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Position and Argument on Inerrancy of the Bible

Four Things I have accepted as truth from the Bible:

1. In Jesus Christ is Eternal Life
2. Heaven is my new home
3. Hell is where I was heading
4. God is my Creator
If there is even one mistake in the Bible, then the above statements could also be mistakes.
There are conspiracy theories about John Kennedy and man really walking on the moon.
There are rumors about Elvis Presley being alive and space aliens in hidden government
facilities. We know the trick about telling someone a story and after passing the story
around, it may be completely different when it gets back to us.
Can we really take a bunch of writings covering hundreds and even thousands of years and
put them in a book and expect people to believe that book is the word of God? Yet, we will
go farther with this claim and say the Bible is the living word of God! To get past the theory
phase and the rumors, to get past the stretching and twisting and changing of the words, the
Bible has one exception above all others, it is Holy Spirit inspired.
Only by faith, is it understood and seen as truly inerrant. Jesus told the devil in Matthew
4:4, "…it is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth
out of the mouth of God.” He quoted Deuteronomy 8:3 to illustrate that God sustains the
human race by whatever means God desires. It is God's desire that His way and His will is
recorded and introduced to human beings through the book we call the Bible.
In II Peter 1:19-21 the Apostle Peter gives recognition to the origin of the Old Testament by
testifying that Holy Spirit inspired men of God spoke and wrote what they received
according as God gave them. Since God directed these Holy men, it is acceptable to
conclude there were no mistakes made in delivering God's Holy Word. In accepting II Peter
as written by Peter the Apostle, the only alternative for a believer in Christ is to approach by
faith the scriptures of the Bible as Holy Scriptures. Following the testimony of Peter about
the Old Testament, I accept the entire Bible as written by Holy Spirit inspired men of God.
In conclusion, the early church of the fourth century agreeing to 27 books that became the
canonical New Testament is evidence of the Divine hand of God. “As scholars Glenn
Barker, William Lane, and J. Ramsey Michaels have aptly observed, ‘The fact that
substantially the whole church came to recognize the same twenty –seven books as
canonical is remarkable when it is remembered that the result was not contrived’(Sheler
1999, 20).

Additional Scriptures: Romans 3:4, I Thessalonians 2:13, II Timothy 3:16, Titus 1:2,

Sheler, Jeffery L. 1999. Is The Bible True: How Modern Debates and Discoveries Affirm the
Essence of the Scriptures. New York: HarperCollins.

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