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Hyeokho Choi and Richard Baraniuk

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University, Houston, TX 77251–1892, USA

ABSTRACT Recently, an improved wavelet domain denoising technique

has been proposed that utilizes the Wiener filtering of wavelet co-
We investigate Wiener filtering of wavelet coefficients for signal
efficients [5]. The algorithm is illustrated in Fig. 1. The Wiener 4
filtering is carried out in the 8 domain, and the signal model (  )
denoising. Empirically designed wavelet-domain Wiener filters
have superior performance over other denoising algorithms us-
ing wavelet thresholding. However, it is not clear how we should needed to design the filter was obtained by denoising the signal in
choose the signal model that is used to design the filter, because :9 domain by hard thresholding and then transforming to 8
the effect of model selection on the filter performance was hard to domain. It was shown that this empirical Wiener filtering algo-
understand. We analyze the error involved in the Wiener filters de- rithm outperforms many denoising algorithms using thresholding
signed with an empirically obtained signal model showing that we or shrinkage of wavelet coefficients. This idea of wavelet-domain
can almost always obtain better performance than hard threshold- Wiener filtering motivates the analysis of many denoising algo-
ing algorithm by using Wiener filters in another wavelet domain rithms in terms of optimal filtering of noisy wavelet coefficients.
with the signal model obtained by hard thresholding. Our analy- Many other wavelet thresholding and shrinkage schemes can
sis furthermore provides a method to choose various parameters in be shown to be approximate forms of Wiener filtering. Thus, it is
wavelet domain Wiener filtering scheme. worthwhile to consider these wavelet denoising algorithms from
the viewpoint of Wiener filtering. In this way, we can analyze
1. INTRODUCTION many wavelet denoising algorithms with a unified approach.
Denoising algorithms attempt to recover a signal corrupted by ad- Our goal is to analyze the errors involved in the Wiener fil-
ditive white noise. The signal we consider can be modeled as a
vector in R space. The noisy signal can be written as 
 , tering of wavelet coefficients using a filter designed with specific

where  and model signal and noise, respectively. Let
signal models obtained through some other methods. In particular,
our main contribution is the analysis of the denoising mechanism
note -th sample of  , and define 
 similarly. Let  of the empirical Wiener filtering algorithm (WienerChop) given
denote a wavelet transform that is well matched to the signal in in [5]. Although the WienerChop algorithm is superior to many
consideration. By transforming the observed noisy signal into  other denoising algorithms, the behavior of the algorithm was not
wavelet domain, we obtain wavelet coefficients 
 , where clearly understood in [5]. We clearly illustrate the main source
 ,  and  , respectively. Thanks to the of improvement in performance of the empirical Wiener filtering
compaction and decorrelation properties of wavelet transforma- over other denoising algorithms using thresholding. We show that
tions [1], we can devise many filtering algorithms that estimate the superiority of the WienerChop algorithm is mainly due to the
the true signal from a noisy observation. Many algorithms that reduction of the error that results from the mismatch of the empir-
obtain the estimates of the signal by thresholding or shrinking of ical signal model to the true signal. The success of the algorithm
wavelet coefficients and then inverse transforming to time domain comes from the proper reconditioning of the signal model by an or-
have been proposed [2, 3]. thonormal transformation to a different domain. Our analysis can
suggest methods to design good wavelet domain Wiener filtering
The idea of Wiener filtering of individual wavelet coefficient
arises from the fact that wavelet transforms tend to decorrelate
data. That is, the wavelet transform approximates the Karhunen- 2. ERRORS IN EMPIRICAL WIENER FILTERING
Loeve (KL) transform. To recover  from  , Wiener filtering of in-
dividual wavelet coefficient is optimal in the sense of minimizing The signal estimation error when we use an approximate Wiener
mean-square error (MSE) assuming perfect decorrelation of noisy
wavelet coefficients. The Wiener filtering of each wavelet coeffi- pression for the MSE as ;=< >?@BADCD
 ?FHG I$
EKJ  4  , where
filter in (1) is worth further consideration. We can obtain the ex-

cient is given as  
! "$#&%('*) /
 , where 021 is the variance of L
 [1, 4]. Because 
 " ’s# %(are
'+)+,.- unknown,
# M  16
4 ?@BADC$
E   1
  0 1 J
we use estimated values
 instead, and we obtain an empirical Wiener filter given as (2)
4 '*NO
! 4 16

L 4 1
 0 1 R 4 1
 0 1 ?FHG IP
E5J5 Q   7
 0 1TS  1
 0 1 U
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, grant
no. MIP–9457438, DARPA, grant no. DARPA/AFOSR F49620–97–1–
'*NHO (3)
The 4 term ? @BA$C represents the MSE of the Wiener filter when
0513, and Texas Instruments.
Web: we have 
 for all ; ?FHG I is the error resulting from
the mismatch of the signal model to the true signal. Once we fix 4. ANALYSIS OF THE WIENERCHOP ALGORITHM
the wavelet transform, ? @BADC is determined for a given signal. We
can see that ? @BADC attains its minimum when the signal energy is
concentrated at a single wavelet coefficient 
YXZ for some X and Although wavelet domain denoising using hard thresholding can
[]\ for V_
^ X . In other words, the we obtain a good per- be used to estimate a signal, this estimated signal can also be used
formance of the optimal Wiener filter when the wavelet transform as a signal model to design a filter as in (1). Then, we can filter
compacts the signal well. the original signal using this filter to obtain a better estimate of the
The term ? FHG I
EKJ  Q  represents the error resulting from mis-
signal, because the signal model used to design the filter (obtained
by hard thresholding the wavelet coefficients in :9 ) may be bet-
match of the signal model  Q with the signal  . When the signal ter matched to the signal than the model in (4). However, using
model is perfect, ? FHG I `\ and we obtain the performance of the the signal model obtained by hard thresholding in  9 to design
optimal Wiener filter. However, we do not know the exact values a Wiener filter in the same domain experiences similar problems
of 5
 ’s, and this4 error term is not zero. To see how this error (large ? FHG I ) as simple hard thresholding does. Rather, we can
term varies as 
 changes, consider 4 the behavior of each term think of Wiener filtering in an alternate domain by an orthonormal
in the expression for ? FHG I
E5J 6 in (3). Figure 2 shows the plot transformation.
of4 a term in the summation for 0a\K7(b , 5
dce \57 fZJg\57 fih , and
dcje \K7 fKJ$\57 fih . ? FHG I is summation of k suchS terms.4 In this
The WienerChop algorithm in [5] follows from this idea. The

figure, we S see that a relatively large error can result if 5

l]\ signal model is again provided by wavelet domain hard thresh-
olding using wavelet transform :9 . Although an orthonormal
when 5

 is not small. For a fixed 
 , it is minimized when transformation 4 does not change the mean-square error of signal
m . When  is close 4 to zero, misestimation of  has little effect model, ?[
Pw  w 1& in the new domain, the signal model in the
on MSE. Also, if  increases away from zero, the MSE decreases S
transformed domain may be more suitable for designing a Wiener
rapidly even when  is not small. In these two cases, the value filter, reducing the error due to model mismatch ( ? FHG I ) in the de-
approaches 0 1 . sign. In particular, we can avoid the type of model mismatch that
can cause possibly large error (as in hard thresholding), by a coor-
dinate transformation, and this may significantly reduce the error.
Let :9 be the wavelet transform used to obtain the signal
model using hard thresholding, and let ‚ be an orthonormal trans-
formation from  9 domain to a different one. Let ƒ be the hard
We can interpret many wavelet domain denoising algorithms as
thresholding operator defined as ƒj„5…Y†ˆ‡‰e Š2
Ek=h ,
special cases of Wiener filtering scheme designed with some signal
where Š2
ub if w /
rw.x{y and Š2
~\ otherwise. Then, the
model in the wavelet domain. As a preparation for the argument in
signal model obtained by hard thresholding in  9 domain is given
the following sections, we consider the hard thresholding scheme
as 2Tƒ‘ƒ‘:9ˆ . The estimated signal in time domain can
[3] in view of the error analysis of Section 2. With the model of
the noisy wavelet coefficients after transforming the signal by :9 9 9
given as /

 , [pb6J&qDqrqrJPk , hard thresholding be written as iTW9 ’ 2lW9 ’ ƒ‘ 9  .
of wavelet coefficients can be viewed as an approximate form of Suppose ‚ is an orthonormal transformation from  9 co-
Wiener filtering as ordinates to a new coordinates. Depending on the choice of this
orthonormal transformation, we can expect that the unfavorable
/ 4
s 4  16
$J with  4
utWv if w /
mismatches of the signal model may be mitigated after coordi-

 0 1 \ otherwise. nate transformation, rendering a more favorable signal model so
that the Wiener filter designed in the new domain can have sig-
4 (4) nificant reduction of error. Then, the noisy signal and the signal
In other words, 
 in (4) is the model of the signal used to design model in the new domain are given as ”“l‚‘•‚‘ 9  , and
the filter, and under this model, the designed Wiener filter is the 2–“lj‚nT‚Vƒn 9  . We can design a Wiener filter in the
hard thresholding algorithm. new domain based on the signal model  –“ , and then the filter can
To see how much error would result from hard thresholding, be applied to ”“ . We obtain the final time domain signal by inverse
we use the formulas for MSE derived in Section 2. The term ? @BADC transforming back to the time domain.
is fixed once the underlying wavelet transform is determined. In When choosing ‚ , we should be careful that the resulting
view of Fig. 4 2, we see that ? FHG I mainly consists of the error result- transform of the signal in the new domain (Œ“ ) is as compact as
ing from 
z{ ^ 5
 for those wavelet coefficients w 
rw6|y and possible, so that the inherent Wiener filtering error ( ? @BA$C ) is small.
w /
rw}~y . Such
4 coefficients are removed by hard thresholding, In this respect, it is desirable to choose ‚ so that the resulting new
and we have 
€\ , making the corresponding error term in domain is another wavelet domain. Let  8 denote this wavelet
?FHG I (see (3)) large. Hard thresholding has a poor performance in 9
domain. Then, ‚ has the form ‚86 9 ’ . In terms of 8 ,
the signal is represented as  8  8  in the  8 domain, and
this sense.
we have the signal model given by 2 8  8 W9 ’ ƒ‘ 9  . This
corresponds to having :9€ ^ 8 in the algorithm of [5]. When
Other wavelet thresholding or shrinkage algorithms can be
interpreted as Wiener filters in a similar way. And, we expect sim-
ilar behavior of ? FHG I in many other algorithms including the soft  9 ^  8 , the error ? FHG I of the Wiener filtering in  9 8 domain
depends on the ability of the transform ‚ 8  9 ’ to spread
the model mismatches in :9 domain by transforming into 8
thresholding scheme where small wavelet coefficients are also re-
moved. In [1, pp. 425-464], a similar comparison between hard
domain, to make the model suitable for designing a Wiener filter
in  8 domain, assuming the signal is compactly represented in
thresholding and the optimal Wiener filtering (ideal attenuation of
wavelet coefficients) was made by analyzing the errors involved in
each algorithm. 8 as well as in :9 .
In view of the idea of mitigation of signal modeling error to 6. CONCLUSIONS
reduce ? FHG I , we can pick a good pair of wavelet transforms  9
and  8 for a given signal. However, because the original signal In this paper, we analyzed the errors involved in wavelet domain
is unknown, it is hard to characterize the influence of these wavelet empirical Wiener filter. We showed that the error due to the mis-
bases on the estimation error. match of signal model can be significant depending on the methods
of obtaining the signal model. In addition, we noted that this er-
When we have more than two wavelet bases under which the ror can be reduced by transforming both the signal and model to
signal has compact representations, we can consider an iterative another wavelet domain where Wiener filter can be designed with
scheme by choosing a pair of wavelets at a time. The signal esti- smaller error.
mate out of the Wiener filter can again be used as a signal estimate
to design yet another Wiener filter in different wavelet domain. The main contributions of this paper are: (1) Interpretation
However, because the estimation error of the empirical Wiener fil- of hard and soft thresholding denoising schemes as Wiener filters,
tering varies very nonlinearly as the signal model changes, we are (2) Analysis and understanding of WienerChop algorithm of [5],
not guaranteed to have an improvement in performance. Our anal- and (3) Analysis of the errors in empirical Wiener filters, leading
ysis has shown that we can obtain improvement in estimation er- to proper design methods of wavelet domain Wiener filters.
ror compared with hard thresholding when we use the hard thresh- The difficulty in analysis of the wavelet domain Wiener fil-
olded signal estimate to design the Wiener filter. Thus, iterating the tering arises from the signal dependence of the processing. The in-
empirical Wiener filtering for multiple wavelet bases is not guar- fluence of the choice of  9 and  8 on the overall performance
anteed to converge to a good signal estimate. is hard to analyze in general. The development of an algorithm to
design the wavelet transforms for a given signal remains as future
research work.
We have recently learned about another method for denoising
5. DENOISING EXAMPLE using multiple wavelet domains [6]. Currently, we are also investi-
gating filtering algorithms to incorporate more than two wavelet
This idea of mitigating the effect of unfavorable model errors by an transforms to obtain improved performance and the analysis of
orthonormal transformation is well illustrated by an example. Fig- their asymptotic behavior.
ure 3 shows the original noiseless signal obtained by concatenating
Donoho’s Doppler and Blocks signals [3] and the signal corrupted
by white Gaussian noise with variance 0—˜\57(b . Figure 4 shows
the estimated signals using wavelet domain denoising obtained by
hard thresholding in ™
[1] S. Mallat, A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing, Academic
1 domain and empirical Wiener filtering.
For the signal by the empirical Wiener filtering in Fig. 4, we chose
Press, 1998.
:9 to be Haar wavelet (™ 1 ) and 8 to be Daubechies length-12 [2] D. L. Donoho and I. Johnstone, “Adapting to unknown
wavelet ( ™ as wavelet bases. In terms of š9 and
O 1 ), respectively,
 8 , we expect the compaction of wavelet coefficients of our test
smoothness via wavelet shrinkage,” J. Amer. Stat. Assoc.
pp.1200-1224, Dec. 1995.
signal will be almost same because each of these wavelet bases [3] D. L. Donoho, “De-noising by soft-thresholding,” IEEE
compacts half of the signal very well while the compaction of the Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 613-627, May 1995.
other half is not good. Table 1 shows the error term ? @BADC for dif-
ferent choices of wavelet bases. We note that the values of ?@BADC [4] H. V. Poor, An Introduction to Signal Detection and Estima-
are similar for both ™
1 and ™ O 1 bases, because the compaction
tion, Springer Verlag, 1988.
of wavelet coefficients is almost the same in either domains. To [5] S. P. Ghael, A. M. Sayeed and R. G. Baraniuk, “Improved
see how the estimates of wavelet coefficients and the actual coeffi- Wavelet Denoising via Empirical Wiener Filtering,” Pro-
cients distribute, we computed d Q ƒ‘4  9  and m 9  . Fig- ceedings of SPIE, vol. 3169, pp. 389-399, San Diego, July
ure 5 show the distribution of
B for ›b6JrqDq&qrJPk . We 1997.
4 coefficients with small magnitudes distribute around
see that the [6] P. Ishwar, K. Ratakonda, P. Moulin, and N. Ahuja, “Image
the line ‘œ\ , which results in large ?›FHG I according 4 to the plot denoising using multiple compaction domains,” Proceedings
Fig. 2. Other coefficients are gathered along the line d . of ICASSP ’98, pp. 1889-1892, Seattle, 1998.

To see the distribution of the coefficients and estimates af-
ter transforming into 8 domain, we computed 86 9 ’  Q and
 8  and plotted the result in Fig. 6. In this figure4 we see that
there are much less points falling around the line ]\ , result-
ing in much less ?›FHG I . This is because the model mismatches in
 9 domain, which distributed very unfavorably, was transformed Table 1: Change of error terms depending on the choice of wavelet
to  8 domain and they distribute much more favorably in the bases  9 and  8 . Choosing  9 ` ^  8 reduces ? FHG I signifi-
8 domain. By actually computing ?FHG I with the model ob- cantly.
tained in the  9 domain by hard thresholding and the signal in  9 ™ 1 ™ O1 ™ ™ O1
the same domain, we obtain the values shown in Table 1 for differ-  8 ™ 1 ™ O1 ™ O11 ™ 1
ent choices of wavelet bases. We observe a significant reduction ?@BADC 2.2165 2.0610 2.0610 2.2165
in ? FHG I when we choose  9  ^  8 . This reduction in ? FHG I ?›FHŸ G I
explains the superiority of the algorithm in [5] over simple hard ž  ?
thresholding algorithm.
Hard Thresholding
y yh -1 sh
W1 H W1 1

s −1
yhk(=θ) 0 200 400 600 800 1000

^ WienerChop
yk -1 s 2
W2 Hw W2

Figure 1: Wavelet-based empirical Wiener filtering. In the upper 0

path, wavelet transform  9 is used to produce a signal model
Ž_ZQ  . This model is then used to design an empirical Wiener

filter ƒn¡ that is applied to the original noisy signal in the  8 −2

0 200 400 600 800 1000
Figure 4: Denoised signals - Above: hard thresholding in ™ 1,
MSE=5.6608, Below: WienerChop using 
™ , MSE=2.8358. O ~™ 1 and  1 
(modeled wavelet coefficients)
0.3 1


0 0
0 −0.5
θ(i) (true wavelet coefficients) 0
^θ(i) (modeled wavelet coefficients)
−0.5 −0.5

Figure 2: Error due to model mismatch.
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
θ (true wavelet coefficients)

Figure 5: Model mismatch in the :9 domain.

Original Signal

(modeled wavelet coefficients)

−1 1

0 200 400 600 800 1000 0.5
Noisy Signal


0 200 400 600 800 1000
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
Figure 3: Above: DoppleBlock test signal. Below: signal cor- θ (true wavelet coefficients)
rupted by WGN with 0=\57(b .
Figure 6: Model mismatch in the 8 domain.

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