrogen at 350jC. Glycolaldehyde, for- pyrolysis reaction produced mainly char and gases, con-
mic acid, 1-hydroxypropan-2-one, acetic acid, and ethylene firming previous results described by Shafizadeh [75], which
glycol were identified as the main reaction products. Gly- suggested that in the range 150–190jC, a reduction in the
colaldehyde was the major product of the pyrolysis with degree of polymerization, elimination of water, formation
yields up to 9.2%. As described in the literature [67], the of carbonyl, carboxyl and hydroperoxide groups, and
formation of glycolaldehyde includes two initial steps: (1) evolution of carbon mono- and dioxide occurred. Practi-
the formation of levoglucosan from cellulose and (2) cally the same products were identified by TG-FTIR (Fig.
glucose from levoglucosan. Reaction products, such as 11A) from cellulose heated isothermally to 250jC [51]. A
formic, acetic, glycolic, and lactic acids (in a total yield of second pathway was related to the pyrolysis at temper-
30% based on cellulose), were formed by alkaline degra- atures higher than 300jC (fast decomposition). At temper-
dation of cellulose [33]. In the presence of 10% sodium atures close to 500jC, for example, the main products of
chloride, the yield of glycolaldehyde decreased to 4.8%, the degradation were hydroxyacetaldehyde and levoglucosan
yield of 1-hydroxypropan-2-one (4.2%) increased at the with yields up to 15.3% and 38.4%, respectively, depending
same time, suggesting that in the presence of salt, lactone on the cellulose source and temperature. Other prod-
Stability and Degradation of Polysaccharides 407

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