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Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 113±123

Fundamental chemical kinetics: the ®rst step to reaction

modelling and reaction engineering
E. Santacesaria1
Dipartimento di Chimica, UniversitaÁ di Napoli Federico II, Via Mezzocannone 4, 80134, Napoli, Italy


In the present paper the relation existing between chemical kinetics, reaction mechanisms and reactor modelling is brie¯y
examined by reporting examples of both homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic reactions. The scope is to give an
introductory insight into the more general topic of ``Kinetics and Modelling of Catalytic reactions from the laboratory to
industrial reactor''. # 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Chemical kinetics; Reaction modelling; Catalytic reactions

1. Introduction 1. the development of suitable experimental techni-

ques to collect reliable reaction rates data in
The scope of chemical kinetics is to de®ne the different conditions, and
evolution with time of a reacting system. The infor- 2. the definition of an appropriate strategy of elabora-
mation which can be acquired with this type of studies tion of the data collected to evaluate the unknown
can usefully be applied in different ®elds, such as the of the problem, that is the kinetic law, a functional
interpretation of reaction mechanisms and of the relationship, able to simulate all the data collected.
molecular behaviour, the interpretation of catalytic
The difficulty increases when few reactants originate
phenomena, the optimisation of catalysts formula-
many products as a consequence of many reactions
tions, the development of new chemical processes
taking place. In this case, the first step of the kinetic
and reactors modelling and simulation. Therefore,
approach will be the determination of an acceptable
the study of chemical reaction kinetics is of interest
scheme for the occurring reactions. Then, the study
for both chemists and chemical engineers using and
can be oriented to define the kinetics of each reaction
elaborating reaction rates data with different objec-
in the pattern.
tives and many books and reviews have been pub-
lished on the subject [1±12].
Two main dif®culties arise in undertaking the 2. Reaction rate definition, reaction rate in the
kinetic study of a chemical reaction: mass and heat balance of the reactor, kinetic
Tel.: +39-81-547-6544; fax: +39-81-552-7771 The rate of a chemical reaction can normally be
E-mail address: (E. Santacesaria) determined by measuring the amount of both the

0920-5861/99/$ ± see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 0 - 5 8 6 1 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 6 9 - 3
114 E. Santacesaria et al. / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 113±123

products obtained and the reagents disappeared, at portion of the sectioned tube. It results therefore
different times, in a reactor normally operating
in ideal conditions. Such conditions could be related ri ˆ F …PFR reactor†: (4)
to: dW

1. the thermal behaviour of the reactor (isothermal, Data about reaction rate can be collected indiffer-
adiabatic, etc.), ently by using one of the above mentioned reactors
2. the operating conditions (batch, semibatch, con- and interpreted to determine a kinetic law equation of
tinuous), and the form:
3. the regime of the flow for continuous reactors ri ˆ f …composition; temperature†; (5)
(CSTRˆcontinuous stirred tank reactor,
PFRˆplug flow reactor). characteristic for a given reaction in the presence of a
well-defined catalyst. An equation of this type is
The measurement of the rate of a reaction corresponds
fundamental for reactor modelling and simulation
to the evaluation of the performance of the reactor
and is very important for the interpretation of the
where the reaction occurs and requires the solution of
catalytic mechanisms. The determination of the cor-
the related material balance equations. When consid-
rect form of this equation is the main goal of the
ering, for example, an isothermal reactor, the material
kinetic study of a reaction.
balance equation referred to the ith component will be:
When the reactor is not isothermal, together with
‰rate of i flow inŠ ˆ ‰rate of i flow outŠ the material balance an energy balance must be con-
sidered, the form of which is similar to that of the
 …‰i produced or consumedŠ ‡ ‰i accumulationŠ:
material balance.
The balance can be expressed in moles or mass The reaction rates can be related, according to the
according to the convenience, considering the stoi- convenience, to the amount of catalyst or to the
chiometry of the reaction. When there is no change in volume of the reactor. The composition of the reacting
the number of the moles of products with respect to the mixtures can usually be expressed in terms of con-
reactants and, hence, in the volumetric flow rates, it is centrations or partial pressures. Often, adimensional
possible to write, for example terms such as the conversion of the reactant or the
yields of the products are conveniently introduced in
dci the kinetic law expression. Dimensional units of the
Fcin out
i ˆ Fci ‡ Wri ‡ ; (1)
dt kinetic parameters will be adjusted, accordingly.
the rate of formation or disappearing of ``i'' expressed The experimental evaluation of reaction rates is
as (moles/time  mass of catalyst) is, therefore usually performed in laboratory reactors in chemical
regime conditions, that is, in conditions not affected by
F ÿ in  1 dci
diffusional limitations; otherwise also the in¯uence of
ri ˆ ci ÿ cout
i ÿ : (2)
W W dt diffusion must be taken into account.
In the case of a continuous well stirred reactor,
operating in steady state conditions, the term of accu-
mulation is null. On the contrary, for a batch reactor, 3. Relation between kinetic law equation
the first term is null and consequently and reaction mechanism
1 dci
ri ˆ ÿ …batch reactor†; 3.1. Scheme of the reaction, single reaction,
W dt
elementary reaction step, stoichiometry,
F in
ri ˆ …c ÿ cout
i †…CSTR reactor†: (3) reaction mechanism
W i
For a tubular plug flow reactor (PFR), the reaction Two reactants can frequently give rise to more than
rate changes along the catalytic bed; therefore, the one reaction. A kinetic study requires to recognise,
material balance must be applied to an infinitesimal ®rst of all, how many reactions occur in a reacting
E. Santacesaria et al. / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 113±123 115

system, that is, to identify the reaction pattern and the 3.2. Determination of the kinetic law equation
stoichiometry of each reaction of the scheme. through the assumption of two useful
A complex reaction scheme can be seen as a hypotheses
combination of simpler schemes in which equilibrium
and competitive or consecutive reactions appear, Kinetic data collected, for example, in an isother-
while the simpler scheme is made of combinations mal reactor for a generic reaction of the type
of single reactions. Any single reaction occurs with a A‡B!C‡D (8)
proper mechanism to which a kinetic equation corre-
can be interpreted by initially considering a power law
sponds. The reaction mechanism is a sequence of
kinetic equation of the type
different steps called ``elementary reactions'' often
involving unstable and undetectable molecular spe- r ˆ kp A p B p C pD ; (9)
cies. The kinetic law equation can easily be written for
where , , , , the apparent reaction orders, will be
each elementary step, because it can directly be
small whole, fractional, positive, negative or null
derived from the stoichiometry of the reaction. As a
numbers. The apparent reaction orders and the kinetic
matter of fact, the ``order of the reaction'', with
constant can be determined by the mathematical
respect to each reactant, which is the power to be
regression analysis of the experimental kinetic data.
given to the reactant concentration in the kinetic law
The values found for , , , and  give useful
equation, coincides with the stoichiometry coef®cient,
suggestions on the form that should be assigned to
as in the following examples:
the true kinetic law equation. For this purpose, a
A ! B ‡ C r ˆ k ‰AŠ Unimolecular process (6) reasonable mechanism must be formulated in which
the products are formed as a consequence of a se-
2A ! B ‡ C r ˆ k ‰AŠ2 Bimolecular process quence of elementary reaction steps. The de®nition of
the mechanism can normally be made by the following
A ‡ B ! C ‡ D r ˆ k ‰AŠ‰BŠ Bimolecular process suggestions derived from literature for both the spe-
ci®c reaction studied and similar reaction. Then, two
A ‡ 2B ! C ‡ D r ˆ k ‰AŠ‰BŠ2 Trimolecular process
useful hypotheses can be introduced to evaluate the
Elementary reactions have normally a very simple kinetic law equation on a theoretical basis:
stoichiometry. A trimolecular process, for example, 1. the hypothesis of the existence of a rate-control-
has a very low probability to occur, as it requires the ling step;
simultaneous collision of three molecules. 2. the assumption of the stationary state approxima-
On the other hand, our objective is to ®nd a kinetic tion for the unstable intermediate appearing in the
law equation being a function of measurable proper- mechanism.
ties, able to reproduce the evolution with time of
reactants and products appearing in the experimen- When one step, in a sequence of different elementary
tally observed stoichiometry. In the reaction of ammo- reactions, is very slow, the rate of the entire process
nia synthesis, for example can be considered equal to the slow step and this one
becomes the rate determing step. For example, in the
N2 ‡ 3H2 , 2NH3 (7) case of the reaction
the stoichiometry of the reaction suggests only that C2 H4 ‡ 12O2 ! CH3 CHO (10)
hydrogen will disappear three times faster than performed through the Wacker process, that is,
nitrogen and that ammonia will be formed with a through the following cycle of reactions
rate twice that of disappearing nitrogen. That is,
r ˆ ÿrN2 ˆ ÿrH2 =3 ˆ rNH3 =2. Pd‡‡ ‡ C2 H4 ‡ H2 O ! Pd0 ‡ CH3 CHO ‡ 2H‡
The problem is to give a mathematical form to the (11)
rate law and this information cannot be derived from 0
Pd ‡ 2Cu ‡‡
! Pd ‡‡
‡ 2Cu ‡
the stoichiometric equation. It can be derived only
from the mechanism of the reaction. 4Cu‡ ‡ O2 ‡ 4H‡ ! 4Cu‡‡ ‡ 2H2 O (13)
116 E. Santacesaria et al. / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 113±123

the following mechanism has been proposed However, the enthalpy change has often an opposite
fast sign with respect to the activation energy, that is
‰PdClˆ ÿ
4 Š ‡ C2 H4 $‰PdCl3 C2 H4 Š ‡ Cl
(14) always a positive value. Therefore, in this case, also
the activation energy will be apparent.
‰PdCl3 C2 Hÿ
4 Š ‡ H2 O $‰PdCl2 …H2 O†C2 H4 Š ‡ Cl
When the rate of a reaction is conditioned by two or
more elementary steps, the objective of de®ning the
rate law can be achieved conveniently by introducing
‰PdCl2 …H2 O†C2 H4 Š ‡ H2 O the hypothesis of the steady state condition, according
fast to which, excluding the initial conditions, the rate of
$‰PdCl2 …OH†C2 Hÿ
4 Š ‡ H3 O
formation of a de®nite specie is equal to the rate of its
‰PdCl2 …OH†C2 Hÿ ÿ disappearing. For example, the mechanism of the
4 Š ! ‰HOCH2 CH2 PdClŠ ‡ Cl
‰HOCH2 CH2 PdClŠ ! CH3 CHO ‡ Pd ‡ HCl (18) CH3 OH ‡ 12O2 ! HCHO ‡ H2 O (23)

By assuming reaction (17) as the rate determining catalysed by solid iron molybdate can be written as:
step, we can write k1
CH3 OH ‡ S-ox ! HCHO ‡ H2 O ‡ S ÿ Red (24)
rˆ k ‰PdCl2 …OH†C2 Hÿ
4Š (19)
S-Red ‡ 12O2 ! S-Ox (25)
but the concentration of ‰PdCl2 …OH†C2 Hÿ 4 Š is not
easily measurable and we need to find a correlation
S-Ox and S-Red being the oxidised and reduced
among this concentration and those of other more
catalytic sites, respectively.
easily measurable species. For this purpose, we can
The reaction rate is that of the formation of the
suppose that the steps preceding the rate determining
product, therefore
one have approximately reached the equilibrium and
we can write consequently r ˆ k1 pCH3 OH ox : (26)
Ke1 ˆ ‰PdCl3 C2 Hÿ ÿ ÿ
4 Š ‰Cl Š=‰PdCl4 Š ‰C2 H4 Š (20) We need again to ®nd an expression giving the
ÿ ÿ
Ke2 ˆ ‰PdCl2 …H2 O†C2 H4 Š ‰Cl Š=‰PdCl3 C2 H4 Š ‰H2 OŠ concentration of the undetectable species ox (fraction
of oxidised sites) and to do this we assume this species
Ke3 ˆ ‰PdCl2 …OH†C2 Hÿ ‡
4 Š ‰H3 O Š=‰PdCl2 …H2 O†C2 H4 Š reacting with the same rate of formation; therefore
‰H2 OŠ …1=2†
dred =dt ˆ dox =dt ˆ r25 ÿ r24 ˆ k2 pO2 red
by rearranging ‰PdCl2 …OH†C2 Hÿ
4Š in relation (19) we
obtain ÿ k1 PCH3 OH ox  0: (27)

r ˆ kapp …‰PdClˆ ÿ 2 ‡ Assuming that red ‡ oxˆ1 it is now possible to

4 Š ‰C2 H4 Š=‰Cl Š ‰H3 O Š† (21)
obtain ox and, inserting it in expression (26), to write
which very well agrees with experimental observa- the rate law equation
tions. 1
… †
As it can be seen, the kinetic constant appearing in …1=2†
r ˆ k1 k2 pM pO2 =k1 pM ‡ k2 pO22 : (28)
the derived kinetic expression contains the equili-
brium constants Ke1 , Ke2 and Ke3 and is, therefore, Notwithstanding it is now possible to suggest an
only an apparent kinetic constant. It is useful to acceptable mechanism for any kind of reaction, the
remember that kinetic and equilibrium constants have possible mechanisms being well classi®ed, very sel-
a similar dependence on temperature dom the mechanism of a reaction can be considered
without uncertainty. Moreover, it is useful to observe
k ˆ k0 exp……ÿE=R†…1=T ÿ 1=T 0 ††; that a reliable kinetic expression is not enough to
…Arrhenius law† accredit a reaction mechanism; on the other hand
KE ˆ KE0 exp……ÿ…H=R†…1=T ÿ 1=T 0 †† : (22) the kinetic expression cannot be in contrast with the
…Van0 t Hoff law† mechanism directly deriving therefrom.
E. Santacesaria et al. / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 113±123 117

3.3. Kinetics and mechanism for homogeneous 3. the property of showing a coordination number
reactions always greater than the oxidation one, favouring
the contact between potentially reactive molecules
In the previous section, we have seen the strict bonded to the same metal atom.
correlation existing between kinetics and reaction
Considering that a transition metal tends towards an
mechanisms. The two aspects should be considered
external electronic configuration with 18 electrons
always together. In the last decades, the possible
(saturated configuration), the mechanism of the reac-
reaction mechanisms have been classi®ed in a rela-
tions catalysed by transition metal complexes can be
tively small number of categories. An example of such
considered as a sequence of many possible elementary
classi®cation is reported in Table 1. This classi®cation
steps such as those reported in Table 2. In said reac-
is based on the simple observation that a reaction
tions either the oxidation or the coordination number
occurs with the cleavage of a chemical bond and the
can change and, consequently, the spatial geometry of
formation of another one.
the metal complex can change too. Many industrial
This can be achieved only by two ways: the homo-
processes of great practical importance occur in the
lytic and the heterolytic mechanisms, the ®rst invol-
homogeneous phase and are catalysed by transition
ving the formation of free radicals and the second the
metal complexes, such as, for example, olefine hydro-
formation of ionic intermediates. Then, different reac-
formylation, methanol carbonylation, ethylene oxida-
tion paths are possible for each of the mentioned
tion to acetaldehyde (Wacker process), etc. We report
mechanisms, as shown in tab.1. The role of catalyst
here, as an example, the catalytic cycle (an impressive
in a reaction is to favour the movement of the electrons
way to represent the mechanism of the reaction) of
involved in both the rupture and the formation of
hydroformylation catalysed by the Wilkinson com-
bonds. When the catalysts are complexes of transition
plex HRh(CO)L3 [13,14]:

metals, other possible mechanisms must be consid- The mechanism of hydroformylation catalyzed by
ered, because transition elements have the following the Wilkinson complex.
prerogatives: The insertion step is normally considered as rate
determining and on this basis the kinetic equation can
1. the possibility to change their oxidation state, be derived.
2. the possibility to give  and  bonds with d and f An example of the opportunity of interpreting the
internal orbitals, and kinetic law through the study of the reaction mechan-
118 E. Santacesaria et al. / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 113±123

Table 1
Classification of the mechanisms for a homogeneous reaction

ism can be derived, as an example, from reactions such from which,

as the oxidation of hydrogen or other molecules (CO, fI

CS2, PH3) with molecular oxygen. The mechanism is ‰R Š ˆ : (35)
…fp ‡ fg † ÿ fII … ÿ 1†
that of a radical chain branched reaction. The follow-
ing is a simpli®ed scheme The reaction rate is the rate of product formation,

1=2 R2 ‡     ! R Initiation rI ˆ fI ; (29) therefore
R ‡     ! R Propagation rII ˆ fII ‰R Š;

(30)  fI fIII
r ˆ rIII ˆ fIII ‰R Š ˆ : (36)
  …fp ‡ fg † ÿ fII … ÿ 1†
R ‡     ! Products propagation rIII ˆ fIII ‰R Š;
(31) As it can be observed, the reaction rate becomes
  extremely fast when (fp‡fg)fII( ÿ1) and the conse-
R ‡ wall ! 1=2 R2 Termination rIV ˆ fp ‰R Š;
quence is an ``explosion''. The event can be originated
(32) only by changing pressure, because it can change both

R ‡ gas ! 1=2 R2 Termination rV ˆ fg ‰R Š:

(33) fp and fg and it is possible to individuate a range of
pressure in which the chemical explosion occurs.
By applying the steady state assumption to [R ] we

It is obvious that an empirical kinetic law equation

will have for an isothermal batch reactor such as a power law equation cannot reproduce the

d‰R Š    
ˆ fI ‡ fII ‰R Š ÿ fII ‰R Š ÿ fp ‰R Š ÿ fg ‰R Š ˆ 0 explosive behaviour and the extrapolation of this
dt inadequate kinetic law to unexplored conditions could
(34) be dangerous. This example has been reported in order
to stress the importance of the reaction mechanism in
determining the form of the kinetic equation.
Table 2
Possible elementary steps in the mechanisms of the reaction
catalysed by a complex of transition metals 3.4. Kinetics and mechanism of heterogeneous
(a) Reactions giving coordinatively unsaturated complexes reactions
(b) Reactions giving coordinatively saturated complexes
(c) Reactions of insertion Reactions occurring in the heterogeneous phase, for
(d) Oxidative addition reactions example on the surface of a solid catalyst, always
(e) Reductive elimination reactions
require the rupture of a bond of a molecule, followed
E. Santacesaria et al. / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 113±123 119

by the formation of a new bond, but in this case, the r ˆ k p A p B will be respectively: 0< <1 and <0. This
molecules are previously chemisorbed on the catalyst kinetic model is currently known as Langmuir±Hin-
surface. The reactions occurring between the mole- shelwood mechanism. If adsorption or desorption
cules and the coordinatively unsaturated atoms called rates are determining steps, it is easy to derive there-
``active sites'' existing on the solid surface (chemi- from the corresponding kinetic equations which are,
sorption) can be considered elementary steps of the respectively:
reaction mechanism.   
pB pB pB
The approximations introduced in the previous r ˆ rA ˆ kA pA ÿ 1‡ ‡ …Adsorption†;
Kp Kp bB
sections, that is, the ``rate determining step'' and the
``steady state'', can still be employed to construct the (43)
rate law equation. Let us consider, for example, the pB
r ˆ rB ˆ kB Ks pA ÿ pA …1 ‡ Ks † …Desorption†;
simplest reaction occurring in the heterogeneous Kp
phase (44)
A ! B: (37) where Kp being the equilibrium constant of the reac-
We can suggest a reasonable mechanism of the type tion A,B in the gas phase and Ks the equilibrium
A ‡ V , A Adsorption reaction of A; (38) constant of the surface reaction A,B; this last can
be set in a group with the other kinetic constants to
A , B Surface reaction; (39) have the smallest number of parameters to be eval-
B , B ‡ V Desorption reaction of B; (40) uated. We report here, as an example, the procedure
followed to obtain the kinetic law Eq. (43) valid when
where V being the fraction of empty sites and A and
adsorption is the rate determining step. The rates
B the fraction of sites occupied by A and B, respec-
corresponding to adsorption, surface reaction and
tively (Adsorption Coverage Degree). Therefore,
desorption, respectively, are
A‡B‡Vˆ1. The surface reaction may be char-    
acterised by a sequence of many elementary steps A B
r ˆ r A ˆ k A pA  v ÿ ; rs ˆ k s  A ÿ ;
instead of only one as indicated here, but again we can bA Ks
solve the problem by considering only the rate deter-  
pB v
mining step. For a slow surface reaction, the adsorp- rB ˆ kB B ÿ : (45)
tion and desorption steps can be considered nearly at
equilibrium and the chemisorption equilibrium can Super®cial and desorption reactions can be consid-
well be described by the Langmuir isotherm, accord- ered nearly at equilibrium, that is rsˆrBˆ0. As a
ing to which consequence:
bA pA bB pB rB rs pB B V pB
A ˆ ; B ˆ : ˆ  0 and B ˆ V ; A ˆ ˆ :
1 ‡ bA pA ‡ b B pB 1 ‡ bA pA ‡ bB pB kB K s bB Ks bB Ks
(41) (46)
The reaction rate, that is the rate of the slow step,
By substituting in the expression, we obtain
will be
kbA pA pB pB
r ˆ rs ˆ kA ˆ : (42) r A ˆ k A  V pA ÿ ˆ kA V pA ÿ ;
1 ‡ bA pA ‡ bB pB bB Ks bA Kp
A ®rst observation about this kinetic law equation is (47)
that A and B compete in the adsorption on the empty being KPˆbBKsbA the equilibrium constant of the
sites and the Langmuir isotherm is able to account for reaction A,B in the gas phase. Remembering that
this competition. Consequently, both A and B have A‡B‡Vˆ1,
deactivating effects on the reaction, appearing at the
denominator and their apparent reaction order in an 1
V ˆ : (48)
experimentally determined ``power law'' of the type …1 ‡ …pB =Kp † ‡ …pB =bB ††
120 E. Santacesaria et al. / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 113±123

Substituting V in the relation (47), we obtain the On the contrary, in the ``redox'' or ``Mars±Krevelen''
already reported ®nal expression (43). mechanism the ``steady state'' hypothesis is normally
When the reaction considered is more complicated adopted, as we have seen in the above described
than that reported, A!B, say for example, example (23)±(28).
A‡B,C‡D (49) Reconsidering that example, if one or more species
are adsorbed on the catalytic sites, we get
the approach is similar and for a surface reaction ox‡red‡occˆ1, the mechanism becomes a mixed
controlling rate, we obtain one (Redox±Langmuir±Hinshelwood) and the reac-
r ˆ rs ˆ kA A B ÿ kÿr c B ; tion rate expression will be
C D k 1 pA
r ˆ rs ˆ kr A A ÿ : (50) r1 ˆ ÿ P : (56)
Ks ‰1 ‡ …k1 =k2 †…pA =PnO2 †Š 1 ‡ i bi pi
c D bC pc bB pD
Considering that : Ks ˆ ˆ All the considerations reported in this section start
A B bA pA bB pB from the assumption that the catalytic sites on the
bC bD surface are uniform, that is, the enthalpy change for
ˆ Kp and that : i
bA bB the adsorption of a molecule is the same for all the
b i pi types of sites. In practice, the enthalpy change, as a
ˆ P (51)
1 ‡ j bj pj function of the surface coverage degree, normally
shows a declining trend. The conclusion is that sur-
it results faces are not homogeneous and sites are not uniform.
bA bB …pA pB ÿ …pC pD =Kp †† Another constraint of the Langmuir adsorption model
r ˆ kr : (52) that could be not respected in the actual case is that
…1 ‡ bA pA ‡ bB pB ‡ bC pC ‡ bD pD †2
molecules should not have lateral interactions. Despite
In practice, some terms of the denominator are often these adverse observations, the Langmuir±Hinshel-
very small and can be neglected and the relations can wood model is almost universally applied and with
greatly be simpli®ed. few exceptions it performs quite well. This is due to
When two sites intervene in the adsorption of a the fact that normally only a small portion of the
molecule before the occurrence of the surface reaction catalytic sites are active in the adopted conditions and
and the adsorption on the second adjacent site is a rate these working sites can be considered uniform and not
determining step, we have interacting.
A ‡  ! A2 : (53) When the Langmuir isotherm is not suitable to
describe the adsorption of a molecule on a solid
The reaction rate in this case is surface, other isotherms can be introduced. A detailed
bA pA description of the non-uniformity of the catalytic sites
r ˆ kr A V ˆ k A …1 ÿ A †; r ˆ kr : can be made by introducing a distribution function of
…1 ‡ bA pA †2
the heats of adsorption (Qads) such that (Qads) dQads
(54) gives the fraction of sites having adsorption heat in the
This mechanism is called ``dual site'' mechanism. range Qads and Qads‡dQads and
Another possibility is that a chemisorbed molecule QZads2
reacts with a molecule coming from the ¯uid phase
(``Rideal-Eley mechanism''), that is, …Qads † dQads ˆ 1: (57)
A ‡ B ! products in this case : r ˆ kr A pB
bA pA pB Different forms can be assigned to the function
ˆ kr : (55) (Qads), for example (Qads)ˆconstant, that is, the
1 ‡ bA pA
sites with different heat of adsorption have the same
In all the mechanisms considered we have intro- probability to exist. The resulting isotherm is the
duced the approximation of the rate controlling step. Temkin one and it can be used only for the inter-
E. Santacesaria et al. / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 113±123 121

mediate adsorption coverage degree, losing the phy- are necessary to accurately simulate the reaction
sical meaning at the low and high coverage, respec- occurring together with catalyst poisoning.
If we assume …Qads † ˆ  e Qads , i.e. a Gaussian 4. Physical meaning and constraints of kinetic
distribution, the Freundlich isotherm can be derived,- parameters
which is useful at low and intermediate coverage
degrees. Again losing the physical meaning for the The kinetic parameters appearing in the kinetic law
high adsorption coverage degree. The non-uniformity equations must have a physical meaning. For example,
of the catalytic sites has other consequences on the the preexponential factor of a true kinetic constant,
kinetic behaviour of the catalysts being responsible that is, the kinetic constant of an elementary step
for the correlation often observed between the two performed in the gas phase should be lower than
kinetic parameters: the preexponential factor and the collision frequency of the molecules.
activation energy, respectively (compensation effect Similarly, for a gas±solid catalytic process, the
or theta rule). The correlation observed is an almost same parameter should be lower than the collision
linear trend for log Ad (the logarithm of the preexpo- frequency of the reacting molecules on the surface.
nential factor) and E (the activation energy) for dif- The activation energy must be a positive number
ferent catalysts of the same kind on the same reaction. greater than 5 kcal/mol and lower than 50 kcal/mol,
This correlation is due to the fact that, according to that is in the order of magnitude of the energy neces-
the operating conditions, a small number of very sary for the chemical bond breaking.
active sites of low activation energies or alternatively Adsorption parameters are equilibrium parameters
a large number of less active sites characterised by and,consequently, we can write
high activation energies can be involved.
b ˆ ‰exp…Sads =R†Š‰exp…ÿHads =RT†Š: (58)
Another consequence of surface dishomogeneity is
the change of selectivity with the dispersion of The constraints of these parameters are quite rigid.
the active part of the catalyst on an inert support of The absolute value of Sads, for example, must be
a high interphase area. The atoms of a dispersed greater than the translational entropy of the adsorbed
catalyst, for example of a dispersed metal, can be molecule and lower than the total entropy
geometrically located at one vertex, edge, plane, at one  
Strans < Sads < Stot (59)
step, in a hole with different characteristics of unsa-
turation in the coordination. The number of each being

type of atom can strongly change with dispersion. Strans ˆ …3=2†R lnM ‡ …5=2†R lnP ÿ 2:2298 …e:u:†:
When a reaction requires a particular type of site, The enthalpy change in adsorption is usually a
the rate of this reaction changes with the dispersion negative number falling in the range
(structure sensitive-reactions or demanding-reac-
ÿ50:000 < Hads < ÿ5:000:
tions). On the contrary, reactions not requiring a
particular degree of unsaturation and of geo- Another important constraint is imposed by the
metrical disposition of sites (structure-insensitive or thermodynamic equilibrium. The direct and inverse
facile-reactions) do not change activities with disper- reactions must be kinetically congruent. This means
sion. that when for example the kinetic law equation for a
Other kinetic aspects peculiar to heterogeneous direct reaction shows fractional orders, the reverse
catalysis are deactivation phenomena, normally occur- reaction will have fractional order too, and by assum-
ring by poisoning or sintering. Empirical correlations ing rˆ0 the expression of the equilibrium constant
are commonly used to describe the deactivating effects must be obtained.
of both poisoning and sintering, when these phenom- This fact can usefully be exploited in kinetic stu-
ena are very slow compared with the contact time of dies, because it is possible to study the kinetics of a
the reactants in the reactor. When poisoning occurs reverse reaction, when this is easier, in order to de®ne
very fast and the catalyst must be regenerated before a the kinetic law equation of the corresponding direct
new cycle of utilisation, more rigorous kinetic models reaction.
122 E. Santacesaria et al. / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 113±123

Table 3
Scheme of the phases occurring in the kinetic study of a reaction

5. Concluding remarks Ke Equilibrium constant at temperature T

Ke Equilibrium constant at temperature T 8
We have seen that the evaluation of the kinetic law M Molecular weight
equation for a chemical reaction requires the combi- P Pressure
nation of both the experimental and theoretical Pi Partial pressure of i
approach occurring in different phases, as summarised Qads Adsorption heat
in Table 3. R Constant of gases
ri Rate of i appearing or disappearing
Sads Adsorption entropy
6. Nomenclature T Time
W Weight of catalyst
bi Equilibrium constant for i adsorption
ci Molar i concentration Greek letters
F Molar flow rate
Hads Adsorption enthalpy i Fraction of active sites occupied by i
k Kinetic constant at temperature T V Fraction of empty sites
k8 Kinetic constant at temperature T 8  Distribution function
E. Santacesaria et al. / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 113±123 123

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