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Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers (Review)

Moore ZEH, Cowman S

This is a reprint of a Cochrane review, prepared and maintained by The Cochrane Collaboration and published in The Cochrane Library
2008, Issue 1

Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers (Review) 1

Copyright © 2008 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
PLAIN LANGUAGE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
BACKGROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
OBJECTIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
CRITERIA FOR CONSIDERING STUDIES FOR THIS REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
SEARCH METHODS FOR IDENTIFICATION OF STUDIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
METHODS OF THE REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
DESCRIPTION OF STUDIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
METHODOLOGICAL QUALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
AUTHORS’ CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
SOURCES OF SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Characteristics of included studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Characteristics of excluded studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
ADDITIONAL TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Table 01. Quality Assessment - cleansing for pressure ulcers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Table 02. Bellingeri 2004 Table of results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
ANALYSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Comparison 02. Different cleansing solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Comparison 03. Different cleansing techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
INDEX TERMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
COVER SHEET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
GRAPHS AND OTHER TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Analysis 02.02. Comparison 02 Different cleansing solutions, Outcome 02 Saline versus tap water . . . . . . . 15
Analysis 03.01. Comparison 03 Different cleansing techniques, Outcome 01 Whirlpool versus no whirlpool . . . 16

Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers (Review) i

Copyright © 2008 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers (Review)

Moore ZEH, Cowman S

This record should be cited as:

Moore ZEH, Cowman S. Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2005, Issue 4. Art. No.:
CD004983. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004983.pub2.

This version first published online: 19 October 2005 in Issue 4, 2005.

Date of most recent substantive amendment: 12 August 2005


Pressure ulcers (also called pressure sores, bed sores and decubitus ulcers) are areas of tissue damage that occur in the very old,
malnourished or acutely ill, who cannot reposition themselves. Pressure ulcers impose a significant financial burden on health care
systems and negatively affect quality of life. Wound cleansing is considered an important component of pressure ulcer care.

This systematic review seeks to answer the following question:
What is the effect of wound cleansing solutions and wound cleansing techniques on the rate of healing of pressure ulcers?

Search strategy
We searched the Specialised Trials Register of the Cochrane Wounds Group (up to August 2005), and the Cochrane Central Register of
Controlled Trials (The Cochrane Library Issue 3, 2005). We searched bibliographies of relevant publications retrieved. We contacted
drug companies and experts in the field to identify studies missed by the primary search.

Selection criteria
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) comparing wound cleansing with no wound cleansing, or different wound cleansing solutions,
or different cleansing techniques, were eligible for inclusion if they reported an objective measure of pressure ulcer healing.

Data collection and analysis

Two authors extracted data independently and resolved disagreements through discussion and reference to the Cochrane Wounds
Group editorial base. A structured narrative summary of the included studies was conducted. For dichotomous outcomes, relative risk
(RR), plus 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated; for continuous outcomes, weighted mean difference (WMD), plus 95% CI
were calculated. Meta analysis was not conducted, because of the small number of diverse RCTs identified.

Main results
No studies compared cleansing with no cleansing. Two studies compared different wound cleansing solutions: a statistically significant
improvement in Pressure Sore Status Tool scores occurred for wounds cleansed with saline spray containing Aloe vera, silver chloride
and decyl glucoside (Vulnopur) compared to isotonic saline (P value = 0.025), but no statistically significant change in healing was seen
when water was compared to saline (RR 3.00, 95% CI 0.21, 41.89). One study compared cleansing techniques, but no statistically
significant change in healing was seen for ulcers cleansed with, or without, a whirlpool (RR 2.10, 95% CI 0.93 to 4.76).

Authors’ conclusions
We identified only three studies addressing cleansing of pressure ulcers. One noted a statistically significant improvement in pressure
ulcer healing for wounds cleansed with saline spray containing Aloe vera, silver chloride and decyl glucoside (Vulnopur) when compared
with isotonic saline solution. Overall, there is no good trial evidence to support use of any particular wound cleansing solution or
technique for pressure ulcers.
Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers (Review) 1
Copyright © 2008 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
There is no good evidence that cleansing pressure ulcers (or bed sores), or cleansing with a particular solution, helps healing.
Very little research has studied the cleansing of pressure ulcers (bed sores) and therefore we are unable to draw any firm conclusions.

BACKGROUND 2001). Furthermore, pressure ulcers can exude profusely, particu-

larly during the early inflammatory phase (Iocono 1998), and so
Pressure ulcers (also known as pressure sores, bed sores and decu- require frequent changes of dressings (Rolstad 2000). It has been
bitus ulcers) are localised areas of tissue damage caused by excess noted that the issues of concern for patients are pain, exudates,
pressure, shearing or friction forces, that occur in those who can- body image and worry about healing (Fox 2002), all of which alter
not reposition themselves in order to relieve pressure on their bony an individual’s quality of life (Clark 2002). In addition, it has been
prominences. This ability is often diminished in the very old, the suggested that pressure ulcers also contribute to increased mortal-
malnourished and those with acute illness (Robertson 1990). In ity (Alarcon 1999; Allman 1997; Bo 2003; Davies 1991; Thomas
order to quantify the problem of pressure ulcers, prevalence studies 1996).
and incidence studies have been conducted (Dealey 1991; O’Dea Pressure ulcers are a significant financial burden to health care sys-
1995; Versluysen 1986). It should be noted that the terms ’preva- tems (Clark 1992). The Touche Ross report (Touche Ross 1993)
lence’ and ’incidence’ have different meanings and should not be estimated the annual cost of treatment for pressure ulcers in the
used interchangeably. Prevalence refers to the number of people UK in 1993, at between £180 and £321 million, with the cost
with a pressure ulcer at a point in time, or during a specific time of prevention estimated at £180 to £755 million. More recently,
period, while incidence concerns the rate at which new pressure Bennett (Bennett 2004) explored the cost of pressure ulcer man-
ulcers develop in a defined population in a specific time period agement and suggested that the total annual cost in the UK is £1.4
(Beglehole 1993). to 2.1 billion, or 4% of total healthcare expenditure. It is worth
noting that costs of litigation or effects on quality of life , in terms
One cross-sectional European study found that approximately
of pain, depression and social isolation, were not included in these
18% of hospital patients had a pressure ulcer (EPUAP 2002). An
Irish study confirmed the extent of the problem when, follow- estimates. Therefore, at present, the precise economic impact of
pressure ulcers has yet to be established (Clark 1994; David 1983;
ing a cross-sectional survey of 297 adult hospitalised patients, a
Thompson 1999).
prevalence of 12.5% was observed (Moore 2000). Reported in-
cidence rates of pressure ulcers range from 2.2% - 66% in the The management of patients with pressure ulcers involves a myriad
UK, to 0% - 65.6% in the USA and Canada (Kaltenthaler 2001). of different interventions such as nutritional care (EPUAP 2003),
These figures are influenced by the location and condition of the pressure reducing/relieving surfaces (Clark 1992; Cullum 2001;
patient group (hospital versus community setting, general hos- McInnes 2004), repositioning (Clark 1998) and skin and wound
pital patients versus those with fractured neck of femur) (Bridel care (Bergstrom 1994; Flanagan 1998A). Furthermore, in order
1996; Hanson 1993; Richardson 1981; Versluysen 1986). Pres- to reduce the distress for individuals with pressure ulcers, it is
sure ulcers are more common in patient groups such as the el- essential that their wounds be managed successfully (Fox 2002).
derly (Whittington 2000), those in orthopaedic settings (Versluy- Following assessment of both the patient and the wound, the goal
sen 1986), and those who cannot reposition themselves (for exam- of management is to create the optimum local wound environment
ple younger patients with injuries to the spinal cord), other med- for healing (Rolstad 2000).
ical conditions can also predispose the development of pressure
ulcers (Schoonhoven 2002). Changing population demographics Selection of appropriate topical therapies (i.e. those applied to the
and the rise in the number of elderly patients in the future means skin) is widely believed to contribute to healing (Rolstad 2000).
that the number of people with pressure ulcers is likely to increase Available therapies include wound debridement (Bradley 1999);
in the years ahead. (Haalboom 2000). It is reasonable to suggest, the application of dressings (Bradley 1999A); and topical antimi-
therefore, that anything that improves ulcer healing outcomes will crobial agents (O’Meara 2001). There is little evidence to support
have a positive impact on both the individual and the health ser- the use, or otherwise, of the therapies that are currently available.
vice as a whole (Thompson 1999). Wound cleansing is regarded as an important component of pres-
sure ulcer care (Hellewell 1997). It is assumed to be necessary to
The presence of a pressure ulcer impacts on the individual in many remove dead tissue and foreign bodies from wounds, and is usually
ways (Clark 1994). Pressure ulcers are painful (Szor 1997) and undertaken before applying a dressing (Flanagan 1998). However,
malodorous, especially when there is a large amount of dead tis- there is uncertainty about what constitutes best practice (Fernan-
sue combined with anaerobic bacteria in the wound bed (Stotts dez 2004). Clinicians and manufacturers recommend different so-
Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers (Review) 2
Copyright © 2008 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
lutions and methods of application, which is confusing (Lawrence Types of intervention
1997; Lindholm 1999; Fernandez 2004). Indeed, it is argued that For the purposes of this review, cleansing was defined as the ap-
wound cleansing practice is often based on past experience and plication of fluid to the pressure ulcer to aid removal of exudate,
ritual rather than the best available evidence (Cutting 1990; Glide debris and contaminants, but not the use of dressings or mechani-
1992). cal debridement (Towler 2001). Water was included if, within the
Fernandez (Fernandez 2004) has previously conducted a system- relevant study, it had been compared with another solution.
atic review of wound cleansing, however, the focus of this work Studies investigating the following comparisons were eligible for
was the effects of water as a cleanser. In addition, the authors the review:
did not explore the method of application of the solution (Fer- (1) cleansing compared with no cleansing;
nandez 2004). It is argued that wound cleansing has three el- (2) one cleansing solution compared to another;
ements namely, the technique, the solution and the equipment (3) one cleansing technique compared to another (e.g. irrigation,
(Young 1995). Techniques used include high pressure irrigation, swabbing, soaking, immersion).
swabbing, low pressure irrigation, showering, bathing, washing
the affected area under a running solution or total immersion in Types of outcome measures
a whirlpool bath also known as hydrotherapy (Lawrence 1997; Trials were considered if they reported at least one of the primary
Lindholm 1999). Different cleansing solutions are also used, for outcomes.
example normal saline, water, and antiseptic solutions (Angeras Primary outcomes were an objective measure of pressure ulcer
1992). Furthermore, wound cleansing requires the use of equip- healing, such as time to complete healing; absolute or percentage
ment, for example syringes, needles, catheters and pressurised can- change in pressure ulcer area or volume over time; proportion of
isters (Young 1995). Therefore, it is important to explore all com- pressure ulcers healed at the completion of the trial period; or
ponents of the wound cleansing process, as the correct application healing rate.
of the solution may be as relevant as the solution itself (Morison
1989; Singer 1994). Consequently, it was decided to undertake a Secondary outcomes were procedural pain (using validated scales
systematic review of the literature to summarise current evidence where reported), and ease of use of the method of cleansing. Sec-
that could provide a contribution to relevant clinical guidelines. ondary outcomes were only reported from studies that also re-
In addition, the review will inform research in this important area ported primary outcomes.
of patient care.



See: Cochrane Wounds Group methods used in reviews.

To assess the effects of wound cleansing solutions and wound
cleansing techniques on the healing rates of pressure ulcers. Accounts of RCTs comparing cleansing solutions, or cleansing
techniques, or cleansing equipment for pressure ulcers were
sought through electronic searches of the
CRITERIA FOR CONSIDERING 1. Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)
2. Cochrane Wounds Group Specialised Register (last searched
August 2005); this Specialised Register has been complied
Types of studies
through searching the major health databases including
MEDLINE, EMBASE, and CINAHL, and is regularly updated
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) comparing wound cleansing
through searching the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled
with no wound cleansing, or RCTs comparing different wound
Trials (CENTRAL), and hand searching wound care journals
cleansing solutions or different wound cleansing techniques, were
and relevant conference proceedings.
considered for the review. Controlled clinical trials (CCTs) were
to be considered in the absence of RCTs. The following strategy was used to identify relevant studies:
1. DETERGENTS explode all trees (MeSH)
Types of participants
Studies involving people of any age, in any health care setting, (MeSH)
with existing pressure ulcers (defined as a break in the continuity 3. POVIDONE-IODINE explode all trees (MeSH)
of the skin, caused by pressure, shearing or friction forces) (Nixon 4. CHLORHEXIDINE explode all trees (MeSH)
1999). 5. HYDROTHERAPY explode tree 1 (MeSH)
Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers (Review) 3
Copyright © 2008 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
6. ANTI-INFECTIVE AGENTS LOCAL explode all trees directly. There were no restrictions on articles concerning
(MeSH) language or date of publication.
7. DISINFECTION explode all trees (MeSH)
8. ALCOHOL DETERGENTS explode all trees (MeSH)
9. (clean* or wash* or scrub*) METHODS OF THE REVIEW
10. (wound* near cleaning)
11. (shower* or bath*) Selection of studies
12. (detergent* or saline or povidone or iodine or betadine) Titles and, where available, abstracts of the studies were assessed
13. (irrigat* or whirlpool) by two authors independently, for their eligibility for inclusion
14. (chlorhexidine or hibitane or water or alcohol) in the review. Full versions of potentially relevant studies were
15. ANTI-INFECTIVE AGENTS LOCAL explode all trees obtained and screened against the inclusion criteria by two
(MeSH) authors independently. Any differences in opinion were resolved
16. DISINFECTION single term (MeSH) by discussion and reference to the Wounds Group Co-ordinating
17. antiseptic* Editor.
18. disinfectant*
Data extraction
19. solution*
Data from included trials were extracted into pre-prepared
20. soak* data extraction tables. Two authors conducted data extraction
21. SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE explode all trees (MeSH) independently and any differences in opinion were resolved by
22. SOLUTIONS single term (MeSH)
discussion and reference to the Wounds Group editorial base. If
23. hypochlorit*
data were missing from reports, the authors were contacted to
24. eusol
obtain the missing information. The following information was
25. dakin*
extracted specifically from trial reports:
26. (potassium next permanganate)
27. (gentian next violet) • Author
28. (hydrogen next peroxide)
• Title
29. (benzoyl next peroxide)
30. (#1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10 or • Source
• Date of study
31. (#12 or #13 or #14 or #15 or #16 or #17 or #18 or #19 or
#20) • Geographical location of study
32. (#21 or #22 or #23 or #24 or #25 or #26 or #27 or #28 or
• Care setting
33. (#30 or #31 or #32) • Type of wound
34. DECUBITUS ULCER explode all trees (MeSH)
• Inclusion/exclusion criteria
35. (decubitus near ulcer*)
36. (bed near ulcer*) • Sample size
37. (pressure near ulcer*)
• Patient characteristics (by treatment group)
38. (pressure near sore*)
39. (bed near sore*) • Design details
40. (#34 or #35 or #36 or #37 or #38 or #39)
• Study type
41. (#33 and #40)
• Method of group allocation
The bibliographies of all retrieved and relevant publications,
• Intervention details
identified by these strategies, were searched for further studies.
Drug companies who supply cleansing solutions, as identified • Outcome measures
in the British National Formulary (BNF 2003) and experts
• Analysis
in the wound care field, namely: council members of the
European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, The European Wound • Results
Management Association, The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory
• Conclusions
Panel and the World Union of Wound Healing Societies, were
contacted (by ZM) to identify any studies not located through Validity Assessment
the primary search, or to identify any further researchers involved The validity of each study was appraised critically to check
in pressure ulcer research, whom the authors could contact methodological rigour, using the quality assessment criteria
Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers (Review) 4
Copyright © 2008 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
suggested by Verhagen 1998 and elsewhere (Khan 2001). the hospital setting (Bellingeri 2004). The second study looked at
Two authors conducted quality assessment independently. The cleansing of pressure ulcers with hydrotherapy (use of a whirlpool
following were addressed: bath filled with warm water) compared with no hydrotherapy
(1) Were the eligibility criteria clearly specified? (without a whirlpool), in both medical and rehabilitation care set-
(2) Was the generation of the randomisation sequence truly tings (Burke 1998). The final study looked at cleansing of chronic
random (i.e. there was an equal probability of assignment to the wounds (including pressure ulcers) with saline compared with
different groups in the study)? cleansing with water, in the community care setting (Griffiths
(3) Was the allocation to treatment groups concealed (e.g. sealed 2001).
opaque envelopes, computerised allocation)?
(4) Were the groups similar at baseline in terms of prognostic
factors? If there were differences were these adjusted for in the METHODOLOGICAL QUALITY
(5) Were outcome assessors, care providers and participants A summary of the methodological quality of each trial is provided
blinded to treatment allocation? in Table 01.
(6) Were the point estimates and measure of variability for each All studies detailed participant eligibility criteria and all described
group presented for the primary outcome measure? that the participants were randomly allocated to the groups, how-
(7) Were participants analysed in the groups to which they were ever, it was unclear to what extent randomisation was concealed
originally allocated (intention to treat analysis) (Hollis 1999). in all three studies.
Synthesis Data on baseline comparability for prognostic factors were not
Initially a structured narrative summary of the studies reviewed was clearly described in the studies of Griffiths 2001 and Bellingeri
conducted. Data were then entered into the Cochrane RevMan 4.2 2004. No information on baseline comparability for prognostic
software and analysed with Cochrane MetaView. For dichotomous factors of the participants was provided by Burke 1998.
outcomes, relative risk (RR), plus 95% confidence intervals
(CI) were calculated; for continuous outcomes, weighted mean Blinded outcome assessment remains a challenge in wound care as
difference (WMD), plus 95% CI were calculated. Owing to the many of the treatments used look different and are therefore diffi-
small number of diverse RCTs identified, meta analysis was not cult to disguise, however, Griffiths 2001 ensured that the assessor,
conducted. caregiver and participant were all blinded to the treatment alloca-
tion. This was relatively easy to do as both solutions, saline and
tap water, look the same. Burke 1998 ensured that the outcome
DESCRIPTION OF STUDIES assessor was blinded to treatment allocation, whereas Bellingeri
2004 does not provide this information.
The initial search identified one hundred and eleven titles. In addi-
tion, 33 letters were written to wound care experts and drug com- Intention to treat analysis was conducted by Burke. Griffiths anal-
panies supplying cleansing solutions and 13 replies were received ysed data for those completing follow up on an intention to treat
(response rate of 40%). No further trials were identified through basis, although, 8 patients were lost to follow up. In the Bellingeri
this process. trial, intention to treat analysis was not undertaken since 7 par-
ticipants required antibiotic therapy and were excluded from the
Following independent review of the abstracts by two authors, 12 analysis as a consequence. This is potentially biased.
papers were judged to be eligible and full papers were obtained.
Two authors independently assessed the papers and applied the Overall, sample size was generally small - indeed the mean sample
inclusion and exclusion criteria. There was complete agreement size was 60 (range 8 to 123) - and, consequently, is a major limi-
between the authors and three papers were identified as meeting tation of the studies.
the inclusion criteria (See Characteristics of Included Studies ta-
ble). The Characteristics of Excluded Studies table summarises the
nine studies that did not meet the inclusion criteria and were ex-
cluded from the review (Boykin 1989; Colombo 1983; Della M
How the results are presented and what the terms mean
1997; Hartman 2002; Hinz 1986; Kuchan 1981; Saydac 1990;
Results for dichotomous variables are presented as relative risk
Toba 1997; Van Der C 1987).
(RR) with 95% CI. Relative risk is the rate of the event of interest
Three eligible randomised clinical trials were identified, therefore, (e.g. pressure ulcers healed) in the experimental group divided by
CCTs were not considered. The trials were published between the rate of this event in the control group and indicates the chances
1998 and 2004. The first study looked at cleansing of pressure of pressure ulcer healing for people on the experimental treatment
ulcers with isotonic saline versus cleansing with saline spray con- compared with the control treatment. As, by definition, the risk
taining Aloe vera, silver chloride and decyl glucoside (Vulnopur) in of an event occurring in the control group is 1, then the relative
Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers (Review) 5
Copyright © 2008 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
risk reduction associated with using an experimental treatment is skewed and the trialists used non-parametric tests that cannot be
1-RR. The relative risk indicates the relative benefit of a therapy reproduced, because the raw data were not reported. As RevMan
but not the actual benefit, i.e. it does not take into account the assumes a normal distribution, data have not been entered into the
number of people whose pressure sore would have healed anyway, ’Table of comparisons’ section for this study and we have accepted
without treatment. Results for continuous variables are presented the trialists’ analysis, which found that there was a statistically
as WMD with 95% CI. Interpretation of the results is the same as significant improvement in healing in the intervention group (P
RR except the point of no effect is 0 rather than 1 (CLIB Training value = 0.025). The original author cannot confirm the group(s)
2003). from which the 7 patients withdrew due to infection, however the
final group sizes are n = 59 in the Vulnopur group and n = 74
Comparison: cleansing versus no cleansing
in the control group. If more of these patients withdrew from the
No trials were identified for this comparison
Vulnopur group the result would be biased towards that group.
Comparison: different cleansing solutions
Saline compared with tap water
Two trials were identified that compared different cleansing solu-
One RCT (Griffiths 2001), which enrolled 43 patients with 60
tions (Bellingeri 2004; Griffiths 2001).
wounds, was planned on an intention to treat basis. However eight
Saline Spray with aloe vera, silver chloride and decyl glucoside com- patients were lost to follow up (four from each group) because they
pared with isotonic Saline were admitted into hospital, did not adhere to the protocol, or
One RCT (Bellingeri 2004) enrolled 133 patients with pressure declined to continue to participate. Data analysis was, therefore,
ulcers greater than Grade 1 (National Pressure Ulcer Advisory conducted on 35 patients with 49 wounds - of which eight were
Panel scale, NPUAP 1989), seven of whom withdrew before the pressure ulcers.
end of the trial because they were put onto antibiotics - use of
The patients had chronic wounds of Grade 2 or 3, using Carville’s
antibiotics was one of the exclusion criteria. It is not known to
definition (Carville 1995), and were receiving care in a community
which group or groups these seven participants were allocated and
setting. According to Carville’s definition, Grade 2 wounds have
the trial author in a personal communication has not been able to
partial-thickness skin loss - down to the epidermis and/or dermis
obtain this information. Analysis was based on the 126 subjects
- while Grade 3 wounds have full-thickness skin loss - down to,
who completed the trial.
but not through, the fascia (Carville 1995). For the purpose of
The Pressure Sore Status Tool (PSST), developed in 1992 by Bates- this review, data are presented on the eight pressure ulcers.
Jensen and colleagues, was used as an outcome measure in this
There were three men and three women in the intervention group
study (Bates-Jensen 1992). The tool uses 13 different items to
(six wounds), with a mean age of 70.5 years (range 40-82 years).
assess pressure ulcer condition. All the items are scored with a
Their wounds were cleansed with tap water; the mean wound
Likert scale, giving a final value of between 13 and 65, with 13
diameter size at baseline was 463 mm (range 59 mm - 826 mm).
indicating a healed ulcer.
The control group consisted of one man and one woman (two
There were 46 women and 28 men in the control group, with a wounds), with a mean age of 71 years (range 56-86 years). Their
median age of 73 years (range 62-83 years). Their wounds were wounds were cleansed using saline; the mean wound size at baseline
cleansed with isotonic saline solution: PSST at baseline was 33 for was 713 mm; range 535 mm-790 mm.
this group, with a standard deviation (SD) of 10.3, minimum value
Wound cleansing for both groups was conducted in a similar man-
(min) 15, maximum value (max) 52. There were 36 women and
ner. The wounds were irrigated with either saline or water, deliv-
23 men in the intervention group, with a median age of 74 years
ered at room temperature via a 30 ml syringe and a 20 g cannula.
(range 56-84 years). Their wounds were cleansed with saline spray
The surrounding skin was patted dry, and a clean dressing applied.
with Aloe vera, silver chloride and decyl glucoside (Vulnopur):
It is not clear from the study how often the wounds were irrigated.
mean PSST at baseline was 34.0, with SD 11.5, min 13.0, max
A variety of topical dressings were used, including hydrocolloids
52.0. (Table 02 data presented in the study report with translated
and gels. A combination of hydrocolloid and gel or hydrocolloid
alone was used topically on the intervention group, whereas either
The authors did not describe how the cleansing was carried out, or a hydrocolloid alone or a hydrocolloid and hydrocolloid paste was
identify the types of dressings used on the wounds after cleansing. used in the control group. The participants were followed up for
The patients were followed up for a period of 14 days. a period of six weeks.

Primary outcome measure: percentage reduction in pressure sore status Primary outcome measure: number of ulcers healed (Figure: Compar-
The mean percentage change from baseline to day 14 in the con- ison 2, outcome 2.1)
trol group was -20.5 (SD 24.1, min -65.8, max 22.7), while the Three wounds cleansed with tap water healed in the six-week pe-
mean percentage change in the Vulnopur spray group was -27.8 riod, whereas none of the wounds cleansed with saline had healed
(SD 31.3, min 69.8, max 123.5). The data from this study were at six weeks; the relative risk (RR) was 3.00 (95% confidence in-
Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers (Review) 6
Copyright © 2008 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
terval (CI) 0.21 to 41.89). The sample size is too small to draw with, or without, a whirlpool. Similarly no statistical difference
any conclusions. in healing rate was noted for wounds cleansed with saline when
compared with those cleansed with water.
Comparison: different cleansing techniques
One trial was identified that compared different cleansing tech- Some methodological issues require consideration, and limit the
niques (Burke 1998). conclusions that can be drawn from this review. The existing stud-
Whirlpool versus no whirlpool ies are small and underpowered - indeed the mean sample size was
One RCT (Burke 1998) recruited people with what were described 60 (range eight to 123 participants) - which restricts the certainty
as Grade 3 or Grade 4 pressure ulcers (no information about the with which differences between groups can be identified as statis-
pressure ulcer grading system was provided) from medical and re- tically significant.
habilitation wards within the study sites. Eighteen people with 42 Concealment of group allocation was inadequately described in all
ulcers were included in the study and were randomly allocated to of the studies. It has been suggested that lack of a clear description
the control group (non-whirlpool; n = 18 ulcers) or to the inter- of randomisation leads to bias in assessing the outcome of studies
vention group (whirlpool; n = 24 ulcers). The authors provided (Moher 2001); that the size of the effect could be overestimated
no baseline data for either study group, regarding the participants, and so give a false impression of the value of the intervention.
ulcer size or severity.
In one of the studies, no information was provided on the baseline
In the intervention group, hydrotherapy was provided for 20 min- comparability of the study groups in terms of size and severity
utes once a day, in a whirlpool bath warmed to 96-98 degrees of the ulcers, or the pressure ulcer grading system the trialists
Fahrenheit. The wounds were irrigated with saline and dressed used (Burke 1998). In all of the studies, information regarding
with saline-soaked gauze; dressings were changed twice daily. In prognostic factors was unclear. The CONSORT statement set out
the control group, wounds were irrigated with saline and dressed to identify the key criteria required of authors when reporting
with saline-soaked gauze; dressings were changed twice daily. results of studies (Moher 2001). The rationale for the development
The participants were followed up for a period of 14 days. Im- of this statement is that, to understand the significance of an RCT,
provement in pressure ulcer condition was assessed by measuring the reader must be able to comprehend all components of the
changes in length and width of the wounds from week to week. study clearly. Therefore, in order to be able to do this, the studies
must include all relevant information when they are published.
Primary outcome measure: improvement in pressure ulcer condition
For the reader, the ability to judge the quality of a study is severely
(Figure: Comparison 3, outcome 1.1)
hampered by a lack of baseline data. It is evident from the studies
The wounds in the whirlpool group demonstrated improved heal-
included in this review that important pieces of information are
ing (number of wounds improved = 14) compared to the non-
either not reported, or are not adequately described.
whirlpool group (number of wounds improved = 5). The authors
conducted a t-test and found a statistically significant difference Blinded outcome assessment is difficult to achieve in wound care,
(P value = 0.0435). However, RevMan analysis identified no sta- and was incorporated into two of the trials (Burke 1998; Griffiths
tistically significant findings; the RR was 2.10 (95% CI 0.93 to 2001), though information on this point was not supplied for
4.76). the third trial (Bellingeri 2004). Lack of knowledge of outcome
assessment limits the objectivity with which one can assess the
Intention to treat analysis was conducted in only one of the three
No large scale RCT was identified that compared cleansing with studies. It is suggested by Greenhalgh (Greenhalgh 1997) that data
no cleansing of pressure ulcers. Three small RCTs were identi- should be analysed for all participants originally included in the
fied, each exploring a different aspect of wound cleansing. This is study, even if they did not complete the trial. Failure to do this
interesting when one considers that 18% of hospitalised patients can lead to an overestimation of the size of the effect - usually in
have a pressure ulcer (EPUAP 2002) and that wound cleansing, favour of the intervention. However, although Fergusson (Fergus-
among many other interventions such as repositioning and nu- son 2002) argues that there may be certain circumstances where
tritional support, is a routine component of the management of it is possible to exclude patients from analysis after randomisation
these wounds (Rolstad 2000). (in order to avoid bias and to minimise random error), well de-
signed studies that adhere to a high standard of methodological
Saline spray containing Aloe vera, silver chloride and decyl glu-
rigour, should ensure that this rarely happens (Fergusson 2002).
coside (Vulnopur) was found to improve PSST scores statistically
when used to cleanse pressure ulcers, compared to wounds that In conclusion, there is little evidence available pertaining to wound
were cleansed with isotonic saline. However, there was no statisti- cleansing for pressure ulcers. Only one study demonstrated a sta-
cal difference in healing of pressure ulcers that had been cleansed tistically significant difference in outcomes for wounds cleansed

Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers (Review) 7

Copyright © 2008 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
with saline spray containing Aloe vera, silver chloride and decyl (5) blinded outcome assessment;
glucoside (Vulnopur) compared to isotonic saline solution. It ap- (6) intention to treat analysis; and
pears that there is no evidence supporting the use of a whirlpool (7) reporting of studies in accordance with the CONSORT guide-
for wound cleansing, or to support the use of water rather than lines (Moher 2001).
saline as a wound cleansing solution.

A truly randomised, large scale study, of sufficient statistical power POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF
with comparability of treatment groups at baseline, allocation con- INTEREST
cealment, blinded outcome assessment and intention to treat anal-
ysis needs to be conducted before any firm conclusions can be None known.

The authors would like to thank Susan O’Meara and Sally Bell-
Implications for practice Syer particularly, for their invaluable help, advice and support in
the conduct of this review. The authors would also like to thank the
There is evidence to support the use of saline spray containing Cochrane Wounds Group referees (Jacqui Fletcher, Nerys Woola-
Aloe vera, silver chloride and decyl glucoside (Vulnopur) as a cot) and Coordinating Editor (Nicky Cullum) for their comments
wound cleansing solution. However, apart from this single study on the review. Finally, the authors are grateful to Adrianna Castelli
(Bellingeri 2004), there is no further statistically significant evi- and Ikumi Iwama for their assistance with article translation and
dence available concerning the cleansing of pressure ulcers. Conse- data extraction.
quently, no firm recommendations for ways of cleansing pressure
ulcers in clinical practice can be made.
Implications for research
External sources of support
There is a need for further research in this area. It remains im-
portant that future studies be of sound methodological quality, • Health Research Board IRELAND
incorporating the following:
(1) true randomisation; Internal sources of support
(2) adequate sample size; • The Faculty Board, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, RCSI,
(3) baseline comparability of groups; Dublin 2 IRELAND
(4) allocation concealment; • Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland IRELAND


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Characteristics of included studies

Study Bellingeri 2004

Methods Multicentre RCT. Method of allocation unclear. Follow up 14 days.
Participants Elderly patients of both sexes, with ulcers of > Grade 1 NPUAP scale, dimensions of the ulcer within 10 cm
x 10 cm, in patient admission or under home care assistance for greater than 24 hours.
Control group: 46 females, 28 males, median age 73 years, range 62-83 years. Intervention group: 36 females,
23 males, median age 74 years, range 56-84 years.
Interventions Control group: cleansing with isotonic saline solution.
Intervention group: cleansing with Saline spray with Aloe vera, silver chloride and decyl glucoside (Vulnopur).
The authors did not describe the precise mechanism of application of the solutions.
Outcomes Mean percentage reduction in PSST at day 14:
Vulnopur -22.7 (SD 31.3); isotonic saline -11.7 (SD 24.1) (P value =0.025).
Notes Data analysis conducted on 126 participants, 7 participants withdrew from the trial (per protocol analysis
carried out because it was not possible to assign a PSST score to those withdrawn from the trial).
Allocation concealment B – Unclear

Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers (Review) 11

Copyright © 2008 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Study Burke 1998
Methods RCT - single blind. Follow up was for 14 days. Method of allocation unclear.
Participants In patients with Grade 3 or Grade 4 pressure ulcers (no information re the classification system provided).
18 subjects with 42 ulcers, 18 wounds in non-whirlpool group and 24 ulcers in whirlpool group.
Interventions For the Intervention group: hydrotherapy provided for 20 minutess once a day in a whirlpool bath with
water warmed to 96-98 degrees Fahrenheit. Wounds were irrigated with saline, then dressed with saline-
soaked gauze, dressings changed twice daily. Control group: wounds were irrigated with saline, then dressed
with saline-soaked gauze, dressings changed twice daily.
Outcomes Improvement in ulcer condition identified by changes in measurement of length and width of the wounds
from week to week. Ulcers described as ’improved’, ’no change’ or ’deteriorated’. Whirlpool group showed
superior wound healing (P value = 0.0435) though RevMan analysis did not verify this statistically significant
Allocation concealment B – Unclear

Study Griffiths 2001

Methods RCT - double blind. Allocation using random numbers table. Follow up for 6 weeks.
Participants Patients receiving care in the community setting with chronic wounds of Grade 2 or Grade 3. 49 wounds, 8
of which were pressure ulcers.
Interventions Intervention group: (n = 6) ulcers cleansed with tap water. Control group: (n = 2) ulcers cleansed with saline.
A combination of hydrocolloid and gel or hydrocolloid alone was used topically on the intervention group,
whereas either a hydrocolloid alone or a hydrocolloid and hydrocolloid paste was used in the control group.
Outcomes Sub group analysis not conducted. 3 of the 6 wounds in the tap water group healed, whereas neither of the
2 wounds in the saline group healed in the study period.
Notes This study was looking at more than one type of chronic wound i.e. lacerations, venous ulcers and pressure
ulcers. 13 participants and 11 wounds were lost to follow up; therefore intention to treat analysis was not
Allocation concealment B – Unclear

Characteristics of excluded studies

Study Reason for exclusion

Boykin 1989 Study explores wound dressings, not wound cleansing.
Colombo 1983 Study explores wound dressings, not wound cleansing.
Della M 1997 Study explores wound dressings, not wound cleansing.
Hartman 2002 Study explores wound dressings, not wound cleansing.
Hinz 1986 Study explores venous leg ulcers, not pressure ulcers.
Kuchan 1981 Study explores wound dressings, not wound cleansing.
Saydac 1990 Not an RCT, study explores wound dressings, not wound cleansing.
Toba 1997 Study explores wound dressings, not wound cleansing.
Van Der C 1987 Study explores the prevention of pressure ulcers (i.e. no patient had a pressure ulcer at the start of the study).

Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers (Review) 12

Copyright © 2008 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Copyright © 2008 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers (Review) ADDITIONAL TABLES

Table 01. Quality Assessment - cleansing for pressure ulcers

Eligibility Random Concealed Baseline Variability in Intention to

Trial clear? allocation? allocation similar Assessor blind? group Carer blind? Patient blind? treat?
Burke Eligibility Random Allocation Information Yes. Point estimates No. No. Intention to
criteria clearly allocation. concealment regarding and measure of treat analysis
stated. unclear. base line variability for conducted.
comparability each group is
not provided. not presented
for the primary
Griffiths Eligibility Random Allocation Information Yes. Point estimates Yes. Yes. Intention to
criteria clearly allocation. concealment regarding and measure treat analysis
stated. unclear. base line of variability not conducted.
comparability for each group
not provided. is presented for
the primary
Bellingeri Eligibility Random Allocation Information Unclear. Point estimates Unclear. Unclear. Intention to
criteria clearly allocation. concealment regarding and measure treat analysis
stated. unclear. base line of variability not conducted.
comparability for each group
not provided. is presented for
the primary
Table 02. Bellingeri 2004 Table of results

PSST Baseline PSST Day 7 PSST Day 14 Total % Change

Isotonic saline solution mean 31.6 (SD 10.3, 28.9 (SD 10.5, min 25.3 (SD 12.2, min -20.5 (SD 24.1, min -
(control) min 15.0, max 52.0) 12.0, max 52.0). 10.0, max 50.0). 65.8, max 22.7).
Saline spray, Aloe vera, mean 31.3 (SD 11.5, 27.1 (SD 11.1, min 21.6 (SD 11.6, min -27.8 (SD 31.3, min -
silver chloride and decyl min 13.0 max 56.0) 13.0, max 54.0). 10.0, max 51,0). 69.8, max 123.5).
glucoside (Vulnopur)


Comparison 02. Different cleansing solutions

No. of No. of
Outcome title studies participants Statistical method Effect size
01 Saline spray solution versus 0 0 Relative Risk (Fixed) 95% CI Not estimable
isotonic solution
02 Saline versus tap water Relative Risk (Fixed) 95% CI Subtotals only

Comparison 03. Different cleansing techniques

No. of No. of
Outcome title studies participants Statistical method Effect size
01 Whirlpool versus no whirlpool Relative Risk (Fixed) 95% CI Subtotals only

Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
Irrigation [methods]; Pressure Ulcer [∗ nursing]; Randomized Controlled Trials; Skin Care [∗ methods]; Sodium Chloride [therapeutic
use]; ∗ Wound Healing
MeSH check words

Title Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers
Authors Moore ZEH, Cowman S
Contribution of author(s) Protocol development - Zena Moore
Commenting on draft of protocol - Seamus Cowman
Review of abstracts of articles - Zena Moore, Seamus Cowman
Review and data extraction of articles - Zena Moore, Seamus Cowman,
Preparation of review - Zena Moore
Commenting on draft review - Seamus Cowman
Issue protocol first published 2004/4
Review first published 2005/4
Date of most recent amendment 19 October 2005
Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers (Review) 14
Copyright © 2008 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Date of most recent 12 August 2005
What’s New Information not supplied by author
Date new studies sought but Information not supplied by author
none found

Date new studies found but not Information not supplied by author
yet included/excluded

Date new studies found and 10 August 2005


Date authors’ conclusions Information not supplied by author

section amended
Contact address Zena Moore
HRB Clinical Nursing & Midwifery Research Fellow
Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
123 St Stephens Green
Dublin 15
Fax: +353 1 402 2465
DOI 10.1002/14651858.CD004983.pub2
Cochrane Library number CD004983
Editorial group Cochrane Wounds Group
Editorial group code HM-WOUNDS


Analysis 02.02. Comparison 02 Different cleansing solutions, Outcome 02 Saline versus tap water
Review: Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers
Comparison: 02 Different cleansing solutions
Outcome: 02 Saline versus tap water

Study Treatment Control Relative Risk (Fixed) Weight Relative Risk (Fixed)
n/N n/N 95% CI (%) 95% CI

01 Healed wound within 6 weeks

Griffiths 2001 3/6 0/2 100.0 3.00 [ 0.21, 41.89 ]

Subtotal (95% CI) 6 2 100.0 3.00 [ 0.21, 41.89 ]

Total events: 3 (Treatment), 0 (Control)
Test for heterogeneity: not applicable
Test for overall effect z=0.82 p=0.4

0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10

Favours saline Favours tap water

Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers (Review) 15

Copyright © 2008 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Analysis 03.01. Comparison 03 Different cleansing techniques, Outcome 01 Whirlpool versus no whirlpool
Review: Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers
Comparison: 03 Different cleansing techniques
Outcome: 01 Whirlpool versus no whirlpool

Study Whirlpool No whirlpool Relative Risk (Fixed) Weight Relative Risk (Fixed)
n/N n/N 95% CI (%) 95% CI

01 Improvement in pressure ulcer

Burke 1998 14/24 5/18 100.0 2.10 [ 0.93, 4.76 ]

Subtotal (95% CI) 24 18 100.0 2.10 [ 0.93, 4.76 ]

Total events: 14 (Whirlpool), 5 (No whirlpool)
Test for heterogeneity: not applicable
Test for overall effect z=1.78 p=0.08

0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10

Favours no whirlpool Favours whirlpool

Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers (Review) 16

Copyright © 2008 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

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